#thanks for the opportunity to write something vaguely spicy with one of my favorite pairings lol
rpf-bat · 2 years
69. "You do know that we're in public, right?" for Niko/Joel👀☻️
69?? Nice. 😂
Here you go, it’s Niko/Joel as requested, and it’s 791 words.
Maybe someday, Niko thought hopefully, we’ll be a ‘big’ band, and we’ll be able to pay other people to carry our equipment for us.
But, today was not that day. Today, they were walking as fast as they could through an underground train station in the United Kingdom. The equipment they were carrying - guitar cases and amps and everything else a band needed to put on a show - was heavy, but they couldn’t afford to slow down.
“If we don’t catch the next one,” Joel huffed, already out of breath, “we’ll miss the showcase in Brighton!”
Niko knew he should be grateful, for the opportunity to play a gig outside of Finland. But, he was jet lagged and hungover and, at this point, he felt close to telling the label that they could shove the showcase up their ass.
“Don’t run!”, Niko warned. “It’s too crowded, you’re going to crash into someone and….”
Joel ran straight into some random British woman, who wasn’t looking as she carried her shopping bags up the stairs.
“Oh no, ma’am, are you okay?” Joonas cried, stopping to help the woman up.
Olli and Tommi also set down their equipment, to help the woman pick up her groceries, which had spilled everywhere.
But, Niko wasn’t looking at the woman, or her belongings.
He was looking at what Joel had dropped, when he ran into her.
The case had flown out of his hands, and sailed down the stairs. When it hit the floor at the bottom, the latch had opened, spilling its contents - a microphone and it’s stand - onto the concrete.
People were swerving around it already, trying not to step on it.
“Joel, what the hell?!” Niko cried. “Now we have to go pick that up, before some englantilainen breaks it!”
Joel scampered down the stairs to retrieve the mic. Niko went after him, not trusting him to do anything correctly.
“I can’t believe you threw my mic stand down a flight of stairs!” Niko cried angrily. “Now we have to stop during soundcheck and make sure it even still works correctly!”
“Your mic stand?!” Joel repeated incredulously. “No way - this is my mic stand. Olli was carrying your microphone.”
“No, Olli was carrying your microphone, and you had my microphone!” Niko argued.
“It doesn’t matter,” Joel snapped. “Just let me grab it!”
“No,” Niko shook his head, grabbing Joel by the wrist. “I’m grabbing it. I don’t trust your hands with my things.”
“The fuck?” Joel blinked, struggling in the shorter man’s grip. He was stronger than he looked. “Let go.”
“No, I’m not letting go,” Niko insisted.
“Dude, you’re being stupid,” Joel sighed. “Our stuff is just sitting there on the ground, while you’re arguing with me. Do I have to hit you, to make you let go?”
“I’d like to see you try,” Niko dared him.
Joel reached his free hand out, but it never made contact with Niko’s face. Instead, the rapper snatched Joel’s hand out of the air. Now, both of the blonde’s wrists, were clamped tightly in Niko’s fists.
“Let go!“ Joel repeated, trying to raise his arms into the air, to wrench them out of Niko’s grip.
It didn’t work.
Niko held Joel’s wrists above his head, pinning them, as he backed him against the cold, concrete wall of the metro station.
Suddenly, something in Joel’s expression changed. Instead of struggling, his face turned red.
Niko’s anger evaporated when he realized where Joel’s mind had suddenly gone.
“Oh, you like being pinned in this position?” Niko grinned, bringing Joel’s face closer to his own. “Are you thinking of when I had you in this same position, a couple nights ago?”
“Y-You do know that we’re in public, right?” Joel stammered.
They’d messed around before, when they were drunk. Played stupid games, with Joel’s wrists and a length of mic cable. Just like the cable that was on the ground right now…
But, this is different, Joel thought. We’re not in private. We’re not even in Finland.
“Oh, I know,” Niko smirked. “I just don’t care.”
With those words, he pressed his lips roughly against Joel’s mouth. He used the weight of his body to press him harder against the wall as he kissed him aggressively.
“Hey!” a deep voice behind them called. “It’s Tommi. I picked up your microphone for you. If you’re done making out, the next train is coming!”
Joel’s cheeks burned with shame, as Niko pulled away. He couldn’t believe Tommi saw them. Their occasional hookups were supposed to be a secret.
Did the whole band know?!
“Hmm, I’m not sure we’re done,” Niko laughed, as he released Joel’s wrists. “We might have to continue this, at the hotel, after the gig.”
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