#that is useful even if he does move afterwards because it's internationally recognised
mwydyn · 2 years
It's very weird being in a relationship for about 3 months and knowing his visa runs out in just over a year like weird to think very hypothetically but also sort of seriously about my future and where I want to live but only if things workout but there's not been any reason to think it won't but it's only been 3 months but I really care about him
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cripplingaddictions · 4 years
Haikyuu boys when you get injured playing your sport pt.2
Oikawa, Tsukishima, Tendo, Asahi, Kageyama
Summary: The first one was really fun to write, so here is part 2! This is some others and how I think they’d react when you get hurt during sport!
Warnings: Explicit mention of blood and open wounds
A/N: I’d like to thank everyone for over 100 followers! Yes, I know that doesn’t seem like many but it’s a big deal to me, so thank you!! I also appreciate the patience with my messed up writing schedule <3 ...Tendo’s got really long and Kageyama’s got a little angsty whoops 
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As one who suffers from a sport injury himself, Oikawa is constantly aware of the possibility
Reminds you before every game of hockey to stay safe
His tone may be lighthearted when he says it, but he’s very serious
He knows the ins and outs of stretching and the recovery process for injuries
Usually, he doesn’t come to your games, mostly because he’s busy or he's afraid of getting recognised
When you get home or see him next, he’d ask out the game and listen with excitement and interest
He definitely does research on the game too
This time, he was so glad he went
To avoid being recognised, he wore a cap and sunglasses, standing at the back of the spectators
His height allowed him to easily watch you from the crowd
You were really hyped for the game, knowing your opponents were going to be tough
Unfortunately, your team was struggling with the game
The other team was scoring goal after goal, and you couldn’t keep up
You ran back to defend the goal, in the way for an approaching player
They were ready to score, and you were ready to dive in
The urgency and pressure of the situation got to your head, and you ran towards them with anger
You let out a cry, charging towards the hockey ball
In the back of your mind, you knew Oikawa wouldn’t be impressed with how you lost your patience
And you were right
He treaded closer to the game, his eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed
“Y/N... Don’t get ahead of yourself”
He whispered, wishing you could hear him
Your opponent placed the ball in position to swing for goal
But you had gotten too far ahead of yourself
They swung their hockey stick
Your ankle was in the way
Usually, you wouldn’t be too bothered, bruises littering your ankle for a week after
This time, the stick was made of aluminium
The impact and pain that shot through your ankle brought you to the ground
Pain unbearable, you dropped your own stick and held your food
“Ow, ow, ow”
You mumbled sloppily, tears, saliva, and snot dribbling over your lips
You wanted to stand up and keep playing but the pain continued like an unforgiving clamp tightening on your ankle
Suddenly aware of how you look, you wiped your mouth from the fluids
You heard a whistle blow, but the pain caused for stars to dance in your vision
“Y/N-chan, eyes up here”
The stars from your eyes cleared, the sight of your boyfriend crouching next to you on the field shining through
You couldn’t form words, not that they would have helped
He immediately moved to take your shoe off, seeing how it had already started to swell 
It blew up like a balloon before your very eyes
“I’ll carry you”
Oikawa whispered, sliding an arm around your back and the other securely under your knees
Lifting you up, he escorted you off the field
He didn’t let you ride in the ambulance your coach called by yourself, holding your hand the whole way
It was definitely a bad break, being a pain through the recovery process as you could hardly apply any pressure on the foot
You were in a cast, and Oikawa wrote a lovey-dovey message on it that took up half the space
Once you were out of it Oikawa knew all the right physiological stretches in order to get you back on your feet to play again
He did a great job taking care of you, and you couldn't thank him more
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Doesn’t effect your relationship that you were into swimming as that was not why he loved you
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like how you are training so hard for it
It’s the passion and love for swimming that he wishes he had for volleyball
To be honest, Tsukishima wouldn’t be worried about you getting hurt
He thinks swimming is not a very hazardous sport
Which is fairly true, so you don’t get injured during a specific race or anything
Your injury shows up slowly over time
Originally you shook it off, expecting that the soreness in your shoulders was just your muscles tired after a long two hours of lap after lap
However, it started getting worse, and you began to tell Tsukishima your concerns
He’d say something like, “Then just take your time at training. I can’t do anything about it. What did you expect me to say?”
Let’s be real, he’s kind of worried
Especially as he began to notice how you would wince after taking your bag off your shoulders, or if you reached up to the top shelf
The day he realised that you needed to get them checked out was when you had walked to his place after training
The whole walk there the straps of your bag felt a lot heavier
Your shoulders hurt, but the left was the worst one by fair
Shifting the weight of your bag to your right shoulder, you gave the left a rest
Soon enough you knocked on Tsukishima’s door and he opened quickly after
You dropped your bag inside the door and rubbed your shoulder
“Oi, Y/N, are you okay?”
Tsukishima asked, the way your sighed making his eyebrows furrow ever so slightly
“Yeah, but my shoulder is pretty bad”
You tell him, hoping that he’ll show some sympathy
He scooped up your bag and called for you to follow him to the couch
He left you there, leaving momentarily to drop your bag with your wet swimmers into the laundry
Soon, he plopped down on the couch beside you and turned on the tv
Carefully, he pulled you onto his lap and you instinctively dropped your head onto his shoulder
Instead of huffing slightly like he usually did, you pushed you forward 
“No, sit towards my knees”
You obeyed him, and he hovered his fingers over your shoulders
Smiling once you realised what he was going to do, you let him work his nibble fingers into your shoulders
He stopped if you whined, asking where to go from there
It really helped, you never realised how good Tsukishima was with his fingers (no... not like that)
You were putty in his hands, completely relaxed as you watched the tv 
Once you felt the tension was mostly gone, Tsukishima scooted out from underneath you to book a scan
When you had it, you discovered you had Bursitis 
(A/N: I have this in my shoulder and it sucks)
This required for lots of rest, icing, and careful exercise
You were off swimming for almost three months before Tsukishima was convinced that you could handle tending to it afterwards
When you got back to swimming, you wore a sling on the worst days and Tsukishima carried your bag for you
He raised his hand in class if you needed to ask a question, and made sure you never had to overexert your left arm
His favourite thing to do was tease you even more about having to get him to get stuff off the top shelves
You were shorter than him, but now you need him even more
When you use your condition as a counterargument he always says “aww, poor baby Y/N”
No doubt, he does certainly cared for you, but get ready for a long road ahead for the both of you
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You’re a figure skater! And how he loves to watch you skate!
He gets so excited, you have no idea
Whether you are in a competition, or if you are just practicing, he gets so giddy and proud while watching you glide across the ice
Thinks you look so good in the costumes, no matter your body type 
If you were to have to travel internationally for a competition, you bet he’d be coming with you
Tendo does get into trouble when he disturbs your practise at the rink
But you always invite him to watch any time, not caring what your coach thought
Super supportive of you, it’s not funny
However, what is funny is that he has no idea all the technical terms or how the point system works
So, when he watches you during a comp, he’ll greet you off the ice with:
You double over in laughter every time he says something like that
You only just manage out a “Thank you, Tori” before you’re ushered off to get your score
The score you were appointed is half decent, placing you in third place
When you go to find Tendo so you can sit with him while watching the rest of the skaters, he appalled
“Satori, that’s basically impossible for a short program”
It’s kind of embarrassing, in a large rink of people, for him to be yelling like that
But... it’s all because he thinks you are incredibly talented
Which is very sweet
Anyways, you injure yourself at practice 
Tendo had just got of his volleyball practice at Shiratorizawa and decided to swing by the rink
You were staying in late, your coach and the rest of the skaters had gone home, so it was just you and a few workers at the rink
Tendo burst in, the goofy grin on his face that cases his eyes to be forced shut by the adorable purity of it
You were focusing on a quadruple axel that you hadn’t perfected when he arrived
“Good evening, paradise! How are you-”
You had been halfway through the jump when you peeled your eyes open
Immediately happy to see him, you smiled brightly
But, your excitement cost you the landing
You slipped, landing harshly onto the ice on your hip with a thud, the water soaking into your tights
Tendo dropped his bags, running and sliding his lanky body across the ice on his knees to where you had sprawled out
There was certainly going to be really bad bruise there, you could tell
But the coolness of the ice made your hip numb to the pain
“Are you okay? I scared you, didn’t I?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way Tendo was leaning over you, now having soaked knees too
“Yeah, you did”
“Let’s take you home and have a nice warm shower, hey?”
You agreed, leading him off the ice with both of your hands in his, because the psycho had run onto the ice with no skates on
The two of you walked home, the whole time you noticing the numbness leaving your hip
While having your shower, you checked your hip to find a dark purple bruise the size of your hand, raw to the touch
You took a shower, afterwards putting on some underwear and one of your boyfriend’s large shirts
Leaving your room, you enter the living room find Tendo sprawled on the couch
He made a comment about how good you look, leaving you giggling
You grabbed an icepack from the freezer and a tea towel to wrap it in
Laying on top of Tendo, you rolled on your side to have your bruised hip facing the ceiling
“Whatcha got there?”
Tendo asked
You flashed the icepack in front of his face, before quickly wrapping it up
Pulling the oversized shirt over your hip, you exposed the bruise to your boyfriend
“This is what you did to me, you scary man”
You joke, poking him in the cheek
The colour drained from his face in a split second, and he let out a cry of agony
“No! I’m so sorry! How can I make you feel better?”
He leaned over you, pressing scattered kisses over the bruise and mumbling sorry between each one
You knew he was trying to be feathery with his kisses, but the slightest pressure hurt
So, you pushed his head away
“Ow, Tori, that hurts. You can hold the ice for me”
He does as he’s told and you thank him, kindly
He has eagle eyes on you constantly after that, acting like your personal bodyguard
Makes sure he’s always on the side that is bruised at school, so that no one can bump it
Lines your bed with pillows, as to not accidentally bump it on the wall
Stops you from walking if you don’t have to, in which you tell him he’s fine
You try reassuring him by saying that it could have been worse, but that makes him even more wary when you skate knowing that worse could happen to you
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He’s adorable, constantly being supportive during your games of netball
Out of everyone, he’s the most likely to be worried about possible injury
Even though it’s a fairly safer sport, Asahi makes sure that you are reminded of every possible scenario that he had made up in his head before a game
You’d shut him up with a kiss to the lips, but he’ll be trembling when you walk away
Understands the game, not needing much help with keeping up with points or rules
He’ll calm down eventually while watching you play, focusing on silently praising you
Secretly a fan of the uniform, don’t tell anyone - he’d be so embarrassed
Doesn’t come to practice often because of the clashes with his volleyball training
When you got injured during a game, thank goodness Nishinoya had joined him to cheer you on
The energy Nishinoya brought to the sidelines motivated Asahi to cheer more too
Usually, you’d wave to him after getting a point and he’d wave back
But you could actually hear him because of Noya
You had in the back of your head to thank him for bringing him out of his shell
Have of the reason he never went to your practice because he was scared the other players would have thought he was some creepy middle-aged man there to stare at them in their uniforms
That’s why he always came to your games without fail, to make up for it and because he felt safer from a distance
However, Nishinoya had dragged him to the front, which he was hesitant about at first
But when he saw how excited you were to see him so close made him smile 
You were in perfect position to receive the ball in order to shoot
Your teammates passed back and forth, approaching you slowly
“I’m free! Guys!”
You gained their attention, and they sent the ball your way
You caught it and immediately shot for the goal while the opponents were distracted
“Come on, Y/N!” 
Both Nishinoya and Asahi shouted, Noya obviously the loudest
The first shot missed, but you quickly caught it and shot again
This time, the ball landed through the hoop and the whistle blown to confirm that it was a point 
You could hear Asahi and Nishinoya celebrating on the sidelines
Pumping your fists in the air, you brushed your forearm against the goal post
A nail had been sticking out of it, slicing through your skin
You immediately hissed, the pain stinging dramatically
You grab your arm, searching to find a massive gash down the length of your forearm
Blood poured from the wound and you called your coach
They immediately brought you off once they saw the red liquid
Asahi was worried, slipping around to where you were holding a towel to your arm
Hissing in pain, you found Asahi approaching
“Y-Y/N, what happened?”
He could see the pain laced into your face, shaking nervously
You wanted to hide it, afraid of how he would react
Carefully, you removed the damp cloth from the wound with a hiss as the air hit the tenderness
“I’m gonna need stitches”
You hissed through your teeth, turning to show Asahi
By then Nishinoya had arrived by Asahi, and at the perfect time
One look at the way your arm had been split open with blood gushing from the open wound...
And Asahi had fainted
Luckily Nishinoya was there to catch him and lower him to the ground
Now you were more worried for Asahi than yourself, to be honest
With Asahi out of commission, your coach had to take you to get you almost twenty stitches
Nishinoya stayed back to make sure Asahi woke up safely, and when he did, he was anxiously asking where you were and how you were
Asahi dropped into your place after finding out you were out of hospital, pulling you into a hug
Of course you made sure he was okay after his episode too
Constant tender touches while you healed, and soft kisses over the patch on your arm
He treated you like an absolute princess, especially after Nishinoya had scared him again by saying “I think she’ll need to get it amputated” right after he woke up
Fainted again when he went with you to get the stitches removed
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This boy does not get rugby at all
He tries, because he’s smart enough to pick it up if he wanted to
But, he’s more impressed with sports that involve more ‘thinking and skill’
What is impressive to him, however, is how fit and strong you are
Even though he is still taller than you, he almost feels like you are the bigger person in the relationship with the muscle you have
Likes being small spoon with your figure
Silently admires your athletic ability, and thinks you are really cool whenever you make a massive run down the field
Kageyama likes to watch when you win
He gets so blushy and excited when you bound into his arms after a good game 
Unfortunately, he’s very busy with volleyball, unable to make many training sessions or games
He tries his hardest to be at your training grounds in time to walk home with you
He tries to keep his Saturday’s free to be with you or at your games
Recently, he had been even more busy, and this week he couldn’t make it too 
This team had been tough, with a lot of bigger players 
You were sort of struggling to break past them, unable to score any tries
All you remember was receiving the ball, trying to break through the wall they had created
You had run headfirst into the players, and the next thing you knew...
You woke up in hospital
Your head was wrapped up, and it thumped painfully
Trying to sit up hurt your head, so you laid back down
With how fuzzy your head was, you failed to notice Kageyama sitting in the corner with a carton of milk
He had been anxiously twiddling his thumbs while emptying carton after carton
When your eyes opened, he shot up, hurrying to your bedside
You finally noticed him, smiling softly at the pout on his lips and the shine of glossiness in his eyes
Even speaking hurt your head
“Don’t speak if it hurts”
Kageyama basically read your mind, taking your hand in his and placing your open palm on his cheek
“You’re such a dumbass, scaring me like that”
He rested his head on the bed next to you on the bed
You glided your thumb over his cheek, watching as the pout on his lips began to tremble slightly
Whining slightly in order to awe at him, you whispered
“I’m sorry...”
“Why did it happen the one game I can’t make it... damn it... I should have been there”
You shifted your head, ignoring the pain, in order to get a better view of him
His dark blue eyed were sparkling with tears, and you mumbled
“No... baby...”
Kageyama ignored you, turning to press his face into the white sheet on your thighs, blinking back his tears
“I was scared...”
He mumbled in a cracked voice into your thigh
You took his face in your hands and carefully pulled him towards your face
Giving him a kiss to his nose, you let him lay his head on your chest
“Don’t cry... I’m here”
You croaked, threading your fingers through his raven hair
The recovery process was long and hard, having received severe head trauma
You were in hospital for another day after you woke up for tests and to make sure you could stand without fainting
Kageyama stayed with you the entire time, only leaving when your parents insisted he get some sleep
After this, your parents were certain you could marry him, not kidding
He treated you like glass whenever he saw you, especially when you took the time off school
He would accidentally yell at you if he saw you up and about, but immediately took it back and apologised 
Poor Hinata got all of Kageyama’s pent up anger about everything, being unable to yell at you
When you return to school, he’s like your shadow, following you around and making sure you’re drinking enough water
Reassure him that it wasn’t his fault and that you’re not going anywhere
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