#thank you sm for the questions <3
moominpopzz · 1 month
southern william wisp question. do you think deadwood gets snow in the winter
I feel like it would probably snow a little at least once every winter but that only every like 3 or 4 years would it actually be cold enough to stick
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day @artsy-azure ! Here's your gift for the @milgram-valentines-exchange 💖
Fuuta x Minato (oc) ~ The first section takes place right after his T2 interrogation, and then skips ahead to a tiny post-milgram scene :3 I hope you enjoy!
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Fuuta thought he would drown. Not sink into water or anything like that; he was worried the voices filling his mind would completely suffocate him. There were too many of them. Too many people, all of them knowing every dark corner of his mind, and shouting into it. It should have been impossible for one voice – one softer than all the rest – to reach him.
Then again, everything about that voice should have been impossible.
“Fuuta… Hey, Fuuta… Are you alright?”
He blinked. He scrambled over to the nearest wall. There were no visible openings in the cell, not a single imperfection across any of the surfaces, yet Milgram’s intercom system functioned just fine. Most days it would just deliver the ear-rattling bell to tell him the time. On bad days, it carried Es’ summons to the interrogation room for his extraction. On worse days, it carried Es’ summons to the courtroom for his verdict.
On the very best days, it would bring him the voice of Hoshizawa Minato.
(Though, seeing as he had just returned from a catastrophic extraction, he wasn’t sure what type of day it was yet.)
He tore his attention away from the chorus of judgements and insults. He pressed his shoulder against the wall, still unsure where the sound was coming from, but knowing it was nearby.
“I’m here,” he said, hushed. More than anything he wanted to yell and scream, but he would never risk it, now. Minato had gone through a hell of a lot to break into Milgram’s systems, and he wouldn’t let his big mouth ruin all that. It had already ruined just about everything else.
“How are you holding up?”
Fuuta pressed his lips together. “Any news on getting us out of here?” was all he said.
Hundreds of miles away (or perhaps next door – neither of them could really know), Minato’s fingers adjusted his headset.
“I’m still working on it. These things take time.” 
“I’m definitely gonna need it after today.” 
“Your interrogation… I know.”
Fuuta pulled his hood down tighter, tufts of ginger hair ruffling underneath. “How much did you see?” 
Minato’s eyes flicked over to another monitor. It displayed the files he’d gained access to a few hours prior. It would crush Fuuta to hear about yet another person peeking into his personal moments, so he opted for a non-answer.
“I don’t have cameras. I don’t see much at all.”
“Tch, I’m not a damn idiot, I know that! I meant, how much did you hear?”
Fuuta squeezed his eye shut. He bit a curse back. There came silence.
Minato actually double checked some of his monitors, making sure they hadn’t been disconnected.
“So then, you know,” Fuuta said at last. “There’s no fucking way I’m getting forgiven this time around.”
“You can’t be so sure. The–”
“No one in their right mind would forgive me after that.” He winced, remembering his harsh cries at the end of the interrogation. What kind of accused murderer shouted “I’ll kill you” as their plea of innocence? When he wasn’t running his mouth with threats, he’d been pleading with Es like some kind of coward. And Minato has heard all of it. Fuuta could only imagine the horrors that the extraction held. Who could forgive him after they saw his anger, or worse, his pleasure? Who could ever look kindly on someone like that?
“I would.”
Fuuta’s eyes widened. He let himself sink further into the wall. A strangled laugh escaped him. He let his head hang down. No matter how much he wanted to protest, Minato was as honest as they come. If he said he forgave Fuuta, he meant it. 
“Yeah, like I said, no one in their right mind.”
Minato cracked a smile. 
“You don’t think I’m in my right mind?”
Fuuta scoffed. “You post pictures of clothes for a living. And in your free time, you plan impossible jailbreaks for murderers. Doesn’t sound quite sane to me.”
“Aw, come on. Do you think it’s impossible?” 
Minato was still smirking, ready for some more of their typical back and forth. Fuuta surprised him by pausing. 
“Well, it should be impossible. But…”
They’d been speaking for some time now. Whether it was quick comments when Es wasn’t around or long conversations into the night. Fuuta had seen many sides of him, and knew that he had what it took. He wasn’t like the vast majority of internet personalities – weak or needy or inexperienced. He��d proved himself time and time again. If anyone could pull this off, it would be Minato. 
“If it’s you… there’s a chance.”
“You’ve got that right. You can count on me, alright?”
Fuuta took a deep breath. The tightness of the uniform and the bandages seemed to lessen.
“Although,” Minato put on a falsely serious voice, “we’re gonna have a long talk when you get out… about that yellow jacket you own.”
“Haaah? What’s wrong with my jacket?’
“There are a hundred stylish ways to wear it and that was not one.”
“The fuck does that mean?” 
“You’ll be grateful when someone who ‘posts pictures of clothes for a living’ helps with your wardrobe.” 
Fuuta could feel his chest release even more. Minato spoke so easily about the future, as if it were something real and waiting for him. 
“As if I’d let you touch any of my outfits.”
“As if you could stop me!”
He took another breath. He smiled. No drowning today.
After checking the clock fourteen times, Fuuta thought once more couldn’t hurt. It was still two minutes to noon, just like the last few times he’d checked. His frequent checking hadn’t brought the train to the station any faster.
Minato had told him that he was safe. He’d said this meeting wasn’t that big of a risk. The dust had settled. He just had to relax. 
The announcement overhead signaled the next stop was his. It screeched into the station, a slight murmur rising as the doors opened onto a platform of moving people. 
Fuuta lowered his head. His eyepatch would surely draw attention to himself, so he kept his hood down and his mask up. He just needed to make it to the station entrance. 
He made his way around stiff businessmen and sticky children. He tried to shuffle around a young man, but he seemed to step further into Fuuta’s path. Giving the stranger a quick glance, he started to mumble something to squeeze past. 
“Fuuta,” the man said, gaping in surprise. “It’s me.”
He inhaled sharply.
It was only three words, but it was enough to recognize his voice from a thousand conversations. 
Fuuta’s eye widened as he took Minato in. It was strange to finally see his face. Finally, here was the person he’d spent hours talking to. The person he’d spent days passing the time with. The person he’d spent nights falling for. Here was the one who had saved his life, in more ways than he could count.
His first observation was, fuck, this guy is way outta my league. His next was, he’s shorter than I was expecting. Then, gah, I’m probably shorter than he was expecting. He was in the middle of realizing, he has the nicest smile I think I’ve ever seen, when Minato crushed him in a hug.
Fuuta returned the embrace. His arms tightened around Minato. He was real. He was here. Fuuta’s hands grasped at his clothes and his hair. He was unable to control a laugh bubbling up inside of him. 
“You did it. My god, you did it.”
He breathed into Minato’s shoulder. His chest shook with some laughter, some tears. 
For a moment wondered if people would notice the heartfelt reunion outside of the train, then he realized he didn’t care in the slightest. 
Minato was laughing along with him in that beautiful, familiar voice of his. No more crackling speakers or hidden intercoms – he spoke right into his ear, hair tickling his cheek. Fuuta could have stayed forever in his arms, just like that. All that mattered was he felt safe. At last, he felt happy.
Talk about impossible. 
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acourtofserpents · 5 months
Huh, the asks about how would the Fae ROs react to MC leaving them made me wonder about something... It's mostly related to what you said that they know how Caerus' love story ended and that it's part of the reason they wouldn't follow the MC to the human world.
Like I mentionned in previous ask, this won't be relevant on my playthrough anyway, but now I'm curious... A while ago I had asked you what are Caerus' thoughts about the MC starting a relationship with a Fae, but I didn't ask about the ROs themselves. So the questin is - when the Fae ROs start to have feelings for the MC (or well, admit to themselves that they have these feelings), do at least some of them have reservations specifically because of how it went for Caerus? Like a sort of "this is the child of the woman who broke his heart like that after all" - or even without making it so personal, simply a "we know how a relationship with a human may end - we personally KNOW a victim of that". If it's too spoilery to specify which one would think that way or not that's fine! I'm just wondering if it will be a factor at all in the story basically!
while it won't be a deciding factor and it won't affect the story deeply, the issue of Caerus and his past will be of concern the most to Ryzan.
it will be very interesting because of something spoilery that not even Ryzan himself is aware of. however, Caerus' story is one that the whole Kingdom knows, and they all use it to advise other Fae against ever falling for a human.
they're all weary of their feelings for MC because of this reason as well, but not because of this SPECIFICALLY. hope that makes sense <3
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Mine is dumb x dumber. Cause the way two idiots just go back and forth "the answer is 78" "Well no, the answer is 90" While in the middle of a chapter of derivatives 😭 like I just find them hilarious and fun, no drama just pure goofiness and awkwardness curved into a ball of two idiots.
Like imagine persona A and person B releasing their feelings "I LIKE THEM??????!!!!" "PERSON A IS CUTE???!!" like look at the sheer two idiots furiously red as a tomato and averting their gazes from each other 😭 my heart melts every time
HIIIIII 🎀 ANON :333 i’m sorry for the late response!!!! i’m here now!!!!!!!!!! DUMB X DUMBER IS SUCHHH A CUTE ONE 🥺🥺 just wholesome and fluffy and fun ………
hmmmMMMM as for me though…… it’s kinda tough to answer for some reason 😭 i get so scatterbrained when it comes to remembering what tropes i like….. but i might have to give it to the childhood friends trope, if that counts!!!! ESPECIALLY silly childhood friend x protective childhood friend :333 like . character b flicks character a’s forehead and calls them stupid but would literally die for them. it’s my favorite Ever!!!! but honestly i like most childhood friends dynamics…. i think it’s the silent understanding that really gets to me.
aside from that …… this is oddly specific but. i’m a sucker for sun x moon pairings where the character who seems like The Sun is actually The Moon, and vice versa!!!!! if that . makes sense 😭 my first thought was kunikidazai from bsd…… i just really like when the character who seems outgoing and silly is actually more cold and detached, while the person who seems cold and quiet is actually really warm and sincere . it’s a fun contrast!!! :3 another dynamic that’s a little similar that i absolutely ADORE is . a dynamic where both characters view the other as Their Sun. their better half. they don’t think they deserve each other. they want to become a better person for each other. they love each other so much that it makes up for how much they hate themselves. it just makes me super emotional!!!!
also …,,, a good ol “i’m not ready” x “i’ll wait for you” will never not hit 🫡🫡 ANDDD gentle giant x feral shortie . my beloved. (especially when the gentle giant gets Very Scary as soon as someone makes their shortie sad…….)
ANYWAYYY you also asked for my least fav dynamic so i’ll answer that here too!!!! you not liking grumpy x sunshine is VERY FAIR i also don’t like when it turns into one person berating the other 😭 that’s just …. a little boring . though i can see the appeal in some cases . BUT YEAH in general prickly introvert x patient extrovert dynamics are very dear to me!!! 🥺🥺
but hmmmmMm. my least fav dynamic……. it’s kind of tough……….. i guess i’m not really too huge on cliches? 😭 by which i mean like . the standard trope pairings . nerd x jock and etc . or good girl x bad boy……. just doesn’t activate my brain at all. other than that i think i’m open to most things though? i can’t think of much that i don’t like in at least some context!!! :3
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onlyswan · 5 months
congrats on your dean's listed art!!! 💯🤩💜 also is the character ask still open? if yes I would like to ask oc if from the beginning of getting to know jungkook and finding out that he is extreeeemeeeelyyy famous, did you feel some worry or have second thoughts that he might not be what he seems to show???? I had those thoughts after reading the new drabble 😿💔
“oh, not so much at the beginning… it was exciting and fascinating to me, getting to know jungkook. i was young and careless. i was attracted to him and i didn’t really care about anything else besides how i felt.”
you sheepishly shift at your seat. honestly speaking, you aren’t that much different from your younger self.
“but then we got into a relationship, and i realized that what we had was starting to get serious. that’s when i started having anxious thoughts too. am i going to regret this? are his intentions truly as they seem? are we wasting each other’s time? thoughts like that…”
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petrichoraline · 10 months
For the honest answer ask game: what's the history of your blog? (this really just includes how/when you began blogging on tumblr, content, your interactions and your special moments on here etc; whatever you wish to prioritize for the ask in context).
honest hour question answered 3 days later <3 truly hope the wait was worth it love hahah
as someone who's gone through my archive already, you know i started out as a bts fan account in 2015. (my previous blog is not gonna be discussed for the simple reason that it's barely relevant to this one)
i believe i used to tag and organise my reblogs? there was a time where i cared enough and i loved srolling through my own blog, i stopped enjoying that when i became more involved w/ fandom on here and things weren't aesthetics based anymore. i don't like going through it that much now. i used to play around with themes, search for them, tweak colours and fonts for hours. after i returned years later there was an issue with the editor so now i can't change my theme at all and it sucks cause i just want to edit a few things.
so it started of as a bts fanblog, then i started rb-ing other kpop stuff, maybe afterwards i started sharing gifsets from movies and series i liked? as for fandom, i had a good amount of mutuals - accidentally became one with a girl from my country, we went out once and it was very nice <3 procrastinated and lost track fo tag games back then too lmaoo i felt a lot of dissatisfaction over it so i try to do everything now with my current fandom :)
back then is when i started reading fanfiction - i believe my first imagine was a taegi one where v was an artist and yoongi a photographer lol i stumbled upon it on the dash randomly and i got introduced to ao3 a bit after
iirc for the following years after i'd stopped stanning bts, i used to come back either relatively often or once in a blue moon - in the beginning i was just enjoying wtv my dash was offering me or seeking out specific stuff, then i started using it as a tracklist of what shows i've watched haha, no tags, just rb after finishing a show.
i started engaging with fandom around the release of episode 5 of kinnporsche, i read a bunch of posts on here, then tms2 came around and i got even more into reading people's takes..at some point i started talking to people i guess hahah i don't even know when i started trying to put out content, so to say, i just know i was doing screenshot posts short before i found myself pushed to attempt gifs and that was after big dragon had just finished airing.
then i started my giffing journey. had support from @gillianthecat whom i loved giffing paulnice for. honestly that and the discussions we had were such an important part of me having fun with this site and keeping it up. and @joyladagang, my self-proclaimed #1 hype woman, made me feel super welcome. then i got even more moots, at some point i started reaching out or actively reciprocating others attempts at getting closer (though i had been active in discussions before that, i just mean i got a bit braver and started acting more familiar with everyone (esp w/ ppl i got closer to through @joyladagang like @cankersoregirl, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @loserlesbianongsa etc.)
i'm grateful to a lot of people on here, truly. it's not supposed to be a shoutout post so i won't be tagging any more people (esp since i would have to tag everyone who follows me plus a bunch of people i follow which..it's a bit much) but i'm genuinely thankful for each person that enjoys my rants, gifs, theories or wtv the things i post classify as, whether they found a post by accident or follow the blog. and i'm grateful to the creators i follow, and i'm happy to talk to so many sweet, smart and funny individuals on various topics daily.
so this is where my blog is at right now - trying to do a bit of everything and talking a bit with everyone. my issue, tbh, is i'm trying a bit too hard to satisfy everyone which sounds ridiculous but i am a bit of a people pleaser at times so it checks out lol
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bluffmotel · 6 days
I always LOVE your character analysis', so random question!!! Would you indulge me about your thoughts on the Romeros (both paul and dante)? You can be as vague or as detailed as you want!
oh i absolutely love this question, thank you! and the timing was rather perfect, given the release of the black book, so it’s safe to say these two ( and more specifically dante ) have been haunting around the depths of my mind … and while i’m a vince & tyler fan first and foremost, i do have thoughts on everyone else and the general story! so without further ado, let’s talk about the romeros :
while as dusk falls is about two respective families ( the holts & the walkers, as we come to find out pretty quick ) i think it’s irrefutable to deny that paul and dante are tangled inside this little web themselves! they’re two figures that help bring the past and present together : paul recognizes jim, although not well, but more importantly if vince allows his father to leave for the hospital, he makes a rather pointed comment about not letting dante see or recognize him. jim also seems rather interested when asking our protagonist, “so you met the sheriff? what’s he like?” before doubling down rather hard on not trusting the law, and this opinion of dante is so intense that ( depending on dialogue choices ) if vince sides with the holts over dante, jim can potentially agree with his choice, in a way he won’t with dante. and given paul’s entanglement with sharon for decades and his bond with bear? these two are in the frying pan right there alongside our leading families! it’s rather easy to dismiss their importance, i think, but give the two enough thought and them being there while the desert dream goes down, as passive and aggressive forces respectively, really feels fated. of course it’s dante the holt boys stole from, and of course it’s paul’s place of work the walkers stumble upon, and of course it all comes to a head and leaves us with one of our final choices in book one : which of these devils are you trusting? dante or the holts? i like to imagine this echoes whatever went down all those years ago with jim, or at least serves as a continuation of whatever he refused to finish.
but that’s getting a little more into general game territory & it’s themes, so back to my thoughts on the romeros specifically, which can be summed up as … i love them! dante in particular grew on me a lot throughout the constant replays, even though i always adored his character! and paul was fantastic in his background role, casually revealing the more heavy hand he had in things ( which you don’t expect! ) with throwaway lines and oddly loaded advice. paul’s a good man, and if it’s not obvious by how protective joyce is of him, then it’s proven tenfold when he either tends to an injured vince at the very end of book one, or tries giving cpr to his dead body if tyler drowns him. like?? what a sweetheart! there’s nothing to hate about paul, but he’s a great example of a character who’s more than what he seems without taking away from the main narrative, another role joyce serves right along with him. these two did their thing as ‘random’ people in the desert dream and the devs took great care to lay out some good groundwork for them in spite of their non importance. and, in general, they act as good voices for vince to consider when it comes to the final choice! joyce trusts dante, talks about him with respect and all of her slightly biting remarks are full of affection ( sentiments that mean a lot coming from her, someone who’s shown herself to be stubborn and no nonsense ), but on the other side, paul warns vince against dante, lamenting on their family’s low opinions of him and his position as sheriff ( an important opinion because paul is dante’s family ), and so on so forth. paul and joyce balance each other well, and i always make sure paul gets his pizza. he has low blood sugar, dale! give him some food, god damn it!
and to talk more about dante, he’s an excellent character in a gaming world full of pathetic villains or straight up irredeemable monsters. the ceo of interior night has been very vocal about making sure nobody in as dusk falls felt like anything less than a human being, and dante ( as well as bear, i’d say ) proves she mostly succeeded … in the case of book one, anyway. it’s very easy to villainze him in the moment and even away from the game if you only give him a passing glance : he’s ruthless, he threatens vince, someone who could’ve been nothing but obedient this whole time, and his abuse of his badge is supposed to be as revolting as it feels. but! he perfectly encapsulates one of the main themes in this game, which is that he doesn’t want to do this, but he feels like he has to. dante is looking at what is clearly multiple crossroads and just like the holts he only sees one path forward, which just happens to be the most violent one. it’s the path where he survives and he is safe, unscathed, and he can return to what his normal is. i’ve been meaning to make a big web weave about adf and this theme in particular but to perfectly sum it up, here’s a quote that feels like it was almost made for this game :
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hansel, by richard siken.
like! this is what adf is about! dante may be one of the more awful parties, yes, but he is still just a man who truly believes in his little black heart that this route is what’s best for him -- and so he’s gotta take it. it’s rather easy to not notice his humanity in the midst of this high stakes situation ( and because his counterpart is paul, of all people ), but it is there, and this is exactly why i enjoy seeing him on my screen and would love to do more with him himself someday! dante, in particular, cares about the holts … and i mean the holt boys, not just sharon. despite his spiraling mental state and the time limit he’s under, the sheriff exercises a rather immense amount of patience when it comes to the holts, like, it’s rather obvious he didn’t want them coming to harm in the way that they did. when dale comes out for the iconic sniper scene, dante attempts bargaining with him after his initial instinct to annoy and pry -- and it’s clear that he wants dale to just hand him the book, and he wants dale to surrender and give dante what he needs so everyone can make it out alive, at least. in his moment of blind need, he fails to actually notice that dale’s confusion and fear is genuine, mistakes it as dale’s usual playing around, and goes “have it your way,” before signaling his sniper. he could’ve just shot dale the second he stepped out of the door, and then looted his corpse for the book, or whatever else. but no. he takes the slightly longer way, for as long as he can, and since dante believes himself to be above the law, who is he holding back for? it’s for the holt boys, kids he probably saw grow up! and it’s for sharon. and it’s for joyce, and paul, and maybe even vince and his family, at first. dante becomes colder as the night drones on but given his immense power trip, it’s clear he had no real qualms ending things with police brutality, even at the beginning. makes his attempts at trying to end things peacefully at the start of book one a lot more interesting, in my opinion, because we quickly find out this was dante’s way of showing everyone mercy. which is scary! but again, showcases he’s more than some villain.
and his face after killing dale, if you choose not to save him, also doesn’t scream that this is someone who’s particularly enjoying this. the expressions made between the shot firing and dante looking at the kid’s body bag corpse is … grim.
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like, this is not a victorious look at all! the way he just watches as dale’s body is picked up and taken away, expression never changing … he probably feels numb, this sense of : i did what i had to. but he doesn’t like it, and maybe it’d be easier if he did, and maybe he wants it that way too, you know?
i also find this scenario particularly tragic because i believe dale was probably dante’s token favorite out of the holt boys, at least before their falling out. it’s just bizarre to me the amount of hatred dale holds for him in a rather pointed manner -- it just feels personal, and it wouldn’t be personal if dale never cared for two rock’s biggest pig to begin with. how i think the juvie thing went down, in simple terms, is this : dante, who was still a close friend of sharon’s at the time and enjoyed visiting & hanging around the house here and there, someone who saw the first two holt boys through their infancy with paul, got a call about dale ( who had pushed past his usual amateur crimes to commit literal assault ), and had no choice but to actually act this time. he had probably let dale off the hook beforehand, covered up his petty theft and underage drinking and what have you, and this fostered some unhealthy opinions about dante and his generosity, so when dale landed himself in genuine hot water, hot water that even the sheriff himself couldn’t cool down, he couldn’t do anything except give him juvie. WHICH! i like to believe dale committed this crime as an eighteen year old, which could’ve landed him in jail i’m sure since his actions were so severe. so dante didn’t leave dale hanging, technically, but him not letting him off with a slap on the wrist like the holts expected ( like dale thought he would ) fostered a hatred and finally cut dante & sharon apart for good. dale’s loathed dante ever since for his betrayal and dante responds with equal amounts of vitriol back. but his fondness and favoritism remains and shows itself in tiny ways even still, like his almost palpable disappointment that dale came out of that motel instead of tyler, for example. he was like damn, i was prepared to shoot tyler, not dale … :( and i think this is so fucking funny!
( i will say that after reading the black book, none of the above paragraph is canon anymore technically. but i don’t really care at this point because what they did do with dante and dale’s assault was so baffling and borderline stupid! so, like i said when i first got it, i’m viewing the book with the same mindset one would consider a writer’s tweets of ‘canon’ facts about their favorite book on twitter … meaning i can just pick and choose what i like and dislike. there is nothing in game that contradicts the above headcanon, so it’s still canon compliant to me -- anyway! just had to add that little note, just in case )
and this goes straight into headcanon territory, but personally? dante’s the one who got dale a tombstone made, the one we see at the very end of book two. it’s certainly not bear who got it made, someone thousands of dollars in debt and someone who could also be dead at this point … and everyone else either straight up wouldn’t waste their money on such a thing ( like joyce ), or just wasn’t there long enough to make such a memorial. it’s small and it’s ballsy given the holts and their awful reputation, but it’s still something. i’ve always wanted to write a fic about this -- dante going through the process of burying dale and getting him a nice plot of land as well as an actual tombstone … i wouldn’t be shocked if he thought of it as an apology for how things went, in the end. i cannot for the life of me think of anyone else who’d have the money and the desire to give dale, and potentially bear and tyler, a tombstone in their memory. maybe he thought it’d absolve him of any wrongdoing or lingering guilt he felt? maybe he thought it was enough, when in fact giving these people a proper burial was the least he could do. it’s a fun thought of mine that makes me quite sad regardless!
okay buckle up because we’re still talking about dante and the holts kinda, however! dante strikes me as someone who really, really wanted kids, but becky was probably unable to have them for some reason ; be it because of her accident, her being infertile, or what have you. i think he always dreamed of being a father and never fully was allowed that experience! which shows in how he interacts with zoe and ash, where there’s an overt awkwardness but also this sense of eagerness, a little display of tender heart and real worry. for example, he never once threatens zoe’s life! he may endanger her if she stays in the motel, and he has no qualms trying to kill her dad, yes, but not once does he use her as leverage against vince -- despite the fact that said kid could be firmly in his grasp, if she’s the one released! and i’ll have to post the scene when i replay, but if vince tells dante about zoe while in the back office and then takes her out as the hostage, dante bends down and talks to her and is stupidly sweet about the whole thing! so it might seem ironic for him to have a line, but he does, and it’s kids … another example is that when joyce calls him about ash being missing, he sends every available officer out there to search for ash, and when he finds him, he’s nothing but cautious and gentle and worried. it’s almost odd to see from him! when he quickly sheds his cool composer to show the intense rage underneath in most situations we see him in! but he does care deeply for kids and i like that his life’s punishment is him not being able to have them, be it because of them not actually being his own or circumstances making him not being able to raise any he might have. for someone as ambitious as dante i find it sooo endearing that he just, kinda wants children the most? adds to him i think, and it’s something that somberly reminds you that even the most evil seeming people could have the most mundane desires. seriously, there’s such an empty vibe to the big romero house with a wife who hardly leaves her room and some dog in the spacious backyard … ( and spoilers for the black book : but seeing how much dante wanted a dog and a big house really gives you ‘white picket fence’ american dream! with the missing component being the, y’know, kids, and said missing componet carves out this hollow feeling the entire time you dwell on it )
and this want makes me think he was probably around for the holt boys’ upbringings! i mean, not to be crude, but he was banging their mom and seemed to genuinely have loved her at one point in time, so i can only imagine he’d hang around the house here and there. same as paul, i’m sure! and maybe some part of him enjoyed doting on the boys without actively having to be their pa, allowed to just do the fun things most wannabe parents dream of doing rather than the actual hard work and responsibility, and maybe this once there bond contributes to his reluctance to kill the holts immediately. idk! i could see him being around for tyler and dale’s childhood, only to slwply begin fading when jay was brought into the picture -- and then he didn’t help dale out when it counted, and all the bridges between him and the holts were swiftly burned with that. he definitely talks about tyler and dale like he knows them well, which isn’t as weird for dale ( who has a reputation ) but for tyler? someone who notoriously fades into the background and keeps his head down? it implies a bond, i think, where he knew them young and even after him and sharon fell through he decided to keep tabs on them. would scope out where tyler was doing his odd jobs and had officers keep an eye on dale, etc. he’d keep trying to wash his hands of the holts but he never truly puts them behind him, which can be said for everyone else in the game, honestly! they’re like an infection ( something jay even describes them as! ) to where even if you think you’ve cleaned everything off, there’s always one spot you miss, and then the growth process begins again. anyway! he is unhinged for this by the way. man said : two kids without a stable pa figure? sign me up! and then he’d go on to potentially kill one of them on purpose after antagonizing them like he’s a teenager, which he has the nerve to act sad about in the aftermath. insane!!
( also quick timeline here, that i keep in mind whenever i talk or think about the romeros : so sharon and paul definitely knew each other first, but given paul’s energy towards sharon in the desert dream and obliviousness to her and dante’s affair, i don’t think they stayed close -- not after paul married, anyway. paul probably still came around, given his bond with both sharon & bear, but while dante was probably there a lot for the them as kids, i could see paul becoming a more strong figure when they were teenagers and young adults. their behavior towards paul in the desert dream is … strange! though if i had to guess, i’d say they just didn’t want to act like they knew him as well as they did, in order to protect him from any potential danger as well as themselves. wouldn’t want the other hostages to realize they wouldn’t kill paul, you know? it’d be a weakness, which is something the holt boys try very hard to hide in the desert dream situation )
though to focus back on paul a tad, i’m always obligated to talk about him and bear! like, i love paul and bear, so so much, and they’ve grown on me tremendously once i realized they went into vietnam together as soldiers. there’s something delicious about their predicament, where paul is forced into navigating a war with someone he’s jealous of, and someone who he believes to be a pretty shitty guy. and not only did they go in together, they came out together too … went through the flames and trauma and horror as one of those rare duos that actually got to go back home, with all their limbs attached and all! it’d certainly change paul’s views on bear i think, to have seen him in action like that, and to foster what would’ve been a profound understanding, what with their bond being forged in intense warfare and all. his bond with bear is something i wish the game commented on more ( besides an offhand remark ) but oh, it’s quickly become one of my favorite things. bear is so incapable of making friends, and here’s the only one he probably has, someone so unlike him in personality and also someone who wants his wife carnally! like, jesus, the holts can never catch a break, they’re always involved in the most complicated relationships known to man as the town’s locally cursed family and as the town’s most wanted, i guess! but yeah, paul and bear <3 i view paul actually being closer with bear when they come back, electing to spend more time with him over sharon, since it’s easier and safer for him and his marriage … until that crashes anyway. and then paul decided to go sober, which is probably what destroyed their hangouts, leading to paul’s odd holtless time! would probably see the boys around town, as well as sharon and bear, but might just greet them and ask how things are ( typical small town stuff ) rather than actively making an effort to hang. that kinda thing. like he’s still present in their lives, and i think all the holts respect paul a lot more than words can say, and in their own warped ways, but he was. distant. before things went awry.
also totally unrelated to the romeros, but it’s crazy that tyler is born during the last round of american drafts for vietnam, aka 1973. just find it fascinating that bear would’ve either a.) had to have already served his time, b.) hasn’t been drafted just yet, or c.) came back after one term only to leave again for a second one. i can’t remember which one i personally went with, but it’s fun to think about regardless! that, and the fact there’s no mention of dante serving in the war … which i don’t think he did, personally, and given his extreme macho energy, that’s an absolutely fascinating aspect of his character. but i digress!
hm, some other quick thoughts on the romeros include smaller scale things! like how i usually view the rest of the romero family to be more like paul, more meek and silent, almost an entire herd of pushovers. we know the family shares paul’s point of view where it concerns dante’s title as sheriff -- and while this does paint an unsavory image of dante, i can see another picture that implies dante as the romero family’s black sheep. someone always looked at oddly and gossiped about, disapproval aimed at everything dante does because he’s dante, someone unlike the others. the rest of their blood probably doesn’t bother with him at all outside of paul, a family member dante orbits despite his jabs and vocal distaste towards paul’s peaceful nature. i mean, they share friends, a friend list which is only comprised of the holts and joyce, dante’s officers notwithstanding. two rock is a rather small world ( or, at least, it was supposed to seem that way ) but i still find it telling how tangled up in each other’s lives they are! they even liked the same girl, how crazy is that? and dante also makes a passing comment about how paul shouldn’t lock himself away ‘like grandma did’, and he says this remark with disdain … again! i can’t quite back this up with hard canon evidence, but the other romeros ( & hayes’, paul’s actual last name ) have that sort of meek vibe. this black sheep position dante fills also serves to give him and dale more ground as a narrative pair! which, if it wasn’t obvious from the tyler/vince and jay/zoe pairings in the story, this game loves it’s foils and parallels! another minor thought is that paul gives massive queer energy in ways indescribable but i’ll never forget how he can be like ‘maybe it’s mine and i wear it!’ about sharon’s bra if dante finds it in his trailer, and then can hold it up to his chest if i remember correctly?? the fact his extemely masculine cousin doesn’t even bat an eye at this only makes it more queer! he was like yes that tracks, you would wear a bra /derogatory ,,, i just rotate that scene in my mind a little bit, i will not lie.
my very quick final thought is that jim totally helped dante kill sheriff clayson, an action that would then finally put dante in power. which the black book confirms, because dante did in fact kill that guy! just not with jim, but oh well. jim was there and he helped and he hates dante for it now, trust. what they actually did with jim & dante was boring so this is still canon in my head!
ahh, i think this about sums my thoughts on them up? i probably have more lurking around in my mind and, like always, a lot of these points could suffice as posts on their own with more detail, but! it was fun to pour my general thoughts out there, so thanks so much for that opportunity! hopefully this was coherent and made sense lmfao <3 i’m tickled you love my character analysis for this niche ass game!!
#as dusk falls#answered asks.#THANK YOU FOR THIS … have a wordy ass ramble in response lmfao#i try to be cohesive with these but i wanted to lay down all i could so it’s a bit jumbled and incoherent#but … yeah … i love them … i think they are so fascinating#tbh there is not a single mf that i hate in book one i love ALL these people. this cast of characters is PERFECT#which is rare in games i think. i usually have to make myself like everybody but with book one’s main cast it comes naturally#even the more hateable characters like bear and michelle are SO stupidly well written#and you can’t remove one of the book one characters without changing literally every thing. which i also like!!!#like you can tell the devs REALLY cared about this specific group and formed the story around them and i loooove it#( this is energy they lacked in book two which is why it’s so weird tbh! but i digress let me not be a hater#and yes i hated on the black book in this my bad <3 i just didnt Like It Much even if it was a fun read#anyway anyway! ahem! )#i am shaking dante and paul around like items in a tin can tbh#also dante being like AND YOU CHOSE THEM? OVER ME??? to vince if you don’t side with him is HILARIOUS BTWW#everyone wants vince carnally in adf and dante is not exempt from this. he’s just less insane about it than tyler <3#dante & vince are pure comedic potential all of their scenes make me laugh. i couldn’t put this in the post so surprise! find it in the tag#i didn’t talk about paul NEARLY as much as i wanted to or should’ve here but i love all his scenes!!!#and despite how jarring it is i don’t mind his moment in book two! i actually quite enjoy it. easily one of my fave moments#y’know. because we focused on someone other than jay for three seconds ADJAKDKAKSA sorry. let me reign in the hater#paul is my king he is my everything he has done nothing wrong in his life#and his friendship with joyce is EVERYTHING TO ME i love how they’re written so fucking bad#it says a lot that when my niece played adf she thought they were married. like they’re THAT close fr fr and it’s refreshing to see#they just mesh perfectly and i love their bonds with vince and michelle and jim!!’#i also ADORE him using his medical knowledge from the war to help vince if michelle is shot … such good defining character traits#as well as his compassion!!! compassion is a big theme in adf too in the sense that it doesn’t make someone weak and paul shows this well#anyway i almost don’t wanna shut up because i love them so bad but. i think i’ll hush for now#tldr : the romeros are well written characters ( even BECKY! ) and they’re a big part of the walkers & holts bullshit#like in a romero and juliet story they are both as important as friar lawrence yknow. that’s the vibe.#thanks sm again and random questions are always welcomed here!! so have an amazing day <3
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inkykeiji · 10 months
do you think tomura has the manipulation "skills" that your touya iterations do? I see bmb tomura possibly, not so much flawless tomu tho
fab question anon!!
bmb tomura definitely is manipulative, but he’s nowhere near the level of any of my dabi iterations (because being manipulative is one of canon dabi’s core traits!). bmb tomura is intelligent, so he knows exactly what he’s doing, and his favourite method/style of manipulation is using his power as Daddy to coerce or force you into doing whatever he wants.
he can often excuse his own behaviour, though, by telling himself (or you) that he’s just doing this for your own good and this is what good Daddies are supposed to do, duh. i think it’s worth mentioning that he does have other manipulation skills as well, but they’re mostly put into practice on the business side of things (stuff his father taught him,, tho he’s nowhere near as good at it as his own daddy is, his emotions too intense and explosive for truly sinister methods of manipulation).
you’re close when it comes to flawless tomu!!! <3 he is extremely blunt and starkly honest. he does have manipulative tendencies, but they’re almost entirely subconscious, as if they’re embedded in who he is as a person, a result of the way he was brought up. 97% of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. however, there are moments where he is purposeful and intentional with his manipulation, like the way he cuts his reader off from any and all outside support in an effort to make him entirely dependent on him. he isn’t as methodical or sly as dabi/touya would’ve been, but he still does it, and the repercussions of this are explored in part two (which i swear i’ll post one day waaah >.<).
he can justify this, as well, just like bmb tomura can, but the difference between this intentional manipulation versus flawless tomu’s subconscious manipulation is exactly that—that he’s doing this on purpose, and he knows what he’s doing is technically bad, technically wrong, but he doesn’t care, because he is selfish and greedy and possessive and jealous and he wants her all to himself, he wants her trapped with him forever, he wants to be in control of her. he deserves it. he can admit these things, but he does also genuinely believe he’s what’s ‘best’ for her, too (that’s where his delusional justification comes in).
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Can you tell us what it was like when Rooster used to fly with Wonder? What was their relationship like before the fic starts?
oh buddy can I-
so they've known each other since childhood basically
always been friends, there isn't one without the other
they had a little bit of a falling out because of the whole papers thing but they realize they just care about each other too much to stay mad
wonder is younger than rooster by a little so that's why they're able to go to the academy together (since he was pushed back yk)
she was a very cocky pilot. still is, but not as much as she was, holy cow. think mav in the og top gun but a little more reckless (if that's possible idk)
rooster had basically the same attitude towards it that goose did to maverick
the parallels :,)
some of the stunts she pulled in the air would leave him speechless
he would always then try to do it but just end up being like ???
in the academy they were still close friends but each found their own little groups that often blended together
all troublesome
he'd have her back everytime she did some stupid stunt, and she would have his on the rare occasion he broke a rule
they'd help each other with anything
late night study sessions were an often occurrence
tons of inside jokes
would leave others questioning their sanity at times
she was number one and he was number two in their class
it's a constant thing between them, who gets one and who gets two
wonder makes a point to always get first
rooster will never say it but he loves watching her get competitive and the way her face lights up when she wins
they just fit you know?
whether it be romantic or not, those two were meant to be at each other's sides
and he was right there by her side after she lost comet
and he never left
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tetsuskei · 6 months
HAPPIE SATURDAY RISUUU ! ! hv u decided on a kaeya x risu selfship name yet ? i only ask bcos my question for u is abt him todai :-D ! before u're dating each other , let's say one night u're boff spending an evening at da tavern n' u're boff a lil tipsy — kaeya pulls you closer to him by da seat of da chair u're sitting on . . :3c how do u react ?? do you get all shy n blushie ?! how does He react to dat ? gib mi allll da deets prettie pls ! ♡
mrs alhaitham thank u sm for asking abt me and kaeya ! ^_^ i believe kaesu won my poll so we are going with her ! ty for the suggestions btw, i appreciated it sm !
ouu this is a very good question ! i honestly am pretty shy by nature and would be even more so around a crush, but if he initiated pulling me to him i wouldn’t pull away. something tells me he smells really good too, so i’d stay close heehee.
i think because he is a perceptive person he will know i’m nervous, and would play coy. 🤨 he’d be like ‘it’s just me, why are you so shy?’ or he’d say ‘isn’t it nice to be close like this? you were sitting so far away from me’. and he knows i don’t mind, but wants me to say it.
i also think that if i was at the tavern and we have had a few glasses of wine, that may loosen me up a bit. seeing him closer up would have me blurting how pretty he is (bc his eyes are very pretty imo 💗) and he’d only smirk and say ‘i know. but i think you’re prettier.’ >_< !
i think bc he knows im shy he’ll try to bring me out of my shell. we’d gradually be flirting all night and maybe…maybe end on a confession. diluc is annoyed and wants us to get a room already 😞 venti, lisa, and amber are somewhere rooting for me, too!
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kyojurismo · 1 year
uh um well, yeah 👉🏻👈🏻
this ask is making me giggling and i genuinely appreciate it bc i’m feeling super bad rn
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
A question that worries me very much. What happens to Vijay when he gets angry?🤔
That is a very good question! But omg, why does it worry you? ;_;
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Vijay gets rarely angry because he has a very strong self-control.
He keeps himself under control most of the time. That said, he choses to vent in his mind rather than saying it out loud or talking about it to anyone. He also found ways in his own secure subnet realm to vent on self-constructed digital target-programs instead via using his anti-program/anti-personnel programs (he also trains that way), e.g.: Killer, Manticore/Hydra, Firestarter, Hellbolt and Stun to name a few. But it happens he gets a bit exasperated at times when confronted with a situation that is not in the net. He will throw this sort of exasperation mostly verbally at them instead of using fists. Netrunners are not so much into physical fights anyways (he wouldn't have the pysical strength against most). He would rather use his hacking skills in form of micro hacking instead to get rid of his small wrath if he has to. But it would not be in a lethal way and he only makes use of it if the situation gets risky for him. He's not much into micro hacking others (also not just for fun) anyways, it only brings more trouble. A lot of other runner mercs try to mirco hack him because they seem to be envious that V's team is so successful. He notices the hacking tries always first and prevents them but does not fight fire with fire — instead he tries to talk about what's the problem here to find a solution.
But what if he does really get angry? Congratz! You achieved something that is so rare that you can compare it to like you just won in playing lottery! Depending on the situation he may even start crying as well because he simply is a bundle of emotions and Pisces born happen to feel deeply (and he doesn't care if people see it or not — men are allowed to cry). So, depending on the situation and him really, really angry (I talk angry like almost Ryder rage angry) he might do things he swore to never ever do again: Kill — using his reportoire of lethal quickhacks in most gruesome ways a netrunner could do (and in this mode he is almost unstoppable, same like his brother — I can't say why atm bc it is sth. I want to keep secret for a while). And after that? He'll just continue crying and hate himself for not remaining in control anymore because he could have done better than this, getting thrown back to his past Portland days. He will cut every connection for a while, stays all by himself locked-up in his own runner realm to process everything until he's back to normal like nothing happened. If his friends didn't witness that situation he won't talk about it either.
FYI: Anger plays a certain role in the story of the CP77 world my boys are in (it's Arki's world), that expands after the main game.
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acourtofserpents · 11 months
Hello! I hope you're having a great day/night! I love your IF and I was wondering... if the characters can have a distinct scent to them, what would it be? Or a scent/perfume they would like to smell or one they would like for the MC to use/have? Thank you and sorry for the silly ask! ♥
hi!! thank you, hope you're having a great day/night too!! <33
as for the question, i decided to go with their personal distinct scents :D
Silos - paperbacks, lilac, sandalwood, roasted potatoes
Ryzan - pomegranate, smoke, hardcovers, coldness
Nailea - seashells & waves, wind, nail polish, satin
Zale - wine, leather, the woods, an old house
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vixtionary · 1 year
When was the last time Swain has cried? Like, a genuine cry.
THE ROOM WAS FILLED with a heavy smell of wax. The arrangement of tall candles on the bureau resembled a crumbling castle, with drips staining a pathway to the room's entrance. Soot had seeped into the fabrics, staining scattered papers & hanged coats alike. There was stuff on the floor. A helping of medication upon a silver serving tray, cleaning supplies and a half empty glass of water; fresh bandages in the case of emergency leaking and a few scraps of stained ones from his nightly change. Folded neatly on a nearby stool; a change of clean clothes, iron-pressed yet soiled with the stench.
Everything was painted with warm candlelight; down to every nook & cranny of his bookshelves, where novels and maps alike collected dust. The window towering over his bed, his only passageway into the outside world ever since his return from the First Lands, confessed that it was a dreary night outside. But even Prime's stench felt liberating from the dread that had settled in his bedroom.
Thick lashes fluttered between each languid blink. His chest heaved slowly under the bandages. A dent in the mattress would confess his rigidity; his perpetual struggle to avoid the faintest motion lest the bandages moisten with discomforting pus. Through heavy lids, cerulean eyes fixed on the ceiling, murky with exhaustion. Disheveled hair framed a pallid mien; the light did him no favors, illuminating the darkness that pooled in his eye sockets and the smears of blushed skin that marked his pale skin. Still & silent; it was a wonder the dieners had not come to collect him yet.
Alas, he was fading into sleep. Succumbing to the fatigue, overtaken by a pleasant numbness that had his limbs feel like lead, sinking deeper into the sweat stains on his mattress. But then, a crackling sound summoned his attention to the ceiling. Trepidation forced his eyes a little wider. Pupils slipped to the corner of his vision, neck unmoving from his self-imposed prison. Through flared nostrils he rasped a strained hum when some shredded tendon complained. He stared longingly at the candle flame shooting straight from its wick. It trembled as if swayed by an unfelt breeze. Instantaneously his vision snapped to his left side; to the window.
It was shut.
Even through thick locks, the hair on his nape stood on edge. In spite of his own volition, he shivered. And so pain toiled a path up his left side, where the severed limb was still quivering with grief and infestation. He breathed through his bottom teeth, cracked lips parting. For as parched as he was, in that moment all was forgotten.
Naught remained by the blazing embers of a three eyed glare, observing his struggle quietly from the windowsill.
The candlelight's reflection was wasted on its glossy plummage. It seemed to blend perfectly into the dim moonlight outside, instead. Its head tilted abruptly, like an erratic puppet in the hands of a clumsy pupeteer. They locked eyes for a good minute, in a pregnant pause. Jericho's jaw clenched. In a desperate attempt to escape the inevitable, he shut his eyes tightly. But the all encompassing darkness was twice as unnerving. A final, desperate glance at the candles, and he turned towards it once more.
Still there, oogling him from the windowsill. But this time he decided to stare back. And the longer he examined its peculiar features, the more curiosity eased him into the tension. Through the wood, he could hear the scratch of its talons. It had burrowed in the walls. Suddenly, he identified the sound that kept him awake at nights; a sudden pitter-patter, like rats crawled under the boards and were scratching their way out. A steadying breath was drawn, then.
What is it that you want? His eyes confessed the thought a dry mouth daren't vocalize. He had almost found solace in the stillness of the scene, despite the company. Maybe he could even attempt to fall asleep, to ignore its scalding glare...
Tap! Tap!
His chest jumped; a cuss slipped through clenched teeth. The bird's beak was now mere inches away from his face, separated only by glass. And suddenly, that felt like a weak boundary. Whilst looking at its innate weapon, the sharpness of its tip, the thought was planted into his head that it could, at any given moment, break through to finish what they had started back when he was lying in soil, immobilized much like he was now.
To steal his eyes.
It just kept tapping! The boards roared as if the estate itself gasped in its presence. He could feel his heart in his mouth, a sudden wave of heat washing over him much as waters would once lick his toes, burrowed in pearly Ionian beach sand. What solace could he seek in memories now? Desperately, he sought to inch away from the window. Each beat gained was a pang to his nerves. And yet, he could not pull his gaze away from that thing; mocking him with its unyielding glare, demanding to invade him incessantly!
"...Stop." Lips parted to rasp drowsily. He begun to quiver amidst efforts to roll on his right side in anguish. To escape its glare. What was it looking for? What did it know? The ghost of his insolence advised him to try and banish it, but his legs, albeit their atrophied state, were begging for a chance to relieve him of his fate. And he bit down on his own terror to roll over to his side; with a finalizing groan.
His vision blurred with the pain. He sought comfort in the light, protection. There were no more choices, and nowhere to go. He was to be lying flat for the rest of his eternity, idly staring at the ceiling in defeat all whilst the despicable entity haunted him & wore him down gradually, stealing a peck of flesh every night until he was reduced to a rotting shell of his former self. It was over. This was death.
His palm clutched the sheets bundled up at the edge of the bed as he wept. Folded over, a desolate cry was released from burning lungs, crumbling under the weight of this realization. Utterly helpless before his own mortality. This was his punishment, for daring to dream. For daring to put his mundane ideals on a pedestal. The Gods would be laughing at him now, as they watched that wretched creature they had sent to scorn him tear him apart night by night. The physical pain urged his body to convulse; but it was incomparable to that of his realization.
"Stop, please..." He mewled, weakly. "Please, just take me, please..." Words buried into the mattress. He pressed his face into it hoping to drown the incessant sobs, barely hanging onto the furniture as it were. A leg slipped from the bed's edge and his toes barely brushed over the carpet beneath. He could feel the cracking of his own bones grinding together at their joint, albeit the brace's efforts to keep his knee in place. No, he had to get up. He had to get away from that thing. The sheets were now soaked.
Through blurred vision he spotted a splash of red at the doorway. Adorning the badge of a recent promotion & lowering his cowl; a familiar face. A lifeline. Marcus.
"What in the Wolf's name are you doing?" The approach left him with little reaction time. He barely managed to contain a wave of snivelling. It still poured from the corners of his mouth like the cries of a motherless cub. Only after he had felt a warm grip on his ravaged shoulder did it register that the thuds he had heard were his old friend's footfalls. Hurriedly, an arm was looped under his injury and another came to support his back. Hair strands fell on his own wet cheek and curtained his expression away from the other's sight. Which Jericho further sought to ensure by inching closer to the best of his ability. The tears only kept coming, however.
"Come. Come here." He clutched onto the comforting warmth, nose pressed into the beating of Marcus' pulse. A rattling breath signaled his melting into the embrace until his weight would fall idly, cumbersome in the General's arms. Every inch of tortured flesh revolted against the act, yet Marcus continued to settle his body back in the bed, undeterred by the wailing cries so close to his ear. "There we go." Jericho felt him kneel by his bedside, easing him under the covers. He chased after the embrace a moment longer, before releasing him in favor of covering his eyes. Instinctively, his left arm moved to follow and a dozen pinheads fired up the severed nerves. Jericho grunted, lying flat on his back.
"Are you running a fever again? I will call Claude." He felt Marcus' palm press to his own forehead, albeit incapable of deciphering whether it felt cold or not, in that moment. It was almost as if the mention of his housekeeper brought his consciousness back to the room. He did his best to sober up.
"No. It is alright." Jericho muttered back weakly, his eyes worriedly darting to the window. Nothing other than the glimmer of dying firepits in the sleeping capital awaited beyond the glass. "Don't call him." He sniffled. Witholding the unease in his own expression, General Du Couteau pulled a nearby stool closer, disregarding the clutter raked between its wooden legs. His spirits seemed to rekindle with practiced ease; it would not be their first time in this predicament, as the dark circles mirrored under Marcus' own eyes would confess. His frequent visits to the shattered veteran were starting to take an apparent toll on him as well.
"Well, in that case, I have some news that might cheer you up." He smiled a coy smile. "You would never guess what trouble Granth landed himself in. I will only tell you this; Boram even stood from his chair to scold him."
The assassin chuckled, yet Jericho only nodded through fading sobs. His palm was quick to wipe the remnants of his grief from his cheeks. Some quiet appreciation was instilled in his attempt at a smirk. Marcus knew him too well to focus on the incident longer than need be. Instead, he continued undisturbed in narrating stories of a bygone life and Jericho watched him through wet eyes, tracking his hand gestures.
Tear stains illuminated under candle light, he could feel that faintest breeze as a caress upon his cheek. His gaze lost focus & sunk somewhere in the distance. Marcus' words blended into a seamless blur; and Jericho's thoughts wandered to the things he could not speak. Albeit their many talks of ravens, he had seen the shift in Marcus' look when he started to ramble a bit too long about it. His old friend would never admit it to Jericho's face. But that taste of disappointment, of worry, it could not be disguised. Not between the two of them. Albeit his good faith in the man, Marcus thought him as demented as the others.
It would have to remain a secret. Jericho's deepest secret yet.
"I am feeling rather tired." He cleared his sore throat.
"Oh." The curt statement earned a ginger brow's twitch. Momentarily, bewilderment crossed Marcus' features. He leaned back in his seat, seeming unsure. Reluctantly, Jericho's tired gaze would withdraw to his left, traversing over the bandages to inspect for leaks. This scenery had become such a habit that he could almost predict Marcus' offer to help him switch them out. Only this time, Jericho cut in first.
"Thank you for your visit." He said, solemnly, concealing the moist feel that had begun to creep down his sides — at least, the parts of them that could still sense it, at the time. His palm rested flat on top of the covers, awaiting the expected response. And it was delayed; processed, yet respected.
"I could stay, if you would like. I have nowhere to be before sunrise."
"No, that is alright. Thank you."
"As you wish." After some reluctance, and ensuring the duvet was properly in place, Marcus made to leave. "He reached on the table to retrieve the small bell used to summon the housekeeping staff and placed it by Jericho's bedside instead with a disapproving head shake. Gently, he would push some wet, dark strands away from Jericho's face, albeit the latter not sparing him another look. Instead, he was pensively gazing out the window, even as Marcus made to leave.
The General halted, turned on heel.
"Before you go, could you blow out the candles?"
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
1, 5, and 16 for the dca ask game! :D
HAHA HI! Thank you sm for asking :3
1. How did you get here?
     Through fanfiction mostly. Had sb on my tiktok fyp basically the second it came out and the dca content people made just took my attention. Though I have watched people play through the game on live streams and first learned of the dca's existence through that. The early sb fandom was full of theories on the goobers, since they were new and something people have never seen before in fnaf, people went ham with theories and I was happy to be there to join them on that ride. I remember I read a dca fic I really liked before the end of december 2021, unfortunately at the time the author already discontinued it, but it was very well written, I think Moon was distracting Chica by having a cook off with her so Gregory could get the Vanny virus out of her? Don't remember the specifics, I'd have to dig to find it. There may have been more to it, but it was so long ago I can't remember kdnfnfn
5. If you make content, what's your favorite piece you've contributed?
     I guess you could say I make content, yeah. I'm more confident in my writing, so that's what I'll go with. My favorite? Weeeell as of now? Probably the first one-shot I wrote of tsams Ruin Eclipse 'New year new me (or is it really?), I like that one a lot and it was so much fun to write as well as get a grasp on the characters. But if we're talking purely dca? I'm gonna be very specific on this, but currently, it's the 1st chapter of 'Found your house up in flame'.
16. What's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
      Something I'd like to see more of huh? Well that's a tough one... mmm I guess that would be more ask blogs maybe? Those are always fun. Getting to know the character through 4th wall break interactions, while also feeling like you yourself have become a part of the story by being an anon who's ask has been answered. Though, I get that ask blogs need proper engagement from their audience's side so not everyone can make and run one. I'm mostly drawing this from Shandzii's ask Sun and Moon series, loved that. Ofc there are more, like no duh there are, au ask blogs are fun as well, like... the dcandyland blog, the sheer amount of content on that blog is astounding to me, but people are engaging and gchocolate is creating a story currently shrouded in mystery.
      What else... well, I'm always a fan of unique takes on the dca while taking something from canon and expanding on it to explain it or make it even more of a part of the story. Such as there literally being other pizzaplexes in the fnaf universe, or the dca originally being an actor/performer in the theater, the handprints on the dca's back, Moon just spawning out of nowhere and causing chaos and so on!
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🎉🎉🎉Congrats bestie on your followers!!! Any ideas for your celebration? because you should do a fall themed one
Thank you so much Chia! 🤗 And yes I had a few ideas! I made a little post for it and there's a fall ask game on there! I also did book recs, fic recs, drabbles, ask games, and a little "find you a song" thing. I'm quite happy with it!
I would've liked to do more fall themed stuff 🤔 Maybe next time! Thank you Chia! I'll do something more seasonal if I do another celebration 🤗
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