#that is what I have noticed commonly about other people they'll bring it up. which is fine btw lol
avvocarlo · 6 months
the childhood experience of playing any kind of game or activity with friends then getting bored really quickly and being like "uhhh you win"
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Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Recap: 3rd Floor: Olympus Coliseum
Okay so, before we get started, I forgot to mention Agrabah's Attack Card: Three Wishes.
Compared to the Kingdom Key (which is not very strong, yet easy to handle), Three Wishes is fairly strong with a fast swing, and can be found commonly throughout Agrabah, and rarely in other worlds after Agrabah has been visited.
Now on with the show.
In the third floor Entrance Hall, Donald questions what made the journal pages vanish, and Sora pieces together what's going on.
After all, Goofy mentioned a castle they visited but don't remember.
They're losing their memories.
Jiminy brings up that they were told that, in Castle Oblivion "to find is to lose, and to lose is to find" and realizes that the man from the crossroads was talking about THEIR MEMORIES in regards to what they'd lose.
The higher they go, the more they'll forget.
Donald wonders if that means they'll forget everything and everybody.
Sora is forlorn at the thought of forgetting Riku and Kairi, and Donald asks if he wants to turn back now before they lose more memories.
Goofy assures them that they have nothing to worry about. They might forget the places they've been or the things they've seen, but there's no way  they could ever forget who their friends are.
He even asks if Sora forgot about him and Donald after turning himself into a Heartless.
"Of course I didn't!" Sora answers.
Goofy takes that as proof that they won't ever forget their friends.
Donald decides that, if there's nothing here that can make them forget about their friends, then they have no reason not to press on and continue their search.
Sora brings up that, when he turned into a Heartless, someone took forever to notice and kept clobbering him.
Donald is incredulous that Castle Oblivion didn't erase THAT memory, and Sora and Goofy laugh at the ensuing tantrum.
The first room in the memory world takes the form of Olympus Coliseum's courtyard.
Jiminy Cricket reads the sign in the front, and reveals to the others that the Coliseum is hosting a "Survival Cup", a special race that's going to be part of the next tournament.
All they have to do to qualify is clear the obstacle course Phil set up nearby, and so our eager and competitive teenage protagonist races off with his adult supervision to sign up.
As soon as they leave the room, Hades appears and stews and rants about Hercules, before his new hire, Cloud Strife, brings up their deal: Hades will restore Cloud's memories, if (and only if) Cloud kills Hercules in the upcoming tournament.
Key to Beginnings retrieved!
The Attack Card introduced in this world is Olympia, which is powerful with a quick recovery from Card Breaks.
The Bounty is Blizzard Raid (requiring a "Blizzard" Magic Card plus two Attack Cards), a variation of Strike Raid that deals ice damage.
The Room of Beginnings takes on the form of the Coliseum Lobby, where Phil congratulates Sora, Donald, and Goofy for clearing the obstacle course, but clarifies that the tournament might be too advanced for them, at which point Hercules chimes in and explains that they're the only people other than himself who could actually finish the obstacle course. Phil MIGHT have made it a bit too hard.
So, the options are either let the kids compete, or cancel the Survival Cup.
Phil elects to let them compete (even after Cloud joins in), and explains the rules of the race:
Rule #1: First one through the obstacle course wins!
Rule #2: In the event of a tie, a battle will determine the winner!
Rule #3: You can interfere with your opponents on the course!
Rule #4: All challengers have to give it everything they got!
With that, he sends the challengers off!
Key To Guidance retrieved!
The Room to Guidance takes on the form of one of the possible Synthesized Room layouts for Olympus Coliseum in Chain of Memories (in order to represent the Obstacle Course), and Sora, Donald, and Goofy encounter Cloud.
Goofy's worried what Cloud is up to, since he is allowed to interfere with them, but Cloud clarifies that he's not after them, and let's them pass.
Our trio walk by him, but Sora asks if he's sure.
At this point, Cloud reveals that today, Hercules is going to lose more than the race in this tournament.
Realizing that he intends to kill Hercules, our heroes draw their weapons.
Cloud asks what they think they're doing, and Sora reminds him that they're allowed to interfere with their opponents on the course, and Cloud is technically still their opponent, and the Miniboss Battle begins!
Much like Axel, Cloud fights using a limited deck, allowing him to use Sleights.
UNLIKE Axel, Cloud only has access to Attack Cards (Vertical Swing and Sonic Blade, but either Attack Card can produce Climhazzard instead), and a Hi-Potion Card that lets him restock them.
His sleights are as follows:
Cross Slash (three Vertical Swings of any value): Cloud performs a three-slash combo.
Omnislash (three Sonic Blades of any value): Remember his desperation attack from the Hercules Cup? He can do that again.
Once he's defeated, Sora is rewarded with a Hi-Potion.
The Hi-Potion, as mentioned above, reloads all of Sora's Attack Cards, including ones he wouldn't normally be able to reload.
Cloud manages to escape after Sora, Donald, and Goofy defeat him, and they realize that he's going to be waiting at the finish line to kill Hercules, and run after him to try and stop him.
Key to Truth retrieved!
The Room of Truth takes on the form of the Coliseum's Arena (at night), and it turns out that they had nothing to worry about, as Hercules can handle Cloud no problem, while Cloud can barely stand.
Herc, ever the hero, tries to get Cloud to stand down, noting that he can't guarantee Cloud's safety if he continues, but Cloud refuses to give up, he has too much on the line to quit now. He NEEDS to get his memories back.
At this point, Hades intervenes, criticizes Cloud's performance, and fires him on the spot for failing to kill Hercules.
However, Cloud DID manage to weaken Hercules a bit, which should make killing him easy.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy step in, refusing to let Hades kill Hercules, and convincing Herc to let them help since they're basically the only combatants in the room who aren't worn out by this point.
Cue the boss battle with Hades.
Hades only stocks his deck with the following cards (but in multiple copies):
Fireclaw: an Attack Card that lets him swipe at Sora. He only uses it when red.
A Magic Card that produces either Fira Shot (shoots a fireball at Sora) or Flamethrower (Hades glides towards Sora while blasting flames from his hands). He only uses single Magic Cards when blue.
An Elixer, a special Item Card that restocks both Attack AND Magic Cards (not counting cards used for sleights).
With three Fireclaws, Hades can perform Temper Flare: Turning him red (if he's blue) and causing him to spin around the room while blasting flames from his hands.
With three Magic Cards, he can instead us Firagaball: He throws two Firagaballs, one at Close Range.
He's weak to Blizzard and healed by Fire.
He also has two Enemy Cards in his Deck:
Hades: Boosts the power of Attack Cards when low on HP. Lasts for 30 attacks. Resistant to fire but stunned by ice.
Red Nocturne: Fire Boost: Boosts the power of fire-based abilities, but only lasts for a single reload.
Like Jafar and the Guard Armor before him, Hades drops his Enemy Card when defeated.
After the battle, the sun rises, and Phil announces that the tournament is cancelled on account of all particpants being exhausted, with Herc mollifying Sora by pointing out that he really SHOULDN'T fight Hercules in his current condition if he wants a fair match. It wouldn't be fun for ANYONE if Herc tried to compete in his current condition.
Jiminy Cricket announces that Cloud is regaining consciousness.
The group talks with Cloud, feeling sympathetic with him given that Hades basically extorted an amnesiac into being his hitman.
Still, to make up for the trouble he caused, Cloud gives Sora his Summon Card.
Cloud, when Summoned, performs a two slash combo with the Buster Sword.
Stocking two upgrades it to Cross Slash, a three slash combo.
Stocking three produces Omnislash, wherein Cloud flies around the arena, and the player has to push Triangle when prompted to damage the enemies.
Sora wishes him luck on finding his memories, and the two part on amicable terms.
In the Exit Hall, Donald states that he hopes the King is okay, in order to make sure that he hadn't forgotten him.
It worked! He remembers that they're on a quest to find the King!
Goofy adds that the King helped save everyone by staying on the other side of the Door to Darkness.
Sora is looking for Riku, he was with the King when the door closed.
Sora folds his hands behind his head as he declares there's no way they'll forget their most important memories.
When Sora scales the stairs to the next floor, we cut to another room higher up in the castle, where Axel and a blond woman (with weird antenna hair), watch a crystal ball, implicitly spying on Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
The woman remarks that Axel seems intrigued by Sora.
"Are you telling me you're not, Larxene?" Axel questions.
Larxene hasn't decided yet, but wants to know why Axel's so interested.
Axel explains that there was a time where Sora became a Heartless, and when someone becomes a Heartless...
"They lose their minds and their feelings..." Larxene finishes, "They're consumed by the darkness."
Sora, however, was not. He kept his emotions and sense of self even as a Heartless, something only one other man has ever been able to achieve.
Larxene concludes that it must be the strength of Sora's heart, and concludes that Axel's interested because he wants to know why the Keyblade chose Sora's heart.
"To unlock the mysteries of the heart," Axel notes, "Isn't that the Organization's mission?"
Larxene simply giggles with a sadistic grin.
That's a ride! Also another name I recognize from playing the whateverthefuckthenumberis/2 Days game!
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hak-7 · 4 years
The Children of Israel or Jews as some call them were chosen by Allah; G'd, to deliver His message to all the people, they were not chosen by G'd to be the one special people above all other people on earth, Allah has no partners or associates. They failed to follow the command of Allah through their Prophet Moses, Moses was successful but most of the following went astray. The same mission was then placed upon Prophet Muhammad 610 AD, to call the people back to their original G'd given human nature.
Allah made a covenant with the Children of Israel, when they broke the covenant Allah gave that same covenant to Prophet Muhammad, that same covenant is upon us Muslims today. Praise be to Allah.
Isaac and Ismail are from the same Father, Ibrahim, Isaac, the father of Israel was the first leader of the Children of Israel; the 12 tribes. Ismail was the beginning of the Muslim movement, finalized with Prophet Muhammad, Allahs Messenger, The last Prophet of Allah to mankind.
All Prophets and Messengers, and Holy Books, are from One Source, Allah, The One and Only G'd.
See Qur'an, 2:40-86SUPPORTS YOU CAN'T SEE
And God says, "Look at the heavenly bodies." Both Scriptures point us to the heavens, for us to observe the wisdom for a higher order of human life on this planet earth. God says, "Observe the bodies that you see in the sky and how they appear to be supported with no props or supports under them that you can see."
What is that saying to us? It is saying that not only your life but the existence of the material universe is existence upon powers that you can't see. The sun you can't see what is holding it up. The moon you don't see what is holding it up there. You get a telescope and look at planets and material bodies or material mass bigger than ours.
Look at the planets, like Jupiter. You cannot see what is holding them up there. Science tells you of the trillions and trillions of tons not pounds in that mass. There it is hanging out there in space seemingly with no support holding it up.
That is pointed out to us to tell us to trust the God that designed this creation, trust the God that designed the Universe. Trust Him. You can't explain everything He did. Trust Him. He knows and you know not.
You look at what He has done and then come up with your own explanation for it. I know about universal gravity. That is what science tells us.
But when the farmer looks up there, he doesn't see any universal gravity. All he sees is big bodies up there and nothing is holding them up. So God's Lesson is going to stay, no matter what science says.
God gives us a Lesson that says, "Have faith in the Lord that designed this creation. The way it is designed is too big for your mind to grasp. Have faith in The One that designed it and don't doubt.
Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)https://www.instagram.com/p/CC33dRXJ2BT/?igshid=1vwaofkitf11chttps://www.facebook.com/masjidmuhammedjacksonvillefl/videos/327046542021423/Marriage is not easy. It can be difficult. It can also be amazing and beautiful. Your partner is not perfect. Neither are you. So why demand perfection? The grass is not always greener on the other side. Today, let us pray for all those marriages which are causing heartache and may Allah protect, bless and guide us all. AmeenMarriage is not easy. It can be difficult. It can also be amazing and beautiful. Your partner is not perfect. Neither are you. So why demand perfection? The grass is not always greener on the other side. Today, let us pray for all those marriages which are causing heartache and may Allah protect, bless and guide us all. Ameen"America, The Modern Sodom and Gomorrah"
If your eyes are open, and you look around us today, you can't help but notice that America has the wrath of God on it, and it may very well be because those who are religious leaders in this society have abandoned their duties and responsibilities in leading the masses of society in the moral direction set by G'd The Almighty.
The religious leadership is getting weaker and weaker by the day. A good example of how weak they have become - There once was a time when homosexuality was taboo in this society and throughout the world, in one time or another. If you look around us today you'll see that it's just about accepted not only among the masses, but even among some clergy. If you ask the clergy what their views are on this subject, many will tell you that homosexuals deserve rights that everyone else has, or they may say that they don't see homosexuality as a serious problem facing America today.
Dear people, when the religious role models in this society can't see that all problems stem from a spiritual problem, we're in trouble! When those who do see it as a problem are too weak to address the issues that their religious scripture draws out as a clear abomination, then there's no leadership for those right minded people. Some religious leaders will admit that homosexuality is unnatural, but they'll say it only behind closed doors, because they're too afraid to address the issue for fear of the consequences, what ever they may be. This is terrible because this shows that they have no faith in the All-Powerful, Almighty G'd, Who no one is a match for. There are homosexuals preaching in the church in some cities across the country. Even our politicians are supporting homosexuals because they want their votes.
Homosexuality is slowly being accepted as a natural way of life because the religious leaders have failed to prove otherwise.
By now you have noticed that we have yet to use the term most commonly used today, gay -- This term came from the same sociologists in this society who determine and define what's sane and what's insane in America -- many who are themselves homosexuals.
Almighty G'd has shown us in the Bible, the Torah and the Qur'an that homosexuality is an abomination. So how did they get people to accept what G'd has made forbidden? They suppressed G'd's word and changed the terms homosexual and pervert to a term that people already naturally accepted as a happy word, and so the term gay was used for homosexuals. It's easier to say gay rights than to say pervert rights. This is very clever of those so-called students of human behavior, who because of their knowledge and wealth and hunger for power strayed from the path of G'd and became enemies to G'd and humanity. They have piggybacked on the struggle of civil rights and minorities and have gained a following, but no matter what they do they can never change what G'd has made natural.Book #3 WDM p.18 of 86
Allah judges
Allah knows their value. we can’t judge that. We may take a brother who drinks and sit him over there with the corrupt, and that brother who drinks may be in heaven a little higher than us when are resurrected. We don’t know. Maybe the drinking that you did with Islamic science was bigger, made you a bigger drunk than he is. So we don’t know. So it is hard for us to do that. But sometimes I would like to see a good situation where all the corrupt, I know they are over there. I would be free, more relaxed to talk over here. When I talk over there I’d have something for them to say. It would be more relaxed for me to address them knowing that they are over there. But we can’t do that.
So now, what do we have to see, first? That Al Islam is a Religion that focuses the light on man and shows him firstly, principally, as a social creature; that G-d intended for him to be a social creature; not to be satisfied being an island, or on an island all to himself; that he must mate and become a bigger social unit; family, tribes, and then until you embrace the whole community of man on this earth and see yourself as a member in one family, with all people. So man is a social creature.
Qur’an gives social inspiration
Man is a social creature and the spirit of the Qur’an is, what? The spirit of the Qur’an is social inspiration. It feeds our social aspirations. This word social is bigger than we think it is. By social we don’t mean just associating with each other, physically, but our dependency on each other as members of a world society. We want to keep the focus on the Muslim community right now. As members of the Muslim community, our dependency on each other brings us together and our love for each other brings us together. So here we have a love for each other that brings us
Book #3 WDM p.19 of 86 together, and a dependency on each other that brings us together.
Pretty soon we find that the teacher of the school has to be tied up full time in doing that. But there is also a need to have business growing in the community. So there is a business person feeding business.
The social context in terms of people keeps expanding with growth, and as it grows there is more demand for more things to take care of the needs of its growing people. He can have the regulation of the home in the parent. He can have the regulation of the family in the parent. He can have the regulation of the morals in the parent, the discipline, the laws that discipline the family can be in the parent, everything. Everything can be in the parents.
That’s a small unit and he can manage that. But when it extends and involves hundreds of families, he can’t manage that. If there is nobody but him and his family, he can go out, take his sons out with him, children with him, go out and plow the field, and regulate his own food. He doesn’t need anybody to regulate the economy for him. He can handle that. But when they multiply in a social unit, it’s the social unit that is getting bigger. The social unit gets bigger and brings in demands for industry, for more sophisticated government, more complex government ideas, and everything else we can think of. There is not one other single influence responsible for the growth and development of society, other than the social principle, or the social influence.
Now, go back to the sun as a symbol. The sun, I said earlier that it’s the principle behind all the changes in the weather, the growth and everything, didn’t I? So here you have, now, me saying that the social interest, the social principle, is the influence behind all the other growth and possibilities.
Can’t we then say that the sun is also a symbol of man as a social unit, the Khalifa is male and female, and the purpose of male and female is to have generations? That’s the social principle. So the Khalifa is the social principle. He is the sun. He is the social principlTHE ROBE
Lost Knowledge
Now, let’s continue here. What is the robe symbolic of? Do you recall? Symbolic of the way you use the knowledge, the dress, symbolic of the way you use the knowledge. The sheet is the knowledge, the pages, the script.Remember now, when Jesus was crucified, he lost his robe and they gambled to see who would possess his robe. Now if you understand the meaning of robe, then you should understand that this world doesn’t have the true knowledge, the true use of the knowledge that Jesus gave them.
The knowledge was lost from Jesus’ body and it fell in the hands of crooked sinners. They gambled for it. Not only that, the silver cup, the special cup, it was lost too. Which tells us not only the proper use of the knowledge was lost, but also the moral cleanliness was lost from the religion.Silver chalice I think they call it. Is that what they call it? I think it is called Silver chalice. It was lost from Christianity. So how would they explain this? Ask the preacher next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Ask him. Say preacher; please tell me what it means in Christianity when they say that they lost the Silver chalice, the silver cup. Ask the preacher, how they can have the shroud of Jesus, in this city that is called Turin.
When the Bible says that his robe fell into the hands of sinners and they gambled to see who would possess it. So how can they have his robe there? If they have it, sinners gave it to them and if the sinners gave it up, it wasn’t fit to wear. That’s right. That robe wasn’t fit to wear. After it fell into the hands of sinners, who would want to wear it?
What is sweeter than honey?
Let’s continue now, it says he gave them another riddle. And this riddle is: “What is sweeter than honey?” And “What is stronger than a lion?”So he gave two riddles. In fact four parts to it.Second one is, “What is sweeter than honey?What is stronger than a lion?” All right. You know honey means the beauty of pure scripture. How do we know this? We know it because in the Qur’an this word is used. Honey is a good word for scripture. The honey is the essence of the flower and flowers are symbolic of beautiful culture.What is sweeter than the beauty that G-d offers you? What is sweeter than the sweetness that you find in G-d’s pure scripture? That’s what he’s telling them. And what is stronger than a lion? What he’s telling them is that, the east has honey.
They have the beauty of G-d’s revelation. And you have the strength of a lion. I’ve got something that makes you stronger, and I’ve got something to give you to make your doctrine sweeter than their honey.You see this thing? Yes, it’s plain. So he gave them, the Gentile world, the doctrine of love, the love of Christ that was sweeter than the moral and spiritual teachings to weak people, than the pure teachings of the Prophet. It’s sweeter to them … that G-d loves you sinners so much, that he gave his only begotten son, that he should be scorned, mocked, spat on, tortured, crucified, and die and be buried for your sins. Oh that’s sweet to ignorant weak people, sweeter than the truth of G-d’s scripture. So he said what is sweeter than honey? This lie I am going to give you is sweeter than the pure honey of Scripture that the east has.
Cheated Samson out of his heifer
And what is stronger than a lion? This subtle psychology…. (indiscernible) and he himself was going to destroy the Philistines. They have cheated him out of his heifer; I am talking about right now!The Christian Church that he thought would be his heifer betrayed him. Say oh, you can have business, you can have media, you can have this, but you are not going to run our churches. The Gentile doesn’t want any Jews over their churches. If you want to have something, you can have Peter. Go and tutor the Pope in secrecy. He’ll accept it. But these ordinary Gentiles are not going to accept that no Jew rule over them.So you mean to tell me you are not going to give me my heifer? So why don’t you, can’t you all do it through me, can’t you all carry out my orders?No we can’t do it. They are not going to listen to it. Well very good. Well then can I tell you what kind of doctrine you should give to the masses that won’t follow Peter?Yes it’s okay. All right. I’m going to make bread again. I’m going to get on a wheel. I’m going to make Marxism. I’m going to make Communism.I’m going to make the Age of Reason. I’m going to exalt logic. I’ll give them some new flour, is that okay? Well that’s okay. As long as you don’t take over the church. No, I won’t bother the church. Okay. Go on to the wheel again. It’s okay.
Bring society down on me and them
Now listen. After all that he still was not satisfied. Is that right? Yeah look at the story now, remember, he still is not satisfied. So he said, “I am blind, but I got something that they don’t know I’ve got. I got special power, in my arms.” “All I want to do is just have somebody show me to the pillars of the foundation of their society. And if I just can get to the two pillars that hold up the structure of their society, I’m going to bring it down on me and them.”So Samson goes and stands between the two pillars with the help of a little boy. He couldn’t see but he used the help of a little boy. What is the help of that little boy? Psychology. Psychology.
Don’t think it’s another person; he’s not even a person. Persons carry it out, but he’s a knowledge body. Then he goes and he used a little boy, psychology. Don’t human beings use psychology before they use intelligence?That’s why in psychology in this particular context it’s called a little boy. Your little children, before they are able to compete with you on an intelligence plane, they already using psychology on you. So psychology is an early development in the human being. That’s why the Jahcubite’s cousin, Fard Muhammad said Yakub conceived his idea at the age 6, as a little boy, a psychology. He’ll be surprised to know that I know that. I hope he gets this. I understand that he’s back home now. So he’ll get this message, Insha ‘Allah. Now, let me continue. With the help of psychology, he finds his way to the foundations of the new society. And when he gets to the foundation, what does he do? He forms a cross of himself and he begins pressing with all his might. That’s what the Scripture says. Said he pressed with all his might, with all his strength on the pillars, forming of himself a cross. What does this mean? This is more than Trinitarianism, this is the psychology of the mentality that Trinitarianism has produced.
Weaknesses in the mentality that trinitarianism has produced
He has now learned that there are certain weaknesses in the mentality that Trinitarianism has produced. And he knows that he can appeal to their emotions, and he can push in two directions at the same time.He didn’t pull the pillars, he pushed. He can push in opposite directions at the same time. Make one people give in to emotions, and the other people give in to logic. Push them. So that some will become highly emotional and some will become highly logical.And in doing this the logic will act against the emotions, and emotions will act against the logic. The emotional makeup will kill the logic, the logic will offend the emotions, the society will be divided against itself and the pillars will fall. Don’t you know that’s a strategy that is used in this Society? Whenever the hidden evil in the structure is about to be exposed they began firing the society with emotion, sentiment, flower children, love for everybody, crazy kind of sentimentality and emotionalism. They fire it up and build up strong emotions, this is depressing. Now when he does it it’s going to drop the whole thing. If he can be successful and bring in the sentimental and emotional elements against the logic, it’s going to destroy the whole thing.But look, he will certainly, he will be killed, as a knowledge body. He was already blind wasn’t he? What the hell has he lost? Nothing. Once he brings it down, he would start up all over again. Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
By the Grace of G-d, through IWDM, America was not destroyedJust in a few years that have passed us dear people, that scheme has tried to destroy America. But by the grace of G-d, through me, America was not destroyed. Why do I say through me? Because I was the only one that came out when the trend was to go in the form of the cross. When the trend was to become emotional, highly emotional and give one side to dry logic, I came up in the middle of that action and said there is a scheme going on, there is a trick going on.This whole thing is designed to fire up your sentiments, your emotions and topple the society. Somebody must have heard me and believed others who had been talking before I started, and all of it came together to save America. Yes.
See they didn’t believe others who were saying, there is a scheme, there is a hidden scheme. But when I began to speak, they say look, now we know this boy, we’ve been watching this boy since his father raised him up. We know that this boy is not a tool of outside influence. So if he says these things that ring a bell, where did he get it from? We believe maybe G-d is inspiring Wallace D. Mohammed. So they went back to the desk. And they begin to pull out things from the old file and they studied history all over again. And they said that Wallace D. Mohammed is an inspired man, he sees something. And what he is saying is what we’ve heard before. It might be something to it. How else could he get it?
Simple Simon met a pie man on the way to the square
Say oh no, let’s check this thing. Let’s check this thing. Said I’m sorry, you can’t get sixpence today, only one. Sorry, we aren’t buying pies today. We’re buying cakes. You heard that old story of Simple Simon … Simple Simon met a pie man on the way to the square. I think it goes,” … said Simple Simon to the pie man, would you have a sixpence to spare?” And I think he said, “If I was selling sixpence, I wouldn’t be selling pies!” Well, that’s another one of the conspirators’ riddles. And I will tell you what it means. Sixpence means the knowledge behind the scheme. It’s said the man was made on the 6th day. The sixpence is the knowledge behind the scheme. Simon was given seven (7), not six (6). He couldn’t see 6, six (6) was ruling seven (7). But he wanted the six (6).What is the secret in this? Will you tell me please, Mr. Pie man? You know what Pi is? 3.1416, I think it is. It’s a formula for finding the circumference of the earth. It’s a formula for world dominance. Now I’m not saying anything that I didn’t want to say, I know it’s a formula for finding the circumference of a circle. It’s a formula for world dominance.
If I was selling my own secrets you think I’d be selling pies And Peter, the Catholic Church wanted it. But the conspirator wouldn’t give it to them. Said if I was selling my own secrets you think I’d be selling pies? You think I’d be telling you how to get the world, if I was selling the secret to how to get it.I’ll just tell you how to get it; I’m not going to tell you my secret. You get it from me. Yes. All Peter got was some magic beans; he did manage to get those didn’t he? You remember that riddle? Nursery rhyme, whatever you want to call it. Jack and the beanstalk. Yeah. He had Jack, which is nothing again but Peter, or the Western society. Pardon me, I shouldn’t say Peter, not Peter, Jack is not the Catholic Church, it’s the Western society, Protestant society. Catholic Church headquarters is in Rome. This is typical American. Jack is talking about typical America. That’s why we call each other Jack. You know, hey jack, what’s happening Jack?
Yes, so, it was Peter, the Pope who asked them for his sixpence. But Jack, the American Christian society, they asked for magic beans. Well really they didn’t know what to ask for. All they wanted was really to be rescued, because their cow had got so lean, it was about to die.Everything was going bad. And they wanted to know how to bring back life. How can my cows get fat again? How can the society thrive again?So, while they were (wandering) wondering, this funny looking thing jumped out in the road. And he made himself visible and he said, “Magic beans want to buy some magic beans, like to buy some magic beans?” And Jack agreed to give his cow up for the magic beans. I’m showing you that this is not only in Scripture. If it is only in Scripture that means that what I’m talking about may not be existing in the world today. Or maybe it was just a story that was only in Scripture, maybe it was just fiction. But if it’s in the world too, we should listen.
What do the magic beans represent?
Now. Says this little funny thing, man, jumped out, and he talked Jack into giving up his cow for these magic beans. Right. Some of you remember it. He went away with his cow. What do the magic beans represent? A way to, again, to the secret knowledge in Christian religion. A way to the secret knowledge in Christian religion.And dumb Protestant society gave up their lean cow for this heavenly knowledge. What is the lean cow? The lean cow represents what they had before. What did they have before? They had rational growth. The Protestant movement began with an interest in rational growth. Is that right? Yes.
Our knowledge is weak, our cow is lean
They wanted to pursue knowledge. The Catholic Church had suppressed enlightenment, had suppressed education. The people weren’t allowed to learn. The masses couldn’t learn and educate themselves. So a thirst for knowledge came with Martin Luther. Right. And they began to want knowledge to develop their minds.Here comes Jake, Jack pardon me, feeling himself desperately in need of help. We have the interest in rational development of our society, but our knowledge is weak, our cow is lean. We haven’t yet produced anything. We need help. Who would help us?Oh Lord Jesus, help us. We got this logic. But Rome is powerful. We got this logic and Rome is powerful. G-d help us please! Ding, ding. Jahcubite conspirator. I will help you! Would you like to have some magic beans? If I give you my magic beans you’ll have to give me your lean cow. In effect he was saying the same thing that Samson said. I’m going to give you a new world, but you’re going to have to give me the one that you got now. And if you give him the one you got now, when it becomes fat, who does it belong to? Belong to him. He got it. He got it in exchange for the magic beans.
Over the heavenly kingdom was a mean old giant
So he (Jack) went home and planted. Went home and he didn’t know the value of them right? But I think accidentally one fell into the ground right? The thing grew up and it went up, up, up. He saw it going up past his window, he ran out and jumped on it, and the thing took him up into heaven. (It) took him up on the plane of clouds, into a castle that was in the clouds. Right. Yes.There he found a nice old woman that befriended him. But over that heavenly kingdom was a mean old giant. That right? Yes. He said fee, fi, fo, fom, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be he live or be he dead; I’ll grind his bones with my bread. With my bread. Remember bread is of two kinds. Leaven and unleavened. I’ll grind his bones with my bread.So, he managed to escape with the help of this woman up there, old woman who was nice. He managed to escape. Who is the old woman who was nice? Means people in the religious knowledge of the secrets of religion that weren’t corrupt. Didn’t have no evil designs on the world like the conspirators. They shared with him after he got up there. They shared with him some knowledge. Helped him to get the golden knowledge down from heaven.
The Golden knowledge it came from the hen right? The hen who laid golden eggs. But the hen couldn’t lay any golden eggs without music playing. When music played the hen would lay the eggs. The music stopped, the hen stop laying the golden eggs. Which means that the wisdom is tied to music? Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. Now when he got the musical scheme, he came back down with the hen and the music harp plus the knowledge, and he tied them together, then he had wisdom.He had wisdom to bring back down with the hen, and the music harp right, according to the story. From heaven, he brought back with him, they don’t say heaven, but it is the heaven of religious symbolism — Biblical symbolism. He came back down with the music maker and with the egg layer. You needed both in order to get the wisdom. The golden egg means wisdom. All right.
Giant’s fall from heaven left a big hole in the earth
The giant fell from heaven. Is that right? He was so big and heavy that when he fell he knocked a big hole in the earth, left there a big hole in the earth. The giant was finished. Who was finished? Who is the big giant that was finished? The people in the secret religion. The Pope.The Pope and certain others that I don’t care to name right now, that hoard the secrets of religion. When the Protestant was given the secret way to get it, and when Protestant leadership got it, got their share. Don’t think they got all, they got their share. Catholic got his share yes. Protestant got their share. The conspirators got the whole share.When they got it, the position of superiority of them over American Christian leadership fell. When it fell, it knocked a big hole in the ground. What is that symbolic of? Actually they were not spiritual people, they were material people.And when they fell a big part of the material that they had before was taken out. So much of the material wealth that was under Catholicism, and under other secret conspirators in religion, fell to Jack, to the American Christian Society. Is that right? Yes.Then they began to rise. But they only had magic beans. Magic beans is not knowledge. Magic. The only way you can get it is through magic. You have to have the knowledge of the magic to know how to work them. And, they were secret, so only a few of the Jack people can have them.
Jack: the American Christian society
Let me quickly tell you what Jack represents in the American Christian Society. It represents the intelligent leadership, Jack represents the intelligent leadership. Now Jack is not as long as Jacob. So their knowledge is shorter than Jacob, you see?Jack is a derivative of the word Jacob. Jacob is the origin, Jack is a derivative, derived from Jacob. So Jack is just a short …. they don’t have Jacob that’s long. But they do have enough to enable them to keep this same rhythm going.Rotating events, with a seven note scale, or is it eight. Yes, an eight note scale that goes to seven, and comes back to where it started. Right? Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do, come back to where it started. So they were given knowledge of how to keep society going through these changes, psychological changes.
So America unknowingly, has been going through these changes. Look at the trends, one fad behind another. Pretty soon you are wearing what you wore 20 years ago. Right. Pretty soon you’re dancing the way you danced 20 years ago. You are talking the way you talked 20 years ago. You are thinking the way you thought 20 years ago.So they keep rotating. They have the Jahcubite scheme, but they have only that pie that Jahcubite wanted them to have. Jahcubite sell pies all over the world Jahcubite sell pies all over the world. Sold the Pope a pie. Sold Protestant America a pie. Sold Communists East a pie, called it the red pie. Yes, the red pie. I’m getting ready to let you go now.
What does the red represent? What do they mean red? You say passions? That’s to trick you. Yes,Red means passions in the other octave. It has been played. It’s another octave. It takes on another color, it takes on another dress. It don’t keep the same dress, it says I will sell you changes. You see?Yes, it meant passions in one place, but not passions in Communist Russia, although passions are involved. It means the social life. Red means the social life. What ties me together with my brother? Blood. Blood is red. See. So people, as a social group are tied together first by blood. And they call each other brother, you see. So that’s blood.Red stands for blood. What blood? Human blood. Human blood, according to the Bible, New Testament in particular, should combine with water, which is human spirit, symbolic of human spirit.
Bring the social life too
So people should be spiritual, as well as social, according to the New Testament teaching. You shouldn’t just be blood. Christ Jesus says, “I come not of water only, but of blood also.”What does this mean? It means that before him, the people were all spiritual, but were neglecting the social development of society, the development of the relationship of person-to-person, people to people, communities to communities.He came to bring the blood, means to bring the social life up too, with the spiritual life. This is in the Scripture.So now, if the East has become red, it means that they now have gone to another … see the world was spiritual, and then it became religious.Now they are trying to get it to become all red. No spirituality, take the spirituality out of it. Make it all red, that we are social group and we are born out of materialism, so material concepts should govern us. We shouldn’t have spiritualism in our life. Give up; give out the water, only the red.
Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)
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