#that applies frail to the enemy and maybe to him also? and also a self-heal move) and also some overexerted passive
cactusdying · 1 year
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did i mention that i have children btw. did i
extra doodles under the cut
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ft. fan roids flavor npc and mimkin by tairbaz and dummy by thegreendiji
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ft. sasha by marmo
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dustxrgcld · 4 years
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                                                    TVD/TO/Legacies Verse
Full name: Steven “Steve” Grant Rogers
Physical age: twenty-seven (27)
Real age: one hundred and two (102)
Kind: Human Vampire
Steve Rogers was born July 4, 1918, to poor Irish immigrant parents, Sarah and Joseph Rogers. Rogers grew up a frail youth during the Great Depression in New York City, New York, America. Little else is known about Rogers' early life other than the fact that a strong sense of duty, honor, and humility was instilled in him. His father died when he was a child and his mother died from pneumonia years later, when he was in his late teens.
Horrified by newsreel footage of Nazis ransacking Europe and atrocities in Asia that the Empire of Japan committed in China and Korea, he tried to enlist in the Army but was rejected due to his slim body, still weak after walking out of a disease that had threatened him most of his life. Overhearing the boy's earnest plea to fight for his country, Doctor Abraham Erskine, who worked for the US Army and government, offered him the opportunity to take part in a top-secret performance-enhancing experiment called Operation Rebirth. Steve agreed and was taken to a secret laboratory in Washington, D.C. After weeks of tests, Rogers was at last administered the Super-Soldier Serum. Rogers was then bombarded by vita-rays, a special combination of exotic (in 1941) wavelengths of radiation designed to accelerate and stabilize the serum's effect on his body. Steve Rogers emerged from the vita-ray chamber with a perfect human body. A Nazi spy, who observed the experiment, murdered Dr. Erskine mere minutes after its conclusion. Dr. Erskine died without fully committing the Super-Soldier formula to paper, leaving Steve the sole beneficiary of his genius.
Rogers was then put through an intensive physical and tactical training program that taught him gymnastics, hand-to-hand combat and military strategy. Three months later, he was given his first assignment: to stop the Nazi agent known as the Red Skull. Adding a protective neck-plating hood to his costume, afforded him more protection. Though this proved to be futile when during one of the tours, he found himself being separated from his unit after an ambush. He was found by a young looking man, a vampire who had dedicated his long life to learn how to better control his thirst and to help others. Seeing Steve on such a bad state, the serum not being able to heal him fast enough to save him, the vampire feed him his blood.
Unfortunately, they were not cleared yet from enemy’s fire and Steve Rogers died on the field. The truth of the vampire’s blood coursing through both their systems was unknown to the enemy’s tropes, who just left their bodies there to rot. Both of them woke up a day later, completely healed up. Though Steve felt a weakness on his bones that he hadn’t felt since the serum had been injected into his body. The vampire blood on his system had completely eliminated the effects of the serum, taking over his body. And the man who accidentally turned him, soon became a trusted friend, Phillip. He feed him human blood and helped him through the transition until he was fully settled almost a year later.
After this transition and his adaptation to this new lifestyle, Steve understood that going back to the army was not an option. The need to drink human blood was still fresh, and he was constantly battling it so going back would be nothing but a mistake. This didn’t mean he couldn’t help people in other ways. And he set to keep mastering the control over his body (that, too, proved to be enhanced in strength, speed, and stamina in a way the serum alone couldn’t have done it) and his needs. 
He spent the past hundred years helping people any way he could. Doing his best to fight injustices from the shadows. Living many lives with different names in different places. He spent his years travelling all around the world. Sometimes joined by Phillip, the same who had saved his life. He picked up on languages and different skills during his trips, but even then he couldn’t let go of his art. Getting supplies from every new country he visited, he got into paper little memories of all of his visits, keeping them with himself at all times on an old looking notebook.
The Vampire Diaries: 
 He stumbled upon Mystic Falls during one of his trips, and immediately fell in love with the peace of the town, that soon proved to be everything but peaceful. It’s his own need to help people and do what’s right that forces him to stay. So he does. Hoping that one of his attempts at helping won’t get him killed.
Note: this applies to The Originals, and he only goes to New Orleans as visitor, going back and forth between Mystic Falls and Nola. He doesn’t have any interest in taking power over the city, only wants to see that people do what’s right. He can be logic and calm as Elijah, but also radical as Klaus, when he believes something’s right.
 After being in Mystic Falls for some time. He was ready to maybe depart again when he’s offered a job at the newly opened school “for the gifted”, The Salvatore School. Despite his differences with Alaric, and the man’s clear distaste for vampires, he’s offered the position for both art teacher and vampire-only self-defense teacher. Which he gladly accepted, happy to finally be in a place where he doesn’t have to worry all that much about his “aging issues”.
And man, he’s glad he stayed, after Landon Kirby arrived to the school and monsters of all kind started showing up every now and then.
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ddrkirbyisq · 6 years
Things have been pretty okay!  I think the past few weeks have been some steps in the right direction, which feels nice. General Stuff I saw Kiki in a dream the other day.  I really wonder, what they think of me, how they are doing, and if I really will ever see them again.  Haha, well, not like that's anything new, anyways.  Only time will tell. It's better to prove yourself by following through, rather than offer promises. I've been thinking a lot about regaining more of a sense of my old self, and I think I've really started to get in touch with some things and made some realizations.  Perhaps most importantly, I have remembered that feeling of calm and peace that I carried in myself.  Not all the time, for there were also many periods of uncertainty, but those times when I would be content to just be.  I think that feeling is perhaps a large part of what I have been missing in recent times.  That mode where you are conscientious about everything you do, carefully placing your movements and actions as if you were performing tea ceremony.  I tried on Friday to return back to a time of quiet in my dance as well, and I think it taught me a lot.  It amused me a bit because it went against quite a few things that I have been preaching generally when I work with others on their dancing, yet I understood so clearly that this was also an essential duality of my nature, not something to be left behind entirely. Hoping to maybe mark the return of OHC and Monthlies next month =O Tactics Ogre Stuff Tactics Ogre (specifically, the One Vision mod) is proving to really be something that I have been sinking myself into...it's been pretty great.  Despite the fact that there are no sort of "cross-job skill combos" as there are in FFT (one of the funnest parts of FFT, IMHO), there is a LOT of opportunity for customization and flexibility in how you build out your squad and characters.  I've recently been exploring a bunch of these options to see what makes sense, and have learned quite a number of things along the way. One of the main customization options is equipment.  First off, there different =types= of armor, and you can only pick two at a time to wear: Body armor which offers the best defense but is heavier, Helms which are a bit lighter but still offer good defense, Legguards which focus more on evasion, and Gauntlets/gloves which forego defense in favor of upgrading your offensive stats.  But past that, there are different classes of each, with some jobs being limited to what they can wear.  The Ninja class, for example, only has access to light armor and caster robes, so he can't go in wearing heavy tank armor.  You could focus instead on boosting evasion, but that would still probably leave you soft to magic damage.  Knights, on the other hand, can wear heavy armor, and they can't use 2-handed swords, so they also have a shield to help with their defense. But wait -- there's more!  There are "sidegrades" (not upgrades) for both armor and weapons that let you make specific tradeoffs.  For example, you can craft gloves that sacrifice some of their strength bonus and give you a bonus to magic stats instead, for mage knights.  You can take a 2-handed sword and make it deal more damage, but at the expense of speed and accuracy.  You can take the avoidance bonus from legguards and replace it with a magic resistance bonus.  There's all sorts of flexibility! It's pretty interesting because in general when thinking about equipment, you want to maximize the unit's strengths, but also want to cover its weaknesses.  Previously I was taking a bit too much of a min-maxing approach and as a result many of my units were a bit too frail.  I tried to forego defense in favor of speed (allowing my units to act faster) and all-out offense (everyone had gloves!), but I've since had to scale back on that to avoid my units dropping like flies. Recently I've changed up a few of my builds significantly.  My two Valkyries/Spellblades (Rune Fencers), for example.  Valks are sort of a tricky unit to deal with since they can be front-line units but also can cast a limited selection of magic.  Previously I had them equipped with a one-handed sword or spear, and had them basically casting support buffs, as well as throwing items around -- basically full-on support units.  That worked out sort of ok, but the problem is that they were never super great at any of their roles -- if I wanted melee damage, my warriors and knights did better, and if I wanted healing, my priest can just sit in the back and heal from afar.  The support buffs were useful for a while, but nowadays the Sword dancer can actually apply them in a huge area (and I have him do that at the beginning of most battles to cover my team).  So right now I've changed things up so now my valks both have staves, as well as mage gloves and rings which boost their magic, so they are essentially mages, but a bit tankier so they don't have as many problems being in the front line.  This works pretty well because my lineup was actually fairly low on magic damage output, so this balances that out a bit. My priest (actually called a monk) sits in the back and pretty much just does healing.  Healing doesn't really scale with stats (confusingly enough) which means I'm actually optimizing her for speed, so she has no weapon!  That said, sometimes she also casts a speed buff on herself or someone else (very nice), or casts sleep on an opposing unit (also very useful). One unit I really haven't figured out how to work with is the Familiar, which is a faerie-exclusive unit.  This unit had problems in the original game as well, apparently.  It can cast healing magic, which lead me to basically use it as another cleric...though it can also cast a bit of offensive magic.  It also has a bunch of neat TP-requiring abilities, such as some nice debuffs and a large area heal...but the problem is that in order to gain TP you need to either deal or receive *physical* damage.  Unfortunately the Familiar is also really squishy and often dies if you put it in the front lines.  So it's sort of a weird conflict that I haven't figured out.  Right now I've tried giving it a dagger and shield, and an evasion cloak to boost its survivability.  It's still a bit awkward though, as if I need a heal, it's probably more important for it to heal.  And if it's attacking with its dagger, it's not doing a ton of damage or anything.  I could give it a one-handed bow, but again, that wouldn't really do a ton of damage.  It's a weird unit. Update: I've actually had a short discussion with the creator of the mod regarding the Familiar!  He says he hasn't gotten around to a full proper rework of the class and so right now it's a support-type unit with some mediocre stats, but also neat abilities, haha, which is sort of in line with what I figured out already.  I also discovered that besides faeries, you can also have gremlins (didn't realize for some reason they are a different race altogether) and pumpkinheads (!) become familiars, so perhaps I just have the wrong stats for the unit to be effective.  I'll have to try and recruit some more faeries/gremlins to see. I've changed up my winged human Canopus, which uses the "Vartan" class, as well.  Canopus has a pretty great mobility advantage in that he can fly, which makes a huge difference in many maps.  Previously I just gave him a two-handed axe and called it a day, but unfortunately as I got further on into the campaign, that led to him flying into the enemy, getting a great attack in, and then dropping dead soon after since he was super exposed and didn't have much protection -- Vartan can't equip heavy armor!  I also realized that it didn't make quite the most sense (?) to equip him with a melee weapon as he can't equip heavy gauntlets, so he can only wear the armguards that boost dex.  It's a bit confusing because dex DOES still increase melee damage as well, just not as much (well, it depends on the weapon, really).  It would be great if he could use a 2-handed bow or crossbow, but that option ended up being overpowered so it's actually not allowed in the mod (good reasoning).  Instead of a 1-handed bow I've actually just gone ahead and given him a throwing weapon -- so still a dex weapon, and still 1-handed so he can have a shield, but does more damage than a bow at the expense of having less range...which works out because he can easily fly behind enemy lines and get up close to the squishy units at the back anyways. Anyhow, I'm actually near the end of chapter 4 (on the "neutral" route) at the moment, ready to go into the hanging gardens and deal with the dark knights.  Not sure how long until the end of the game, but that's where things really start to get crazy as you can essentially newgame+ back to the other storylines and finish other sidequests and such.  There is like infinity hours worth of postgame content so...yeah, we'll see! Melee Stuff I've realized that I need to be a little more dilligent in what I am focusing on when I am playing, lest I just keep on doing the same silly bad things over and over.  My current biggest thing is working in empty jump -> grab into my game for all characters, but here's some other notes for things that I need to work on. All characters: - Stay shielding on a platform when they are below you, angle shield down, WAIT, don't just drop through asap (I really suck at this situation right now, every time I prep for a shield drop and either get shieldpoked or fall into a waiting uptilt because I did a braindead timing) Marth: - Empty jump grab - Backthrow on platform to shield->shield drop uair - Look for fsmash out of uthrow - Uthrow to reverse fair - Fsmash on tech away when under a platform - Upair strings out of upthrow on FD - Some random edgeguarding things Fox: - Empty jump grab - Upthrow -> use up on control stick to fulljump ff upair - Upthrow -> drill reset Falco: - Shinegrab - More uptilt in neutral, and in combos Falcon: - Dthrow at edge -> REACT, either turnaround sh ff knee if close, or run out dj uair if far (we'll see if i can get the actual timing right on the dj uair, if it keeps on clanking and they're too far to hit before starting, then maybe sh out is better than run off) - Fastfall timing for sh knee to cover missed tech (I miss this like every time right now and it sucks) - WAIT before back sh knee to cover tech roll in Sheik: - Mixup between sh nair and run off dj nair to edgeguard - Empty jump grab Peach: - Waveland on platforms to catch techrolls - Upthrow -> dash attack instead of trying to regrab - A lot of float stuff
Other Stuff
Been itching to play Space Alert again at some point, haha.
Tried Baldur's Gate 2 multiplayer a bit...the BG2 interface definitely takes a bit of getting used to and...I feel like this is definitely a game that needs to be played singleplayer, really.  I feel like it also requires a lot of knowledge going in already, like if you don't know what all of these gajillion spells do, good luck trying to figure out how to use them.
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