#that might be a reason to hide the husband when tzp played a democrat in rwrb
alarrytale · 1 year
Can we talk about tzp? I’m glad to have found your blog since you seem to have the same opinions as I do about this situation (as opposed to the Twitter fans who want to force people not to talk about it lol).
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE that he is gay and married for a very long time. I’m so happy for him. His hubby seems like a cool dude too. They are CUTE! That being said, selfishly I wish he’d be more open about it. It bothers me that there’s this elephant in the room now and it’s not being spoken about as if it’s a bad thing! The fans are the worst! A fan met tzp yesterday in London. This fan said he was walking alone with his friend (lol…obv his husband). In the comments someone said “oh how cool! Glad you met him! Was the friend his husband?” And within hours the whole post was deleted. Last weekend he went to Joey Kings wedding with Garrett and a friend of joeys posted a Polaroid of them. Someone reposted it but so many people were commenting “delete this!!” I don’t understand why these fans are intent on keeping this info buried. Instead of just saying “wow that’s great congrats!” and moving on they just want it ignored.
I’m not really sure what my point is with all of this, it just kind of bothers me. Sure he’s entitled to privacy and I imagine he wants to protect his hubby since he’s not a public figure. I respect that. But trying to come off as straight feels a bit problematic. And fans saying he’s been outed is just ridiculous. Apparently he was very out before kissing booth and at that point deleted things and took his ring off. Which makes me sooo sad. But he did post his man several times since then. Just not a whole lot like before. I noticed he hasn’t posted him at all since the movie came out and he’s blown up. It’ll be interesting to see what he does now. He hasn’t deleted him off his ig so that’s good. They did, however, delete the video that people dug up of tay using the husband’s last name. Not sure what to make of that. Anyway I don’t think he needs to do anything or announce anything. But I wish he would post him more!
By the way it seems literally everyone in his professional life knows. First of all G went to London and hung out with T, Nick and some other cast (there was a picture), the director and a couple of the actors follow G, all the the photogs, fashion people who work with tay follow G, etc. So he’s clearly very out. Just not to fans. But I’m not understanding why I guess…
Would love your thoughts on it!
Hi, anon!
Of course we can talk everything tzp! He looked absolutely gorgeous last night! It's not fair, it looks so effortless! Styled by harry lambert too. He's killing it, both him and nick are. I'm so happy for them!
I'm sort of on the fence here. One one hand (what i'd like to believe) is that they're going for a glass closet. It's the perfect example of what a glass closet would look like. He hasn't really commented on his sexuality, but he's not afraid to be himself (manners and all) and have his husband tag along to events and posting him on ig. He just let things be without denying or confirming a thing.
On the other hand, it seems like they are trying (at least some effort) to make him seem straight (or not married to a man at least), deleting the taylor gerson video, taking off his wedding ring and not coming clean after being out for years before. I don't think this will work very well and for long. Fans and the queer community knows. The evidence is there and easy to find. Deleting things off the internet once people know is impossible.
The fans are guarding his closet for him (as we've also seen fans do for h and l - it's annoying as fuck...). It leads to fan policing, lying and the elephant in the room is growing. If his husband comes with him to events and are seen with him by fans, they're clearly not that set on hiding it. If they're pictured publically together fans and uas should be able to share it. Take cues from them, if they wanted to hide they would.
So since i'm not totally sure what they're going for here (closeting or glass closet) and i'm not clear on tzp's ambition, it's hard to have an opinion on why they are doing what they're doing. Other than the obvious reasons celebs are closeted in Hollywood.
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