#thanks for working me up on a tuesday afternoon im getting all huffy at my work computer now djsakkhsgjdfs
shizuoi · 6 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what’s a character you feel no one understands like you do?
seek i feel like you're handing me lit stick of dynamite with this ask dsjakkdshgfdjl to pull a reaction image that you use a lot:
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i'm generally a pretty laidback person in fandom like if i see a portrayal that i don't agree with it's like "alright you're entitled to your opinion, not my problem"
HOWEVER i'm holding tewksbury from the enola holmes movies in my arms and beating people off with a stick. idk if it's just how explosive enola is combined with the earnestness of his character and how besotted his is with enola but i feel like this becomes an excuse to see him as an always agreeable perfect gentleman with no personality other than how would do anything for enola. she's his first and only priority and thinks of nothing else except how great she is as he watches her do her thing with wide eyes. which yeah, he likes her a lot and he's a nice guy. but also he's fucking weird.
this is the same man that has to fend off girls at balls and then spends the rest of his time sniffing plant leaves. this is the same guy who is the youngest member of the house of lords and is holding his own in parliament and throwing his hat into the ring in supporting some insanely progressive legislature for the time period the story is set in. this is the guy who (as a pretty young teenager) saw his dad die and then decides to throw himself headfirst into running away to london with no money and support bc he'd rather do that than join the military. sure he isn't as deductively smart or physically skilled in weaponry as enola is, but he's sharp and driven and intelligent and, in a lot of ways, a lot savvier than enola and that gets lost in how i see him portrayed.
enola is the main character bc the series is named after her and all but i sincerely doubt that she'd find tewksbury half as interesting if he were the way he's written in most things i've seen 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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