#that last part would apply to any turaga with a noble kakama too
tiredspacedragon · 1 year
How much do you think a Turaga of Light could do?
Like we know that Av-Matoran have a wide range of special abilities that other kinds of Matoran don't, including but not limited to one bonus power that varies between individual Matoran that can only be accessed through contact with a Toa or Makuta, such as Solek's hard light projections or Tanma's living light-battery thing.
We also know that a Toa of Light, with enough training, could potentially use all of these abilities at will.
My guess would be that Turaga of Light, in addition to retaining the laser and colour-changing abilities of an Av-Matoran, albeit slightly stronger, may also retain one light-based bonus ability, probably the same one they had as a Matoran. The difference being that I imagine they could access the ability on their own without having to piggyback on the local Toa. That seems like a solid compromise. A significant enough depowering that still leaves some room for Turaga hijinks.
"Oh yeah, our Turaga? He runs things pretty well, and puts on light shows for us sometimes, but I'm afraid he doesn't get out very much. Yeah, he patrols the entire island at least once a day, but that only takes like a second with his lightspeed power, so it's hard to say it counts, y'know?"
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