akan-institute · 13 days
This is how our ancestors preserved our history, they coded the knowledge in proverbs passed down from generation to generation and written in songs such as this. “mɛ ɛfuo ni ɛye Ɔsa adwuma”, this is my farm, it is because of Osa.
Europeans claim Sagittarius is a centaur with a bow and arrow. Of course, the centaur has a bow and arrow because the original source is, the warrior that oversees the agricultural season, Osa Ogyefuo.
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akan-institute · 13 days
This is My Farm. It is Because of Osa.
Our old people say you farm for the warrior, Osa. Hence the saying “mɛ ɛfuo ni ɛye Osa adwuma”. This is my farm. It is because of Osa.
In today's modern world, you can order mindless fast food at any given time without a care about the world, (good luck with that a thousand years ago or before the advent of this modern world) You will have to know and follow the natural growing crop cycles which begin in spring and you better hope you have some seeds in hand to grow.
You farm for the warrior, Osa. You begin your farm in spring or during the time of Aries and harvest during Virgo (the harvest season and therefore the season of feasting, since there is abundant food from your handiwork, (farming). After all, you will hope, you have enough left to last for the preservation season and into the dead of winter when the plants and soil are unproductive in a period we call Opebre, the scarcity period.
Your farm because of Osa, (the preservation season) and Europeans will derive the name Sagittarius directly from here, Osa (sa) gye (gi) fuo (taurus).
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akan-institute · 13 days
Osa Ogyefuo - Sagittarius
Osa is the warrior and the warrior oversees the beginning of the agricultural season. 
Europeans will derive the name Sagittarius directly from here. Osa (warrior). Ogye fuo (to stake a farm, to earmark land for farming). Sagi (osa gye), where they add the term Taurus (the agricultural season) to become Sagittarius.
The warrior oversees and corresponds to the beginning of the agricultural season on the zodiac chart hence the name, Osa Ogyefuo.
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akan-institute · 14 days
Otuaduapon; The Great and Mighty One that Spots a Tail.
Kotuamansa, a lion. Europeans will call this Leo. Its appellation is Otuaduapon meaning "the great and mighty one that spots tail".
If you go to Egypt today, I am sure you will find something; a structure, that is great, mighty and also has a tail. Otuaduapon.
The history of Afrika was already old long before the emergence of the first European language or even the first non-African language. the story of our ancestors is from the dawn of the universe, efere tete, Odomankoma.
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akan-institute · 14 days
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Europeans will merely plagiarise the name Brafi as Libra which they claim represents scales, which is very wrong. Yaa Brafi represents the institution of building homes and instituting land and country.
The very origins of building conical structures such as roofs, pyramids, obelisks, pagodas, burial mounds etc. We can go back to the exact times and moments ideas were first formulated.
All these represent kan ko or going to the light.
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akan-institute · 14 days
Yaa Brafi and the Institution of Home, Land and Country.
The Zodiac sign and constellation (Yaa Brafi) which Europeans merely plagiarised and mislabeled (libra) became the inspiration and origins of building conical structures on earth. Our people long before us, instituted the world by building conical structures.They found divine inspiration in the skies and replicated them here on earth.
Today you will find conical structures all over the earth. This is how our people long before us instituted the world. They built to institute land, country and home, as found in the name, Yaa Brafi.
We can go back to the exact time and moments when ideas were first being formulated, (we still speak the language of our ancient ancestors). Yaa Brafi and the institution of home, land, country and the emergence of civil societies.
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akan-institute · 14 days
Yaa Brafi Kotoko
A woman born on a Thursday is called Yaa and she institutes the sanctity of home, land and country. The literal meaning of “bra fi”. The institution of home, land or country. 
She institutes and defends the sanctity of home as characterised by the impregnable porcupine, which we call kotoko. To increasingly attack a porcupine is to slowly induce your demise, such is an animal with an impeccable defence mechanism, hence attributed to Yaa Brafi; the one that institutes and defends the sanctity of home, land and country. 
Bra (to institute). Fi (home).  Europeans will derive the name Libra from here which subsequently becomes the root of the word, library, a form of instituting a society, a place to learn. Libro (book) in Spanish.
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akan-institute · 3 months
If You are a Muslim...
Why is Friday considered sacred and green the colour of Islam? What is the logic or reasoning behind these concepts?
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akan-institute · 3 months
Venus - Ruler of Islam
The crescent of Islam is not of the moon but of Venus. This is why Friday is considered sacred and a day of worship in Islam. It is the day of Afi, which Europeans call Venus. It is always visible as a crescent.
Afi, based on the original creation of the 7-day week is the spirit or energy of growth and conception that governs Friday. When you put a seed into the soil and it springs to life, it is first green. This is why green is also considered sacred in Islam as it is associated with Afi or Venus, the ruler of Islam.
The flags of most Islamic countries will contain either a crescent of Afi, (Venus) or its associated colour, green.
It is from the original cultures of the world, that came the pseudo-religions of the world today.
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akan-institute · 3 months
Abosom ne Abodea Som
In all ancient cultures. In all Indigenous and Afrikan cultures and long before the proliferation of pseudo-religions, the pervading theme regarding religion or spirituality is the reverence of nature and the deification of nature elements.
Abodea Som is also called Abosom. In service and reverence of Nature, the Universe and the divine spark of life.
The world's first global and only true religion in the world from which all others come. In service of nature and all that has been created.
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akan-institute · 3 months
Our Divinities Are Now Science
It is the divinities of our ancestors, that today Europeans call science. If Europeans devised the Big Bang, which they call a theory, what is there to prove?
You are learning nothing but false narrative, stolen legacy, and stolen knowledge if you go to school to learn that a Catholic priest, which is to say, Europeans, formulated the Big Bang. That will be false. If Europeans really devised the Big Bang, what is there to prove?
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akan-institute · 3 months
In Service of Nature - Abodea
Life is God and God is Life. We are in service of God (Life, Nature or Creation). You live harmoniously with nature and nature with its natural forces, spirits or laws will also be in service of you. This is what we call Abodea Som in service of nature or creation.
In service of Nature (Abodea). In service of the Universe (Odomankoma, Mawu). In Service of the Divine Spark and Energy that brought ALL into existence (Asa, Nyomo).
The world's first and only true religion, from which all other originates. We are in service of Nature and the Universe and the creative spark that brought all into existence. Abodea Som. This is the way of our ancient ancestors.
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akan-institute · 3 months
AKUA BA - The Seed of Life
Nature, the universe and the spark that brought all into being, the creator and source has given us the seed of life and all we have to do is put it into the soil and out of it, we will derive the many benefits of NKWA DUA, the tree of life.
Farming is not a job, it is a natural obligation as ordained by the Creator.
AKUA BA, The Seed of Life. Nature and the universe have given us the Seed of Life to grow freely and abundantly for food and other necessities.
Whatever systems that have been created that make a person buy or sell what nature creates freely is all but a criminal system. A demonic system. A satanic system. No human being has the right to sell or buy what nature provides freely.
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akan-institute · 3 months
We pay homage to the divinity known as AFI, the divinity of growth and conception governing Friday (Fi-da). This is what we say during Christmas as opposed to Merry Christmas, AFI ooo AFI by the Ga people in the capital city of Ghana.
AFI зhye ra yen pa. AFI has blessed us plentifully and well in this growing season. The Akan people will also say during Christmas greetings.
Christmas is passed down through the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, an ancient festivity during the growing and harvest season originating from its original Afrikan source.
AFI, the divinity of growth and conception is the roots and origins of Venus in Roman culture, the goddess of love and fertility.
FI-DA, the day of Afi, which is no different to the English word, Friday.
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akan-institute · 3 months
If Europeans Devised the Big Bang...
...which they call a theory, what is there to prove?
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akan-institute · 3 months
The 7-Day Week
The origins of the 7-day week today have been attributed to the so-called Babylonians. This will be a false narrative and etymology. It was our ancient ancestors who first developed the days of the week and mapped them to the very divinities, natural laws, forces or spirits (these terms can be used interchangeably).
Asi (Sun)
Dwo (Moon)
Bena (Fire with its cooling agents, water and air)
Wuku (The creative seed called Akua-Ba, the seed of life)
Asaase (earth)
Afi (the spirit of growth and conception)
Asa or Memene (The spark of life)
These are a few of the natural forces or laws or spirits that brought our world and universe into being in a continuous and endless cycle of life; birth, death and rebirth.
A child is automatically assigned a divinity based on the day they are born. Kwa-Asi. A vessel (kwa) of Asi. Kwa-Dwo (a vessel of Dwo) etc. The very origins of horoscopes which today are also wrongly attributed to other people and cultures.
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akan-institute · 3 months
ASA; The Spark of Life
It is from this spark and source we come. Asa-ase.
It is from this spark and source we go for our healing. Yare Sa.
And it is from this spark and source, that we shall return. Asa man.
From here Europeans and Romans get Sa-Turn. Since it is this spark working in tandem with the earth, Asaase Yaa, regulating the seasons and plant growth and harvest, we celebrate Asa, Ye Di Asa, we feast Asa. From here the Romans derived Saturnalia, which in turn became Christmas.
Do you know the history of Afrika, the history of our ancient ancestors, from whom much was stolen and never credited?
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