#that moment when you think you're OC is actually improving and living the best life
yesyourstalker · 5 months
Ikkan: Are you sure you don't want me to come back home?
Neta: please don't....I'm sorry. Please don't leave your vacation because of me. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to worry you
Ikkan: .mmk
Neta: I'm sorry
Ikkan:don't apologize babe it'll be ok
Neta: *yawn* I know I just...I just needed to vent
Ikkan:I just want you to get some rest. Call me in the morning ok?
Neta: alright. I love you.
Ikkan: I love you too.
Neta: I didn't mean to worry you.. I really don't want you to come back. I don't want your trip to be ruined because of me.
Ikkan: noooo no don't say that babe
Neta: I really feel like I am though. I shouldn't have called you. I just feel like I'm being........ too much because-
Ikkan:because you're not.
Ikkan: we'll talk about it in the morning
Neta: it'll actually be after 12:00
Ikkan afternoon yeah we're in different time zones I forgot
Neta: it's ok....*sniff*
Ikkan: I love you
Neta: I love you too............*yawn*...
Ikkan...babe get some sleep.
Neta: hmm ...............................hm hey......
Gai:..... I'm sorry.... I just thought you should know I didn't expect you to get this upset
Neta: dad ......*sigh*..... thank you for telling me.....*sigh*....... I just need to process this..... I'll see you.... I will call you when I'm ready to talk.
Gai: alright..... have a good night
Neta: yeah. Have a good night............. fucking hell ........
Merv: ikkan help set the table
Ikkan: ok...
Merv: Noji help me bring out the food. We're having tuna steak and scallop octatoes and gravy.
Ikkan: you really went all out Dad
Merv: yeh well we have guests over they should have a nice meal for the first night.
Noji: only the first..hehehe
Merv: dinner is ready!!
Cirrina: I'm coming!
Warabie: smells good
Shimi: hmm.....*eating*....wow it's not that bad... it's
Merv: fresh?... yes we have a farm to table house hold. Almost everything on your plates comes from my farm or from the locals farm or ranch. It's all prepared by hand. We are a homestead family and community we give to our neighbors and they give back to us. The bread that we are serving now came from the bakery, we gave them wheat and they gave us bread in return. Eventually you'll learn the way of the community and learn how to harvest, grow and take care of the livestock.
Cirrina: do we get to see the manatees now?
Ikkan: not yet Cici eat your dinner
Cirrina: damn....
Ikkan:hehehe... Be patient
Cirrina: hehehe.....did you call dad?
Ikkan: yes.... he's... he's doing ok
Cirrina: alright...
Ikkan: he doesn't want you to worry.
Merv: alright everyone time to head in. Tomorrow we start working.... Ikkan, Noji help me with the dishes
Noji: on it. Good night Cirrina I see you tomorrow.
Cirrina: night! Hehe.
Mahi:......*sleeping*.........*sleeping*......hm.....*Yawn* morning....uhhh... What time is it?
Mizole: it's 7:45
Mahi: haaaaa...*Stretch*.... I'm going to get some free coffee, see if Toguni is up. You want something?
Mizole: nah.,...
Mahi: do you want anything?
Mizole: nah ......
Mahi: come on...get up
Mizole: mmmmmmm
Mahi: cooommmme oooonnnn... let's go..
Mizole: mmmmm....no....stop...you smell...
Mahi: so do you. it's 95 outside and we're sleeping beside a bunch of strangers....get up let's get some coffee and see the line for the community showers.... come on..... mizole get up...(Kick)
Mizole: UGH... FINE!.. I gotta go to the bathroom anyway. If I see ichiya I'm kicking his ass!! Embarrass me in front of everyone. He can't let shit go
Mahi: *sigh*.
Mizole: what?
Mahi:... nothing.....
Mahi: *huff* it's just you spent most of the day yesterday fighting with your ex. If it wasn't fighting it was constant complaining. I thought this was going to be a fun thing we could do but If you had fun this year we could go every year but... Like a tradition we do every summer
Mizole: hey listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such an asshole and I'm having fun actually......... [kiss] we're going to have fun today. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to bitch and I'm not going to fight with ichiya. I'm just going to ignore him... Today's going to be about us k ?
Mahi: .....alright...[kiss].... Let me get some coffee....... morning Toguni....you sleep well?
Toguni: *yawn*.... yeah...the bus has pretty good air conditioning.... what you want?
Mahi: I'll just take two iced coffees with milk and two pumps of vanilla....
Toguni: it's going to be a wait we ton of others to fill
Mahi: we can wait
Mizole: I can't. I'm heading to the porta potty... Maybe take a quick shower.....
Mahi: *siff*...ugh.....I'm gonna go change I'll be right back.
Merv: warabie. Son get up it's morning time put on your pants and boots and head downstairs for coffee and a corn muffin. Let's go!
Warabie: what?.......... it's only 5 30 in the morning
Merv: and it's a very beautiful morning. Now get up and wake up your father too
Warabie: *huuuuuuu*....The sun's not even up
Warabie: you're already up
Ikkan: yeah I came back up here just to get my work boots...*eating*... here you can borrow my old ones. They're a little big....*sip*... Head downstairs for the coffee gets cold
Ikkan: morning sweetie, have some milk.
Cirrina:...hmmmm...morning........*sip*....hmmmm taste different.
Ikkan: That's because it didn't come from the grocery store...
Noji: yep, it came straight from Patty. No preservatives, no additives, non-homogenized and freshly pasteurized milk.
Ikkan: morning guys... Coffee still hot muffins freshly baked
Warabie: so what do you want us to do today?
Merv: well we have to harvest all of our crops to make room for a new crop.... but let's do our regular chores first. Ikkan load the manatees up and drive them to Mr Graves field to graze, take Cirrina with you.
Ikkan: alright
Merv: I need you to go to let the krill out for and collect their eggs and clean the coop, warabie you can help him
Noji: on it ! Let's go warabie!
Warabie:... Do we at least get gloves?
Merv: Shimi you're going to help me clean the barns and collect manure and replace the feed
Shimi: what!...uhh..let me just call my wife. I uh.... I'm.... worried about her...... I'll be right back..................pick up pick up pick up
Oshi: *sigh* righhhht there......[POP]..*moan*...
Masseuse: you have a lot of tension in your shoulders and upper back ma'am
Oshi: That's what happens when you raise eight kids...... Nine counting my husband....*sigh*....... that's nice ....hm? .......hm.. let it go to voicemail......
Shimi: oshi!
Oshi voice mail: sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave a message at the deep
Shimi: damn it oshi!.............*huff*..........
Merv: here's your boots and gloves.... also I would change into something more..... work orientated... wouldn't want you to rip your pants.
Neta: *typing*........*typing*.....
Naomi:um....uhhh.... neta...... The store is closed um... Everything is organized and clean. We just need to put the money away....... We need your help to do it.....
Neta: right...... right I'll be there.......*sigh*......
Neta:...*counting under breath*. ........*sigh*....
Antho: You're quiet today... usually you're loud and annoying
Neta: just a lot on my mind I guess.......... life is really hitting me hard right now ...*huuuu*
Naomi:........oh.... I'm sorry
Neta: I'll be fine tho.... I don't need you guys to be concerned.......... But I do appreciate it though. Thank Naomi and you too Annnnnthooooo you're sweet!heheheh
Antho: (swat)...stop ..
Naomi: hehehehe
Antho: I'm headed to the food court Naomi you want to get some cold wontons before we leave
Naomi: ok ...bye Neta
Neta: see ya kids............ I could go for some room temperature Pizza............
Mahi: alright... coffee time. Tonugi! Where's my coffee?
Tonugi: here's your two coffees and a salmon and eggs breakfast sandwich
Mahi: Sweet! I thought coffee was just free
Tonugi: No coffee is free. You have to pay for the food but you get it free. That guy actually paid for it I think he knows you
Spyke: (waving)
Mahi: * gasp*....you.... you can keep the sandwich I don't want it.....I-I have to go ..
Tonugi: but-
Mahi: I need to leave.....*huff*.... I... I'm going to the porta potties.......ugh..... DON'T tell him where I'm going. Lie or something
Tonugi: yeah... yeah...yeah... No problem
Mahi: thanks....*huff*...
Spyke: wait! Hold up! I just want to!....damn lost them... Did they tell you where they were going?
Tonugi: uhhhhhhh.... No I have no idea. I think they were going back to their... Van... they parked their van in the trailer park spots down over there past the food stalls and the showers they're going to be in slot OV All the way in the back
Spyke: All the way over there? Ehhhh I'll catch up with them later maybe.
Tonugi: alright....*sigh*.. .
Stefan: morning tonugi....*yawn*.....oh! Salmon and eggs.. I'll take that thank you very much...*eating*....hmmm just like mother used to make...
Mizole: The bathrooms were surprisingly clean....hey Mahi..*oof*... What happened to the coffee?
Mahi: I dropped them....
Mizole: oh .. well you can just go back and get -
Mahi: I don't feel like going back there right now. We can do it later
Mizole: hey... are you okay?
Mahi: I'm fine ....... let's just go to the stage I think Trip tank is going playing let's find a good spot.
Mizole: sure. Are you sure you're okay?
Mahi: yeah... I'm fine...
Mizole:[looking around].....…....…………………………………
Mizole: [grimacing]............Come on. Let's go. It's a day just for us. Remember?
Cirrina: how many manatees do you have?
Ikkan: we have eight of them. We're about to have 10... Luna and honeydew are going to have their calves soon
Cirrina:awwww they're going to be moms. That's sweet..
Ikkan: you want to feed one?
Cirrina: yes!! Yes..
Ikkan: * whistle whistle*...*kiss kiss* come here Luna!....*whistle*.......ok so just hold the squid plant and let her eat
Cirrina: *gasp* she eating it!!.....ugh.....ewwww!
Ikkan: aww she's giving you kisses..
Cirrina: give me another squidplant............ So what did dad say when you called him?
Ikkan:................ your father is doing just fine. He's just a little stressed out with work and wedding planning.
Cirrina: he sounded upset on the phone.... I couldn't hear what he was saying. Why did you offer to go home early? we just got here.
Ikkan:.........*sigh*...... I'll tell you tonight...... your father doesn't want you to be concerned. He wants you to enjoy this trip okay...
Cirrina: alright........... So how long are they going to be grazing
Ikkan: we usually let them stay here for 8 hours Mr Graves is going to keep an eye on them.. let's head back home and get the tractor ready
Mr Graves: hold up! I got a couple ice chests for you.... Manatee chops, prawn steaks.. krill Patties. we also got a great haul last week so we have some whale fillets freshly cut and some Lobsters dogs for you. As a thanks for the fresh produce
Ikkan: thanks Mr. Graves really appreciate it.
Mr. Graves: hhmm..
Ikkan: let's go home and see how warabie's holding up
Noji: we're almost done!
Warabie: how many eggs do these things lay? We've been doing this for hours
Noji: It's not even 7am yet... Look how many eggs you've collected? That's a lot. You're doing a good job considering this is your first time doing this
Warabie: there we're done! So can we go back to bed?
Noji: now we just need to replace all of the dirty hay and replace it with new hay which should take 45 minutes...
Warabie: UHHHHH
Noji: warabie.... This doesn't seem fun or worth it right now, but you'll soon realize that this work is actually really rewarding
Warabie:....pfft....yeah right
Neta: *eating*.....*sigh*..........
[knock knock]
Neta: *eating*...hey baja... What brings you here?
Baja: My apartment's empty
Neta: ha! So is mine
Baja: I saw you at the food court and I was going to say something but you really didn't seem like yourself
Neta: hmmm...*eating*... You want some pizza?
Baja: ok...sooo how's everything going?
Neta: It's fine. My dad came to visit today
Baja: That's nice to have family over
Neta: *eating*........ Yeah......... he's dying heheh
Baja: uh...oh.....neta. ....neta I'm.... I'm really sorry
Neta: yeah cold water disease..... He found it on his arm. He didn't go to the doctor it got worse and started to spread and now it's in his ink sack and they can't do anything sooooo..... Yeah...*sniff*... that's great.......
Baja: do you want to talk about it? I mean I lost my father I don't know if have any good advice but I'm welcome to hear-
Neta: I don't even understand why I'm so upset. It is not like he was there for me or he was a good father or a good person. It's like.....like I shouldn't be this upset. I guess I'm just more angry and frustrated than upset because you could afford treatment now. Why didn't you get treatment like this isn't like my mom. ... She died of the same thing. We couldn't afford to go to the doctor... but now you can!! Why didn't you!!
Baja: well..
Neta: *crying* It's like why the fuck are you even coming to me now? *Sniff*. You had plenty of time to form a relationship with me and try to rekindle something but you didn't. *Crying*...now that you're dying you're going to try to do it? Why!!? So? If it doesn't work out you can just escape responsibility!!?....*crying*... I fucking hate him!!!... I don't want him to die................. not Anymore.....*crying*.....
Neta: *crying*.......... I'm sorry I shouldn't have dumped that on you.........
Baja: oh it's ok.... I overshare a lot too
Neta:...... Hehehee.....*sigh*....*eating*....ugh........ This pizza is gross
Baja: yeah....hehehe.......... You want me to stay over?
Neta: what?
Baja: My apartment is super quiet like scary quiet. Can I sleep over maybe give you some company
Neta: ............................yeah....*sniff*.......yeah....*sniff*.....fuck it I'm going to order a real pizza..... Get some blankets, pillows............here pick a movie, any movie............. Take my old pajama pants.
Baja: alright a day just for us!
Neta: hell yeah!......... hello.....hi baby!!..... Are you having fun on the farm?..... yeah...... I'm fine sweetie......... yeah....*sigh*.... So how's ikkan and warabie.....HE FELL?!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry that's not funny, that's not funny. Tell him I said sorry hehehehehehehe hahahaha!...ok...ok....oh alright bye sweetie.. Tell ikkan I said hi.. and I'll call him tonight
Mahi has been secretly filming the shows and sending them to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and antho
Tonugi, Stefan and Pacifica are the cleanest mother fuckers at that music festival Everyone else is sweaty and stinky @conkreetmonkey
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chateautae · 4 years
🐘 Elphie anon:
Hi Sammy! Do you still remember little ol' me? I wanted to send you an ask or message when ch 8 initially came out but online class kicks you hard until you fall only to punch you stomach when you're finally able to stand back up. But honestly, reading ch 8 (the angst, the comfort, the yearning, the haWt smut) feels like a reminder of the things that we have in this life that we can enjoy to the fullest, and sometimes we take em for granted; like the taste of air in our lungs and out, breathing solemnly, taking the time to remember we're living despite the aches. It's a (maybe) weird thing to say but stories like yours make me happy that I'm alive.
My heart and wishes goes out to you, and for anything and everything that is imporant to you. I hope you're taking care of yourself (eat well, take rest, even just deep breaths in between hectic schedules) and that your midterms (??? Are they done srry idk) are going well. Much more, that your mental health is in the condition that you want it to be, good or improving; I really wish that you're happy and peaceful.
38k of chp 8 is a killer, I enjoyed every single word of it. I read that you think it isn't your best, and I understand that kind of sentiment, but really (just reread it) it still stands solid that you are a very gifted writer. I especially love that period of yearning and very undefined plus conflicting for OC and Tae, their feelings made me feel so hopeful for them. But for every scene that passes and they still haven't came to understanding what the conclusion is for their relationship really amplified angst and my heart can't help but feel hopeless. And then, the club part came and just wow, the dynamics of this duo is just so HaWTtttttT.
I do want to applaud you for those heavy scenes, esp for the anxiety. I think you did a nice job with detailing the effect of the nightmare and thw memory of a toxic relationship on YN, it felt so familiar and raw. Idk im sorry if im wrong, but there's some parts of her actions during that scene that i do. (I hope it wasn't very distressing for you to write, romantic angst is heavy but these kind of things can happen to anyone, hearts and hugs idk hhfhfhf)
The smut cant even---- oh my, I think I developed 463738292 more kinks just because that smut. The eye contact and the "say my name" just yeeted my soul out. My soul really said "fkc this i want a gOod man right noW, i need That Sht EYE CONTAct" and I'm too young for kids and I'm not saying impreg kink, but imreg kink. Good sex choices yall.
Sammy, you beautiful and talented soul, all the best for you luv, im pumped for the tae work out fic. You deserve the universe, hun. Hope everything works out good in your present and future.
Congrats on hitting milestones!!!
My-my writing makes you feel alive? Oh God, I need to take a moment because that is literally so beautiful for any author to hear. I’m so so glad my writing has been of any help to you and can bring you happiness, it’s all I ever want as a writer. I’m so happy you loved the chapter despite the length because it was SUCH an insecurity of mine when uploading, and I feel so warm hearing you loved reading about the characters and their feelings!! 
Seriously I’m over the moon hearing that because I approached this chapter with lEnGtH since this couple has too many of their own obstacles to tackle and many feelings to navigate, so I needed to address their inner turmoil and reconciliation carefully! I did not have the heart to write an instant makeup or have them sweep things under the rug because their issues were too pressing, there needed to be a period of separation where they could individually work things out and realize they genuinely love the other enough to give themselves another shot. This rift showed their personalities indeed clash but it’s the way they accept the other and deal with their issues is what defines their relationship!
Wow, I’m actually impressed you picked up on that about the nightmare... yes it’s from my own experience. Kiseok is based on a real person in my life so I think that’s why those scenes feel so raw, and at times it was hard to write them because they were so close to home but it’s also a form of healing for me, so everything’s okay my love ❤  
YES THE SMUT SCENE I actually still need to edit it again but I’M GLAD!! Hehe eye contact and name kinks and impreg kinks are VERY hot and I’m glad I’ve brought you to the dark side 😈
Thank you so much for this elphie anon!! Your message was a treat to read and has kept me motivated to keep writing, you’re such a sweetheart, and I hope you know how wonderful your kindness is, and of course I’ll always remember you🥺💓
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vagabond-sol · 5 years
Innocent or Guilty: Cazhim
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Asked someone to marry you?
"Hah? A romantic are you? Well, No. I can't say that I have. My partner knows how I feel with or without a ring. Though If we ever retire...perhaps." Cazhim appears tickled by your question though his expression grows more thoughtful towards the end. 
Kissed one of your friends?
"Yea. Several years back during the early years of my adventuring I had a different partner. A Miqo'te girl. After a while she said she wanted to sort some things out and being young and confused myself, I agreed. We got as far as a kiss but agreed that more wasn’t for us. We still talk but I'm pretty sure she's takin more of a liking to Viera women." Cazhim smiles and shakes his head. Clearly the two have quite a history.
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern?
"I prefer to watch the entertainment rather than be it. Besides those tables are for food not feet." Cazhim folds his arms as he gives his answer. Perhaps his meal has been the victim of a misplaced dance step or two? Might be best not to ask.
 Ever told a lie?
"Of course. Though I find it easier to omit the truth rather than come up with a lie. Keep em’ guessing. That's fun for all involved." He said, leaning forward in his chair as a rather mischievous grin crept across his face.
Had feelings for someone you can't have?
Cazhim tilted his head in minor confusion "No. Though I don't get all that romantic easily anyway."
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
"Oh! I suppose I was not clear earlier. Xavier is my partner in combat but we are dating as well. We have been together for some time now so I can safely say we are both guilty of that. Cazhim readily replies. His smile a touch warmer than before. He seems pleased to speak more about his partner.
Kissed a picture?
"I have. Sometimes our tasks or...circumstances can keep Xavier and I apart. It helps." Cazhim answers, looking down at his hands for a moment. Clearly these circumstances he mentioned were less than pleasant. Maybe another question to lighten the mood?
Slept until 5pm?
"Hah. Never. Need to make the most of the daylight while we can right? Besides, I need to be awake to put together a proper meal for a certain scholar when he overworks himself again." He responds with his usual simper and calm tone. His mood seems to have improved a touch.
Worked at a restaurant?
"Yea...once." He chuckled, internally deciding how much to explain. "Lets just say that Momodi is a very kind woman and was nice enough to let me pay a debt with work rather than gil."
Stolen Something?
As Cazhim takes a sip of the tea he prepared he simply points at the spherical Allagan droid floating by from time to time. "Does that count? I mean they weren't using it." 
Been fired from a job?
"Nope. Though I'm sure I've gotten close once or twice at the Leatherworking Guild." He replies, looking off in to space as if remembering no small amount of close calls he may or may not have had.
Done something you regret?
"Just once and I intend to keep it that way." His gaze meets yours and lingers. You know better than to push for more details.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?
Cazhim almost chokes on the tea he was drinking at the time as he hears the question. "N-no. Don't worry about it."
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
"I have but I don't think I get the appeal. Its much more fun to just eat a handful, right?" He replied, obviously looking for validation.
Sat on a roof top?
"Often! Though the climb is the more interesting part...most of the time. There's almost always a fantastic view at the top as well! I think I have a few sketched here..." Cazhim begins pulling out a journal filled with notes and half-decent sketches of various places he's been. He seems eager to share.
Kissed someone you shouldn't have?
"...I believe we've covered this territory, my friend." He gives a slight nod with his answer but nothing more.
Sang in the shower?
"More of the humming type myself." he says with a smirk on his face.
Been pushed into a body of water?
"Many have tried....Many have failed." He answers as he relaxes back into his chair. His grin grows wider as he remembers past conquests.
Shaved your head?
"Gods no! I don't even want to think about it." Cazhim quickly responds, briefly running a hand through his short but well kept hair.
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry?
"I hope not, but I imagine if I ever shave my head I just might. Bleh!" It is clear both this question and the last are incredibly displeasing to him. Perhaps a new topic?
Shot a gun?
"Oh ho yes! Let me show you something." Cazhim stands up and excitedly leads you to a side room filled with boxes of tools, raw materials and a desk cluttered with a variety of design documents. "I dabble in the Machinist trade. I much prefer spit balling designs with the Boss back at Skysteel but every experiment needs a test phase! You should stop by the factory. The Boss always likes seeing new faces."
Still loved someone you shouldn't?
"No, but I can't say I've loved that many people. Especially not romantically." He seems more caught up in reorganizing his workshop then this particular question.
Have a tattoo?
"Not my thing. Clashes with my scales. I've seen some pretty cool ones on the other monks around though. Maybe I could engrave my revolver with one..." His focus is barely there. Perhaps it would be best to relocate.
Liked someone, but will never tell?
"Eh, life's too short for that. Might as well take your shot while you can. Worry too much and you're likely to make yourself sick with regret" He replies over his shoulder as he leads you back to the living room.
Been too honest?
"Honesty has never been an issue. As I said omission is a powerful tool." His mischievous smile returns along with his focus on your questions.
Ruined a surprise?
"Can't say that I have, luckily."
Been told you were beautiful by someone who totally meant it?
"A few times. It's nice to hear...even if its almost always out of the blue nowadays. Xavier tends to do that." He says with a warm smile on his face.
Stalked someone?
"Eh yea actually. A friend of mine had a hunch about one of our clients. Thought they weren't giving us all of the details. She was most certainly right. Luckily we sorted everything out."
Thought about murder?
"I assume you're referring to something more scandalous than what goes on in battle. If so: No. I've kept very few loose ends that need that kind of...attention." His tone makes it clear he is not pleased by this sort of question.
How about mass murder?
Cazhim stares at you for a moment before replying "I see no circumstance where I would need to."
Cheated on someone.
"No" he says almost before you finish speaking. He quickly downs his tea before standing to make more.
Gotten so angry that you cried?
"Yes, my friends are talented, dedicated and not afraid to risk life and limb at the drop of a hat. However; that doesn't always mean things will go their way. Sometimes it gets the in trouble. The sort of trouble I can't pull them back from..." He says while prepping a kettle. He does not turn to face you but you can tell a bad memory is on his mind.
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?
"No. Only for my own good. Briefly." He says before placing another cup before you. He does not seem inclined to elaborate.
Thoughts about suicide?
Cazhim simply begins sipping from his own cup. A moment passes before waving a dismissive hand in your direction. Your question goes unanswered.
Had a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Cazhim scoffs but not with ill intent. "How about I say this instead. Yes, Xavier is the only person I've ever dated. Everything before has been more...temporary."
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday?
"I'm not much of a drinker. A spiked lemonade or a sip of spiced wine at most but that's mostly just for others who may get the wrong impression if I don't eat or drink at all."
 Whoa! Okay well that was loooong but fun! Helps me flesh out Caz's personality. I hope who ever decides to read this has fun and if you really like it then why not try it yourself? Thanks for tagging me: @windup-scholar Stop by their blog to see even better OC stuff. From Art to asks like this one. See ya.
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