#thank you robbie coltraine for being such a good hagrid
thegaybiochemist · 2 years
Fuck jkrowling and her insanely shitty transphobic beliefs, but fuck if the news that the actor who played hagrid died didnt just punch me in the gut.
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martelldoran · 4 years
Morning lovely Ali 🌻 Jasmine and Angel's face for the Botanical ask game ❤️❤️
Good morning darling dearest <3 I hope you slept well! 
jasmine: what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
oh my god so many. first one that comes to mind is unicorn tho. does that make me really basic? it probably does. but there’s something about them, they’re like the epitomy of magic and fantasy in so many ways. I have such a soft spot for them. If not a unicorn then selkies. They’re seals who when they take off their silken coats, become people. I’ve been fascinated by the myth for years. The story goes that a man sees one of the selkies without her coat and falls in love with her. he watches her for weeks and eventually steals her coat so that she has to stay with him on land, separating her from her family. She stays and she marries and bears him a child but she’s never truly happy. the man keeps her coat hidden and one day when he’s out, she goes searching for it and when she finds it, she dons her coat once more and returns to her family in the sea. maybe you already heard of it but i just love the myth so much. 
angel’s face: what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
okay so given the current climate of jkr being a terf and all this is probably the worst answer but the harry potter books. So when the first movie was due to come out, I remember seeing the trailers and posters for it and saying one day, ‘i want to see that film’ and my sister, ever the delight that she is, turned to me and went, ‘well you can’t because you haven’t read the book’ and that really annoyed me. i was so put out by it that i went home that night and asked for it to be my bedtime story. my dad read me the books and he did all the voices. he likes to say that he got hagrid’s voice before robbie coltraine did. he read me the first four books and i have such fond memories of it. i must have only been about 6, maybe 7 at the time.
thank you for this my love <3
botanical asks anyone? 🌸🌺🌷
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