#that nct nation concert where the crowd cheered for everyone but them
sunmisbf · 1 year
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this is making me cry
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kunkingdom · 1 year
Past To Present
Summary: In the story of Kun, a Chinese soldier who fought in World War II, an unexpected turn of events brings him to the year 2023 at an NCT Nation concert in Osaka. As NCT members deliver their speeches on stage, they are astounded to see Kun, still dressed in his military uniform, standing alongside them.
Kun seizes the microphone and his gaze falls upon Yuta, one of the NCT members. He remarks that Yuta bears a striking resemblance to Yuka, the girl who captured his heart during the war. Intrigued, Yuta asks if Yuka is related to him. Kun, taken aback, inquires about Yuta's surname, to which Yuta replies, "Nakamoto."
Kun is stunned to learn that both Yuta and Yuka share the same surname. Realizing the possibility of a familial connection, he exclaims that Sakura and he could be Yuta's grandparents. Overwhelmed by emotions, Kun proceeds to share his life story, recounting his experiences as a soldier, the surrender of Japan, and the transition to a democratic nation.
He also sheds light on the lack of freedom in China, which prompted his departure and pursuit of Sakura's love in Osaka. Kun's heartfelt speech resonates deeply with Yuta, who is moved to tears by the sacrifices and struggles endured by the soldier.
In this poignant encounter, Kun's presence on stage becomes a catalyst for reflection, reminding everyone present of the enduring power of love, family, and the fight for freedom. The story serves as a reminder to cherish the liberties we possess and to strive for a world where everyone can live without fear or oppression.
Ultimately, Kun's speech touches the hearts of not only Yuta but also the entire NCT fandom. It brings together the themes of love, sacrifice, and the human spirit's resilience, leaving a lasting impact on all those who witness the extraordinary connection forged between the soldier from the past and the K-pop idols of the present.
Fast forward to the year 2023, in the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. The popular K-pop group NCT was holding a concert at a grand stadium, captivating thousands of fans with their electrifying performances. Little did they know that this concert would be a turning point in their lives.
Kun is not an member in NCT in my story he is a Chinese soldier in WW2
Once upon a time in a small village in China, there lived a brave soldier named Kun. He fought valiantly in World War II, defending his country with unwavering loyalty. However, during a fierce battle, Kun mysteriously disappeared, leaving his comrades puzzled and his family devastated.
Fast forward to the year 2023, in the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. The popular K-pop group NCT was holding a concert at a grand stadium, captivating thousands of fans with their electrifying performances. Little did they know that this concert would be a turning point in their lives.
As NCT members took the stage to deliver their heartfelt speeches, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. But amidst the chaos, a figure appeared on stage, causing everyone, including the members themselves, to freeze in shock. It was Kun, dressed in his military uniform, standing tall and resolute.
Kun's presence on stage was both bewildering and fascinating. Yuta, one of the NCT members, couldn't help but feel a connection with the soldier. As Kun grabbed the microphone, he looked directly at Yuta and asked him what his name was. Yuta, taken aback, replied, "My name is Yuta Nakamoto."
A spark of recognition flickered in Kun's eyes. He mentioned that Yuta resembled Yuka, the girl of his dreams back in his time. Yuta, intrigued, asked if Yuka was related to him. Kun, with a mix of disbelief and excitement, inquired about Yuta's surname. Yuta replied, "Nakamoto."
Kun's heart skipped a beat as he realized that both Yuta and Yuka shared the same surname. Overwhelmed with emotions, he exclaimed, "Yuka and I could be your grandparents!"
The concert venue fell into a hushed silence
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of NCT, and all the incredible fans gathered here tonight, I stand before you as a man whose life has been shaped by love, war, and the pursuit of freedom. My name is Qian Kun, and I was born in the picturesque province of Fujian, China.
In the midst of a world torn apart by conflict, I found myself drawn to a young woman named Yuka. Her enchanting smile and captivating spirit captured my heart from the moment our paths crossed. We were destined to be together, or so I thought.
As fate would have it, my love for Yuka was tested when I was called to fight in World War II against Japan. It was a painful irony to be torn between my duty as a soldier and the love I held for a woman from the very nation I fought against.
But love, my friends, knows no boundaries. It transcends the divisions of war and unites souls in the most unexpected ways. Despite the turmoil, Yuka's heart remained steadfast, and our love grew stronger with each passing day.
The tides of war eventually turned, and Japan surrendered. The nation underwent a remarkable transformation, transitioning from an imperial power to a democratic country. It was a time of great change, of hope, and of healing.
However, my homeland, China, did not experience the same transformation. The precious gift of freedom, so cherished in democratic nations, was denied to many in my country. It was this lack of freedom, this stifling of individual liberties, that compelled me to leave everything behind and embark on a journey to Osaka, to be reunited with Yuka.
But my path to love was not without its challenges. My parents, in their traditional ways, sought to bring me back to China to marry a girl named Mei. Mei, too, made her way to Osaka, further complicating the love triangle in which Yuka and I found ourselves entangled.
Yet, amidst the rivalry and conflicting emotions, something remarkable happened. Mei and I, love rivals turned friends, discovered a bond that went beyond our shared affection for Yuka. We realized that love, in all its complexities, could bring people together, even in the most unexpected circumstances.
So here I stand, before you tonight, as a testament to the power of love and the unyielding desire for freedom. My journey, filled with twists and turns, serves as a reminder that love knows no boundaries, that it can bridge gaps and unite even the most unlikely of allies.
I thank NCT for giving me this platform to share my story, for allowing my voice to be heard. And to all of you here tonight, I urge you to cherish the freedom you possess, to fight for justice and equality, and to believe in the power of love to transcend all obstacles.
May my tale inspire you to embrace the complexities of love, to find common ground with those you once considered rivals, and to never cease in the pursuit of freedom for all. Together, let us create a world where love triumphs, where freedom reigns, and where music continues to be the universal language that unites us all.
After the speech, Kun descended from the stage, surrounded by members of NCT who embraced him with warmth and gratitude. They thanked him for sharing his incredible journey and for reminding them of the importance of their own dreams and aspirations.
As Kun bid farewell to his newfound friends, he carried with him a sense of fulfillment and contentment. He had finally found a connection to the present, a bridge between the past and the future. And in that moment, Kun's spirit found solace, knowing that his sacrifices were not in vain.
The story of Kun, the Chinese soldier who disappeared into 2023, would forever be etched in the hearts of NCT and their fans. It served as a reminder that the echoes of the past can still resonate and inspire, no matter how much time has passed.
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