#thank you for these intense asks niek lsdjfsd
conkniving · 1 year
angsty character asks: 1, 5, 25, 30, 31
What would your OC’s last words be/what are they?
the first scenario that sparks to mind is either a climatic altercation or the most pathetic, unlucky situation that both culminate to fallon lying on her back upon the cold, hard earth. light swiftly fading from teary, dark eyes. a hand feebly staunching some grievous wound in her chest or stomach. and with a mirthless chuckle in choked words: "oh, fuck..."
that, or no words at all. it feels very befitting that her demise would come in the form of a slit throat.
Your OC is facing their worst enemy. Who/what is it?
either one of her parents, specifically if they had grown a conscience and were attempting a reconciliation. fallon would sooner go the rest of her days never seeing or hearing of them again. one appearance would be enough to utterly unravel her.
What does your OC love most, and what would they do to keep it?
cerberus, her doberman. and she would do absolutely anything and everything to keep him safe.
Would your OC kill?
fallon has never intentionally killed someone, though there are the possibilities that the consequences of her actions or role in a circumstance may have lead to someone's passing. but if there was reason enough to rid of any hesitance, she is very capable.
Would your OC torture?
yes, and has. but would be considered soft-core. and unfortunately became a skill, if one would call it that, after her own experience receiving it. fallon is what the worlds makes of her.
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