#that he didnt get it until p late into the season
itsdappleagain · 1 year
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(look how cool these stars are they actually are sharp!! i folded a few of them, look!)
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highly recommend- super easy to do with just sticky notes
ANYWAY here we go!!! notes under the cut as usual <3
MAN i am late on this episode but i am soo excited for it!!!
maelstrom wins for worst eyebags
sdjjfd mael's like yeah 💅 perhaps I am a little deranged
mael's va put his pussy into saying "intellect"
everyone and their mother has made vile presentation power point jokes already so im not going to beat a dead horse but. yeah. thats so fucking funny
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this bitch i stg
the way she smacks that table when she says darn right. i do believe her. she is texas proud. she would hate abortion
i also like that the show uses brunt as a vessel for the american seven year olds watching this who also have no idea what the magna carta is. its cool
i had no idea there were seventeen original copies of the magna carta. i guess i should have guessed but i think im used to the constitu- never mind there are 13 copies of that too. okay well we're learning today
okay so i think the museum the magna cartas is in is the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya?? it looks very similar
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in style, if a little changed for the show. really cool! i guess they didnt want to have to try to pronounce the name though
law and disorder (svu theme chime)
stealing paper, yes. but have you considered that paper star also. folds and throws and destroys with that paper and is generally NOT great at keeping it intact
bark bark i love watching season 1 through a post-shadowsan reveal lens. he knows paper star IS a threat, unlike most of the other operatives, so he opposes the idea,,
love maelstrom just cutting shadowsan off with a vote. he's stealing the symbols of democracy so his colleagues cant keep skipping out on majority rules
there actually is a cafe on the museum grounds that isnt EXACTLY where carmen is sitting but is pretty close. cs team did their research with this one
some guy named john is so funny
player jumped from the very general "you can't be arrested for no reason" to "YOU CANT HAVE YOUR HORSE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU" very quickly
well there isnt actually any "of the liberties" in the direct translation but alright
love how they have the english article "the" in the title of the magna cartas while talking about how its latin wheeze
rest in piece 3/4 turn views of the face. the carmen sandiego artstyle is beautiful until it has to neogotiate carmen not having a nose
interesting that the museum gets subtly lighted in green. we alll know what that means
i like the dramatic reveal of paper star but i also think. how did player not notice the security cams were already down
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she had a lil choker
i love paper star so much. she's fantastic
she does make horse noises when she skips though, which is why jo likes her so much
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yeah. paper star is so cool
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you know shit is real when someone protects the face
i love how carmen puts her fists up to fight like a normal operative v carmen fight and then ps just pulls out the stars its so funny. its like the indiana jones scene when he just pulls out a gun
YES this fight is a challenge for carmen and i LOVE IT
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so glad kimiko glenn could voice her god she does such a good job
paper star used up the smear frame budget in this one scene alone
i love how carmen tries her quip and fight formula again and AGAIN paper star is like. no <3 i am going to rip you to shreds with this terrible pun i made up and carmen is SO OVER IT JSDHGHS
love how carmen didnt move like girlie what did you think she was going to do with those pamphlets
papertiger fans go wild
no way did that fucking tiger decapitate a stone statue what the fuck does she put in there knives??? paper star gives children razors in their halloween candy i guess
once again carmen's love for saving things that she has mostly already ruined causes her to have a disadvantage! it sure would suck if another falling statue at some point was weaponized. that would suck
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the cut hat staying there is so funny to me for some reason
dont try to be sneaky, carmen. just walk right up the center
the transitions with the tapestry and paperstar's folds are cool as fuck
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also she disappears behind that second tapestry which means she was clinging onto the back of the fabric like a koala. good image
paper star: wraps carmen in a tapestry s4 evil carmen in the finale: hey that was a good idea. julia come here
paper star is the queerest bitch on the map at all times and i love her so much for that
laughing so hard imagining how many takes gina had to do of carmen's pained moaning as she struggles in the paper wrap
yeah. paper star. okay as if i haven't gushed about her enough she is. so good. the little mm-mm-mm! as carmen struggles. going against all of vile's ideals as she leaves traces EVERYWHERE and then pulls the fire alarm, not hiding in plain sight at all. she leaves carmen wrapped up for the cops. yeah. god. yeah
least favorite part of this episode of carmen being more upset about her hat than she is about losing The Fucking Magna Cartas and GOOD GRAVY SHE MOANS ABOUT THE HAT FOR SO LONG CARMEN YOU HAVE LIKE FIFTEEN
i love seeing the remains of the fight when acme steps in the next day!! you can track where paper star shot at carmen and then wrapped her up, where she was firing on the first floor, the different types of paper..
where did paper star put that glass circle she cut out
chase just randomly picks up evidence barehanded and then tosses it to the floor 2. fuck him fuck him straight to hell. so glad this is a pro-julia episode jhfashgdfa
all she does is romanticize the scoundrel it is all she CAN do
yeah acme is secret and not even their families know about it. but also every cop ever knows about it too okay
chase. thats it thats the post (i dont actually hate him. hes funny. but also insufferable at times. that is our wife you are slandering, sir)
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i cant tell if i want to make a joke or a serious comment about how she's doing a finger gun at the image of carmen so i'll just leave it here
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chase: the only agent who has been face to face with her the train scene: i am about to ruin this whole man's career
HAH. says player. next on the news
(eda voice) look its an outdated human reference
why was le chevre up there. did he come down from the cliff face just for fun. or scale it just for fun. nevermind that checks out
the people in this show have ankles of steel they be dropping 20-30 feet and just fine with it
everyone tries to banter with paper star and she just. no
the shifty glance around from le chevre shdgkjsghd
the drop in her tone and face when she says he looks like he would get caught is so good
she is straight up torturing this guy how did paper star get past the censors
its like he was swinging his dick around in her face and going NOO NOT MY DICK PLEASE NOT MY DICK you are literally offering them as targets sir they are the closest thing to her
and from that day on fanfiction writers across the globe only called her tammy again
oh i havent mentioned the music in this episode yet. its so good. yeah
the animation also is beautiful. the train is very nice w/ the reflections in the water
and then chase showed up to ruin her day
i love how she's just humoring him he's not even in the realm of worth her full attention
honestly impressed by how chill chase is in the conversation? last time he was on a train with "her" he whipped off "her" hat and screamed in "her" face. then with ivy he jumped her snowmobile and triumphantly yelled at her again
he's just kind of like. yeah cool. im around carmen sandiego. we should have a lovely chat and then i shall get her to lead me calmly to the magna cartas. this could not possibly go wrong
love chase where did he think she was hiding them
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awww theyre holding hands
criminal of this show to not show her kicking his ass in the tunnel it would have been soo funny
i love the little fakeout they do in the tunnel too. like omg did he cuff her??? no she used an uno reverse card
ALSO the little details of this show. before carmen says "or what? you'll cuff me?" she glances out the train window. she already has this scene so perfectly choreographed in her mind that she can just time the tunnel and make her escape its so good
acme keycard!!!! little did carmen know that pickpocketing that card would lead to coach brunt most of the way murdering her in a basement a few weeks from now
AGAIN julia is on her tablet gosh i dont know why i dont ever think of her as tech savvy but she is ALWAYS tapping on that thing
julia is so nice to her carmen just. sits dsgjagkdsh
is the plausible reason that "partner" set off cop warnings in carmen's head? yes. but is the gay reason that she wanted to make sure she wasn't about to flirt with some poor married woman? also yes is the gay response to this gay reason julia canonically going "NO GOD IM NOT WITH HIM WITH HIM"? yes and yes!!
julia puts down her tablet and gives her FULL attention to carmen to talk about the taj mahal,,, yeahh....
ALSO i enjoy how carmen maneuvers the conversation. she asks julia's name and then immediately asks an engaging question afterward so that julia doesn't think to ask for HER name...
love how julia leans forward to talk to carmen augh...she is so engaged and relaxed
that line is so fucking iconic. the Eyes she's giving. the lean. she loves history even more. the fucking setup for way down in season 4
god i honestly think that if chase hadn't been putting her down and scoffing at her interests and making her stay behind at crime scenes she would have gone after carmen. can you IMAGINE how different the episode would have been if she'd gone after her???? GOD (i can imagine....i have imagined....the polycule has done....a LOT of imagining...)
that liiiittle glance behind that carmen does to see if julia is following her before she starts focusing on paper star..
man i NEVER used to be able to figure out how paper star sensed carmen peeking around the corner but i realized about a year ago that she saw her reflection in the window...AUGH the little details of this show are so good
that gay little roll. paper star makes every fight just a little gay actually. now kiss
those shoes must have hurt so bad to get kicked with ow
second toilet paper joke of the episode. laugh.
i love the pro-environment message this episode was halfheartedly trying to juggle. it did not come across fantastically
the way paper star's eyes light up when she sees new paper is great
PAPER STAR'S THEME IS SO GOOOD....HOW SHE JUST. she just goes. "you should run." somehow she's the most campy villain and the most down-to-earth serious threat could and would kill you villain in the show and she rocks both at once
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paper star is vaccuming her
you also know shit gets real when the background turns into a mass of colored streaks
i ALSO love about paper star that she can and does hold her own in hand-to-hand. yeah she's bet with her stars but she can pack a punch or a kick
carmen: yes i do think i will run now
i also like this fight because we don't often get to see carmen fighting when she's not in her trench coat. it gives it a much more sporadic, caught-off-guard feel to the whole thing somehow- which is again a trademark of paper star!! she doesn't do things like everyone else
something about the way carmen sprints to the end of the train and then turns around is so fucking funny. yes that is the last car! congratulations! its a good thing you came up here instead of trapping yourself in the interior of the last car I guess
rock paper scissors wind
THE FLIP OVER THE SHOULDER GAY STARE IS ALSO ICONIC AND SUCH A GOOD MOVE. carmen initiated it but fuck if she knows what she's going to do afterwards
ill say it again and a fcuking gain how much i like how much of a threat paper star is. yes girl. fling her off the train not once (sort of) but twice. carmen was an inch away from falling headfirst off that train and she knew it
i am not sure how exactly carmen pulled herself up from a lean by grabbing paper star's boobs and pulling her towards her but im good with it. also look at this animation she is desperate!! yess!!!!!! EMOTION!!!!
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now KISS
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the couple not even looking up from the newspaper is so funny
i love the broken physics of that vent(?) cover (?) throw its extremely entertaining to watch
carmen's triumph motif playing and then cutting to paper star just hanging there while a crow squawks at her is very funny. she just looks at it. i would like to think she makes friends with it. she does like murder
"agent devineaux??" "mnyeh.."
good hands :))))
i love that she doesn't even need to say anything. we are just left to understand that paper star did end up one-upping her here in the end, and its this moment that nearly kills both her and chase
i like the contrast of brunt and cleo shielding themselves when she throws the card, versus maelstrom standing and not flinching. he knows her better than they do
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i thought that was a vase theyre just his pants
thats all i have to say for this one. other than the french connections caper this is my favorite episode in season 1!!
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theyluvkarolina · 29 days
dad grid thoughts
yuki def has two boy twins i dont make the rules!!! they match up until elementary school where their styles go rogue and they start dressing themselves. he makes vids w them where they do most of the cooking and he praises them and supervises behind them
max is a certified girl dad to a divorced mom (irl canon ig). they have 3 kids together after and he is the complete opposite of j*s!! he was scared when he met her daughter at first but once they got comfortable as a family its as if life didnt exist without them. 1 boy and 2 girls after and he loves having a rambunctious house.
charles has one baby girl who he loves to the ends of the world. his brothers have babies so he never felt like he needed more since he knew his baby would never b lonely!! he takes her to races and she never leaves him unless he has to get suited up and race! she wears mini ferrari suits in the cold season and all red and yellow during the hotter races. leo and baby have so many cute pics its insane!!!!!
carlos is a single dad to 2 boys and found his future wife at their pre school. she didnt have any kids of her own so she takes them in and they become a family just weeks after shifting into this new dynamic. they have 1 girl later on when the boys are in middle school..she is spoiled so rotten and is the apple of his eye!
lando has 4 kids; 2 boys 2 girls. they are all pretty close in age and r super chaotic. often interrupt his streams (much like p and max) and cause a ruckus at races. him and his wife become foster parents in their late 30s and that is how they end up adopting their youngest!
oscar (nonchalant ahh) had his first kid his rookie year and his 2 more after winning his first WDC!! eldest girl and twin boys 💞 his kids do not know much about his job since he wants them to live normal lives so he doesnt bring them to the paddock until his eldest is 8 and youngest are 4! his eldest girl is the complete oppostie of him w loud energy and a bold personality while his boys are calm and snarky!! funnily enough his girl looks like him and the boys take after his wife 🥰
thats a lot!!! hope u can use all this somehow!!
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screamingay · 2 years
started ranting about doctor who to my gf and realized i actually have a lot of opinions (which start off summarizing hbomberguy's takes from the sherlock video but it was kind of a revelation for me) so if u want to hear them ive copypasted and edited them a bit for u guys under the cut <3
so like to set up how bad steven moffat is he explains why doctor who was so bad when moffat was the showrunner in a way ive been trying to articulate for years
basically he's a decent writer who was good at individual episodes that make reference to the doctors history but when it came to actually writing that history and the big events that would become the doctor's history he sucks so so so badly
like in the empty child he was amazing, he prioritized the story of the episode while giving the doctor an air of mystery and references a long and complicated backstory without compromising any charm or humor
but in the very first episode where he had reins on the entire show and its storylines he resorted to just a monologue from the doctor about how cool and special he is and that trend continued the whole time he was in charge. the entire universe suddenly revolved around the doctor
like. chibnall was clearly trying to subvert that by only using brand new aliens during his first season and having extra companions (three of them jesus christ) but he didn't address the heart of the problem and somehow made it even worse. the charm of the doctor was always that they were just a traveler bouncing around the universe and helping people or having fun or whatever
and of course there was always the tragic backstory and the genocide and being the last of his kind and all that but that always came second to the humans he loved!! the first time the master came back in tennant's run it was martha and her family and jack that saved him!! and chibnall tried to do that with yaz but it just didnt feel as impactful bc of how overpowering the master & timeless child plots were (dont even get me started on the timeless child shit retconning the entire history of the show to make the doctor quite literally the most important being in the universe)
moffat on the other hand went all over the place with it and wrote in intergalactic cults deadset on killing the doctor and when he did try to make companions special and important he completely took away their agency in the process
to me clara was a decent companion and had some great moments for me until she turned out to be not real or a metaphor or forgotten or dead or somehow retconned into existing since the show started in 1963 it was all so WEIRD and misses the point of making a companion important. it made her so important she lost her humanity imo
and then there was bill who also died and was mutilated beyond recognition and it just makes me think about how rtd never did that to companions. they were special not because of time magic or destiny or fucked up deaths but because they were just humans. with families. martha got to go back to her family. donna had to forget but she was happy in the end. rose was supposed to live out her life in the parallel universe with her own mortal doctor, and she did, but moffat STILL found a way to bring her back as a metaphor because his desire to deconstruct female companions into concepts and tragedies was just too strong
that's not even getting into what he did to river. or amy...
none of this is to say rtd is perfect of course, i'm really nervous to see how he deals with everything that's been thrown at the show in the past couple decades but considering he plans on staying for a while i really hope he manages to put a better twist on all of it. honestly the thing im most curious about is the special effects.. the show has been leaving very heavily on cg lately but chibnall did introduce a few decent practical effects and puppets so i hope rtd pushes for more of that. im getting off topic tho
that's all i have for now i hope u enjoyed and if u wanna discuss anything pls feel free although that's all the brainpower i have for today come back tomorrow <3
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maximusboltaqon · 2 years
one of the complaints i've read about the show is the outfits not being comic accurate. which is a fair complaint, except for NONE of the mcu shows (that i've watched, anyway) have the characters getting accurate suits until the very end of the first season, or the season(s) following!! i firmly believe if a subsequent season had been made - with max returning, obviously - they would all have new outfits and max would return with perhaps a weakened version of his powers… he did experience a bb yell at the end of the season, after all! which affects his powers in the comics!!! they were fully setting it up, and i'll take that idea with me to the grave!!!
#you people have no patience!! they're like dalmatians! you gotta WAIT and they'll be all u ever dreamed of them!!!#daredevil didn't get his suit until like. the very last episode of s1 right?? i havent seen it in a while but im 99% sure#that he didnt get it until p late into the season#and the inhumans didnt have TIME for a makeover session THE CITY WAS BEING DESTROYED#now that theyre on earth theyll have TIME to get some new materials and rebuild and make bb a cool little tuning fork helmet#and max can make himself a big ass jacket?? sure why not!!!!!#i have a hc that they kree would have kidnapped him and start their experiments RIGHT back up. which would allow him to gain powers#and be alive! and be very pissed off! oooooor perhaps very protective of attilan?#depending on how they planned his character to go?? i feel he was written v sympathetically so. maybe he wouldn't have gone full villain#him working with the fam to defeat the kree would be very interesting to see in live action!#but also him working with the kree to get back at attilan would be very interesting to see as well!!#he can fill the role of whatever the writers want at any moment. why doesnt he get included more!! hes so versatile!!!!#its very I Miss The Live Action Inhumans hours 2night :(#i never hated u inhumans...... even before i realized how much i loved you i never hated you.......#inhumans#royal family#blackagar boltagon#maximus boltagon#the unfortunate part of having a tag be 'royal family' is that tumblr is very insistent i must be posting about the british#AJSFGNLAKNFGA
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (April 11th-16th)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After the Truth episode occurs, Luka will either not appear nor be talked about(not even by Marinette, Juleka, Sass, or Anarka) at all, or, if he does appear, he'll avoid Marinette like the Black Plague. Guess who's fault it'll be(Kagami will still appear and be on good terms with Adrien, though, since anything that makes Marinette happy needs to be either ruined or gotten rid of, while anything that makes her miserable needs to stay around just to be rubbed into her face.).
I s2g if they have Adrien and Kagami patch things up immediately just to make Marinette feel awkward--
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The idea that Nino's hat is a keepsake from his late brother comes up during an episode where it inevitably gets damaged and/or destroyed. Marinette is somehow responsible/blamed for this, and/or is forced to try and repair it regardless of feasibility, while being guilt-tripped/ridden every inch of the way. Bonus points for Adrien making some clueless comment about buying a replacement and STILL being treated as more empathetic to Nino's feelings even while ignoring them.
“Bonus” if everyone pressures her over the hat, which eventually leads to Marinette realizes that it can’t be fixed to be the exact same way, so she hides it and lies about it, leading to the episode blaming her for hiding things from her “totally understanding friends” (who are suddenly “totally understanding” and are only upset that she lied to them/”thought so lowly of them”) instead of her friends for making her feel like she had to be perfect.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: A Sleeping Beauty-inspired akuma will ensnare Ladybug, 'forcing' Chat Noir to kiss her awake. While Adrien/Chat naturally claims that he would 'never take advantage of his lady', he is openly gleeful at the prospect and taunts her afterwards, complete with a call back to Oblivio as he tells her to 'check the LadyBlog' to find out what happened. Her dismay over this is played entirely for laughs.
*flashbacks to the “jokes” in “Prime Queen”*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Just like in countless Salt Fics, Alya will get upset at Ladybug for claiming that it's 'too dangerous' for her to be Rena Rouge anymore after Miracle Queen. Regardless of what she does/how she lashes out, Marinette will be held 100% responsible for the fallout, with Su-Han criticizing her for selecting Alya/the others in the first place AND for 'allowing' their identities to be exposed.
That’s what you get for trusting people, Marinette (apparently).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will expose more Miraculous-related secrets on the LadyBlog, such as posting the identities of the heroes who were 'already outed' by Miracle Queen. Marinette will be blamed for this, with Su-Han reading her the riot act for every single choice she's made.
And also, Alya will get no flack for this because “she’s a journalist!! she’s just doing what she’s supposed to do!”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After spending most of the season taking the piss out of Marinette at every available opportunity, Su-Han will start warming up to her just in time to be taken out of the equation by something like Alya posting another 'big scoop' on her blog revealing his existence to the villains. Marinette will be left with even less support and all of the guilt, while Alya learns absolutely nothing from the experience because why would she?
Considering “Truth,” I just automatically presume that characters who support Marinette lovingly/unconditionally will either be abused or kicked to the curb.
Anonymous said:
Don't need Burrow: "Queen Banana" will be like typical episode with Chloe akumatization. 90% Chloe drama and angst, 10% akumatized Chloe (and probably 0% sense)
Show, I’m begging you, just let this character’s focus die already. We are SO tired...
Anonymous said:
didnt need burrow: the show ends with hawkmoth (now shadowmoth i guess) being defeated, heavy implications that the LS will be canon, but no solid proof, any other plot holes disappear in the cheery end music and all fans are left annoyed at the open ending filled with plot holes (bonus: That Guy says smin like "you would know if you watched carefully" to anyone that asks wtf happened)
Fun for us love square salters at least so there’s that? :P
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Trixx wants to return to Alya despite the danger/her past exposure, and ignores Marinette's concerns, leaving/reuniting with Alya over her protests. This is either played as 'It's fine, and Marinette should have trusted Alya more' or 'It's not fine, and it's all Marinette's fault for trusting Alya in the first place and letting Trixx get so attached'. Or both.
Astruc would totally use the opportunity to brag about the whole, “She’s already taken!” line in “Truth” being foreshadowing.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Bunnix reveals that there is an alternate, 'better' future in which Lila never worked with Hawkmoth and became a heroine instead. The turning point was, naturally, that Ladybug never called her out for lying/stealing from Adrien. (Possibly because Adrien never snooped in the safe in this timeline, yet it's still depicted as Marinette's fault.) May couple with confirming she's the future Hawkmoth and that it's all Mari's fault the heroes are still fighting her years later.
Which means that Chat makes the “reversible” mistakes (i.e: Cataclysming Bunnyx’s miraculous) while Ladybug makes the “permanent” ones.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette/Ladybug will get accused of being a selfish glory hound who needs to learn how to share the credit and 'be a team player'... after Adrien/Chat slacks off during a fight and refuses to help. Bonus points if this is tied into the exposed heroes' predicament somehow, implying that the REAL reason she won't give them 'their' Miraculi back is that she's selfish/short-sighted/not good at working with others/insert other bullshit excuse here.
I’m so tired.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will do something unbelievably selfless and self-sacrificing, only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was incredibly selfish.
Honestly you could just ad lib that.
“Marinette will do [something positive], only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was [negative].”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Su-Han will pressure, belittle and berate Marinette until she breaks and agrees to give up being Ladybug/the Guardian. This is naturally treated as the worst thing she could possibly do, with everyone (including Su-Han) ripping into her for it. There is no equivalent of Plagg's 'I've had many holders, but nobody can replace you, Adrien' shilling, beyond Marinette being informed that she MUST continue and deal with her many inadequacies by becoming BETTER. She has no choice.
“You’re the worst Ladybug!”
“Okay I’ll stop being Ladybug.”
Anonymous said:
Don’t need Burrow to know that the writers will retcon Marinette allowing Adrien to BORROW her lucky charm so that Marinette actually GAVE it to him instead.
Bonus: of course, the birthday scarf issue/secret is never addressed. RIP in piece, Marinette gift number xxx0
Technically, this has already happened even back in “Befana,” so I don’t count it. Adrien has said that Marinette gave him that lucky charm forever.
Definitely adding that scarf one though.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get Love Square scenes (shipping fuel) in the next episode (even though Maribug and Adrichat just broke up with Luka and Kagami).
I mean, we got love square shipping fuel in the Adrimi and Lukanette episodes, so :|
I’ve just come to expect inappropriate timing at this point.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a future episode Chat Noir will be even worse than he was in Lies and still be portrayed sympathetically. I don't know how you can get that low, but I have faith that the writers will be able to pull it off and that's not a good thing
“I don't know how you can get that low“
they’ll find a way, I’m sure
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Kagami will become an antagonist/team up with Shadow Moth post-Adrimi breakup for the plot twist "the main villain has been in the show all along." ((This is based on the end card for Lies. I really hope they don't do this because Kagami is one of the only reasons I'm still watching the show.))
I’d only be here for that if her endgoal is getting Luka and Marinette as far away from the plot as possible.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We STILL don't know how the Peacock Miraculous got damaged and how Emilie Agreste fell sick. Bonus points, we find out in the season/series finale or on social media.
Double bonus if Astruc claims that the decision is good and they did it on purpose (probably to keep people talking).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe debuts as the new Bee holder on the same episode Chloé is akumatized.
I’m 100% expecting Chloe to be salty at all the adoration that Zoe gets.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: if Adrien is ever in the wrong about something, it will only be for about five minutes and it will ultimately be blamed on Marinette.
Marinette: *breathes*
writers: Yes! Something we can blame on her!
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: The relationship between the Couffaines and Jagged will not be explored. They might perform a song together and that's all, Luka forgives Jagged for abandoning him (his daddy issues just magically disappear so he doesn't bring it up anymore) while Juleka doesn't interact with Jagged at all
I’m torn between, “Luka will basically never appear again,” and, “Luka will suddenly appear much more often now that he’s no longer a ‘threat’ to the love square (Marinette didn’t break up with him because of Adrien but sure).”
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: "Gabriel Agreste" will be all about how he's not really evil just misunderstood. He had a lonely childhood or some garbage and we should feel totally sad for him you guys.
wow i hate it
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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princeanxious · 4 years
A random logicality fic i didnt realize I wanted to write until just now, that i can't write out into an organized fic story atm but I can ramble about its whole world and character settup! So like. Take this as a massive bullet point fic if you will, but, yknow, minus the bullet point part..
Some background info: this is an omegaverse idea BUT it primarily focuses on the worldbuilding, character dynamics, and relationship dynamics and doesnt focus or even really mention nsft stuff. At least not in this post! Another fact abt this au is that there are no betas in this au, just alphas and omegas representing as the primary biological differences. Same general biology applies, and there is this worlds own version of the LGBTQ+ community as well, ect ect.
Logan is a highclass omega that lives on a large estate and is the only omega, let alone male omega(which is uncommon in this au), in his well known family's current generation. Hes got two other older alpha siblings Thomas and Deceit(named Dorian in this fic) and theyre all p close to eachother and wellknown to the public for being anti-classist despite the rest of their highclass family's history of being generally snooty and classist and not very family-oriented. They probably run a big entertainment company named after the family line and thats where most of their wealth comes from. Their family surname is probably Sanders. Logan is like, an inch above normal height for an omega and is sort of a frail, lanky, and uber pale man who doesn't eat well and doesnt exercise often and doesnt get enough sunlight and is often bored out of his mind, frankly.(all of this is due to his parent's terrible job of raising him, both from the servants (unhappily)following their orders for his care and from their blatant disregard for his health and happiness as a male omega. His brothers and the servants do the best they can to sneak around the rules, at least for food and sneaking Logan books and candles to entertain himself late at night or in his freetime when they arent hanging out together)
Patton, on the other hand, is a mid-high class Alpha in a little less well-known(in comparison to the Sanders family at least) but still well-respected family in a slightly smaller estate, known from their history of being a long line of hardworking successful people and being a very big and far reaching family. They probably breed a few prized mostly pure-bred and cross-bred horse breeds (the ethical way of course). And perhaps they(at least at Patton's estate specifically) also have their own fruit tree plantation that is known for selling its fruit as well as making said fruit into jams to be sold locally. Theyre family also has ties in helping many local businesses as well as a few larger companies ect. ect. The main family branch name is Crofters. ;p Patton is a v tall boi, and like his father, works hard around the estate just as much as any other worker. He helps harvest fruit from the plantation when its time and gets to help turn a good portion of the fruit into their famous crofters jam, and he helps tend to the stables and horses and chores all around the estate, does lots of heavy lifting ect.ect. So. Tall buff boi who's v suntanned and v freckled and made of friendliness and sunshine smiles yknow?? Hes an only child with just a father by the time hes 21 and a ton of extended family but he makes an effort to check in and make sure the local youth and elderly are well taken care of.
So in this fic, like, these things that are sort of like coming-of-age courting parties/festivals are held? It's a big cultural thing that happens each season to allow un-courted young adults a chance to meet and socialize with other un-courted young adults at their own leisure and pace rather than being subjected to family-directed arranged courtings(which are mostly a thing of the past at this point for their culture)
So like, p much Thomas and Dorian have to step in to help Logan persuade their parents into letting them take Logan to a local coming-of-age festival bc his parents are like this close to just making Logan go through w/ an arranged courting from some other highclass alpha, bc omega males aren't as 'prized'(to the highclass) or seen as desirable as omega females so getting Logan to marry into another wealthy family solely for maintaining status and making wealthy ties is the only use they see for him. Which of course,, his alpha siblings are having none of that if they have anything to say about it.(and they do. Logan deserves as much freedom as they do if not more, especially at this point in their lives. And Dorian spends the whole walk back to their bedrooms venting about the stupidity and blatant sexism of the fact that Dorian and Thomas are freely allowed to go wherever and do whatever they please because they're Alphas, "but Logan can't and has to be escorted everywhere that he is allowed to go if he wants to go anywhere as if he doesnt have his own autonomy! Why can Thomas and I go to the festival's without any fuss or escort but Logan is almost two steps from forbidden to even chose his own attire for the day? Highclass society is bullshit!")
So, with the eventual hard-won mutual agreement that Thomas and Dorian will be Logan's direct and only escorts to the festival who will not be left alone(they wouldnt leave him alone anyway, though not out of thinking that Logan is a dependent helpless omega that needs to be attended to and directed at all times, bc they dont believe that like their parents do, its out of the fact that theyre not about to leave their two years younger baby brother who has virtually no experience in socializing, let alone making friends, alone in a loud activity-filled festival w/ a large amount of varied attendance.) They head off during the winter festival season(as Logan's 21st birthday was in late autumn) to at least introduce their own friends that they've met over the years to Logan(who many of them have heard about but never met previously due to their parents toxic outdated mindsets on how omegas needed to remain shielded from the world and obediant, so Logans only friends for the longest time were his brothers themselves and that was it.).
So, the cast fic placements sorta go like this: Dorian has his intentions set on courting this very chaotic very non-conforming omega male named Remus(bc really, both of them just wanna say fuck you to the Sanders' parents' outdated ideals of societal conformity, really. However, Dorian pursuing Remus is like 5% driven by saying suck it to society, 15% spite towards his parents, and 80% because Remus stole his heart the first time they met by being unabashedly himself and being super interested and forward towards Dorian without being patronizing or disgusted with his birth scars and blind eye. Remus without prompting settles up against Dorian's blindside at all times when in public to work as a barrier to others sneaking up on the visually impaired alpha, all unprompted. Remus really really likes Dorian, and the feeling is mutual.) And! it works out bc even tho Remus is about as wild and as independant and inobedient and non-fragile and as far from the rest of the perfect omega stereotypes as they get, he's part of a family that is even higher in status than the Sanders family. Remus and his twin Roman are both male omegas born into a wealthy and publicly generous family that honestly is probably the most well known in the entertainment industry for its long line of professional actors, singers, and popular film/stage play writer and producers. Remus and Roman are naturally charismatic, Roman being a talented singer and trained actor while Remus dabbles in script writing and producing. Their mothers are respectively an omega and alpha and have their own accomplishments. And, are infact very progressive, and they plan to hand off the company to Roman and Remus to run when the twins are ready to, marriage not required. So, like. The Sanders parents cant exactly find a reason not to let Dorian pursue Remus without being openly obvious in their conservative views about omegas. (Which The Twins' parents already know about through Remus's recountings of Dorian's venting abt Logan's childhood mistreatment) so, safe to say, everyones in on pissing off the Sanders family in ways that they can't openly be mad about.
Anyways, to tie this all back in, the festivals mentioned above are both for meeting mutually un-courted young adults/adults and also for individuals to pursue courting who they want to court without family/class bias ect. (So like, un-courted/non-courting individuals dress/wear a main article in a certain color, while courted/courting individuals wear any other colors but that color, and said color depends on what season its in, and this coloring isn't something that varries from town to town, its universal in their culture. For Spring, un-courted individuals wear Green, in fall its Orange, in Summer its Yellow, and in Winter its Blue. And thats how you differentiate) so Thomas and Dee return to attend each of the seasonal festivals to court who theyre pursuing as a special time alone from either family watching as well as it being another way of meeting up with their friendgroup to have fun.
So, through Dorian, Logan finally meets Roman and Remus, and honestly its a real struggle for them to get along at first bc Roman and Remus are loud and brash and opinionated and independent, and rather unfiltered. And. Well, Logan grew up being trained to be the opposite, so he doesnt think they're compatible friends. But thats how he’s been raised to think. They lead and smother him in their conversation for a hot minute before realizing Logans just politely listening and not even attempting to join in, looking mildly uncomfy and out of his depth. And Romans a little offended before he remembers that what Remus relayed to him about Logan's uprising. So, Remus finds a way to get under Logans skin just enough to break down the polite walls that have been trained into him. Remus states stating false facts to Logan that he knows Logan knows are false and is able to get Logan just incredulous and heated enough to debate back. And Roman joins in just in time to change the subjects just a bit, and it takes some time but they get into a grove of getting Logan used to talking without being talked to, giving his own opinion on things without fear of repercussion and just generally conversating.(and they find, very smugly, that Logan can be just as loud and passionate about facts and his own thoughts and opinions if given the right outlet and the push to do it.) And it finally gets Logan to loosen up just a bit, to relax and smile and laugh(!!), and his brothers are just as excited for him bc Logan's finally getting to break out of his shell without the oppressive control of their parents directly looming over him.
So, okay okay, I'm getting to the logicality part, shhh, perfection takes time!! So, okay, I forgot to squeeze this in earlier but Thomas is courting Remy, whos a talented and smart as fuck, independent male omega from a family from their neighboring country. Remy has a big fam, but hes the head in charge out of all his siblings, ect ect. He’s an omega and the oldest, with three younger alpha siblings and one younger omega sibling. His parents are headstrong people who’ve raised a take-no-shit omega who will not be pushed around and will gladly do his own thing, thank you. If we’re being honest, its really Remy courting Thomas, whos a big-hearted softy introverted Alpha, like they are mutually interested in one another but Remy is a massive extrovert and theres no misunderstanding whose taking charge when theyre together. Remy’s existance alone is enough to Piss off the Sanders Family parents, especially after Remus enters the picture, however.. Remy takes it to the next level by being the more incharge, natural born leader, therefor flipping the old dominant alpha and obedient omega sterotype on its head. Thomas is happy to piss them off in doing it bc letting Remy take the lead makes Remy happy and keeps Remy from getting ansy and makes him happy bc he was never going to fully fit the dominant alpha sterotype anyways. Further still, out of the three siblings that are part of the Sanders family, only Thomas keeps the Sanders surname name in the end, as Dorian plans to take Remus’s and (future)Logan plans to take Patton’s surname. Which sets them up for: Remy chosing to take the Sanders Surname therefore becoming a direct part of the Sanders family name lineage, which the parents have no say over bc its technically up to Thomas by law, who gives Remy the option to chose on his own, ect.
Okay okay, w/ that set up, lets move forward.
Its p much a one-by-one meeting basis as Logan meets Dorian and Thomas’s partners and friends. So, Roman, Remus, and Remy all p much take Logan under their collective wing as soon-to-be omega brother-in-laws do. They all realize they’ve got a lot to teach Logan, and more importantly, kinda really need to get him courting soon bc Logan really needs to get out of that toxic household. They’re planning to keep it slowish bc Logan doesn’t know quite yet how to talk to people that arent his brothers, let alone have any knowhow on consentual courting?? But yeah, they’re keeping an protective eye out alongside Dorian and Thomas while still letting approaching un-courted alphas and omegas come close enough to interact/flirt w/ Logan. About mid-day Roman’s courting partner finally arrives:
A slightly withdrawn, tall and quiet Alpha who looks fairly intimidating until Logan realizes just how anxious the lanky Alpha is and how Roman is definately leading when he needs to to keep Virgil from overthinking. They end up hitting it off very well, unsurprisingly. Virgil doesn’t really know Logan’s whole story like Remus does bc Roman didn’t know to tell him in time so it takes some catching up and trading of their home lives to get to speaking terms but, Logan is soon to be the Twin’s brother in-law soo.. that p much makes Logan his family to be anyhow, so. Safe to say Virgil plays a minor part in warding off all too-cocky alphas thinking theyre about to find an easy catch in approaching Logan. Though, realistically, its the fact that a small group of courting young-adults are guiding and staying w/ said un-courted young-adult that keeps Logan from getting approached too much. It may not have allowed him to get the full festival experience, but, its likely Logan would not have been able to handle the Full Experience, especially not on his own.
Finally, incomes Patton. Patton, wearing blue just like Logan, stands out because he approaches the group fearlessly and full of sunshine, going through and greeting each familiar face before he realizes Logan is a new part of the group and politely and warmly introduces himself. Though well known to the group through being Virgil’s longstanding childhood bestfriend and part of a very openly interactive and helpful w/ everyone around them family, this is actually Patton’s first coming-of-age festival, as he’d just turned 21 two weeks prior. And hes very excited to meet new people, he always is! He’s quick to tell Virgil that the jam they’d made earlier in the fall(it was tradition at this point that Virgil helped Patton with the jam making process every year) had been successful in sales and smiles, and hes content to ramble to Virgil about the progress of the stables’ new foals. Logan would have thought Patton had out-right forgotten about him had Patton not begun turning to ask Logan an excited question every minute or so. And he always listened to Logan’s answers completely with rapt attention before asking or saying something further.
Niether of them know they’d both had the same thought when they’d first seen the other. A very sappy, very flustered thought of ‘Oh god, he’s cute.’ The moment they’d made eye-contact.
And, well, Logan is a tad overwhelmed, for many reasons. For one, Patton, on the very surface, is very attractive. Tall and well-built, sunkissed and freckled with curly blond hair and a dashing smile that lit up his entire expression, and Logan couldn’t help mirror Patton’s infectious smile with a shy one of his own. Another was that Patton’s voice was warm, not too loud though it carried well, it was welcoming and unashamedly happy. Patton was patient and kind and friendly, yet still felt reminiscent of an excited puppy. He was unabashedly himself in the nicest of ways, and Logan’s heart kept fluttering everytime their eyes met, everytime Patton asks him a question or answers his own. Patton leads the conversation, but leaves plenty room for Logan to take his own direction if he pleases. He’s considerate and thoughtful and actually treating Logan like a person, not some dependent omega or a possible mate. And it definately doesn’t go unnoticed that Logan’s blushing and slightly flustered, but Patton doesn’t push about it, he just lets the conversation stop and go as they please as the group wanders around and take part in the festivities.
And.. well, the group does take notice that Patton and Logan have started ignoring outside signals of omegas and alphas that wanna get close and interact with either one of them, but they don’t tell them about it. Logan and Patton are pretty obviously interested in each other, and honestly no ones gonna interrupt them while they figure things out. Patton is the only one who definately doesn’t know about Logan’s situation, but he picks up on it’s cues pretty quickly and treads carefully without prodding, though Logan is upfront about himself being raised under opressive conservative ideals so hes pretty new to everything, but he leaves it at that for their first interaction.
P much they spend the rest of the festival together, Dorian and Thomas directly checking in once or twice to confirm Logan is doing okay and happy. Thomas is met with a soft “yes.. Is this what romantic attention feels like?” And Dorian gets “Yes, though i’m not sure how long i’m going to be able to keep functioning if he keeps smiling at me with his handsomeface.” Which these things are said obviously w/ Patton out of earshot And both brothers have to keep themselves from cackling bc their brother is very gay for Patton. And Patton is very openly gay for Logan right back, not that Logan really knows how to read that yet tho.
By the end of the festival, Logan just decides that he wants to pursue courting Patton, h’s very sure of it especially after bringing it up with Dorian and Thomas and getting their approval. Then Logan brings it up with Patton directly and it goes something like this:
Logan shyly but determained asks Patton if he would consider courting Logan, and Patton just smiles warmly and leans down to take Logan’s hand and kisses it. Then says “I did consider it, Lolo, and I’d be more than blessed to get to court you.” And Logan just blushes so bright he has to hide his face and Patton just laughs and hugs him.
Skipping forward, Patton gets the Sanders families hesitant approval to let him directly court Patton, which involves them sending Logan over to spend periods of time at Pattons estate, and Patton coming to stay with Logan at the Sanders estate during the other half of the time. Cue Patton learning just how bad Logan’s home situation is and would be without his brothers there to buffer some of it, and Patton stepping up to curb it back as well while being non-aggressive about it.
Cue Patton taking Logan to meet riding horses directly for the first time, as well as meet baby horses. He eases Logan into the concept of being free to do almost whatever he pleases while staying at the Crofters estate, which is pretty mild for the longest time but watching Logan smile excitedly when he got a new book, or got to walk around town with Patton, or got to say yes or no just because he finally could? It means all the world to Patton. Cue the scene of them resting under a tree near the front of the estate during the day, easily seen and watched but relaxing and napping atop of one another all the same. Logan’s head against Patton’s board chest, listening to Patton’s heartbeat while patton runs his hand through Logan’s hair. Then, Logan tenatively asking about laying out front to stargaze in the evening, and honestly the night they finally get to stargaze for the first time a few days later is when the really fully fall in love.
Cue Virgil coming to visit with Roman in tow when its that time of the year to make the famous Crofters jam, and Logan is staying over at the estate at the time. And Logan finally tries Crofters jam for the first time, as he’d been putting it off before as not being a jelly person. And he just. Finds he really really likes it, probably an inproper amount. Patton takes notice, and doesn’t hesitate to spoil Logan with it every once in a while. Logan also learns how to make Crofters jam, and it was alot of fun to do! Hes tuckered out by the end of it, but thats not surprising.
And okay. Another major fun plot point is that during times that Patton and Logan are staying at the sanders estate, Dorian and Remus, Thomas and Remy, and Roman and Virgil also often are found staying at the large estate, and its no coincidence. Now that Logan is being directly courted(and its going very well), Logan’s autonomy now falls under Patton’s command, not Logan’s parents. And, well, Patton lets him make his own decisions as long as they stick together, as Pattons not comfy leaving Logan alone unless hes with one of his brothers or their omegan mates(bc at this point, Remus and Dorian finished their yearlong courting and married and are official mates, and same goes for Thomas and Remy. ) and well. My favorite concept is that Logan now has the guidance of 3 firely independant omegas to help him learn to strive for the independant mindset that had been robbed from him in his youth. Safe to say, Logan comes out just as stubborn and independant and passionate as the other three. He just tends to be the one out of the four who is the most content with their alpha being a bit more in the lead on a daily basis.
Didn’t really think abt an ending too much but like, Logan and Patton get married and become mates and move to Patton’s estate permanantly and just being so happy and inlove with Patton. And everythings?? Good?? So yeah.
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shes-fast-like-me · 4 years
Day Seventeen: Home
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Day Seventeen: Home
TW: Discussion of drug addiction, sobriety, mental illness, relapse, abandonment issues and suicide. Mentions of vomit/nausea. Ask to tag!
Pairing: Established Lifetane (you know me :P)
this is decades late but i still wanted to post this even tho i didnt finish the challenge so. here ya go
If you like it, please reblog it!!!
He wakes up pretty late these days but it's okay. Ajay says it's probably better for him than his old schedule of going to bed at 5am just to wake up at 8am for a morning jog. Running on three hours of sleep his whole life wasn't healthy, according to her. Well, maybe he could see some truth in that.
Waking up to an empty, messy pink room was always nice. The blinds at the window did a poor job of masking the fact that it was almost noon and that Ajay had been awake for several hours already, starting the day without him.
He didn't feel like getting out of bed.
Maybe he was just tired or it was the anxiety eating him up from last night but he didn't want to stop sleeping. For the first time in decades, sleeping felt genuinely comforting to him and he'd hate to leave now and lose the comfort and warmth of their shared bed.
Or maybe it was withdrawals, making it hard for him to lift his head off the pillow and get up to put on his legs and start another day without his crutch. It was so damn hard to get through a day without at least one substance, but he was doing okay. Two weeks sober. A small victory but a victory nonetheless, Ajay had said. He wasn't really feeling like a winner right now though. This feeling sucked.
A twist in his stomach and a wetness in his mouth as he lifted his head confirmed his suspicions. Yep, definitely withdrawals. He knew he wasn't going to actually vomit though, but the thought still crossed his mind. He forced himself to stand up.
The world outside their bedroom was a lot brighter than the gloomy, sun-shielded bedroom. Honestly, Ajay should just leave the blinds open in the mornings despite the sun shining directly into Octavio's sleeping face. Maybe it'd wake him up in a happier mood.
"How yuh doin'?"
In the kitchen, Ajay stood over a pan of sizzling eggs, still in her pyjama shorts and in one of his many black t-shirts with some band's logo on it. His eyes definitely lingered on her frame before he crept towards her and wrapped his arms around her middle.
"Am fine." He mumbled into her shoulder and kissed the back of her neck. Honestly, his back kinda hurt from sleeping in his usual overly-contorted way but besides that and his withdrawal symptoms he was definitely better than he had been yesterday.
Ajay hummed, "Tha's good to hear."
Honestly he didn't wanna let her go but she needed to move in order to finish up their 'breakfast', if you could even call it that at this hour. It was nearly 2pm, he noted from glancing at the clock above her.
He leaned on the counter next to the stove and watched quietly as the eggs sizzled and spat oil around on the pan.
He wanted Stim, just for little bit, just to go for a short morning run, but he was tired. He couldn't mess up his two week sobriety streak now either. Plus, Ajay would be disappointed in him and that would hurt more than the actual drug use. He glanced at her face fearfully as if to check if she was reading his thoughts. Sometimes when he thought too loudly he was afraid others would hear him and realize what a fuck up he was. He didn't want Ajay to know he was struggling that bad.
"Whatcha thinkin' about? You're starin' at me." Ajay mused and smiled, plopping the eggs onto two plates with some bacon on the side.
Embarrassed, he dropped his gaze. "Nothin’.”
Ajay nodded for him to walk over to the table as she handed him his plate. They sat down together, Ajay bumping her pedicured feet up against where Octavio's stumps met his prosthetic legs under the table.
"Yuh father called this morning."
Octavio's blood suddenly ran cold and he winced. "What did he want?"
"Askin' about the holidays, thinks he's gettin' invited over," She picked at her food with her fork, "I told him to piss off."
A small smile crept onto his face at that. At least Ajay had his back.
"Mm, I dunno, nena. Weren't you gonna visit your Nana in Olympus before we go back to Talos for the next season?"
"Plans changed," she shrugged, "I'd rather stay with you here."
He furrowed a brow. "I could come with you, you know."
"There's no reason for us to go to Olympus again. This is our home now." She said firmly.
Home, huh? Her little apartment on Psamathe, in a small, rural area away from Olympus and the big cities...
Our home, she said. With Octavio included in it. Granted, he had lived with her for the past three months or so but he never thought of it as being permanent. Would she really let him live here with her?
"I can see the gears turnin' in your head, O. Did ya think I would just kick ya out after a while?" She joked and Octavio knew it was playful but... something about her wording really struck a nerve within him and before he could even realise and stop it, the tears were in his eyes.
What’s happening? Why was he so scared of her leaving? Why did he even consider this as a possibility?
"....Yeah." His voice wavered.
It felt like he was with his father and the world was crashing around him all over again. He could remember how mad his father was when he refused to let Octavio come back home, how he said he had had enough of dealing with his failure of a son, told him that he's an adult now and could just fend for himself now. He remembered ending up on Ajay's couch, and later in her bed, that first night and how terrified he was. Nausea clawed at his stomach. Everything was coming back to him so violently, it felt like he was back to being a scared, broken man at the doorstep of his father's home. Overwhelmed.
"O, it's alright, I didn't mean it like that." Ajay stood up and he could barely make out her silhouette through the blurriness in his eyes. He was shaking and when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, he instinctively pulled her closer, almost as if holding on for his dear life.
He didn't want to be left alone again. Not by her. He couldn't deal with it. He wouldn't live through the loss. He'd have such a destructive breakdown, he'd lose his streak and kill himself in the process. He just knew it, he just knew he couldn’t survive without her. It’d kill him. It'd be a death sentence.
"I'm not leavin' ya. Ever. You hear me?" She rubbed his back as his tears sunk into her shoulder.
"I'm not leavin'. It's okay."
He nodded. He wanted to believe it, needed to.
"This is our home now, O. You're gonna be alright."
Octavio's whole body shook against hers as he struggled to breathe in, deeply, trying to calm himself down the way his therapist taught him to.
He forced himself to believe that she wouldn't lie to him. No, she had never lied to him before. She was the only person he could ever trust fully. She’d never lied to him and he need to remember that. She wouldn’t leave him.
He took a breath in between sobs.
This was their home now. These walls, the pastel pink walls in the bedroom, the cool wooden flooring, the small but cozy kitchen and living room. The clock on the wall, the stove, the couch, the seats, the table. They were shared.
This was their home, where they laughed and watched movies together on the couch, where they came home and unloaded all the groceries into the fridge, where Ajay held him and reaffirmed that she still loved him and that he was still a fighter, no matter how bad he felt, over and over again, until he believed her.
He believed her. He believed everything she said.
Ajay was what made this place feel like home, and he wouldn’t lose her, not this time.
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callumilott-archive · 4 years
hi! so u said u could write a whole other essay abt the 2019 championship in your juri post so i have come to humble rrequest the essay pls id like to know your thoughts if u have time thank you have a good day
OH yes this is one hell of a distraction thank u skdjfkg let’s go! i’m mainly focusing on juri and marcus here since i really only paid attention to the both of them (in f3 at least) up until spa.
disclaimer before we start: my memory is bad and it is possible i remember some things wrong and finding sources on the messy f3 website is a PAIN so some info might be inaccurate
so the 2019 championship kicked off in barcelona, which was a mess in true f3 fashion. 2 guys hit each other on the way to the grid, i think one started from the pit lane and the other had too much damage?? boys, the race doesn’t start until lights out smh. this was also the race where christian lundgaard crossed the line first, parked his car at the 1st sign and then it was cruelly taken from him because of a 5 second penalty for virtual safety car infringement and no one told him until he was already out of his car skdfjsg it was sad but also kinda hilarious and a goddamn mess. i remember reading it on the f1 website at the time bc i didn’t watch f3 at this point. juri did alright here, think he got a podium in race 2. the premas were already pretty dominant but christian was up there as well.
season progresses, juri gets his penalty cancelled in france (icon, really. who else can say that) and apparently does not have a good time in race 2. he also did a kimi impression somewhere on the radio (’leave me alone’). marcus didn’t like france either bc he stalled at the start, got back up front, got tapped around and still finished in the points both races. f3 france = mess. spielberg brings my favorite top 3 of any f3 race ive seen so far. marcus starts on pole, so far the only prema who hasnt won a race yet, max fewtrell p2 and juri p3. somewhere during the race marcus and juri swap places and max minds his business in p2. great podium, dont remember this race at all sjdfgks. race 2 still has me cackling even tho it probs wasn’t that funny, but marcus and rob were arguing over the lead and they collided (on the final lap, i think), sending marcus off with a puncture and rob actually still won but got a penalty which demoted him to second. rule number 1 of motorsports, lads. rule number 1. do not hit your teammate. would’ve loved to be jehan in that team debrief. 
at this point, juri is considered a title contender. he will be considered a title contender until monza. more on that shitshow later. he knocks it out the park in silverstone (race 1 win, pole) and talks start up about juri to toro rosso 2020 (i mightve been one of them). this, of course, all depends on juri getting enough super licence points. budapest, marcus’ first win in f3. don’t remember much else tbh, wasn’t that eventful i guess?? aaaand then we get to spa. saturday is fine for them since they race in the morning as opposed to late afternoon for f2. robert’s still in the lead by far, jehan and juri following but since there’s only 2 rounds to go after this so mistakes are costly. juri learns this the hard way in spa race 2 but i cant blame any of them for mistakes made in spa and monza one week later, or sochi for that matter. i think marcus won that race and dedicated it to anthoine but im p sure i didnt see much through my tears this day. juri scores no points, damages his front wing somewhere and gets a black and orange flag to come in for damage repairs. monza, also a disaster. also do not blame them. both marcus and juri did not have a good time, i remember juri launching himself into space over the rear wing of another car and marcus got p2 in race 1 but was penalised heavily for one thing or another, and ended up p21 and far outside the points. 
juri’s no longer a contender for the title, neither is marcus. the title will be decided between jehan and robert in sochi, at that point p2 and p1 respectively. sochi was also a mess for juri, considering he spun christian around in a low speed corner while the safety car was ending. to this day i have no idea what on earth he was doing but it does make for great banter between juri and christian. with the penalty following, juri drops from p3 to p8 and misses valuable points. robert wins the championship, marcus wins the race. jehan has a terrible time in the last race and gets demoted to p3 in the championship because marcus said sayonara and fucked off with another podium and a fastest lap. juri is p4 and is 17 points short for p3. not enough super licence points. he does win the final race of the season, tho his face says he knows hes about to have a very uncomfortable conversation with helmut marko. still pains me. 
to conclude, it all got away from juri in spa and i think thats very understandable considering the circumstances. it started out very promising but just. ended up falling short. he was the only driver to even remotely challenge the premas last season tho, in terms of championship. and this is why same spec racing is so exciting! we’ve seen it again in f3 this year with a very very tight championship. one bad weekend can throw your entire season off. 
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aharris00britney · 5 years
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It’s 6am and Brandon woke me up when he got up to go to work so now... i answer asks bc i cant sleep. 
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@mileyzangel said: Can you please make a Harley Quinn hairstyle from both Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey?
I went and watched Birds of Prey the other night and it was really good. Brandon went to sleep I think tfgvhb. But I doubt I’ll try doing her hair from either of the films. @enriques4 is working on one for her Birds of Prey look if you are interested in that <3
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Anonymous said: is tiny living worth it? im leaning towards the gameplay although i love cas. is the gameplay as bad as people say?
I honestly don’t think the new beds do anything. They’re... there. Lmao I think the CAS and buy items are very nice. If we get some cc murphy beds then that would make them a lot more usable tbh.  
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Anonymous said: how do you and ayoshi keep making some fantastic collabs?? y'all are literally the first people i go to when I make a fresh install and I can't wait to see what you do next
Anonymous said: AxA CC KINGS!!!
Anonymous said: you guys didnt have to snap like that on AxA
Anonymous said: another iconic ah00b x ayoshi collab YAS LESSGOOOO
We put a bunch of cc ideas (hair and clothes) in a discord server we have together and then work on the stuff together on call usually so each item is the way we both want me. Like for example i’ll be meshing the Ivy top while he works on texturing the ribbed version.  We also only do collabs when they happen, we didn’t plan AxA 2019 or this new set, mainly just made cc starting in May and wrapped it up in July to release in August. Then this time we started making stuff late December and got most of it done by the time I got done with my break. Having a planned collab/deadline makes stuff less stressful and the stuff usually turns out better imo
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Anonymous said: hi! ur sims are so prettyyyy what skin texture and eyes do u use?
Anonymous said: hi! wcif the eyes of the sim in the edit that Dogsill edited for you please? thank you!
Anonymous said: Hi! I really love the way your sims looks so, I was what skin and eyes you use?
I actually am changing my default eyes so I need to update my resource page soon ;n; but the skins they use are all listed for each sim on the resource page here
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Anonymous said: you always name axa packs by the year but this one was named after a season those that mean.... 👀
We are wanting to do something in the fall, just not sure how our lives will be then ya know? There’s a chance that this will be the AxA 2020. Since we weren’t sure I didn’t want to label it that if 2 AxA’s release this year lmao
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Anonymous said: what game is the pokemon thing you're playing!? pls help a guy out i'm in love with the art style
Pokemon Sword and Shield (I have shield) for Nintendo Switch. I’ll prob post more pics once I get some new shinies :P
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@kristabunny said: lol is it bad that when I saw your Santana hair I read it as Satan Hair XD
tbhhhhh it was lowkey referencing that lmao. I made the hair in October for a speed meshing video and since it was around Halloween I was like “lemme give her an almost demonic name” also Santana from glee is a queen
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Anonymous said: Tbh I absolutely adore your female cc but I LIVE for your male cc!!!
Thank you! lmao the only thing I can take full credit for is the AxA male hairs. I mesh the clothes for packs but ayoshi does the texturing for them.  
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Anonymous said: Could you have a go at the updo Dua Lipa has on the cover of her Future Nostalgia? The high bun with a flick in it and the strands of hair down the sides. Thanks if so :)
I’m not the biggest fan of the hairstyle tbh ;n; but we will see. (Physical is a serve, just saying)
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Anonymous said: So ive never played pokemon before until my friend gave me a copy of pokemon moon. I love cats so of course my starter was a litten, but i had no clue about evolutions or anything like that. I was heartbroken when my cute litten turned into some big man cat :(
omg noooo ;n; yeah Litten is a cutie... incineroar is... well I got used to him tbh and kind of like him now? I absolutely hate scorbunny’s evolution (and most of the SWSH starters final evolution) so I think that made incineroar slightly better in my eyes. My shiny litten will be staying a kitten however :)
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@multifandom-slytherin said: Hello! I love your cc! Would it be possible for you to make the bangs from your Bree Hair a separate accessory that you can put with other hairs (for example the BG low ponytail)? Thank you so much!
Anonymous said: have u considered making or allowing someone to make an acc version of your handmade bangs?
I have thought of doing accessory bangs tbh, I just like... don’t like using accessory bangs myself. So I’m not sure if I’ll end up doing it. I might try it for myself and see how many hairs they work with, and if it is a decent amount I’ll release. 
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Anonymous said: First off I want to say how amazing all of your hairs and collabs are! Second I was curious if you ever thought of going back to your old hairs and updating their thumbnails / display indexes so they matched your stuff now?
I really really wanted to have all my 2019 hairs updated by 2020. It was only January 2019-April 2019 that needed updated (thumbnails and display indexes). But I just lost motivation for doing it. I will focus on it next time I have a big break from school. Also planning on updating select stuff from 2018 and 2017. 
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Anonymous said: please put Sophia Barker in the gallery. PLEASEEEEE it's the most beautiful sim I EVER seen! >:3 PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!!!
She should be on there? I think? Make sure you have CC enabled and if you can’t find me through the gallery her tray files are here
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Anonymous said: Hi! After the recent patch I started having a small issue with Bree hair(without bangs), when I zoom out it looks like a completely different hair, something similar to that one basegame hair that's layered with tips pointed outward but longer. Thought I'd let you know, maybe others have had a similar issue or maybe I need to change a setting or something. Love your work so much!
Really surprised this is the first time someone told me about this lmao. The hair should be updated now on SFS/Patreon <3
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Anonymous said: I tried to look around for this on your "Asks" portion before bothering you (so sorry), but do you have a link perhaps for all the lips you use on your models? Are they in game or a cc you create? Thanks so much! Love all of your work! I'm super new to cc stuff and I found yours like 2 days ago and have been going nuts with downloads lol 
like presets? None of my cc models use a lip preset. I do use this slider on some of them though. For lipsticks, that is listed for each model on my resource page <3
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Anonymous said: i’ve been looking for a hair like lexi that i actually like forever and now i find it but it’s for paterson peeps and i’m like actually broke and i’m like :/
im sorry ;n; at least it wasn’t too long of a wait? :/ I hope you liked the hair
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Anonymous said: I can't find your jisoo ponytails in your downloads?
they’re in my retired section... may they rest in peace. scroll to the bottom of my downloads and youll see ‘RETIRED.’ click that for the retired download page. 
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@eclypt-0-sims said: Hi, I recently started making MM hair and I know you're probably an expert at this but; every time I go into CAS to test a hair, all of my accessories clip with the hair. Like the hair texture would cover some glasses if my sim was wearing glasses. I don't know how to fix it, someone told me to delete an eye weight in blender but I don't really understand weight painting that much, any suggestions? love your content btw
this is a late as hell reply i’m sorry. I think that you have texture where the glasses texture would be. Hair texture should only be in hair section or hat section (if you don’t want it hat compatible). Here is a UV map layout that I use for making hair textures. It shouldnt have anything to do with weights
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Anonymous said: Do you use reshade when you take previews for your cc? and also is the tropical punch ombre overlay a palette or did you make it?
I do use reshade when I take cc previews. It adds a bit of saturation to my sims and gives them some shadows under their chin/clothes. Nothing major. Also, myself and @imvikai came up with the tropical punch palette together.
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@little-eris​ said: You probably have answered this before but who drew your tumblr icon? I’ve seen the same art style with other simmers 👉🏼👈🏼 it’s super cute!
thank you! here is their twitter 
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Anonymous said: The male sim in your Tiny Living review looks soo familiar; was there inspiration from anyone IRL? The person he reminds me of isn't even famous so I don't even know! He is very pretty though *-*
He was a gallery sim that I just revamped a bit so I’m honestly not super sure lmao. But he is very attractive yes I agree
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that concludes this ask ceremony please collect your things and move to the exit to your left. fvghbjn if you sent something I didn’t answer and it was off anon I’ll get to you soon (person who asked what beards I used for AxA... I see you)
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queen0fm0nsterz · 5 years
For the ship thing: all combinations between the main five from woy !!
Disclaimer: I’m a HUGE multishipper and I’m interested in all the ships I’m about to list. However I do have my preferences, so I’m going in order from my least favorite to my absolute fave. Don’t get upset, for this is only my opinion. Ty!!
Bonus 11th ship: I’m really into Something The So and So x Emperor Awesome. I called it Something Awesome. Just putting this.. out there
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10) Deathstar (Wander x Dom)
Ah, my two hyperactive spoons. Usually I’m all about the “perfect angel/literal spawn of satan” dynamic, but for some reason they never really clicked for me. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have that many interactions in canon??? But damn, the fanarts are super adorable!! i will die!! (death star shippers yall wanna come in my askbox and talk death star to me?? i would appreciate sm!!)
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9) Wandering Eye (Wander x Peepers)
First of all I wanna say, y’all Wandering Eye shippers are perseverant af?? they had like one episode together and it was early first season, it’s been a lot since that. i respect you guys. As for the ship itself, what can I say? I love small boys being in love!!! But once again, nearly no canon interaction... smh
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8) Astigmagmatism (Peepers x Dom)
THIS SHIP HAS SO MUCH COMIC POTENTIAL!!! I WILL SCREAM FOREVER I mean the angry smol and bastard tol dynamic?? PLUS theyre both villains???? as in evil fucks??? Who are also rivals?? If there were any canon interactions this ship would DEF be really high on my list but I don’t really have that much to say rn...
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7) Zboneak (Hater x Sylvia)
Alright at first I wasn’t really into it but I got my filthy hands on one (1) fanfic and you can bet your ass I was immediatly captivated. The thing I look for in Woy ships is comic potential and these two have SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Plus, “The Date” is one of my favorite episodes ever, so yeah. add that to the list. Let them interact in season 3!!!
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6) Death Glare (Peepers x Hater)
Ok so, Death Glare. At first, until late first season, I wasn’t into it at all. I’ve never been a big fan of boss/subordinate (saving a few exceptions). The episode “The Funk” made me do a complete 180° becAUSE HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THEM??? HOLDING HANDS???????? BRUH MY FUCKING HEART HAS BEEN D E S TR O Y E D...................... And while I do love them as a friendship, I can totally see them romantically!!!! also once again the comic potential
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5) Sylander (Sylvia x Wander)
THESE TWO WHERE DO I EVEN START. I literally tear up when I think about them? Platonic or not, their love is so pure, innocent, real, it makes my heart do backflips. You have no idea how many times I cried watching them. When they’re together you can’t tell where one begins and the other finishes .... but the reason why I’m so attached to them is because I happen to have a person in my life that... she’s the Sylvia to my Wander (hey @awesome---disaster talkin to you).  I understand how it feels to have someone this important in your life. The episode “The Ryder” is particularly hard to wacth (despite it being my number one favorite) for this reason. GOD THE TEARS I CRIED.
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4) Sylava (Sylvia x Dom)
What can I say? I stan girls being in love. Plus the CHEMISTRY they had in “The Night Out” omg.... I JUST FDSHFHLGLHSLLIHSBLIHSLI MY HEART EXPLODES WHEN I THINK ABOUT THEM???? I CRY  THEY WERE F U CK I NG HOLDING HANDS WHILE RUNNING OUT OF THAT BAR OK DO NOT TOUCH ME. when are we getting the good season 3 sylava content when they make up and become friends again? disney pls
Also, y’all got some good Sylava fics that I could read? Blease?? im starving
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3) Skeleton Dance (Wander x Hater)
iM TALKING VALID BOYS HERE!!! The sweet smol/ grumpy tol is my aestethic always and Im all about it. Plus, I mean the dEVELO P MENT THEY HAD IN SEASON TWO!!! The episode that got me to ship them strongly was “The Buddies” and God my love kept growing from there????? ITS UNSTOPPABLE EVERYTIME I SEE THEM MY HEART KILLS ME
 Ok I will admit im kinda projecting on Wander a little bc I love Hater but can u blame?? me?? who doesnt love the hate man
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2) Dom n Hater (Hater x Dom)
Ok if youve been on my blog for like 1 minute you probably already know that these two are the light of my life, but why?
... well tbh there are a lot of reasons but to be quick it was a gradual process of me going from “Yeah right like THATS ever gonna happen” to slowly going on to “I mean its not even that bad” to “It’s cute? I like it” and then it fucking skyrocketed out of my control and suddently I’m crying like a little bitch during “You’re the Greatest”. I do not know what happened or how. It just did. 
I have an ask of someone asking me about them (BLESS U MAN) that inm going to answer eventually so I’m not going into detail but I WILL SAY that the height difference kills me bc it’s not that much but it’s jUST ENOUGH to make it obvious that hes shorter than her and im just oudfgusguaigGUivfehuhaf i live for height differences
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1) Black Eye (Sylvia x Peepers)
I’ll be honest with y’all: I was actually gonna put Black Eye in second place at first bc Hater & Dom just own my hear,t but upon lots of thinking I belive this is the best option. because DEVELOPMENT. God I’m all about that sweet DEVELOPMENT we got!!! Wander and Sylvia may be the perfect friendship but Sylvia and Peepers are sure as hell the PERFECT TEAM!!!!!! BRAINS AND MUSCLES!!! TOGETHER!! TO SAVE THEIR IDIOTS!!
I am a BIG fan of enemies to friends to lovers, height differences, villain/hero, smol/tol, angry/chill...... these two were a gift from the Gods. I love them so much.
On an unrelated but kinda related note, I love how all Blackeye shippers just silently agreed that Peepers is a lovestruck nerd who can’t process his feelings and refuses to acknowledge them despite how hardly he’s pinning after Syl?? AND SYL IS NOT OBLIVIOUS AT ALL SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS???? its amazing. 10/10 best ship thank u for ur time.
And thats that! Wow that sure took long didnt it- but its here.
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ick25 · 5 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 51 Review.
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That time Yaito’s cheap security broke Meijin’s neck.
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Just like his neck. ;P
The episode begins with a recap of Forte vs the Gospel beast, where he tries to fuse with it, but then suddenly blows up and Gospel reappears.
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After the title card, we see Rockman in pain because of something going on with his arms that seem to be extending through his bodies.
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We are reminded that his friends are trapped by Magnetman’s magnets, Gutsman tries to break free with no avail.
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Ok, time out! Gutsman’s arms were free in the last episode.
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What happend here animators?
Meanwhile, Magnetman and Elecman are still fighting eachother.
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That cage must be bigger than I remember to have all of this taking place.
After Netto’s friends fail in pluggin out their Navis, Rockman begs Netto to use the Extra Code.
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Going back to Elecman and Magnetman’s battle...
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I talked about this cutted scene in an old post, poor Elecman is stabbed and then Magnetman stomps on his head.
Netto finally decides to use the HP+200, I mean, the Extra Code that fully restores Rockman.
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And we get this other scene cutted from the dub where Rockman shoots at Magnetman in the head twice.
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That’s Rockman’s revenge for all those kicks in the last episode.
Just like last time, the Extra Code activates the Aqua Custom Style and Rockman immediately fights Magnetman, and by fight I mean beating the cyber crap out of him.
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So much hate for Magnetman! Of course this was cutted out from the dub too.
Netto sends the Spreader chips and the Aqua Custom style multiplies it to create the Hyper Burst Program Advance, however, Rockman’s body starts acting up again.
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Magnetman tries to take advantage of this but Elecman holds him in place to make sure Rockman doesn’t miss.
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As Magnetman and Elecman are slowly desintegrating, Netto tries to tell Elecman to let go, but the Count tells him to stay and both Navis are deleted.
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Even though he lost Elecman, the Count thanks Netto for helping him defeat his brother.
With Magnetman gone, the magnets holding Rockman’s friends in place dissapear. The Navis rush over to where Rockman colapsed.
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Just a small detail, but I like how Roll runs like a girl here. :)
Rockman’s data is slowly falling apart, conviniently, a portal opens and the Navis carry him out of there.
We then cut to Gauss who is begging for mercy from Wily.
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Whaaaat? Who would’ve thought that Wily, the man who use Navis and people to do his evil deeds, was using Gauss all along?
We then cut to the Net Agents HQ with their Navis evacuating Internet City, not all civilians leave though, for Numberman decided to stay behind to protect Higure’s chip shop.
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Numberman is trying to do something noble and Higure just doesn’t seem to care. Poor Numberman.
Netto and friends head to Yaito’s secret base to check on Rockman’s status, but his data is trying to seperate and Yaito tells them that they need a genius to help him, and that’s enough to summon Eguchi Meijin!
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I’m not sure why they cutted this funny part from the dub, it happend to Masa at the beginning of episode 5. Maybe it looks like that thing broke Meijin’s neck. Anyway, you still have to wonder why would Yaito have something so simple as her security for the base, it makes the automanic lawnmower look cool.
Meijin explaines that Rockman has a bug in his system due to Forte scanning his memories.
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Makes sense, I guess.
Meijin says that any regular Navi would’ve been desintegrated by now, but since Rockman was created by Yuichiro Hikari, Netto’s dad, he might be able to resolve it on his own. So all they can do now is wait and hope for the best.
Meanwhile, Gospel arrives at Internet city where the Otoko-maru from episode 47 makes a comeback, with Woodman and Skullman firing beams at the beast to get its attention.
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With Gospel behind them, they pass in front of Higure’s Chip Shop where Numberman gets the biggest scare of his cyberlife.
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I find Higure’s and Numberman’s interactions funny.
The Navis lure Gospel into the Net Coloseum where the Net Agents activate a force field to trap it, by using an easter egg extra code for Mega Folder+2.
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I admit I almost missed that code.
While Gospel struggles with the force field, the Net agents surround the area with satelite dishes to activate what they call “Deletron”. As soon as Gospel destroys the force field they fire the Deletron.
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During this, Meijin is trying to keep Rockman’s data from colapsing with no luck. The Net Agents raise the power of the Deletron but unfortunately, Gospel’s power creates some kind of shokwave that destroys the satelite dishes. The Net Agents’s PETs blow up, their Navis are consumed by Gospel and Rockman’s data disappears.
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The Commander begins to lose hope, until Saloma and Miyuki alert him that a new powerful energy source is heading for Gospel.
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A new bad ass looking Rockman appears face to face with Gospel. Meijin explains that the bug combined with Rockman’s Ultimate Program created a new style change.
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“I am promoting BN3, even though it’s a little late for that at this point”
Wily, who is watching everything from his monitor, wants Gospel to absorb Rockman’s Ultimate Program. Gospel attacks but...
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Bug Style Rockman is compleately OWNING Gospel!
Rockman doesnt seem to be his self since he begins to absorb the bugs created by Gospel.
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Gospel does a sneak attack on Rockman and captures him, it tries to absorb him but the Bug Style is way more powerful than expected because not only does Rockman absorb Gospel, but he quickly begins to absorb everything around him.
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Even with Gospel gone, Rockman isn’t stopping, he continues to absorb data making the whole cyberworld dissapear.
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Rockman seems to be struggling with the power, Netto decides to help him by...Uh... I’m not exactly sure what happend here.
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I’m just as confused as you. Netto walks towards a bright light and is suddenly in cyberworld facing a giant Rockman.
Netto begs Rockman to wake up, but the giant Rockman is somehow able to grab Netto..
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Both Netto and Rockman dissapear into the darkness until something happens, Internet City starts to regenerate along with all the Navis devoured by Gospel including Blues, Airman and Thunderman. Rockman’s Ultimate Program was able to restore the network.
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Wily admits that his plan failed right before the robot he murdered in the last episode stands up and it is revealed that Forte is controling it. Forte walks away, Wily tries to stop him by grabbing his arm but it falls apart, which was cutted from the dub.
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And the episode ends with Netto calling out for Rockman on his PET who then appears announcing that he’s home and everyone welcomes him back.
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What do I think? 
This was a great episode, from Count Elec finally defeating his brother to the whole net being destroyed by Rockman’s new power. This marks the end of the Gospel arc but the season isnt over, there are still five more episodes left.
This is the first and only time we see the Bug Style, the Bug Style is obtained when Rockman battles viruses while having a bug in his system when the player loads a program wrong in the Navi Customizer. In this form, Rockman can get diferent abillities depending on the various bugs you can create, such as having a barrier at the begining of a battle or being able to drain HP from enemies.
The ending makes you wonder what’s going to happen next now that Forte has gained the ability to exist in the real world. Personally, I think we didn’t get to know Forte very well in this season, he only spoke once and that’s not enough to understand his motives. I guess that adds a little mystery to his character since BN3 explains his true origins, even though the anime and the game have diferent storylines.
Something I didn’t understand was why Forte was obsessed with obtaining Rockman’s Ultimate Program in Stream and in the movie. It is explained that he wanted more power in order to counter Duo, the main antagonist of the season, but looking back at the first season it didnt seem that Forte saw Rockman as anything more than just a way for him to get Pharohman’s memories.
 My theory is that when Forte fused with Gospel he couldn’t maintain his form as a reference to the second game where the Forte copy became the Gospel beast after the bug fusion was compleated. So, that might mean that Forte became part of Gospel’s brain, he was still conscious when the Bug Style Rockman appear and beat him up. Forte became intrigue with Rockman’s Ultimate Program because he experienced how powerful it can be. Forte has proven that Rockman is no match for him even with Netto’s help, but he does know that Rockman’s true power is in his Ultimate Program, the power to destroy and regenerate the entire Cyberworld.
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avatar-dragon-rider · 6 years
TIME TO SCREAM (askdklaghlas i was gonna post my commentary but i got distracted by. fucking bleeding eVERYWHERE fuck mother nature)
oh mAN the flashback BABY OLIIIIIVE
“I can only tell Zeke” OH THAT’S NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL
Jared, honey, my dude, baby puppy boy……S T O P DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING
I reaaaaaaaally fucking hate this Griffin guy
oh shit Saanvi, killing the dude is D A R K though her thought process makes sense. almost getting killed by a calling miiiight put a damper on them a bit
I forgot Zeke was a recovering alcoholic sakjfhksf
Zeke honestly what did you expect Jared to do? You haven’t exactly been the most un-creepy, un-suspicious guy in the show as of late
oh boy other scientists are finding the markers that….that does NOT sound good
how DARE this doctor guy use my favorite line ever. “we have to stop meeting like this” fuck OFFFFFFFF
I swear to god if Zeke dies. I don’t exactly like him but I don’t want him to DIE
are they….seriously gonna kill him???? oh DAMN
I honestly feel so bad for Olive. Her dad, brother and aunt are all caught up in these callings, and her mom is actively helping them and Olive was hidden from all of it. She’s just trying so hard to help and I feel so bad for her
i thought Griffin was throwing up but i think he just spit up all the water he was supposed to swallow in the river and honestly that’s So Much Worse. i don’t think he could hold that much water inside him. i’m sick to my stomach just THINKING about it how the fuck did that even happen
okay but if Griffin barfed up all that water…and that’s how he was supposed to die….is Zeke gonna randomly freeze at some point?????
“why are you so obsessed with him” TAKE A GUESS, MICK
ooooh that’s a good theory. abusing the callings leads to the death you were meant to have before the alien consciousness entered your brain. i like it
what’s with the emphasis on the time of death slkjdhflksdahk
my mom just goes “this is the finale and it’s not explaining shit” SHLASFKLDAJSHA I’M LIKE “WELL PAR FOR THE COURSE THEN”
i just realized this is our last scream session until next season i’m sAD NOW
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bronzeflower · 5 years
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Chapter 21: The Rappest Conversation
Also on ao3
It was your self-imposed day off, so you started the day by sleeping until afternoon. After making yourself breakfast and eating it, you played Slime Rancher for about two hours because it was a nice relaxing game that Roxy bought you for Gristmas last year.
Everything was peaceful. Nothing could possibly ruin this.
Oh look. John was pestering you. You hadn't talked to him in while, even though he was your best bro. You guessed both of you have been pretty busy lately.
-- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
EB: hey, dave! EB: we haven’t spoken in ages!
TG: yeah man its been entirely too long TG: ive turned to dust while you were gone TG: ive become one with the desert and sand TG: im the sand on the beach that gets stuck inside an oyster TG: and the oyster is like what the hell are you doing here you dumbass motherfucking sand TG: im here to ruin your life oyster TG: thats basically my job TG: why are you doing this you tiny bit of sand TG: i already answered that question TG: okay fine be that way says the oyster TG: ill just turn you into a pearl so that youre no longer stabbing me everywhere TG: and then i was transformed into a dope ass pearl TG: the prettiest goddamn pearl in all the land TG: im turned into one of a pair of earrings that are sold for more that your life is worth TG: im bought by a rich woman looking for jewelry to show off TG: its passed down through the generations until the wealth they had dwindles and runs out TG: so now the earrings are sold for a dollar just to get the money for food that night TG: its a tragic tale TG: anyway TG: how are you doing
EB: dave, did you copy and paste an entire act of a play into this chat?
TG: what no TG: it is all natural and organic typing from scratch going on here TG: absolutely no foul play involved and to even imply such is an insult to my craft
EB: alright, fine! EB: i will not insult your “masterpiece” anymore. EB: if you can even call it that.
TG: oh wow sick burn TG: but like seriously speaking how is your stuff going TG: like the comedy stuff TG: have you yet to release an hour long special containing your hilarious jokes TG: and like half of the time is taken up by people laughing at them so its not even a true hour long special its more like a half hour long special and you didnt even manage to make it through all the material you had prepared TG: you know like you did in school where you accidentally prepared too much for a presentation and then get cut off because your time is up TG: and you still have like an hour and half left of material that youve collected that ended up just being a pile of wasted effort
EB: maybe not to that extreme. EB: :P EB: i haven't gotten my show up on netflix yet, but i am certainly planning on it! EB: watch out for it!
TG: do you still have that one person booing you at a bunch of your shows
EB: yeah, it is getting pretty annoying at this point, but i don't really want to do something like call security to remove someone for booing at my show. EB: that just seems as little bit over kill.
TG: i thought you were going to do a comedy sketch about them
EB: oh yeah! EB: i forgot about that.
TG: who are you jade harley
EB: what! EB: jade is great at remembering things!
TG: shes really not she just has a really fucking good system for making certain she remembers things TG: she has to build a physical barrier to her door so that she doesnt forget her keys TG: and she has so many keys to her house they are literally everywhere
EB: huh. EB: i guess i havent really visited jade in a while, have i?
TG: i would highly recommend going to her place at some point TG: and just hanging out with her in general TG: although youd probably have to plan a whole trip for it TG: just like TG: drop by or whatever next time youre where shes currently living
EB: messaging her might be a little bit more practical.
TG: yeah probably TG: anyway you really should get on writing that sketch about the lady I booing you
EB: yeah probably.
TG: yeah man how else are you going to get back at her TG: also when you finally do perform it please tell me what happened TG: or send me a recording of it TG: jk ill buy the recording TG: i always buy the recordings of your shows TG: but youll have to tell me which recording its in so that i can prepare myself
EB: maybe i won’t tell you which recording it’s in just so you're surprised by it. EB: like a schrodinger’s recording.
TG: does that mean you might be dead in one of them
EB: i hate to tell you this now dave, but i’m actually a ghost.
TG: shit ive been friends with a ghost this whole time thats actually pretty fucking dope TG: how do you do comedy sketches as a ghost TG: with the whole intangible thing TG: also with the people not being able to see you thing TG: wait TG: i wouldnt be able to message you if you were completely intangible TG: you must be a poltergeist or something TG: is there anything i can do to help you pass on
EB: yeah, you have to burn my body. EB: that’s what they do in all of the supernatural movies and shows where there’s a ghost.
TG: alright i am fully prepared to do that TG: i however have absolutely no idea where your grave is
EB: i know where your grave is.
TG: well thats not ominous at all TG: i dont even have a grave
EB: as far as you know.
TG: are you telling me that im dead TG: am i also a ghost
EB: i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner! EB: but yes we’re both ghosts. EB: i was supposed to wait for you to figure it out yourself, but it’s taking so long, so i guess i got a little impatient. EB: :B
TG: yeah but i still dont remember anything about dying or anything like that
EB: maybe you'll remember someday. EB: i’ve got to go right about now though. EB: i compromised my mission, and now i have to go through remedial training.
TG: ill wish you luck
EB: who needs luck when you have skill?
TG: okay then no good luck from me TG: i take it back TG: youve got this handled due to the sheer amount of awesomeness you have
-- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: oh no they got you TG: i know i said i didnt wish you good luck but i actually did TG: you cant give back a good luck TG: you can never give back a good luck TG: the blessing is yours now forever and ever TG: or however long you live i guess TG: thats going to take a butt load of time TG: anyway TG: i should probably get going too TG: instead of just having a conversation by myself after you left TG: and like go and have a conversation with someone else TG: maybe with jade TG: i havent talked to jade in a while TG: wonder how her pumpkins are doing TG: i wonder if shes harvested them yet TG: or if its even time for that TG: i swear i do actually listen when she talks about gardening TG: but i dont remember what half the harvest times for a bunch of the vegetables she grows TG: dont tell her that TG: or do TG: she probably already knows TG: shes always had a tendency to know things that other people would have absolutely no clue of knowing about TG: anyway TG: ill pester you again at some point eventually TG: ill go pester jade instead now TG: see ya
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: yo jade how are your pumpkins doing TG: is it about time to harvest them or anything TG: or has that already happened TG: when do people harvest pumpkins again
GG: ive harvested them!
TG: awesome were they tasty
GG: of course they were!!! GG: i made pumpkin pie and roasted pumpkin seeds GG: and then i sold all the leftover pumpkins
TG: yeah what kind of profit did that turn
GG: quite a bit, actually! GG: especially with the fact that pumpkins are basically weeds GG: because they grow back no matter what you do GG: no GG: matter GG: what GG: but people fucking love pumpkins during the fall seasons
TG: yeah everyone goes batshit for that kind of stuff TG: got that pumpkin spice everywhere TG: and colorful trees and sweater weather TG: unless you live in the south TG: then there are just two seasons TG: summer and cooler summer
GG: those were basically the seasons on the island i grew up on too GG: im so glad i get to see snow where i live now!!! GG: i always wanted to play in it growing up!!!
TG: tbh we should coordinate and try to play in the snow together at some point
GG: yes!!! GG: but, no GG: :( GG: itd be way too difficult to coordinate that kind of thing
TG: yeah probably TG: but maybe one day if we happened to be in the same area and it happened to snow TG: we could get together and play in the snow and build snowpeople and snow angles
GG: dont you mean snow angels?
TG: i meant what i said TG: were gonna be drawing angles in the snow TG: forty five degrees sixty degrees one hundred and eighty degrees TG: well have all the angles right there written in the snow because no one can tell us what to do
GG: i still think id rather make snow angels though
TG: fair enough TG: you stick with your boring old snow angels TG: and ill have a fantastic time making all my fucking snow angles
GG: :/ GG: you do that, i guess GG: i still think making snow angels will be more fun!
TG: suit yourself TG: anyway im being messaged by someone else so ive gotta bounce
GG: alrighty, see ya!
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
GC: D4V3
TG: terezi
TG: well it would seem that im being framed for murder and no one told me
TG: wouldnt you be unable to participate in the trial because you have a bias because were friends
TG: no idea TG: does it matter
TG: nice
GC: H3H3H3H3H3H3
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: so what stuck itself up your ass
TG: what meme i have no idea what meme your talking about
TG: i dont even know what a meme is TG: you could hear me say that but i pronounced meme as me me TG: because thats how little i know about memes TG: ive never even seen one in my life TG: you dont have any proof that tz showed me the meme that you are talking about like less than five minutes ago about the ten page rant that you sent to complain about my channel
TG: please spare me i have a family
TG: youre right i dont have kids TG: not in reality TG: imaginary kids TG: all running around and being great and fantastic and not fucked up at all TG: thats the fucking dream
TG: why do you even care so much about a meme TG: its a meme and its harmless fun TG: even if it does include a picture of you topless
TG: why would i want to keep it TG: maybe i already deleted it TG: maybe i didnt even save it TG: also why do you want me to delete so bad TG: its not much in the way of blackmail TG: who could possibly use it against you
TG: thats specific
TG: k
TG: sure if it really matters to you that much ill make sure to get rid of it TG: you can tell me why at another time TG: i get if its too personal to talk about or whatever TG: sometimes that kind of thing happens TG: there we go TG: deleted photo
-- carcinoGeneticist [CG] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
AC: :33< *ac prowls up to the unsuspecting crow* AC: :33< *she asks meow the crow is doing!*
TG: *the crow says hes doing well and asks the same of the cat*
AC: :33< im fine! AC: :33< im meowstly just double checking the date and time we agr33d on for tea
TG: yeah im still on that day TG: just cant believe it in like a month and a half TG: seems like an almost unnecessary time to plan in advance
AC: :33< but it is a really meowfurlous tea place! AC: :33< its just a little exclawsive, so youve got to make reservations a bit in advance
TG: yeah i get that but the main question here is the dress code TG: can i show up in my jeans and hoodie or do ive got to pull out the singular suit i have TG: its bright red so i cant exactly wear it to black tie events
AC: :33< it s33ms more like mew should wear brunch attire
TG: khakis and a polo shirt got it
AC: ://< i guess thats brunch attire AC: :33< i would wear something a little nicer though
TG: so more like colorful khakis with a button down shirt that can hold cufflinks
AC: :33< yeah thats s33ms more appropriate AC: :33< mew could always ask kanya~a for advice on what to wear
TG: yeah im probably going to do that TG: also that cat pun in her name that you did was the best think ive heard all day ten out of ten would use again
AC: :33< thank mew! AC: :33< i like to give all meow furends cat pun names! AC: :33< its kind of hard to come up with them for some people though
TG: yeah im not sure how you can make a cat pun from dave TG: its pretty much impossible but if you do manage to do it i will be supremely impressed
AC: :33< meowbe a rhyming thing? AC: :33< like cavedave or something? AC: :33< but that makes you sound like some sort of caveman AC: :((< and thats not really cute
TG: maybe adding a hobby of mine of some sort to my name TG: like rapping TG: like rapnap dave or something TG: cause it sounds kind of like catnap
AC: :33< that certainly is a lot cuter! AC: :33< ill consider it! AC: :33< but ive got to go meow so we can talk later
TG: cool
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
Since you were clearly talking to all your friends today, you might as well see if Aradia’s online as well. You’re pretty sure she was, and since you probably won’t get to contact her for a while, you might as well message her now.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
TG: have you finally figured out how im going to die TG: or divined that kind of shit yet TG: saw it in the clouds or something TG: my hot as hell dead body floating in the water staining the fluid and polluting the river and making it muddy with red TG: taking a stabbing and falling and dying before i could ask if it was something i said TG: choking to death, clubbing to death TG: hit through the chest with some white magic TG: bleeding and crying as they take their last breath TG: its all just so horrible and tragic TG: having every single one of these dreams TG: but i think i know that theyre memories TG: had these nightmares since i was a kid TG: always wondered if it was something i did TG: cause they made me scared of clowns swords and puppets TG: made me too scared to watch even the muppets TG: but they’re not just mine cause it’s not always my body TG: lying on the ground looking super fucking shoddy TG: and all i can feel is the oppression and fear TG: of letting go of all we hold dear TG: stabbed with a sword we did abhor TG: all the death and the violence and blood TG: overwhelmed us like a flood TG: but try as we might we had no chance TG: we were always meant to lose this dance TG: alright im done that was a dope ass fucking rap thanks folks for listening to how awesome that was
AA: you will die on the twentieth day of april in the year of 2069 from drug overdose
TG: nice
AA: also your rap was both cool and concerning
TG: yeah im not sure if i actually thought at all about what i just said in that rap TG: so basically i forgot everything that i just wrote
AA: thats the beauty of a messaging platform AA: you can just scroll up and reread what you wrote
TG: im sorry im suddenly unable to read
AA: wow AA: youre really going to do this
TG: yes and i have no regrets TG: hi im jared im nineteen and i never fucking learned how to read
AA: your name is dave
TG: shit TG: caught in the lie TG: what time will i have to spend in jail officer
AA: well since im not a cop AA: none! AA: but im still curious about whatever the hell was going on with that rap
TG: maybe you should respond with the stuff thats bothering you in rap form TG: do a little rap battle TG: but like TG: with feelings and shit TG: you can talk about whats bothering you and then i can elaborate on the fuckery in my rap
AA: alright i dont see why not AA: it will probably help us both AA: my heart and my brains been pulled taught AA: stuck between work and the one that i love AA: cant help my job fits me like a glove AA: but i cant stop thinking about my matesprit AA: how hes gonna face it AA: cause he says he supports me AA: and he says that he agrees AA: with putting my job first and foremost AA: while he sits in one place and holds post AA: i didnt mind too much before AA: we had all i could adore AA: but since he proposed were going to be married AA: i just dont know if that life should be carried
TG: well that sounds like something you should talk about TG: because not doing so might leave you in a drought TG: in your relationship where miscommunications TG: might lead to decimation TG: or more likely just breaking up TG: but you dont want that to burn up TG: so just have a talk with him about your concern TG: and then your love will continue to burn
AA: did you just rhyme up with up
TG: dont judge me im trying to help
AA: your advice was good but i can still judge you for your lack of slam poetry skills
TG: hey ill have you know im the best in the business
AA: must be a very small business
TG: wow TG: i cant believe my own moirail would do this to me
AA: you know i had to do it to em
TG: i hate you and everything that you stand for
AA: likewise AA: aside from that AA: do you want to talk about those dreams you mentioned at the start of this conversation
TG: i will only answer that if you ask me in a rap
AA: what the fuck was up with those dreams AA: you seem to be tearing at the seems AA: with all the death and the dying AA: and it might seems like im lying AA: but ive had those too AA: hit in the face and bid me adieu AA: except im a ghost and dead AA: dont know how but i bled AA: then im a frog for some reason AA: it has something to do with treason AA: then a robot that i hated AA: someones kinks that were stated AA: then i blow up again and again AA: wake up in pajamas the color of cayenne AA: and thats when i know that im alive AA: and i know for a fact that i will thrive
TG: always thought that i was alone in this TG: but i guess im not so now ill remiss TG: on all these nightmares ive had TG: that were all really bad TG: i always thought it was because of my childhood TG: never thought that i would be old enough to get to my knighthood TG: thought i was going to die alone TG: thought they wouldnt even find a bone TG: thought no would care if i was gone TG: always felt like i didnt belong TG: i thought the dreams were a message, an order TG: to finally get rid of the disorder TG: that was me theyd promised id be free TG: but i still desperately wanted to be TG: alive and awake and active and happy TG: excuse me if this starts to get a bit sappy TG: but i wanted love TG: i wanted to be above TG: my bro who so obviously hated me TG: and everyone i know would agree TG: so no matter how much i wanted to die TG: there was always something just keeping me alive TG: a wish or a kiss or a day that gets better TG: a time when i get to open a letter TG: theres something to live for something to survive for TG: going and traveling and taking a tour TG: listening to music when i feel depressed TG: going outside when i feel repressed TG: reminding myself its gonna be alright TG: in order to tell myself not to go towards the light
AA: feeling alive is good
TG: yeah TG: it is TG: thanks for listening
AA: thank you for listening! AA: thats what being moirails is all about AA: listening to each other and doing our best to comfort each other AA: although i guess thats what friendship is about too AA: moirail is more of a formal title
TG: i get that TG: someones messaging me now though so i guess this is where we can end our convo
AA: dont be a stranger!
TG: not planning to be one TG: <>
`AA: <>
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering apocalypseArisen [AA] --
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
TT: Hello.
TG: yes just come up and start a chat using the most generic fucking greeting in the entire goddamn world TG: thats exactly how you start a conversation with someone youve known for years TG: start conversations by calling your friends a bitch like the rest of us
TT: I’m pretty sure I would like to have a little more class than that.
TG: ill bring you down to my level one day
TT: I will do my best to resist going down that low.
TG: listen TG: im pretty sure you dont have to go that far
TT: Wow. TT: Rude.
TG: thats a more appropriate way to talk to your brother
TT: I’ll be certain to use more crass language when greeting you next time I make the decision to start a conversation with you.
TG: anyway what did you want to talk to me about
TT: I would like to invite you to my party celebrating the release of my new book. TT: It takes place in a month at my house.
TG: you mean your big ass mansion
TT: Yes, I suppose that is an apt description of the location where I reside. TT: I suggest you dress formally for the occasion. TT: You can wear the suit that you had recently tailored for you.
TG: oh yeah the one kanaya made that feels like the softest goddamn plush toy in the childrens aisle
TT: Yes, please wear that one.
TG: alrighty sounds good to me
TT: Not going to argue about wearing jeans and a T-shirt instead?
TG: nah TG: not this time at least TG: im kind of excited to wear the one kanaya made anyway TG: especially since its the first suit that i actually kind of like
TT: Well, I look forward to seeing you at my party in a suit. TT: For now, I must go and give a few others personal invitations.
TG: k you do that
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
You proceeded to play videos games for the rest of the day because it was, in fact, your day off. You had to spend some of it by yourself after all.
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boglog · 6 years
HoC Onion !
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[TW mention of sexual abuse/violence]
I’m foregoing the pros/cons format here but generally-speaking my negative points are still gathered at the top w the highlights near the end.
Obviously, between letting a sex offender have a platform in mass media and potholes, I’d choose the latter. My below crits absolutely are not a demand for Spacey to be brought back and he can die in a fire for all i care. I just wish his character’s absence was not the nº1 reason for this season not making any sense
as far as i can gather, this season’s primary arc is as much about Frank’s death (in lieu of Doug’s) as it is Claire’s emotional and political divorce from Frank while she undergoes your traditional postbreakup analysis of who she was pre Frank and post Frank and were Frank actually there this idea might have legs
...but instead we have Doug ://
the level of intensity that the plot demands cannot be carried by forcing Doug into being a deeper character than he was intended, all the way until the end, he truly just reads as either a pitiful sadist or a henchman. It’s disharmonious and dangerously close to bad. 
Frances Underwood makes more sense if Frank dies in episode 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s literally going to be his reincarnation!!!!!!!
literally...who cares if Doug gets stabbed by Frank’s letter opener? whomst?
Doug can’t be Frank’s proxy, but sans a certain pedoph*le, the plot will just have to suffer. 
Other side effects of Doug’s undeserved promotion include but are not limited to: 
forcing Doug to share the role of antagonist with the Shepards, yet another New Villain © that feels totally unnecessary and confusing (the Conways at least got two seasons)
Frank’s diary feels forced and out of character for someone decidedly so unsentimental  
How does Claire have a bun in the oven when she clearly didnt sleep with Frank for all of season 5 and locked herself in her room while he was being assassinated? How is a Dramatic paternity test not going to be insisted upon in the show’s universe?
fixation on Frank’s will as a McGuffin is really... I don't know boring considering no one cares for the guy? What property of his does claire stand to lose? I’m sure the rich people fandom can speculate but i honestly needed this manifested in the show via some examples instead of the grand abstraction that is The Will bc losing Frank’s assets would set Claire back but it would not directly threaten her presidency. Not to mention that i’m not entirely sure Frank’d have Doug of all people as his sole heir if it didn't serve as revenge against Claire, which just lowers Doug’s importantance even more
Frank never cared for Doug, a largely unlikeable character, which we already knew from the beginning, so Doug’s entire arc is pathetic at best as well as his tangential inclusion in the Cliare v Frank arc
My major problems with Doug’s character began as early as season 4. 
Did not understand why they didn't actually have Doug switch sides by joining the Dunbar campaign in earnest in season 4. Like... it’s such an obvious opportunity to Thicken The Plot © that it’s reached this gif levels of dropping the ball:
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P much everything about Doug’s character since then is just so.... lacking, while for the last few seasons they give him depth when he magically has empathy for one (1) woman before she dies (possibly as a direct result of his actions). This entire plot about him evaluating why he was so loyal to Frank could've been unpacked whilst he avoids Dunbar finding out about the murders he did commit. I’d rather him having agency than be a flat, troubled underling.
Aright I'm going to stop complaining about Doug. In season 3 and 4, his insecurity over being replaced and his sacrifices for Frank (and subsequent guilt) came close to giving us a real Moment with him as we delve more into how colourless his life outside of work really is. But beyond that, when his character started getting repetitive, there’s very little to compensate for his alternating acts of extreme narcissism/violence versus his childish confusion / self pity when he doesn’t get what he wants.
Anyways I'm basically at a point where I’d be okay if Frank’s long-lost cousin replaced Doug replacing Frank 
I’m appreciating the writers’ distinct refrain from plot formats and that the seasons progressively move towards the Underwoods but what if just for circularity and added balance we return to having a full-on reporter B plot in s6? More emphasis on Janine and Tom’s sleuthing, culminating in Tom’s assassination and Janine publishing the tell-all expose against Frank---including a reference to Zoe---that becomes the magnum opus of her career (and Claire using that against Frank). I just think the season needed more balance that Doug, the Shepards and Tom were not offering 
The Shepards and Tom, meanwhile, are decidedly banal. First of all, I had a hard time even telling Bill and Tom apart esp given that they were introduced one after the other. All white guys are the same.
Bill just kind of sits around until he has a platform to reference his favourite action movies doesn't he?
Moreover what does Tom do!? he doesn't want power, he doesnt seem to want anything. He’s just kind of there?
Unlike the Conways, the Shepards don’t have a clear goal and are not often in direct conflict with Claire the way Frank and Conway were. They want to control the presidency for money and Claire is always bouncing back from reliving her girlhood to political rivalry w Anette, yes, but what does that mean? What are the consequences? The logistics are so indirect and complicated, what precisely does Anette want? And why does anyone care? The Shepards are extremely boring.
Frank’s asides were purple and long af so I appreciate Claire’s succinct style not to mention her fantastic screen presence. I’m left to wonder, though, if maybe hers and every other aside in HoC is a little too on the nose. Like, they didn't hafta spell it out that the bird in the wall was a representation of Frank’s shadow trapping her, I think we got that 
The artistic intercuts to Claire’s troubled childhood wherein a group of bullies coerce her into stripping naked through the forest, while visually stunning and clever for its self-explanatory nature, feel really passive. They don't visually show us any reason for her not to resist, the bullies even let her keep her clothes after cutting them off her so we’re left to wonder why she does nothing....
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Claire was raised to be ~proper~ so her resistance (likely) comes in the form of biting, passive-aggressive poise which is hard to get across in a silent montage but it just feels.. weird
Frances Underwood is going to have a very sad childhood
nearly all the Claire flashbacks are cinematic masterpieces and as much i think Claire’s backstory deserves more attention, i also appreciate the minimalism and the choice humanising moments of her adolescence 
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listen I'm sure we all agree Robin Wright is peak acting but the actor for young Claire, who has the arguably harder task of copying Wright is fantastic 
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Of all the characters who crop up every season seemingly out of nowhere only to disappear once more once when the plot the Underwoods are done with them, Jane is one of my favourites and possibly one of the greyest characters alive. Smart, mysterious, worldly, a bit of a hippie despite her job, severe despite her sense of humour. Really loves her extremely pedestrian surname. We stan.
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Secondary characters rarely get anything close to a backstory on this show, esp ones that were introduced so late. Still, her motivations seem more complicated then others (i.e. betraying Cathy, one of two people she cares about) and I wonder if they deserve a bit more of an explanation. Especially seeing as she has a relationship with every major character.
If anyone deserves a spin-off it might be Jane and her name-dropping career/social life
Cathy faking her own death with a terrible french accent? On stan !!!
Seth teasing Doug even while he’s completely undervalued by everyone around him is a power move
Impressed that they managed three characters named Tom, their distinctly different appearances and the fact that they're almost never in the same POV shots works to separate them.
Claire using the word “female” even facetiously is cringe
Whenever they use the cinema room, the movie they watch is always symbolic. Before the 2017 election, Frank and Claire imitate the characters in Double Indemnity, and this season a pregnant claire watches Rosemary’s Baby. Clever.
i liked the whitehouse tour guide’s inclusion and the cameo from _____ though this season was especially white without their usual token secondary character
So overall i liked season 6 as an exploration of Claire’s character even while it did v little justice to most of the other characters and unfortunately spacey’s absence did affect the storyline
and finally: that cinnamontography !
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Not that the series should be pushed past its prime, but wouldn’t it be interesting to see Claire as a mother?
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itsakurl · 6 years
My Reason | LTY
Genre: fluff, angsty  [warning: suicidal mentions]
Word Count: 2130
Part 1: Just a quick errand
Part 2: Unordinary school day
Part 3: Reminiscing
“ You know...You miss him like hell.  Even though you two still talk...you haven't seen him since graduation.  You’ve just been traveling too much the past year that you weren't able to go back home where he was working his ass off as a singer.  You were happy for him though, that he was able to follow his dreams. “
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It's been one year.  A whole year since you graduated out of that hell of a high school.   What had adulthood been like to you? Well, it’s better….you’ve become more confident, independent, and happier.  A whole new world for you……Okay, you admit….youve rewatched Alladin too many times over the years.  The soundtrack is starting to get to you.  
Well, nevermind that.  You were taking a trip into the hillsides of Japan.  Since you graduated, you decided you just wanted to take a trip.  A trip somewhere nice to where you’ll actually enjoy your time there.  Your parents were moving back to your old neighborhood where you grew up to retire and so you sold the majority of your things to be able to go on the trip, of course with the help from your parents.
The mountains beautifully inclined through your walking path as you continued step by step.  Tall trees overhead blocked the sun, letting small little snippets of light pass through the leaves creating the lit up the pathway.  
It's cherry blossom season.  Well, that's what the Old lady that saw you at the base of the hillside told you.  You stood still.  Looking up at the cherry blossom tree that happened to pass your way.  There you stood, staring at the tree as people walked around you.  After each passing wind, more and more cherry blossom petals fell from it...but you kept your stance.
Its been a Year.  A year since you and him went your separate ways.  Just a big ceremony could change a whole lifetime.  One moment you two are happy, ready to move on with your lives...and then you two are there, crying your eyes out as you walk out of the event.  
You still stared at the cherry blossom tree.  The petals still falling from all wi-
“Excuse me! Miss! Do you know where the shop is?” A young man that looked to be somewhere in his late twenties along with who seemed to be his wife and toddler.  “We tried to find it for the past thirty minutes...but we haven't even stumbled upon it yet…”  The wife spoke as she managed to get your attention by the crying baby.  
You were lucky to have passed the shop that was a few feet down the hill so you couple helps the lost family.  “Hmm..oh yeah, follow me” you started to lead them with no more words of explanation.  At least you’re doing them some good.
You know...You miss him like hell.  Even though you two still talk...you haven't seen him since graduation.  You’ve just been traveling too much the past year that you weren't able to go back home where he was working his ass off as a singer.  You were happy for him though, that he was able to follow his dreams.  One of his group members was from Japan and a couple of them were from China, so everywhere you went for your year-long trip...there was some talk about him.  It felt weird though.  You would see his picture in a few magazines and a couple of ads when you walked down the big cities in the places you visit.  
You weren't forgotten though...he still talks to you as much as he can, as well as calls you and face times you to catch up on each other’s lives...but why do you feel like that's not enough?!  Its been so long since you were able to see him face to face.  To talk to him in person...to hear him, to see him, to touch him.  To hear his soothing words that made you happy, the soft pats and hugs that perked you up when you were down...all of that, you missed.  Why did it ever have to en-
“Thank you, miss! Have a good day!” there it was.  The giant gift shop that held endless things.... it's a pretty big store….how in the hell did they place it on the side of a hill? The world may never know.  A gush of wind passed you, making you shiver.  
There it was again.  Another cherry blossom, now landing directly into your hand.  That's odd...maybe it's global warming….haha okay, but yeah, the cherry blossom thingy was weird, but its pretty….just a small perfect cherry blossom, touched by only the gushing wind.  You’re going to keep it.  
It's too pretty to throw away.
You headed back to your hotel, placing the cherry blossom on the desk in the corner of the room as you collapsed on your bed, passing out from the exhaustion that built into you.
There you were.  Staring once more at the dead cherry blossom flower that lay on your desk.  Would it have survived if you put it on water? You were never the flower fanatic anyways.  Death is something.  Maybe the flower was bound to die, but why so quickly?  It was just spring and the cherry blossoms are falling, one by one...dying as soon as they touch the ground.
They don't die on the tree.  That's the beauty of it you guessed….people only see them on the as they bloom new beautiful flowers...after they fall, no one cares about them.  They just die as winter comes until they reminisce the flowers that were there before.
It was too stuffy in your hotel room anyways.  You need to get food and the closest store was a few blocks away.  It was 11:36 am...it was almost lunch so you really should get something to eat.  Food, utensils, and a drink...that all you need right? Yes.  Okay, Lets Do This!
The convenience store, that is 7-11 because that place is great, was surprisingly huge.  It's like a whole target in a convenience store.  No one had noticed you come in, which was good...you were still in decent clothes...the ones you slept in yeah, so its better for people not to notice you right?
You walked through the aisles of the 7-11 and stumbled upon the huge, wait sorry….the HUGE ramen section you’ve ever seen.  Now that you think about it, why haven't you come to this 7-11 since you’ve been in Japan? You missed out on so many opportunities omg.
There it was.  You’re favorite Ramen that you and Taeyong used to eat every time he would come over to your house after school...Yeah, you knew it was unhealthy...but it was just spending time with him that mattered, not the ramen.  Even though the ramen was delicious.
Is that it? Is that all you came for? Oh god, now the cashiers are going to notice you. They are going to know that you just woke up because of how horrible you look, and including that you're only going to buy ramen?! That's an unhealthy lifestyle that you really don't want people to know….oh no! Okay, you should put the rame back.  There are salads...make you look healthy...wait, it might look like you’re trying too ha-
“Excuse me, ma’am..is there anything I can help you with?”  dammit, someone noticed you.
“N-no thank you...it goes-” Wait...why did that voice sound so familiar? You stared at your ramen for a good second until you turned your head towards the person who just asked the question.  After that, it seemed like time stopped.  
“T.Taeyong!?” He smirked at your reaction as he took the ramen out of your hand.  “I haven't eaten this in awhile, you mind buying me on-” You attacked him with your hug that added your love and affection.  That man was stuck in your head for months...It's not like you to just stand there and give him a simple hello until he was on his way out of your life.
“I missed you too y/n..”Taeyong patted your head after he hugged the life out of you.  
“Why are you here?”
“What?! You don't want your best friend here! I'm hurt”
“NO! I mean...i thought you were promoting in Korea...that's all”
“Well, the managers finally gave me a vacation...so, I came here”  Taeyong grabbed about 6 ramen cups and placed it into your hands.  “Six? Are you trying to kill us?”  You weren't that concerned about the amount of ramen, but like, Taeyong was now one of those ‘Popular Lovie Dovie kpop idols girls scream for’ and you don't want to the be witness to him ruining his health.
“Shh! We are spending quality time together AND ramen is going to be our life support”  He paid for it at least…
You and Taeyong spent the whole day together.  The truth was that the whole NCT U came on a trip to Japan for Yuta, but he had to come to you since he missed you like hell...who would’ve known amirite?  Anyways, You and Taeyong just laying on top of one another, watching sappy romance movies as you gobbled down your ramen and even ordered room service.  You two missed these days.  The days when you two could just spend together and not give two shits about the next day.  You and Taeyong were the unstoppable two, and you knew it.
“Do you remember that day I called sick into work to just spent time with you?” Taeyong spoke up as you lay on his chest, watching the romanticized date that played in those ‘top grossing’ movies that randomly popped up on Netflix.  
“Hmm… yeah, why?”  
“Did I ever tell you that my boss caught me when I was running home and made me do the closing shift?”
“What really? You should of went to work!” you shouted, lightly slapping his chest until you realized something, furrowing your eyebrows, “wait...didnt I call you to hang out? Why did you call in sick?”
“I was thinking about you, that's why…”
“Aww, you care” you smiled as you hugged him.  “Of course I do...anyways, what were you doing that made you call me?”  it was now or never… it's not like this was worse than anything else you did for him to deal with.
“Writing...a note.” Taeyong hugged you, indicating that you didn't have to further explain the note.  “You were...the reason I guess…”
“The reason?”
“Yeah...you, Taeyong, was my reason.  You know, my reason to stay, my reason to not leave… If you never helped me that day oof...what would have happened?”
“That carl, that random old dude at the store that looked like a complete profile, would have helped you and steal you from me”
“Yeah exactly” you two laughed,  you were happy.  And specifically, you were happy with your best friend by your side.  
All those movies, shows, books you watched and read, you could ask for any happy ending in them...the one you had now was all you could ask for.  It doesn't matter if you would have died.  If Taeyong became your boyfriend.  Even if you went any different path with your life...all that could make you happy was now, and you accomplished it.
The time you spent with Taeyong at the park the day after you two first met, you felt something.  At the time, you couldn't figure out what it could be, but now you know.  It took you a year to figure things out...but that's the time sacrifice.
You felt love.  Love for Taeyong, love for your life, love for you.  You were able to create this passion to live that previously died inside of you.  Taeyong was there to help spark it, but you were the one who needed to make the fire inside you bigger.
The Cherry blossom is a symbol of Beauty.  The beauty of life that is short.  That's why after each petal falls, it dies almost immediately.  But there's always that one person who would replant those cherry blossoms, restating a beautiful life one more for the spring.
The cherry blossoms are here for beauty.  They die once they fall… but in the worst, their reason for living are those who plant them…
You are here for changing the world for the better good.  One of these days you’ll feel out of place like you don't belong... But even in your worst, you’ll find your reason...
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