#thanks lu for letting me borrow blank
deepseacritter · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: ⭐ Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: OC CT-4525 | Rift/OC Blank, Original Clone Trooper Character(s)/Original Clone Trooper Character(s) Characters: OC CT | Dinge, OC ARC-8313 | Hatch, OC CT-4525 | Rift, OC Blank Additional Tags: tagged as mature because i’m not sure yet how it ends, hatch holds a grudge against rift, breakfast talk turns bad, clones can and will gossip, not everyone knows the background story, i borrowed blank for this Summary:
Hatch was all for having a nice breakfast, but overheard conversation caught his attention. New information opens up old wounds, and Hatch can’t quite believe it.
@letitrainathousandflames I finally posted it
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floralelu · 4 years
Le Fleuriste: Episode VIII
WARNINGS: minor alcohol usage
Word Count: 2,096
Summary: Lucas talks to Eliott about what Idriss said, but will it be forgive and forget?
The silence between the two was thick with tension. Lucas couldn’t tell if Eliott was going to turn around and walk away, completely ignoring him or if he was going to hear Lucas out. Eliott was fighting his own internal battle, listen to Lucas or walk away like Lucas did last night. There was a strange look in his eyes, one not even Lucas could figure out.
Finally, Eliott broke the silence, “Why? You didn’t want to talk last night, why should I listen to you now?”
Lucas didn’t know what to say to that. Eliott was right, Lucas didn’t give the other man the chance to talk, so why should he give Lucas a chance now?
“You’re right, it wasn’t fair. And I’m sorry. I should’ve let you talk. I was so caught up in my head about everything and I got scared-”
Eliott cut him off, stepping closer to Lucas, “Scared of what, Lu?”
Lucas sighed, looking down at the cobblestones, “That’s what I want to talk to you about. Someone said something to me about you and it freaked me out. So I did what I’m best at and pushed you away.”
Eliott looked confused again. The two stood in silence for a minute before Eliott spoke again, “What did you hear about me?”
His voice was quiet, almost like he was afraid to speak. Eliott felt vulnerable, exposed even though they were the only two in the shop. Lucas realized his mistake, his eyes widening as the words came tumbling out of his mouth.
“No, oh god, no. That’s not what I meant. Idriss said something to me at the party a few days ago-”
Eliott cut him off again, “Idriss.”
“Yes. But he didn’t tell me-”
“Idriss just keeps sticking his head into places that it doesn’t belong. Fuck, you think he’d learn from last time. I don’t need him to babysit me, I’m not a little kid. I know my episodes can get bad sometimes but I don’t need him hovering over every aspect of my life.”
Eliott was yelling now, the quiet voice from earlier had been quickly replaced with anger. His arms were swinging wildly all over the place. Lucas took the few steps forward to close the gap between them. He put his hands on either side of Eliott’s face, making him look at Lucas.
“Eli, that’s not what freaked me out. Idriss had said that if we were together, I would be a distraction for you, that he just got you back and you needed to settle back in. I didn’t know anything about you being bipolar until this morning when Imane mentioned it over the phone. And while it wasn’t her place to say anything about that, I want you to know that it doesn’t change my view of you. Or us, if you still want there to be an us.”
Lucas still had his hands on Eliott’s when he started to shake his head, “You don’t mean that. It always changes something.”
It was Lucas’s turn to shake his head, “Not this time. I’m not going to become your babysitter or your “keeper. This is not going to be what keeps us apart. I promise.”
“You can’t just promise something like that. You don’t know what my episodes are like. Some days I won’t get out of bed, some I won’t even talk to you. Or there’s ones where I feel like I’m completely invincible and I won’t listen to anything you say. I don’t want to hurt you, Lu. God, that’s the last thing I want to do, but you can’t make a promise that big.”
Eliott put his hands over Lucas, getting ready to pull them off and walk away when Lucas tightened his grip just slightly. Lucas looked right into Eliott’s eyes as he spoke “You’re right. I might not be able to make a promise that big, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. The future is scary, so let’s not think that far ahead. We can take everything day by day, yeah?”
A small smile made its way onto Eliott’s face, “Day by day? That sounds alright.”
Lucas was grinning now, happy to have made Eliott smile when something else popped into his head,  “How about minute by minute?”
“Minute by minute?” Eliott let the idea settle in his brain, “I like that.”
“Yeah.” Eliott was staring at Lucas again, “What are we going to do in this minute?”
Lucas hummed, “I’m not sure, what were you thinking?”
Eliott let his gaze go down to Lucas’ lips before sliding back up, “Can I kiss you?”
Lucas nodded, “Yes.”
Eliott leaned forward, his lips meeting Lucas’. Lucas slid his hands to the back of Eliott’s head, fingers running through his hair. Eliott moved his arms towards Lucas’ waist, tugging the smaller man as close as he could get him.
Lucas was the first to pull back, but Eliott leaned back in for another quick peck on the lips. Lucas laughed as he wrapped his arms around Eliott, pulling him into a hug. Eliott squeezed back. They stood for a few seconds before Lucas surged backward out of Eliott’s embrace.
“I forgot! I set something up for us, c’mon.” Lucas grabbed Eliott’s hand and entwined their fingers, leading Eliott out the door and back towards the garden.
Outside was a picnic spread, similar to the one Eliott had made at the botanical gardens in Paris, although this time Lucas had added 2 blank canvases on easels with labels on them that read “PROPERTY OF KING’S GROVE ART STUDIO”. Lucas didn’t steal them, but he did manage to talk Louise, the owner, into borrowing them for the day. She was a sweet old lady with white curls nesting on her head in a bun and always wearing a yellow apron that was stained with a rainbow of colors of paint. When Lucas asked how much it would be to use them for the day she replied, “Don’t worry about the money, worry about what you’re going to say to the love of your life”.
The two easels sat on top of a blanket that was covered in a striped plaid pattern. In front of the easels was paint pallets with an assortment of paint bottles to go around, there was every color you could think of. Lucas knew he would have to thank Louise for her helpful expertise on what colors to buy. At the edge of the blanket laid a picnic basket, with a bottle of wine that was left over from one of Daphne and Basile’s dates as well as a variety of lunch meat and freshly baked bread that was supplied by Disco Danish. Ginger was curled up underneath one of the easels, napping peacefully as the warm sun shined upon her fur.
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“Lucas, this is-” Eliott began.
“Amazing? I know,” Lucas looked over at Eliott who was grinning from ear to ear. Lucas missed that smile.
Eliott sighed dramatically before taking a seat.
“I suppose.”
Lucas began pouring the wine into the glasses he brought from home. Once the wine was poured Eliott raised his glass to clink with Lucas’. They sipped their wine silently.
“So, what are you going to paint?” Lucas asked as Eliott removed the lids from the tubes of paint, putting a pea sized amount into each bowl of his paint pallet.
“You’ll just have to see,” Eliott said. Turning the canvas away from Lucas so that he could concentrate.
Lucas nodded and blushed slightly. He couldn’t believe he had another chance with the boy he loved.
Lucas began putting paint onto his pallet, trading tubes with Eliott from time to time when Eliott needed them. Lucas began painting a sunflower, even though he didn’t know a single thing when it came to art. He knew flowers would be easy to paint and he knew that they were Eliott’s favorite.
He began with the background, painting it a dark green to really contrast with the yellow colors around it. He then started painting his hands multiple shades of yellow and stamping them on the canvas.
“What are you doing?” Eliott asked, gazing up from his work.
“I guess you’ll just have to see,” Lucas said, Eliott laughed at the response.
Lucas then began painting his thumb a dark brown and stamping it into the middle of his circle of handprints. He made continuous circles of thumbprints until the middle was complete. Once he cleaned his hands of the yellow and brown paint, he painted his hands green and pressed them to the canvas. He soon had two leaves coming up from below the flower and with that his painting was complete.
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“Done!” Lucas said.
“And…” Eliott trailed off, he was concentrating hard on his canvas. “...done!”
The boys both removed their canvases from the easels and showed each other. Lucas gasped at the sight of Eliott’s painting. He painted a honey bee that was among a smattering of pale pink flowers. It was beautiful and by far Lucas’ favorite painting of Eliott’s.
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Lucas was drawn out of his trance when Eliott gently reached for Lucas’ painting, staring at each individual print of his hands and fingertips.
“It’s beautiful, Lu,” Eliott whispered. “It’s oddly intimate.”
Lucas looked at the painting and gazed up at Eliott, smiling slightly.
“That reminds me!” Eliott stood up quickly. “I have something for you.”
Eliott ran back inside to the flower shop, grabbing his backpack and setting it onto the blanket. He sat down with his backpack between his legs, searching every pocket for whatever he was looking for.
“Aha!” Eliott said, pulling out a tiny box from the front pocket of his backpack. He opened it to reveal a small gold honey bee hanging off of a matching chain. Lucas stared at it and grazed his finger over the small body of the bee.
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“Well,” Eliott started. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
Lucas grabbed the box out of Eliott’s hands and fished for the necklace. He grabbed it and undid the clasp.
“Let me,” Eliott said, grabbing the small chain from Lucas. He moved his backpack and pulled Lucas toward him. Pulling him so that he was seated between his legs so that he could have easy  access to his neck.
Lucas was aware of every cell of Eliott that was touching him in this moment. He got chills all over his body. Eliott did the clasp and kissed the back of Lucas’ neck.
“Done.” Eliott murmured, sliding his arms around Lucas’ middle and placing his head one Lucas’ shoulder. They sat there for a while in a warm embrace. Ginger crawled into Lucas’ lap and Lucas touched her fur lightly and kept smoothing it over.
“Why did you get me this necklace?” Lucas questioned.
“Look,” Eliott removed his arms from Lucas and pulled a similar gold chain from under his shirt. Lucas gazed at the matching necklace that had a sunflower charm on it. “I got it for the both of us after our first date. I was going to give yours to you but then everything got messed up.” Eliott paused. “And I never had the heart to take off mine.”
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Lucas’ eyes filled with tears. Lucas couldn’t help but feel ashamed after thinking that all this time that Eliott didn’t care about him.
“Did you know that honey bees will fly about 90,000 miles in order to make one pound of honey?” Eliott said.
Lucas laughed. “Where did you hear that at?”
“In a book I read.”
Of course. Lucas thought to himself.
Eliott started grabbing yellow paint from his pallet and started putting lines of paint around Lucas’ face.
“What are you doing?” Lucas asked.
“You’ll see!” Eliott said excitedly. “I got these necklaces because bees and flowers can’t live without each other. They need each other to stay alive, and I know I can’t live without you.”
Lucas smiled at him as he placed the final dot on Lucas’ nose. Eliott opened up the camera on his phone and showed Lucas what he had created. Eliott had made a sunflower of Lucas’ face with 8 lines of yellow 3 being on his forehead and 4 being on his chins and cheeks. His nose was dotted with a brown dollop of paint. Lucas chuckled at the sight.
“We need each other, Lu. I don’t want to lose you.” Eliott placed his hands on Lucas’ cheeks, streaking the paint.
“And you won’t,” Lucas said, placing his hand on top of Eliott’s. “Never.”
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Luca was a ball of energy, and so very curious. He was a salve on Eren's aching soul, easing the worries the omega was suffering from when it came to Levi. Barely two days old, the little dragon was happy to make his wishes known. Whether it be milk, or to be put back up on the bed with them, each time he'd trill "Lu" until either Levi or Eren picked him up. Eren was completely smitten. Like any new born, there'd been accidents, which led to trial and error over creating a nappy for Luca to wear given they couldn't take the dragon outside their room yet. He loved bath time, though the first time his feet had touched the water, he'd reared up and tried to flap his wings like he thought intimidating it would do something. Levi had laughed at their adopted son so hard that Eren hadn't known what to say or do. It's felt like decades since he'd heard the man laugh. The alpha was clearly just as smitten, even with his lack of emotions... and Eren was maybe just a bit more than a little jealous. All he'd been getting from Levi was violent dreams, smacked in the face more than once as the alpha cursed whoever was plaguing him. By morning, his magic would have healed him back up, and he could face the day like nothing happened thanks to Luca's love.
 Staying at the inn was nice. The bed was comfortable, the food and drink were poison free, yet the omega was starting to go crazy as they waited to hear from Erwin, or with fear when Levi would seemingly blank out for a moment or two while doing something trivial like folding clothes, or buttering bread. Still, Eren held his tongue better than he'd thought he could. Each time he looked to Luca, he'd take a breath and push a smile to his face. He still loves Levi, and knew Levi wouldn't hurt him if he was conscious. That was the main thing, he'd also never hurt Luca, which also told Eren that he Levi didn't mean his actions. With time on their hands, they'd consulted the map Levi had purchased. It showed they were in what was called "Europe", a land mass Marley had once attempted to conquer before they'd been driven out. The country was land locked, and it'd take flying over two other countries to get back home. It was kind of disappointing to know the channel outside their window didn't connect to the ocean, but that soon passed. The view reminding him that he needed to be strong like the bricks that held up this city. He wanted this kind of peace for Eldia, so he needed tried to commit everything he could to memory each time he looked outside.
 It was roughly a 5 days into their stay that Levi finally received word from Erwin. They'd been woken by a constant tapping against the glass of the doors, to find a royal eagle waiting to be let in. The moment the eagle swept into the room, Luca wanted to be friends. Wiggling his butt, he'd taken off. Launching himself at the eagle, and landing on the floor with a confused coo. If the eagle could talk, Eren was sure that it'd be laughing it's arse off at Luca's lack of stealthy. Taking the message from the canister attached to the birds leg, Levi wasted no time reading it, leaving Eren nervous as he tried to imagine what Erwin could have written. Penning his own letter back on the back of Erwin's, the whole delivery and reply took all of 10 minutes, before the alpha was making himself a cup of tea. Eren tried so hard not to break the silence, but he just couldn't help himself
"What did he say?"
"Zeke wants us home"
No shit. He knew that much
"The royal advisors said to wait another two weeks before returning. They're going to send a ship to collect us just east of Marley's borders, then announce that we were travelling to celebrate our engagement, and that there was a delay in our return"
"Seriously?! They don't want us back right away?"
"They do. It's just become a little difficult"
"But... by the time we get back, it's going to be like... 6 weeks since we found out. Isn't that too long?"
"I don't know. Erwin says Zeke won't listen. The royal advisors aren't listening to Erwin, despite him being the prince and then there's been whispers that some of the Marley guests within the castle walls are planning something. They're probably trying to accumulate information we get home. In other words, they know their plotting something big, and need time to take care of the traitors in their midst before it's safe for us to set foot in there"
Or they were planning to kill Erwin off... they only really needed Levi. Levi was the public prince... with Erwin gone, Levi lost his right hand man... He could easily be dead by the time they got back, and as impossible as the alpha was, he was Levi's friend. He didn't want the man to die
"Levi. We have to go back"
"Please. I hate this. If Erwin dies before we get back, the blood of the royal family dies along with him"
There was Armin... but he didn't know if Obsydin knew about that secret, so he sure as hell wasn't about to blurt it out and put his friend in danger
"I know. I knew you'd want to head back, so I told Erwin we'll be leaving tonight. Not flying, mind you. We'll set out by horseback until we get to Marley. Once we've reached the border, we'll keep just inside of it until we reach the rendezvous point"
That plan sucked
"Won't they recognise you?"
"I've only ever been to the Capital of Marley once, and that was to sign the stupid peace treaty. At least along the border, we shouldn't run into anyone who'd recognise us"
"But if war's coming, wouldn't they close the borders?"
"Marley is preparing to take the war to Paradis Island. They're so confident they'll defeat us, the bulk of their armed forces are waiting for deployment at their port"
Eren frowned, then hissed as Luca nipped his fingers wanting his next feed
"I don't like this"
"Neither do I"
"I feel like... like Zeke is giving us too much time to return. If he really wanted you dead, he wouldn't wait for two months after the initial incident. He could have taken the castle by now"
"Erwin's worried about that too. He thinks that there may be a spy within the ranks of advisors, which wouldn't surprise me at me this stage. Ultimately the decision is mine to make. For now, we'll make for Marley"
It was better than nothing... he'd have to swallow down his dislike of horses. Ugh. The demon beasts, they were.
"Ok... Did he say if Draecia was contacted?"
"No. I am assuming they would have been, but no official royal correspondence had been sent. I should say, he didn't mention reaching out to them recently. I know you've got Luca to think of, but you need to be careful. You're my fiancé. If they do recognise me, they'll be after you too"
Eren's tongue betrayed him before he could stop himself
"Am I? I don't have my ring anymore..."
"I've got it. I didn't know how to return it"
He wasn't expecting that at all
"You kept it?"
"Why wouldn't I keep it? I meant what I said. I want to be with you for as long as it's safe for me to be with you. I won't tolerate this "me" that's been hurting you"
"I'm still just as serious about you leaving if it gets too much"
"You know I won't do that"
This fight was falling back into it's usual loop, that would only end up with them both in a stiff and awkward silence because Eren wouldn't agree, and Levi wouldn't take no for an answer. He needed to stop it before that happened
"Stubborn brat"
"Yeah. I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to stay by your side"
Levi simply sighed at him
"You're stubborn about all the wrong things. Stupidly faithful, and unfairly beautiful. I still don't know what you're doing with me"
What was he supposed to say to that? Again... Levi wasn't making this easy. Playful. If he went playful, the alpha should take the out... even if meant delaying their departure by an hour or three
"We all have our kinks. Anyway, we should make a move. I can't wait to get back and introduce them all to Luca"
"And who knows, maybe we'll actually make some pretty decent memories on this trip?"
"You mean you laughing each time I fall off the horse?"
Two could play this game, Levi arching an eyebrow as he shrugged
"There that. Just make sure you don't hurt Luca with all the dirt kissing you're about to do"
"Dream on, old man. I'll have you know I made it to the port by horse back, alone"
"And I'll have you know riding for two weeks is going to silence that pretty little mouth of yours"
"I can think of other ways to silence it"
"I can think of better ways for you to be using your mouth, too. But alas, we need to pack"
"Pack, my arse. You're not getting away that easily"
Travelling was going much smoother than Levi had expected. After "borrowing" two horses, they'd mounted up. Eren so far yet to make the acquaintance of the ground, despite not paying one ounce of attention to where they were going. With his cloak hood up, Luca had settled around his neck, mostly hidden away as he peaked over Eren's shoulder, trilling "Lu" each time something caught his attention. Levi wasn't jealous at all... Much... He was, but it Luca made it hard to be mad at him for taking all of Eren's attention. He hadn't really thought the logistics through of "adopting" a baby dragon, nor had he expected it to bring out such a strong paternal feeling from inside of him. Watching his two dragons together, it was a bitter sweet pill as he wished that Luca wasn't possibly the only child they'd ever have. The baby dragon adored Eren, though he also seemed fond of Levi too. If Levi was to go to the bathroom without him, Luca would cry at door for him until he turned. If the baby dragon wasn't curled up between them at night, he'd cry. Though he didn't stay between them. He'd learned that blankets wiggled and if he attacked what was wiggling, he'd be picked up and showered with pats and scratched. If they dared eat something in front of him without sharing, he made it known as he attempted to, less than stealthily, join in. Unlike most baby animals, Luca was ready for the world the moment he came out, and so far he'd proven himself to be a mini-Eren. From the butt-wiggle like a kitten before pouncing, to sprawling out on his back and snoring at his slept. His wing really didn't seem to put a dent in his happiness, nor did it stop him from trying to fly.
 Watching Eren whispering to Luca, Levi nudged his horse closer. Feeling slightly put out over the fact he wasn't involved in their "conversation". It wasn't like Luca could talk back, but Eren assured him that as the dragon grew, he'd slowly learn. For now, Luca simply liked hearing their voices
"What are you whispering about?"
"About how long it would take for you to come over. I think he misses you. He won't sit still"
Pulling down his hood, Luca scrambled to hold onto Eren as his excited looked to Levi. The dragon's sharp little claws digging in, was the only thing stopping the baby dragon from falling off the horse with excitement
"Doesn't that hurt?"
"A little. But he doesn't mean it. Are you going to take him?"
"Yeah. Pass him over"
Eren gathered Luca up, carefully passing him over, where Levi took him by the scruff of the neck to sit him down on the rise of the saddle. Closing his eyes, Luca shook his head as if the wind was blowing through his non-existent hair. It didn't matter that the horses were only walking, the baby dragon was... a dopey idiot
"He looks happy"
"He's never not happy. How about you? Are you holding up alright?"
"My arse is numb"
"That happens. It's supposed to be a full day to the next town"
"I know. I was there when you decided where we were going last night. And I was there when you decided we needed to leave early"
There was no real bite in Eren's voice, yet something rubbed him the wrong way
"You said you were fine with riding"
"I am fine with it"
"You just complained about your arse"
"I wasn't complaining. I was just saying my bum is numb. How about you? Everything ok over there?"
With Luca "basking" in the wind, Levi shrugged
"As long as this one behaves himself, it's fine"
"Oh... ok... if he gets too much, I'll take him back"
Somehow he'd hurt Eren's feelings, the omega slumping in his saddle as his fiddled with his reins. He didn't know what he'd done, yet, he'd done it
"He's fine..."
Levi grasped for something he could turn into a conversation
"... what are you looking forward to in the next town?"
Eren perked back up with a hum that seemed a little fake. If he didn't want to talk, he should just say so
"Other than a proper bed, maybe the markets? Can we take a look this time?"
They hadn't taken a look at the rows of markets in the city due to the fact they'd creatively liberated the horses. Well, Levi had liberated the horses while Eren waited for him, smoothly assuring the omega it was fine. The stables he'd taken the horses from left much to be desired. They were probably happier this way, then being with owners that probably didn't give two shits about their condition
"That should be fine. We've still got some coins left, though we can't afford to be too frivolous"
"I just wanted to get Luca something warmer to sleep in. He's so tiny I get worried he's going to get sick"
"Like you?"
Eren nodded, a hand going to his chest
"I know it might be stupid, but when I look at him, I get so worried for his future"
"He'll be fine. He's got you to protect him"
"I can't protect him from everything... or everyone"
Maybe not. But once Eren was home, he'd have the protection of Erwin, Armin, Hanji and Mikasa. If worst came to worst, he had very little doubt that the 5 of them together could figure something out
"He's going to be fine. He's already just like you, and you're fine"
"He's not just like me"
"Eren, you two even sleep in the same position"
"I... it's a dragon thing"
Huffing his protest, Eren pouted at him
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. I've already told you you're a natural. You make a great mum to him. The only danger he's in is being spoilt to death"
Patting Luca's head, the dragon trilled at him with a smug look. The little dragon already knew he had them both wrapped around his little claw.
Travelling probably shouldn't have been as fun as it'd turned into. The closer they grew to Marley, the more little things set Levi off, but as long as Eren didn't push when his alpha's mood suddenly shifted, he could deal with it. Over the last week, they'd seen so many amazing things. Spices, herbs and food he'd never known existed. People and cultures with shrines and carvings so intricate he could have stared at them for hours. Even horse riding was no longer just sitting on the back of a demon beast. He could trot now, but cantering felt like he was flying. Luca would sit up on his shoulders and bask in the feeling of the wind. Best of all these new experiences was that Levi was by his side for it all. His alpha having moments when he was so affectionate that everything else just faded from his mind. Like the time he'd nearly got lost at the market when he'd stopped to look at a new type of fabric he'd never seen before. The vendor was talking away to him, and before he knew it, he'd been swept into his store and shown the most amazing silk robes. The man didn't even care that his hair and face were covered by a scarf of sorts, as that was what everyone else wore in the sandy country. When Levi had found him, the alpha laughed at the pink fabric the man was trying to force upon him. Pink was definitely not his colour, neither was the bright pink of the semi-transparent fabric. Wanting to prove to Levi that he could totally pull off dainty and delicate, Eren had twirled around with two lengths of fabric in his hands, which ended up with them both evicted over his shenanigans. In his side back, Luca had looked up at him like he was judging him just as silently as the vendor had. He'd even tried riding something called a camel for the first time. A kind of creature he'd never seen before, and wasn't sure he ever wanted to see again, but they'd had to "sell" their horses at the border to the sandy country as horses couldn't make it across the desert dunes. Of course, they didn't really sell them. It kind of worked on exchange where you left your horses on side, and were presented with a token you could chip in once you'd safely made it across the desert and to the port city that was at the end of the trail. On the first night of the trip they'd had a private tent, where Levi had been too busy laying claiming his body, he didn't have to worry about anyone else trying to make a move on him. They'd been so loud, the members of the group had teased them. Eren didn't mind, and when their tent slowly filled with fellow travellers he didn't mind either. He might not be able to speak their language, and the journey might have taken up a week and half, completely blowing Levi's two week plan out the water, but he felt so incredibly alive. Sometimes hours would pass without him thinking of home, then all at once it'd hit him, and he'd fall into a flunk over what was waiting in Eldia. Whenever Levi caught him in one of his moods, the alpha always pulled him close and told him it'd all be ok.
 After an amazing first week, and an interesting second week, the third progressively grew worse. They were delayed for two days due to a freak storm that had taken everyone else by surprise, so by the time they crossed into Marley, Levi was short tempered and constantly snapping. The alpha nursing a headache he refused any help for, and was back to walking in his sleep again. If he asked, Levi would snap, apologise, then fall silent. Next came the physical abuse. Like back at the hotel in Hannes's country, the first time Levi slapped him, he didn't know what happened. The second time, Levi broke his arm when Eren woke him while sleepwalking. Following Levi, he'd waited until his arm had healed before attempting to wake him, then slightly bent the truth by pretending he'd never been hurt in the first place. While he could deal with it, Luca couldn't. Luca had started to shy away from Levi at night, hiding under the bed and tucking his tail between his legs when the man tried to get close. He could see the pain on Levi's face. The confusion followed by the defeat. Eren's omega knew Levi wasn't to blame. Marley wasn't exactly Obsydin's, Levi's, or Eren's favourite place to be. For all Zeke's talk, poverty ran rampant in the border towns. To Eren, Marley had been the enemy... but to see its people suffering, it really drove home that Eldia wasn't the only one under the shackles of war. Where he could, and where he wasn't noticed, he'd use the seeds of all the new herbs and such he'd purchased to grow trees for farmers, or to give the sad crops a little boost. Levi didn't like it. He claimed Eren was being too obvious. But if a farmer already had an orchard, how was he to notice a few more trees? He just wanted to help people. Was that really so wrong? They hadn't asked to be swept up in this stupid war. Just like Levi hadn't asked to start losing more and more of himself, while Obsydin only continued to grow in his mind.
  Telling himself that they'd soon be home, Eren wasn't sure if he believed it anymore. He was tired. So fucking tired that he was sleep riding. Out of nowhere his lungs had started giving him trouble again, to which Levi had responded to by telling him "to stop that ridiculous noise". The alpha, once again apologising for his actions, only to spill half a bowl of boiling water across his lap when his grown so bad Eren needed a dose of steam. Levi's eyes had been blank as he carried the bowl across their small camp, pouring it across him before coming to when screamed at the unexpected pain. Luca had come running from the tent, launching himself into Eren's lap and growling at Levi. The baby dragon not realising his claws went straight through Eren's clothes, and tore into the tender flesh. Reassuring Luca it was just an accident between pained coughs, Levi was skeptical until Eren assured him too that he was fine, and that it really was an accident, while trying to dislodge Luca's claws. At least when Luca rode on his shoulder, the scales across his back offered some protection, not like the bare and soft skin of his thighs. He hated seeing both Luca and Levi upset. His happy family had started falling apart at the seems, as his omega began to grieve the loss, despite the fact his two loves were right there near him.
 Levi changed further after that night. Each time they touched, he apologised. Each time they had sex, it felt like they were two gears not aligning properly. Each time he sought Levi for comfort, Levi was quick to tense. In his heart he knew what was coming, but his mind was a different story as it foolishly hung onto the belief that they'd always be together.
Since crossing the border into Marley, a sick kind of anger had wormed its way into Levi's mind. In his dreams he was searching for something, for someone, only for the dreams to end with the death of a red dragon so large it blocked the sun. He didn't know what it was supposed to mean. He didn't know how to interpret or "read" dreams, he just knew each time he woke, he felt a longing in his chest that wasn't for his lover.
 As they travelled, it became harder to focus on Eren. The alpha found his mind constantly at war with itself. They were in Marley territory. It would be nothing to ride into the capital and cause hell. He could kill Zeke before the man had a chance to destroy Marley. He could kill the whole royal family and not blink an eye at the fall out. He felt no sympathy at all for the citizens of Marley, nor the struggling people Eren was obsessed with helping. If they died, it simply meant there was one person who was less likely to take up a sword against Eldia, so, by Eren helping them, the omega was effectively aiding in the war efforts against their own country. Once the thought had burrowed it's way in, it seemed to infect every fibre of his being. The love and desire he felt for Eren, began to dim and flicker, yet, he knew he loved Eren with everything he had. It was Obsydin's madness that was tearing his lover from his mind, Hannes had said he'd go crazy trying to house two seperate consciousnesses in his mind, and crossing Marley's border had been the final nail in the coffin.
 For days he hid his pain the best he could. There'd been more and more incidents where he found himself in places he had no memory of being in, or he found Eren guiding him back to their camp, wreaking of pain, yet wearing a fake smile as if nothing was happening. The incident with the boiling water had happened before he'd known what was going on, Eren's screams echoing in his head. He'd reached his limit. He needed to leave now, or risk killing Eren. Just how many times had he hurt him? What had he done to him? Pouring boiling water across his lap, striking him, snapping at him. All of this was unforgivable in his eyes, but with the way Luca had become so weary of him, he was sure he'd done more, and for that, the last sliver of his human could never forgive him.
  Reaching the shore he'd agreed upon with Erwin, Levi found himself wavering over leaving. Just across the sea, Eldia was waiting for them. The sea that Eren and Luca had been so happy to play in once they'd reached the beach. He didn't know who was the first to reach the waves, only that Luca was barrelled up in the swell, when he reemerged, the first thing he tried to do was attack it. Eren didn't even bother changing as he ran into the water wearing his boots, whooping the whole time he was running, before belly flopping into the water. Their happiness was so genuine, that Levi realised he could no longer relate at all. He might have laughed, he was sure he had. Yet he couldn't remember just how someone laughed. Even thinking of the market where Eren had been thrown out the fabric store failed to bring any kind of fondness or warmth, and he knew for a fact he'd found it funny at the time. For all his gracefulness, Eren had looked like a shitty idiot as he'd spun circles and waved the pink fabric around in something that resembled "dancing". Nodding to himself, it was decided. He'd give Luca and Eren one last good day. He'd swallow down everything he could, and tell them both he loved them. He'd play in the water, or build sand castles on the beach. No matter how much he hated it. No matter how irritated he got. Today was Eren and Luca's day.
 So that's what he did. Letting the two dragons play, Eren shifted into his dragon form and let Luca climb all over him. It was a stupid idea, anyone could have seen them, yet he didn't say a word as he set up camp. He also didn't say anything when Eren shifted back, and returned a panting mess with a sleepy Luca in his arms. When the sun was at highest point, they ate lunch. Eren lazing around naked, having stripped off his wet clothes after playing. When Luca went down for a nap, the omega climbed into his lap, so Levi showered him with attention, desperately trying to brand every inch of Eren into his mind, and not show his annoyance over helping the omega who helped the enemy. He loved him. He loved him so fucking much, that he still couldn't understand how everything had gone so wrong.
 After sex they'd cuddled until the temperature began to cool, Eren clinging to him tightly, as if he knew he was going to wake up alone the following morning. Whispering words of love, it washed on Levi like water running down the drain. Hated this. Normally his brain would shut up after he'd knotted Eren, yet everything in his head was only getting louder. He didn't hear his lover asking if he wanted to join him swimming. He didn't realise how focused on the voices in his head were until he found himself staring into Eren's worried green eyes. How one person could love him the way the omega did, defied human logic. Blindly agreeing to whatever Eren was asking, was how he ended up swimming with the omega until Luca woke. The baby dragon coming bounding down to the waters edge, before plunging in and swimming right up to them. Eren was full of praise for their adopted child, scooping him up, and holding up so Levi could scratch between the two nubs that would form his horns as he aged. Both of them were far too pure for this world... and far too pure for the twisted creature he'd become.
 After swimming came showering, which soon turned to dinner. Eren and Luca were exhausted. Luca falling asleep in his bowl of milk, while Eren climbed into Levi's arms and mumble words of thanks. Making him waver yet again. In Eldia there could be a cure. It'd been months since they'd left now... yet he knew he was just being stupid by the way the thought of a cure angered him. He didn't know what came next for him, but Eldia wasn't it. As they prepared for bed, Levi laid Eren out under the night sky, bringing forth soft and breathy moans from the omega as he pleasured him to the point of purring. Blissed out and more asleep than awake, he held Eren close to whisper in his ear
"I release you of my commands upon you. I release you of your vow and oath to Eldia. Instead I give you this new command, find a way to be happy, and know that I truly loved you. I command you not to spill our secrets, though I say this knowing you wouldn't anyway. You were kind, and soft, and pure. I leave you this way. Find another alpha. Have a family. Be happy for both of us, and for our son"
 Levi stayed until Eren had fallen asleep deeply enough not to notice him slipping out of his hold. Dressing quickly, he moved Luca to Eren's side. Eren would be heartbroken come morning. He was going to need Luca to fill that hole of betrayal he was leaving on the omega's heart. Not that he understood it anymore. Next he sorted their bags out. The cursed sword that had started it all, hadn't survived the journey all that well. It's scales "crunching" as Levi handled it. He'd intended to just wear it upon his hip, but that was no longer an option, so he merely wrapped it back up and packed into the bag he was taking. He also took the remaining coins they had, as well as half the food and his own clothes from Eldia. He could always sell the silver off his jacket if he needed money, and by taking the coins, he stopped Eren from being able to buy or rent a horse to follow him with. When he was done, he spared a glance back to Luca and Eren, his family... a little voice in the back of his mind told him he was doing the right thing, even though he knew how mad Eren would be. All he could do was shake his head, as he gathered up the reins for both horses and started leading them away from the shore line.
 From here on out, they'd walk seperate paths, with the possibility of never meeting again.
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furidojasutin · 6 years
Pairing: Luli (Lucy x Lisanna)
Universe: Canon
Rating: K+/T for nudity
Summary: Cana has played a prank on Lucy and now she’s left in the women’s bath with no clothes or towels to cover herself with. How is this situation gonna be solved?
a/n: Another commission for @gytech! Thank you again for all your patience and liking my writing enough to commission me again. It really means a lot to me and I always hope that you’ll like what I write for you! ;w;
That Lucy is confident in her body and general appearance had never been a secret. She loved to let her charms play, knew how to work with what she had and often felt no shame when the idea came from herself. It could come in handy, really, and it was no unhealthy amount of confidence so everything was fine.
Yet, she somehow still found herself getting flustered when people around her ran around casually naked, with herself right among them. Erza's bold nature and Cana's casual gropes had flustered her many times and she still hadn't completely gotten used to it. It was fine when she sat in the hot springs or women baths, most of her body covered by the pleasantly warm water. But getting up, walking around? Getting casually touched? It let a deep shade of crimson rise to her cheeks more often than not.
“Oh no... No no...,” Lucy hectically muttered to herself when reality dawned on her. Cana had threatened to steal her clothes earlier when they had teased each other but at this point the celestial mage hadn't thought that she would actually go through with this. Oh how foolish she had been.
Her clothes were gone, all of them, and there wasn't any sign of left towels either. She was the only one left in the women's bathroom but how was she able to get out of it now? She could impossibly strut through the guild hall nude.
Water still dropping from her body Lucy desperately tried to spot anything that could help her. Her arms were helplessly hovering over her body, not able to decide just what she wanted to cover. “Cana!!” She whined and began to form different scenarios in her head. What if Natsu burst into the room again. Or Gray? What if anyone else got wind off her situation? Knowing many of her comrades they'd rather be amused and tease her more before they helped her.
She loved all of them dearly, she really did, but sometimes they could be so exasperating. Many of them anyway. Her closest friends not excluded at all.
“I need to find a way to sneak out of here...” Okay, time to think! Whining wouldn't do any good, she realized now, and so she uttered a deep sigh. She would have to reach the infirmary to get some kind of garments and she wouldn't have to pass the crowded guild hall to arrive there. It would still be a huge risk but what else was there left for her to do? Other than wait for somebody to find her, that is.
Deciding that this was her only possibility, Lucy took heart and turned around. But just then a voice suddenly echoed in the bath.
Brown eyes widened and even though her cheeks had just gotten back to their normal color, they began to redden again. Why her of all people? Why did she have to find her?
“Kyaa!” Embarrassed about her current situation, Lucy squeezed her eyes shut and squatted down with her arms wrapped around her legs. Lisanna was walking towards her, entirely unaffected by Lucy's bared appearance.
It was known that Lucy could overreact a little when she felt awkward about something but usually it wasn't that bad when the girls were bathing together and it had Lisanna wonder immediately.
“Is everything okay? We've been missing you already. What's taking you so long?” Lisanna blinked. She eyed Lucy's flushed cheeks and put her hands on her hips when her brows furrowed. This got her strange vibes, something must be up.
But it took Lucy a moment until she felt courageous to lift her head and look her guild mate and friend in the eye. Well, guild mate and friend and... she wasn't exactly sure but she thought that she'd developed a crush on Lisanna over the last weeks. This uncertainty didn't exactly make interacting with her easier and she just hoped that Lis hadn't taken note of her avoiding her company every now and again.
“I... I'm fine!” She had never been a good liar. Lucy averted her eyes, looking down at the tiles. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and Lisanna's unwavering gaze on her didn't help.
“Are you sure?” Again Lisanna blinked. And she didn't believe her friend at all. “You reacted far too startled. Did something happen?”
“W-Well...” Of course she wouldn't believe her and she realized that there was no use in trying to fool Lis. Taking a deep breath though still not looking up, she confessed. “Cana stole my clothes... and now I've nothing to cover myself with.” It was embarrassing to admit this. “I... wanted to try to sneak over to the infirmary without anybody noticing b-but...” … then you came in.
It was silent and Lucy didn't dare looking up even after she'd given her explanation. But then suddenly Lisanna began to laugh softly, the light-hearted sweet sound of it making Lucy's heart beat faster and let her feel slightly offended all the same. “W-What's so funny about this?!” She whined, and finally glanced up instinctively with a reproachful look.
“I'm sorry Lu,” Lis responded after she recovered herself from her gentle laughter. “It's just so typical. Why do these things always happen to you?”
How was she supposed to know!? She was practically a magnet for these kinda things, she knew that. And she wasn't exactly happy about it! Huffing Lucy forgot about wanting to cover her body for a moment as she stood up straight and pointed a finger at the other female. “This- This is not funny!!”
Watching Lucy's sudden movement Lisanna's expression went blank for a moment. Her blue eyes were openly wandering over the blonde's body before she looked straight into her brown eyes again. And then she gave another chuckle. “I don't mind the sight.” She wasn't lying but she intended to disguise her comment as a little tease.
Successfully so, because when Lucy realized what Lis had just said a new shade of red seeped into her cheeks and she puffed them out. Only then she had realized that she was standing before her possible crush, upright and gloriously exposed but thankfully Lisanna quickly carried on the conversation.
Not without giving another chuckle at witnessing Lu's reaction, though. “I'll help you, and then you can go home and get fresh clothes. Wait-”
Lucy wanted to protest, wanted to ask how exactly Lisanna wanted to help her but she didn't question it. Actually, her thoughts went wild for a moment when suddenly Lis casually began to strip out of her own clothing as if it was the most normal thing to do right now and she began to flail. “W-Wait, what are you going to do?!”
“You'll see! Don't worry, it's no problem at all.” Lis smiled as she looked up previous. She proceeded to move out of her pants and underwear and handed it all over to Lucy once she was done. “Take them!”
“B-B-But what about yourself?” Would her cheeks ever stop feeling so hot today? And she was genuinely confused right now, her mind far too upset to possibly get what Lisanna had planned.
It all suddenly made sense when she felt a rush of magic energy pool around Lisanna and the youngest Strauss began to transform, changing into her white tiger takeover form. Oh. If she wasn't feeling so overwhelmed she could have thought of this.
“See?” Lisanna smiled, a bit of pride swinging in her voice. “It's easy and the perfect solution.”
They both realized that their guild mates would be asking questions nonetheless. They simply wouldn't give them the time to and just rush out of the guild hall as fast and attracting as little attention as possible!
It was Lucy's turn to blink two times but as soon as she realized that she could finally get dressed and didn't have to cross the guild hall naked relief came in like a wave. Sighing she hugged Lisanna's clothes close and gave her a genuine smile in a return. The blush was still on her face though for this moment she could forget about it. “Thank you, Lisanna. You've saved me right now.”
“Anytime!” Lisanna beamed, then gave another chuckle. Her hands came to rest on her hips confidently again and she watched how Lucy began to get dressed.
It was quiet while Lucy slipped into the garments. She felt like a weight just fell off her shoulder and she silently swore that she would get revenge for this prank. Somehow. She had no idea how exactly yet.
“Wow, my crop top looks really good on you.” It was the black one with the fishnet neckline and it somehow gave Lucy a more rebellious look. Lisanna liked it; and it was a somehow pleasing feeling to know that Lucy was wearing her more 'casual' and 'cool' clothes. She could wear any clothing style, really.
Catching herself swooning over the celestial mage silently Lis shook her head. She was quick to regain a smile and nodded after Lucy asked if she meant it. “Mh-hm! You can borrow it some time if you want!”
Lucy felt herself smile widely at that. Perhaps she would borrow it. Perhaps she'd keep Lisanna's clothes at home for a day or two and wear them again after washing them. Of course she wasn't just going to return them without washing them! That would just be rude. Lisanna helped her out in a pretty embarrassing situation and she wouldn't just hand her back her clothes and let her wash them herself.
Just as if Lis was able to read her thoughts, she said- “You can keep them as long as you want. There's no rush. I'm just gonna change into something else after I've accompanied you on your way home.” She thought for a moment. “Unless you want to go alone, of course! Of course you don't need anyone to accompany you. If you want to go alone then I'll just head to my sibling's and my apartment immediately-”
But Lucy found that she didn't want that. Her alarm bells were ringing for some reason, just as if she could possibly risk messing something up for herself, for them if she was going to reply without thinking. If she gave a dishonest reply. And so she quickly interrupted Lisanna. “No, no! I'd love some company.” Lucy gave a kind of awkward chuckle. “Unless you plan on stealing my clothes as well and this was just a way to get my trust.”
Of course she was just joking though the fact that Lucy was still embarrassed that this could happen to her clearly swung along in the tone of her voice and Lisanna noticed.
“No worries.” Lis' tail twitched in amusement and she chuckled. “That's not the kind of prank I would play on somebody. Let's get going!”
With that Lisanna stretched out one of her paws for Lucy to grab, smiling at her.
She wasn't sure if it was only her wishful imagination or if there was really a faint blush on Lisanna's cheeks but Lucy was happy either way. She'd felt stressed out about Lisanna of all people finding her, fearful that she would make fun of her even though she knew that this was a ridiculous thought. And she realized now that Lisanna Strauss had somehow managed to steal her heart.
Perhaps there was a chance. Perhaps Lisanna felt the same. Lucy's heart was beating faster again when she took Lisanna's paw into her hand and nodded and the one moment they were just smiling at each other felt like forever. It was making her feel giddy and happy and she was looking forward to spending this day with her.
“Mh-hm! Let's go!”
So maybe she had to thank Cana after all.
Yes, maybe this misfortune turned into a kind of fortune that had never crossed her mind when she found herself being in this situation.
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Luca was a ball of energy, and so very curious. He was a salve on Eren's aching soul, easing the worries the omega was suffering from when it came to Levi. Barely two days old, the little dragon was happy to make his wishes known. Whether it be milk, or to be put back up on the bed with them, each time he'd trill "Lu" until either Levi or Eren picked him up. Eren was completely smitten. Like any new born, there'd been accidents, which led to trial and error over creating a nappy for Luca to wear given they couldn't take the dragon outside their room yet. He loved bath time, though the first time his feet had touched the water, he'd reared up and tried to flap his wings like he thought intimidating it would do something. Levi had laughed at their adopted son so hard that Eren hadn't known what to say or do. It's felt like decades since he'd heard the man laugh. The alpha was clearly just as smitten, even with his lack of emotions... and Eren was maybe just a bit more than a little jealous. All he'd been getting from Levi was violent dreams, smacked in the face more than once as the alpha cursed whoever was plaguing him. By morning, his magic would have healed him back up, and he could face the day like nothing happened thanks to Luca's love.
 Staying at the inn was nice. The bed was comfortable, the food and drink were poison free, yet the omega was starting to go crazy as they waited to hear from Erwin, or with fear when Levi would seemingly blank out for a moment or two while doing something trivial like folding clothes, or buttering bread. Still, Eren held his tongue better than he'd thought he could. Each time he looked to Luca, he'd take a breath and push a smile to his face. He still loves Levi, and knew Levi wouldn't hurt him if he was conscious. That was the main thing, he'd also never hurt Luca, which also told Eren that he Levi didn't mean his actions. With time on their hands, they'd consulted the map Levi had purchased. It showed they were in what was called "Europe", a land mass Marley had once attempted to conquer before they'd been driven out. The country was land locked, and it'd take flying over two other countries to get back home. It was kind of disappointing to know the channel outside their window didn't connect to the ocean, but that soon passed. The view reminding him that he needed to be strong like the bricks that held up this city. He wanted this kind of peace for Eldia, so he needed tried to commit everything he could to memory each time he looked outside.
 It was roughly a 5 days into their stay that Levi finally received word from Erwin. They'd been woken by a constant tapping against the glass of the doors, to find a royal eagle waiting to be let in. The moment the eagle swept into the room, Luca wanted to be friends. Wiggling his butt, he'd taken off. Launching himself at the eagle, and landing on the floor with a confused coo. If the eagle could talk, Eren was sure that it'd be laughing it's arse off at Luca's lack of stealthy. Taking the message from the canister attached to the birds leg, Levi wasted no time reading it, leaving Eren nervous as he tried to imagine what Erwin could have written. Penning his own letter back on the back of Erwin's, the whole delivery and reply took all of 10 minutes, before the alpha was making himself a cup of tea. Eren tried so hard not to break the silence, but he just couldn't help himself
"What did he say?"
"Zeke wants us home"
No shit. He knew that much
"The royal advisors said to wait another two weeks before returning. They're going to send a ship to collect us just east of Marley's borders, then announce that we were travelling to celebrate our engagement, and that there was a delay in our return"
"Seriously?! They don't want us back right away?"
"They do. It's just become a little difficult"
"But... by the time we get back, it's going to be like... 6 weeks since we found out. Isn't that too long?"
"I don't know. Erwin says Zeke won't listen. The royal advisors aren't listening to Erwin, despite him being the prince and then there's been whispers that some of the Marley guests within the castle walls are planning something. They're probably trying to accumulate information we get home. In other words, they know their plotting something big, and need time to take care of the traitors in their midst before it's safe for us to set foot in there"
Or they were planning to kill Erwin off... they only really needed Levi. Levi was the public prince... with Erwin gone, Levi lost his right hand man... He could easily be dead by the time they got back, and as impossible as the alpha was, he was Levi's friend. He didn't want the man to die
"Levi. We have to go back"
"Please. I hate this. If Erwin dies before we get back, the blood of the royal family dies along with him"
There was Armin... but he didn't know if Obsydin knew about that secret, so he sure as hell wasn't about to blurt it out and put his friend in danger
"I know. I knew you'd want to head back, so I told Erwin we'll be leaving tonight. Not flying, mind you. We'll set out by horseback until we get to Marley. Once we've reached the border, we'll keep just inside of it until we reach the rendezvous point"
That plan sucked
"Won't they recognise you?"
"I've only ever been to the Capital of Marley once, and that was to sign the stupid peace treaty. At least along the border, we shouldn't run into anyone who'd recognise us"
"But if war's coming, wouldn't they close the borders?"
"Marley is preparing to take the war to Paradis Island. They're so confident they'll defeat us, the bulk of their armed forces are waiting for deployment at their port"
Eren frowned, then hissed as Luca nipped his fingers wanting his next feed
"I don't like this"
"Neither do I"
"I feel like... like Zeke is giving us too much time to return. If he really wanted you dead, he wouldn't wait for two months after the initial incident. He could have taken the castle by now"
"Erwin's worried about that too. He thinks that there may be a spy within the ranks of advisors, which wouldn't surprise me at me this stage. Ultimately the decision is mine to make. For now, we'll make for Marley"
It was better than nothing... he'd have to swallow down his dislike of horses. Ugh. The demon beasts, they were.
"Ok... Did he say if Draecia was contacted?"
"No. I am assuming they would have been, but no official royal correspondence had been sent. I should say, he didn't mention reaching out to them recently. I know you've got Luca to think of, but you need to be careful. You're my fiancé. If they do recognise me, they'll be after you too"
Eren's tongue betrayed him before he could stop himself
"Am I? I don't have my ring anymore..."
"I've got it. I didn't know how to return it"
He wasn't expecting that at all
"You kept it?"
"Why wouldn't I keep it? I meant what I said. I want to be with you for as long as it's safe for me to be with you. I won't tolerate this "me" that's been hurting you"
"I'm still just as serious about you leaving if it gets too much"
"You know I won't do that"
This fight was falling back into it's usual loop, that would only end up with them both in a stiff and awkward silence because Eren wouldn't agree, and Levi wouldn't take no for an answer. He needed to stop it before that happened
"Stubborn brat"
"Yeah. I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to stay by your side"
Levi simply sighed at him
"You're stubborn about all the wrong things. Stupidly faithful, and unfairly beautiful. I still don't know what you're doing with me"
What was he supposed to say to that? Again... Levi wasn't making this easy. Playful. If he went playful, the alpha should take the out... even if meant delaying their departure by an hour or three
"We all have our kinks. Anyway, we should make a move. I can't wait to get back and introduce them all to Luca"
"And who knows, maybe we'll actually make some pretty decent memories on this trip?"
"You mean you laughing each time I fall off the horse?"
Two could play this game, Levi arching an eyebrow as he shrugged
"There that. Just make sure you don't hurt Luca with all the dirt kissing you're about to do"
"Dream on, old man. I'll have you know I made it to the port by horse back, alone"
"And I'll have you know riding for two weeks is going to silence that pretty little mouth of yours"
"I can think of other ways to silence it"
"I can think of better ways for you to be using your mouth, too. But alas, we need to pack"
"Pack, my arse. You're not getting away that easily"
Travelling was going much smoother than Levi had expected. After "borrowing" two horses, they'd mounted up. Eren so far yet to make the acquaintance of the ground, despite not paying one ounce of attention to where they were going. With his cloak hood up, Luca had settled around his neck, mostly hidden away as he peaked over Eren's shoulder, trilling "Lu" each time something caught his attention. Levi wasn't jealous at all... Much... He was, but it Luca made it hard to be mad at him for taking all of Eren's attention. He hadn't really thought the logistics through of "adopting" a baby dragon, nor had he expected it to bring out such a strong paternal feeling from inside of him. Watching his two dragons together, it was a bitter sweet pill as he wished that Luca wasn't possibly the only child they'd ever have. The baby dragon adored Eren, though he also seemed fond of Levi too. If Levi was to go to the bathroom without him, Luca would cry at door for him until he turned. If the baby dragon wasn't curled up between them at night, he'd cry. Though he didn't stay between them. He'd learned that blankets wiggled and if he attacked what was wiggling, he'd be picked up and showered with pats and scratched. If they dared eat something in front of him without sharing, he made it known as he attempted to, less than stealthily, join in. Unlike most baby animals, Luca was ready for the world the moment he came out, and so far he'd proven himself to be a mini-Eren. From the butt-wiggle like a kitten before pouncing, to sprawling out on his back and snoring at his slept. His wing really didn't seem to put a dent in his happiness, nor did it stop him from trying to fly.
 Watching Eren whispering to Luca, Levi nudged his horse closer. Feeling slightly put out over the fact he wasn't involved in their "conversation". It wasn't like Luca could talk back, but Eren assured him that as the dragon grew, he'd slowly learn. For now, Luca simply liked hearing their voices
"What are you whispering about?"
"About how long it would take for you to come over. I think he misses you. He won't sit still"
Pulling down his hood, Luca scrambled to hold onto Eren as his excited looked to Levi. The dragon's sharp little claws digging in, was the only thing stopping the baby dragon from falling off the horse with excitement
"Doesn't that hurt?"
"A little. But he doesn't mean it. Are you going to take him?"
"Yeah. Pass him over"
Eren gathered Luca up, carefully passing him over, where Levi took him by the scruff of the neck to sit him down on the rise of the saddle. Closing his eyes, Luca shook his head as if the wind was blowing through his non-existent hair. It didn't matter that the horses were only walking, the baby dragon was... a dopey idiot
"He looks happy"
"He's never not happy. How about you? Are you holding up alright?"
"My arse is numb"
"That happens. It's supposed to be a full day to the next town"
"I know. I was there when you decided where we were going last night. And I was there when you decided we needed to leave early"
There was no real bite in Eren's voice, yet something rubbed him the wrong way
"You said you were fine with riding"
"I am fine with it"
"You just complained about your arse"
"I wasn't complaining. I was just saying my bum is numb. How about you? Everything ok over there?"
With Luca "basking" in the wind, Levi shrugged
"As long as this one behaves himself, it's fine"
"Oh... ok... if he gets too much, I'll take him back"
Somehow he'd hurt Eren's feelings, the omega slumping in his saddle as his fiddled with his reins. He didn't know what he'd done, yet, he'd done it
"He's fine..."
Levi grasped for something he could turn into a conversation
"... what are you looking forward to in the next town?"
Eren perked back up with a hum that seemed a little fake. If he didn't want to talk, he should just say so
"Other than a proper bed, maybe the markets? Can we take a look this time?"
They hadn't taken a look at the rows of markets in the city due to the fact they'd creatively liberated the horses. Well, Levi had liberated the horses while Eren waited for him, smoothly assuring the omega it was fine. The stables he'd taken the horses from left much to be desired. They were probably happier this way, then being with owners that probably didn't give two shits about their condition
"That should be fine. We've still got some coins left, though we can't afford to be too frivolous"
"I just wanted to get Luca something warmer to sleep in. He's so tiny I get worried he's going to get sick"
"Like you?"
Eren nodded, a hand going to his chest
"I know it might be stupid, but when I look at him, I get so worried for his future"
"He'll be fine. He's got you to protect him"
"I can't protect him from everything... or everyone"
Maybe not. But once Eren was home, he'd have the protection of Erwin, Armin, Hanji and Mikasa. If worst came to worst, he had very little doubt that the 5 of them together could figure something out
"He's going to be fine. He's already just like you, and you're fine"
"He's not just like me"
"Eren, you two even sleep in the same position"
"I... it's a dragon thing"
Huffing his protest, Eren pouted at him
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. I've already told you you're a natural. You make a great mum to him. The only danger he's in is being spoilt to death"
Patting Luca's head, the dragon trilled at him with a smug look. The little dragon already knew he had them both wrapped around his little claw.
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🏰⚔️🐲👑 DMODT last update before nighnighs
Luca was a ball of energy, and so very curious. He was a salve on Eren's aching soul, easing the worries the omega was suffering from when it came to Levi. Barely two days old, the little dragon was happy to make his wishes known. Whether it be milk, or to be put back up on the bed with them, each time he'd trill "Lu" until either Levi or Eren picked him up. Eren was completely smitten. Like any new born, there'd been accidents, which led to trial and error over creating a nappy for Luca to wear given they couldn't take the dragon outside their room yet. He loved bath time, though the first time his feet had touched the water, he'd reared up and tried to flap his wings like he thought intimidating it would do something. Levi had laughed at their adopted son so hard that Eren hadn't known what to say or do. It's felt like decades since he'd heard the man laugh. The alpha was clearly just as smitten, even with his lack of emotions... and Eren was maybe just a bit more than a little jealous. All he'd been getting from Levi was violent dreams, smacked in the face more than once as the alpha cursed whoever was plaguing him. By morning, his magic would have healed him back up, and he could face the day like nothing happened thanks to Luca's love. Staying at the inn was nice. The bed was comfortable, the food and drink were poison free, yet the omega was starting to go crazy as they waited to hear from Erwin, or with fear when Levi would seemingly blank out for a moment or two while doing something trivial like folding clothes, or buttering bread. Still, Eren held his tongue better than he'd thought he could. Each time he looked to Luca, he'd take a breath and push a smile to his face. He still loves Levi, and knew Levi wouldn't hurt him if he was conscious. That was the main thing, he'd also never hurt Luca, which also told Eren that he Levi didn't mean his actions. With time on their hands, they'd consulted the map Levi had purchased. It showed they were in what was called "Europe", a land mass Marley had once attempted to conquer before they'd been driven out. The country was land locked, and it'd take flying over two other countries to get back home. It was kind of disappointing to know the channel outside their window didn't connect to the ocean, but that soon passed. The view reminding him that he needed to be strong like the bricks that held up this city. He wanted this kind of peace for Eldia, so he needed tried to commit everything he could to memory each time he looked outside. It was roughly a 5 days into their stay that Levi finally received word from Erwin. They'd been woken by a constant tapping against the glass of the doors, to find a royal eagle waiting to be let in. The moment the eagle swept into the room, Luca wanted to be friends. Wiggling his butt, he'd taken off. Launching himself at the eagle, and landing on the floor with a confused coo. If the eagle could talk, Eren was sure that it'd be laughing it's arse off at Luca's lack of stealthy. Taking the message from the canister attached to the birds leg, Levi wasted no time reading it, leaving Eren nervous as he tried to imagine what Erwin could have written. Penning his own letter back on the back of Erwin's, the whole delivery and reply took all of 10 minutes, before the alpha was making himself a cup of tea. Eren tried so hard not to break the silence, but he just couldn't help himself "What did he say?" "Zeke wants us home" No shit. He knew that much "The royal advisors said to wait another two weeks before returning. They're going to send a ship to collect us just east of Marley's borders, then announce that we were travelling to celebrate our engagement, and that there was a delay in our return" "Seriously?! They don't want us back right away?" "They do. It's just become a little difficult" "But... by the time we get back, it's going to be like... 6 weeks since we found out. Isn't that too long?" "I don't know. Erwin says Zeke won't listen. The royal advisors aren't listening to Erwin, despite him being the prince and then there's been whispers that some of the Marley guests within the castle walls are planning something. They're probably trying to accumulate information we get home. In other words, they know their plotting something big, and need time to take care of the traitors in their midst before it's safe for us to set foot in there" Or they were planning to kill Erwin off... they only really needed Levi. Levi was the public prince... with Erwin gone, Levi lost his right hand man... He could easily be dead by the time they got back, and as impossible as the alpha was, he was Levi's friend. He didn't want the man to die "Levi. We have to go back" "Eren..." "Please. I hate this. If Erwin dies before we get back, the blood of the royal family dies along with him" There was Armin... but he didn't know if Obsydin knew about that secret, so he sure as hell wasn't about to blurt it out and put his friend in danger "I know. I knew you'd want to head back, so I told Erwin we'll be leaving tonight. Not flying, mind you. We'll set out by horseback until we get to Marley. Once we've reached the border, we'll keep just inside of it until we reach the rendezvous point" That plan sucked "Won't they recognise you?" "I've only ever been to the Capital of Marley once, and that was to sign the stupid peace treaty. At least along the border, we shouldn't run into anyone who'd recognise us" "But if war's coming, wouldn't they close the borders?" "Marley is preparing to take the war to Paradis Island. They're so confident they'll defeat us, the bulk of their armed forces are waiting for deployment at their port" Eren frowned, then hissed as Luca nipped his fingers wanting his next feed "I don't like this" "Neither do I" "I feel like... like Zeke is giving us too much time to return. If he really wanted you dead, he wouldn't wait for two months after the initial incident. He could have taken the castle by now" "Erwin's worried about that too. He thinks that there may be a spy within the ranks of advisors, which wouldn't surprise me at me this stage. Ultimately the decision is mine to make. For now, we'll make for Marley" It was better than nothing... he'd have to swallow down his dislike of horses. Ugh. The demon beasts, they were. "Ok... Did he say if Draecia was contacted?" "No. I am assuming they would have been, but no official royal correspondence had been sent. I should say, he didn't mention reaching out to them recently. I know you've got Luca to think of, but you need to be careful. You're my fiancé. If they do recognise me, they'll be after you too" Eren's tongue betrayed him before he could stop himself "Am I? I don't have my ring anymore..." "I've got it. I didn't know how to return it" He wasn't expecting that at all "You kept it?" "Why wouldn't I keep it? I meant what I said. I want to be with you for as long as it's safe for me to be with you. I won't tolerate this "me" that's been hurting you" "Levi..." "I'm still just as serious about you leaving if it gets too much" "You know I won't do that" This fight was falling back into it's usual loop, that would only end up with them both in a stiff and awkward silence because Eren wouldn't agree, and Levi wouldn't take no for an answer. He needed to stop it before that happened "Stubborn brat" "Yeah. I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to stay by your side" Levi simply sighed at him "You're stubborn about all the wrong things. Stupidly faithful, and unfairly beautiful. I still don't know what you're doing with me" What was he supposed to say to that? Again... Levi wasn't making this easy. Playful. If he went playful, the alpha should take the out... even if meant delaying their departure by an hour or three "We all have our kinks. Anyway, we should make a move. I can't wait to get back and introduce them all to Luca" "And who knows, maybe we'll actually make some pretty decent memories on this trip?" "You mean you laughing each time I fall off the horse?" Two could play this game, Levi arching an eyebrow as he shrugged "There that. Just make sure you don't hurt Luca with all the dirt kissing you're about to do" "Dream on, old man. I'll have you know I made it to the port by horse back, alone" "And I'll have you know riding for two weeks is going to silence that pretty little mouth of yours" "I can think of other ways to silence it" "Really?" "I can think of better ways for you to be using your mouth, too. But alas, we need to pack" "Pack, my arse. You're not getting away that easily" * Travelling was going much smoother than Levi had expected. After "borrowing" two horses, they'd mounted up. Eren so far yet to make the acquaintance of the ground, despite not paying one ounce of attention to where they were going. With his cloak hood up, Luca had settled around his neck, mostly hidden away as he peaked over Eren's shoulder, trilling "Lu" each time something caught his attention. Levi wasn't jealous at all... Much... He was, but it Luca made it hard to be mad at him for taking all of Eren's attention. He hadn't really thought the logistics through of "adopting" a baby dragon, nor had he expected it to bring out such a strong paternal feeling from inside of him. Watching his two dragons together, it was a bitter sweet pill as he wished that Luca wasn't possibly the only child they'd ever have. The baby dragon adored Eren, though he also seemed fond of Levi too. If Levi was to go to the bathroom without him, Luca would cry at door for him until he turned. If the baby dragon wasn't curled up between them at night, he'd cry. Though he didn't stay between them. He'd learned that blankets wiggled and if he attacked what was wiggling, he'd be picked up and showered with pats and scratched. If they dared eat something in front of him without sharing, he made it known as he attempted to, less than stealthily, join in. Unlike most baby animals, Luca was ready for the world the moment he came out, and so far he'd proven himself to be a mini-Eren. From the butt-wiggle like a kitten before pouncing, to sprawling out on his back and snoring at his slept. His wing really didn't seem to put a dent in his happiness, nor did it stop him from trying to fly. Watching Eren whispering to Luca, Levi nudged his horse closer. Feeling slightly put out over the fact he wasn't involved in their "conversation". It wasn't like Luca could talk back, but Eren assured him that as the dragon grew, he'd slowly learn. For now, Luca simply liked hearing their voices "What are you whispering about?" "About how long it would take for you to come over. I think he misses you. He won't sit still" Pulling down his hood, Luca scrambled to hold onto Eren as his excited looked to Levi. The dragon's sharp little claws digging in, was the only thing stopping the baby dragon from falling off the horse with excitement "Doesn't that hurt?" "A little. But he doesn't mean it. Are you going to take him?" "Yeah. Pass him over" Eren gathered Luca up, carefully passing him over, where Levi took him by the scruff of the neck to sit him down on the rise of the saddle. Closing his eyes, Luca shook his head as if the wind was blowing through his non-existent hair. It didn't matter that the horses were only walking, the baby dragon was... a dopey idiot "He looks happy" "He's never not happy. How about you? Are you holding up alright?" "My arse is numb" "That happens. It's supposed to be a full day to the next town" "I know. I was there when you decided where we were going last night. And I was there when you decided we needed to leave early" There was no real bite in Eren's voice, yet something rubbed him the wrong way "You said you were fine with riding" "I am fine with it" "You just complained about your arse" "I wasn't complaining. I was just saying my bum is numb. How about you? Everything ok over there?" With Luca "basking" in the wind, Levi shrugged "As long as this one behaves himself, it's fine" "Oh... ok... if he gets too much, I'll take him back" Somehow he'd hurt Eren's feelings, the omega slumping in his saddle as his fiddled with his reins. He didn't know what he'd done, yet, he'd done it "He's fine..." Levi grasped for something he could turn into a conversation "... what are you looking forward to in the next town?" Eren perked back up with a hum that seemed a little fake. If he didn't want to talk, he should just say so "Other than a proper bed, maybe the markets? Can we take a look this time?" They hadn't taken a look at the rows of markets in the city due to the fact they'd creatively liberated the horses. Well, Levi had liberated the horses while Eren waited for him, smoothly assuring the omega it was fine. The stables he'd taken the horses from left much to be desired. They were probably happier this way, then being with owners that probably didn't give two shits about their condition "That should be fine. We've still got some coins left, though we can't afford to be too frivolous" "I just wanted to get Luca something warmer to sleep in. He's so tiny I get worried he's going to get sick" "Like you?" Eren nodded, a hand going to his chest "I know it might be stupid, but when I look at him, I get so worried for his future" "He'll be fine. He's got you to protect him" "I can't protect him from everything... or everyone" Maybe not. But once Eren was home, he'd have the protection of Erwin, Armin, Hanji and Mikasa. If worst came to worst, he had very little doubt that the 5 of them together could figure something out "He's going to be fine. He's already just like you, and you're fine" "He's not just like me" "Eren, you two even sleep in the same position" "I... it's a dragon thing" Huffing his protest, Eren pouted at him "I didn't say it was a bad thing. I've already told you you're a natural. You make a great mum to him. The only danger he's in is being spoilt to death" Patting Luca's head, the dragon trilled at him with a smug look. The little dragon already knew he had them both wrapped around his little claw. * Travelling probably shouldn't have been as fun as it'd turned into. The closer they grew to Marley, the more little things set Levi off, but as long as Eren didn't push when his alpha's mood suddenly shifted, he could deal with it. Over the last week, they'd seen so many amazing things. Spices, herbs and food he'd never known existed. People and cultures with shrines and carvings so intricate he could have stared at them for hours. Even horse riding was no longer just sitting on the back of a demon beast. He could trot now, but cantering felt like he was flying. Luca would sit up on his shoulders and bask in the feeling of the wind. Best of all these new experiences was that Levi was by his side for it all. His alpha having moments when he was so affectionate that everything else just faded from his mind. Like the time he'd nearly got lost at the market when he'd stopped to look at a new type of fabric he'd never seen before. The vendor was talking away to him, and before he knew it, he'd been swept into his store and shown the most amazing silk robes. The man didn't even care that his hair and face were covered by a scarf of sorts, as that was what everyone else wore in the sandy country. When Levi had found him, the alpha laughed at the pink fabric the man was trying to force upon him. Pink was definitely not his colour, neither was the bright pink of the semi-transparent fabric. Wanting to prove to Levi that he could totally pull off dainty and delicate, Eren had twirled around with two lengths of fabric in his hands, which ended up with them both evicted over his shenanigans. In his side back, Luca had looked up at him like he was judging him just as silently as the vendor had. He'd even tried riding something called a camel for the first time. A kind of creature he'd never seen before, and wasn't sure he ever wanted to see again, but they'd had to "sell" their horses at the border to the sandy country as horses couldn't make it across the desert dunes. Of course, they didn't really sell them. It kind of worked on exchange where you left your horses on side, and were presented with a token you could chip in once you'd safely made it across the desert and to the port city that was at the end of the trail. On the first night of the trip they'd had a private tent, where Levi had been too busy laying claiming his body, he didn't have to worry about anyone else trying to make a move on him. They'd been so loud, the members of the group had teased them. Eren didn't mind, and when their tent slowly filled with fellow travellers he didn't mind either. He might not be able to speak their language, and the journey might have taken up a week and half, completely blowing Levi's two week plan out the water, but he felt so incredibly alive. Sometimes hours would pass without him thinking of home, then all at once it'd hit him, and he'd fall into a flunk over what was waiting in Eldia. Whenever Levi caught him in one of his moods, the alpha always pulled him close and told him it'd all be ok. After an amazing first week, and an interesting second week, the third progressively grew worse. They were delayed for two days due to a freak storm that had taken everyone else by surprise, so by the time they crossed into Marley, Levi was short tempered and constantly snapping. The alpha nursing a headache he refused any help for, and was back to walking in his sleep again. If he asked, Levi would snap, apologise, then fall silent. Next came the physical abuse. Like back at the hotel in Hannes's country, the first time Levi slapped him, he didn't know what happened. The second time, Levi broke his arm when Eren woke him while sleepwalking. Following Levi, he'd waited until his arm had healed before attempting to wake him, then slightly bent the truth by pretending he'd never been hurt in the first place. While he could deal with it, Luca couldn't. Luca had started to shy away from Levi at night, hiding under the bed and tucking his tail between his legs when the man tried to get close. He could see the pain on Levi's face. The confusion followed by the defeat. Eren's omega knew Levi wasn't to blame. Marley wasn't exactly Obsydin's, Levi's, or Eren's favourite place to be. For all Zeke's talk, poverty ran rampant in the border towns. To Eren, Marley had been the enemy... but to see its people suffering, it really drove home that Eldia wasn't the only one under the shackles of war. Where he could, and where he wasn't noticed, he'd use the seeds of all the new herbs and such he'd purchased to grow trees for farmers, or to give the sad crops a little boost. Levi didn't like it. He claimed Eren was being too obvious. But if a farmer already had an orchard, how was he to notice a few more trees? He just wanted to help people. Was that really so wrong? They hadn't asked to be swept up in this stupid war. Just like Levi hadn't asked to start losing more and more of himself, while Obsydin only continued to grow in his mind. Telling himself that they'd soon be home, Eren wasn't sure if he believed it anymore. He was tired. So fucking tired that he was sleep riding. Out of nowhere his lungs had started giving him trouble again, to which Levi had responded to by telling him "to stop that ridiculous noise". The alpha, once again apologising for his actions, only to spill half a bowl of boiling water across his lap when his grown so bad Eren needed a dose of steam. Levi's eyes had been blank as he carried the bowl across their small camp, pouring it across him before coming to when screamed at the unexpected pain. Luca had come running from the tent, launching himself into Eren's lap and growling at Levi. The baby dragon not realising his claws went straight through Eren's clothes, and tore into the tender flesh. Reassuring Luca it was just an accident between coughs, Levi was skeptical until Eren assured him he was fine, and that it really was an accident.
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