#thank you this deluge was thoroughly enjoyed <3
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry?
57. Snakes or sharks?
58. Orange juice or apple juice?
59. Sunrise or sunset?
60. Slacker or over-achiever?
61. Pen or pencil?
62. Peanut butter or jelly?
63. Grammys or Oscars?
64. Detailed or abstract?
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions?
66. Adventurous or cautious?
67. Saver or spender?
68. Glasses or contacts?
69. Laptop or desktop?
70. Classic or modern?
56. Ooh both my beloatheds <3 uhhhhh laundry I guess (it's less slimy)
57. Sneks! (But I love both)
58. Orange!
59. Sunrise
60. Recovering over achiever who feels like a slacker??
61. Pen
62. Peanut butter
63. I love my Grammy but idk anyone named Oscar
64. Detailed
65. Essay
66. Adventurous in theory
67. Saver
68. Glasses are so fun but not practical for me so contacts
69. Desktop for the nostalgia (I miss the clacky keyboard)
70. Uhhhh classic I guess but it depends on the thing
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 6 years
A love that never leaves (3)
Summary: Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader; Winter Soldier x Reader Warnings: Bad language. Heavy SMUT, so 18+ please.
A/N: The story of the last time they met arrives and it wasn’t exactly pretty, because that’s how life goes when the Soldier is involved. If you’re uncomfortable with smut or are under 18, feel free to stop by my inbox and I’ll give you a summary!
Tags are open, if you want on the list please send me a DM or ASK, it’s easier for me to track. Otherwise you can find the new updates each weekend!
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She takes the armchair across from him, as far away as she can get in the small living room, and tucks her hands under her legs. Bucky knows he’s unlikely to enjoy whatever she has to say, but he folds his fingers together and waits. She stares down at her feet, appearing to gather her courage before meeting his grim stare head on.
Her voice is steady, as she starts to speak.
“Paris was cold that December and it snowed early. It was New Year’s Eve in 1969.”
31 December 1969 Paris, France
The deluge of snow pauses for a few minutes, long enough for her to hail a taxi from the steps of her apartment. Time, normally inconsequential and meaningless, seemed to blur that year. Cool wet spring and hot baking summer. Warm sunny autumn and now cold snowy winter. Through it all, a single thread loops around, knotting the months together. She feels the sting of bitter despair when she contemplates the fact.
After all these years, of running and hiding and starting from scratch again and again – here she remains.
Forgotten. Alone.
It feels exceptionally poignant tonight, as the end of another decade arrives. Clawing her way up from the self-loathing pit of her past feels utterly impossible. Why should she move on? The memories caged in her heart are more vital to her survival than anything else she owns.
Right there, that’s the key word - survival. This is not living; she knows that. The simple truth is that she’s forgotten and alone, because she chose this life. Self-imposed regression, isolation in the purest form. To live, feels insurmountable because she has no clue how the hell she’s supposed to simply let go.
She knows though. She knows she should. For him.
This is not the life he wanted for her.
She owes him more than the hollow shell she’s become.
Maybe this is it, she tells herself. Maybe this will be the year she rediscovers what it means to live. Maybe this year she can exorcise the ghosts of her past and finally move on.
Maybe, maybe, maybe. A fool’s mantra.
Lifting the hem of a black satin evening gown away from the grey slush, she steps carefully through the shoveled path to meet the driver. Sliding into the backseat, she adjusts her long, billowy black coat, tucking it under her knees.
“Moulin Rouge,” she requests and her voice is resigned.
How she allowed herself to be roped into a party tonight, she’s not sure. New friends, still bursting with sheltered optimism, insisting on making the most of their youth.
Youth. What a funny idea. Her youth disappeared long ago, but the hallmarks of age refuse to visit - no grey hair, no wrinkles around her eyes. Nothing to mark the passage of time, other than the ancient ache fused to her bones. She appears much the same as she did back in 1943, which is soul destroying all on its own.
The world keeps moving forward, but nothing about her wants to follow that same trajectory.
Foggy car windows obscure the lights of Paris as the taxi navigates the crowded streets. From inside, the world resembles a watercolor painting, dabs of muted yellow, smears of soft black.
Rolling down the window, she tips her face into the night, letting clean, cold air fill the car. The world returns in sharp relief, the smell of the city filling her nose, bringing a sting of wistfulness; chestnuts roasting in buckets, the heady scent of champagne from the tippling glasses toasting on the sidewalks, the piney smell of decaying needles from Christmas trees piled on street corners. The noise is deafening, as the whole of Paris flocks to the streets, celebrating the end of the 1960s.
Even now, 25 years after the Nazi occupation, the city remains hell bent on squeezing every last bit of living from the hours in their grasp.
Part of her wants to encourage them to calm down, to take a breath – it won’t happen again, it can’t happen again, the world won’t let it. But that’s what they said in 1918.
Instead, she smiles at the excitement, at the unwavering lust for life. Although she doesn’t partake, she still understands the desire. She just wishes she could feel the same.
The ride takes longer than usual, but that’s okay. She’s in no hurry to arrive and feign excited smiles through the long night. When the lights of the Moulin Rouge appear, the giant windmill flashing white and red and gold lights, she tries a pep talk, psyching herself up.
You can do this, she tells herself. It’s only one night. You can do this.
The driver pulls up and the attendant rushes for her door, offering a white gloved hand to help her exit. Stepping from the car, she adjusts her coat, lifts her chin and curves her lips into a reasonable replica of a smile.
Glancing to the attendant, she offers her thanks.
The words die on her tongue.
Above the sea of people clogging the sidewalk, she sees the back of a tall man striding away, shoulder length hair brushing broad shoulders. The shade is so perfectly familiar, a glossy chestnut hue she can see wrapped around her fingers, her breath stops.
Hope stabs her, so viciously consuming, she staggers and grips the car door tight.
Was that -
But in the next heartbeat, he turns the corner and disappears, and reality crashes down. She saw nothing, because there was nothing to see. Nothing more than her traitorous brain playing tricks, because that part of her life no longer exists. Sometimes there are just so many memories crowded inside, they have no where to go but back into the world. Some days she sees ghosts everywhere, their shadowy footprints stomping through her heart.
Stop. Please stop. Let him go, she pleads with herself. You have to let him go.
The impossibility of the request weighs her down, but she vows in that moment that she will at least try. Perhaps this will be the year she turns over a new leaf. The year she finally lets him go.
Resolve vibrating through her, she lifts her chin once again and marches into the club.
Just a few more hours.
The refrain plays on repeat in her head. Louder and louder, the words throbbing in time with the headache she feels brewing.
In all fairness, she’s trying. The room overflows with bodies, stuffy and hot, and she swears to herself that she’s trying, she really is, but she can’t stop peeking at the gigantic clock situated in the middle of the ballroom. Just a few more hours until she can take off this gown and ditch these heels and crawl under her covers with a bottle of wine.
And contemplate how the hell she plans to survive another decade like this.
Plucking a fresh glass of champagne from a passing tray, she gulps down the delicate fizz. Touching the cold crystal to her damp forehead, she closes her eyes and she smiles wryly when she considers one very important point.
If she has nothing else in this world - at least there will always be bubbles.
Minutes creep by, the crowd getting drunker and more exuberant as the clock ticks closer to midnight. She makes small talk, keeps the smile glued to her face, laughs at jokes that are thoroughly unfunny. All the while, counting down the minutes until she can make her escape.
Beside her, a group of Americans are telling a story, full of imitations and boisterous laughter. Leaning away, she tries to tune them out, focusing instead on the one highlight to the evening.
There, from across the room she hears lush, beautifully complex melodies floating from ivory keys. Piano music dances above the melee and the sounds of big band classics are nostalgic and comforting. The pianist is exquisite, rotating easily through a medley of old favorites, and she lets herself relax.
Contentment steals over her for the first time the entire evening. Maybe it’s not so bad here, she admits to herself.
But she really should realize - the world is not on her side. A jarringly familiar chord rings out.
And she freezes.
Oh god. No, she thinks. No. Move. Get out of here.
It strikes something broken deep inside and she wonders if the ghosts of her past are really, truly intent on wrecking her tonight. Whipping around, she searches desperately for an escape, but the ballroom is filling further, a veritable barricade of merrymakers preventing her from fleeing.
Like musical ivy, the mocking notes float around her, winding and twisting and tangling inside her head, wrapping tight around her throat. Around her heart. Although no words accompany the song, she fills the blanks perfectly fine by herself.
We’ll meet again…don’t know where…don’t know when…
For all her earlier promises to move on and forget the past, this party’s not doing a god damn thing to help. The song slices apart her tenuous resolution, opening up that place in her brain where she keeps them all, those priceless memories from her past.
On and on it plays, and she feels the hysteria begin to choke her.
Keep smiling through…Just like you always do…'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away…
There are no smiles for her. No blue skies. Only black clouds and black dreams and black death, waiting to consume her.
Get out, get out, get out, her heart screams. She shoves harder, fighting to break from the crowd and panic descends.
“Only sixty seconds until midnight!”
Climbing to a pedestal on the bar, a garishly dressed performer in a black top hat and high heeled boots screams and the waiting crowd roars in return. In the next moment, the music comes to an abrupt halt. The memories are still hot electricity crackling over her skin, but the harsh reality of the present floods back in and she breathes a shaky sigh of relief.
Party horns and streamers and bags of confetti are passed around and she accepts one distractedly.
Too much, she thinks. This is too much.
And from nowhere, too much, becomes something far worse.
Like the undulations of the sea, the crowd shifts and from afar, she glimpses the piano player who fired the bullet into her heart. Even seated, she can see he’s tall and broad shouldered. She feels a strange twist in her stomach and a shiver goes down her back.
Because from behind, she recognizes him from earlier this evening. When the light from above shines down on shoulder length, chestnut brown hair, her teeth begin to chatter.
He stands from the piano then, stepping around the seat. As he moves, she feels her body follow, as though he’s a puppeteer and she’s the marionette on his strings. The rapid flutter of her pulse hammers a staccato beat in her ears and she tries to push forward, her eyes trained on him. When a waiter stops next to him, offering a glass of champagne, he accepts it and takes a long drink.
She notices he wears black gloves. A peculiar accessory in the swelteringly hot room.
Sweat drips down her temples and she wipes it away, ignoring the light smear of make-up transplanting onto her fingers. The words are dancing in her head, rising from the surface, as she feels herself saying it out loud, although she cannot hear the sound of her own voice.
“Turn around, please, turn around.”
In the next moment, her wish is granted.
The man turns to the side. Perfectly straight nose. Plush lips lifted in a disdainful curve. There in the ballroom of the Moulin Rouge, while 1969 takes its dying breaths, she sees the profile of a man who has haunted her dreams for as long as she can remember.
Her entire world goes silent.
The last moments of the countdown begin.
10…he steps to the side of the piano…
9…carefully sets his drink on the shiny black lacquer and buttons his tuxedo jacket…
8…and picks up his glass to drain the remaining champagne…
7…he hands the empty glass to a passing waiter…
6…and she sees a woman reaching for him, vying for his attention…
5…but he moves his arm away, ignoring the insistent appeal…
4…he glances up to the massive clock on the wall…
3…and his cold eyes fixate on her…
2…he remains utterly still, eyes narrowing as he holds her shocked stare…
1…then sharp elbows are jostling her from every angle and suddenly she stumbles…
Happy New Year!
When she regains her balances, she pivots wildly, searching the blurry sea of faces, hoping, praying, shouting for him. The crowd swells and parts again and again, but it’s no use.
He’s gone.
Black and silver confetti rains from the ceiling and gold balloons bounce around the laughing guests. People are kissing, hugging, laughing, welcoming 1970 with open arms. In the middle of it all, she stands frozen. Confused tears slide down her cheeks and in the thunderous roar of happiness, she hears nothing but the familiar shatter of her heart.
In her apartment, there is a juliette balcony in the small living room. The home is basic and utilitarian, nothing special, except for the view. It overlooks the city and the sparkling lights of Paris satisfy her desire for beauty like nothing else.
Curled in a worn armchair in front of the balcony window, she shivers against the icy night air, drinking a glass of gin.
You’re insane, she thinks, gulping down the burning liquid. It was the song, nothing else. It’s not possible. It wasn’t him.
No, it’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
But still – she waits.
And in that dark hour before dawn, someone does arrive.
Nothing more than a soft footfall, alerts her to his presence. She sets the glass carefully on the floor and rises slowly to her feet.
Behind her stands a dark shadow, holding a rumpled tuxedo jacket by the tips of his fingers. A beam of light strikes his chest and through the crisp white shirt, she sees hints of silver glowing luminously, a tinge of blood red at his shoulder, silver plated fingers balled in a loose fist. The top few buttons at his collar are undone, and through the gap she sees streaks of red marring pale skin.
Somehow, there is a metal arm bolted to the man’s body.
Blinking slowly, she looks him up and down.
“Is this a dream?” she whispers, searching for clues. “Are you real?”
He simply stares back, regarding her dispassionately.
“Jimmy?” she asks softly and he twitches at the word.
“No,” he growls, his voice pitched deep. Where she expected a lazy Brooklyn twang, she hears nothing but clipped consonants.
“Okay,” she agrees softly, while her heart splinters. “What do I call you?”
“My name is Soldier. That’s all you need to know.”
He looks like him. God dammit, he looks exactly like him.
With two steps, he closes the space between. A mocking smile plays across his face as she stands her ground. When she reaches a hesitant hand to touch him, he catches her wrist, twisting it in a cruel grip, not allowing her fingers to find his skin. Jerking her roughly to him, he turns her around, her back flush against his chest and shoves her forward until she hits the wall. Wrenching her other wrist up, he pins both above her head and leans into her. The metal fingers pinch her skin and his breath is hot in her ear. She feels every hard inch of his body pressed against her, and he smells like dust and sweat and something tangy she doesn’t want to know.
“I saw you watching me earlier,” he rasps in her ear. “I could see it in your face. Tell me yes. Tell me I can have you.”
She tries to turn, but he won’t permit it. The sinister edge in his voice stirs something wanton buried inside and when she whispers her answer against the wall, there’s no hesitation.
“Yes. You can have me. You can have everything.”
At her submission, his lips trail greedily down her neck to fasten on the skin over her pulse. He sucks hard, drinking up the heartbeat he finds thrumming against his lips. A faint, purely unconscious purr leaves his throat as he remains there, his tongue occasionally massaging the flesh he seems determined to ruin.
Dragging a warm, calloused palm down her chest, he tugs insistently at the sheer lace covering her breasts. Baring them to the freezing air swirling through the room, her nipples tighten as rough fingers skim over them.
Sucking hard at her skin, brushing gently over her breasts. Softly licking the tender spot at her neck, cruelly pinching her nipples. Each feeling elicits a sharp gasp of confusion, a strange contradiction of sensations.
The languid pace confuses her. He could take everything if he wanted, she’d accept it without question. But for some reason, he doesn’t. Instead, he seems content to stay there, tasting her skin, teasing her breasts, until she begins to beg.
Something snaps when he hears the word. It lights up something feral inside him and a low snarl rips from his throat.
“Good. I like that,” he grits out. “I like begging. Say it again.”
The blistering heat of his touch brands her skin when he grabs her hip, impatiently rucking up the flimsy nightgown. The patent leather of his dress shoes feels cool against her skin when she feels him nudge her calves, spreading her open and the metal grip on her wrists tightens as he slips his hand between her legs.
She stutters out a moan at the feel and he gives a growl of approval at the discovery, how wet she feels. He strokes back and forth, maddeningly slow, until she’s bucking her hips, chasing his hand. Hot breath fills her ear and the sound of his voice sends chills racing up her spine.
“I said, say it again.”
With no warning, he shoves two fingers inside her and sinks his teeth into her shoulder.
Tears sting her eyes and she cries out. It’s been so god damn long since she’s been with anyone, the harsh treatment does nothing to temper the need coiling in her belly. Just the simple feel of him, his thick fingers, blunt and rough, sends her instantly close to the edge. The moment his teeth release her, he licks over the deep indentions and starts fucking her with his fingers.
“Oh god,” she chokes out. “Please. Please, please, please.”
His heavy body keeps her captive against the wall, her cheek pressed to the cold plaster, allowing her to do nothing more than take what he gives. Faster, harder, he fucks his fingers into her, stroking his thumb over her clit and she relishes the way each sharp thrust forces her up onto her toes. It comes quickly and suddenly she’s close, so close, so precariously close, her body clenching around his fingers and she closes her eyes, holding her breath.
He stops.
Thick fingers buried inside her, the Soldier waits, curious for her reaction. She pants harshly against the wall, a brief rush of shame rolling through her, but heavy want grips her and she can’t help herself.
Pushing back against him, she wordlessly begs him to continue. Casting a heavy-lidded glance behind, she sees him peering down between them. Remaining motionless, he watches as she circles her hips, mesmerized by the way her body swallows his fingers as she rocks herself back and forth. He allows her to continue, taking her pleasure from him, until he looks up and meets her eyes.
Abruptly, he removes his fingers and her body jolts at the loss.
Mouth curling into a sardonic smile, he drops his hand to the front of his suit pants and she feels him fumbling with the button on his trousers, hears the ting of his zipper when he yanks it down. Her entire body shivers, waiting. He tugs the suit pants just low enough to free himself, his hand gripping his cock, the velvet softness brushing against her skin, an intense contrast to the unbreakable steel of his body.
The heat is immense, his skin feels like fire against her and she basks in it.
She’s been so cold, for so damn long.
Releasing her hands, he turns her roughly to face him and his mouth finally slants over hers in a bruising kiss. She feels his tongue tangle with hers, his lips manic. Grabbing the front of his shirt, she clings to him, meeting the punishing kiss with everything in her. He rubs his hand between her legs once more, strokes himself with the slickness he finds dripping down her thighs and lifts her up against the wall, settling her legs around his waist. Forcing himself impossibly close, his entire body touching hers, he buries himself inside her with a fierce snap of his hips.
Her head knocks back against the wall, but he chases it, fighting to keep her kiss. Metal fingers grind into the wall above them, pieces of pale green plaster showering down and she hears a soft whirring, a series of synchronized clicks rippling down his arm. The flame hot touch of his right hand clutches her waist and each pull out is a slow drag, letting him savor the wet heat. Each thrust into her is hard, driving himself to the hilt.
It hits her then, with his hips pressed flush against hers. Pleasure bursts through her and she comes hard, groaning into his mouth, unraveling against him.
The Soldier drinks up her soft cries, grinding himself into her. Slipping his hand between them, he thumbs over her clit and the sweet friction sends electric sparks sweeping over her skin, prolonging her orgasm. Without thinking, her teeth clamp down and she bites his lip so hard she draws blood.
He jerks back with a hiss.
Baring his teeth in a furious scowl, he stops moving, glaring at her. She stares back, wide-eyed in the face of his fury and waits for the axe to fall.
Part of him knows a desire to punish her for it, to make her hurt - she can see it warring behind his eyes. But another part, some hidden desire, tamps him down. Licking over his lip, the familiar taste of his own blood and the feel of her soft mouth creates a potent cocktail. He slams himself back into her, brutal, terrifying hard, and her back scratches painfully against the wall while he wildly chases his own end.
Clutching him close, in her blissed-out haze, she hears him panting in time with the slap of his hips. Whispered words flow from his mouth, broken syllables in unknown languages, but she thrills at the rough sounds. He drives into her harder, again, again, again, and one final time, before he goes still. The sound of his groan is nearly silent in her ear, and she feels the rush of warmth between her legs.
She closes her eyes and tucks her face into his neck.
This is not him, not the same man she remembers. But it doesn’t matter.
They remain locked together for a spell, until the Soldier’s breathing evens and he lets himself slip from her, lowering her feet to the floor. He steps away, tucking himself back in the trousers. She leans against the wall, goosebumps blooming up her shaking legs, the sheen of cold sweat drying on her skin. The lace nightgown ruffles up with a gust of fresh January air, clearing the heavy scent of sex from the air.
No words are spoken and he seems mildly reluctant to leave. She takes that as a sign then. Perhaps his business here is unfinished, because business is certainly what brought him to Paris tonight. She sees it now. The speckles of red, splattered lines across his shirt, and she asks the only thing she can conceive.
“Why did you come here? Are you going to kill me?”
The Soldier cocks his head. Cold blue eyes roam over her body and he answers her questions with one of his own.
“Do you deserve to die?”
She stares back at him. Watches him tuck dark hair behind his ear. Notices his silver arm catching the light from the streetlamps below. Sees the final remnants of emotion fade from the bright blue eyes.
Her answer is honest.
“Maybe. I don’t know anymore.”
The Soldier doesn’t respond. He picks up the tuxedo jacket lying on her bed and shrugs into it.
“I’m only authorized to kill those on my list. You’re not included.”
Bitter disappointment floods her features. Fat tears fall silently into the hollow between her breasts and then he clucks his tongue softly.
And there, right beneath the iron exterior, she finds it. The faded imprint of the ghost from earlier and it spurs her forward. Gathering her courage, she asks her question again.
“Then why did you come here?”
The Soldier smooths the sleeves of his jacket, hiding the blood-soaked cuffs of his white shirt. She can almost see his brain flipping through the answers he keeps on file, searching for the appropriate response.
His answer is honest.
“I saw you earlier tonight. I wanted you. I never get what I want,” he says, anger apparent in his voice. “There are always people available. Willing women. Willing men. I didn’t want them. I wanted you. I have no reason why.”
Hope surges through her. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Maybe a man exists beneath the murderous exterior, something she can save. Someone she can save. Stepping toward him, she reaches for his hand.
“Then stay. You can have me, just – just stay.”
He frowns. Pushes her hand away. And then he tears her heart in two.
“You misunderstand. I’m not interested in staying. I don’t need comfort. I finished a job before I came here, and I wanted to relieve the stress. I needed someone to fuck and I wanted to fuck you.”
The words are a savage slap in her face and she recoils at his robotic response. Behind the murky veils in his mind, the Soldier hears a faint echo, a voice shouting. But like smoke on the wind, it fades before he can ascertain the meaning.
Grief emanates from her in waves and it triggers something in him. An excuse rises up before he can bite it back. There is no reason he needs to offer it; the Soldier does not receive comfort, nor does he offer it.
Until now.
“Besides, they would find me. They always find me. It’s better for you if they don’t.”
The callous statement is momentarily softened, but she knows better. Still, even with the coldness in his voice, she knows she’ll never forgive herself if she doesn’t try one more time. So, she reaches for him again.
And one more time, he catches her wrist, stopping her.
But now, he brings her hand to his mouth. Eyes drift closed, beautifully long lashes spiky black against his pale face, and he presses his nose to her skin.
Perhaps somewhere in his head, it could all be stored away - the feel, the taste, the scent of her skin. Something sweet, when the bleakness of his life becomes too much to bear. But like everything else in his mind, it will be scrubbed away. Memories do not exist for the Soldier. Hydra will steal them, hoard them, crush them. Every single time.
“Don’t go. Please, don’t go. Don’t leave me.”
Blue eyes blink in confusion at her request and for one glorious moment, she believes he’ll listen.
Instead, he lets her go. Like the ghost he is, he moves so swiftly she barely sees it happen, but the door closes, and he’s gone.
And here she remains. Alone again.
Rubbing the soreness circling her wrists, she sinks to the floor. The delicate nightgown twists uncomfortably around her hips, but she ignores it. Silent sobs wrack her body as she curls into a tight ball, wrapping her arms around herself.
Cold. Always so god damn cold.
The sticky feel of him drying on her thighs is the only indication he was ever more than a dream. Hopeless tears fill her throat and after all this time, she wonders how there are still any left in her body.
It doesn’t matter.
They arrive like a tidal wave, breaking over her, destroying everything in their path and dragging her under.
Next Chapter
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