#thank you guys for gifing this finale lol
I remember way back in like 2014 or somthing i finally got to play and experience the pokemon game fire red so naturally i went to tumblr, and i barely had 100 followers on that blog for all the 11 years i was on there i was just alone on that blog reblogging things i liked i never spoke to anyone lol , so i went into the pokemon tag and rebloged everything in sight art screenshots videos stories all of it i had a fucking blast and went back to playing the game.
i remeber in particular one set of posts I rebloged i liked so much i added tags to them for the first time in my life!! the art in question was some of the original Pokemons hand drawn and colored with guache paints i loved it so much because i had at that time started to learn to paint myself and these inspired me alot!
Then a few hours later somone sent me my first ever ask ever and it was this really nice lady who Thanked me profusely for reblogging the pokemon art she posted and for adding such nice tags,
i will never forget her ask as she kept thanking me because these were her boyfriend's art and she posted them because she was sad no one ever sees his art as he never posts it hes to shy to do it, and he was against it because he didn't want to see his art get 0 notes and that he was already on the brink of quitting art completely but I rebloged every one of them with tags that she read to him and he ended up crying because someone likes his art.....
Genuinely that interaction has fundamentally changed me to my core i now encourage and reblog every type of art i see i never put down anyone based on thier skill level or material
hell there was this guy a few months later who was trying to be weirdly sexual about a pokemon with me he happened to send me his very beginner lewed art of that pokemon but i sent it back with praise and some pointers on how to make it better and i kid you not i taught him how to draw anime and correct anatomy for the next 6 months lol
all because of this lady and her boyfriend's cute pokemon art...
Moral of the post is in fandom spaces never put down anyone who is just starting at art or writing or gifing or even singing or sharing small headcanons ! encourage them and help them you never know who is behind that screen and you never know how happy you can make them with one #nice art op really cute! Never look down on anyone in any fandom because they are not one of the top 10 best artist/ writers in the fandom. Encourage and help always!
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I would absolutely love to work on those GIFs for you. Please send me all the ideas you have. I re-watched the series a couple of months ago and have some things in mind, but I think I need to refresh again. So yes, your ideas on the transgenics and anything else. Helps me get started on it. Thanks for the reblog and I will try and get the Max and Logan one out soon. You can reply to this with your ideas!
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! And sorry in advance if I go overboard with this. Hahaha. And if I do, feel free to ignore me and only do the ones of these you want:)
I’ve actually done a few screenshot Dark Angel things that aren’t the greatest. So if you wanted to remake some of those as gifs, I wouldn’t mind at all. https://oveliagirlhaditright.tumblr.com/post/188483190012/i-know-brainiac-is-arguably-the-most-hated, https://oveliagirlhaditright.tumblr.com/post/186108463327/i-saw-alec-saying-the-move-your-furniture-thing.
And then some other ideas I had… uhh. It’d be cute–if you wanted to, I mean–if you gifed all the times Max and Logan held hands, or almost kissed… Or to do a comparison gifset between when Max says in the finale season of season one (And Jesus Brought a Casserole) “I’d kiss you, but I have to keep my head in the game”, with her in season two saying to Logan (Proof of Purchase): “Thanks, Logan. I’d hug you, but-”
Max kind of posing with the pool stick and smiling after Logan says he’s at Crash to see her in Fugheddaboutit is really cute. And so is the scene in Harbor Lights when they’re just smiling at each other when Max is in the hospital bed. Or when Max is telling Logan, in Gill Girl, how she wants this story to have a happy ending… and you can just tell he knows–without her saying it–that she wants the merepeople to have a happy ending, since they can’t right now. And before that in Gill Girl, when Logan is calling Max… and then hears her ringtone in his apartment, and then sees her coming in with a mermaid slung over her shoulder as she says “I’ll hit you back later!” That was funny. 
Logan’s speech about how it never mattered to him what Max was in Love Among the Runes is good, as is the whole scene when he’s sticking up for the transgenics that they do have souls, in Dawg Day Afternoon. And if you wanted to do a “Logan character development” post you could, in comparing Haven (”How can I even think of having a good time, when the man who orchestrated the shootings was a cop… and he not only got away with it, but got promoted for it, too?!”) with Proof of Purchase (”Well, you can only fight corruption for son long before you have to kick back and relax.”)
You could also do Max character development ones if you wanted! Like, in the Pilot when she’s telling Logan that people are looking to kill her, put her in a cage, or turn her into a science experiment or all three… and that she’s gotten by through keeping her head down and wants to keep it that way, and not help people… with the season two finale (Freak Nation), where she’s saying “Where will you go? I can’t force anyone to stay. But I’m tired of running, hiding, and being afraid. Aren’t you tired of running? Of being in being in darkness? Don’t you want to feel the sun on your face? It’s time to make a stand, right here and right now. They created us, and it’s time that they owned up to that instead of trying to sweep us away like garbage” and that sort of thing. Or how in the Pilot (even though she’s partially lying here) when she tells Logan that she doesn’t blame herself at all for what happened to him, and that it’s on him “one-hundred percent”. But then in Meow she and Original Cindy have this conversation: Cindy: The truth is, you love Logan. Max: We’re not even like that, and the fact is we both would have been better off if we’d never even meet. Cindy: Please. Max: He has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair because of me. Cindy: I didn’t see you on TV, pulling no trigger. Max: Yeah, but I could’ve protected him and I didn’t and that’s on me “one-hundred percent”.
I also love how Max and Logan give each other a piece that the other was missing: Logan suggesting that Max choose a birthday (C.R.E.A.M), and then her giving him back his mother’s locket in Art Attack. Or also how I think it was in Max going to the wedding with Logan in Art Attack, that she finally chose a last name for herself “Guevara”, and then began using it from then on out.
I once did a screenshot post (that I’ve since deleted), of Charlie telling Case the “storybook” version of Tinga’s life (this happens in Hit A Sista Back) that she’d told Charlie and Case (that neither of them had any idea was real at first), paired with Max incredulously saying to Bling about Logan in 411 on the DL, “I’ll go over and read him a bedtime story.” And then after that, I put Charlie telling Max and Logan in Hit A Sista Back, how he didn’t regret any of the time that he had with Tinga… and he’s essentially telling Max and Logan to get together there… and you can kind of tell by the way they’re looking at each other, that maybe they want this “bedtime story” for themselves, too. And if you wanted to remake this, you totally could:)
I also did another post in the past, that you could remake… Where Max says to Logan in C.R.E.A.M, that she’s surprised a high-minded, leftist, idealist like him would be okay with her greasing the enemies… and then paired it with her saying (in Prodigy) that she isn’t as high-minded as Logan is, with the idea that life is good and murder is bad, so she should have just let Lydecker go for that reason.
The scene where Original Cindy is talking to Max about Diamond at the end of Shorties in Love is really good overall, and is speaking of both the Max/Logan and Original Cindy/Diamond relationships, that could be cool to see gifed:)
You could also do a Max and Original Cindy comparison, where Max has to touch Logan’s hand through glass in Proof of Purchase and Original Cindy has to do that with Diamond in Shorties in Love.
Speaking of, any Original Cindy content–like with her and Max–would be awesome. I personally love the scene where they’re dunking the guy in the hot tub in Art Attack, being such a team, to get information out of him.
Gifs of Max being smart and a badass would also be great.
And just anything with Tinga, Brin, Syl, Jace, Jondy, and Mia would make me so happy.
You could even do a gifset that explains where the name of the show comes from: “Forever eyes, dark. Somebody’s angel” (the poem Logan made for Max in Shorties in Love) and Art Attack. Guy that Max Saves from Jumping Off a Building: “You’re the messenger, right?” Max: “Yeah?” Guy: “Well, I’ve never been much of a believer before… but you personally coming here to straighten me out like this. Thank you”. Max, smiling: “I’ll see about getting you that package back” (he thought she was an angel).
So these are just some of the crazy Dark Angel ideas I have. Feel free to use any or none of them. And thank you so much again:) And if you need me to try and explain any of this better, I can.
Edit: You could also gif what I believe is the closest we ever got to Max and Logan saying they were together in this series (aside from the times they told each other “I love you”, I mean. Or at least started to say it). Max saying angrily in “Boo” after Rafer insinuated Logan was her ex: “He’s not my ex! …I mean, we’re not like that.” And then Mia asking Logan in “Fugheddaboutit”: “You’re Max’s boyfriend, right?” And him saying, “Something like that.” You could also maybe have fun gifing all the times they said the ridiculous “we’re not like that” line, and then prove how untrue that was. LOL.
Edit 2: I also loved the scenes we got that showed how much Max and Logan knew each other, and that they got to know each other even moreso in scenes we didn’t see. Like when Max is sad in one episode (though I don’t remember which one it is), that he sold a painting his grandmother had given him, I think, to try and find a cure for the Virus (and we hadn’t known that painting was from his grandmother before this). Or when in Gill Girl, Max knows so much about people in Logan’s family–like Bitsy–and is talking about them with him, even though the audience had never heard of them before. Or in Some Assembly Required, when Logan knew how much Zack being alive would mean to Max and is gently and somewhat excitedly telling her, “You’re brother’s alive, Max.” …And really, just how kind Logan was to Zack actually says a lot about his love for Max, since Zack was always cruel to him (and I say this as a Zack Stan).
Edit 3: You could also do a Space Needle journey: Max on the Space Needle in the Pilot, Max asking Logan about going on the Space Needle in Heat, but him refusing since he’s scared of heights… Them almost going together at the end of Rising, but not for some reason… And then them finally getting there on Jesus Brought a Casserole together, and then Logan alone on the Space Needle at the end of And Jesus Brought a Casserole–echoing what Max said in the Pilot. Also, speaking of Max and Logan being on top of buildings: Max being on top of Logan’s penthouse in the Pilot, and Logan being on top of it in She Ain’t Heavy (as it seems he finally got over his fear of heights).
Edit 4: Gifs of Max interacting with kids could also be cool, since she loved them.
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myeonsjun · 5 years
Basic Kpop Gif Tutorial
Hello! So, an anon asked me if it was possible to post a gif tutorial the way I do mine. Something about them looking beautiful, which I’m still thankful people find them like that. I apologize for the wait, dear anon. I had finals, plus taking care of a family member who just had surgery. But I hope you like it! And remember, this is just my way of doing it. Make sure that when you do begin, that it’s all about fun! Be creative and try new things :D. Also, it’s nice to have a support system which I have in a few of my mutuals. They gave me their support and guidance through it. I wanted to give up but I didn’t because I wanted to improve. So, here it is! 
So, for starters, I began with downloading vapoursynth for MAC, but I know they have avisynth for PC’s. It depends on what you use. Here is where you can get either. I’ve been told it needs patience when downloading, and it did. lol. Just along to the instructions and you’ll do just fine.
There is another way to follow along once you’ve downloaded. These mini-tutorials helped me a lot. Because who would have thought that it mattered whether the file was TS or whether it comes from Youtube. (I was a fool, guys). Here are the mini tutorials you can use as guidance. Honestly, it explains it more thoroughly than I could ever do.
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Now, this is where I can finally demonstrate how I do my gifs. After I finally selected, like the tutorial, I just place where in the video I want to gif. Try to make it less than 3 seconds. More than that might not be enough to stay under the 3.0mb Tumblr’s guidelines required for gifs.
Once that happens, the program will lead you to this screen:
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Then based on the Tumblr gif guidelines it depends on however big you want to make your gif. I was beginning to do Kyungsoo’s birthday post which I would need 9 gifs being 177 x (however big you want it) I chose 350. But make sure the middle ones are always 178 x ###, it’s just the rules lol. 
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I set it like this because it’s worked so far and it makes my gifs really nice, but again, feel free to experiment and see what works for you.
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This will be on the right side of the screen after you’ve made the selections on the left side of it. Once you’re satisfied you highlight all of that and place it under portion which will finally encode your video. 
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So, you have to place it between the lines 22 and 25 just because it works that way and I placed #60fps on the end of line 22 because that will give you more frames and you’ll have more that you can work with. It’ll look like this: 
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I just placed what I created with selections in the previous screen in the spaces I’ve said they’re needed in. Once that, you have to check your code to see if it’s good for the system to encode and you didn’t miss something you forgot to highlight. 
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After checking it and seeing it successful, then that’s when you want to go under ‘Script’ again and ‘Encode video’
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A screen will pop up, after that happens make sure under the ‘Header’ option, you click ‘Y4M’ and then click ‘Start’
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Once the encoding is done you have to go to your ‘Output’ folder which is where your encoded video will be. 
You’ll open Photoshop, I use PS6. And then you’ll do File > Import > Video Frames into Layers. 
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Now once there is where you’ll finally be able to start your gifing process but not before you finally choose where you want to begin your gif and you want it to end. 
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Make sure you do limit to ever 2 frames. Why? Because it’s easier and I’ve always been told this when gifing. 
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I select all of my frames and have it display under 0.05 seconds just because to me it looks really nice and isn’t as slow or fast. But some others do 0.03. It all depends on how you want your gif to look. It isn’t about comparison. After that is done, you can finally begin playing around with the features. 
Me, being a lazy ass I just used a PSD I saved from my last gifset of Suho lolol. I wanted to see first if it’ll look nice with the new gif I was trying to edit. Once it did instantly, I was satisfied XD. Again, don’t be like me. lol. I sometimes just tweak a few things here and there depending on the gif until it looks great. 
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The end result is this: 
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I really really REALLY hope I was able to help you, dear anon. Or anyone in general. Even I’m still learning on how to make wonderful gifs. Some of my mutuals are outstanding but it’s best not to compare yourself to anyone. Of course, sometimes you wonder if you should even gif a performance or scenes other people have done so, but to be honest, you should do it because you want to. We need more people appreciating our favorite idols so don’t feel discourage :D You can do it! Ok...enough of about me, feel free to message me if you have questions!!
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
Appmon quick FINAL thoughts
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Wow! What a 7 months that was...I know I could have finished this series waayy sooner (especially if my blog wouldn’t have taken a break in July-August), but I had a life and future to worry about outside this tumblr bubble and in the end I’m glad I was able to find time to watch this series whenever I wanted to relax. Overall I really thought Appmon was good! I never really found a problem wit the episode pacing for important plot points, and I didn’t really find the beginning to be that boring really. At least it was better than Xros Wars’s first arc in my opinion. I can understand why maybe some people didn’t get into this because of maybe the humor it presented, or how much “filler” plot it had in certain episodes. I didn’t really see any episode to be filler (well maybe except the clip show in episode 26) because each episode at least addressed the main plot and how they could get one step closer to Leviathan. The series definitely wasn’t perfect, and I wished they would have used more of Appmon they gained throughout the series. At least with Xros Wars, you saw multiple appearances from many of Taiki’s Digimon that he had in his Xros Loader. At the same time, it really took me a while to understand how evolution worked and why the super grade needed to have a link most of the time. I just went with the flow and enjoyed what was shown to me on the screen lol.
I also have a few picky questions that really isn’t that significant but left me wondering...was Dantemon ever freed from being stone? Poor fella. Did L-Corp really just dissolve like that? No repercussions from its employees like Yuujin’s “mom”. And speaking of Yuujin...was that final scene confirm him to be alive again? If so, then I don’t get it lol...but I think it seemed to be like a dream or a fantasy from Haru? And Knight Unryuji man...I was a bit disappointed they didn’t bring him back for the final arc besides that short cameo in the end. His character had so much potential from what I was saw in him
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Anyway with my minor complaints being out of the way, I pretty much love everything what Appmon was about. The theme of artificial intelligence taking over our world is interesting itself, and by using modern smartphone applications to this story presents a good example of how we today really so much on our phone and the internet to do everyday tasks and even in relaxing outside school or work. Honestly you don’t even have to be a Digimon fan to get into this series, because Appmon can stand alone on its own for being that unique. Sure it has some Digimon references (like the buddy partnership), but if you compare this to previous installments from the franchise it really gives off a different vibe from the characters and humor alone. Any sci-fi enthusiast would love a concept like this, and could easily get into this series.
I pretty much loved everyone from the main cast! Unlike other Digimon series where it actually took me a while to get in to the characters, I was intrigued with each one from the start (excluding Yuujin since I thought he was a side character in the first half of the series). From Haru’s adorkableness to help others (probably the most kind-hearted goggle protag out there), Eri’s badassery with a spice of elderly respect, and Astra’s eccentric attitude filming himself doing funny things while trying to follow in his family’s footsteps. BUT REI OH MY GAWD, he’s probably my favorite character! Episode 42 has to be my favorite episode from the series hands down. From being this punk hacker kid that drinks jelly juice we get to see a caring brother who wants nothing but to be cook good food for him...that drinks jelly juice too lol. And of course the best character of them all in everyone’s book the NOOOOOOOOOOOO guy. Probably one of the funniest gags I’ve seen in a series in quite a while. Pokémon typically does this stuff, but I’m happy to see Toei trying to format that with this goofy character. Too bad we never knew his name :(
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For the Appmon, everyone was great! At times I did find Dokamon a bit annoying, but in a funny way xD He always made me laugh trying to get Eri’s attention. Offmon has to be my hands down favorite...I mean who doesn’t like Offmon?! JUST LOOK AT IT :3 Too damn adorable for this show.
I also really do wanna try and play the 3DS game too...then I realized it was only realized in Japan and I would probably need a 3DS emulator to get like an English translation -_- Oh well...maybe one day. But by looking at the cover art from the game, all I recognize is Haru, Gatchmon, and Offmon and I’m like WHO ARE YOU ALL YOU PEOPLE???? Probably the game’s AU xD
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Anyway I don’t want to ramble too much about this and make this post long as it already is, but man what series that was...a highlight of 2018 for sure! And even though I am done with this series, that doesn’t mean that I can’t bring it up on my blog from time to time 👀I CAN FINALLY REBLOG STUFF FROM THE TAG NOW YESSSS (and I already saw similar posts of mine that were already GIFed and I wasn’t aware of it lol...was expected). To my new followers that I gained from this series (or old ones that liked Appmon too), please feel free to ask me questions or send me messages if you’d like to chat about it since I won’t be talking about it that much anymore moving forward after today. I don’t want to mention names, but I’m sure some of you are aware of a certain user that isn’t too fond of Appmon based on the reblogs on some of my posts. To each their own opinions, but please if you want to be critical and do nothing but hate, bash, and pull up ignorant arguments, don’t even bother getting a serious conversation with me lol....just putting it out there :^) I don’t hate anyone here, but I will ignore the ignorance, and hey you should too!
I know that a few Digimon Elitists and certain other folks feel a bit indifferent with Appmon (and some just judging a book by its cover), but you shouldn’t let that get to what you enjoy! This same goes for the Pokémon fandom as well, so I know the feeling. I personally will be an ambassador for Appmon to help spread to others (especially Digimon fans who don’t even know of this yet) when I get the chance to talk about it. I think I’ll start with my friend from college who watched Adventure to Frontier only...let’s see how he likes it xD
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Again, I want to thank the Appmon fandom for all their kind words especially to @latiwings who always chats with me after each episode. It’s amazing how you can make friends by watching something! There are countless others too I want to mention, but it could be a long list lol...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE <3 I am also grateful to have some of my posts being reblogged by @digi-egg who (if some of you didn’t know) is probably the biggest Digimon blog on the tumblr fandom. Basically the equivalent to @shelgon in the Pokémon tumblr side of things. Finally I want to thank Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters, for teaching me how to be a protagonist in my own life. I needed something like this because of the struggles I had to overcome this year. Haru and Gatchmon, thank you for my spiritual buddies! We all need a Yuujin in our lives.
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vickyskpopkingdom · 6 years
NCT series :: Moon Taeil
overall theme: NCT and your group (I named them 'Starburst' for fun lol) debuted around the same time and since then fans wanted to see some interactions between your groups. So SM-Entertainment had the brilliant idea to start a series of cooperation performances and V-Lives.
Starting off with Taeil~
"What could be better than putting the two main vocals together and making them sing to fan-suggested songs on V-Live? Exactly, nothing!"
You scrolled through your phone while you waited for the stream to connect to the server. Taeil was next to you, already opening V-Live on his phone to see when the stream will finally be online. There was silence between you two until your managers told you that the stream started.
It's not like you guys didn't talk before, it was just the fact that you were a little nervous about this whole situation. In your opinion Taeil was an amazing vocalist with a strong but soothing voice and being able to sing with him made you a little anxious about your own voice. 
However your managers insisted on the live-broadcast which was why you were now placed next to Taeil on two chairs, in front of a table in one of SM-Entertainment's empty practicing rooms.
"Oh, look! We have 3.000 people watching right now. Hello everyone!", Taeil started greeting the viewers, while you simply waved at the phone placed in front of you two.  "Should we introduce ourselves?", he asked you.
You smiled. "Sure! For those of you who don't me: my name is Y/N and I am the main vocalist of SM's girl group 'Starburst'!"
"And my name is Taeil, I am also a vocalist but I am from 'NCT 127'! And today Y/N and I will sing songs that you, our fans, requested and maybe we will even answer some questions."
"Start requesting now!" you chimed in.
The comments came flooding in and soon you two found songs you liked and questions to answer. Taeil started with singing, while you kept searching for a song you could sing or maybe even a duet which both of you could sing together. 
You partners voice filled the room with a beautiful sound and soon you could feel yourself loosing focus. You kept scrolling through the comments but your mind was elsewhere. Without really realizing it your smile grew wider. If you wouldn't have been on a livestream right now, you would have closed your eyes to just wholeheartedly listen to his voice.
Only when Taeil's song came to an end you started to focus on the comments again and realized that a lot of your fans had noticed you wide smile. Embarrassed you adverted your eyes from the screen only to see Taeil looking at you. 
"I guess it's your turn now.", he said.
And your doubts came back. Could you compete with his voice, with the strong song he just performed? You knew you were a good singer, you didn't get the position of the main vocal for nothing, but Taeil was better, in every aspect.
However Taeil seemed to disagree with your thoughts. While you were still fighting the little devil in your head telling you that you weren't even close to Taeil, he move a little closer to the camera in front of you and began talking to the viewers: 
"Some of you may not know it but Y/N has a beautiful voice. It is very clear and strong. If you get the chance you should check out some of 'Starbust' s live performances! My personal favorite song is 'Deja Vu'."
His gaze shifted back to you.
The devil in your head had vanished as soon as Taeil had complimented you. It meant so much to you hearing him supporting your group and your voice since you had always thought of him as one of the best singers in SM Entertainment.
"Would you like me to sing my part from 'Deja Vu'?", you asked him, feeling encouraged by his words. Adding to that this was the perfect time to promote your relatively new song.
Taeil nodded. "Of course, go ahead!"
'Deja Vu' was a song about falling in love again after a terrible heartbreak, but suddenly experiencing how the new relationship falls into the same pattern as the one that had already been lost before. It relied heavily on the vocalists in your group to get across the feeling of helplessness as love seems to fade away again. You could understand why so many people thought that this was the best song from your group yet.
After you ended your part you felt a lot more comfortable in your current situation. You sang, your viewers heard it, there was nothing you could do about that now.
"Wow, Y/N that was really, really nice!", your partner exclaimed, "and our fans liked it too!", he added.
The livestream continued for around half an hour. You and Taeil warmed up more and more while your fans couldn't stop requesting more and more. By the end of your hangout you probably sang at least one song from every SM-Artist not without apologizing beforehand because some songs were really hard to master.
"We had a really great time singing together and reading all your comments!", Taeil said visibly content but also a little tired.
"Yes, thank you so much for requesting all those songs and don't forget to look out for more 'NCT' and 'Starburst' crossovers!", you closed the stream.
The camera in front of you was turned off and immediately both of you sank back into your chairs grabbing whatever drink was nearest to you. 
"Who would have thought that our fans would be so energetic?", you sighed, "But as long as they loved it, it was definitely worth it!"
Taeil nodded. "However my throat is rather sore now."
You could only agree. Your voice wasn't really fit for every song you attempted to sing today.
"Should we go get some ice cream to calm down our vocal cords?", he suddenly said.
When you looked over at him you thought that Taeil seemed a little nervous, playing with the bottle in his hands and avoiding your gaze. Only when you got up from your chair he looked at you.
"That sounds really good! My throat could use it and I guess we could use this opportunity to talk some more?!", you answered his question.
How could you say 'no' to Moon Taeil?
Without you two knowing fans were already going crazy with the new ship SM-Entertainment had just given them. Almost every part of your stream had been GIFed and the looks you had given each other were interpreted to the finest bit. Of course not everyone was happy about the great chemistry between you two however most of the fans were excited to see how the relationship between you two would continue in the near future.
that took me longer than i expected probably because Taeil is not my bias and because I just admire his voice so much that it’s hard for me to actually write something romance-related with him.
however of course i hope you liked it nevertheless! I will start linking the other posts of this series in this post also as soon as they are up.
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macgregorhoughton · 3 years
First off, thanks for sharing your headcanons, I love them! I'm really hoping theres gonna be ride references too, from the clips we're getting the puns at least. I'm gonna be watching the backgrounds for any sneaky references to the Society but I bet you're right, its going to be in there somewhere. I’m the same with the Native issue, I’m a bit worried how they’ll deal with it but hope they might have a bit of awareness and address how messed up some of the stereotypes the ride had were- cont
Response under the cut! (following asks copied there too for reference)
First of all before I respond to anything, you do not have to apologise. This is quite literally my dream way to spend my time- talking to someone about a thing I like at length. The fact that you checked all the posts I made and took time to respond to them with your thoughts means the world to me.
2- I’m also really hoping we get a lot for McGregor (wtf is with that alternate spelling Disney?? But I do want the other two to call him Mac, I’d love that), learning to relax and find his place. I LOVE that Lily gets to do physical comedy, you’re right female characters often only get to be funny so long as that means they can still be sexy while doing it. Lily looks like she just goes “nope” to that and dives headfirst into a bit of slapstick and I love her already- cont
3- I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first. I really want proper sibling moments too and I love that little one we got in the clip. Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can. BTS have me hopeful too- cont
4- I love your idea for the coming out scene. I think they’d be walking a very fine line in order to get it right, but if they did it could be wonderful. I really really hope we get that scene, no skirting around it or making vague illusions, I want McGregor to say “I’m gay” outright. Like, we’ll all know he is even if they don’t let him say it but for once I want Disney to live up to what they promised and let an actual main character be actually gay.- cont
5- I love the connection with the lights for our trio in the posters, I didn't put that together. I really want them to be a proper Trio, I’m really hoping this is a success so we can get sequels. Even if they’re terrible I still want them to see these three together. FRANK IS HUGGING MCGREGOR, I’VE GOT A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS ALREADY. I don’t really have many thoughts on our three villains, other than I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order- cont
6- I LOVE THAT GIF SET OF THE PUNS SO MUCH!! McGregor’s little smile and his laugh, hes loving it, Frank is loving getting a reaction, Lily is going to eventually find it funny how unfunny they are. I can’t get over how much I love McGregor’s little face in this, I can’t want for this scene, I’m gonna join you in imploding. Also, in your protective brother gifset, is he wearing a little tartan/ plaid suit? Love it. And on that note, I adore Lily’s costumes- practical and realistic but flattering
7- ok so thats me taken up far too much of your ask box, I haven't even property looked at the press tour things yet, but I do have one more thing, I have a theory about how Jack ends up in the middle of Emily and Dwayne's kiss if you'd like to hear it. Thanks for kickstarting this fandom and the wonderful gif sets, we're so close now! - Skip
So on to my very long response!
I've watched SO much about the ride just so I'm prepared to catch any reference. They just released Behind the Attraction on Disney+ and ep 1 is about the Jungle Cruise ride (Dwayne Johnson is in it too!). He talks about how much he loved the ride as a kid and used to imagine himself as a skipper which is SO cute and I'm so happy his dreams came true (and I find it very relatable as someone who dreams about being a raptor handler at Universal).
I'm genuinely a lil mad that the spelling changed. Because if you google it really everyone thought it was McGregor, they must've at some point released something on the movie for the press with that spelling and then changed their mind. Now everyone has it wrong because I suspect these featurettes are also gonna be the DVD/Bluray extras so I'm confident this is the final spelling. However I will continue to live in denial until I see the other spelling ON SCREEN.
"I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first." Yes! I love that every character is a trope that I ADORE. Frank is the cynic who thinks everyone just wants to cheat you anyway and miracles don't exist who eventually cracks and warms up to people and shows that there is a soft, warm person in there after all. Lily is wildly optimistic and aggressively individualistic, not trying to fit in or caring about what anyone thinks and will probably have a moment of losing that optimism and doubting herself after all. And McGregor is the person who appears to think he's better than everyone, who's pampered and refuses to sacrifice any of the luxuries he's used to until he reveals he's gay and you realise most of it was just a show to cover up how hurt he really is. Three PEAK character tropes we're working with here and COMBINED with a reluctant-allies to lovers and a siblings trope.
"Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can" I have a gifset for that queued already, I love that you also focused on that rightaway bc I really went "Siblings! peak sibling energy!!" and gifed it immediately.
Based on the reports (that I cannot stress enough I have no idea how accurate they are) he doesn't say "gay" but it's unambiguous what he's talking about. Let's hope that's true! I'm imaginging some sort of "relationships with men" or "no interest in women but rather men" or sth like that. I hadn't really considered that it might be ambiguous to someone who doesn't know he's supposed to be gay so that's a new fear unlocked lmao
I'm going to be so sad if we don't get sequels cause so many franchises with several movies don't have a core group of actors that are just friends and get along as well naturally as these three. Or if we get more movies and Jack isn't in them or sth like that. Like any future where these three aren't the leading trio in more movies is a nightmare.
"I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order" this sent me I swear. I'm most interested in Edgar Ramirez bc I'm curious abt the whole "conquistador alive "today"" thing. also what's up with the snakes lmao.
McGregor laughing at Frank's puns alone could sustain me another year if I had to wait that long for the movie. Luckily I don't have to. It is so wholesome tho, like the fact that they're gonna get along and also get closer and McGregor won't end up sidelined for being a bitch until the last minute or sth is so wonderful.
And yes! It's tartan! We've seen p little of the beginning of the movie in London and since that's gonna be focused on just Lily and McGregor I'm so excited bc we got so little content so there's gonna be SO much in the movie to look forward to that I can barely even piece together!!! (All we know is lily will steal the arrowhead before falling out of the window which mcgregor sees and he immediately follows her so I assume he knew to come there and that there's a scene where she asks him in one of their bedrooms about wanting to go on an adventure. So I'm assuming the bedroom scene comes first and she'll tell him about the arrowhead, he'll refuse to help her but decide to come last minute because he's worried about her (and the worry is immediately proven right as she falls out of a window lol). But we know so little that it's a really loose theory.
And yes!! Lily's costumes are so good. Frank calls her Pants so they will absolutely address that she's dressed very unusual for a woman of her status in 1916/17 and I hope they explore that a little and address where she even gets her clothes and everything. I mean Emily Blunt looks good in everything but the costume department really made something gorgeous with this. She is, for the time the movie is set in, very gender nonconforming which I love in a female lead. And Emily described Lily's fighting style as very Indiana Jones and brutal without much tactic or thinking and just brute force and I really would die for this characterisation. Like when I compare this to similar female leads like in The Mummy for example they're usually highly feminine, aggressive only in their attittude and witty banter but always emphasised to be beautiful and wearing dresses and lots of (usually historically inaccurate) makeup and they get like one scene where they smack the bad guy with sth heavy or sth so noone can say they're a damsel in distress even though they are. But Lily feels very much like a coherent person to me. She's very unusual for a woman at her time, her desire for adventure is in line with how she fights and dresses but she doesn't seem to have the "uwu I'm not like other girls" thing going on, she's just exactly who she is and wants to be.
and of COURSE I wanna hear your theory are you kidding! Cause I still haven't figured it out at all lmao. I just settled on "she probably meant he was off screen but right next to them while they filmed it" or sth bc I couldn't make sense of it otherwise.
also I haven't posted everything new directly here I think, but you probably know where to look for the new stuff. like there's some clips on their instagrams and most stuff is on youtube.
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cannedapricot · 6 years
Police Officer! Hwang Minhyun
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happy one month of scenarios from cannedapricot!! i can’t believe it’s been a month already! here’s a super short and hopefully sweet police officer! hwang minhyun. no one has gifed minhyun in the police uniform yet bUT IT’S OK I LOVE THIS GIF TOO
welcome to hongdae’s main police station
if you enter and head down the hallway, then turn right, you’ll be met with the sight of a couple dozen cops buzzing around the office
some interrogating sleasy looking men
some annoyed that they have to deal with the same crowd of teenagers again.
minhyun worked as a senior inspector at this very station
it wasn’t super high on the ranks but it was certainly impressive for this age (i think,,,, don’t quote me on it)
his co-workers loved calling him the emperor of the station because reALLY THAT’S WHAT HE’S LIKE
he sank back into his chair, tired eyes gazing over the hectic office
and downed his nth cup of coffee for the evening
this was a normal sight in the station
people talking in hushed tones, phones ringing, someone from thaT ONE SQUAD OF TEENAGERS THROWING UP
IT’s ok
it was worse on a friday night
or saturday early morning
minhyun was just,,,,, ready for a nap
and so without knowing, his eyes end up closing by themselves
until he was woken by junior inspector! jaehwan
“lol hyung if your that tired we could change spots-”
“as long as i’m breathing, you’re not getting promoted”
he has no idea how jaehwan even made it thus far 
“what do you need now?”
minhyun says as he sits up in his chair
“all of us thought that you were working way too hard,,,, sOOOOooOoOO WE GOT YOU A GIFT!!!”
“i’m not a thing to be given, kim jaehwan”
you said, popping into minhyun’s sight from behind jaehwan
you ignored jaehwan lol
“hi!! i’m y/n! i’ll be assisting you from now on!!!!”
“oh,,,, uh,,,, hi,,,,, are you trained?”
what are you???? a dog????
you were just looking for a job to earn some extra money while you look for a stable job
and as if it was a miracle!!!11!!111
your old friend fromm high school, kim jaehwan, rang you up and asked if you were interested in working with a good looking dude
aka him
you shot him down
“ok how about a more average looking dude”
you agreed because wow you were running out of instant noodles
and real quick too
to this day, you’re still suspicious about how jaehwan knew you needed a job
he said that he had magical powers
in reality though
he saw your snapchat story
ft. your cat and you complaining about how much your wallet was crying
and thought about how tired minhyun looked everyday
back to your awk asf meeting with your boss
“ha,,,, tr a in e d????”
cue jaehwan wiping invisible tears
“ah,,,, minhyun finally gets to relax a little *fake sobs*”
“you can leave now”
you and minhyun say at the same time
and you figured that the two of you would get along just fine
skip forward a few weeks
you and minhyun weren’t the stiff pair from two weeks ago
in fact, you two didn’t seem like just co-workers
after taking off some of the weight from minhyun’s shoulders, minhyun seemed more energetic 
instead of sitting at his desk tiredly after a day of work, he’d bring in two cups of hot coffee and meet you with a bright smile
you would return his smile of course
you and minhyun had this system were you would take most of the paper work and minhyun would take care of anything that requires him to physically be there lol
and he would return every evening with two cups of coffee and his 1000000 watt smile
also,,,, they’ve seen the way minhyun looks away from his share of the work just to stare at you
he loves how hard working you are
of course, you were adorable normally buT SOMEHOW
but uh
minhyun was hopeless with girls
his co-workers figured that out
with a helpful tip off from jaehwan lmao
they legit have a group chat dedicated to playing cupid for you two
mostly gossips though
by stroll they mean the night duties minhyun has around the block 
he takes you along with him soooooo 👀👀👀👀
you’d be lying if you said that minhyun didn’t look 10x as good under the streetlights at night
you’d also be lying if you said that you had no feelings for him
and his cute actions don’t help either
he openly complains to you whenever some drunk person throws up on the tiles he cleaned personally  h o u r s before
he looks cute whining
you didn’t think he cared as much about you as you care for him
untilll ll ll lllllll  👀 👀 👀 👀
one day
you weren’t feeling 100%
so you rang up the station and told them that you were gonna take a day off
but for some reason cough the other officers purposely didn’t say anything cough minhyun didn’t get the message
when he arrived at the station, he expected you to be at your desk (less than three meters away from his own) like you were every day
enter: panic mode
he thinks that you had enough of him and quit without telling him
minhyun gets your address from jaehwan 
who was totally ready and even had your address written down on a piece of paper
minhyun didn’t even think about it lol
he zoomed over to your place
you were just lounging on your couch, your roommate gone to work for the day
you were trying your best to not let snot flow out of your nose l ma o
while going through your phone
until you heard,
your phone dropped onto your face
wincing, you shuffle towards the door
not looking through the peephole, you open the door, still rubbing your nose lol
there stood hwang minhyun, emperor of the hongdae police station, trying his best to catch his breath
“what- minhyun? what are you doing-”
minhyun suddenly holds you in a tight ass hug
“i’m so sorry for whatever i’ve done to offend you,,,, please don’t hate me”
you’re confused™
“what are you talking about? i took a day off because i wasn’t feeling well”
 O H
W E L L   
I S N ’ T T H I S A W K W A R D
clears throat awkwardly
also releases you awkwardly
rubs neck awkwardly
“i thought that,,,, maybe i did something,,,,, and you quit the job,,,”
he said his voice getting smaller with each word
minhyun becomes mintomato 
“a-anyway,,, you said you weren’t feeling well? i guess i’ll make you some soup then.”
he pushes you aside and lets himself in
“y/n. what is this?”
“ah shit”
minhyun turns to you with the creepiest smile
you immediately ran to chuck the used tissues away
minhyun somehow digs out your rubber gloves and sanitizer in the meantime 
and starts spraying e v e r y t h i n g
makes you sit on the couch and not do anything
after he’s satisfied that everything was spotless
he turns to make you soup
so you sit on the couch, on your phone, as minhyun slaves away in the kitchen
you look over once in a while 
you saw him cutting vegetables (bOYF MATERIAL RIGHT THERE LADIES)
you also saw him ringing up the station presumably making some excuse that he couldn’t make it anymore (the co-workers know exactly what he was doing tho 👀👀)
then you saw him mucking around on his phone
seemingly like he was texting???
jaehwan perhaps
while the soup was taking it’s time obviously
he was typing out phrases in his messaging app
the contact being you
y/n i like you. date me
too straight-forward. no
y/n your honestly the most prettiest girl i’ve ever met lets go on a date
ew too cheesy. no
y/n i like you and your dumb quirks. even though your sick right now, you’re still the most adorable human being i’ve ever seen
lol too dumb. no-
“hey minhyun did you just send me a message?”
“y ea h ?”
he squeaked
you chuckle
“hey,, come here for a bit”
he shuffles over
you pull him by the collar and press a small kiss on his cheek
“i like you and your dumb clean freak self as well”
minhyun squeaks again
in happiness
“so,,,,,, are we,,,,, you know,,,,, a thing now?”
“if you want us to be”
“what excuse did you tell the station?”
you asked
“i said that my girlfriend was sick and i had to take care of her”
minhyun actually said something about his dog being sick
was he implying that you were a dog????? because minhyun doesn’t own a dog??????
you’re a trained dog now
minhyun grows red in embarassment
and he withers in it until you realize something
“um minhyun?”
“the soup,,,,, it’s boiling and spashing out,,,,,”
wow isn’t minhyun lowkey kinda ooc here. this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written at 1.6k,,,,, but it still took fo r ev er. DISCLAIMER: i have no idea about how the police work,,, everything here is from my imagination and the dramas i’ve watched sodufbvsb
in other news, wanna one has wrecked apricot, she is no longer alive. i juST WANT ONGNIEL TO BE HAPPY SOBS
in other, other news, happy one month kiddos!!! i love you all and stay healthy!! full length scenarios will be back after my exams!!! wait for me <3333
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