#that one was burried somewhere because I've never thought about it since it happened
glimpseofsanity · 1 year
Randomly remembered when I was 18-19, this gown ass man (early 40's) asked me if I would have dated him if he wasn't married. What's that necessary?
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fruit-sy · 2 years
Song : "【Omori Song】 Endless by @OR3O ft. @Kuraiinu"
YT link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVBbnJZjJ3s
Spotify link : https://open.spotify.com/user/khfje5c59z3ip8hq65302fqy8
Original game : "OMORI" by OMOCAT https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150690/OMORI/
Level editor from "Rhythm Doctor" by 7th Beat Games
None of the images used for backgrounds are mine (Except for that Blackspace image). Characters are from the game "OMORI", and their sprites in this level are made by me.
Under the cut is just my ramblings in the making of this WIP (Warning : LONG and rambly lol)
A project I hyperfixated on for a week before I dropped it and came back months later having no clue what I just did in the "coding" aspects of it lmao
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I dropped it due to the fear of legal issues regarding the use of assets of the game/screenshots as the BG (I asked someone about it, and they said I should avoid using assets directly for the game and I backed off. Well, I still used the Otherworld sky and the Sunny's room, but I'm not distributing the level nor am I profiting off of it)
The Rhythm doctor community is one of the nicest, most welcoming community I've seen, and I honestly respect the amount of discipline it comes with custom levels and the permissions side of things. It takes a lot to get your work recognized somewhat in the non official custom levels community, and from what I saw in their discord, the quality control is pretty good.
This however *chuckles*... is probably not going to be on par, and won't be for a long time. I'm not sure if I'm even cuing things correctly, (People were appalled at one part of the beats I put lmao, I figured a lot of my other beats were probably "illegal" (meaning bad/unfair or not very fun to play) but I was too much of a wuss to ask for more feedback ;_;)
To make a decent level takes a lot of practice, and also decent knowledge of rhythm games and how Rhythm Doctor works as a game. But, as you've heard a million times, I had fun in my high.
Doing the sprites were pretty fun! Well, fun in the beginning when I thought about making this AwEsOmE level, fun in the end as I looked at the work I did, but absolutely hair pulling when I was actually doing it lmao.
The official guide was lacking in resources I needed to pump out these custom character sprites (I attempted to look into trying to code them in manually, matching it with the one on the guide, but as you may have guessed, I never got too far lol). The RD discord is a saint and sent a link to a convenient .json maker and many hours were spent on me messing up the sprite placement, constant revisioning of sprites because I missed a pixel or two like a dumbass, or I had a spontaneous idea and wanted to do some funky things with the sprites.
I used Aseprite's lite version and had to do some bizarre things to get around their "no export" limitations before I learned there was a way to make a free version of it.. somehow. Someone once again on Discord gave me a pretty in depth guide, but I've long since logged back on Discord again and it's probably burried under thousands of messages now. Thanks anyways guy.
Lore notes :
For any of you who's concerned as to why Omori is smiling, it's because I had a headcanon at the time that Omori was originally some sort of self insert/Mary sue character. Sunny hated his own identity, but he still wanted to escape back to his friends again, just with a different name, appearance, and personality.
Omori, Sunny's new identity felt elated at first in the dreamworld. But maybe Sunny regularly experienced breaches of Blackspace more often and was sometimes even stuck in it. He became more jaded as time went on, as more loops happened. He found that the best way he found to numb the pain was just burying it. Not acknowledging the darker parts of his mind when it's all locked away somewhere far away. Omori then sort of evolved as a concept, and what was once under Sunny's control turned into an uncontrollable impulse/habit to run away and bury his problems.
Why did Omori stab himself in the fear sequence and not in White Space? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I couldn't think of a better transition lol
Anyways, I was in love with Rhythm Doctor, both in its story and gameplay, and I was kinda obsessed with Omori too, so I attempted to mash 'em together and called it a day. It's got a lot of flaws, you might think it was a random as hell crossover (on brand as always lmao). Dunno if I'll ever pick it up again, but I think it's still an entertaining watch 👀
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kaedeharakaori · 4 years
awieee this is for a special friend of mine irl ^^ i hope u like it eonnie <3 you're (everyone) the traveler in this fic btw :DD
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Keep me warm || Kaeya
The Traveler and their floating emergency food friend were taking a stroll through the icy mountains of Dragonspine for some things that Albedo asked you to get on your way back from Liyue.
Moments before you stepped into Dragonspine, it was kind of enjoyable for the both of you since you and Paimon were accompanied by Zhongli to the boarder of Liyue and Mondstadt.
"I know you can hear me Barbatos, how have you been? Well, I guess, telling by the winds. May I ask you to guide this Traveler and their companion safely back into the walls of your kingdom." greeted Zhongli to the god of the winds, a moment of silence before he faced the Traveler.
"I belive this is as far as I can go for I cannot leave Liyue just yet, maybe in a few or so years until I am sure that my kingdom can handle it all without Rex Lapis. Take care Traveler and Paimon, 'till we meet again in a new adventure, a new page in our lives."
Said the Lord of Geo as he retreated further back into Liyue, leaving the Traveler just on the edge of Mingyun Village, on their way to gather up the materials that Albedo patiently asked for when he heard the news of the pair that will soon return to Mondstadt.
You were then left alone, Paimon went off to find a torch on the cold paths of Dragonspine, having collected most of the materials Albedo asked for, meanwhile in Mondstadt, people were now preparing for the Ludi Harpastum that will happen in the next few months, its never too late to prepare early right?
Sitting in his massive office waiting for you to return home was the Cavalry Captain of the Knights de Favonius and who was also your lover, Captain Kaeya Alberich who was really impatient and bored beyond belief.
"When are you getting back my sweet little Traveler? I miss you… but I also don't get why we're already preparing for Ludi Harpastum when its months away?" asked Kaeya to no one in particular.
Soft footsteps were heard in the hallway of the Headquarters of the Knights de Favonia. Those footsteps were getting louder until they slammed open the Cavalry Captain's door open. The very good looking Chief Alchemist, Albedo, who was now stood inside after slamming Kaeya's door open (leaving it ajar) looked panicked.
"What's the matter, Kreideprinz? This must be a serious situation because you've rarely ever come here." Kaeya teased, with a barely visible smirk painted onto his face.
"Forgive me for barging in Captain, but I've recieved a signal from one of my experiments in Dragonspine and it doesnt look like its a good one." Albedo's face was filled with terror, hands were shaking, and his normally relaxed body was stiff. Kaeya made mental notes of this as Albedo's situation is really a serious one, considering that the alchemist usually was proper and composed, seeing him streased like this was new to Kaeya, might even make him scared.
"Albedo, prepare your stuff and we're going to go to Dragonspine in a bit."
It's been almost an hour since Paimon had left you, you've already collected some of the last bits that Albedo had asked for, the only thing missing is a shard from the floating pillar on the peak of Dragonspine, and so you went off.
Going without Paimon felt weird to you, even if you were kind of annymoyed of her, you still appreciated the company that she gave you. Trudging up the path to the peak, you were getting extremely cold as some of the torches weren't alive, a sign that you were getting close to the top.
Legs trembling, knees unstable, nose clogged, you've crashed to the ground, the cold was too much to handle. The torches further up were not activated to keep anyone warm, from the looks of it, no one has touched the torches for years.
Your body was giving up on you now, the cold too much for you to handle, rethinking your life as you knew this was somehow going to be your last breath, you sighed, wishing someone a happy ending.
"Kaeya, my love, I hope you keep me warm."
Kaeya and a very panicked Albedo has entered Dragonspine and made their way to Albedo's camp, poor Kaeya was worried sick about the alchemist who was next to him, trembling in fear, hands shaking, not from the cold, but from his thoughts running through his head.
"W-what if someone messed with my experiments?! I'm not finished with those yet and those are highly dangerous items that if messed with, and will lead to unknown circumstances."
"Calm down Albedo, we're going to reach the summit in about 45 minutes. Maybe if you stop worrying we could get there a little faster." Kaeya told the little alchemist to hold himself together.
A while of walking has passed, about 8 minutes away from the camp, snow thick, and the torches were extinguised, something odd stood out to Kaeya.
"Hey Al? When was the last time you were up here?" asked Kaeya curiously, "about a week ago" was all Albedo said as he continued.
"Well if you were here a week ago, shouldn't there be no footprints up here? these almost look like fresh footprints from not too long ago." Kaeya kneeled to the ground, examined the footprints left in the snow, they look new as if someone was here hours ago.
"I guess you follow the footprints, I'll check for any intruders in the camp." Ordered the Kreideprinz to his companion.
A while of more walking while closely examining the footprints, they seem to get closer to each other, as if someone was struggling to walk and so the captain ventured further into Dragonspine, almost near the Peak of Vindagnyr.
Kaeya, peacefully walkong and somewhat enjoying the cold felt a little spike of a traumatizing aura, like as if he was about to see something that would break him, brushing that feeling off he kept walking.
A crunch was heard underneath his footsteps causing him to break his train of thought and turn back, sprinting to where a patch of red had tainted the snow.
Covered a little by the snow was a small body, looked like of a creature but it didn't look like an animal, the body almost looked human-like. Kaeya dug through with an old and rusty shovel that he found on the ground, dug up the body and gasped at what he saw.
Paimon was dead, burried in the snow dried blood smeered all around, he frantically scanned the area for more footprints on the ground and luckily he found more.
"So if Paimon is here… that means the Traveler is also somewhere in this mountain." Kaeya's eyes widen in horror.
He carefully placed Paimon's remains as if she was just relaxing on the rock and ran for the trail of footprints, the farther he went up the summit, the newer the footprints looked, the more frightened Kaeya felt, what if these were the footprints of his beloved? He shook his head to those kind of thoughts.
Kaeya arrived at the summit of the mountain, footprints nowhere to be seen, he used his elemental sight only to find a sight so cruel.
Just how he found Paimon, the Traveler is sprawled out on the ground, body parts spread in weird places that seem very uncomfortable. Kaeya ran towards the Traveler in fear of their heart not breathing.
"My beloved! Please tell me that you're alright" Kaeya sobbed, "just give me a sign, please, anything that might tell me that you're alive" the Cavalry Captain cried harder.
Far off in the distance stood a man, blond hair as bright as the sun, his posture primmed and composed, his hands elegantly gliding accross the sketchbook at the scene infront of him, cereulean blue eyes shimmering with a sinister glare, the Kredeprinz smirked.
"I'm so sorry, Captain. It appears that your Traveler froze to death because of the materials I have asked of them to gather for my experiments. Sadly, I had more intentions than you thought. The traveler does not belong in this world I tell you, how can just a supposedly other-worldian just waltz into our world without the intention of destroying it? Not when I've already found out what they are, their whole being. I'm sorry but I had to do the job that the eleventh couldn't do."
Albedo sighed happily, finishing his sketch and finally ending his experiment here.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
I've seen prompt 88 and immediatly think Ash! If you don't mind, can you write it?
Yes, of course!
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, paranoia, delusions kidnapping
Prompt 88: “I’m sorry that I keep you in here. But you’re too pure and innocent. I’m scared that this world will break you. I’m only protecting you.”
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“Please Ash! I want to get out of here! I want to see my family again! And my friends! It’s been so long since I’ve had contact with other people...” Your voice became a quiet hush during the last sentence, feeling yourself getting more and more exhausted. How you hated this place. How you hated being a hostage in this little palace Ash had made for you. How you hated being Ash’s little darling which he wanted to spoil and protect from the outside world. And all of this whilst telling you that he just was too terrified to lose the only pure human he had ever met in his life. You didn’t even think of yourself as that pure. You weren’t someone really bad, but you also weren’t someone you would think of as perfect. You had lied in your past, you had done some pretty stupid things and you had also been violent a few times before. And you weren’t really religious either. There were people you could think who appeared to be much more fitting for this title. But at this point you would have accepted everyone else being stuck in this person who wasn’t you. Another thing that didn’t make you think you were as pure as he told you too. You were selfish and sometimes even greedy. So what exactly made you so much more innocent from all the others?
By now you were just sitting on the bed, your knees being pressed against your stomach and your head burried in them. You wanted to get out. You felt like becoming sick if you would be stuck in this house for much more longer. You just wanted to get out. “Please Ash...”, you begged quietly and if it wouldn’t have been for the silence surrounding the both of you, he wouldn’t have been able to hear you. The whole time he had just been standing in front of the door, wanting to prevent you from storming out of the room. The windows were already locked up, Ash not wanting you to have any way to leave your “home”. You remembered still clearly what had happened when you had actually managed to take a step outside this place. Ash had gone into a frantic and lunatic mode, instantly dragging you back and blabbering something from “not bearing the thought that this rotten world could ruin you” and “needing to clean this place up for your sake”. He was normally a calm and composed man around you, but in that moment his facade had broken for a short moment and he had revealed his true self. A maniac through and through. Only after locking everything up, cleaning you completely up and checking for any injuries on you and not finding anything he had calmed down a bit. And then? He had cried. Tears had been rolling down his face whilst he had told you in a voice filled with fear, worry and passion that you shouldn’t do something like this again. You were so fragile. You were like a beautiful flower, beautiful, but also so easy to be destroyed. And that’s why he wanted to keep you safe. And if he wouldn’t be able to protect you as your guardian angel, then what was he good for anyways?
You heard suddenly the parquet creaking, telling you that Ash was stepping to the bed. What did he want to do now? Oh wait. You knew what would come now. Him telling you that he just wanted to keep you safe. Him comforting you and promising to get you everything you wanted. Him sweet talking to you and promising you as soon as he had cleaned the world he would let you out again. The same old story like always. And you knew better than screaming at him or cursing, struggling and yelling. Ash would never hurt you, you knew that. He would rather lose some limbs than doing that. But the thing was that you would only hurt your mouth like this because he never got mad at you. So by the end of your shouting seesions he would just coo at you and you would just be exhausted. No matter what you had tried, he had always adored you for whatever action you had made. You had once even tried to hurt him. And he hadn’t done anything. Instead he had just told you that if you thought he deserved it because he had upset you in some way you had all right to do it. You had gotten chills in that moment, stepping horrified back. He saw you as someone higher than him, someone who deserved to have fulfilled every wish they had. And he was ready to do whatever it takes to fulfill your wishes.
“(y/n). My queen/king.” There he went again with this calm and charming voice of his. You just tried to make yourself even smaller, curling yourself more up. You didn’t want to hear this shit again. “That’s so unfair, you know? Being stuck in this place for god knows how long and not being able to step out again. You say you want to make me happy? You say that you want to fulfill me my every wish? Then please, let me out of here.” You squeezed your eyes tightly, feeling tears of frustration gather in the corner of your eyes. But you didn’t want to cry. Not in front of him. You were scared of his reaction if he would see you cry. What if he would went into his maniac mode again and would hurt himself for upsetting you? He had done it a few times before. And the knowledge that he was ready to do this for you was downright terrifying. You hadn’t asked for this. Never had you wanted this. But now you were stuck too deeply in this mess to ever get out again. Not like he would ever let you leave him anyways. You were a bird in a cage. With all the fancy stuff, the sheets made out of only the finest material and the clothes in the wardrobe being more expensive than all your former clothes together some people would have given you weird looks. But a cage was still a cage, even if it was a golden one.
You felt the mattress shifting once again because he leaned closer to you. You tensed slightly up when you felt his breath hitting your skin, not feeling comfortable that he was that close to you. “Are you upset because of me?” You were clearly able to hear the slight shaking of his voice, despite him trying to sound calm. Oh no. Please not this again. You slowly looked up. As much as you wanted to get out of here, you also didn’t want to go through the stress of seeing Ash hurting himself again. You were met with his face being very close to yours, his purple eyes gazing right into yours. You could see the swelling panic in them, the horrifying thought of him having upset you. You slowly shook your head. “N-no. I’m not. I-I just don’t understand why you do it.” That was a lie. You were upset. But you were also afraid of having to hear his maniacal talking about how he had hurt you and how undeserving he was to have upset you. It was too much for you to take. So you dearly hoped that he wouldn’t get angry with himself. For a few moments Ash just stared at you. And you couldn’t help the thought that he was very handsome crossing your mind. He looked like...Well, like an angel.
“I’m sorry that I keep you in here. But you’re too pure and innocent. I’m scared that this world will break you. I’m only protecting you.” He sounded a bit calmer, his voice having gone back to it’s soothing tone. He had moved even closer to you, making you lean back to gain some distance between you and him. His eyes were scanning busily over every inch of you, shining with something that could only be described as utter and complete devotion. “I know that this is hard to understand for you. That is just another proof that you’re a pure hearted person. So it’s my job to help you understand that you deserve better, that your place is somewhere above those trash out there.” One of his hands slowly grabbed yours, carefully, as if you were made out of glass and started rubbing circles into it before moving it closer to his face. “After all,”, he began and and placed a kiss on your knuckles, his lips staying a bit longer on your skin before continuing,”it’s my job as your protector and guardian angel to make sure that no one can taint or harm you. Hopefully you’ll understand one day that no one is worth being near you. Even I am not completely worthy.”
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