#event 03: mistified
swordofdeath · 2 years
random starter - @taroudachi
The lowest of the low at Soul Society is where Unohana and Zaraki had fatefully duelled on each other until one of them dies and Unohana, this time is the victor. Staring coldly on the lifeless body of Zaraki himself, she glanced on the opened doors and she saw him.
The one she had fought at Spirale.
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"Ah, it's you." She recognized him with his honorable attitude and the sword means they got their full power but only in the mist. Leaving the corpse alone, she had to know behind these mists.
"Is this one of the 'stars' doing?"
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mercurywitch · 2 years
☆ The mist was thick. The two had escaped before it had gotten too bad, but exploring it now? They had been subjected to a number of unusual visions. Some passed by too quickly for Suletta to make sense of, but they all seemed to be memories. Were they hers? Miorine's? The passed by too soon for her to tell at times. At least until it settled upon a scene that was much more familiar.
The scene from the day they had met. Back in Miorine's greenhouse, Guel was harassing her. The mist was interesting. It had replicated the two girls, too, and things unfolded the same as they had back then. A sheepish Suletta standing up to Guel, challenging him to a duel.
"You're going to regret this!" The boy had spouted before storming off. Suletta couldn't remember if that was the same or not. But the witch, the real witch, turned to the real Miorine with a smile.
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"I don't! And I never will, Miss Miorine! Because that's the reason I became your groom-to-be in the first place! Because of this moment on my first day of school ever... I met the most important person to me!"
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firstclassrookie · 2 years
'What does this one do?'
"Please don't touch any of those-" Leon catches a potion bottle before it can smash on the floor, sighing as Ashley rubs the back of her head sheepishly.
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'Sorry, Leon. I'll be more careful.' He places the bottle back on the counter, sighing. He'd stopped in to check in on Zal-- even if they are just battery acid spaghetti friends, he's not going to leave anyone to fare on their own with the weird mist everywhere.
"Has the mist left you alone, at least?" He asks, leaning against the table, careful not to disturb any more bottles. "Heard there's some real weird shit coming out of there. Uh, present company excluded."
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"Sorry." He puts his hands in the air, chuckling softly. "I just don't understand why things can't stay calm for five minutes. I'd kill for the chance to be bored around here."
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whisperedshadow · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​ 
For what reason why Oichi was there at Ieyasu’s main base was truly unknown but he saw something from the the sister of the ‘Demon King’. The last time she saw him was he was a little-like guy with a cane but now he’s fully grown and mature. Normally, Tadakatsu was supposed to be in his side but he was defeated by Oichi either way.
Mist or not, Ieyasu could be seeing things as both of them never met or a little regarding on Nagamasa’s presence in this place. Right now, he was walking towards Oichi but not hostile. “Unbelievable.” He knew the downfall of Oda but he was surprised to see her survive. ‘The Demon Queen of the Fifth Heaven’ Oichi. If her existence is a sign that Nobunaga could appear any time, he’s not going to leave her. He’s going to take care of her, just like Nagamasa did.
“Very well, i will take care of Lady Oichi.” He had made his mind to take responsibility to her as there was another.
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Oichi had nothing else to do than just standing around but she heard him. Even as an imprint, he felt Nagamasa’s presence but he only looked at him as like, one of her officers.
“You must be one of the Oda’s officers. Don’t worry, she’s safe in my hands.” He made a vow that he will do his very best onto their next battles.
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spiderstaff · 3 years
“Mr. Grimm!!!!!!”
‘Woah, Kay! Slow down!’ Kay’s got a human on each hand as she runs to intercept Grimm on the path-- sure, they might be in a spooky mist-covered forest, but she’s not missing this opportunity to introduce her dads to one of her friends... especially someone she’s told so much about them.
“Mr. Grimm! Sorry for yelling, but it’s important. I wanted to introduce you to my dads!” Behind her are two humans, smiling softly at their daughter’s antics, as if they’re used to this.
‘I’m getting on in years, Kay, you know I can’t keep up with your level of energy, darling,’ The man with braided auburn hair pushes up his glasses with a gloved hand, then tousles her hair.
‘It’s nice to meet you, Grimm. We’re glad Kay’s been making friends!” The other man smiles.
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“Mr. Grimm does amazing performances with magic and dancing! I’ve even performed with him!” She beams with pride-- she hasn’t been this happy in so long.
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fatedatonement · 3 years
‘Oh, Regal! This is the boy you were telling me about?’ Regal smiles softly as Alicia looks this way and that, holding onto his arm as she asks questions. Her curiosity and joy for life had always been one of the things he admired most about her-- it’s nice to be able to experience it again, if only for a little while.
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“Yes,” he nods. “Lloyd, I’d like to formally introduce you to Alicia. She--” Before he can finish the sentence, Alicia has run to shake Lloyd’s hand-- as quiet as Regal tends to be, it seems she makes up the energy tenfold.
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‘It’s very nice to meet you, Lloyd! I heard from Regal that you’re a friend of Presea’s as well. Thank you for looking out for them... it makes me really happy to know they have people who care so much in their lives.”
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journalskeeper · 3 years
It’s like something out of Lucretia’s worst nightmares.
The scene around her is bright neon, flashing lights and loud music. All she can think to do is run; there’s no way she can fight a couple of liches, not like this. She wasn’t a match for them at full strength, after all.
As she runs, she realizes that parts of this scene are different-- almost spliced together, like a lot of this city tends to be. Futuristic panels and the occasional view of space interrupt the stifling prison that is Wonderland, and when she finally stops, she realizes that the catwalk she’d been running along is suspended over that void as well. This doesn’t look like anything out of her memory. She realizes all at once that not only is this scene entirely new, but also, she’s run straight into a dead end. On top of that, she’s not alone.
“Raine?!” Lucretia’s normal calm aura is entirely gone, and she makes no effort to hide the relief in her voice upon seeing her friend.
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“You’re back! I was worried...” she pauses, looking around as she catches her breath. Leave it to Wonderland to take such a toll on her. “Though it’s good to see you, I sincerely wish this reunion had been under better circumstances. Are you all right?”
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otherworldly-healer · 3 years
Another turn in the narrow path between the mists brought the half-elf to yet another familiar dwelling from her memories. Thatched roofs atop wooden homes, and forest surrounding the settlement in every direction. The trickling sound of flowing water from nearby streams and rivers. A cold sweat itching at the back of her neck. The feeling of mana stronger in this illusion than it had ever been in Spirale. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say it was the memory of the essence of mana. This was Heimdall, the hidden village of the elves. 
In a way, this town had always made her feel like a prisoner. She had never truly felt accepted, and had to spend most of her childhood in hiding even in the place she called home. Across the foggy river she could see the men who initially banned her and her brother from stepping foot inside all those years later. Even if Raine still often lingered in her past, the irony was that finding the truth here was what allowed her to slowly start moving forward. So she could overlook their blunt distaste for her kind and find a moment to rest here on a wooden bench and stare up at the stars. The very same sky she knew as a child.
As much as the elves made their distaste clear, they were still a community that frowned upon use of violence, unlike some of the other apparitions she’d seen since she returned. Her feet ached. After a few minutes of resting her eyes, she heard the sound of footsteps rustling through blades of grass. She turned to see who had joined her.
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“Martel. What a coincidence that we would both be brought here in the mists. But no, perhaps instead it must be by design?” Raine slowly patted the bench next to her to invite the other half-elf to join her. “No wonder why everything feels so much stronger. It was being amplified by another with ties to the same place.”
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apexquartz · 3 years
something that does right by you
Everywhere she goes, she is stalked by apparitions: the mist forms scenes of battles already fought thousands of years ago, but never finished. At times, the memories of Gems take notice and attack her, but more often than not they simply vanish when she tries to strike back.
At first, Jasper wanted to push through until she reached the other side of this unnatural fog. Now, she'd rather go back the way she came. But she doesn’t know which way that is anymore...
In front of Pink Diamond, a newly-emerged Jasper in a pink uniform salutes and stands at attention, looking up with a sense of awe and eagerness to prove herself. Then she’s gone, dissolved back into a formless mist as the real Jasper bursts through the illusion. Urgh, how many of these are there going to be?
Jasper reaches out to what she thinks is another bit of residual data, only to recoil as her hand grabs Pink’s arm. She lets go, scrambling back into roughly the same position the ghost of her past self had taken, only she doesn’t look the same anymore. She’s dishevelled, worn down, her imperfections clearly showing as she struggles with how to react.
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“You’re... really here.”
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swordofdeath · 2 years
starter - @kujoutengu
Unohana should have stayed but the mist has reeled her in, somewhere on her squad building. There was a war happening but knowing these were just mistified beings, it has no adverse effect to her true fate. This was the shinigami's first time being in a weirdly distorted Seireitei and in a form of a 'Thousand-year Blood War'.
She doesn't care if Shunsui became captain-commander, she doesn't care about this place and she doesn't care about fighting Zaraki. Way out is a must as there could be the Sternritter elsewhere, wrecking havoc.
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"Have you been in this strange mist before?" She asked the one who was behind her. Looked like she was a tengu or something, she doesn't know as Minazuki is holding the sheaths before heading out.
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whisperedshadow · 3 years
starter - @geometragic​
Sided with her brother while unaware of the mist that time, the other warlords were defeated she is going insane and not in herself lately. The death of Nagamasa greatly affects her mentality. 
Somewhere at a snowy village with Nohime and Ranmaru, they have to defeat the one who was in charge of the village which is a little girl with a giant hammer named ‘Itsuki’. Knowing that a child is a warlord like the others, she needs to be taken down or killed if have to.
“It seems that we will be following you at the time while Nobunaga was at Honnoji.” Nouhime had her arms folded thus she doesn’t mind following Oichi around, since he is her sister after all. She didn’t notice about Oichi’s sanity about to lose it all. “Come on! We better not to let Lord Nobunaga be disappointed. When it’s all done, we can go back and report it to him!” Ranmaru seemed enthusiastic about it. Like Nouhime, he’s also unaware of Oichi’s sanity. Both didn’t knew that Katsuie was there, just to be ignored by the two of them.
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Oichi had nothing else to say than to do what her brother told. Asides from wielding her naginata and the shadowed hands that was creeping around her in an aura-like form, she makes a move along with them, clearing anyone in their way for Oda.
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whisperedshadow · 3 years
Oichi’s Imprints
Here are a simplified details about her residual and sentients throughout the event.
Residual Imprints:
After Nagamasa’s Death - After the death of Nagamasa from her brother’s own hands, Oichi became eerie and losing her sanity, causing herself in a vengeful rampage until none was left by her brother at Honnoji. ( Unlike the one in Spirale, this Nagamasa is in the timeline as an imprint already disappeared. )
Red Route - Oichi sides with Ieyasu as ‘Lord Happy’ to save him from Mitsunari as ‘Lord Grumpy’ from the ‘hole of his heart’.
Purple Route - Oichi sides with Mitsunari to become as a pawn of Yoshitsugu to create misfortune around the world. 
Green Route - Oichi follows the voice which leads to Tenkai and Hideaki. What she never realizes is she was used as a sacrificial lamb.
Oichi’s ‘Conquest’ - From the voice that caused from the shadows, She only follows and has to defeat several warlords until she reached Nobunaga and the Shogun.
Sentient Imprints:
Ieyasu Tokugawa - Tokugawa’s Warlord who uses fists as weapons than his cane. He was a grown man.
Mitsunari Ishida - A man who carries a katana. Has immense hatred for Ieyasu for what the other did to Hideyoshi.
Yoshitsugu Otani - One of Mitsunari’s officers. He was known for his cryptic look with levitating orbs and platform.
Tenkai - A wandering monk with two sickles armed. Sided with Kobayakawa but this man’s personality is mysterious.
Nobunaga Oda - Oichi’s brother and the ‘Demon King’. Killer of Oichi’s husband, Nagamasa.
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spiderstaff · 3 years
“Miss Raine!” Kay nearly crashes right into her teacher as she sprints down the path, managing to skit to a halt right before impact. “Miss Raine, I missed you! And it’s really good to see you. And I know you probably just got back, but can you do me a really big favor?” She’s talking fast, and glancing behind her every few seconds. “Can you help me hide? There’s someone looking for me, and I really don’t want to talk to him, and...”
“Crap!” She hides behind Raine, clinging to her sleeve. The man that emerges from the mist bears a striking resemblance to his granddaughter, and his hands are folded behind his back as he approaches.
‘Kay, give the staff back to me, please. And stop hiding behind there, it’s not dignified.’ To Kay’s surprise, he isn’t rude to Raine, but instead he doesn’t acknowledge her at all. Somehow that almost feels worse.
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“Miss Raine, this is my grandpa,” Kay whispers. “I did steal the staff, but he stole it from me first. Do I have to give it back...?”
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fatedatonement · 3 years
“Oh, Miss Wilder, hello.” Regal smiles at her-- they’d met only briefly each time they’d run into each other, and he’s a bit worried that he might have come off as intimidating... but this time, that aura is offset by the pink-haired girl smiling at his side.
‘Is this a friend of yours, Regal?’ Alicia asks.
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“This is Seles Wilder, someone I know from home,” Regal nods. “She’s Zelos’s younger sister.”
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‘Oh!’ Alicia beams at her. ‘It’s very nice to meet you. I‘m Alicia Combatir. We met your brother earlier, he seems like a very kind person!’’
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spiderstaff · 3 years
“C’mon, give it back, that’s mine!”
‘You never earned it as far as I’m aware.’
“I don’t have to prove anything to you. My real family told me that.”
‘Yes, the humans you keep going on about... apparently in my absence, you’ve only gotten softer on them. And you’ve let your hair grow long again. Honestly, Kay, it’s like you’re not even trying.’
The resemblance between Kay and the tall dark elf she’s arguing with is uncanny. He’s walking with one hand behind his back, and the other holding a familiar looking staff. It does seem more suited to his size than hers, but it’s definitely the one she’s been carrying around for as long as she’s been here.
Surprisingly, she doesn’t make any move to try to grab it, just frowning as she walks beside him, expression never changing until she catches sight of someone else walking the same path.
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“Mr. Date!” Kay smiles when she sees him, but doesn’t run to his side as she normally would. Instead she stays put as her grandpa places a hand on her shoulder. “This is my grandpa.” She looks at him, despite him looking thoroughly uninterested in talking to a human. “Grandpa, this is Date. He’s my friend.”
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