#thank you so much podracerbarrelroll
zeroducks-2 · 2 years
Brujay if you haven't gotten this already
Oh god Brujay. Alright so. Not long ago I would have said that I didn't ship it, and in fact it touched a squick of mine, BUT things have changed and so now - somehow -
I ship it
What made you ship it? As I mentioned this touched one of my squicks which is parental incest, but then from a squick it slowly morphed into a "soft no", and now I can work around it sometimes (it depends from ship to ship basically). Maybe I could say that what made me ship it was me working to broaden my kink repertoire lol.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The one thing I know for sure is that I love the river of angst and the Torrid Toxic Vibes™. Jason wants his father back, but will never have it cause Bruce will never kill Joker. Bruce wants his son back, but will never have it because that person is dead, and he's unable to cope with who Jason has become after his resurrection. They're two fundamentally different people from what both of them want/need from the other, and the idea that they might fuck nasty about it is too juicy and deliciously toxic to pass up.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship I don't really know if this is an unpopular opinion, but same as with Brudick, for the ship to work with me it has to be toxic and rooted in the fact that these two are Not Okay. Bruce took Jason in, raised him, mourned him like a father who's lost a son, and having sex with him is not on the spectrum of sane things he could do to patch up their relationship. I also maintain that it would be in Jason's best interest if he just let Bruce go and put as much emotional distance from him as possible (and maybe also physical distance); having sex with the man is like, the Most Unhealthy Thing my boy can do. But again I like the ship cause it's unhealthy, so. Yeah.
Ask game found here! Go grab it folks!
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