#thank you guys!!! without you this blog wouldn't still be going! 🫢🏻
shirefantasies Β· 1 month
Howdy y'all!
I just want to thank everyone for sticking around this past 2 months of utter whirlwind from surgery to ER to all the matchup stuff to now! I also want to thank ALL FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE of you like what? That's crazy and I really appreciate that over half a thousand people decided to tune in! Mostly I want to thank you guys for being patient right now. Currently I have about forty things in my inbox and twenty drafts, so ya girl is BUSY! This past two weeks I was feeling really overwhelmed, depressed, and even relapsed into my harming behaviors, so I admit I haven't had much will or mental energy to write during that time. I've tried to complete things or post from my buffer, but A that's running out and B I do want to get some requests out and luckily that's been coming back, so I just want to say I promise I'm not ignoring any requests, they just may take a while! I try to balance respecting request age with also what I call 'inspiration order' where sometimes for the life of me an old request sparks nothing but one a few more forward just gets writing going, thanks ADHD πŸ˜” and also balancing finally working on personal things I've just wanted to make! So yeah, all this to say thank you for your patience, I promise I see what you're sending and you're in the sexy sixty πŸ˜‰ not sure if I'll be ready for an update this friday, but if I'm not you'll see me back soon, likely monday and with some more request work chipped away at if not finished! Sorry if the buffer posts that are just mine, not yours, are frustrating, they were just sitting waiting ready or finally had the last push done before I was getting more depressed lol!
Thank you all, I love you πŸ’
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