#thank you t.j. hill for my life
fictionvssleep · 3 years
Calamity Trio Motifs
I really appreciate this compilation of the calamity trio’s themes- now I can finally recognize everyone’s motifs! (The better to have some heartbreak if, say, Marcy’s theme plays while Anne finally comes clean with her parents about what happened those last few moments in Amphibia and has to deal with it, or some other aching juxtaposition). And I (whoops!) have a bunch of thoughts on the possible implications of the composition choices in each.
Each of the girls’ themes is pretty simple: a short series of notes that hangs around 1 in the scale (as in do in “do re mi,” 1-2-3, etc.) and moves around stepwise or in (usually) small leaps. This means that they should be pretty straightforward to mash up at exciting moments in the show where they’re all together, like when they battled the volcakeno hornets in The Dinner. 
Sasha has two themes: the first is an ominous, calm, and quiet series of two alternate chords: a minor 1 and a diminished 7 (super discordant), while the melody just moves stepwise between 1, 2, and 3, played on something like a celeste. It gives a feeling of subtle and contained but sinister cunning. This plays when she’s plotting or being manipulative. It doesn’t go anywhere, it just loops around without changing or growing, like how for so long she’s stuck in her habits of always being in control and using other people to get what she wants.
Her second theme is Heartstomper. As it appears in Battle of the Bands and its full version (on Spotify and YT, definitely check out if you haven’t!), it’s an upbeat “I am” song where Sasha playfully casts herself as a regret-free villain (I think? I’m sure there are different interpretations of how self-aware she is here- it’s entirely possible she doesn’t see anything wrong with being a “heartstomper”). This is an interesting contrast to how she seems to see herself, or wants to be seen: until Anne starts standing up to her, there’s not really any sign that she thinks she’s in the wrong. It’s also surprisingly complex and aggressively major key, including chords that aren’t naturally major when 1 is major too- we have M1, M4, M1; M1, M6, M5; M7b, M6, M1; M1, M5, m3 (where M indicates a major chord rooted in the scale’s 1st, 2nd, etc. note, and m means a minor chord). An instrumental version of this theme feels heroic and determined and plays when she protects others or during feats of strength (think: beating the end of the third temple & baby Sasha standing up for baby Anne and Marcy). Biggest interval leap: 1 to 5. One thing I really like is that each phrase ascends: it ends at a higher note than it begins. This could symbolize how Sasha wants to improve, to be better for the people around her.
Marcy’s theme is most recognizable and I believe longest during the compilations of her being clumsy/oblivious back home (from Marcy at the Gates & First Temple). Its phrases always descend: they end on a lower note than they begin. Again, could be reading way too much into this, but it could be foreshadowing that even though Marcy seems to be doing well and is on top of everything, there’s a darkness beneath and an incoming or past fall. It initially is upbeat and synth-y after her love of video games, but its variations include epic sweeping orchestral (season 2B trailer) and melancholy (when her secret is finally revealed in True Colors). It’s also arguably the most complex: the other girls’ instrumental themes really keep to the 1 or 1-4-5-6 in terms of chords, but Marcy’s goes through M4 M3 m6 M5 (with a M2 in the jazzy extension ! wow ! also, o shit there’s no M1, so the theme doesn’t ever go to to the root, like Marcy doesn’t want to go home, or the other two have a sense of who they are and she doesn’t ???  yeesh). It also has one of the highest interval leaps, a 6, between the first two notes.
Anne also has two main themes: the first is most recognizably in the end credits themes. The melody starts at the root (1), leaps up to 4, descends stepwise back to 1, leaps up to 5, comes back down to 1, leaps up to 3, back down, and circles around the 1. Her notes jump up but always return where they came- there’s adaptability, but also stability. The lower countermelody ascends when the upper melody descends, balancing it out- maybe like how the Plantars and Wartwood community support Anne in her times of need? Anne meets all the challenges that come her way, and she grows, but she doesn’t lose herself. This theme comes up at moments of connection, rising up to a challenge, and learning and growth.
Her other theme is arguably No Big Deal. It’s first introduced in Battle of the Bands as an upbeat, joyful declaration that even in a wild and completely unforeseeable situation, she’s doing all right and can manage: she’s coming into her own, she’s comfortable in her own skin. She’s back with her friends, she’s been able to deal with everything that’s been thrown at her, and her adventure is almost done. Unlike all of the other themes, in which notes mostly ascend or descend by one step, this one bounces all the way from 1 to 8 (a full octave) to 5 and back. These perfect fifth leaps are used in instances like the Star Wars and Star Trek opening themes to convey grand, epic, sweeping emotions, strength, fearlessness, and optimism. 
No Big Deal has an instrumental reprise in True Colors as Anne’s Power. When Andrias drops Sprig, Anne is confronted with the fact that on this big, epic adventure, she’s dealing with formidable evil and unacceptable loss.  The instrumental adaptation of the verse is in minor key, but the chorus is unchanged from major for some major-key-on-top-of-tragedy bittersweetness. 
At least in the versions I checked the chords on, both Anne’s and Marcy’s themes are in Bb major, while Sasha’s ominous theme is in Bb minor and goes up into D major for the Heartstomper instrumental. hmmmmm (edit: @nonexistent-ever has pointed out that everyone’s themes do appear in a bunch of different keys! so maybe this is less of a thing)
That’s all I’ve got for now, and I can’t wait to rewatch episodes and have these motifs smack me in the face with emotions!
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lqtraintracks · 3 years
hey!! do you have any good queer books recs? (preferably mlm or transmasc but anything will do!!)
Oh my yes, but a) I'm lazy and I'm not going to link them here, and b) everybody's tastes are wildly different and what I may love you might hate and such. With that in mind:
Less by Andrew Sean Greer (my actual heart! I cried tears of joy at the end. It won the Pulitzer in 2018, is beautifully written, often hilarious, gorgeously touching; I've read it three times).
Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman (obviously a lot of readers consider this somewhat problematic since Elio is 17, although that's above the age of consent in Italy, which is where the novel is set; that aside, this is utterly gorgeous, heart-rending, stunning).
*also by Aciman, I highly recommend Enigma Variations for being bisexual af.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas is YA and transmasc, and though I haven't yet read it myself, I've heard excellent things.
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin is classic queer lit by a queer Black man who is arguably one of the best to ever sit down and write.
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara will rip your heart out, throw it on the ground, set fire to it, and then stomp that fire out with a steel-toed boot. That said, it's also beautiful. (Lots of trigger warnings for the content in here, so go in knowing that or feel free to spoil yourself if need be.)
Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston is a contemporary m/m romance that I liked very much. Others loved it more than I did, so I'm including it here because I think I'm the weirdo who had less strong feelings about it.
The Captive Prince trilogy by C.S. Pacat. Listen. These books are the hill that I will die on. That said, it's not for everyone. There is sexual slavery, for instance. There is off-screen sexual abusive of children (which is dealt with thematically and in the plot, but it's there). It's hardcore enemies-to-lovers with a slow fucking burn. I read this series once a year. I ship Damen x Laurent with all my being. I want to live in it.
Dark Rise is the first book in a new YA series by C.S. Pacat, and I highly recommend this one too! Nobody does enemies-to-lovers like them. I was on the edge of my seat.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune is absolutely lovely and will fill your heart with feelings.
The Last Herald-Mage trilogy by Mercedes Lackey, old school fantasy series with a queer male lead who I would fucking die for.
Honorable Mentions:
Carry On (and its sequels) by Rainbow Rowell
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee
Anything by Yoon Ha Lee or Becky Chambers
Even though you're asking for mlm and transmasc, I would be remiss in not throwing in The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. Gideon is just such a badass very butch lesbian. I feel like any lover of queer fiction will fall for her.
I'll stop there! I hope this list finds you well and happy and ready for the new year! Thanks for the ask! I looooove queer books!
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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It’s been just a little over a year since “Liberty Biberty” became a part of our cultural vernacular, but that’s when Tanner Novlan garnered national attention as the tongue-tied, clueless, narcissistic actor in Liberty Mutual’s line of popular commercials. “I had seen the series they were doing of Liberty Mutual commercials in front of the Statue of Liberty,” Novlan relays. “And yes, people do come up to me all the time and say, ‘Liberty Biberty.’ It’s so fun that everyone can relate to that obnoxious actor. He was so much fun to play. When you get BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL, you’re like, ‘Wow, this is a career-changer,’ but for a funny little commercial like that, you never think [like that].”
Novlan auditioned for B&B in March and landed the part but couldn’t start, or even talk about it, until the soap began production over four months later due to the coronavirus pandemic. “I don’t know their old way of filming, so this is my new normal,” the actor relays. “Being the first production in North America to be back, it was amazing. It’s like, ‘This really is the new normal.’ It’s been such a unique process but it’s been amazing how all the producers have come together to figure this out and put forth these groundbreaking guidelines, making things safe and efficient and being able to work around all of this and keep everything alive. They’ve come up with some really creative ways of making shots work, but also feeling natural. Yes, we have to socially distance. We always are wearing our masks so we’re very cautious in that manner, but when you get into the scene and you’re reading opposite Jacqui [MacInnes Wood, Steffy], even if she is off camera, the connection is there, and I think it comes through.”
Novlan is thankful that he had some inside knowledge of how things worked at B&B, since he’s the real-life husband of B&B alum Kayla Ewell (ex-Caitlin). “It’s so perfect to have someone who has already been a part of the family to walk me through this,” he says. “She’s great for advice, and not just on work stuff. She gives me advice all the time on life. Listen to your wife. It’s always a good idea [laughs]. But with this team, I feel like I can ask any questions, and everyone was welcoming and straightforward.” Novlan and Ewell’s real-life love story sounds like it could be part of a soap, too. “It was technically kind of a setup because we both starred in this music video for an Australian band [circa 2009],” he relays. “The band is called Sick Puppies. It was one of their first hit North American releases. The name of the song was called ‘Maybe’ [which can currently be viewed on YouTube]. So, that’s how we met, on this music video at 3:30 in the morn- ing in the high desert [of California], which is where I met the woman of my dreams. We were very professional on set, but there was definitely something special about her — and I held her sunglasses for ransom. We were shooting outdoors and locations were changing and the makeup lady accidentally took our sunglasses home with her. The next day she called and said, ‘I have your sunglasses.’ I went and picked them up. I saw hers sitting there and thought, ‘I’ll give these to Kayla,’ so I snagged them and I said to her, ‘Lunch and your sunglasses?’ Luckily she took the lunch, probably just to get her sunglasses back.”
The rest was history, and the duo has worked to navigate the demands of their chosen profession. “The job sometimes involves distance and being away from one another, and there is also the time away that certain projects can require,” he points out. “It can be difficult sometimes but the trick is, we try very hard to make sure our schedules coordinate so we can be with each other. We have a two- to three-week rule where if one of us is away working for that long, you have to fly out and see the other. It’s almost like a must. And with our new baby, Poppy, we’ll definitely make sure that’s the case. But that’s the beauty of a having a great job like B&B. Luckily, I’m here. I’m local in L.A.” Novlan’s mom, a B&B super-fan, couldn’t be more thrilled about her son’s new gig. “My hometown has 500 people in it,” he explains. “I come from a very small farming community so even just coming home was a shock to her, but she’s cool. Kayla is so down-to-earth that none of that mattered. But believe me, my mother is chomping at the bit to come and visit the set of B&B as soon as COVID [passes]. That may be the real challenge, like, ‘Mom, you can’t wander onto the set. You’ve got to stay over here.’ That’s going to be a great day when it happens.”
Novlan credits his mother’s influence for getting him from Saskatchewan to Hollywood. “My mother was originally from Sacramento so I always thought it would be great to come and work in the U.S.,” he explains. “I started doing some print work in Canada so that’s how I originally came down, but I fell in love with acting as my immigration papers were being processed. I went to acting class here but I never could I have imagined having a career in film. But when I came down here and got a taste of it I was, like, ‘Wow. I’m hooked. This is it.’ ” But he admits he had no idea what he was in for. “My first job was a commercial for T.J. Maxx, back to school,” he recalls. “It was the first audition that I had ever been on and I got it and I thought, ‘Well, this is easy!’ I quickly learned there’s a lot of training that goes into it. So, I came here quite green but over the years, I’ve been able to call it a career.”
Over the next decade-plus, Novlan landed high-profile roles in MODERN FAMILY, ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, the TV rom-com MY BEST FRIEND’S CHRISTMAS and the upcoming PUCKHEADS. 
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He’s up for a ROSWELL comeback, schedule permitting. “There could be a chance that we might see Gregory again,” he notes of playing the caring brother of series regular Tyler Blackburn (Alex; ex-Ian, DAYS et al). “I know ROSWELL has been picked up for a season 3, and the character has been pretty well-received from the fans, as well, which is always amazing and such an honor. You never know. It was a great experience, but right now, everything is about B&B. Even with COVID, we’re finding a really nice groove with maintaining safety while keeping that classic B&B look. It’s been pretty smooth, I’ve got to say. How lucky am I?”
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“Sinn” City
B&B fans have dubbed Steffy and Finn “Sinn”, which is just fine by Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy). “I told him this character is his own,” she says. “He’s not a recast, so I told him, ‘Make it your own and have fun with it. Even though we are eight feet away from each other in scenes, feel free to play with me. Let’s connect as much as we can in these scenes.’ He’s been great. He’s been absolutely wonderful on set and taking direction very well — and he’s a fellow Canadian so, of course, we hit it off immediately. He’s a really sweet guy and he can keep up with our pace. I think the fans will really like him.”
Just The Facts
Birthday: April 9 Hails
From: Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan, Canada
My Girls: Married to Kayla Ewell (ex-Caitlin, B&B) since September 12, 2015. They welcomed daughter Poppy Marie on July 16, 2019.
What The Puck? “I grew up playing hockey, and I like to play hockey once a week with a group of actors. We have these really intense games.”
All The Right Steff: “It’s time that Steffy meets a man with a new set of values, and a new version of what passion and love can bring. She just had her daughter and I think she’s ready. Finn seems to have her best interests in mind, and I think that’s a good thing for Steffy.”
Finn In A Nutshell: “Helping people is in his nature but he can get a little too involved, and that can also get him into trouble.”
Grandma’s Boy: “My grandmother is in Canada in a nursing home and the last FaceTime I got was from my mom asking me to help set up grandma’s DVR. They’re very excited about this, and it’s nice to know that my grandma gets to see me every day — and, she’s super-proud that I’m a doctor!”
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fch7 · 5 years
ARTIST ASSIGNED TO HILL BOY MUSIC INC. TM THE BROTHERS IN CHRIST, NATCHEZ, MS.(601) 870-4455 Prayer Will See You Through MICHAEL CARTER & THE 2ND GENERATION, MONROE LA.(318)538-9363 Life TONY VICKS, TALLAHASSEE, FL. (850)778-0899 On The Battlefield LEE STARLING CANTON, MS. (601)667-596 Holy Wind, Thank You, Always, Happy Birthday Jesus PASTOR JULIUS E. LOVE GADSDEN, AL (256)492-7426 He Will Provide MINISTER DAVID GONZALEZ CHICAGO, IL(773)344-7775 Deliver Me THE GOSPEL COMFORTERS CHICAGO, IL(773)577-7824 Preaching To The Bones SAUL CRANE a/k/a KING SAUL MEMPHIS, TN (901)921-5720 You Touching Me THANKS TO: God Almighty, Charles(Smurf) Veal Jr. Quadrenza, Veal, Tony 'T'. Turner, and Sammie ('Peanut') Anderson for helping me get my start in the music industry. Also The Community Male Chorus, Elder Bounds, T.J. Jordan, Robert (POP) Veal of the Sensational Veal Brothers, Three Time Dove Award Nominee Michael Carter. Amps Radio, Amps Magazine, God's Vision Out Reach of Indianapolis, Indiana, Mom Essie Veal, The Jackson Family, and The Miles Family. This has been a test of time, and I thank god for this opportunity to help those in need of a little help. MY SPECIAL SUPPORTERS: Mrs. Betty Stevens, Mr. William (Bill) Adams, Bro. Jackie Molder, Mary Collins, and Tony Sharper of Sharp/Sharper Brothers Records. A special thanks to my Nephew Charles(Troop) Beverly for believing in me. All Artist that are assigned to the Hill Boy Music Label, are l...
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afishionado1-blog · 6 years
Fishing Tournaments
New Post has been published on https://www.afishionado.com/fishing-tournaments/
Fishing Tournaments
Tournament anglers looking for an intensely competitive guide to put them in the winner’s circle call upon Osborne. He knows that preparation, determination and the will to win defines tournament champions.
FSMS Fishing Tournament – August 19, 2016
On August 19, I had the privilege to help organize for the second time, the 61st Annual Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Fishing Tournament.
First place snook went to Dean Cole, 32.5″. First place redfish went to Joe Shatto, 34″. Dean and Joe fished with me aboard Afishionado.
TAMCO Foundation Fishing Tournament – April 20, 2012
First Place Inshore Slam, Wounded Warrior Division
Austin Burchard caught this trout early last Friday during the TAMCO Foundation 2012 Grand Slam Fishing Tournament and went on to catch a snook and redfish to win the Wounded Warrior Grand Slam division.
I always enjoy fishing with active and retired military personnel, but I especially value the time I get to spend with our country’s wounded warriors. These individuals are true heroes and have sacrificed so much so we can have the freedoms afforded us today.
Freedom is not free! Austin suffered a spinal cord injury due to a sniper’s bullet while serving in Afghanistan. And though he has lost the use of his legs, he hasn’t lost his lust for life and fishing. With a little help from tournament volunteers and Austin’s wife Donna, we positioned Austin in his wheelchair on the aft deck of my spacious Sheaffer Boat and headed out for a day of fishing.
My first stop was an area I never fish, but since it was on my way and looked like a good place for trout, I dropped anchor. Many times we pass right by fishy spots to go to the tried and true, but next time you may want to stop. The very first cast Austin made, landed him a trout over 20 inches. With the trout out of the way, we moved on to pursue snook and redfish.
As fishing goes, sometimes we hit a lull. For the next couple of hours we didn’t catch much, but I had no worries. I knew that when the tide was high enough, we could go to an oyster bed across the bay and finish our grand slam.
Once we arrived at the oyster bed, I began chumming with live bait and Austin cast to the edge of the oysters and a snook responded. Austin reeled in a 25-inch snook, not huge, but it was another piece of the puzzle and it added to our total inch count. Now all we needed was a redfish.
Knowing redfish frequent this oyster bed as well, I started live bait chumming even more. Austin’s next couple of cast landed him more snook and then, bam, redfish on! Keep in mind, I’m anchored from the bow and Austin has to fight the fish around my boats motor and trim tabs, so until I had the fish in the landing net there was no celebration. Once we landed the fish, photographed and released it, we stuck around and enjoyed a couple of hours of catching snook and redfish so everyone else on board could catch a grand slam.
The weigh-in cut off was at 4 p.m., so we headed back to tournament headquarters and with 30 minutes to spare, I turned in the photos and waited for the results. Out of 74 boats participating in the tournament Austin Burchard won the Wounded Warrior Grand Slam division. It was an honor for me to be recognized as Austin’s winning captain, however, he deserves all of the recognition for being a true American Hero.
SEEA Tournament Fishing Tournament – March 11, 2010
Second Place on largest and most fish caught.
Hi Wade,
I wanted to tell you thanks for the great day on Thursday. Both Ed and I had a great time.
We did not win the prize – two boats beat us. One had 15 fish and one had two redfish bigger than my trout. I think they were 28 inches and weight was 7.5 and 8 lbs. Doesn’t matter, we had a blast. If it is any consolation, we were second on most and on biggest. Some boats did not even catch a fish.
Thanks again for a great day. Next time I am in Tampa and I need a good boat, I will be calling.
Jack Moeding
Hooked On Education Fishing Tournament – April 18, 2008
Morganti Group’s, Gerrie Bolink takes second place in the snook division aboard Afishionado.
Hooked on Education Fishing Tournament – June 23, 2006
Third Place Trout
John Tortorella Celebrity Fishing Tournament – September 1, 2005
3rd place redfish, Celebrity Division, Nolan Pratt-Tampa Bay Lightning
The Fishing Challenge TV Show – July 28, 2004
2nd place, 181 points out of 12 competing captains.
Charles Head-Orcas Marine Products
Gordon Peters-Orcas Marine Products
5th Annual Tampa Bay Builders Association Fishing Tournament – May 14, 2004
1st place most inches of trout, Steve Brady-Suarez Housing
Chuck LaMar’s Mercury Grand Slam Celebrity Fishing Tournament – November 12, 2000
Largest spotted sea-trout, Celebrity Division, Von Hayes-Philadelphia Phillies
3rd Annual CREW Tampa Bay Go Fish Tournament – November 5, 1999
1st and 3rd place, spotted sea-trout
Corporate Tournament – December 11, 2014
Largest Fish, Most Fish
Saints Get Hooked Tournament – June 8, 2013
Inshore Slam, Largest Fish
Kevin Cool and Team Fish Slaying Motards display their tournament winning medals for the Grand Slam and longest overall fish divisions.
Trey Curry Foundation Fishing Tournament – November 5, 2010
First Place, Inshore Slam
I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone that endured the uncomfortable conditions last Friday. I appreciate you guys being troopers and getting the job done. There were a lot of fish caught and congrats go out to Wade, T.J. and Woody for finishing with the top three slams. Wade had the biggest snook, C.A. had the biggest redfish, and Billy had the biggest trout.
Thanks again, take care and tight lines.
Ric, Trey Curry Foundation Tournament Organizer
Clark Cares Fishing Tournament – September 23, 2010
First Place Trout
Virginia angler catches the largest sea trout to take the first place trophy on tournament day.
Corporate Fishing Tournament – November 14, 2009
First and second place redfish.
What’s up wade?
I wanted to say thanks for the great experience on Saturday! My red came in first place and Jordan’s came in second so we were pretty siked about that. I was just wondering if you could send me some of the pics when you get a chance. Hope to hear from you soon. I’ll let the boss man know how much fun we had, so hopefully we can get a repeat.
“Weigh Too Much Fun” Kingfish Tournament – November 18, 2007
Second Place
Michael Lins shows off his second place kingfish.
1st Annual Skanska USA Building Fishing Tournament – September 30, 2005
3rd place redfish, Denise Muth-Skanska USA
FSECC 6th Annual Charity Fishing Tournament – April 29, 2005
Most redfish, James Stevens-Parsons Brinckerhoff
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union – October 29, 2004
Largest trout, Ben Sheaffer-Sheaffer Boats
Largest redfish, Douglas Frayne-Sheaffer Boats
Most species, Sean Coniglio-Hill, Coniglio, Polins & Associates
3rd Annual Tampa Chamber of Commerce Fishing Classic – October 15, 2004
1st place largest redfish, Roger Lavender-Alltel
2nd place redfish, Danny McGuire-Alltel
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
Jeffrey Tambor's Transparent Announcement and More Shocking TV Exits
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/jeffrey-tambors-transparent-announcement-and-more-shocking-tv-exits/
Jeffrey Tambor's Transparent Announcement and More Shocking TV Exits
Transparent without the trans parent? Looks like it might happen. Jeffrey Tambor, who has come under fire with allegations of sexual harassment on set of the Amazon series, announced he does not see a way he can remain on the series.
“Playing Maura Pfefferman on Transparent has been one of the greatest privileges and creative experiences of my life. What has become clear over the past weeks, however, is that this is no longer the job I signed up for four years ago,” Tambor said in a statement on Sunday, Nov. 19. “I’ve already made clear my deep regret if any action of mine was ever misinterpreted by anyone as being aggressive, but the idea that I would deliberately harass anyone is simply and utterly untrue. Given the politicized atmosphere that seems to have afflicted our set, I don’t see how I can return to Transparent.”
Amazon had no comment, and no announcement about whether or not season five will go on as planned as been made. Trace Lysette accused Tambor of acting inappropriate on set.
“Jeffrey has made many sexual advances and comments at me, but one time it got physical,” Lysette alleged in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “My back was against the wall in a corner as Jeffrey approached me. He came in close, put his bare feet on top of mine so I could not move, leaned his body against me, and began quick, discreet thrusts back and forth against my body. I felt his penis on my hip through his thin pajamas and I pushed him off of me. Again, I laughed it off and rolled my eyes. I had a job to do and I had to do it with Jeffrey, the lead of our show.”
A former assistant also leveled claims against the actor, which he denied.
If this is indeed the end of Tambor on Transparent, it’s just the latest shocking exit in TV history. Take a look back at some other surprising exits from hit shows now.
Grace Park, Hawaii Five-0
Grace Park, who shot to fame on Battlestar Galactica, left Hawaii Five-0 ahead of its eighth season. Reports indicate she and costar Daniel Dae Kim were trying to renegotiate a higher salary to match their costars.
Daniel Dae Kim, Hawaii Five-0
Daniel Dae Kim and his costar Grace Park left the CBS drama in between seasons seven and eight. In a Facebook post, Kim said the choice to leave was difficult, and that he made himself available to come back, “CBS and I weren’t able to agree to terms on a new contract.”
Sophia Bush, Chicago PD
Season four of the NBC drama ended with Sophia Bush’s character entertaining a job offer in New York with the FBI and it sounds like she’s taking it and leaving the show. The show is called Chicago PD after all…
T.J. Miller, Silicon Valley
After four seasons on the HBO comedy, T.J. Miller is departing, calling it an “organic ending.” “Also, in a weird way, it’s interesting to me to leave a show at its height. It’s interesting to me to see how the show will grow and change with the exit of this character,” he told EW.
Erinn Hayes, Kevin Can Wait
After just one season on the CBS comedy, there’s a shakeup afoot. Erinn Hayes, who played wife to Kevin James, will leave as part of a creative shakeup. However, from the sounds of her tweet, it wasn’t a mutual decision. “True, I’ve been let go from the show. Very sad, I had a great experience season 1,” Hayes said on Twitter. “Thank you for all the support from our wonderful fans.”
Jennifer Morrison, Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan is leaving Storybrooke. Jennifer Morrison announced she will leave the Once Upon a Time should it return for a seventh season. She will appear in one episode of season seven should ABC renew it.
Connie Britton, Nashville
Y’all heard the rumors about a Connie Britton‘s potential exit from the series once it was revived by CMT, but Britton herself downplayed them…for a time. Britton’s character Rayna died from injuries sustained in a car accident. She took to Instagram to pay tribute to the character and the show after the episode aired. “It has been an honor to be a part of that creation. And as I know she would want it, the show must, and will go on. Long live Rayna Jaymes,” she wrote.
Stana Katic, Castle
Castle without Beckett? You better believe it. After eight seasons of solving crimes and falling in love, Stana Katic was let go from the long-running series by ABC (along with her co-star Tamala Jones) prior to a potential season nine renewal, leaving Nathan Fillion‘s Castle to handle things on his own, should the series return. Following the surprising announcement, Katic released a statement to E! News, saying, “Rather than distract from what was an amazing experience I would just like to say that I’m very grateful to ABC for giving me the opportunity to be a part of a much beloved show. Thank you to the fans.”
Tina Rowden/FOX
Nicole Beharie, Sleepy Hollow
Yes, it’s for real: Sleepy Hollow star Nicole Beharie confirmed following the show’s season three finale that her character, Abbie Mills, was really dead. As in not supernaturally coming back somehow should the show be renewed for a fourth season.
Michael Weatherly, NCIS
After 13 years with the show, Michael Weatherly, who was with the series from the start, announced he would be leaving NCIS. “He is a valued part of the CBS family, and the immense charm and talent he brings to the screen as ‘Very’ Special Agent Tony DiNozzo has helped make NCIS what it is today—the No. 1 drama in the world,” CBS said in a statement. “We thank Michael for all of his contributions to this successful franchise and look forward to continuing to develop projects with him as part of our ongoing development deal.”
The CW
Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries
TVD‘s fandom was left speechless when its leading lady revealed she would be exiting the show after six seasons…and  that the show was still going on without her. Delena and Stelena fans alike were devastated. “I always knew I wanted Elena’s story to be a six season adventure, and within those six years I got the journey of a lifetime,” Nina Dobrev wrote in an open letter. “I myself made some of the best friends I’ll ever know and built an extended family I will love forever.” BRB, sobbing!
Greg Gayne/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
Kal Penn, House
What to do when you’re on one of TV’s hottest shows, but get a job at the White House? If you’re Kal Penn on House, your character commits suicide and you go work for President Obama!
Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU was about Benson and Stabler for 12 years…until Meloni left the series after tense contract negotiations. Everyone assumed things would work out and the two would continue to bust perps, but life doesn’t always work out and Benson was left Stabler-less. However, the show was reinvigorated and is now in season 17.
Cote de Pablo, NCIS
Ziva left the building on her own accord. Cote de Pablo has spoken out about leaving the hit CBS series after close to 200 episodes, saying it was a personal decision. “As far as my decision to leave, that’s a personal thing, and I’d rather leave it at that,” she said. “The idea of leaving was not something I toyed around with for a long time. It was an overwhelmingly hard thing—at times terrifying.” Her exit shocked fans, especially those who shipped her character’s relationship with Michael Weatherly‘s character.
Christopher Abbott, Girls
Marnie (Allison Williams) and Charlie (Christopher Abbott) were finally happy together…but then Abbott left the show between seasons, citing he was unable to relate to the world Lena Dunham crafted.
Paul Drinkwater/NBCU Photo Bank
Kellie Martin, ER
Whenever anybody left ER, the question came up: Why would you leave TV’s hottest show? Well, Kellie Martin, whose character Lucy Knight was a bright up and coming med student, gave several reasons for her exit, including having a personal tragedy mar her time on the series. Lucy was brutally stabbed by a patient, her death forever haunting viewers.
ABC Photo Archives/ABC via Getty Images
David Caruso, NYPD Blue
Another “Did he really just leave one of TV’s biggest shows?” moments—David Caruso left NYPD Blue after one season due to contract issues. He wanted more money. He didn’t get more money.
Michael Vartan, Alias
The official reason behind Michael Vartan‘s late exit from the spy drama remains a mystery, but rumors have swirled it was due to his break-up with co-star Jennifer Garner. (He did return for the ultimate series ending, after it was revealed his character faked his own death.) Fans were NOT happy.
Macall B. Polay / HBO
Michael Pitt, Boardwalk Empire
The HBO hit series shocked fans when Jimmy Darmody was offed in the season two finale. While there were rumors about Michael Pitt‘s on-set behavior causing issues, producers maintained that the death was a creative decision.
Shannen Doherty, Charmed and Beverly Hills, 90210
TV’s quintessential bad girl, Shannen Doherty left 90210 after four seasons amidst rumors of bad behavior. She reprised the character of Brenda Walsh for the first time in 2008 on The CW’s 90210. Doherty exited her next big show, Charmed, after three seasons with—surprise—even more rumors of behind-the-scenes drama and feuds. 90210‘s Brenda went to acting school and Charmed‘s Prue was killed off.
Vivian Zink/ABC
Katherine Heigl and T.R. Knight, Grey’s Anatomy
Katherine Heigl‘s exit was less than shocking, due to her headline-making comments over not getting enough material to warrant nominations and complaints over lying in a hospital bed for long hours due to her film schedule. T.R. Knight‘s exit was a bit more shocking, highlighting his lack of storyline and character growth in an interview with EW. Shonda Rhimes, of course, has no time for actors not wanting to be an attraction at Shondaland, so Izzy and George both scrubbed out of the ABC hit drama.
Dan Stevens, Downton Abbey
After so many ups and downs, Dan Stevens‘ Matthew Crawley finally landed the girl and had the baby…and then died. Stevens’ Downton exit riled viewers—where was the happy ending?!—and even pissed off his costar Michelle Dockery, but ultimately it did wonders for the show and Dockery’s Lady Mary.
Josh Charles, The Good Wife
Josh Charles‘ exit from The Good Wife is hands down one of TV’s best kept secrets. Yes, his death was shocking, but the fact that producers were able to keep it a secret is what really stands out. Star Julianna Margulies convinced Charles to stay with the show for 15 episodes of season five to craft a fitting exit. The powers that be explained they needed to kill him so his character wasn’t out there, always a possibility for Alicia.
Crystal Reed, Teen Wolf
After three seasons, Crystal Reed went to producers and asked to be written off the show in order to pursue other opportunities. Choosing not to give fans a heads up, the viewers were stunned when Allison died in her first love Scott’s arms in the penultimate episode of season three. “It’s an interesting thing when the actor says, ‘Hey, I want to try something new,'” boss Jeff Davis told us of actors leaving the show (Colton Haynes, Daniel Sharman and Tyler Hoechlin have all exited). “You to have to decide whether you’re going to say, ‘Can we convince you to stay?’ And as a producer, I don’t want anyone to work on the show who feels like they want to move on.”
The CW
Colton Haynes, Arrow
Unbeknownst to fans, Colton Haynes, fresh off his exit from Teen Wolf, only signed a two-year deal to play Roy, an unusual move for the studio. Arrow then shocked fans by faking his character’s death at first, only to reveal it was a cruel joke. Still, it left the door open for him to return (which he has, and will again).
ABC/Kelsey McNeal
Patrick Dempsey, Grey’s Anatomy
Mer lost her Der in an unthinkable twist. Patrick Dempsey was killed off, leaving Ellen Pompeo‘s character to move on without McDreamy. Series creator Shonda Rhimes cited a similar reason to The Good Wife for killing off the character. “The decision to have the character die the way that he did was not a difficult one in the sense of what were the options?” Rhimes said at the 2015 Summer TCA press tour. “Either Derek was going to walk out on Meredith, and leave her high and dry, and what was that going to mean? That was going to suggest that the love was not true, the thing we had said for 11 years was a lie and McDreamy wasn’t McDreamy. For me, that was untenable.”
Mischa Barton, The OC
The OC without Marissa Cooper?! The thought alone was blasphemous at the time of the Fox show’s heyday…but then it happened. Rumors about whether or not it was MischaBarton‘s decision to leave swirled for years, but Josh Schwartz has come out and said it was a mutual decision made to shake up the series.
MORE PHOTOS: Shocking TV deaths
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afishionado1-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on https://www.afishionado.com/tournaments/
Tournament anglers looking for an intensely competitive guide to put them in the winner’s circle call upon Osborne. He knows that preparation, determination and the will to win defines tournament champions.
FSMS Fishing Tournament – August 19, 2016
On August 19, I had the privilege to help organize for the second time, the 61st Annual Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Fishing Tournament.
First place snook went to Dean Cole, 32.5″. First place redfish went to Joe Shatto, 34″. Dean and Joe fished with me aboard Afishionado.
TAMCO Foundation Fishing Tournament – April 20, 2012
First Place Inshore Slam, Wounded Warrior Division
Austin Burchard caught this trout early last Friday during the TAMCO Foundation 2012 Grand Slam Fishing Tournament and went on to catch a snook and redfish to win the Wounded Warrior Grand Slam division.
I always enjoy fishing with active and retired military personnel, but I especially value the time I get to spend with our country’s wounded warriors. These individuals are true heroes and have sacrificed so much so we can have the freedoms afforded us today.
Freedom is not free! Austin suffered a spinal cord injury due to a sniper’s bullet while serving in Afghanistan. And though he has lost the use of his legs, he hasn’t lost his lust for life and fishing. With a little help from tournament volunteers and Austin’s wife Donna, we positioned Austin in his wheelchair on the aft deck of my spacious Sheaffer Boat and headed out for a day of fishing.
My first stop was an area I never fish, but since it was on my way and looked like a good place for trout, I dropped anchor. Many times we pass right by fishy spots to go to the tried and true, but next time you may want to stop. The very first cast Austin made, landed him a trout over 20 inches. With the trout out of the way, we moved on to pursue snook and redfish.
As fishing goes, sometimes we hit a lull. For the next couple of hours we didn’t catch much, but I had no worries. I knew that when the tide was high enough, we could go to an oyster bed across the bay and finish our grand slam.
Once we arrived at the oyster bed, I began chumming with live bait and Austin cast to the edge of the oysters and a snook responded. Austin reeled in a 25-inch snook, not huge, but it was another piece of the puzzle and it added to our total inch count. Now all we needed was a redfish.
Knowing redfish frequent this oyster bed as well, I started live bait chumming even more. Austin’s next couple of cast landed him more snook and then, bam, redfish on! Keep in mind, I’m anchored from the bow and Austin has to fight the fish around my boats motor and trim tabs, so until I had the fish in the landing net there was no celebration. Once we landed the fish, photographed and released it, we stuck around and enjoyed a couple of hours of catching snook and redfish so everyone else on board could catch a grand slam.
The weigh-in cut off was at 4 p.m., so we headed back to tournament headquarters and with 30 minutes to spare, I turned in the photos and waited for the results. Out of 74 boats participating in the tournament Austin Burchard won the Wounded Warrior Grand Slam division. It was an honor for me to be recognized as Austin’s winning captain, however, he deserves all of the recognition for being a true American Hero.
SEEA Tournament Fishing Tournament – March 11, 2010
Second Place on largest and most fish caught.
Hi Wade,
I wanted to tell you thanks for the great day on Thursday. Both Ed and I had a great time.
We did not win the prize – two boats beat us. One had 15 fish and one had two redfish bigger than my trout. I think they were 28 inches and weight was 7.5 and 8 lbs. Doesn’t matter, we had a blast. If it is any consolation, we were second on most and on biggest. Some boats did not even catch a fish.
Thanks again for a great day. Next time I am in Tampa and I need a good boat, I will be calling.
Jack Moeding
Hooked On Education Fishing Tournament – April 18, 2008
Morganti Group’s, Gerrie Bolink takes second place in the snook division aboard Afishionado.
Hooked on Education Fishing Tournament – June 23, 2006
Third Place Trout
John Tortorella Celebrity Fishing Tournament – September 1, 2005
3rd place redfish, Celebrity Division, Nolan Pratt-Tampa Bay Lightning
The Fishing Challenge TV Show – July 28, 2004
2nd place, 181 points out of 12 competing captains.
Charles Head-Orcas Marine Products
Gordon Peters-Orcas Marine Products
5th Annual Tampa Bay Builders Association Fishing Tournament – May 14, 2004
1st place most inches of trout, Steve Brady-Suarez Housing
Chuck LaMar’s Mercury Grand Slam Celebrity Fishing Tournament – November 12, 2000
Largest spotted sea-trout, Celebrity Division, Von Hayes-Philadelphia Phillies
3rd Annual CREW Tampa Bay Go Fish Tournament – November 5, 1999
1st and 3rd place, spotted sea-trout
Corporate Tournament – December 11, 2014
Largest Fish, Most Fish
Saints Get Hooked Tournament – June 8, 2013
Inshore Slam, Largest Fish
Kevin Cool and Team Fish Slaying Motards display their tournament winning medals for the Grand Slam and longest overall fish divisions.
Trey Curry Foundation Fishing Tournament – November 5, 2010
First Place, Inshore Slam
I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone that endured the uncomfortable conditions last Friday. I appreciate you guys being troopers and getting the job done. There were a lot of fish caught and congrats go out to Wade, T.J. and Woody for finishing with the top three slams. Wade had the biggest snook, C.A. had the biggest redfish, and Billy had the biggest trout.
Thanks again, take care and tight lines.
Ric, Trey Curry Foundation Tournament Organizer
Clark Cares Fishing Tournament – September 23, 2010
First Place Trout
Virginia angler catches the largest sea trout to take the first place trophy on tournament day.
Corporate Fishing Tournament – November 14, 2009
First and second place redfish.
What’s up wade?
I wanted to say thanks for the great experience on Saturday! My red came in first place and Jordan’s came in second so we were pretty siked about that. I was just wondering if you could send me some of the pics when you get a chance. Hope to hear from you soon. I’ll let the boss man know how much fun we had, so hopefully we can get a repeat.
“Weigh Too Much Fun” Kingfish Tournament – November 18, 2007
Second Place
Michael Lins shows off his second place kingfish.
1st Annual Skanska USA Building Fishing Tournament – September 30, 2005
3rd place redfish, Denise Muth-Skanska USA
FSECC 6th Annual Charity Fishing Tournament – April 29, 2005
Most redfish, James Stevens-Parsons Brinckerhoff
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union – October 29, 2004
Largest trout, Ben Sheaffer-Sheaffer Boats
Largest redfish, Douglas Frayne-Sheaffer Boats
Most species, Sean Coniglio-Hill, Coniglio, Polins & Associates
3rd Annual Tampa Chamber of Commerce Fishing Classic – October 15, 2004
1st place largest redfish, Roger Lavender-Alltel
2nd place redfish, Danny McGuire-Alltel
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