#that one wholesome cutscene from her red route
whisperedshadow · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​ 
For what reason why Oichi was there at Ieyasu’s main base was truly unknown but he saw something from the the sister of the ‘Demon King’. The last time she saw him was he was a little-like guy with a cane but now he’s fully grown and mature. Normally, Tadakatsu was supposed to be in his side but he was defeated by Oichi either way.
Mist or not, Ieyasu could be seeing things as both of them never met or a little regarding on Nagamasa’s presence in this place. Right now, he was walking towards Oichi but not hostile. “Unbelievable.” He knew the downfall of Oda but he was surprised to see her survive. ‘The Demon Queen of the Fifth Heaven’ Oichi. If her existence is a sign that Nobunaga could appear any time, he’s not going to leave her. He’s going to take care of her, just like Nagamasa did.
“Very well, i will take care of Lady Oichi.” He had made his mind to take responsibility to her as there was another.
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Oichi had nothing else to do than just standing around but she heard him. Even as an imprint, he felt Nagamasa’s presence but he only looked at him as like, one of her officers.
“You must be one of the Oda’s officers. Don’t worry, she’s safe in my hands.” He made a vow that he will do his very best onto their next battles.
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