#thank you mir i vva5 ju5t about to 5ay
cthonicascendant ยท 2 years
For the gender ask!
๐Ÿ“€ - Describe your gender with 3 or more household items!
๐Ÿ– - If your gender was a song, what would it be?
๐Ÿ“ - If your gender was a book, what genre would it be? What would it be about?
๐Ÿ’ฟ- >.an empty waste receptacle. .a vaccuum cleaner. a plain mug with a chip in the handle.<
BOring mine are a ceramic Va5e vvhat5 been put back together vvith gold and a almo5t comically large chef5 knife nicknamed the machete an a ca5t iron pan and a 5et a knittin needle5 5hut up mir that i5 totally a hiVehold item vve got hovv many 5et5 in our hiVe again you didnt argue about the knife an a computer
transcription: BOring. Mine are: a ceramic vase what's been put back together with gold, and a almost comically large chef's knife nicknamed "The Machete", an' a cast iron pan, and a set of knitting needles - shut up, Mir, that is totally a hivehold item. We got how many sets in our hive, again? You didn't argue about the knife! - an' a computer.
๐Ÿ–- >.i've no more fucks to give by thomas benjamin wild, esq.<
Messor says he's going to pass on this one. But I want to answer. A lullaby you can't quite remember the words to, but could never forget the tune.
>...well, now i feel vaguely wigglerish...<
Don't. Just. Next question.
๐Ÿ“- It's more of a well-used journal.
>.technically, that is a book, so i will grant you that. .especially because i find myself struggling to answer the question even remotely as asked.<
>...yeah, not happening... .ok, it would actually be a file folder, much like the emoji for this question. .every paper inside is so heavily redacted that you briefly think it would have been easier to just send you a single sheet of paper with the word "redacted" on it.<
okay 5O novv that tho5e tvvo are done not an5vverin the que5tion an you vvould probably not expect thi5 from me but
anyvvay5 that genre a 5cience fiction that deal5 vvith like per5onhood vvhile bein a Very literal part of a machine if not the part that make5 the vvhole thing go
or like vvhat it5 like bein part of that or ugh thi5 i5 hard to explain the clo5e5t book i can think of at the moment to vvhat i mean i5 the imperial radch trilogy an particularly breq an the other 5hip5
transcription: Okay, SO, now that those two are done not answerin' the question, an' you would probably not expect this from me, but.
Anyways, that genre of science fiction that deals with personhood while bein' a very literal part of a machine, if not the part that makes the whole thing go.
Or, like. What it's like being part of that. Or. Ugh, this is hard to explain. The closest book I can think of at the moment to what I mean is the Imperial Radch Trilogy, an' particularly Breq and the other ships.
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