#that fucking situation. also between a white guy and a fob like COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grimmshood · 11 months
like its all fun and games as a kid until you go and get curious about characters that are like you in your interest and then you go and (rummages for an example) in superhero comics there's a total of two specifically pakistani women who are major characters and they're ms marvel and faiza hussain from a comic in 2008 that i learned about while writing this fucking post
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narisjournal-blog · 7 years
A Lot To Learn (Part 3): When I Was New
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Chuck x Reader Fobwatch AU Word Count: 2,187
Chuck has a secret that even he doesn’t know. But you do. And you are sworn to protect him and keep his secret safe inside a fobwatch necklace you keep with you at all times.
You and Chuck decide to get some fresh air. The animals seem drawn to Chuck for some reason, and he is faced with a situation that makes him wonder once more just exactly you might not be telling him. 
Warnings: Sickeningly fluffy fluff (there are ducks). 
Please give me feedback!
Your fingers mindlessly traced the grooves and patterns in the locket that hung at your chest. You relished the feeling of the wind gently tousling your hair and the crisp autumn air biting your skin.
‘I trust you,’ Chuck had said. 'I know you’ll keep this secret safe.’
Your words had stammered and crumbled. Your lip had trembled.
'But what if I can’t? What…what if I screw this up? What if it all goes wrong?’
He had taken you in his arms and stroked your hair.
'We can talk through your contingencies. But you’ve got this. I believe in you,’ he had purred softly as you shook.
'But…’ you had stuttered. 'But Chuck… I… you’re the one I always turn to. I don’t think I can do this without you.’
'You won’t be without me,’ he had smiled at you, pulling back to look into your eyes. 'I’ll be right here.’
The softness and love you had seen in those big blue eyes in that moment had calmed you.
If he trusted you, then you had to believe he was right. He knew the inner workings of your heart better than you did, and he was handing you this fob watch with complete faith. He was handing you his very heart.
You sighed and looked over at the man who was literally your world. He came out of his front door waving his wallet to signify that he had found it.
You leaned against the wall of his house, jacket pulled tight but squinting in the sunlight. You wondered if it was coincidence how the light seemed to fall on him, as though it was drawn to him on some level even the universe itself didn’t understand.
Chuck smiled, though he too squinted against the light. He had this excited energy about him as he fumbled about locking the door.
It was clear he hadn’t left the house for a while.
He came and stood before you, inhaling the fresh air deeply before his eyes fixed on you.
'You look deep in thought. What’s got that mind whirring?’ He asked.
You smiled. 'Nothin’. Just thinking about… you.’
He hesitated. 'Me?’ He said, pointing to his chest. He frowned at you. 'I’m really not that interesting.’
You laughed and pushed yourself to stand. You held out your hand to him.
'Come on. Let’s go.’
He took your hand, sliding his fingers into yours.
You both chatted idly as you walked, not really sure where you were going.
You couldn’t help but watch him as he spoke; there was an air of innocence about him. Something pure and unburdened. He was like a new man since yesterday.
The seizures were brutal and no fun for anybody. But they seemed to clear his head and lift some great weight off his shoulders; for a few days, at least.
You had thought about getting him medication. There were plenty of anti-convulsants used for epilepsy that would reduce the seizures. But Chuck wasn’t any normal human and you had no idea how anything stronger than ibuprofen would affect him.
The visions were important. As much as it hurt to watch him go through it all, it was necessary.
You turned your attention back to what he was saying. He gesticulated as he spoke, perhaps forgetting he was still holding your hand as he pulled at your arm.
You giggled, giving a teasing tug back.
'Sorry,’ he smiled. 'I get overexcited sometimes.’
'One of the many reasons I love you, Chuck.’
You had ended up in the park and spotted a vacant bench nearby. You pointed to it.
'Shall we?’
Chuck nodded and you led him over and both sat.
This was nice. You sat in silence for a little while, your head resting against his shoulder. You relished these days. The burden felt so much lighter, and you barely even noticed the ticking clock that hung at your neck.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of quacking as several ducks had gathered at Chuck’s feet.
He laughed. 'I haven’t got anything for ya, fellas. Sorry.’ He leaned forward, watching them.
'That’s adorable,’ you said.
As chuck moved, you noticed there was also a grey squirrel sat on the back of the bench behind him.
He was like a damn Disney princess, you thought.
As he sat back, the squirrel scurried onto his shoulder and perched there for a minute.
Chuck froze at first, not sure what it was.
'It’s just a squirrel,’ you reassured him. He relaxed and smiled, looking round at the creature on his shoulder.
'What… what is it with the animals this morning?’
You cleared your throat. 'Afternoon,’ you mumbled.
He shook his head. 'Whatever.’
The squirrel darted down Chuck’s chest and sat on his knee.
'I haven’t got anything for you, either,’ he laughed. He gingerly stroked a finger across the little guy’s furry head. The smile that now took over his face and crinkled his eyes was pure joy.
He looked up at you.
'Alright, Snow White. Looks like you’ve made a friend,’ you laughed.
'Hold on,’ he said, feeling about in his jacket pockets. The squirrel sniffed at his pocket as he reached in.
'Huh!’ He said, pulling out a handful of monkey nuts.
The squirrel took one gratefully and scurried back up onto Chuck’s shoulder to start breaking into it.
'Why do you have monkey nuts in your pocket, Chuck?’
He scrunched his face up, thinking.
'I don’t… I don’t know. I don’t remember… where did I even get them from?’
You laughed as he broke the others open and threw them to the ducks at his feet.
'Another reason I love you. You’re a mystery even to yourself.’
He smirked. 'Yeah? What about you?’ He said, turning to look at you.
'You’re pretty mysterious.’
'Am I?’
'Yeah. Like…’ he huffed, trying to find his words. 'Like, how you always seem to appear when I need you. Even at 3 am. I don’t call you. I never need to. You just know.’
You sighed. Yeah, that was pretty mysterious, you thought.
'I just know you.’
Chuck shook his head, his forehead creased.
'But how? Why? I mean… it’s like you drop everything. For me. Like…’ he sighed. 'like I’m the most important thing in the world. In… in your world.’
You hesitated, wondering how you could explain this.
'You are,’ you said quietly.
You looked up at him just as he also looked up. Your eyes met.
Chuck brought his hand to your cheek. It was surprisingly warm.
'I love you, Chuck. Always will. Whatever you need, I’m always right here. You know that.’
'I do.’
His eyes scanned your face, taking you in.
You realised this was another of those moments where the humanity in him was likely to take over. But this time, it was him who pulled away with a sigh.
A goose honked loudly by your feet and you laughed.
'You got any more hidden snacks for your rowdy fans?’ You said, nodding to the birds in question.
He pulled away from you and felt around in his jeans pockets this time.
He looked surprised when he pulled out a small bag of sunflower seeds, laughing incredulously.
'Would ya look at that,’ he remarked. He looked at you as if you would have the answer.
You shrugged. 'You’re a prophet. Maybe you foresaw it.’
He tipped some seeds into his hand and bent down for the ducks and geese to get it. Completely natural, like it was something he did every day.
He turned back to look at you.
'My head’s been completely fucked lately. I don’t remember half the stuff I do. You’re the only thing keeping me together. You know that right?’
'That’s exactly what I’m here for.’
He turned his attention back to the birds. One of the smaller ducks seemed to have a twig or something sticking through its wing.
'Hey little guy,’ he said softly. He scattered the rest of the seed on the floor and when the injured duck shuffled forward to peck at it, Chuck slowly reached out to examine the wing.
The duck flapped a little, but calmed down almost instantly. Something about Chuck’s energy seemed to put him at ease.
'Let me see, buddy,’ Chuck cooed, slipping off the bench and kneeling down.
He gently slid his hand around the duck, it’s fragile form cupped in his hand.
You watched in awe, your hand clutched to your chest. It was incredible to watch the amount of love that poured out of the man, even when he had no idea who he was.
Pushing feathers aside, he was able to see where the twig had torn through. There was a little blood. He winced as he slowly pulled it out, as though it was from his own arm.
The bird tried to flap and struggle a little, but Chuck held him firmly.
Once the twig was out he tried to examine the wound, but the duck was flapping a Lot now in panic. Chuck frowned up at you, real concern in his face.
You knew that face. It was a face that said 'I wish I could make it better. I wish I could ease his pain.’
You didn’t even really think.
You brought your hand down your chest to clutch once more at the necklace. Your other hand found its way onto Chuck’s back.
You felt the surge through you, and this time, Chuck noticed the faint glow that sparked from his hand where it held the duck.
The duck’s flapping calmed and he began quacking again. Chuck let go, and the duck stretched out his now fully healed wings and shuffled back into the crowd to finish of the seed that remained.
Chuck looked down at his hands in wonder. He looked up at you, eyes bright and wide as you quickly removed your hand from him.
'Am I… what the hell just happened? You saw that, right?’
You bit your lip and nodded.
'You know something about this, don’t you?’
Oh, fuck, you thought.
He joined you on the bench again, perching on the edge and turned to face you. He slid his hand onto your knee.
He looked between you and the duck, shaking his head in disbelief, before fully fixing his eyes on you.
'God does answer prayers, you know,’ you finally responded.
Chuck’s forehead crinkled. 'But I didn’t … I wasn’t …’ he stuttered.
'Prayers aren’t always words, Chuck.’ Your heart was pounding in your chest.
'But… why listen to me? Why… this? Why now?’
'He chose you. You are a prophet, right? That means you have a… connection with him.’
You inhaled and closed your eyes. 'Your heart is so compassionate. You were deeply moved by the innocent little creature that was hurt. You wanted to help.’
You felt a tear roll down your cheek and you opened your eyes to see his glistening blue eyes fixed on you.
'That, right there, is the heart of God.’
That, right there, you thought, showed you that he really was still here; even though he didn’t know it. Even though God himself had no idea.
It had been a rough few years. You had found yourself so lonely, even with Chuck right by your side.
There had been days he had barely even been a pale reflection of the man you knew him to be and it ached in your heart.
So moments like this, when his heart was so clear, were sacred to you. It showed you there was still hope, and you could get him back.
Just not yet.
His eyes shone as he listened to you. Finally he spoke, after studying your face for a while.
'You have a really strong faith, don’t you?’
You nodded and smiled.
'I feel like… I feel like there might be something you’re not telling me…?’ He said softly.
You looked up into his bright blue eyes.
'Do you trust me?’
He put his hand on your cheek again.
'With my life.’ The sincerity in his eyes warmed you to the core.
You nodded once. 'Then I promise you, if there’s something you need to know - you will. You just concentrate on being you.’
He held you for a few minutes, searching your eyes. It felt like he was looking straight into your soul, and the connection you felt was like electricity buzzing through your veins.
'Ok,’ was all he said. And then he relaxed.
Chuck spotted an ice cream truck across the park.
'You want one?’ He asked, pointing to it and fishing his wallet out of his pocket.
'Yeah,’ you smiled. 'I’d love one.’
'I’m gonna get you the biggest cone with all the sprinkles and sauce and the flake and everything,’ he beamed, that same childlike innocence emanating from him.
'You don’t have to-’ you started, laughing.
Chuck interrupted. 'I insist. I want to say thank you for helping me out. For… for always being here for me.’
'Ok. Only if you get one too.’
*** Tags:
Everything list: @quixoticcat @afanofmanystuffs @trashforwinchesters @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @featheredluci @natasha-cole @greenappleeyes
Rob/chuck list: @tas898 @destielschild @girl-next-door-writes @nekodresden85 @winchestergirl-13 @a-banana-for-your-thoughts @jelly-beans-and-gstrings
If you want to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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