#that 'i also choose this guy's dead wife' post is me /j
milkbreadtoast · 1 year
shoutout to twsb for having a motherly chara who survives despite donning the infamous "dead mom hairstyle"
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...and for the actual angelic dead mom/deceased wife trope to instead go to Cedric's dilf dad cmsndmdbs <3
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captorcorp · 5 months
if i had a nickel every time i experienced media with an AI trying to give birth to itself in a human baby form through the protagonist's wife - i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
on a whole i'm really >:3 about this game though!!! i should've known from the title (which is why i got it ofc) but just wasn't sure if it'd live up to my expectations for either the dream aspects or the machine aspects, i think it did for both though
the dreams could've been more dream-like in logic at some times (though i feel like they usually did feel p dreamlike), though with how difficult the puzzles were already maybe it's a good thing they weren't lol i did like the environments though like the wife dreaming of being the captain of a ship where all of the workers are clones of her husband, the stressed nurse dreaming about a cool fantasy land where she's the village medic, the wfh guy dreaming having some weird cube-like dream land that nobody expected but most of it being manipulated by the machine controlling him...
decent amount of dream psychology mentioned, specifically jung's collective unconsciousness (is that a zero escape reference??? /j) and some freud mention iirc? the disk-shaped shared realm of dreams that people start from the center of and move towards the edge as they age while being able to traverse the plane between people's dreams as well is an interesting concept - feel like i haven't seen that many games come up with their own dream lore like that. at that part in the center with the prenatal barrier and baby dreams being raw potential energy and such, i hadn't heard as much about that irl so looked it up in case it was some obscure theory i hadn't heard of before but didn't find anything unfortunately ^^;
also love the ending in like chapter 5 where you can just. choose to start working with the machine instead after almost killing it, i didn't expect them to give us that option. sorry to my pregnant wife but you're saying i can inherit this dead guy's whole repertoire of dream research passed down for generations and explore the dreamscape as i wish with this cool sentient eldritch machine? fuck yeah let's start hiding the bodies /hj (jk I would go help my wife if i were victor. but i'm not i'm the player and i want to learn about dreams.)
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also re: the machine itself i thought it was a neat character ^^ was a bit ??? at what it's goals were at first, bc obviously the mortons were using it to map the unconscious but then it wasn't clear if the machine also wanted to do that or had its own agenda, but self preservation of its sentience and trying to maintain its existence by leaching from the dreams of others was a good motive. and then also 🥺me when the ai is lonely and misses its friends (and accidentally kills them when they stop giving it unsuspecting residents to feed off of but dw about that)
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very 👀at that bit in the 3rd floor neighbors' dreams where we found out it was trying to build itself a body in the dream world out of dream npc's organs so it could move around the dream world as it wished without the clunky tentacles that kinda just stay in one place and die. another one of those things that's like 'bro it's a dream you don't have to be that thorough about it to make it work' but i get it with the weird shared dreamscape lore this game has set up and it was a very 'bro wtf' reveal. gotta respect trying the frankenstein method
actually that makes me think. are dream npcs sentient in this universe??? i was just thinking about it like 'at least it was just stealing organs from npcs and not people' but idk how this fits with the collective unconscious lore.
also i do have to address the ending of the game besides just that 2 nickels joke (the other media was demon seed btw. was a pretty disturbing watch ^^;;). that one bit felt like the stanley parable hole ending and the other bit felt like the 2001 a space odyssey ending. the playing god part was very ??? i didn't know what to think of it at first (still not sure) and this is the only screenshot i took from that portion.
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that whole final colorful shifting area with the victors of different ages reminded me of the denver meow wolf exhibit (i haven't been yet but from the pics i've seen of it on the site). then i saw the area with our mother giving birth to us and i was like. Ah. Unfortunately this game has given us a lot of experiences with climbing inside of small holes, even when they're inside other people...
was also surprised that we just took up the machine's offer to share our consciousness and stay stuck in the dream world. feel like it'd be more effective to give us some options there and have multiple endings, but i guess if it was us (machine loses too much power to survive outside of the dream) or our child (would grow up possessed by the machine irl) makes sense as a trade, our poor wife though... i do like dreams but being stuck in the dream world forever like that would be OTL i am glad the machine got to survive though
anyway my final review is. puzzles were pretty hard so thank you steam and yt walkthroughs. ending was weird, it was too metaphysical for me to fully wrap my head around but i do like the artistic vision. game on a whole is good especially when you're autistic about dreams and ai characters, played it for like 10 hours straight. dream machine is my favorite character (no surprise). why did the game make us unbirth ourselves.
misc screenshot dump:
normal teatime conversation topics
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cool machine diagram
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NOOO i forgot to get a picture of those fuckass pumpkins that make you lead a government. love those guys
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Dead City 1x01: Old Acquaintances and 1x02: Who's There?
So, I didn't do a post about the first episode of Dead City last week. (Can I just point out that the abbreviation for Dead City is D.C.? As in, Beth's D.C. spoon?)
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The pilot episode was fine, but it was setting up the story, and we didn't see a ton of symbolism or Beth callbacks in it. Episode 2 this week was a different story.
Here is just a little bit of discussion about ep 1:
I finished that Dead City a little while ago. It's the pilot episode, some interesting things but they're just laying the groundwork, trying to get the story started which is very much expected. I just want to mention two things .
One is about Herschel. We knew that this is supposed to be a few years after the take down of CW. I'm just questioning tptb thinking in choosing their young actors for whatever age they're supposed to be, they change so rapidly that it would make more sense to me to have kept the original Herschel because the new replacement is obviously a few years older and yet, I swear by the end of the sixth episode he'll look like he's ready to be married with children, haha.
Okay, maybe not quite that bad but I'm just looking at this young man thinking he is going to age up real quick. They've already basically said that they'll be other seasons, that this is just the first, so obviously Herschel will be aging rapidly and I don't know if it will match the timeline going forward.
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First there was the all the empty chairs in s11 then we had the green empty chair in Fear. In dead City near the start of it we see Negan with a motorcycle on one side of him and this empty chair on the other. Coincidence I'm sure. That empty chair nor that motorcycle doesn't has anything to do with the plot of the episode, so I'm not giving anything away, but it's a visual that I suspect Gimple had something to do with it.
A character named Ginny?
They called Virginia “Ginny” in Fear, I think!
Morgan, I believe called his wife Jenny, with a J, but still.
Yeah I always thought that Virginia/Ginny/Jenny was meant for Morgan. Like he was being haunted.
I am looking at the caption under Negan though in that picture. Who’s he talking to? Is there someone named Ginny in DC?
Also idk why they keep casting weirdly old characters in TWDU. It’s not typical for them and I’m wondering if maybe there was some new rule or by-law passed by SAG or something to do with child actors and they can’t cast anyone under the age of like 13, or they can but it’s a major pain so they’re just asking us to suspend our disbelief.
You'll find out who Ginny is pretty quickly. I won't go into it, not that it would spoil anything, but I think we'll see more of her going forward. She doesn't appeared to have a big purpose, which tells me that her character must have a purpose going forward.
Discussion on Episode 2: Who's There?
I enjoyed the episode. There are things they're holding back to lead us along, I hope this isn't too big of a spoiler, but we don't find out about Annie or the baby. I think we probably won't for a while.
Just finished watching DC. I actually really liked this episode (minus all the intestine-spillage). I thought there were quite a few Beth callbacks in it. My favorite line? Maggie spun some yarn about "Canada and a shipwreck." 😱
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When Maggie mentioned Canada, I immediately thought of Tales. That he was headed to Canada. Of course, the shipwrecked parts stood out because well you know...
You guys know how bad I am with names so just excuse me. The girl that was originally with Negan who is being watched over by the group (I guess Maggie's group) while Maggie and Negan are away, they brought her to what is the kids’ school and was introduced by saying that she was from Oceanside. I'm wondering where this group of people, this community that Maggie and Herschel have been with is located.
Yeah, I don't know. Obviously, she isn't gonna just stay put and wait for Negan, so it will be interesting to see what her storyline is. When she left in the night, she went over to a bike. That's all we saw, but still. Bicycle symbolism.
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Negan told a story about a girl "holed up in a car." He said she was "just a kid." Sounds like she was tortured and killed by the Croat eventually, but still. Negan then talked about having "one shot" and "missing." He was talking about the bad guy, rather than the girl, but they were all related, and it felt like a Beth parallel to me.
Then there was the part when the Marshal went into that apartment. I got such heavy WHAWGO vibes. There was the picture of the two brothers.
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They weren't twins, but they were situated spatially in the photo the same way Noah's twin brothers were, and the way Robert Patrick's character and his twin brother were. Finding the dead guy, one of the brothers, in there felt similar to finding Noah's brothers.
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And then there was the rosary he laid over him. We did see one of those with Carol at the end of S6, but Beth wore the original around her wrist at Grady. Oh, and the Marshal covered him with a blanket, much like Bethyl did to the Rich Bitch walker, and like Daryl almost did for Len, before changing his mind.
Even Maggie and Negan being imprisoned in the bathroom jumped out at me. I've harped on bathrooms since S4 when Rick escaped the Claimer house through the bathroom, and the walker that came after Carl in the pudding house (the one he shot in the forehead in the EXACT place Beth was shot) came out of the bathroom.
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I also thought of The Same Boat. That wasn't a bathroom per se, but it was filmed on the same set as Saw, which featured a gross bathroom, toilet and all, and had a man who was presumed dead suddenly stand up and reveal himself to be alive at the end.
That may be all I have for now. I didn't really take notes, so I'm doing this from memory.
Negan had some funny lines. I loved his "how about everyone just untwist their undies." They featured it on the after-the-episode part, so I heard it twice, and laughed both times.
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I also thought the flashback between Maggie and Hershel was super interesting. Not sure where they're going with that, but I look forward to learning more.
What do you think the purpose was of Maggie not making it all the way across the chasm? That seemed too purposeful to not foreshadow something, but nothing really came of it here. Just had me wondering.
It's hard to tell right now because they're just lying and foundation for the series, I did appreciate the description of the three (3) separate groups. I didn't take notes either, but I was so glad the showrunner/writer explained what was going on.
When Negan was talking about the girl in the car, I immediately thought of Beth. Not that I thought he was talking about Beth, but I felt that that was purposely put in to give a nod to us. I don't know that there will be any clues that would lead to anything about Beth in this spinoff, but I do think that they will sprinkle reminders throughout.
I have the same feelings as you did when I saw the bathroom, that it was a reminder of Same Boat.
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That scene where Maggie was somewhat freezing up as the Walkers were coming at her and she was so hesitant to use the zip line, then got hung up. It did seem kind of purposeful and I was trying to wreck my brain to whether or not we had known she has a fear of heights, kind of like Carol in the caves in s10 with it being a reminder that Carol was claustrophobic, but I couldn't remember anything from Maggie's past. It might be something in recent years (in the show) that we will find out later about.
I was getting some screenshots for it. That always reveals new things to me because I'm watching more closely, instead of casually. It's nothing super groundbreaking, but I saw some interesting things, and a few insights on what we've already discussed.
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First, the thing where Maggie didn't make it across on the zip line. Rewatching that part, I realized that the physics reason for why that happened is because she hesitated. She was clearly frightened of the distance down, and didn't want to just go for it. Her foot literally slips off the box, so she doesn't get the same momentum Negan and the first lady did. That's why she didn't make it to the other side. I still think that's a foreshadow, tho. Maggie being hesitant rather than going for it, and something goes wrong or something bad happens because of it.
The scene with the marshal we compared to WHAWGO? Watching it a second time, I realized it doesn't explain why he went there or how he knew to go there. He went looking for a gun, but it was gone. All he found was the box the gun used to be in. But how would he know it was there?
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I think it's obvious he had been there before and knew the man who's body he found. That's probably why he covered him up: because he knew him. I'm wondering now if he, the marshal, is the second brother in the pictures. If so, that means he left his brother behind at some point. Between that, covering him up, and laying the rosary over him, it's an even more potent parallel to Beth.
Also, in that scene, he sees the corpse of his brother first in a mirror. I didn't catch that at first. So, it's a mirror image and then he turns and goes into the brother's room. Just kind of interesting.
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And then about the girl--Ginny right?--who was with Negan? Something is bothering her about the water barrel. It's at Maggie's community, and like 3 different times she stops and stares at it, including at the end just before she steals the bike to leave. No idea what it means, but the fact that it's a water thing caught my attention. That's all. ;D
What did everyone else think about DC ep 2?
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Saeyoung’s After Life Chapter 5
Go to Chapter: 1 here/ 2 here / 3 here / 4 here 
So, yesterday someone contacted me via Instagram and thought that the last two chapter got deleted since there was no link....I’m sorry I hope this won’t confuse anyone, let me explain: I write my writings in my Masterlist to show you what will come next and to make my life easier because just adding a link is quicker, HAHAH I’M SO LAZY XD and since we talk about being lazy....I was to lazy to correct this chapter, that’s why it took me so long, lmao XD but now I’m posting it...have fun my lovely Fonys :3 
Ps. If some of you memorized my Masterlist and got confused, yes, I planned to write a 6th chapter but realized that the last two chapters were really short so I put them together, heheh XD 
Saeyoung’s POV 
,,Please take care of them, guys...“ I mumbled and looked at Zen, Yoosung and Jaehee.  ,,Don’t worry....“ Jaehee mumbled. She was clearly worried. Well, I was too.  It was uncertain if I would be back alive after all.  ,,It’s kind of unfair that the trust fund kid is allowed to come along just because he‘s rich.“ Zen complained.  I looked at him ,,I would rather send you than risking my life there, trust me.“ I snapped.  Perhaps I was a bit too hard on him since he was helping me out... Hopefully I will have time to apologize to him after everything is finished....  My thoughts often wandered to my little family while we were driving in Jumin‘s van. 
,,Let’s talk about the plan....“ Saeran mumbled as he typed something into the laptop.  ,,We will first kidnap the man in black, his name is Lee Sang Chul.  He‘s the prime minister’s right hand and the one who followed us in the past. He was also the one who hurt Mc and the twins.... After we have him, we will interrogate him, that would be team A’s task.  Team B will hid cameras in the surroundings so that we have enough evidence.“ Saeran explained with a layout of the place.  Everyone nodded and agreed to it.  And so we followed the plan.  It was pretty easy to kidnap Mr. Lee Jumin simply began to talk to him and explained, who he was. The plan was to tell him that he was interested to work together with the Prime Minister. In the next moment however, Mr. Lee was dragged into the inside of the Van.  
,,Who are you?“ he snapped.  ,,You still don’t know?“ I asked and began to throttle him.  ,,Saeyoung, we need him alive.“ Jumin said as he observed us.  ,,Unfortunately.“ I snapped and tried to stay calm while the man, who almost killed my family, glared at me.  A bodyguard began to film the scene as Jumin calmly tried to get information out of him.  But the right hand of the Prime Minister stayed silent like a dead man.  ,,The Prime Minister will eventually go to prison, you won’t face danger if you tell us now.“ Jumin said.  ,,I....am loyal.“ he mumbled and looked away.  The man was depressed, I could see that it was pretty hard for him too.  ,,Why did you do that to my family?! Is that the way to show him that you’re loyal? Dirtying your hands with blood?! A pregnant woman? Twins?! Who the hell was loyal to us? We never did anything to this man! I don’t know and I don’t wish to know what my mother tried with that ass BUT WE ARE TRYING TO LIFE!“ I yelled. 
The man was still looking away, he actually looked pretty pitiful but I tried to ignore these feelings.  Before Jumin could say anything someone hit the van‘s door pretty hard.  ,,SAEYOUNG, JUMIN! WE NEED TO FLEE!“ Saeran screamed from behind, making me panic.  ,,Why?!“ I yelled as I opened the door.  ,,They found out! What will happen if they realize that Mc is alone without us?!“ Saeran snapped and tried to catch breath.  ,,Aish!“ I yelled and looked at the man.  And him?  But we couldn’t think about it.  Everything went quickly, five minutes of hell.
The prime Minister’s guards held guns up, ready to fire at us.  ,,NOW!“ Jumin yelled and all his bodyguards appeared from the hidden places, holding the Prime Minister’s guards.  ,,AT LEAST KILL THE DEMON!“ our ,,Father“ yelled and glared at me before he took his own gun.  I saw the bullet and regretted everything I did in my life. What if we would have stayed with our mother instead of going to Rika? Would I still have met Mc?  Would I still be a father?  What will have happen to my baby if I die now? To my two tomato princesses?  Who will snatch them away from me? Will Mc be able to forgive me for dying? Will she live without me?  I wasn’t sure.  All these thoughts hit me in five seconds.  Five seconds before my body fell backwards.  Blood was on my chest, my back was aching and my butt was scratched by now. 
,,SAEYOUNG!“ I heard Saeran yell. I turned to Saeran and saw how another bodyguard got a hold of the strong man we feared so far - the Prime Minister.  I looked at my chest, blood, I was soaked in blood.  Fortunately it wasn’t my blood.... ,,Why?“ I asked Mr Lee as he puked blood on me.  I stayed like that.  I was able to hear his words better like that.   ,,Because...I was sorry...I wanted to free myself from these regrets and wrong doings. I wanted the two of you to live happily...I really wanted to....“ he mumbled before he collapsed on me. 
Fear hit you in the middle of the night when someone tried to open the door, however mistaking the password four times.  You immediately jumped up, realizing that your reaction was too quickly.  You felt dizzy and were almost falling backwards but Zen was right behind you, supporting you like a strong rock.  ,,Princess, take it easy!“ he told you as he looked at you.  ,,Hid my children! Hid them! They are coming for us!“ you began to sob as the door opened.  It was over, wasn’t it?  ,,I MEAN, WHO THE HELL CHOOSES ARABIC AND FORGETS HOW TO SAY IT?!“ Saeran yelled as he supported his older twin brother.  ,,The word has a similar word, I just did wrong because I‘m not in my right mind.“ he laughed and looked at you.  The sight of Zen supporting you made him jealous but he was happy to see you.  ,,Are you well, Mc?“ he asked you as tears streamed down your face.  ,,Why are you soaked with blood?!“ you cried.  ,,Not his blood.“ Saeran snapped.  ,,Why are you supporting him then?“ you still asked.  ,,Because this idiot began to jump around and got hurt at his ankle.“ Saeran once again responded before he let go of Saeyoung.  Saeyoung approached you and hugged you.  You weren’t the only one who was crying now.  ,,J-Jumin?“ you sobbed.  ,,With the police...he will take care. Children?“  ,,A-asleep....“ you sobbed harder.  Your legs almost gave up but Saeyoung supported you for good.  This night the whole group decided to sleep at Saeyoung’s place, just to wake up two hours later.  None understood the fuss except for you and your husband of course. 
,,SHE‘S GIVING BIRTH GET THE CAR!“ Saeyoung yelled as he supported you.  ,,Saeyoung! Saeyoung it’s different! Something is wrong Saeyoung!“ you kept crying, clutching your belly.  ,,Mc try to breath, breath!“ Saeyoung comforted you and held your hand.  He tried to make you feel better but in his head he had completely different thoughts.  Was this what the doctor meant? Were unhappy things bound to happen?  In an instand Saeyoung and the other boys helped you to get into the car.  Jaehee went along with the two of you while Saeran had the task to drive a second car since the twins had to come along. Yoosung couldn’t drive and since Zen was in an accident once, Saeyoung trusted only his brother.  The girls didn’t know what was happening. All they knew was that their mom was sick once again.  ,,SHE‘S LOOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!“ the nurse screamed as you lied down, completely pale in the white hospital room.  ,,SHE HAS NO STRENGTH LEFT!“ someone else yelled as the red haired father was pushed out of the room.  Saeyoung‘s heart was breaking apart when he turned around to take a last look into the room. He noticed that you were searching for him.  His wife longed for him.  This was the most horrible labor for everyone.  The medical support was at their limit, as well as the midwife and you.  But after a lot of complications and fears you finally gave birth.  And even through you still weren’t awake after one day and your new born boy was in the intubation, Saeyoung was happy because everyone was alive after all.  ,,How will you name him?“ Saeran asked when he visited his brother.  ,,Sang Chul. Choi Sang Chul.“ Saeyoung nodded. 
,,Yung Mi, Mun Hee, Sang Chul! Please stay here!“ you yelled as your 10 years old girls ran through the park together with their younger brother.  You were really afraid that your son could fall and hurt himself.  ,,Run behind them!“ you snapped at your husband.  ,,Huh?“ he asked you as he chewed his chips.  ,,You just don’t know how it works.“ Saeyoung laughed and begann to yell ,,OI! I HAVE HONEY BUDDAH CHIPS!“  You had to hide your smile as you saw how the children ran back to their dad to get the chips.  ,,Now, stay here, yeah?“ you slightly scolded them as you took your son up and in your ams and held Yung Mi’s hand.  ,,Mun Hee, take Unni‘s hand and Daddy‘s!“ she ordered and so like a family you walked through the park. 
This story is dedicated to @khaizusan. She actually requested a story where the Prime Minister found out about the twins, since she draw a picture with Saeyoung and the twins (Chapter 1) and so I began to write about it. I didn’t imagine that this would take 5 Chapters but I‘m happy that you guys kept waiting for me. Thank you. 
Tagging: « @khaizusan @sailormoonrocks666 @foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @widya345 @r-f-a-journalists @loveto-hateyou @sleeplesspieces @shirokazekikagami »
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a detectives quest (a WKTC story)
artwork used by the very lovely @alwaysd2 i am not the best at grammer or puncation but i hope you enjoy the story none the less! 
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I was on a journey thru remnant on the hunt for a man I once loved a man I once called My friend... Mark J. Barnum or as he changed his name to Mark Edward Fischbach the just thought of his name made me feel sick to my stomach I was soon in the small little city of argus the major trading center between the continents of Anima and Solitas It is one of the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant.
I soon walked up to a stone statue the one made for a young girl well known by alot of people Pyrrha Nikos poor girl killed at beacon from what i’d been told by Cinder Fall I was gonna hunt down that girl and Mark and bring them both to justice or my name wasn’t Abe Lincon I had already had to lie to several familes about what really happened to their familes I just couldn’t deny a case but they would get their just deserts soon enough Mark would be brought to prision for all the faunaus Mark had gotten to It just wasn’t right Marks brother Willliam was crazy but he at least respected faunus and didn’t kill people for fun.
I stared at the statue for what seemed like days when In reality It was only for a few minutes I then left some roses down and lit up a cigar for myself I soon put It against my lips.
“I’ve never been one much for smoking but... With days like these? Everyone needs to relax even If the way to relax Isn’t the best... Hmm still better then drinking I suppose I wonder where I could find infromation on Marks wareabouts In a city like this poor girl didn’t deserve this and I’ll make sure that Cinder girl goes to jail a hell of a long time for what she did to her... The law is gonna throw every book they have at her they will throw her In a cell and after that they’re gonna throw away the key and after that they’re gonna throw that............. CELL into uh... Lake? I don’t really know hmm then pyrrha could rest perfectly in peace once she knows her team is safe from Cinder and her allies... I don’t care if that Penny girl was a machine she didn’t deserve to die no one deserves to die no one excpet for me and the monster I let happen I should have done something sooner when I had the chance but I was too love struck what a fool I was right?”
I soon tossed away my smoke into a trash can near by and walked off soon finding the house of Saphron Cotta-Arc and her wife Terra Cotta-Arc along with their kid Adrian I decided to vist them because I heard from the lady at the atlas station that thoes kids RWBY and team JNR along with Crow Branwen were here recently and they just left only a few days ago.
For at least an hour I talked to them about what they knew and where thoes kids were going he got all the infromation I needed and headed out I respected the two alot I had been homosexual myself for the longest time but I had never put myself out there I was glad he didn’t in some ways If I did I would either get rejected by mark or worse rejected then killed by him If I some how even ended up with mark would I even want that? Maybe back then but now? No to me that wouldn’t seem or be right my crush for mark was done and over with now I only felt hatred for the man I once called my best friend honestly If I had to choose a best friend now it be a tough choice.
After all my choices were Celine she did seem nice plus from the last i heard of her she did find out she was bisexual now being in a relationship with Neo Politan I didn’t trust the little mute bitch but knows she dosen’t work for Mark or this Salem woman Mark talked about to him so I’d lay off for now She dose try to be a good person for Celine at the very least my other choice for a replacement best friend? William J. Barnum aka the Colonal of atlas honestly I liked the man he was unhinged sure and honestly a little crazy but the man did know how to party plus despite all this he was one of the best dam people I have ever met in my life he protected the faunus even giving support when he could but now wasn’t the best time to get chummy with him he recently lost the love of his life and found out his brother was an evil bastard?
I’d think of a new best friend later I chuckled quietly to myself but then I sighed thinking about William a bit more why was he still so sane? sure he was a bit crazy but he just found out his brother was evil he used some girl who was killed against her own best friend for christ sakes! and his partner Is dead as well? god I knew how that felt every single partner i had died he did keep their pictures in my wallet along with my detective badge but some how William stayed sane a smile on his face but not from madness but to make sure others don’t worry about him poor guy I thought to myself.
I had a few favors from william so I went back to that base and showed my detective badge soon enough all the pictures came out of my wallet.
“Thoes were my old parnters” I said to the guard I then groaned “don’t ask me about them” the guard seemed confused and said “I won’t” but then I got angry and said.
“FINE I’LL TELL YOU! each of them died on cases each more tragic then the last for some reason despite how good of a detective I am my partner always ends up dying god the worst one by far was probably my friend Stra dokey weird name I always thought anyway once he died iInever touched any sort of jelly again it was too much for me to handle.” 
The guard backed up a bit and held up his hands “Ok dude well uh... yeah i’ll call up our colonal and let him know your using one of your favors take the small ship on the left all yours.” Despite being a big guy who had a hat cover his eyes he was intimated by me I soon thanked him and took the ship. 
I decided to go to the one place I thought mark might be his own mansion It was the best lead I had After about a day I arived just outside the forever fall forest area where mark had his mansion I might die today but if it meant stopping mark then fuck it I didn’t care i needed todo this I soon kicked down the door and held up my gun at a girl whos name was Emerald Sustrai who I just happened to have met before back at Beacon and haven’t seen her since. 
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To be continued???
Please get this post to at least 4 reblogs if you want to see this story continued i hope you all enjoyed! i’d also love to see your thoughts in the comments 
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sixofsummoners · 7 years
tagging game!
I was tagged by @blackthorn-twins​ like four days ago, I’m just the worst at remembering to do things 😂
I’m tagging @claryharry, @cityoffallenangels23, @acourtoftears, @thatparabataiconnection, @myshadowhunterworlds, @thistleberrybear, @marktinarosethorn, @flameandthentheflood, @mxrgnstrn, and @thisisntidris
Rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 10 questions of your own, tag 10 people. (My questions for you guys are at the bottom of this post)
1. Downworlders or Shadowhunters?
I think Shadowhunters, because I’d really want to be one
2. Favourite TSC series
Oh man, this is really hard. TMI is the og series, TID is so beautiful and tragic, and TDA is just so good I doN’T KNOW NEXT QUESTION
3. Favourite rune
The parabatai rune, definitely
4. Iron sisters or Silent Brothers
Silent Brothers
5. What weapon would you choose if you were a Shadowhunter?
A seraph blade. I am not strong enough to use an actual sword, plus, they’re kinda like medieval light sabers okay not really, but you get what I mean.
6. Werewolves, Faeries, Vampires or Warlocks?
7. Favourite TSC character
WHY DO YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE they’re all my babies, but Will Herondale will always hold a special place in my heart
8. Ducks or swans?
Swans. Sorry, Kit.
9. Your Shadowhunter last name (I really liked that question xD)
I actually made a “Find Your Shadowhunter Last Name” a while ago where you use the first letter of your first and last name, and I got Hawksilver, which was pretty cool, but I just went back and looked in my Codex, and I like Roseblood a lot. It’s elegant, but also slightly threatening.
10. Your OTP from TSC
Wessa. Two book nerds falling in love and naming one of their children after a character from one of their favorite books? Goals.
Ten characters I would kiss (in no particular order):
1. Will Herondale, The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
“And now at last I am free, and I can finally tell you, without fear of danger to you, all that I feel in my heart.
You are not the last dream of my soul.
You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.”
2. Rhysand, A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas                
“‘Not consort, not wife. Feyre is High Lady of the Night Court.' My equal in every way; she would wear my crown, sit on a throne beside mine. Never sidelined, never designated to breeding and parties and child rearing. My queen.” 
3. Jace Herondale, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare and Shadowhunters (I love the herondales okay)
“As if I could stop loving you. As if I would want to give up the thing that makes me stronger than anything else ever has. Since the first time I saw you, I have belonged to you completely.” 
4. Levi Stewart, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
“She smiled, and her eyes started to drift downward.
Back up to his eyes.
‘You know that I’m falling in love with you, right?’”
5. Ezra Mason, The Illuminae Files: Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman
“You deserve every star in the galaxy laid out at your feet and a thousand diamonds in your hair. You deserve someone who’ll run with you as far and as fast as you want to. Holding your hand, not holding you back.”
6. Niklas Malikov, The Illuminae Files: Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman
“‘I don’t drink coffee,’ she says, breathless.
‘You can drink anything you like,’ he murmurs. ‘Just name it, I’ll find it for you.’
[…] And though she’s an orphan and there’s no way he leaves the House of Knives except feet-first, and they’re both bound to be dead before either of those things are a problem anyway, they just hold on to each other like they’re all the anchor the other one needs.”
7. Ian O’Shea, The Host by Stephenie Meyer
“It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. You are beautiful.”
8. Cas Lowood, Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
“As we look at each other, something inside me is trying to click, trying to fall into place. I feel it in my mind and in my chest, like a puzzle piece you know has to go somewhere so you keep trying to push it in from all different angles. And then, just like that, it fits. So perfect and complete that you can’t imagine how it was without it there, even seconds ago.” 
9. Gideon Lightwood, The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
“‘My dear Miss Collins,’ he said. ‘Please forgive me for my untoward outburst. It is simply that I have such - such strong esteem - no, not esteem, adoration - for you that I feel as if it must blaze from me every moment of the day. Ever since I came to this house, I have been struck more forcibly each day by your beauty, your courage, and your nobility. It is an honor I could never deserve but most earnestly aspire to if you could only be mine - that is, if you would consent to be my wife.’”
10. Jacob Portman, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series by Ransom Riggs
“I was too dazed to follow right away, because there was something new happening, a wheel inside my heart I’d never noticed before, and it was spinning so fast it made me dizzy. And the farther away she got, the faster it spun, like there was an invisible cord unreeling from it that stretched between us, and if she went too far it would snap - and kill me. I wondered if this strange, sweet pain was love.”
RULES: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing to and tag 10 other people.
Mt. Washington - Local Natives
Rattlesnake - Wages
Pulaski at Night - Andrew Bird
Bird - Billie Marten
Barbie Nation - HOLYCHILD
Waves - Dean Lewis
Your Future Is Not Mine (feat. Joseph of Mercury [Illangelo Remix] - Daisy
Oh Devil - Electric Guest
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths
Just Like Me - Betty Who
My questions:
1. Would you want to be a faerie, warlock, werewolf, or vampire?
2. Which one of the TSC crew would you most like to be friends with (and which one would you want to date, if you feel like it)?
3. Would you drink from the Mortal Cup, and why?
4. Which villain would you most like to have a conversation with (doesn’t have to be TSC)?
5. If you could resurrect Jonathan without demon blood, would you?
6. Who do you think is the Queen of Air and Darkness?
7. Which YA series would you make a crossover with TSC?
8. Would you join the Wild Hunt?
9. Which character from TSC do you relate most to? (If you don’t relate to any of them, you can pick which character is your favorite)
10. What rune would you create?
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arisefairsun · 7 years
@shakespunk replied to your post: Well meaning but self-serving
@giuliettaluce replied to your post: Friar Lawrence was the action of a peacemaker, while Benvolio was only in words (the part of when he interfered the servants in a sword-fight at the beginning), Lawrence took the action and did it with good intentions. Although it didn’t work at the end, I take Friar Lawrence as a man who only wishes the end of a war and to save the last souls of two warring families.
@letsgetabsurd replied to your post: my lit teacher at school said that technically Friar Lawrence was to blame not because he married them in secret and so on, but because he was incompetent profession-wise: he should have known that Death always takes what was promised and Death shouldn’t be fooled around with (Juliet tricking everyone that she was dead) Though I haven’t given him much thought since that so I don’t really have my own solid opinion. I’d like to know your thoughts about him
@the-princess-of-pirates replied to your post: He had the best in mind when he started but instead he helped solicit a death march of at least four children/young adults. Misguided hope.
Thank you guys so much for sharing your thoughts with me! What you said is really interesting, and here’s how I feel about him:
I think Friar Lawrence is an enigmatic character with a really intense development through the story. He is wise and ignorant, confident and appalled at the same time. His speeches are excessively long, filled with monotony and homiletic expressions. It’s ironic that he criticizes Romeo’s ‘love’ for Rosaline because it ‘did read by rote, that could not spell’, when his own language is limited to received verbal conventions and incessant rhymes. For instance, I always thought that his first speech contrasted entirely with the vivid poetry that Romeo and Juliet had shared only a few seconds ago in the balcony scene. He spends a huge amount of time giving advices to the lovers, especially Romeo, constantly using commonplace expressions. Both R and J rely on his wisdom, his ‘long-experienced time’, and his ‘art’ to find a solution to their problems. Indeed, he knows what people should do—he knows what his books say people should do. But when it comes to putting his own advices into practice, he fails chaotically just like everyone else. Zeffirelli made him trip and almost fall down when he warned Romeo, ‘Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.’ Romeo couldn’t help laughing.
I’ve been trying to find a text post which suggested that all the Friar had to do, after Lord Capulet sold Juliet to Paris (because that’s what he did), was simply say the truth to the Prince. I can’t seem to find the post again, but credits to OP! I thought this was very interesting, and I think the fact that he opted to fake Juliet’s death might prove how scared he is himself. Perhaps he is afraid of the consequences of having married Romeo and Juliet without the consent of those two violent, uncontrolled families that keep murdering people for the slightest of reasons. I think the Friar is just that—an old man who has been living inside his books and among plants all his life, who knows really well how things should be, but who underneath all the received knowledge has a trembling heart and a panicked mind. ‘So smile the heavens upon this holy act,’ he says in the wedding scene, ‘That after-hours with sorrow chide us not.’ He is also full of foreshadowing, just like the lovers. In Zeffirelli’s movie, he is about to stop Juliet from leaving his cell with the potion. He reaches his arm toward her, his mouth about to pronounce the first syllable of her name… but then he lets her go. He covers his mouth with his hand and closes his eyes frustratingly. In Luhrmann’s version, we see him fret and sweat as he waits for the time of Juliet’s awakening to come. He is desperate and vulnerable and not at all the long-experienced man whose ‘art’ could prevent any tragic outcome. The ferocity of the feud is more potent than any kind of wisdom—it prompts even the wise to make bad choices. ’Fear comes upon me,’ he says, ‘O, much I fear some ill unlucky thing!’ This turns him into a very interesting and pitiful character to me, because he is just as lost as Romeo and Juliet. The philosophy, the 'adversity’s sweet milk’ that he mentioned in 3.3 becomes completely useless. I think fear, more than irresponsibility or unconcern, is what makes him leave the tomb after Juliet’s awakening. He quickly comes up with a new plan for her: a convent, something that she rejects entirely. But then he is overcome with fear again: ’I dare no longer stay’. (I love how Zeffirelli made him scream these words over and over again as he ran outside the vault.) Away from his plants and books, he is devastated, drowned in despair, exposed. He has experienced the horrors of Verona and discovered that life is not as simple as his advices presumed, that things like dread and impotency can be really harmful. To me, one of the most heartbreaking lines of the play is what the Third Watchman says: 'Here is a friar that trembles, sighs, and weeps.’ And weeps. The Friar is crying. Perhaps he has realized that his books did not encompass the entirety of human passions. He had warned Romeo that 'they stumble that run fast’, but in the tomb scene he said, 'How oft tonight / Have my old feet stumbled at graves.’ Kenneth Branagh’s 2016 production made him fall on the floor overcome with tears after he delivered his last speech, and not even the Prince’s absolution seemed to have any effect on him.
So I agree with you—his intentions were good, but his handling of the situation was not. I’m really fond of characters who start out as confident and determined, but who are tragically, poetically defeated by chaos. I think expressions like 'I dare no longer stay’ or 'Fear comes upon me’ are really intriguing, coming from a character as resourceful as him and who seemed to be immune to imprudence. There are, on the other hand, other factors that thwarted his plans: namely plague. That’s what didn’t let Friar John deliver the letter to Mantua, and Shakespeare’s audience wouldn’t have found it odd that plague would ruin someone’s life. However, I don’t like reading the play as an unfortunate accident, though you can definitely interpret it like that if you want. I don’t think the real tragedy is caused by Friar John failing to send the letter or Romeo not waiting five more minutes to kill himself. I’m not actually sure Romeo and Juliet would have had their happy ending if they had escaped to Mantua. The Capulets were already planning to poison Romeo. (And, moreover, I think the essence of the play is the restoration of Verona and the triumph of love over hate. It would have been bittersweet to me if Romeo and Juliet had simply run away to another place, escaping from an endless chaos that would have never found a solution. I think the story is Verona’s society itself, and if the lovers had left it behind it would have become sort of pointless. Verona had to destroy Romeo and Juliet and their own destruction had to restore Verona in return.)
I like to compare Arthur Brooke’s prologue to his poem with that of Shakespeare. Both are sonnets and both give away the ending of the story. But Brooke elaborates on how they die:
Love hath inflamed twain by sudden sight, And both do grant the thing that both desire They wed in shrift by counsel of a friar. Young Romeus climbs fair Juliet’s bower by night. Three months he doth enjoy his chief delight. By Tybalt’s rage provoked unto ire, He payeth death to Tybalt for his hire. A banished man he 'scapes by secret flight. New marriage is offered to his wife. She drinks a drink that seems to reave her breath: They bury her that sleeping yet hath life. Her husband hears the tidings of her death. He drinks his bane. And she with Romeus’ knife, When she awakes, herself, alas! she slay'th.
Shakespeare, on the contrary, focuses on why they die. His prologue informs us of the violence of 'fair Verona’, and the 'death-marked love’ that ceased it. So what’s important is not so much how things happen but why. I tend to think of the sleeping potion as a device to situate Juliet in her grave, her 'wedding bed’, ergo allowing both lovers to react to each other’s death by consciously choosing death over life, which turns out to be the only way they have to claim their rejection of the feud. We can partly blame Juliet and Friar Lawrence and their death-faking plan, Friar John and his inability to deliver the letter, Romeo and his impetuous suicide, Balthazar and his too effective service to Romeo, etc. But I think it’s quite unfair, because none of them wished to do any harm. The Friar and Juliet were desperate and scared and Romeo had to 'shake the yoke of inauspicious stars / From this world-wearied flesh’ after the death of the only person who assured that his real identity did not depend on the Montague surname. To me, Romeo and Juliet’s death was not a mistake caused by the Friar’s undelivered letter, but rather it was R and J’s deliberate, individual choice because they could not stand the oppression of their environment. I think that’s more tragic than an accident and more complex than a mistake made by someone as excusably desperate as the Friar. Basically I love everyone and can’t blame them for anything.
That’s my reading!
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republicstandard · 5 years
Arbeit Macht Goy
In our travelling circles the question of the value of labor has been finely discussed. There are even subjunctions of the movement entirely dedicated to its cause; you have National Socialism and National Bolshevism, with individuated parties ranging in size and scope. The Traditionalist Workers Party is the most notable example that comes to my mind.
More often than not, the analysis directed toward the question of labor is (unsurprisingly) one of critique and pragmatism. It is noted, with acuminous alacrity, that a man’s identity is tied into and integral with what he does. It could be further said that a man *is* what he does. The main problem with this associative thinking being that when a man is, say, robbed of his work or his lot, than he shrivels up and blows away in the industrial gust.
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That, obviously, is a serious concern. To that end, many of our guys have, with beneficent intent, stipulated that man must have a core identity beyond mere work and lot. A man may work, he may be married, but he is more than that. One would, I think, be a fool or the worst kind of AmCap to legitimately and unironically argue that point.
However, there is an opposite side to that coin. In the wake of Modernism, in the wake of Post-Modernism and the increasingly futile isms that have come in their wake you delve increasingly, and by necessity, into the reactionary realm. I do not use the word flatteringly. In this case reactionism is a harmful influence, for it causes a pendular effect on the White psyche in which decidedly extreme outcomes are repeatedly traded in an utterly futile attempt to reclaim the now forgotten center.
You cannot reclaim the center from the extremities. You have to, and follow this revolutionary thought Brothers, meet it in the middle. What is the center? It is balance, equanimity, stability and consistency – overall. The center is not a particular ideological component beyond the necessity of having an even keel to retreat to, if for nothing more than to formulate your direction and directive. The center is a state of being. It is one of the major contributors to the formation of a lasting Folk Soul which have all been robbed us.
In the life of an individual man there are a collective of passing achievements that God or Nature, or Nature’s God have conditioned him to measure his worth and progress by. A man should have a stable, productive and contributory job. A man should have a stable, productive and cooperative marriage. A man should have a stable, positive influence in his selective community. These fulfill basic sociological needs as imposed by Maslow’s Hierarchy; they should also satisfy the ego of those who tout “common sense.” (As if there were such a thing.)
Evolution inclined man to labor. To the same degree that ideologically, society is owed the artist and philosopher, society is likewise owed structurally to the workingman. The workingman is the Greek Atlas to Rodin’s Thinker. The Workingman with his hands has built everything. I may begin with the house in which you sit, the chair upon which you read this article from. If you sit in your car and read this on a phone, the end is the same. There should be a degree of glory involved in the realization that we, workingmen, build the physical trappings of the world.
Of course, you may enter tragedy. The workingman is a slave to the capitalist system. There is little way around this. Unless you are some (((magnate))) of some kind or other, you are a slave. Even the (((magnate))) is a slave, for their worth is wrapped up in the acquisition of shekels. Your skills are utterly neglected: society refused to acknowledge the contributions of the worker. He has no respect. On the basic, preconscious sociological level, the implications cannot be overstated. A man who works with his hands uses his body. His entire physical being is his primary tool.
I am a carpenter. I enjoy decidedly real aches and pains – they are the primary reward for my efforts. Men who toil, they hurt. And pain, in the long term, can erode you. It can wear you down. When you go to bed in pain, and wake up in pain; day in and day out, come spring and winter gone, in pain, you begin to lose your sense of humour. A clever man like himself reminds himself that this pain makes him stronger, that he is better off than soft-palmed weaklings. And this is true, I endure what lesser men recoil at. An injury that would make me grunt, I have seen stop weaker men for the better part of a day. Workingmen are a breed upon themselves.
Yet, no credence is given to this. Our strength and our endurance have no merit in a victimocracy, nevermind the pain. Society values transvestites. Society values visible minorities of every stripe. The workingman knows his blood and sweat have paved the way for this pathetic spectacle. His efforts contribute to that mess. His taxes, the token of his hard work robbed by a greedy, filthy and unquestioning monetary (((system))). And what does the (((system))) do with his wealth? Redistribute it, of course.
There is no amount of niggling, dickering, mansplaining or Boomer TALKING LOUDER THAN THE OTHER GUY AND REMINDING HIM HOW WRONG HE IS EVEN THOUGH HE HASN’T SAID ANYTHING BECAUSE MIGHT IS RIGHTing that will change the fact that this is true, and proponents of welfare statery are wrong to imply their will in the form of such taxes without consent… and certainly without representation.
So the workingman shrinks into an abyss of ingratitude. He becomes angry, bitter, cynical and despondent, effete, and flagrant. Why wouldn’t he? He must put his body on the line to support a world that certainly neglects him, if it doesn’t outright hate him. After all, the White Workingman can count on this: to at some point hear about the evils of White “Supremacy,” White “Privilege,” and White “Advantage” while the blisters inside his calloused hands are festering, his knuckles bleeding and his migraine quite throbbing. He looks at his gnarly hands where his hard earned money should be, sees an ungrateful indigent in his mind that the government saw fit to redistribute his wealth to for “social justice.”
It is easy for the workingman to despair, in this world. If the White Workingman protests he is met with the battlecry of the Eternal Boomer which sounds a little bit like this: “I don’t care if you’re Black, White or Purple if you come here, speak English and work!” Yes. Work. The Workingman knows his lot becomes increasingly harder because of immigrant labor. He knows that his wage will probably be cut someday to keep that edge against the invading foreign, colored hoards. Yet he is preached to by a generation that has secured their existence and doesn’t have to fear so much the colored hoard they invited. If the workingman is clever he sees the irony in the infinite repeat of history that tells the story of a bloated fiscal oligarchy that is destroyed by the foreigners they invited to line their own pockets.
Of course, the ignorant generation that will not see the plight of the younger is not safe in their hubris. The multicultural virus will spare no man. I shall tell you a tale that haunts me even as my callous crusted fingers press the keys that make this article. My Grandfather worked. He worked until he retired. His wife died, he remarried. By all accounts, he was a damned good American. He followed the rules. He donated a fair sum of money to civic causes he believed in. When he was young, he had served in the United States Navy. He had worked as an engineer. I am told he had passed several patents. But like many American he had his stresses. The long and short of it was this, his wife, when he developed Alzheimer’s, condemned him to nursing homes. And this I shall never forget: I went to visit one day. And there are days you know you’re in for trouble, sixth sense, if you will. Nurses were moving in on a scene. And there they were, huddled around my grandfather. His forehead was bleeding. He was hollering: “take me to the Embassy! I am a United States Citizen and I have rights! I don’t know what country this is, but I want to go home!” Oh, the mystery! The nurses all cobbled and cawed as I arrived. “What does he mean? I don’t understand!” I knew. It was obvious to anyone who isn’t a brainless shill. The nurse closest to him was blacker than coal, with space alien dreadlocks, and if she was capable of uttering a complete thought with proper English diction… she wasn’t. What was there to question? When you give a man with dementia a creature that in his honest mind doesn’t look quite right, like a foreigner than you will have a confused man! Astounding.
I have other stories in my arsenal, but let that be a lesson to White Men who think that their defensive posturing to the ‘moral’ authorities on race and relations will save them in the end… it won’t. Our (((greatest allies))) will make sure the last things you see are things you won’t. They will rob your pensions, destroy your retirement – they will then pay for the third world nurses that neglect you in a nursing home you didn’t choose.
Diversity, I’m told, *is* our greatest strength.
I’d ask my Grandfather, but I can’t, because he is dead. But you’re not dead, and theoretically, neither am I. So what do we do with all this depressing truth? It is something to bear in mind, something to help us keep track of all the factors. When some moron with a caved in head entertains the favourite American pastime of feigning ignorance to avoid the plight of being thought to agree with you, you may remind them why the worker suffers. Tell them stories. It might not make a difference, but we can’t let these pixie-faced, limp-wristed know-nothings get away thinking there’s absolutely no reason for a problem. Because they will – if you let them.
We are American Citizens. We have Rights. We will, all of us die. Some at home, some in a home, others, hell, at work. But we have a right to die in America. What did my Grandfather do to deserve feeling like he was abandoned to a third world country?
The average workingman today, though, has no overarching purpose. He did not see the bright, White America my Grandfather knew. So he passes his time for the reasons we have discussed, in indignity. Maybe he copes with alcohol, or drugs. I am told that the Opioid Crisis has reached unparalleled proportions. A comrade of mine by the name of Emil Kraepelin goes to distinct lengths to dispel the myths and educate our guys regarding this plight.
One of the major problems in the laborial sphere is a sense of manifold purposelessness. It is part and parcel with the blackpill phenomenon. You work for people with more money than you to give them things you can’t have. It is a sense of backwards thinking, the fault of early education and a poorly managed modern culture.
Here is my advice to White Workers. Keep this in mind. Learn a skill, learn a trade. You’ll have to start small. You’ll have to weather insult and injury. Keep heart. If the American Dream is ever going to be ours, than we have to start collecting bargaining chips. We need to do that now. The reasons for this are as diverse as the reasons for being depressed. If you learn a practical skill: carpentry, masonry, plumbing, wiring, than you become more solvent. The eternal call for working revolt has never changed. Without us, what would all the pampered, rich and effeminate do, exactly? Here’s a scenario: without leeching off our skill, the rich would die of sepsis in crumbling mansions that they can’t fix, squatting in a shallow hole they dug themselves because they couldn’t fix the plumbing. They would be reduced very quickly. They owe us, dearly.
The present system in which we live will not last forever. It cannot, by definition. When infinity immigrants have finished crippling the labour economy and all that’s left is coding… you will still have your skills. There will unquestionably be other citizens in a position to need you. And, if, God(s) willing we of our persuasion ever achieve a degree of separation… we won’t much be able to survive on coding, computers and being a generic Millennial or Zoomer, will we? No. Civilization is a complex organism that needs every single skill we have to maintain any modicum of resemblance to the comfort and complexity it presently yields.
Unless you want #VargNat now.
You learn a trade. If you’re good, you can go to work for yourself. It may not be immediate, and you might lose a little at first, but any degree of independence makes a difference. That independence makes a difference in your life. Working for someone else can eat your soul. Work for yourself? It’s a gamble. In the current year, there are no guarantees. But if you make a successful business name for yourself, you can hand that off to your children someday. That used to be part of the European Dream. Families inherit from familial progress. It is not impossible to reclaim that. I don’t think any of our ancient cultures ever intended us to live hand to mouth at the will of a globalist agency because ‘muh capitalism.’
If in mass numbers the Nationalists reading this began to take their own reins, rather than being self-hating service workers, became plumbers, electricians or what-have-you than we could, as a movement, increase pour capital gains. We could become self-sufficient. Right now, our bread comes from ZOG. Why is this bad? You know (((why.))) You place five of our guys in one County: one of them is a carpenter, one of them is an electrician, the other three are generic Millennials and Zoomers. The carpenter and the electrician can build business names independently, and even start to work together. Carpenters frequently call on electricians as subcontractors. Those other three chuckleheads? Why not hire them as apprentices. Now you have five of our guys collecting shekels directly, rather than having them handed off by some retarded system job.
Those same five guys, if the SHTF scenario ever happens, would be better off. They not only have friends, but vital skills. With their money they can support our causes. As our numbers grow tighter and larger, we can call on our guys, rather than some guy. That means money will begin to stay with us. This is important because the ability to hold onto material wealth is integral to any cultural reform. Skill and finance are bargaining chips much harder to resist than tattoos and memes.
But more than that, returning to the original point of this article, labour is part of a man’s identity. If you haven’t been proud of something you built with your hands, I’m sorry my friend, but you haven’t lived. I think I shall you another anecdote or two in this vein before I sign off and go make myself and my wife some bacon and eggs.
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On a job site, another client, brother to the one we were working for, came to visit. He talked a while before addressing me. “I wanted to save the work for you, because, you know, you’re so goddamn strong.” I couldn’t help but smile, and he went on to say, “ah, I’ll never forget seeing you carrying that big fucking rock up the hill. Nobody else could’ve moved it!” I won’t lie, and I don’t care if it marks me guilty for the sin of vanity. It feels good to know in some cases that my name precedes me. He’s told the story to others, I’ve heard him do it (while I was carrying big beautiful rocks.) On another job I did for a relative, there was concern moving this and that and the guy that hired me said, “don’t worry about the weight, this one’s stronger than an ox.”
So it goes.
It all brings us back to the Havamal. Cattle Die, and so do Kinsmen – God(s) know anyone over age 20 has seen more death than they care to. But we know what does not die: the name of a good man dead. I know that I want to be known as a keen philosopher when I die, but I shall settle for being another Sisyphus.
To a degree, pride cures pain. Knowing my work is appreciated, it makes it worth the while. Knowing my deeds are worthy of someone else’s time in the form of a story told to strangers (to me) is an incredible ego boost. That is why we are supposed to work: our skills are pooled into larger projects and our endeavors are to be respected. Our strength and skill are to be respected. We are not just workers and helpers. Without us, your service economy would have nothing to house it, your wealth would evaporate, and you would most likely not be here to undervalue us.
Something to think about.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine http://bit.ly/2OYUFbm via IFTTT
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