#thanks so much for this question synnie!!
ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
Give three words that describe you. Your muse, as well, should describe themselves in three words. You may think of personality traits, or something you think symbolizes you (which might help you cheat if you can't just use three words).
@eternasci more great questions from synnie ( and which i am slow to answer pls forgive 🥺 )
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uhhh okay for me: bubbly, changing, and....plaid scrunchie? i dunno, i really like scrunchies since they look pretty and they're probably the only hair piece that can hold my hair in place for long periods of time...i dunno what that says about me tho JFKLSDJF
mana: letters she’ll never send to anyone, smoke from burnt paper, and...softening
raphael: ‘here for a good time bro’, chef, and that initial sizzle when the oil first hits the pan on the stove.
lamon: uninteresting, disintegrating , and succulents
yoojin: the story teller, waiting, and immortal
patrick: comments in the margins, private, and books collecting dust in the library
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inthehytes · 2 years
Would you write a little Gia birthday prompt? Maybe synth and kenny gifting them a new squishmallow they picked out at the store 🥺🥺🥺
I went with the friends to lovers AU with this I hope that’s okay!!
“Hurry Gia hurry!” Synthia crowed from further along the sidewalk. She was practically bouncing out her shoes to get back to the house and start their weekly sleepover. It was Gia’s birthday and Synthia and Kendall had spent the week before planning the perfect weekend with Synthia’s family.
“I’m coming! Why are you so excited to get home? Are you hungry or something? You had a lot of strawberries at lunch.” Gia huffs, little legs moving faster to catch up with Synthia. The blonde rolled her eyes with a huff, not denying the comment about a lot of strawberries, her lips were still stained a bright red from them.
“No Gia! We just have to hurry!” She groaned, grabbing Gia by the hand and tugging harder.
Finally, just finally Synthia could see her house in the distance and broke off in a run, knowing her momma wouldn’t fuss from where she and Kendall had been walking with Synthia’s little sister Sarah. Synthia bounced excitedly by the couch as her mother disappeared upstairs to get the present she and Kendall had spent hours wrapping and decorating for their friend.
“Will you just tell me what’s going on?” Gia frowned, tugging at Kendall’s shirt as they watched Synthia start to lose her patience.
“Just wait Gi, you’re gonna love it!” Kendall smiled broadly at Gia, wrapping her arms around them in a tight hug.
Mrs. Kiss appeared in the doorway, arms full of the presents they’d been slowly collecting for Gia over the past few weeks. Synthia let out a loud squeal and rushes forward, grabbing the one she was most excited for from her mom.
“This one first! This one first!” Synthia charged towards Gia and Kendall, barely able to see over the large gift.
“What’s all this for?” Gia frowned, turning to cast a questioning look to Mrs. Kiss.
“You honey, it’s not every day you turn six.” Mrs. Kiss dropped the rest of the gifts on the coffee table and scooped Gia into her arms.
“It’s too much.” Gia shook their head, big brown eyes widening with shock. “I can’t.”
“It’s okay I promise.” Mrs. Kiss cuddled Gia closer, letting them bury their face in her neck. “We want you to have a good birthday sweetheart, everything is okay.”
Gia took a few more minutes of cuddles and convincing before they gave in and pulled away from her neck. They wanted to stay in her lap while they opened the gifts which she didn’t mind in the slightest, simply asking Synthia and Kendall to bring her the gifts instead.
Gia grew more and more excited as they ripped the shiny papers off, revealing sketchbooks and crayons and markers and paints galore. They even got a set of race cars and a little ramp that Synthia promised they could go play with immediately.
“Last one Gia! It’s the best one!” Synthia crows around the parcel she’d originally taken from her mother.
“They’re all the best ones,” Gia giggled, leaning back against Mrs. Kiss with a happy sigh. “Thank you Mrs. Kiss. Thank you Kenny and Synnie.”
“You’re more than welcome Gi, you may want to open that one though before poor Synthia loses her head.” Mrs. Kiss gives Gia a squeeze as Synthia drops the gift in their lap before scrambling back onto the couch to sit with Kendall.
They watched with wide eyes as Gia opened the last one, a squeal leaving their lips when they uncovered the dinosaur squishmallow Synthia and Kendall had spent the longest picking out at the store. Synthia giggled happily next to them, wrapping her arms around Kendall’s waist as she watched.
“A dinosaur! It’s so cool!” Gia cried hugging the large plush to their chest. “Thank you so much!”
“We picked it just for you Gia! Now we all have one!” Kendal giggled hugging Gia close when they leaned off of Mrs. Kiss’ lap to hug her and Synthia.
“I love you guys.” Gia sniffles into their shoulders, overwhelmed by all the love and new things.
“We love you too Gia!” Synthia chirps, leaning to kiss their cheek noisily as her mom stands to fix them a snack before dinner.
“Can we play cars for a little while? We can color after we’re done.” Gia asks, fingers itching to get ahold of their new cars.
“Whatever you want Gia! It’s your birthday!”
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a-synesthetic-world · 7 years
I am leaving the synnie community forever.
I remember when I created this blog, I was still a college undergraduate freshman, with tons of free time, with basically 4.5 hours between classes. I had fun coming up with questions, jokes, memes, and posting cool links here. It was great. I've contacted and befriended people I think I should be bowing down to in real life. Plus, 100% of my foreign and online friends are synnies I've connected with over the years. You guys have no idea how amazing it feels to hug the ground under you and know that someone on the other side of the planet is hugging you back. But time changes everything around you. I graduated (with honors!), started my graduate studies, and I have a nearly full time job. My blogging honors!) have reduced to only one, when you really think about it. This blog and its sisters demand more time to run them the way I want them to, and I can't keep up with my goals. So perhaps it's time for me to go. I created this blog to find any other synesthetes, and I've found more than I ever thought I would if I lived for 200 years. Thank you all for all the questions, messages, and submissions, you've sent over the years. Those little numbers on my inbox meant so much. It meant that somebody else out there cared about this blog enough to say something. I have some great times in my memory I'll never forget, and some I'll be upset for who knows how long, but it's been a net positive period in my life. I'm out of mental gasoline. I did my best, warts and all. Perhaps this blog is like a tree. I planted this blog, and I only see a stick coming out of the ground, but the next generation will see b branches with fruits, growing taller than I expected. I don't know, but I can't wait to see it. I'll still be around Tumblr, so if you still want to talk to me, you can send me a message at @acousticwindow , but till then, thank you. Waffles and love, René
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sydstudie · 7 years
20 questions tag yay!! 
first of all thank you to @taniastudy & @climberstudy for tagging me!
not that anybody will read this buuut
name: sydney
nicknames: syd, bean, beanie, synni, squid 🐙 (i will answer to ‘hey you’ because i love talking That much)
zodiac: virgo sun and rising! but no one ever believes me unless i tell them my moon sign which is aries no shit
height: i am v smol at 5′2
orientation: i’m 100% pansexual, and my attraction to a particular gender differs day-to-day. i’m also grey-aro because i have issues with commitment and i identify as nb/girlflux
favorite fruit: i love them pink lady apples
nationality: i’m american get me out of here
favorite season: i really like spring/summer! the slash is there because in southern California we have two (2) seasons: spring and fall are myths out here. but the warmer months are my fav because everything is green and i live in a semi-desert area so i’m happy when we get actual rain and greenery. i also prefer the heat as i’m a weirdo.
favorite scent: my mom loves her garden, i daresay ours is the best and biggest on the block tbh, and i grew up with these little lamb-ear plants that i would rub on my face as a kid, HOw did no one figure out i was autistic until i was 17 they were velvet like a horse’s nose; and lavender everywhere. smelling lavender reminds me of home. 
favorite animal: if we’re talking in terms of semi-domesticated animals, i’d say a hedgehog, because have you seen those videos?? but they’re illegal in California and that’s reason #482 why i need to get out of here. if we’re speaking of exotic animals, i’d have to go with either otters or platypus!! otters are fucking adorable and platypus are odd and i heart odd things.
favorite book: tbh i don’t read a lot of fiction these days unless it’s the fandom kind and tbh a 100k au is the same thing i don’t understand why people look down on it buut i do read things my friends suggest like the raven cycle and six of crows and whatnot.
favorite flower: ima stick with a rose because i love the irony
favorite color: periwinkle!! it’s a pastel mix of blue and purple, nothing will ever compare
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: TEA. i would die without my assam tea every morning.
average hours of sleep: it varies. sometimes i’ll sleep 6 hours and sometimes i get no sleep at all because insomnia.
favorite fictional character: i have adopted many fictional characters over time: anakin skywalker, obi wan kenobi, ahsoka tano, luke skywalker, han solo, peter parker, gamora, wade wilson, ororo munroe, jim kirk, spock, nyota uhura, hikaru sulu, pamela isley, bucky barnes, erik lehnsherr, i could go on far too much longer tbh
number of blankets i sleep with: in the summer, one thi comforter but it’s really big and i roll up in it, and in the winter i’ll do that one and another thin blanket underneath. if i’m having one of Those Nights, i sleep with a weighted blanket made especially for ppl with sensory Things.
dream destination: i’d really really love to see italy and greece and the u.k.. europe in general tbh. i’d be happy anywhere but here for a while.
dogs or cats: both!! i don’t even have a preference even though i’m allergic to some cats.
blog created: this one maybe 2015?? but i’ve been on tumblr.hell for far longer maybe 2012.
[edit, apparently there’s one more why did i use bullet points]
# of followers: 157 atm!
i’m going to tag @potterstudy @boldlystudy @amsterdamstudies @ohmystudies @sparkstudies @staedtlers @stevenstudies @floralstudent @intcllectual @studycal @gelpensandcoffee @creative-anchor annd @stvdytea!!!
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