#that changed matvey for the worse
erigold13261 · 1 year
Hello hello I'm in your asks once again lol-
Anyway I'm just curious on how you think Alyona (if she was alive of course) would initially react if she found out that Tatiana had kids of her own (aka Titanium, Sonya, and Rosie) and maybe other members of Tatiana's family finding out about the 3 daughters that are very important to Vinyl City via Titanium ruling in place of Tatiana once she retires, Sonya being the drummer version of Kul Fyra of her own band, and Rosie being the #1 Artist aka the Beloved Idol of Vinyl City.
Of course Matevy (I may have spelled his name wrong-) would not be allowed to be anywhere near the daughters, especially Rosie since she's the youngest and the most impressionable due to her innocent nature. If he even attempts (which I doubt he would) to go near Rosie then everyone would know and Titanium would have to restrain Sonya and her bandmates along with Rosie's boyfriend Azul (who can get pretty dangerous since he is a dragon hybrid-) from jumping Matevy while she has her security escort him out. Poor Rosie would be very confused though-
Also maybe Alyona also meets Olive and they chat and all that, and Olive would be pleased that her and Tatiana's daughters are getting along well with their grandmother. Rosie would always be happy to see her grandma when she comes to visit :3
(meant to answer this earlier woops)
Oh Alyona would be absolutely ecstatic to be a grandmother! Also, if Alyona stayed alive, Matvey have never laid a hand on Tatiana. He definitely would not have been a good father still, but he would not have been physically abusive at least. I would still see Tatiana keeping him away from her kids and family though.
But back to Alyona. She would absolutely be super happy to have grandkids and would spoil them so much! She'd even spoil Olive when her and Tatiana started dating. Maybe she might have been able to change Matvey's mind about some things, but I doubt that.
If your Tatiana is a transwoman like mine is, then Matvey would probably say things behind Alyona's back to Tatiana about having her stop pretending to be a girl since Olive would need a strong man/husband. If your Tatiana is a cis woman though, Matvey would make some lesbiphobic comments about a family not having a father is the worst thing that can happen to kids.
So yeah, no matter what, keep Matvey away from the grandkids. It's not like he would want to be near them anyway. He wouldn't say shit if Alyona was around so at least if the grandkids wanted to meet him for some reason then Alyona would stay by his side the entire time.
Alyona would be very proud of Rosie, Titanium, and Sonya. She probably wouldn't be able to provide them with much in terms of gifts, but you better believe she takes up the stereotype that grandmas never let family go hungry! She'd make all kinds of delicious foods and treats for the kids when she comes to visit of if they visit her! Maybe even making them some clothes or teaching them to control any possible fire powers.
Speaking of powers. I personally have it so the time powers only show up in biologically male individuals, but if one of the 3 daughters have time powers like Tatiana then I can see that being a very rare instance of the time powers going to a girl. This alone would probably make Matvey reconsider some of his world views as he would want to teach his grandkids how to properly manipulate time.
So if Alyona is alive and well, there is a possibility that Matvey actually becomes a better person. Or at the very least a decent/okay person. Still definitely not great, but LEAGUES better than the OG timeline where Alyona has died. I still wouldn't trust him alone with the grandkids as he can still be a huge misogynistic asshole who does not like kids, but at least he isn't beating (or trying to beat) the shit out of children anymore.
But yea! Alyona would be a very positive light in Tatiana's life and with her family!
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zhivchik · 2 years
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ruvviks · 2 years
this is the chance you were waiting for to talk about vitali's oldest man daughter syndrome, give us more thoughts and tell me how this reflects over his relationship with vincent and mikhail 🤲
HELL YEAH THANK YOU RENA AUAUAUAU literally the speed at which i threw down my work again to start typing this LMFAOO here we go again >:)
warnings >> descriptions of bad parenting, descriptions of trans struggles, family/parent mention, transphobia
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vitali is the oldest of three, his younger siblings are daniil (male, three years younger) and roksana (female, five years younger). his parents, matvey and nadya, both worked for arasaka, as a banker and security guard respectively
mostly nadya had a lot of expectations of him when he was younger. vitali was always very ambitious and pretty intelligent and worked very hard because he loved studying, and this is mostly what caused his mother to have such high expectations. his father was less intense about it, though this changed when he learned he could get a promotion at arasaka and he let his work completely consume him; this caused him to become a lot colder toward his family and his once encouraging and supportive attitude toward his children now turned into holding them to unrealistic standards and forcing them into certain boxes to get them to the future he had in mind for them
all of this has caused vitali to search for others' approval; he did that back then with his parents, and now to a degree still does so, mainly with people older than him. while he's less ambitious than he used to be and still mostly does things for himself he'll often find himself doing things in a slightly different way than he had planned on just because he knows others prefer the way he's doing it now, and he doesn't want to disappoint them
matvey ended up getting his promotion and they moved from wellsprings to downtown. nadya was then also relocated to this other arasaka facility so she wouldn't have to travel up and down every day. she wasn't happy with this at all and became a very bitter woman because of it all, her negative energy inciting fear in her children and passively pissing off her husband, to the point they had near-daily arguments about the smallest of things
as the years went by, the two only became worse versions of themselves. matvey was barely present- even though he worked partially from home, he was not really there, entirely focused on his laptop and not bothering to spend some time with his family. at the same time, nadya was barely home at all; always at work, even going as far as taking extra shifts ("to make more money", but really just to not have to be at home), and the moments she was home her rancid vibes could be felt all the way on the other side of the street
all of this meant their children were mostly left to their own devices, which also put pressure on their relationships and mostly on vitali, being the oldest; he was expected to help in the household, which he did, because he didn't want to disappoint anyone, but at the same time whenever he would ask daniil to help him with something he was met with an angry sneer, because daniil believed it was not his job to help vitali with anything. vitali was understanding about it, even; because daniil was right to a degree, but at the same time, why was it vitali's job, then? especially after vitali came out as trans, he wasn't sure anymore whether the conversation about responsibilities concerning the household were an "eldest sibling" thing or just a straight up transphobic thing
daniil and vitali did not like each other, needless to say. vitali was upset that daniil refused to help with anything and was very self-absorbed all the time, and daniil thought vitali was a control freak
vitali also did not like his youngest sibling, roksana, all that much. she had not been taught any manners and was the equivalent of a feral little beast sometimes (she literally used to bite vitali almost on the daily, i am not exaggerating), and on top of that saw her brothers as her caregivers but treated them like her servants. she demanded everyone's attention and got unreasonably upset when she would not get it, and it nearly drove vitali crazy
despite all of this, and despite how he spent most of his days over at mikhail's place because of it, vitali still cared for his siblings and made it his duty to keep them safe and shield them from any of their parents' rude comments or unfair judgements. his sense of responsibility is something he still carries with him to this day; even though he's a fixer and mercenaries just work for him, he feels responsible for them and will keep a close eye on them during gigs, to make sure they'll make it out alive. he also checks in on them and keeps tabs on their home and financial situations so he can help them out whenever necessary, because he does not want them to suffer like he did
vitali's relationship with his mother was already complicated to begin with; she used him as an outlet, a personal therapist, and since he did not know any better he let her say whatever she wanted to him to the point he felt like he could never talk to her in return, scared he would upset her more because she was already going through so much, apparently. even nowadays he is hesitant to open up to others and prefers to suffer in silence, not wanting to add more on to their struggling; though at the same time he always listens to others and even though he is great at it, he also ends up doing it in moments when he really is not in the right mindset to listen, essentially exhausting himself mentally and emotionally just because he wants others to be able to talk about their worries and struggles
their relationship became even more complicated when vitali came out as trans when he was 15 years old. matvey was mostly just ignorant and because of him being so consumed by his work he did not make an effort to educate himself or listen to his son; still, he respected vitali's new name and pronouns, and never made a big deal out of any of it (but at the same time also mostly just ignored it). nadya, however, acted like she had been betrayed, and for years she grieved the loss of her "daughter", even though vitali, who had just always been her son, was literally right there. all of this caused him to feel incredibly guilty, a subconscious feeling he still carries with him to this day; and even regret, almost, for no longer meeting his parents' expectations at some point, for disappointing them, and for "abandoning" them when he eventually decided to move out
his mother's grief is also what caused vitali to leave his hair long for years, even after he had left home at age 18; she used to love his hair, and already judged him for bleaching it, so he did not dare to cut it off. vitali did end up cutting it short during a mental breakdown in his last year of college; the act broke him for a while and he regretted it, even, but after that moment he has never even considered growing out his hair again
i already described how all of this influences his life nowadays above but when looking at vincent and mikhail specifically, it's mostly the household that they really need to communicate well about, because they all live together in vitali's penthouse and, well, there's cleaning that needs to be done LOL
i think it helps a lot that vincent and mikhail are both very quick to take initiative and just kinda do things without being asked, and one of their main love languages is acts of service; this way they just do things around the household without vitali having to ask anything, and generally they all just do their part without complaining (unless they're all working on something together and all don't like it, then they'll complain the whole time to each other but that's recreational LMFAO) and they don't have arguments or fights over it or anything
the only thing that is a bit of an issue, is the cooking. mikhail can't cook (lmfao) and vincent is a decent cook but he has his own issues he's dealing with (won't go into great detail but vincent is the youngest of five and always had to fend for himself when he was younger, so whenever he feels hungry he will start cooking but ends up only cooking for himself because he momentarily forgets about his home situation), so it's usually vitali who does all the cooking. this tends to awaken some bad memories in him, to the point he feels like it's expected of him to do the cooking; this is really not the case and vincent and mikhail often remind him of this, which helps a lot
on top of that, this is a very specific thing but i really wanna mention it LOL instead of asking vitali "what are we having for dinner tonight?" they ask him something along the lines of "can we help with making dinner?" that way, they get their answer, because vitali will automatically go into details, and at the same time vitali feels less like. well. to put it bluntly, like everyone's caregiver, and it shows vincent and mikhail are willing to help him, unlike his siblings when he was younger
a bit earlier in the story, sometime before the heist happens, vitali also ended up helping vincent with his transition wishes. he himself struggled a lot with it all (mostly financial-wise, though nowadays he has a lot of money so, you know, he can afford to help others now) and he did not want vincent to have to go through the same, so even though they didn't know each other all that well yet he did go out of his way to help vincent :)
i think this covers most of my thoughts for now GHFDJHGD i could probably also talk more about mikhail (only child) and vincent (youngest sibling) but that's an analysis for another post <3 thank you again so much for the ask!!! i love talking about my blorbos so much LMFAO it makes me very happy to see other people are interested in them too ;w;
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sergeant-morozov · 5 years
How did you get into the Zone?
I went along with my friend group, mostly because of my best friend; Matvei. I've known him since preschool, we basically grew up together. He played the bodyguard whenever I got picked on by other people in middle school and.. well.. I've been an emotional kid so Matvei getting people away from us when I started tearing up, helped a lot back then. In Cordon I always did jobs with him or with our big friend Alexey. Our squad was getting tight; Matvei- or "Hades" as he wanted to be called- started having issues with how Zeus got us very physical jobs and how they didn't pay the 5 of us enough. They stopped talking and had "cold wars" between them. I tried talking about that with Hades but he just growled insults about Zeus. We were so close with Hades that once a complete stranger loner made fun of us and Hades just grabbed him, he started beating the loner while I could hear the stranger whine Hades to stop. I had to tear Hades off of him and then Hades pushed me away, even he was confused about his reaction. We didn't talk about it later, I had to help the loner get some medical attention.
We went to Yanov and there it started looking worse, day by day. Alexey was the first one to be mauled by wild dogs, he went missing. Hades started having more and more verbal fights with Zeus and the grande finale came when he got sent to do some artifact hunting with Mist in the Old Quarry. He got a bad chemical burn to his jaw, I saw it before he hid his face with a bandana scarf; the skin melted, lower lip just gone. I tried helping him to not feel bad about the incident and tried to defend Mist by telling Hades that maybe he didn't know what to do but he yelled at me that couple of bandits heard him cry and came to help with a rag and a water flask. Later on I caught Hades doing businesses with bandits- trading our artifacts for money. He kept most of the money from those deals. I tried to ask about the deals from Hades but he played like if nothing had happened behind our backs. Then Mist found out about them too and told Zeus.. like a little snitch.. Zeus kicked Hades out and then it was just the 3 of us left.. Until Zeus got zapped by an electric anomaly and he went nuts, he got paranoid about everything and before he announced that he's going to leave us- he grabbed my shoulders and said that Hades will kill him and that he's planning on torturing him with rats. Fucking nutcase.. I started seeing Mist as our fucking problem, he didn't save Alexey when they had to go get rid of some dogs, Hades got half of his face melted off because he ran away and now we're left together. I thought that I won't be the next one to die or get injured because of him.. oh, the fucking karma.. I wanted to get Mist into shitty situation, to burn his face like how Matvei got his chemically melted. The Bitumen anomaly, a great idea with its flame pillars that shot from the ground. I wouldn't be the one to cause it, I could just say "it was misfortune."
Misfortune for me as it bit me in the ass. Mist dodged a pillar of fire and then I got flamed straight to my face. Mist fled the anomalous ground and I was left blinded and in unimaginable pain. I could only crawl to the dead grass and howl, my lips opened up and I only tasted blood. My eyes felt cold, dry and irritated to hell and back, my skin was melting against my hands. I couldn't cry tears, everything hurt and I couldn't see anything. Two people ran to me and all I did was just scream in pain, they tried to ask me questions but I couldn't even answer to them. I needed help so I ripped my hands away from my face and turned my head towards the people, I heard one yelp in shock and fall down while the other yelled; "Oh fuck!" And I heard how he almost threw up, it was embarrassing.. They placed wet rags over my face and helped me to Agroprom where the medical expert immediately started treating me. I woke up mummified and one eye removed, alone in the office before a recruiting officer walked in and offered me a place in Duty. I took it, I was not going back to Yanov with Mist. I started as a normal recruit, for a week I did what I needed to until I heard a general having trouble with his PDA. A basic easy to fix issue that I asked to take care of got me into specialized training. Few more weeks and I was promoted as Radio Communications Officer, things were looking good for me until one day.. during a shift in the office, Hades paid a visit. I couldn't believe that he was standing in the office. His facial trauma was covered with a black jaw mask, he was smiling at me slyly and then it hit me- he had changed into a different person. "You still know Alexey's frequency? I got it if you don't." He was there for business plans, he told me about the old squad; Zeus was "retired" in Freedom, Alexey wasn't dead- just missing a forearm and Mist was still a loner but owned a puppy. His plan was to get Alexey to get Mist killed and to transport a small box of good artifacts through Rostok camp, under Duty's nose and only the bandits would've benefitted from the box deal. He got me into his plans and I contacted the mercs, a day later he walked into the radio office during my shift and asked about the job that I requested from his superior. They eventually did send a death squad but it failed, at first I thought that Alexey sent a shitty squad to save his old friend but then again.. Mist seemed like a lucky fucker.. Hades came back not so happy, he got the artifact box gig successfully done but hearing that Mist was still alive got him irritated at me. I tried talking to him that it was all on Alexey but he slammed my back against the wall and growled; "Do I have to do everything myself? You're fucking useless." It hurt me to hear that from him, I tried contacting Alexey for another hit squad but he wasn't going to do that. I switched from day shifts to night shifts, Hades then hunted me and Alexey lost contact with me.
It only took few more weeks until I received a package from bandits, I was afraid that Hades had set a trap and that the box would explode but.. I opened it only to see the black jaw mask in there. It was bloody and had pieces of his skin glued onto the underside of the mask, I got confused from it at first but then had a feeling of relief mixed with devastation. I had no one to talk with, Hades had Alexey's frequency and I only had his superior's frequency. Even later, I heard that Zeus was dead, killed during night and it spooked me. I started making sure not to move anywhere without a group of high ranked officials, I never moved with recruits. I figured out it was Mist who started cutting off old squad mates. One day with a group of sergeants in Yanov I saw Mist looking at maps in the hallway, his dog saw me and started pulling on the leash. I quickly ran to Duty's side of the station and waited there until I didn't see the dog anymore, huge fucking bear dog..
Now I just stay hidden as best as I can, Mist and his dog has actually become a nightmare to me. I sometimes wake up after seeing a nightmare of his dog biting my neck or him gutting me alive. Sometimes it's not about him or his pet, sometimes it's Hades.. I still keep his mask on my shelf in my room. The nightmares of him putting the mask over my face and holding me still, making me unable to breathe..
I just wish we could've stayed the way we were outside the Zone. I moved to live in hell for the rest of my life..
-Daniil "Flare Novikov" Novikov.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
How Bitmedia, an Ad Agency, Is Changing Crypto’s Flawed Advertising System
Although cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been gaining increasing popularity in 2020, there are still many restrictions when it comes to being discovered as a cryptocurrency business. Outreach is always complicated in nascent industries and even more so in crypto where traditional ad networks and other tools have banned the topics altogether, a trend that seems to be getting worse, despite the increased marketability of cryptocurrencies.
In a bid to drive the industry forward and to provide a more transparent and user-friendly advertising ecosystem within the cryptosphere, Bitmedia, a key player within the blockchain advertising scene, has announced the release of major updates that will allow advertisers and publishers alike to have more freedom by removing restrictions usually applied by traditional ad networks, while still filtering unwanted content.
“Crypto market has considerably evolved over last years and triggered changes in financial instruments and in approaches to privacy. We as a company see our mission in helping the industry grow by equipping crypto businesses with an easy-to-use and affordable tool for attracting new audience. This update that we’ve been working on for more than 8 months has brought us one step closer to our goal and has provided our clients with a number of significant improvements on the platform” – says Matvey Diadkov, the CEO of Bitmedia.
Giving Advertisers More Control
The latest update by Bitmedia will see advertisers within the platform have access to better arranged and more detailed stats on their campaigns. The update will also allow them to manage ad groups within the ad campaign seamlessly, and to run more tests in the same campaign to ensure optimized results.
Advertising professionals know that often the difference between failure and success resides in testing. Whether it be different messages, call to actions, campaigns, or visuals, A/B testing allows campaign managers to create variations of their ads and conduct statistical analysis on the performance of various versions.
Ad campaigns, ad groups, or creatives that are no longer needed can now also be easily achieved on the platform. To save time, advertisers can now also upload HTML5 ads and creatives in a smooth process.
The ‘Packages Feature’
Along with this new release, Bitmedia is also introducing its novel ‘Packages’ feature, which will allow advertisers to select specific top-performing websites and sources thoroughly picked by Bitmedia’s account managers to boost their engagement and their campaigns’ efficiency. The feature will allow advertisers to target users interested in their business, not just crypto users in general.
The new feature is part of a wider update to Bitmedia’s platform meant to boost its simplicity so cryptocurrency businesses can focus on building and growing their product and development endeavours, while trusting a professional advertising platform to spread their message in an efficient, result-driven way.
By making it easier for advertisers in the cryptocurrency industry to reach their target audience will give their teams more time to focus on building their products and service and better serve cryptocurrency users, instead of having to focus on how to get their message out there.
On Bitmedia, ads aren’t restricted unlike in traditional networks which often employ strict rules that could dilute the copy’s power and reduce click-through rates thus weakening advertisers of potential results. Moreover, many traditional ad networks have also restricted cryptocurrency advertising completely which means that the need for tailored solutions like the ones presented in Bitmedia’s Packages feature has never been so urgent.
Helping Publishers Succeed
While the recently announced launch focuses on the advertiser side of the Bitmedia platform, an upcoming upgrade will also provide publishers with multiple benefits. Among these benefits is the possibility to optimize their earnings and provide heightened flexibility when choosing and combining providers in one single ad unit.
Although a date for this update is yet to be benefited, Bitmedia is working hard to support cryptocurrency publishers and helping them succeed in the industry and is planning to release these tools within Q2 2020.
Driving innovation in the crypto advertising industry
Cryptocurrency advertising marketplace, Bitmedia, is focused on providing the tools that advertisers and publishers in the space have been missing. By doing so, Bitmedia hopes to help them and the overall cryptocurrency industry succeed. Are you an advertiser looking to share your amazing product with a wider audience? Or maybe publishers hoping to monetize its venture? Then, try out Bitmedia and contact them via [email protected]
  from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2B7dkyR via IFTTT
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How Bitmedia, an Ad Agency, Is Changing Crypto’s Flawed Advertising System
Although cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been gaining increasing popularity in 2020, there are still many restrictions when it comes to being discovered as a cryptocurrency business. Outreach is always complicated in nascent industries and even more so in crypto where traditional ad networks and other tools have banned the topics altogether, a trend that seems to be getting worse, despite the increased marketability of cryptocurrencies.
In a bid to drive the industry forward and to provide a more transparent and user-friendly advertising ecosystem within the cryptosphere, Bitmedia, a key player within the blockchain advertising scene, has announced the release of major updates that will allow advertisers and publishers alike to have more freedom by removing restrictions usually applied by traditional ad networks, while still filtering unwanted content.
“Crypto market has considerably evolved over last years and triggered changes in financial instruments and in approaches to privacy. We as a company see our mission in helping the industry grow by equipping crypto businesses with an easy-to-use and affordable tool for attracting new audience. This update that we’ve been working on for more than 8 months has brought us one step closer to our goal and has provided our clients with a number of significant improvements on the platform” – says Matvey Diadkov, the CEO of Bitmedia.
Giving Advertisers More Control
The latest update by Bitmedia will see advertisers within the platform have access to better arranged and more detailed stats on their campaigns. The update will also allow them to manage ad groups within the ad campaign seamlessly, and to run more tests in the same campaign to ensure optimized results.
Advertising professionals know that often the difference between failure and success resides in testing. Whether it be different messages, call to actions, campaigns, or visuals, A/B testing allows campaign managers to create variations of their ads and conduct statistical analysis on the performance of various versions.
Ad campaigns, ad groups, or creatives that are no longer needed can now also be easily achieved on the platform. To save time, advertisers can now also upload HTML5 ads and creatives in a smooth process.
The ‘Packages Feature’
Along with this new release, Bitmedia is also introducing its novel ‘Packages’ feature, which will allow advertisers to select specific top-performing websites and sources thoroughly picked by Bitmedia’s account managers to boost their engagement and their campaigns’ efficiency. The feature will allow advertisers to target users interested in their business, not just crypto users in general.
The new feature is part of a wider update to Bitmedia’s platform meant to boost its simplicity so cryptocurrency businesses can focus on building and growing their product and development endeavours, while trusting a professional advertising platform to spread their message in an efficient, result-driven way.
By making it easier for advertisers in the cryptocurrency industry to reach their target audience will give their teams more time to focus on building their products and service and better serve cryptocurrency users, instead of having to focus on how to get their message out there.
On Bitmedia, ads aren’t restricted unlike in traditional networks which often employ strict rules that could dilute the copy’s power and reduce click-through rates thus weakening advertisers of potential results. Moreover, many traditional ad networks have also restricted cryptocurrency advertising completely which means that the need for tailored solutions like the ones presented in Bitmedia’s Packages feature has never been so urgent.
Helping Publishers Succeed
While the recently announced launch focuses on the advertiser side of the Bitmedia platform, an upcoming upgrade will also provide publishers with multiple benefits. Among these benefits is the possibility to optimize their earnings and provide heightened flexibility when choosing and combining providers in one single ad unit.
Although a date for this update is yet to be benefited, Bitmedia is working hard to support cryptocurrency publishers and helping them succeed in the industry and is planning to release these tools within Q2 2020.
Driving innovation in the crypto advertising industry
Cryptocurrency advertising marketplace, Bitmedia, is focused on providing the tools that advertisers and publishers in the space have been missing. By doing so, Bitmedia hopes to help them and the overall cryptocurrency industry succeed. Are you an advertiser looking to share your amazing product with a wider audience? Or maybe publishers hoping to monetize its venture? Then, try out Bitmedia and contact them via [email protected]
  from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/2B7dkyR via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 4 years
How Bitmedia, an Ad Agency, Is Changing Crypto’s Flawed Advertising System
Although cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been gaining increasing popularity in 2020, there are still many restrictions when it comes to being discovered as a cryptocurrency business. Outreach is always complicated in nascent industries and even more so in crypto where traditional ad networks and other tools have banned the topics altogether, a trend that seems to be getting worse, despite the increased marketability of cryptocurrencies.
In a bid to drive the industry forward and to provide a more transparent and user-friendly advertising ecosystem within the cryptosphere, Bitmedia, a key player within the blockchain advertising scene, has announced the release of major updates that will allow advertisers and publishers alike to have more freedom by removing restrictions usually applied by traditional ad networks, while still filtering unwanted content.
“Crypto market has considerably evolved over last years and triggered changes in financial instruments and in approaches to privacy. We as a company see our mission in helping the industry grow by equipping crypto businesses with an easy-to-use and affordable tool for attracting new audience. This update that we’ve been working on for more than 8 months has brought us one step closer to our goal and has provided our clients with a number of significant improvements on the platform” – says Matvey Diadkov, the CEO of Bitmedia.
Giving Advertisers More Control
The latest update by Bitmedia will see advertisers within the platform have access to better arranged and more detailed stats on their campaigns. The update will also allow them to manage ad groups within the ad campaign seamlessly, and to run more tests in the same campaign to ensure optimized results.
Advertising professionals know that often the difference between failure and success resides in testing. Whether it be different messages, call to actions, campaigns, or visuals, A/B testing allows campaign managers to create variations of their ads and conduct statistical analysis on the performance of various versions.
Ad campaigns, ad groups, or creatives that are no longer needed can now also be easily achieved on the platform. To save time, advertisers can now also upload HTML5 ads and creatives in a smooth process.
The ‘Packages Feature’
Along with this new release, Bitmedia is also introducing its novel ‘Packages’ feature, which will allow advertisers to select specific top-performing websites and sources thoroughly picked by Bitmedia’s account managers to boost their engagement and their campaigns’ efficiency. The feature will allow advertisers to target users interested in their business, not just crypto users in general.
The new feature is part of a wider update to Bitmedia’s platform meant to boost its simplicity so cryptocurrency businesses can focus on building and growing their product and development endeavours, while trusting a professional advertising platform to spread their message in an efficient, result-driven way.
By making it easier for advertisers in the cryptocurrency industry to reach their target audience will give their teams more time to focus on building their products and service and better serve cryptocurrency users, instead of having to focus on how to get their message out there.
On Bitmedia, ads aren’t restricted unlike in traditional networks which often employ strict rules that could dilute the copy’s power and reduce click-through rates thus weakening advertisers of potential results. Moreover, many traditional ad networks have also restricted cryptocurrency advertising completely which means that the need for tailored solutions like the ones presented in Bitmedia’s Packages feature has never been so urgent.
Helping Publishers Succeed
While the recently announced launch focuses on the advertiser side of the Bitmedia platform, an upcoming upgrade will also provide publishers with multiple benefits. Among these benefits is the possibility to optimize their earnings and provide heightened flexibility when choosing and combining providers in one single ad unit.
Although a date for this update is yet to be benefited, Bitmedia is working hard to support cryptocurrency publishers and helping them succeed in the industry and is planning to release these tools within Q2 2020.
Driving innovation in the crypto advertising industry
Cryptocurrency advertising marketplace, Bitmedia, is focused on providing the tools that advertisers and publishers in the space have been missing. By doing so, Bitmedia hopes to help them and the overall cryptocurrency industry succeed. Are you an advertiser looking to share your amazing product with a wider audience? Or maybe publishers hoping to monetize its venture? Then, try out Bitmedia and contact them via [email protected]
  from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2B7dkyR via IFTTT
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Please tell us that Matvey is getting what he deserved. As in alone and miserable looking at his daughter being successful. (Once again, fuck people who beat their children. Everyone deserves a second chance but still. I have a bad feeling he didn’t change even if there were chances.)
I... don't think he has changed at all. I kinda WANT him to, just so I can use him more as a character in Tatiana's life because I like his design, but in all reality I do not see someone like Matvey ever changing even if given many chances, which he was.
So he is probably the same bitter asshole that hurt Tatiana and drove Anatoli away. Honestly, I can see Calina leaving him because of his controlling nature, and possibly she got pregnant again and did not want him to hurt this other child or possibly her once Anatoli left their lives.
I don't think he would be miserable though. If anything, he is probably happy to not have a family. I have this idea in my head that his family was extremely traditional, so once he got married he felt obliged to have a kid that he didn't want. And once Alyona died, he was just so angry and upset that he was "saddled" with Tatiana that he started changing and taking his anger out on her. The same anger that his father took out on him when he was young. (He was offered to let Tatiana stay with the rest of the Qwartz family but he took that as an insult and kept Tatiana out of principle instead of love).
And that abuse he had as a child is not an excuse to his actions, but an explanation. Matvey chose to continue the cycle of abuse that his parents placed on him. And instead of being like Neon's parents, who changed after losing their first kid (or at least were willing to change if Neon gave them a chance that he was obviously not obligated to give them), Matvey doubled down and probably got a lot worse.
He probably doesn't even know Tatiana is the same person as his son as I don't see him keeping up with news and also just flat out refusing to see his "son" as a woman, still deadnaming Tatiana and complaining about both his sons being miserable traitors to the family whenever he talks about Tatiana or Anatoli to any friends he might still have (probably also abusers who tell him he did nothing wrong and all the blame is on the rest of his family, only furthering their toxicity).
So yeah. Matvey is not going to become some nice guy or have a change of heart. I can see Tatiana and Anatoli meeting up at some point and maybe thinking of inviting their father over so they can talk and see if he changed. Or maybe at some huge get-together Neon suggests Tatiana invites her father as he is inviting his own parents and that maybe her father changed (which she would only agree to if she and Anatoli talked because even though Matvey didn't change, it looked like he did because he treated Anatoli better than Tatiana, but that was only because Anatoli was not trans, and it wasn't much better).
Well he didn't change, and I can see him making some incredibly asshole-y comments or causing a scene that gets Purl to try and fight him (Purl you are strong, but I'm sorry he is going to destroy you) which either has Tatiana or Joust step in to break up the fight/fight Matvey. Honestly, I would love it to be Joust because when they were younger Tatiana would fight Joust's dad for being abusive to him and this would be Joust's way of finally repaying Tatiana back (not that she ever wanted to be repayed, but Joust has always wanted to make it up to her for how awesome and supportive she was).
Okay, sorry! I am rambling now ideas I want to play with one day when I have time! Long story short! Matvey is not changing and is not miserable unfortunately. He has a successful business making specialized clocks/watches that help timekeepers stay grounded when messing with times, but also fixing old clocks and watches. Something that Tatiana and Anatoli were supposed to learn how to do, but neither wanted to carry on the family business (even though Anatoli kept his watch and passed it down to Cyril).
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