#thanks again anon and also sorry you engaged me on this topic I literally can't shut up about
synthwwavve · 2 years
what are some of your bo katan hcs?
Omg hi!!!! First of all thank you for shooting me an ask, that's so exciting!!
Second of all I'm literally so full of Bo headcanons I could go on forever, the level of brainrot I'm on w/her is frankly embarrassing lmao. I'll list a few and if you're interested in more I'd be happy to share more! Anywhoo... some HCs:
— Sorry, kicking off with a dark one, I think the event that split her and Satine's ideologies was a scenario in which, as kids, they got cornered during an attack on their home and had to either shoot the assailant or probably die themselves, Satine couldn't pull the trigger but Bo did. Taking a life at like 6 or 7 even in self defense obviously highkey f*cked her up, and I also feel like their relationship never recovered for many reasons from this point (Satine is scared of Bo's lack of hesitation to kill, Bo is pissed that Satine was (in her mind) too weak to protect them etc etc)
— I feel like this was not too long before Satine was taken into protection by the jedi— at the same time Bo was sent back to the Kryze stronghold on Kalevala for her safety, under the care of the group of Protectors that served as the family's personal guard. Spending a year or two of her childhood living and hanging out exclusively with a bunch of soldiers definitely contributed to her interest in combat/warfare/weaponry.
— She never really adjusted to life after the war and always felt alien and like an outsider compared to her sister who was the savior/always in the spotlight/etc. despite (as she increasingly came to believe) not being a worthy leader. I feel like she never really thrived during her teen years and spent way too much time alone stewing in depression (god sorry didn't realize so many of my HCs are sad lmao)
— She met Pre Vizsla like ~5-6 years before the start of TCW, they instantly hit it off. She starts visiting him on Concordia and he makes time for her whenever he's on-world in Sundari. It starts out surface level but it doesn't take long for them to figure out that they share a lot of uh controversial/extreme beliefs too. Things snowball from there, radical echo chamber ensues etc etc
— I feel like he'd already been putting together the pieces of reviving Death Watch for a few years, but once they joined together as co conspirators, she played no small part in getting it off the ground and growing it into a full-scale movement.
—Bo feels it's her ultimate duty to restore honor to the Kryze name as a warrior clan. She has mixed feelings about her parents, mostly her dad— she barely knew them, they died tragically in the war, the few memories she has are good, but at the same time (in her mind) they were also traitors for turning on tradition and spearheading pacifism.
Okay wrapping it up for now before the post gets too long! Sorry again if you were hoping for lighthearted headcanons, I have plenty of those too if you want some lmao. Thanks again for the ask!!!
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incarnateirony · 2 years
You and I have had our differences, but I wanted to say thank you for being a positive safe space for Dean/Castiel/Jensen/Misha/Destiel. Too many places I’ve been apart of that are supposed to be safe spaces (namely Profound Bond, but other discords and private gc’s) delight in tearing down Destiel or reaching for the worst possible intentions of everything that Misha or Jensen say.
And this, my friends, is why the mods of spnscripthunt screech "cult" about the fact that I establish basic boundaries and expected social codes of civil behavior in my server. PB... wants to try, but all it resorts to is rigid overmodding of topics. Like how dare you squii also about Alex in this Mishalex picture in the Misha room, DELETED, TAKE THAT HERESY TO THE ALEX CHANNEL jesus, jan. calm down. So then nobody can have organic convos and 2po and dotp and those folks FROM scripthunt run around shitting in the corners and dragging people to DMs to shove propaganda down their throat when they aren't salting in any semi viable channel.
Yeah. I know. I. Fucking. Know. It's miserable out there for people that like. Have eyes and ears and just want to enjoy the content. This place is overflowing with entitled shitlords that think antifanning is the only true fanning, that their lies about creatives can supercede who they are as people, EVERYTHING.
I don't care about ~differences to be honest. Hell, a few people that left in the *literal server coup to try to delete my server* have, once they basically apologized and recognized where and how it got out of pocket, come back. I just care about like. Emotional expense bullshit. Because yes, guys, I'm sorry, even the best of you, just be exposure to this deranged ass psychosocial bubble, have developed really bad habits. You're human. Exposure happens. Normalization happens. So odds are if I ever went off, it was less about what you said, than how you said it.
The other nonnie for example REALLY DOES THINK THEY WERE BEING GENUINE. They didn't compute, because how NORMALIZED it is here, how 1. asking a repetitive question on anon is itself an energy investment request in expectant tone from a literal faceless douchebag i can't hold conversation with or know as a person and 2. attaching their own presupposition that I might somehow be Overdoing It even though they ADMITTED they didn't have context.
Like. Don't. If you're gonna ask me shit, put aside your foregone conclusions fucking first. That's the entire problem with this place. That's the plot of the show. And yes it's a metanarrative, and when you are literally aware of that, watching those shenanigans clog up your anon box or try to slip into your server makes you want to like. Rip off your own arm and chew on it. STAHP. omG
So yeah. Unless you like killed a puppy or something anon, regardless of the differences, check out the server. If we had a conflict, under the respect of understanding it's still a space I maintain those conversational boundaries on for a mix of respect and community environment, that's fine. Shelter's still open for the sane.
We have basic debate rules. It's not that we don't allow debate. In fact, the server itself is premised *in* debate. But that debate is literal debate, and designed to end cyclones of indefensible misinformation, appeals to nonsense invisible majorities, concern trolling or halfass shutdowns. Which, again is why the spnscripthunt people shit their pants, because 2po and co's tactics don't work there. Because that's not how reality works when your entitlement goes down the toilet. So anyway. Drop in if you need, w/e.
But btw the above notes about the points of "people who think they're genuine, and even the best of you do this"--these statements are worth taking away from here well beyond my blog, like how you engage creatives and the angles you ask THEM questions from. I can promise most if not all are as tired as I am of it. Because we're always told what it is, even when people ~ask. And after about 6 years of getting talked over by the people that think they're asking you questions, putting the burden on YOU to unpack THEIR bullshit BEFORE you can even answer the ACTUAL QUESTION, like. I'm tired. But imagine how pissed, say, Robbie or Bobo are. Or Jensen.
I'm literally just asking people to be more considerate of other people's perspectives, communication methods, and emotional energy before springing in. Basically start being more critical of how we treat people and how much we expect, and how much those expectations are shaped by lack of context inside our own heads, much of which can often be found for themselves.
Opening that door can be scary. But rather than arguing if someone else is sure they already went through the door or not (I promise, we are sure, even if you're not), figure out why you're not sure there's a door when you're looking right at it, and what YOU need to ask YOURSELF to open it too.
Because yeah. I'm not subtle about how deep the misinfo about these authors is. So maybe start there. Start unpacking that shit and trying to look it up. Then, if you struggle, ask for help. And once YOU are doing the hard work of inspecting the origins of YOUR perspectives and challenging YOURSELF, whether you realize it or not, the asks you send for help will drop those challenges you hurl at others to break down your bad viewpoints. Because you're already working on it. Which is good. (And the plot.)
Then it won't be "Hey, are you SUREEEEEEEE Bobo intended it the whole time?" it'll be "I saw some tweets of his that seemed important but I'm not sure of the context, can you help?" And suddenly, you guys are a lot less casually hostile and frankly, obnoxious.
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spielzeugkaiser · 5 years
I’m sorry, but I really don’t know how I feel about you using the AIDS crisis for Good Omens fanart — especially by repurposing the real life work of a gay man who died of AIDS. I’m not trying to call you out or accuse you of being a bad person, it just truly feels inappropriate and trivializing to me to use a genocide that people are still actively mourning for what is essentially fandom feels.
Hi! First of all, thank you for your message and sorry for the delay; I'd have answered sooner, I'm not that active here at the moment. That was a perfect example for an „I-Message“ which I'm always happy to reply to; I'm also kind of struggling here, cause I think I won't be able to add something different than my own subjective opinion about the matter. I'm also kind of agreeing here with you? I was conflicted myself while doing this piece. I can get behind the theory of the death of the author, but I couldn't this time, because  you can't take away Keith Haring biography and still get the same painting with the same message. So I was kind of worried that I could be disrespectful, or could take this piece and change his intentions with it and that was something I thought long about. The emotional reaction I'm personally experiencing while looking at this painting are grieve, guilt and a certain kind of loneliness;  that's what I wanted to portray. (I kind of put Aziraphale in my shoes here.) The unfinishedness of the painting was intentional by Keith Haring - I personally see it as a political statement, but also as room for engagement - but still, I get where you coming from, and feared it could come across like you mentioned it above in the process of creating this. I'm sorry that you felt that your experience was trivialized, that was certainly not my intention. As I'm still emotionally conflicted myself at the moment, I'll take a few days to think about your critique. I also dove a little into (a bit too academically, to find something truly relatable, I fear) research about academical and literal engagement with sensitive topics. Thanks again for bringing this to my attention; you gave me the opportuinty for personal growth here, which I'm thankful for, and some input to reevaluate my work. If you'd like to discuss this more, you could come off anon and message me privately, if you're comfortable with that, please feel invited to do that!
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