#that and i just really already didn't feel like celebrating without flynn
aquagrunt · 9 months
it being 50 degrees out with no snow in the forecast for the next 10 days is really killing the christmas spirit in me this year. cause why the fuck is there no snow on the ground 11 days before christmas.
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jadegrey711 · 5 years
Into the Night
Noah Flynn x Fem!Reader
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A/N:  I'm really excited this was my very first request and I hope I gave my anon what they wanted. I really enjoyed writing this.... when I was finally able to actually sit down and write it! I didn't make this one NSFW since I didn't know if my anon's request was nsfw or not. But the sexual tension is there. Plus I felt like this one didn't need any smut, I just went where the music took me. I hope you guys enjoy it! 
Summary: It's the reader's birthday and her two best friends Lee and Elle have decided to take her anywhere that she wants to go. The reader decides that she wants to celebrate her birthday by going out and dancing at a new club
ANON REQUEST: Could you please do a Noah Flynn and plus size reader imagine maybe where she's friends with Elle and Lee and she's confident but also believes she's not Noah's type but he proves her wrong.
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
Inspiration songs
Into the Night by Santana (feat Chad Kroeger)
You are my kind by Santana (feat Seal)
The Game of Love by Santana (feat Michelle Branch)
Breaking Down the Door by Santana (feat Buika)
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Summer. A time that during the other half of the year feels like it’s eons away and when it does come it never lasts as long as you need it to. However, in those what feels like extremely brief months this is how I spend my time; sitting by the pool with my two best friends Elle and Lee – wait where’s Lee?
“Lee!” Elle screeched at him; causing me to burst out in a fit of laughter. Which in turn caused Elle to laugh too and Lee’s smile grew even wider.
Suddenly though, he walked outside, breaking the easy vibes of the situation and sending a lightning bolt of tension through me.
Suddenly though, he walked outside, breaking the easy vibes of the situation and sending a lightning bolt of tension through me.
“What’s all the noise?” Noah asked, looking slightly annoyed as he walked outside, his shirt obviously no where to be seen.
I chuckled to myself at this and then felt Noah’s gaze on me; intense as always, he just has that natural intensity with everything he takes in. I watched as he gazed down at me, then quickly looked back to Lee.
I never knew if those gazes were his natural intensity or if it was some level of scrutiny at what he was looking at.
A curvy girl, with love handles unabashedly wearing a bikini, the same kind that Elle a thin and extremely athletic girl wears.
No matter, whether his gazes were filled with scrutiny or not, my reaction to them was always the same, I’d smile and tilt my chin up just a bit higher. This is my body and I’ve learned a long time ago to love it for what it is; mine.
Lee broke my thoughts. “It’s called laughter, Noah. Not that you would know how to make a girl laugh.” Lee chortled, causing both me and Elle to giggle at his dig.
Noah just smirked. “I’m too busy earning other noises from them.” He smiled like cat who caught the canary.
I unconsciously crossed my legs in front of me.
Lee laughed him off and shook out his hair before he swam to the edge of the pool, crossing his arms on the pool edge in front of him.
“So, Y/N. Do you have any ideas on where you want to go for your birthday tonight?” Lee said eagerly, and Elle swung her legs over her lawn chair, eagerly.
“Yeah Y/N. You’ve had all week to think about it, I mean you definitely don’t want Lee to pick the party place.” She said.
“I was thinking that we could go out dancing.” I smiled at them. “There’s this new club that plays Latin music and I really want to go check it out.”
“Definitely sounds interesting.” Lee said, and I could already hear the apprehension in his voice at the thought of dancing. But before he could say anything else Elle cut in.
“It’s your birthday Y/N. We’ll do whatever you want to do.” She said with a smile on her face. Then just as we were about to make the plans for tonight another voice cut in.
“I’m in.” Noah said easily.
We all turned our heads towards Noah who had still been standing there, casually listening to our conversation.
“You can’t come!” Lee said a bit aggressively.
Noah didn’t look the least bit fazed. “Sure, I can. There’s three of you, and that means one of you will be left without a dance partner.”
“Lee will dance with both of us equally. Plus, I’m fine with dancing on my own for a while.” I said, taking in that intense gaze once again.
Noah didn’t drop the subject any time soon and along with his logic of having equal dance partners he apparently wanted to go check out the new club as well. So, by seven o’clock that night all four of us were jammed into Lee’s mustang; Lee and Elle in the front with Noah and I in the back.
The electricity in the air of the club was stifling as we walked inside. It was refreshing to me to see a live band playing in front of the crowded club instead of some random DJ with a turn table. I felt my excitement grow as I took in the couples on the dancefloor, they seemed to be thrumming to the music, letting themselves be possessed by the music; as it seemed to shake the very foundation of the club.
I looked back to gauge Elle and Lee’s reactions to their new surroundings but instead I found Noah; standing right beside me taking in my every reaction to the club. I felt my cheeks go hot and I walked quickly towards Elle and Lee.
“So, what do you guys think?” I smiled brightly at them.
“Well, there is definitely a lot of dancing.” Lee said, his panic literally coming off in waves.
I felt my heart sink a bit as I gauged their reactions and knew I couldn’t enjoy myself tonight if I knew they weren’t having fun. “We can go somewhere else if you guys want.” I said hating how small my voice sounded.
Elle quickly cut in. “We’re not going anywhere! It’d your birthday and you wanted to dance; now let’s dance!” She smiled brightly as she grabbed my hand and we made our way to the dancefloor, through the thrumming couples and started to dance. It wasn’t anything as nearly as sexy or anything that could really even be considered serious dancing, but it’s what I had exactly envisioned for the night my best friends and I just letting loose on the dancefloor.
Elle and I were having so much fun that Lee finally felt safe enough to come and join us in our weird swaying motions; but Noah never moved from his spot by the bar he just continued to watch, taking it all in.
Later in the night, Elle and Lee had to take a break but I couldn’t stop, I too felt possessed by the rhythm, feeling it vibrate withthin my chest and filling my soul in places I didn’t think were empty so, I stayed and I danced. I swayed to the music, not giving a shit about how my hips were swaying or why my hands glided up my hips as they made little circles or why my arms went above my head, gently lifting up my hair only to let it fall against my back once more. I just danced.  I danced like there was no one there but me and the music.
Suddenly I felt someone’s fingers brush against my neck as they pushed my hair to one side and leaned in to whisper in my ear.
“You have got to be the sexiest dancer in here Y/N.”
I quickly turned my head to see Noah beside me, giving me that award wining smile.
“Noah?” I asked. “What are you doing?”
He placed his hands gently at the top of my hips, pressing them against me to make me sway my hips again. He buried his face in my neck, and whispered against my skin.  “I thought you could use a dance partner.” He smiled.
I felt shocked. I mean I knew that Noah was one to flirt, but all those looks of scrutiny by the pool came flooding back to me as I turned in his arms, hoping that it would remove his hands from my hips but he just moved with me.
“Why?” I asked for the first time tonight forgetting about the music and furrowing my eyebrows at him. “You’ve never shown interest before. Why would you now?”
Noah’s gaze focused on me. “I’ve always wanted to dance with you, Y/N.  I just didn’t realize how much I wanted to until I saw you dancing here by yourself, without a care in the world and looking so fucking sexy. That I realized how stupid it was to just sit over there and watch you when I could be dancing with you.”He said his gaze even more intense than before, then suddenly I felt his fingers brush down the length of my arms slowly, causing my body to erupt in fire, until his fingertips brushed against mine.
He interlaced our fingers together then twirled me around on the dancefloor only to pull me back to him this time closer. I felt his heat from his body through my fingertips as I placed my hands on his chest; I looked up at his beautiful face and smiled. I felt mischievous as I ran my hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck, bringing him even closer to me; his hands went back to my hips, following their every rhythm; and just like that we were possessed too. The music filled us both and we became like every other couple in that club, ensnared in both the music and in each other.
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