Christmas with Chris evans - Keeping the Chris in Chris-mas
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All fluff but 18+ just incase a Christmas story comments appreciated so are reblogs no republishing or reposting it might be part of a larger thing the female is just called E
E’s point of view
I text my fiance “Hey babe Merry Christmas” at midnight on Christmas eve I guess that technically makes it Christmas Day I don’t know but m Jewish and it’s my first Christmas with him but I can’t help it I’m excited because I’m going to be with him. It’s not like my family will miss me.
Chris’ point of view
text her back: Merry Christmas my love - I love you with all my heart 😘🥰😍
We many not have been together for long but we’ve built an amazing relationship and we’re very happy together and it’s the best we’ve each ever had and we love each other madly! And whatever fights we have we tend to squash them fairly easily. She understands what comes with the territory of my job and is more than understanding at times so I’m rarely mad her for anything.
She texts back: Santa get there yet?
I text: Yup. How are you my little angel 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰💋💋👄👄👄🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
I always call her E and my little angel because to me she really is that. She’s sweet and kind and adorable and smart and funny and a great sense of humor and she is such a great person all around and she’s amazing! I love her so much and I tell her that frequently
E’s point of view:
She texts: “Good just chillin.”
I’m litterly freezing as I’m waiting to get on the private plane that someone arranged I wasn’t quite clear on that buuuuuttt I’m not going to ask question cause of the end result that he doesn’t know the little gift me and his mom cooked up. Thank god his publicist doesn’t need to know about this she’d have a fit I’d be seen near him but it’s Christmas and he deserves good things but I need to be there after gifts are placed and he’s asleep otherwise it will ruin everything.
Chris text back:Sounds good! Just be careful! Have fun my love. I hope you enjoy your Christmas gift 🎁 I’ll see you tonight 😘🤍🤍🤍
Shit did someone say something? Maybe he’s just tired. A gift i didn’t think oh well it’ll get it eventually hope hopefully no one mentioned anything. And what Christmas gift?
I text: Chris it’s midnight I’m not going anywhere. You mean you’ll FaceTime me Christmas day? I didn’t get anything but I’ll FaceTime you when it shows up.
Chris. P.o.v
I text: Oh right that’s what I mean! No worries my love! Sweet dreams.
I’m kinda sad though because I ordered her a special gift for Christmas she might like and I wanted her to open it Christmas Eve morning on FaceTime, with me so I could see her reaction when she saw it. It really means so much to me to have her Christmas spirit and happiness, and reaction, to her Christmas gifts by my side. But that’s okay! I’ve got more Christmas gifts ordered for her and they’ll be just right.
E’s point of view.
I finally get in two hours hours later Steve Scott’s boy friend is waiting for me, he tells me “they’re still putting presents under the tree for the kids”
“Jesus Christ doesn’t Chris have to sleep sometime? God knows I want to.”
It takes us a bit to get back to the neighborhood but when we get there ai get a text.
“Shit it’s from Chris. Damn now he’s face timeining me”
“Pick it up” Steve says
“We’ll I urgh” Steve turns off the engine so the car is dark and it looks like I’m in a dark room
“ Hey babe what’s up,” I yawn rubbing my eyes like he just woke me
Chris’s point of view
I says say in a very sleepy, sleepy voice while rubbing my eyes “H-Hey E - Merry Christmas my love! How did… (yawn) your c- Christm (yawn) ss go? Are y- (yawn) you… yawn okay? How… yawn”
I starts laughing. because I realize I sound so sleepy and tired as I rub my eyes and yawn. But I love E so much that I’m willing to stay up all night just to talk to her.
“Babe it’s like what 2 am why aren’t you sleeping go to sleep” she responds
I am so sleepy and tired and I feel so much love for E and just can’t let her go so I say in a sleepy tired and probably too much eggnog voice “But babe… I love you soooooo much! I don’t want you to go! I want to stay awake all n- … (I yawn again) … night just to t- talk to you.”
I love E so so much she makes everything better and I want to be by her side and talk to her always! I can’t believe how lucky I am! E is a gift and a blessing I am so grateful for!
“Go to bed you can’t even make a coherent sentence and …. I wanna go back to sleep It was nice dream me and Henry cavill, “ she snickers *
I am so sleepy and tired and say with a giggle in my voice: “(yawn) But I don’t w- w- (yawn) want toooo… I w- wa - (I can barely speak now as I yawn repeatedly) … “ he lays down and finally inadvertently falls asleep.
E’s point of view.
Theres no words and just snores,
“I think he’s ‘s asleep” I whisper to Steve the I remember I didn’t hang up but he didn’t seem to move or comment. Steve texts Lisa and then Steve says “Lisa said Chris is sleeping so we’re a go” I laugh as it feels like a covert op. We’re about five minutes away and there are small hugs Lisa mentions he looked dead to the world. So I decide to change our plan. He has a queen mattress in his room so I change before sneaking in and lying in the other side I think I can stay up until Chris wakes up he’ll either he happy or freak out there’s another person in his bed and hit me thinking it’s a crazy person until he realizes it’s me but I am kinda crazy.)
He’s snoring in and onetime he stops and turns
Chris point of view.
I turn over and roll towards and hug the blanket in my sleep through the slits of my eyes I see E. I smile happy she’s where and I move closer to E
I’m so sleepy but I love E’s company so much that I never want to leave. I always want her by my side. I’m so sleepy now I can barely keep my eyes open I’m so relaxed.
E.‘s point of view
He wakes up for a moment and I freeze I don’t know why I mean. It was supposed to be a surprise but he seems to think he’s still sleeping and didn’t seem to notice me. The plan is for me to be awake when he sees me, should be easy. ….. except I don’t know when I fell asleep.
Chris. Point of view.
My eyes open a bit and I see E! Loving this dream wishing she was here I take full advantage of my dream. I snuggle close up to E and wrap my arms around her and hug her and nuzzle my face up against her, trying to get more comfortable. I slowly rub my nose into her beautiful hair and smile and snore and I’m sound asleep still in E’s arms. I have never been this happy in my life and I never want it to end. I’m so deeply in love with E and nothing makes me happier. I have never gotten so much love and affection and I feel so safe. She makes me feel so happy and loved!
I nuzzle up against E a bit more and I kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear: I love you E. I love you, I love you, I love you.
I have never felt so loved and cared for before. It’s unbelievable! I just love spending time with E and just want to be with her as much as I can! Life is truly so much better when she’s around! I just love her so much! I want to be with her every second of every minute of every hour of every day! I continue to cuddle up with E and I have a big, loving, warm smile on my face as I snuggle her up in my arms and I drift back to sleep. I kiss E and I start to sing her a sleepy lullaby this is the best dream ever I think. We snuggle each other in our sleep and E and I fall completely into a deep sleep. We lay there sleeping and our arms wrapped tightly around each other and we are comfortable and happy
I slowly wake up to E in my arms. When I realize this and that I had not dreamed it up I was shocked and speechless and just looked at her in shock, awe and wonder! This is the best! I gently rub her face with my hands and then I gently rub her cheek and then her beautiful hair and I just look at her.
“Holy…. Sh*t! You are here!” I yell out as I hug her tight with the biggest smile across my face “And you’re real - not a dream!” I laughs and I am so unbelievably happy
Her point of view
I wake up with a a start of Chris yelling Holy Shit
Surprise I giggle out I’m real.
I am speechless from surprise and shock! I just hug E tight and say: Holy sh*t! What are you doing here?” I am so stunned and surprised to see E! And I am so happy! I just keep hugging her tight, like she’s a life line. I kiss her cheek then her lips and I am still holding her tight and I smile and cuddle up with her and I can’t say anything else. I just am so speechless and surprised! Then I finally say,
“But you’re real and you’re in my bed so I know I’m not dreaming. And you’re just as beautiful as I remember. You are stunning.”
“Are you ok?” She laughs “no you’re not dreaming I’m really here……wait we’re you, singing I think I remember that?”
I laugh when E says I’m not dreaming and I say with a big smile: Nope! I’m definitely not dreaming! And I was singingI wanted to comfort your you seemed I don’t know But I thought it was a dream anyway and I’m so shocked you’re here in my bed and not in a dream. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
I guess I shouldn’t apologize for not being awake when you woke up. It was the plan.
I say with a smile as I hug and cuddle E closer to me: No…. No. No need to apologize. It was a great plan. It was more shocking that you were in my bed sleeping with me but that’s the best way to wake up I swear!”
“You want to cuddle for a little longer? I mean we don’t have to it was only a suggestion” she teases
“Yes… Yes! I would just love to be with you and hold you close and cuddle with you right now.” He smiles sweetly and kisses her on the forehead gently, “We can just snuggle up together and be in each other’s arms right now if you want.”
“I’m sure everyone would love to say hi” she teases.
He whispers in a very sweet voice, “No. No one needs to know that you’re here. I just wanna hold you close to me. Just to feel you against me. Just to feel your heartbeat. Wait. Hold on.” He turn over quickly and look for the remote control. There it is. He turn the tv on and then get up to lock the door so no one comes in. Hecome back to bed and He looks at her and say, “There. Now it should be safe to stay in bed just a bit longer.”
She laughs at him. He gathers her in his arms and whispers to her “I love you and I’m just so happy to be waking up with you in my bed” he gives E’s cheek another kiss, her lips another kiss and say with a smile
“I’ve never been this happy before in my entire life and it’s because of you.”
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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Thanks Captain America
Previous Chapter /part 6 How she was saved. Part 7
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WARNINGS: 18+ Just incase. Have tissues on hand.. There's kidnapping, being held captaive heartbreak angst, depression probably some type of psychological thing besides depression going on because she is has been alone for months, she's very upset so it could be triggering for anyone a tiny bit of fluff if you squint but another of angst and heart break maybe disillusioned, tons of confusion. And fear. Theres fighting. Avengers are flightly, bloodshed people being knocked out gas causing confusion guns and gunfire i think thats litterly everything
Nat and Steve were at the only 2 exists/entrances to the facility while Clint was on top. He let a few Stark Drones Carrying in the gas while Nat and Steve were at each door ready to open them and throw in canisters they held.
Wearing clear and lighweate gas masks S.H.I.E.LD. developed Steve, Nat and Clint were able to move through thr facility with ease while it incapacitated the enemy.
It wasnt as big as they anticipated. But as Steve and nat moved through the building they both stopped at opposite ends of a large medical room. It looked sterile, for surgeries and a chair that could be held to tie someone down. But it was empty of people. After a quick glance at eachother they both continued on thier way.
Steve was getting close to her first he knew that the minute a bullets rang out. The gas was fairly potent but Steve didn't know what or who they were shooting at so he ran in with the shild just under his eyes. It only took a few seconds to incompacitate the men then he found the door it had a slant on the bottom and mirrors to see inside on the inside. He saw her cowering on the side. His mind immediately went back to when she said she was terrified watching a horror movie and curled up on Steve. She had looked up for a moment and she was so.....
He bust the door down quickly.
"I'm here to help."
"Nat I found her. She's... I gotta get the mask on her." he pulled her into his arms but she went to fight.
"It's ok it's ok its me I'm taking you home sweetheart. It's going to be ok you need to put this mask ok."
She fought against him.
"Its ok, hey I won't hurt you I swear you're ok."
It was like he said nothing nothing and his words kept being met by pleas of terror. Steve said he'd be on his way one he got thrmask on her.. She finally calmed down when he had said, "it's me my love. I've come to take you home." And he caressed her cheek.
He knew then she wasn't completely lost to anyone. She was still in there. Whatever they had done. His strong sweet girl was still in there. He knew if anyone could survive this she could. If anyone could survive... whatever anyone did to her she'd survive, and he would kill whoever touched her. But that was for another day.
Steve said he'd be on his way one he got the mask on her but she was fighting him. His little fighter well not little but he was proud of her
"Hey its me, my love, I've come to take you home." She relaxed again,
"I need too put this on you before we can go home."
"Yea love home."
She let him put the mask on her.
"Ok babe i need to hold you and run ok. I'll keep you safe, I swear love, you'll be safe."
Steve held her tightly, closely. He knew he wouldn't get these moments for much longer not unless she took him back but he knew the only way to to that was to prove himself to her. But in love or not he never let a civilian get hurt on his watch, he wasn't going to start with her.
"We're on our way out."
Clint was on the roof taking out any who were making a run for it.
"Copy cap its all clear out here."
"I'll meet you at the front door" Nat replied
They took her back to the quinn jet.
She was shaking scared confused out of her mind. But she relaxed in Steve's arms. On one hand Natasha was happy for Steve that he had these moments. She saw little glimpses oh what made them work. But on the other hand Nat saw her student who had grown so much and grown into her friend, who had admitted to being terrified of her ex and who ran. But the most important thing was comfort. She was held in a cell for more than 60 days had relaxed only when she was in his arms and rested only after the said the same words . It was like she was sliding in and out and his voice his words pulled her back.
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Nat and everyone else let it be for now. The minute they land Steve is on borrowed time. They heard his side but they also saw his words and her fear. And no one could come back from that.
Part 7
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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Thanks Captain America Part 9
Part 8
Steve Needs to take a clue from clint its like
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Steve needs to take a clue from clint
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18+ just in case mention if anxiety depression kidnapping being sad mad angry prob seem psychological condition she was kidnapped. Heartbreak fluff relationship teouble angst galore I think that's it
I woke up and this was peaceful things were peaceful. Steve was outside watching me it was comforting. He kept his promise. But then I saw a man in a white coat. Then I remembered everything.  My smile straightened just as fast. 
What business does Steve have knowing anything medically about me? He lost that right when he cheated on me. When he destroyed our lives, my life.. He soured my homecoming. But everything always about Steve
He walked in
"You're awake. I was worried.  You've been asleep for a while and well it doesn't  matter now you're home and you're safe I promise you'll never get taken again. How do you feel?"
I felt a hand going toward mine "sweethea-" 
I pulled back 
"Ok that's fair."
"I'll be right outside then. Anything just ask. I mean anything."
The door didn't open. He didn't leave.
"I'll get you ice chips that and how is all the doctor says you can have right now cause the reaction I don't know if you- . I'm getting you the mango and peach jello you love. And I'm trying to let him agree to pudding."
I still was looking the other way.
"I'll um, I'll get you the Ice Chips."
I finally heard the door open and close.
"He's trying you know"
"It's too late."
"I didn't say to forgive him. I said he's trying. 
You should have told me and Hill it was Steve who was your ex. We saw the texts."
"I didn't...........I didn't look at any. Hayden did I mean he didn't want me to know he saw I think. He knows that I know it gets him upset. Which I don't blame him. But.  Was it a mistake how I reacted when he  I mean on the way home. Letting him hold me?"
Nat sighed. She obviously didn't remember how she was acting early on then. Or maybe she didn't want to address it. 
"No. You were so out of it. But it was partially our fault but you were in and out of sleep so we just didn't want to move you if we didn't have to is all. "
"But when we got back."
"You still didn't remember. We didn't want to shock you. I was here with him probably every time. He never initiated anything you did and thats fine I'm only telling you that so you know he didn't take advantage. As far as I'm concerned and I think you might want to think of it this way too- the quickeat relationship on earth and your way of saying good bye. You didn't remember a lot of things a relationship is the last things on earth you need to worry about. Steve knows that Hayden too." 
"If he knows than why didnt he-"
"He didn't. Honey you like I said forgot, you you're in shock as in still right now in shock. You need to give things time. He'll find out soon  but we didn't want you to be confused or overwhelmed or feeling guilty.  Look you need to give this time theres no other way to say this we are all here to help you ok. Tony has the best docs and you have us and I understand more than you think. If you want Steve to say away because you're uncomfortable then he will but if you feel any sort of comfort with Steve  that ok if it let's you rest easier or you ever feel safer its ok to have him here. Its not cheating Steve is here as a friend. I'll make sure he knows that. And I'll be in here too if you want."
"Of course."
Nat didn't bother to mention the restraining order. Why worry her more.
Later that Day Nat Checked in on her
She was staring off deep in thought at first. But then
"They they took me and it's his fault it's all his fault he'd is it to get rid of me he never loved me. my life is over he did this."
I was so tired
"Who did?"
Then I looked Natasha straight in the eyes:
"He did. He killed me."
Nat stared at her and was taken back 
She was cold her eyes just lost. Lost and cold. Not evil cold just like there was nothing. Nat couldn't just stand there.  
"Your life isn't over. Believe me I've done. I've done some things that I thought my life was over too. I grew up in something called the Red Room. It was strict they weren't raising children. They were training soldiers. Theres a lot of things I thought I could never come back from but I did. Trust me you can too."
P.O.V. change 
2 months 
I learned it was two months almost three.  in the room I didn't want to talk say anything dminus a thank you here and there
Sleeping and whatever  It was my punishment to him  I knew he was watching standing in there. If Nat was with him she talked and I sometimes responded. Hill did well I don't know what and just gave Steve the odd evil eyes. Tony had the worst puns  and stories I couldn't help but laugh but I think he noticed I was giving Steve t he silent treatment when I tured away. 
But they had come and gone bucky had come but he didn't come in the room I saw him at the door once. Does that count as coming in? They they were best fr is nds I know that. And I was plotting my revenge….
Well ok as much as I can from in here.
I was just sitting there in the graiysh-white room white linens which bed white floors and then there was me.
The therapist had come in but I wasnt in the mood to talk and everyone had take the 'She'll talk when she's ready approach"
Then one day Bucky had come in not just at the door but really came in 
I practically jumped on him to give him a hug i let go and  got on my knees to face him si we were sorta equal hight 
"I was so scared I was alone that whole time no one was there no one talked to me. I thought I was... thought my life was......"
Bucky didnt know what to say. Nat had told him what happened earlier and frankly he wasn't sure what he'd say and definitely wasn't expecting a hug. 
"Hey if I can come back from what I did, you can do besides letting someone comfort you isn't a bad thing. Its what you need. And Steve he understands more than you think. " 
"Why won't you talk to Steve." Bucky didn't understand but Steve hadn't told him the whole story. No one really had the whole story but Nat and hill piced everything together
"Because its his fault. He cheated in me he kept pursuing me he followed me out of the tower that day. He might as well have just kidnapped me himself.  He said agents agents were shadowing me but where were they? I don't even remember what happened after I spoke to Steve in the street i just remember walking away and that's it."
Buck was taken back a second even though he didn't show it Steve said he walked away first. Bucky could hear your heart beat and he knew you weren't lying. He thought Steve's heart was racing from solutions  fear and guilt apparently not.
Bucky was bemoaning answer from Steve as they walked down the coroner to a meeting room. 
"Steve where were her agents?" Bucky pressed him again this time nor letting go 
"I don't know Buck I can't find them either"
Can't find them? 
"What are their names?"
"Just leave it alone"
"I didn't" he burst out ok I didn't have anyone trailing her ok the threats stopped and I just. Its my fault I went after her I mean if I just left well enough alone...."Bucky (surprisingly) looked at Tony who (knowingly)  looked at Nat who looked at Clint who looked at Wanda. They all had similar ideas. 
Why would Steve lie. Especially to Bucky and not just once. He hadn't really even mentioned the threat just that it was a girl he used to see.  Its was a public break up,, that they knew,, but they didnt know there was two.. No one who he was still chasing one. .
Later on a few of them got together without Steve. 
"She was fine when I walked in there. I don't even know her and she acted fine.
"You think she just wants to hurt him?"
"Hell yea I'd do the same. He lied about the agents to us to her. What else is he lying about?"
"Why are you all looking at me?"
"He's your best friend"
"Fine but he still claims he didn't know
Later on Steve approached Bucky regarding that language situation
Steve was afraid to ask but he needed to know.
"Buck do you remebee anything about how you were… brainwashed. Bucky what if they-"
"We wouldn't know it would explain why she knows me. They all knew me and they recognized eachother it was a part of the training the brainwashing knowing other soilders," his hand went to his head.
"We could try."
"No words were all different we were all called winter soilders but they were all different. "Product control I guess."
Bucky sighs and goes back in there and
Said something in German
"No sprekenzi Russian."  She said quickly
Bucky held his breath a moment because of Steve. Bucky asked if she was able to speak a few different languages. But the thing was he didn't ask in Russian
"I always found that funny saying I don't speak Russian in Russian."
"How do you know me." He crossed his arms.
I thought about it and then I realized I truely didn't know. Minus him being Steve's best friend- was everyone idiots. 
"I don't know I just do. I mean maybe Steve talked about you I don't know. Is Hayden here? Can I see him? "
"He doesn't want to see me.  Thinks I ghosted him"
"No it's not that. We have to make sure you're ok. You were gone for give or take 3 months. A lot could've happened."
"3 months? I thought it was a few week-all these doctors never- but three months I- no wonder I felt so bad I barely ate. I was scared to eat anything. But I had to and I figured if I was totally malnourished it would be worse." She just rambled. 
"Who can I see?"
"Uh Nat, Steve"
"Hard pass."
 "I get it"
"You don't understand Bucky."
"So try me."
"I- what did Steve tell you."
"Tell me your version " he crossed his arms. 
"Fine." I surprised myself at how l gave in so easily.
"Steve was living with me sort of like not all the time but he had draws and hangers and a toothbrush and his toothpaste and bodywash and aftersh- well you get the point. He always told me he couldn't be seen with me because he was concerned about. Well this. 
"For what it's worth we didn't know anything about you."
"I know. He said. He said it was dangerous. It was just the day before we had gone on a walk to this tree on his old trail that hasn't been used since the 40s. And he was so sweet. He called me his golden girl and because my hair looked golden in the sun or something and he was just.  He told me to  stop turning the leaves to dust but he just wanted me to be happy and then he...."
Bucky easily figured out who the threats were for. And if steve had told them about you then this wouldn't have happened."
Part 8 Chaoter / 10 commong soon
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja
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