#blor(bo) from my shows
synthwwavve · 2 years
bo katan for the blorbo thing!!! (also ur ask from before made me go 🥰)
Aaaaaa I'm glad!!! Also yass Bo-Katan.... My Wife......
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as a new user, something i love about tumblr dialect is how easy it is to inexplicably start sounding like a medieval squire. “my good sirs, allow me to present the fine Blorbo, of My Shows”
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
*to the tune of uptown funk* blor-bos, from my shows. Blorbos from my shows come on now blorbos from my shows blorbos from my shows
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zesbian · 3 years
to the tune of Sweet Caroline 🎶 Blor-bo from my shows ! dun dun dun! 🎶
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synthwwavve · 2 years
What type of blorbo do you have:
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synthwwavve · 2 years
omg i love all ur hcs!!! i think it makes sense so many of them would be dark/depressing bc she is dark and depressing lol but that's why we love her!! pls feel free to continue if you want :)
Aaaaaa thank you!!!! And yes I agree, the fact that she is sad wet and pathetic is exactly what makes her so interesting!! Okay ask and you shall receive:
— I feel like Bo was also living a double life during the years leading up to TCW era, dedicating herself to building up and co-leading Death Watch but also maintaining the facade of her life in Sundari (to keep up appearances/maintain her position of status, but also mostly to collect government intel and leak it back to DW)
—Lowkey more of a Bo-adjacent HC but: in the wake of the events of The Mandalore Plot (after Vizsla is exposed as the leader of Death Watch) I feel like Satine just. Knows. her sister must be involved too based on how close the two of them always were (though she never suspected anything negative or dangerous going on between them) but she doesn't want to believe it. The next day, footage of Bo fleeing the scene of a DW-incited riot on a nearby world hits the news. She sneers directly into the camera. Satine knows the look was intended just for her.
(Aight I can't promise these will all be lighter but I'm throwing in some HCs that are at least random and a bit shorter:)
— The nite owl crest is the historic signet of House Kryze, Bo sees using it to represent her own elite warriors as a first step to reclaiming a bit of her family's honor and reputation
— She is extremely tall, like 5'11", and extremely freckled. I feel like she started out insecure about standing out and the attention that came with it, but grew to not really care and even use it to her advantage.
— Zero filters, swears constantly, extremely sarcastic, is never above inciting a fight or argument no matter how petty, etc etc
—Banter is her love language, platonic or romantic. If she can talk shit to and about you in a funny affectionate way and trust that you'll give as good as you get, that means she's truly 100% comfortable and trusting around you.
— Lowkey suffers from not like other girls syndrome. A tomboy who never aged out of her "ew I don't have a girly side and I never will" era. Pretty feminist outside of this one blind spot.
— She's all-in on taking down Satine along with her government, no regrets no personal feelings. The only person she sometimes feels a pang of remorse over in the whole situation is Korkie. I feel like when Bo was in their lives, they had a big-little sibling dynamic more than she and Satine did in many ways (based on my HCs they would've only been 5 years apart, whereas she and Satine would have been 10-11 apart.) She can mostly put it out of her mind but occasionally a bit of guilt over turning on him hits her. She hopes maybe he'll see reason and join the correct side when the fateful moment comes. (oops shit this one was long again)
Aight stopping before the post gets long af, thank you for inviting me to rant again!!! I.... could literally go on until the end of time if you actually want more....
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synthwwavve · 2 years
what are some of your bo katan hcs?
Omg hi!!!! First of all thank you for shooting me an ask, that's so exciting!!
Second of all I'm literally so full of Bo headcanons I could go on forever, the level of brainrot I'm on w/her is frankly embarrassing lmao. I'll list a few and if you're interested in more I'd be happy to share more! Anywhoo... some HCs:
— Sorry, kicking off with a dark one, I think the event that split her and Satine's ideologies was a scenario in which, as kids, they got cornered during an attack on their home and had to either shoot the assailant or probably die themselves, Satine couldn't pull the trigger but Bo did. Taking a life at like 6 or 7 even in self defense obviously highkey f*cked her up, and I also feel like their relationship never recovered for many reasons from this point (Satine is scared of Bo's lack of hesitation to kill, Bo is pissed that Satine was (in her mind) too weak to protect them etc etc)
— I feel like this was not too long before Satine was taken into protection by the jedi— at the same time Bo was sent back to the Kryze stronghold on Kalevala for her safety, under the care of the group of Protectors that served as the family's personal guard. Spending a year or two of her childhood living and hanging out exclusively with a bunch of soldiers definitely contributed to her interest in combat/warfare/weaponry.
— She never really adjusted to life after the war and always felt alien and like an outsider compared to her sister who was the savior/always in the spotlight/etc. despite (as she increasingly came to believe) not being a worthy leader. I feel like she never really thrived during her teen years and spent way too much time alone stewing in depression (god sorry didn't realize so many of my HCs are sad lmao)
— She met Pre Vizsla like ~5-6 years before the start of TCW, they instantly hit it off. She starts visiting him on Concordia and he makes time for her whenever he's on-world in Sundari. It starts out surface level but it doesn't take long for them to figure out that they share a lot of uh controversial/extreme beliefs too. Things snowball from there, radical echo chamber ensues etc etc
— I feel like he'd already been putting together the pieces of reviving Death Watch for a few years, but once they joined together as co conspirators, she played no small part in getting it off the ground and growing it into a full-scale movement.
—Bo feels it's her ultimate duty to restore honor to the Kryze name as a warrior clan. She has mixed feelings about her parents, mostly her dad— she barely knew them, they died tragically in the war, the few memories she has are good, but at the same time (in her mind) they were also traitors for turning on tradition and spearheading pacifism.
Okay wrapping it up for now before the post gets too long! Sorry again if you were hoping for lighthearted headcanons, I have plenty of those too if you want some lmao. Thanks again for the ask!!!
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