#that last one literally works either way🫢
lady-disdain221b · 1 month
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
This is so corny but imagine musician eren putting headphone around the pregnant belly of y/n and putting his song for his unborn baby to listen 🫢😭🥹
stoppp, this is literally the cutest fricking thing I’ve ever heard! 🥹 also, happy Father’s Day.
because imagine eren in the middle of working at his home studio, downstairs like he had done when he didn’t have guests over. Lately, he had been completing projects there to keep an eye on you as you had just neared your second trimester. Beginning to show a little more and experience a lot more symptoms that came along with being pregnant. So naturally, his guard was up. But one day, you decided to pay him a visit with a snack and your budding belly in tow. “Let’s go see what daddy’s up to.” Whispering softly to your unborn bundle of joy as you turn the knob. Cracking it open, you can hear the thudding sounds of trap instrumentals and his voice slowly on the beat but he immediately stops it when he notices you coming in. “Hey, you two. Coming to see me?” Becoming practically ecstatic at the sight of you waddling in with your little sundress and stomach protruding from underneath it. Your curls bunched underneath a bonnet and a pair of house slippers on your swollen feet. Because of that, he had rearranged his once sacred lair to accommodate his princess and little royalty inside of you. “Of course. We wanted to hear the new song. It sounds so good.” Muttering as he went to pull the futon closer towards his desk so that you could take a seat. Normally, he wouldn’t allow anyone to intrude on his work. It was precious to him and he didn’t like anyone interrupting that time. But for you and the little one, he obviously made an exception. Especially when he had a huge surprise awaiting the two of you.
“That one? That’s just something I’ve been messing around with. I actually had another one I wanted you to hear.”
he’d turn to make a a couple of clicks on his keyboard, navigating the mouse across the screen to a track titled ‘love letter’. You were a bit curious as to what the song could possibly be about, but then he’d reach over and retrieve two sets of headphones. One for you and the other? “For you, angel..” cooing to the baby as he carefully secured the ear cushions around your stomach. Once the two of you were set, Eren then rolled back over to the computer, excited to share his latest creation. A song titled ‘Love Letter’. Once he pressed play, he’d wait patiently to see your reaction. The instrumental would begin with a few piano notes and then…
“Shh..just listen.”
that’s when the faint thumping of a heartbeat and the soft sounds of a lullaby began playing. The next thing that followed was a soft instrumental composed of piano and a melody of his voice. He’d start by rapping..about how lonely he was before he met you. But once you came along, it changed everything. He then went on to express his gratitude for not only loving him unconditionally but giving him his first child. As you listened on, you began to nod your head and tear up, cupping a hand over your mouth as you took in the beautiful beats and lyricism of your husband’s music. What was even more so special was how he held your hand and glared at you as if you were a precious flower. ‘I should’ve been dead but you saved me, now you got my last name, chain and my baby.’
never had someone so openly and shamelessly poured their heart out to you. Laying himself bare and being completely vulnerable. By the time the song finished, you were an absolute wreck..whether it was from the hormones or just being overwhelmed with love and adoration. Either way, you couldn’t help but to leap into Eren’s arms and hug him.
“I love you, princess.” Kissing your temple as hd cradled you in a tight hug.
and I love you too, little angel. Can’t wait to meet you..
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firein-thesky · 1 year
😞❤️ tysm for taking the time to do the title game thing i sent in <333 what you wrote for the first and last title would sound like a dream to read esp the megumi one.. i love your characterization of him.. i read in the tags you’re interested in knowing what the wips were so i’ll tell you here hehe
1000 paper cranes - supposed to be a piece of kakucho from tokyo revengers, part of his name translated to crane so i thought it would make sense to apply the legend of ‘if you fold 1000 paper cranes you’ll be granted one wish’.. he’s a very sweet boy that cares deeply about his friends and i think he’d definitely use the wish in a selfless way to better the life of another
passion and poetry - it was supposed to be a satosugu piece !!! i had an alternative title that was just ‘zero’ but that would be boring to send in lol.. the passion and poetry title came from the romantic ass shit they say to each other like it’s nothing sometimes i read over chapters from the manga where they’re talking to each other and i’m like.. u guys love each other it’s actually sickening. i ended up abandoning the wip because the composition i had in mind wasn’t working out LMAO but i might try again with a new concept.. i really wanna draw them together at least once
curse of the sun/blessing of the moon - a itafushi piece!! the title is a play on how itadori has a personality that shines as bright as the sun but he’s cursed (obv) and megumi being the moon (like he’s born on the shortest day of the year or something like that) and his name translates to blessings.. i have up on this one because again the composition was a struggle and i also ended up seeing somebody else draw a piece with a similar concept i had in mind so i was like damn.. it’ll look like i’m stealing now 🫢 but i do want to make a itafushi piece and use this title.. too good of a title to toss away
a good boy with no place - a piece of one of my OCs actually 🥳 i definitely plan on returning to this wip since i haven’t yet drawn this oc properly.. my oc universe thing is focused on the question “in what ways are people lonely and how does it affect them differently” and they’re all kinda tied together by a ghost character that’s lowkey a terrible person to turn to for advice but he’s just there to be a wicked and malicious thing lol. the oc in this piece is named dario and he’s the oldest, most gullible of my characters because he’s too nice of a person.. he’s poor and sells drugs and his romantic relationships never really go anywhere (but he’s a very sweet boy.. praying for him lol)
again tysm for taking the time to make the little fanfic concepts i loved reading them and i’m honoured that you completed it even though you were finished doing them ❤️ i hope you enjoyed reading what the illustration wips were 🎀🎀🎀😚😚
OMG I WAS SO EXCITED SEEING YOU BACK IN MY INBOX EXPLAINING ALL THE WIP DRAWINGS!!!! 😭💞💞💞 it’s also so cool to me to see how we interpreted these lil phrases??
the 1000 paper cranes is such a cool idea to go off based on his name!! i’m not super familiar w tokyo revengers but he does sound like a sweet boy 🥺 and that sounds like a lovely piece!!
passion and poetry!!! omg okay we were same brained a little there!!! god i love satosugu pieces and iN YOUR STYLE???? YOUR ART????? i’d lose my mind i really would. but you’re so right….the shit they say to each other…..SOOO ROMANTIC?? like i’m every aspect of the word! that’s a great title for them!! 💞
AND I WAS ALMOST GONNA DO ITAFUSHI W THIS ONE??? crazy. it was either them or satosugu but i COMPLETELY see that. itafushi another like poetically tragic sort. and that title!! the cursed sun!! the blessed moon!! literally it always makes me insane when characters can be compared to celestial bodies like that—whether opposites or complimentary. i bet whatever piece you end up coming up for this title (you’ve GOTTA use it you’re right it’s too good) will be amazing!! i eagerly await to lay my eyes on it 💞💞
AAAND YOUR OC??? i’m soo??? intrigued?? god first of all. i love a story where loneliness is explored and to top it off you add a GHOST?? oh i love ghosts. this story sounds really cool! and your oc sounds like such a sweetie too 😭💞💞 i am ALSO praying for him lmao 🙏🙏💞💞
gosh THANK YOU for taking the time to share!! genuinely so honored and this was such a cool idea you had 💞💞 i’m glad i got to hear your side of the titles too!!
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