#thanks for the enabling emil :D
bonojour · 10 months
8, 34, 49
8. What movie are you looking forward to coming out the most?
Bastarden / The Promised Land (2023) which is directed by Nikolaj Arcel! Arcel directed my underdog favourite Danish movie (Sandheden om Mænd (2010)) and also the famous (and much better than my fave) En kongelig affære / A Royal Affair (2012). It's being released in October, so I might try and catch it when I have to go to Denmark in November for my exam! <3
34. An underrated movie?
I am sorting Letterboxd by my own highest ratings and seeing if something stands out. The one that does is not exactly underrated (it has 4.2* on Letterboxd), but I feel like it is still... somewhat underexposed, perhaps. Druk / Another Round (2020) for instance has 400k more viewers on Letterboxd than this one, despite both of them being nominated for a best foreign feature during the 2021 oscars. ANYWAY. It's Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020), which deals with the Srebrenica genocide. It was particularly eye-opening to me due to my nationality, but I feel like this movie will have a strong impact on anyone watching it. It also did a great job juggling with the multiple difficult factors (backlash from the Dutch / Serbs, portraying a genocide in the right way) and the result is admirable.
49. A disappointing film from your favorite director?
It's not even a bad or disappointing film necessarily, but Mænd og Høns / Men & Chicken (2015) by Anders Thomas Jensen (who is not the fave, but a favourite) really did not hit the way I wanted it to.
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illogicallyinclined · 5 years
Hello I know absolutely nothing about ice hockey but I love your AU so very much 💖💖💖 Can you tell us about the team dynamics when they aren't on the field? Like school, family, college plans, jobs, that kinda thing. (Also, question to the author, are you setting up Logince or are they just best friends?)
i,,, love y’all. thank u for enabling me. SO. 
“D” and virgil both join the hockey team their freshman year of college. they have played as a defensive pair since middle school, so they’ve known each other for a Long, Long Time. this does Not change the fact that virgil has No Idea what Ethan’s first name is. D and Virgil are friends-turned-enemies-turned-friends(?) who hate each other but also Will Kill and Die for One Another. don’t ask, it’s a long story. 
roman and remus are twins. they,,, don’t like each other, but at the same time, they’ve gone through Too Much Together to actually hate one another, you know? roman was always the favored child. literally since birth. remus didn’t even have a chance, and maybe he resents roman a little bit for it. but, at the same time, being the favored child wasn’t – it wasn’t fun. not with the way that their parents were. so, yeah. the twins have a lot to work out. maybe they can finally start now that remus is done actively sabotaging his team. 
 remus and D are probably closer than roman and remus have ever been – which shouldn’t upset Roman, but somehow does – and nobody understands it until they realize that, while D pretends to be suave, he’s actually a Giant Loser. 
emile and remy are roommates (oh my GOD, they’re roommates), and also best friends, and maybe a lil bit in love? no one knows, because remy is Unreadable and emile doesn’t make a habit out of sharing others secrets. 
logan joins the team halfway through the season during his freshman year. (this is roman’s second year on the team – roman, remus, remy, and emile are all sophomores at this point. patton, virgil, and D are also freshman, but they joined the team at the beginning of the year.) logan actually transferred from another college specifically to come here and play hockey, because when a nice school offers you a full ride to play a sport that you thoroughly enjoy playing, you don’t Say No. the team is,,, wary of this young, angry lil goalie at first, but when one of the seniors cries in the locker room because they failed a physics exam and don’t know if they’ll be able to play anymore, logan immediately offers to tutor them, and everyone realizes Oh, He Has a Heart.
that said, logan tutors a few players, and he is resultantly invited to a Lot of things. he really only ever goes out with the Core Group, tho.  
remy adopts logan as his Lil Baby Goalie Protégé (“remy, i am TWO YEARS younger than you”), only to immediately realize that logan is,,, much better at this than he was expecting. (“my baby’s all grown up. i’m so proud.” “remy, i might scream.”)
Majors and Jobs
D studies philosophy and government, but he actually wants to be a zoologist – he likes snakes, which is. a lot, sometimes – and virgil is undeclared, but he’s been taking many literature courses, so. we’ll see where he goes with that. roman double majors in art and theatre, as does remus – they share a lot of classes, and it isn’t always a fun time. emile wants to go into psychiatry, so he’s a pre-med studying psych. remy double majors in film and business. patton, like virgil, is undeclared, but very interested in education. logan is a pre-med biochem major minoring in astronomy, and emile is Intimidated AF (because HOW.)
remy works at starbucks, which he simultaneously hates (because it is very mainstream) and loves (because Free Coffee.) emile and logan work in labs, which is nice, because the hours are flexible and the pay is Not Bad. (plus, it looks great on a resume). patton works at a cupcake shop a short bike away from campus. he brings a Lot of free cupcakes to the team, and they love him for this. 
i,,, am a sucker for logince, but i am ALSO a sucker for DLAMP, so. feel free to read into things however u please. 
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