swiftswizzle13 · 6 years
@taylorswift the amount of times I have visited your instagram page in the last 48hrs is just plain unhealthy.
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Simply thank you, Swift
I know our girl Taylor doesn't want accolades just for doing the right thing or being the right kind of person BUT...the fact that she donated to a little boy with AUTISM makes my heart do cartwheels. Those of you who know me know how close to my heart the autism cause truly is and you also know that I am the third parent to a precious, beloved boy with autism. He is crazy for Taylor and her music and like I have said before, though I introduced him to her music years ago, the passion he has for Tay is all his own. Seeing the news of Swift's donation to this little guy's fund me page and ultimately his life journey with autism slams me in the feels. So so proud of the choices Swift makes to help make ordinary people's lives so much better. My love for the blonde girl who bakes just got even bigger and I didn't think it was possible to love her more. Just simply thank you, SWIFT. You make me so proud to support you.
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dreamsparkleandshine · 10 years
TAYLOR, I just want to say that I often think about and even mention to family, friends, acquaintances, strangers I am recruiting as Swifties, etc. how I can't even wrap my brain around HOW IT MUST FEEL TO BE YOU and to conduct the business of being you with such GRACE and CLASS. I could go on and on, but, I really feel that this statement deserves its own post. THANK YOU. JUST SIMPLY THANK YOU for everything you are and all that you give to make the world a better place. THANK YOU for not hiding out in your woman cave from the paps. My love for you is through the roof taylorswift
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