#that face def has that dad energy of i just impressed my kid that i got skills vibe frfr
dasketcherz · 2 years
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✨ father and son moment ✨
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justanaspiringsomeone · 2 months
More Gilded Shadows Headcanons
disclaimer: this is for fun and the characters belong to @steamberrystudio with that in mind, lets go:
Jack Headcanons
Is a chaotic bisexual
Look at this man and then tell me to my face he does not have bisexual energy
Ironically, never been with a man himself, he has crushes though
It was Caleb and Caissa, he will take those secrets to his grave though
Caleb never knew but I feel like Caissa was aware to some degree
To which i say, good taste Jack
Is def more muscular than the other LIs, almost always on the move no matter what
Lashes are longer than you’d think
The dog energy is strong with this one, more wild rather than fully trained
Fluctuates with nihilistic thoughts and wanting to live still
Emotional intimacy is far and in between for Jack, so he’s… not well skilled
Or rather, he keeps emotional intimacy at bay? I dont think it’s on purpose
At least not always
He thought of getting a tattoo, but somehow managed to convince Caleb into getting one
Or at least thinking about getting one
Has stupid amounts of luck, like there are so many situations he’s been in where he definitely shouldn’t be alive
Lowkey, people have a nickname for him, Lucky Jack or Jack Rabbit
He kind of hates it tho
His sense of fashion is quite literally the badboy your dad warns daughters about HAH
No sense of fashion to speak of when you’re busy surviving though
Likes loose fitting and breathy clothes though, or something that won’t snag or be grabbed on
Gets both flustered and confused when referred as ‘pretty’ or ‘beautiful’ like h u h
Does he look anything like that to yall–
Lowkey doesn’t get genuinely complimented a lot so it sends him for a loop sometimes
Can code switch like none other and it freaks some people out
Rowan Headcanons
Mmmm eldest sibling trauma go brrr /j
Good with his hands and fiddles around with things whenever he’s anxious or bored
Not a fan of being touched i think? Def not by strangers at least.
Likes his hair being played with, Velli only tho
Bitter about his parents so he chooses not to think about it
Annoying people is his way of showing love
He worries about Celeste a lot, the two are like siblings
Genuinely likes flowers and gardening, don’t tell anyone
A theater kid in disguise
When he first realized he had romantic feelings for Velli, he admittedly freaked out
To the point he purposely avoided Velli until Velli sought him out
They quickly hashed their feelings out
has a customer service voice he accidentally used in the Court and no one let him have peace for WEEKS
Velli Headcanons
Only child
Kind of an attention whore to some extent
Will actually let the world burn for his loved ones (Rowan)
Kind of reminds you of a panther
Likes silver, while Velli likes gold
Job doesn’t let him wear jewelry for obvious reasons
But keeps a ring in his room from Rowan that he absolutely treasures
Velli is shorter of the two but has carried Rowan before
finds Rowan's attempts to spoil him sweet ngl
Celeste Headcanons
She likes lizards, she just hits me as a lover of reptiles
Ties her hair back whenever particularly gruesome injuries are seen
Her and Rory are companions, def close
She can sleep anywhere and it’s nigh impressive
Rory frets over her i think
Feeling aro/ace to some degree
Or maybe she’s just tired constantly
Practical to the point it whirls back around to being a problem
Big trans girl energy
Has a knife on her at all times
And has used her biokensis to kill before
She doesn’t like using it for that and it's a clear indication from inexperience
But she will if needed
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reveriesofawriter · 5 years
jvn recap
a post mainly for @authenticrage
first of all he was 20 minutes late, which gets funnier about halfway through his set
before he came on, the stage was lit up like a rainbow it was lovely
this venue has pretty high def cameras and 2 big screens to either side of the stage so people farther back can see better and the second jonathan walked on he looked at himself on that screen and went from cute confident performer to absolutely feeling himself and then throughout the show he kept getting distracted by how stunning he looked on the screens he was like I can never do a show without these again
he opened with a gymnastics floor routine complete with flips that I don’t know the names of but they were very impressive
right after that he went backstage to do a costume change and take off his dance belt which I learned about for the first time and aerial has some painful crotch moments but I can’t imagine doing all that with a dick it just sounds very ouch
there was a guy soz can’t remember his name who came and did a short stand up set while jvn was changing and probably brushing his hair (bc it looked gorg when he came back on stage def not how mine looks after a class) anyway this guy was gay too and at first he was funny and people kept laughing so I’m sure he kept being funny but I hate talking about puking and stuff so he was going on about his 21st birthday and his first visit to a gay bar with his friends and I went from laughing to trying not to be disgusted, but he said something about having the height of a top but loud bottom energy and that just stuck out to me as a joke that I would not have laughed at even like 2 years ago and kinda snapped the whole night into a particular context for me
so he goes and jvn comes back and he’s wearing this skirt and wonderful heels and like I said before being a full on model for the cameras, he gave a full 30 minute history lesson on the US women’s gymnastics team at the olympics in 1992 which I learned was the last time that the summer and winter olympics were the same year, after that they moved them to every 2 years, and he was talking about this gymnast who he looks up to so much and then a couple weeks ago he discovered she was a republican and he was so sad about it
he made a joke about the venue looking like a megachurch and then said joel osteen was waiting backstage to talk to us and in any other setting I would have been nervous like what if they’re about to pull a kanye but no I have full faith in jonathan if no one else
he stepped sidestage into a little theatrical changing tent while his cat did a weather segment on the big screen it was very cute
he said (exact quote bc I wrote it down Immediately): “entertainment doesn’t change you, it makes you more of who you already are” and I was like OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, he was quoting an entertainment lawyer at this place where he used to do hair where this lawyer was getting her hair done and this other celebrity he didn’t name went and bleached her own hair to pieces and then threw a fit and yelled at the hairdresser who did nothing wrong and called tmz on herself as she walked out
and then he said he is more himself and what he has always been is Late (see first point) so much that they used to tell him the call time to set was 30 minutes before the actual call time and he would still be like 10 minutes late, but he swears he’s getting better at getting to set on time
also the second quick change he came out wearing these gorgeous pink and black boots with like 4 inch heels if I found them in my size I would buy them on sight (not that I could afford them lmao)
he talked about how in his 20s he used to be mostly just into sucking dicks but then you get to a point when the number of dicks you’ve sucked has a comma and you start to think maybe you want a deeper connection maybe you want to know more about these guys like what’s your favorite book where do you like to go for brunch what’s your name (I lost my mind)
he talked about his childhood and one time where he was at his brother’s soccer game and he was under the bleachers with one of his friends whose brother was also playing soccer and teaching her how to do a front flip over a bar or something and she ended up breaking her wrist so his mom had to watch her brother while her mom took her to the hospital, the game was still going on and he was dancing and being his little 6 year old queer ass self and all these dads in the stands were starting to get mad so his mom said if he sat down and stayed quiet she would get him 2 things from the department store so that happened and he chose a 4 pack of flavored lip balms and a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, they got to the motel room where they were staying for the duration of the soccer tournament and his mom yelled at him for eating one of his lip balms and so little jonathan decides to take a bath, he fills the tub with bubbles and ten minutes later his mom is banging on the door standing beside an angry hotel woman saying he overflowed the tub and collapsed the ceiling of the first floor and now the building isn’t structurally sound and they need to evacuate, so he manages to not get his lip balms or 2 in 1 confiscated as they grab their things and run out of the building (this other kid is still with them) and they pile into the car and an hour into the drive back home they get pulled over because they were hella speeding and by then his mom is like ugly crying because she’s so stressed and the cop looks over at jonathan sitting in the passenger seat smearing yet another lip balm all over his face and eating it and the cop looks at his mom and says very pointedly it looks like she has her hands full (as he said, a combination of white privilege and homophobia) and let her go without a ticket
he ended the set with a political rant about how we flipped more seats at the last midterm than anyone expected and how everyone needs to vote next year and compared the political journey of the country as compared to a pairs skating competition and the amount they improved from one year to the next and said we have potential to make a positive change
and then when the house lights came up after he got a standing ovation he walked to the edge of the stage and started talking to people in the front rows who walked up to say hello and I just thought it was so endearing
basically he was larger than life and wonderful and beautiful and dare I say iconic 100/10 would want to be his friend and listen to him go on tangents forever
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