#that person was a cornerstone of so many fandoms and wrote literally like 30% of the fics in a small-ish fandom i'm in
ladyreadalot ยท 2 years
hey guys! I'm kind of vague-posting here, but I'm getting really frustrated with a particular side of fandom right now. And by "really frustrated", I mean actually wanting to ban them from AO3 and every other fandom-related website (which is literally impossible but MAN do i want to try).
A fanfic author I greatly respect has recently decided to remove all of their fics from AO3, due to what seems like fan harassment. I won't share their name out of respect for their privacy, but if you're in the PJO or Merlin fandoms, it's highly likely you know who I'm talking about.
They haven't been very clear about the exact reasoning behind their sudden departure, but from what I can piece together from what they have said, a fan recently tracked them down/found them irl and harassed them. Apparently it's not just one person either, since apparently multiple people got a hold of their personal email and began sending them mail.
This side of fandom is not okay. Harassing creators-- even out of love!! even kindly!! even if it's just you wanting to let them know how much you appreciate their work!!-- is never okay. Comments and kudos on AO3 are VERY different than finding someone's email or finding them irl to tell them that. Many creators want to keep their fanfic-writing-lives and their irl-lives totally separate, and that's their call!
I know that you love their writing, because we all did. But invading the privacy of creators to the point where they no longer feel safe inhabiting a space designed to allow users to anonymously share stories without irl repercussions??? That's crossing a line. And I feel like this sort of harassment is becoming more and more common in fandom.
It's frustrating and annoying and it's leading creators to find fandom less and less of a safe place. Stop it. Seriously. I know that you've read and kudos-ed and commented on their every fic, but that doesn't make you the author's friend, and while I'm sure they still appreciate you, there is a boundary in place. Respect it!!
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