#thank you wuace ❤❤❤❤ u da ace
renrakuu · 7 years
thank you, again, so much to @wuace for tagging me, hope you're having a remarkable day, talk to you soon 💞💞💞 Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better A: Age: eh eh eh eh eh eh eeh 21~ B: Birthplace: Romania C: Current time: 8:00 am (tho it's probably gonna turn to 9:00 by the time i'm posting this :)))) D: Drink you had last: Water E: Easiest person to talk to: oh man :))) uhm, my best friend. i'd say my brother, but that's real tricky sometimes F: Favourite song: it's not my all time fav, but i think it's my fav from the Ko Ko Bop album: WHAT...youuuu dooo! ❤💞❤💞 G: Grossest memory: i honestly don't think i have any, at least not major ones...maybe the time i threw up like 7 times last year H: Hogwarts house: Huffledor :))) I: In love: with kaisoo (andjungkookandhoseok) J: Jealous of people: Sometimes K: Killed someone: like i'd confess to that :)) L: Love at the first sight or should I walk by again: i am the worst™ at relationships M: Middle name: Maria N: Number of siblings: 1 O: One wish: to legit meet up with kyungsoo and be able to tell him how amazing he is P: Person you called last: my dad Q: Question you are always asked: Are you the older one? I am, by 10 years 👍 R: Reason to smile: bad jokes and my friends thanking me or calling me cute S: Song you sang last: The One by EXO-CBX ❤❤❤❤❤❤ T: Time you woke up: 7:00 am U: Underwear colour: beige rn, even tho i'm not a fan of the colour :)) V: Vacation destination: Ideal or next? Ideal: Japan Next: somewhere in Romania W: Worst habit: Stratching :))) not even bone cracking, just stretching like i'm not in a room full a people in a formal environment X: X-rays: had one when i had surgery for removing something that was blocking my sinuses Y: Your favourite food: no such thing tbh :)) maybe corn&tuna salad Z: Zodiac sign: Sagittarius i'm going to tag @heelia, @meokmool and @milky-waee and @beom-sil, but ofc everyone else who wants to try it is welcome with open arms!
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