#that post about ''this was supposed to be 200 words but OMG 2K?!?!'' got me excited because literally me
Where is the love for short fics and one-shots and drabbles. The love for fics under 10k, under 5k, even under 1k. The love for authors who cannot get past 2k, no matter how hard they try. The love for authors who don't end up on rec lists because they can't get past 1k.
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whorderofthepheonix · 6 years
Sacredly Scarred: Chapter 20 || Erik Killmonger
A/N: *sighs* may or may not be the last chapter. idk. depends on y'all. Enjoy tho. 200+ if you want the next part (and if it takes forever, Imma take forever to post ch.21 lmfaoooo) PLEASE REBLOG INSTEAD OF COMMENT xx
Words: 2k
Warnings: Swearing, Mild Violence, Vomit Warning, Lil Itty Bitty Angst, Cliff Hanger af
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Erik’s POV
I pounded on the apartment door, eager for someone to answer.
“Erik, relax,” Yenai gasped. “You seem... Impatient.”
“Sorry, I just... Really want tea,” I mumbled. The door swung open and I was ready to pounce.
“Yenai! Erik!” 1 greeted. She looked fine... Like no sign of any injury or anything. Just an oversized yellow sweater and some leggings. “We weren’t expecting you.”
“Sorry to just barge in like this but Erik really wanted to join us for tea,” Yenai apologized, “and he insisted we come now.”
“Well tea’s not till 4,” she looked down at her watch. “But by all means, come in and join us for brunch! We’re out on the balcony.”
“Glady,” I pushed past them and onto the balcony. The other twin was out there, nibbling  lightly on a piece of toast. She wore an identical outfit to her sister, but with a blue sweater.
“Hi Erik!” She greeted. Yenai and 1 came in soon after. “Yenai too? Are you guys joining us for brunch?”
“Yup,” I said sitting across from her.
“Splendid!” 2 clapped. “Dorota! We need 2 more plates out here please!”
“So, Yenai, I’m sorry I couldn’t talk yesterday,” 1 frowned. “We were at the Marc Jacobs fashion show. They usually confiscate phones but I snuck mine in.”
“Well, it was a good thing you were dealing with fashion because I’m working with Vogue!” Yenai squealed. The twins gasped.
“No!” 2 gasped.
“OMG how?” 1 asked.
“Remember that dress I made with the tribal prints?” They nodded. “Well they saw it and loved it and now they want to add it to the Fall collection!” The 3 of them screamed and held hands.
“Congratulations!” 2 grinned.
“Yeah, we’re totes happy for you!” 1 added.
“Thanks guys!” Yenai laughed as the maid placed plates of bagels and lox in front of us. The moment Yenai saw it, she gulped. “Um... Is this raw?”
“Smoked,” 2 declared. “But very, very lightly. I hate when it’s not chewy.” Yenai started heaving.
“You good baby?” I whispered.
“Um, yeah... It’s just the smell,” she gagged. “And the look... and... I’m just gonna use the restro-” She covered her mouth and ran back into the house.
“Is she okay?” 2 asked.
“Yeah, she just has really bad food poisoning,” I said folding my arms. “So Marc Jacobs, huh? What was that like?”
“Like all the rest,” 1 rolled her eyes. “Been to one, been to them all.” I looked behind me to make sure Yenai wasn’t in ear shot.
“Does Yenai know?” I asked. They looked at each other confused.
“Know what...? About the fashion show? We just told her,” 2 raised an eyebrow.
“Cut the shit!” I hissed. “You know damn well you weren’t at no fuckin’ fashion show last night!” 1 took out her phone and opened her snapchat.
“Look from 7:30 PM until 11:29 PM we were at the fashion show then we went to the after party,” she said. “Am I missing something?”
“Now, I’m confused...” 2 frowned. “Where did you think we were?” Maybe I got it wrong... Maybe it was just a coincidence... But I was sure it was them... I sat back in my chair and look a bite of my bagel.
“Forget it,” I sighed.
“Hey, I LOVE your watch!” 1 gasped. “Rolex Chronograph right? Our dad has the exact same one!”
“Yeah, he’s been collecting since before we were born!” 2 added. “Come, we’ll show you!” They both got up and I followed them through their bedroom and into one of the closest. A giant wall full of watches was right above a smaller case with more watches.
“There are 320,” 1 spoke. “We only take them out to wear as good luck or on Sundays to have Dorota clean them.”
“It is Sunday,” I pointed out.
“Oh fuck! It is!” 2 groaned. “I’ll get Dorota.”
“I’ll go check on Yenai,” 1 said. Then they both left the closet. I looked carefully at each watch. Ther were all accounted for. Well there goes that theory... I looked around the closer which was filled top to bottom with expensive jewelry and clothes. Just as I was about leave, one of the watches in the case caught my eye. I opened the case and picked it up. It looked almost identical to mine, it just had lower case letters instead of uppercase, like most Rolex’s do... I heard footsteps so I scurried to put back the watch, causing me to fumble and drop it on the floor. I bent down to pick it up from under the case, accidentally grabbing something else instead. A brown paper bag. I slowly opened it pulling out a bloodstained shirt and a clown mask. That’s when I heard a clicking sound from behind me and someone clearing their throat. I sighed and raised my hands in surrender, getting up and facing the door. 1 had a rifle pointed to me while 2 had her arms folded across her chest.
“Pardon me sir,” 1 smirked. “You have something that belongs to us. I’d like it back.”
“I fucking knew it,” I laughed. “So you two are the little fuckers who’ve been fucking with my assignments.”
“We haven’t been messing with anything,” 2 pointed out. “We get calls and we go. The same as you.”
“So I’m just supposed to believe that you two, fucking pris and perfect, are assassins?” I laughed.
“You’re damn right!” 1 snapped. “Now give me the fucking watch!” “Fuck no! You gave this to me and I didn’t kill ya ass!”
“You shot my sister!” 1 yelled.
“Twice!” 2 growled. “In the same spot!” “Well, I was letting you go and you threw a knife at me,” I shrugged.
“Enough fucking talking!” 1 hissed. “Hand over the watch. It was my dad’s favorite.”
“Hmm... No. Fuck you,” I dropped my hands.
“I mean it!” She shouted. “Or I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” I walked over to her. “Aside from killin’ niggas I also deal in weapons. You don’t think I know a paintball gun over an actual rifle?” She sucked her teeth and dropped it.
“Fine, whatever. I had to leave our weapons at the warehouse last night to get Ayana to the hospital,” she rolled her eyes. “Just... Please give me back the watch,” she begged. “Despite all the watches on the wall, that was the only one that belong to our dad...”
“Aight, I’ll give you back the watch, under one condition,” I smirked.
“Nigga, we are not having sex with you,” 2 crossed her arms.
“If it means getting the watch back, yes the fuck we are!” 1 glared at her.
“What the fuck? No! That’s not- Never mind,” I groaned. “I’ll give you back the watch if you agree to cut off whatever nigga you workin’ wit and work for me.”
“What?” They asked together.
“You serious?” 1 asked.
“Fuck yeah, I’m serious,” I nodded. “Y’all can fight. Plus we can use y’all for baiting niggas out.”
“He’s actually serious,” 2 gasped.
“How much money you make in a week?”
“I don’t know... 200 maybe 300 grand on a good week,” 1 shrugged.
“I once made 2 mil in one night,” I told them.
“Holy fuck!” 2 exclaimed. “2 million fucking dollars? Alyssa, do we even have to pretend to think about this?”
“Hell no!” 1 laughed extended he hand. “It’s a fucking deal!” I shook her hand and took the watch off my wrist giving it to her.
“We’re in business then,” I smirked. Then Yenai walked in, looking confused and scared.
“Um... What’s going on here?” She asked, warily.
“Nothing,” the three of us said in unison.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll pretend to believe that,” she rolled her eyes. “Girls I’m sorry, but I have really bad food poisoning and I can’t keep anything down. Erik can we go back upstairs?”
“Sure thing, baby girl,” I walked over and kiss her head. “Let’s go.”
I’ve had a weird feeling about Yenai since the day we had brunch with the twins. And it wasn’t just from her being sick. Like now, it was day 3 and she was STILL throwing up! She had to call in sick from work, which her boss eagerly gave her. Yenai guessed that she was still embarrassed from dinner the other night. That was the last real conversation me and Yenai had... THREE DAYS AGO! Everything else was all responses and simple questions. And when they weren’t responses or questions, they were bitchy remarks or constant nagging. I came from meeting with the Twins, whose names are apparently Ayana and Alyssa, and walked into the house.
“Baby, you home?” I called out. She walked out of the bathroom.
“Where else would I be, Erik?” She rolled her eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from replying rudely.
“The twins made you soup,” I offered putting the bowl on the counter. “They said it helps nausea.”
“You were down there again?” She scoffed. “You’ve literally been down to see them everyday since brunch!”
“Is that a problem?” I asked, folding my arms.
“If you previously hadn’t tried to fuck them then no, it wouldn’t be,” she snapped, taking the bowl of soup and throwing it in the trash.
“Yo, the FUCK is ya problem, Yenai?” I shouted as she retreated to the bedroom. I followed her and closed the door.
“My problem Erik, is that instead of staying here and making sure that I’M okay, you’re off galavanting with MY friends!” She shouted back.
“Well maybe I’d want to be around her more if you weren’t being such a bitch to me all the fuckin’ time!”
“Oh word?! I’m a bitch now? Riiiigggghhhhttttt! Copy!” She stormed into the closet and started grabbing her clothes off the hangers. I took a deep breath and leaned against the closet door.
“What are you doing?” I groaned.
“Since I’m such a fuckin’ bitch, there’s no use in me staying, right?” She shrugged, opening a duffle bag and stuffing the clothes in.
“So first of all, ya ass don’t got a place to go, so let’s cut that shit out aight?” I took the duffle from her. “Secondly, you gon just pack a bag and leave every time we get into an argument? You gon be doin’ a lot of packin’ and unpackin’ ma, I’ll tell you that.”
“Fuck you,” she spat pushing past me, going back into the bedroom. I grabbed her wrist. “Get the fuck off me.”
“Nah, you not goin’ nowhere till we deal with this shit, Yenai. I’m not bouta keep quiet everytime you snap at me or yell wit ya stank ass attitude. We gon sit down and talk like fuckin’ adults.”
“I have nothing to say-”
“The fuck you don’t!” I snorted. “You got allat mouth when I try to help you and now you got nothin’ to say. Nah.” I wrapped my arms around her. “Tell me what’s on ya mind, baby girl.”
“Get off me,” she whispered, her voice cracking.
“No. Talk to me,” I insisted. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. “DId I do something wrong?”
“No,” she sniffled, letting tears fall. “You didn’t... I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch...”
“It’s aight... I’m not bouta force you to tell me what’s wrong, but we can’t keep goin’ like this, Yenai...” I sighed. “When you ready, you gon tell me right?” She shut her eyes and shook her head.
“I can’t! I can’t tell you!” She cried. “I’m scared...”
“Why can’t you tell me? What’s scaring you?” I asked cautiously. She kept shaking her head, sobbing.
“I can’t...”
“Yes, you can.”
“No, I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t!”
“No, Erik! Just stop! Please!”
“Baby, please talk to me-”
“Erik!’ “Why are you so scared?!”
“BECAUSE I THINK I’M PREGNANT, OKAY?!” She screamed. I heart stopped and my blood turned cold. “...I think I’m pregnant and I’m scared...” She whispered. “I’m so fucking scared...”
Tag List: @kzmiaz13 @marysxo @forbeautyandlife @blackandfair @imdiirtydan @theunsweetenedtruth @Maya-leche @fromthebaytola @jennxgold @supernovaah @hidden-treasures21 @shame-full-love​ @queenshxt-only​ @cutewylie @pupyluv247​ @elegantd @namelesslosers​ @sociallyawkward18 @pandagirl200 @chelledallas @thatbish27 @janellemonaenae @blaq-gyal @ironsquad @godhatesyouandi @bigdaddythraxxx @cocooned-butterfly @someareblindtoitsbeauty @84eix​ @sincerelyroxxie @i-am-shee @thadelightfulone @depressed-little-shadow @vikkidc @keonaforever21 @keairadiamond @plushthighs @itsjustshanie  @ovohanna24 @getyourfandomon (the rest is in the comment section)
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