#that it felt purposely unresolved and incomplete to continue garou's journey later
the-nysh · 2 years
No proper closure between Bang and Garou. In Bang’s eyes Garou has only hunted heroes but I hope Bomb tells him that he saved his life as well. “I won’t let you throw your life away!” Oh please as if those a class weaklings could actually kill him.
Bang did the same mistake with Garou which he did earlier with Charanko. When Genos assaulted Charanko, the latter’s master did nothing. The A Class heroes ganged up on him and he again did…nothing? Maybe perhaps he internally knew that those heroes couldn’t really kill him even if they tried their hardest.
Hhhhh ;.; considering all the high-hopes I’d been anticipating for Bang to prove himself to his boy, for their long overdue heart-to-heart beyond fists, where Garou can finally be HEARD - to participate in the conversation and be understood for once, to make progress towards their reconciliation and for Bang to show him how much he actually cares in front of everyone (like Tareo), now this is just.....oh dear, tragically inadequate (or narratively cut short) to repair things or give their broken relationship proper closure. ;o; That honestly yes, I’m feeling rather disappointed in Bang for his inaction here...
See, because he basically stood there and watched Garou get beaten by the hero mob per their satisfaction even Metal Bat interjected to say something in disapproval without intervening (guh;;; once again, only affirming Garou's expectations vs what 'god' tried to bait him with Bang’s ‘soft’ behavior otherwise) And for Garou....he let the onslaught happen, fully tanking the punishment (and purposely goading them to deliver more under the ‘act’) while fully expecting the heroes to make the killing blow... Because, as Saitama, Bang, and Zombieman finally realized how odd that is...Garou was accepting the beating with a (suicidal/repentant) death-wish; ‘this guy doesn’t want to live anymore.’
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That it was only AFTER Tareo ran in to stop everyone, followed by KING who dispersed everyone's hostility, that Bang bothered to step forth.
And...that is all you have to say to him? (I mean, I’m glad Bang didn’t join in to fruitlessly beat on him too like the wc but) After everything, just a single line to YOUR BOY - practically your own son, even!
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[You know, I’m honestly feeling Garou’s expression here, weary of everyone coming in to judge or decide what to make of his life for him, and speaking over him about things he likely already knows] Because maybe Bang is speaking from a place of personal experience - as his reason for his wayward younger self choosing to be a reformed hero, but....(that would still be Bang projecting on Garou without hearing anything he has to say - Garou is still fully silent!! or understanding how he feels ;o;) So how distant and impersonal that line feels, cause honestly it could be said by anyone, from any mentor or authority figure after the fact (rather than Garou’s own surrogate parental figure.)
But it also rings particularly hollow...because ironically that’s what Future Garou already did. :’) He already gave up his life to undo all the harm and save everyone. So even subconsciously, this sentiment doesn’t really tell or inform Garou of anything new that he needs to hear. “I won’t let you” - ok but why though. Because you care for him as a ‘father’? (Make THAT part clear to him! So Garou doesn’t misunderstand!) Or because it’s only part of ‘duty’ and ‘justice’ decided by the current hero value system? Because I tell ya, Garou’s already been prepared to use/throw his life away to ‘save others’ like Tareo and change the world in his own way. :’) So honestly, Bang telling him this feels like it doesn’t tread any new ground, to challenge what Garou’s already come to know & expect, nor does it really resolve or change anything between them to fix their relationship. ;o; Ahhh, it’s been left tragically (purposely?) hanging and incomplete.
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