#that reminded me. guys I successfully made a joke yesterday <- said something not trying to be funny and someone laughed
bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
i think the best and most confusing way to say "thats what she said" is
Quoth the she, thats what
Indeed, if someone came up to me and said that I'd stare at them for several uncomfortably long seconds trying to figure out whether those were real words or not
and then I'd pretend I knew what they said and remain confused the rest of my life
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inarizakibabe · 3 years
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After weeks of testing and studying hard you finally made it into class four. Now time to make friends with your classmates and shoot up the ranks into popularity. Swallowing your nervousness you approached a group of people to introduce yourself.
"Good morning. I'm (l/n)(f/n) it's nice to meet you all." you gave them the biggest smile you could muster.
The group acknowledged your presence then continued their previous conversation ignoring you. After a few minutes you decided they'd be a lost cause and moved onto a different group. After successfully managing to make no friends you cut your losses and took a seat.
"Well that went well." a voice beside you said.
"Oh shut up. I don't see you trying to make friends." you replied irritated.
"Nah too much work. I have a team full of people to tolerate already."
"Wait why are you even here?" you asked the boy beside you.
"Rude. This is my class if you must know." he said annoyed.
"Hold on. You? Suna Rintaro? Class four? Is the world ending?" you asked apprehensively.
Suna grunted and ignored you. Slowly a smirk formed on your face, "Your mom threatened to come see you again didn't she?"
"You're in my business princess. Don't do that." Suna booped your nose.
You stuck your tongue out at him right as the teacher walked in to start homeroom.
Half the day and three periods later it was that weird period right before lunch and Suna's attention span couldn't keep up any longer. At this point you were taking notes for Suna to steal later when he could be bothered to write them down. The clock on the wall showed there were five minutes left until lunch so you decided to zone out.
Your thoughts ranged from getting homework on the first day of school to what you might be having for dinner tonight. Eventually they strayed to the boy napping beside you. You two had been friends for a long time. You met your second year of elementary school when Suna thought it would be funny to see how hard he could tug on your pigtail. After filling his shoes with sand you two became inseparable. Years later in your last year of junior high Suna was scouted by the coach of the Inarizaki High volleyball boys club in Hyogo. It was a great opportunity for him but it meant you guys would be separated. Unfortunately the club you joined didn't have a way for you to be recruited and even though your grades were good they weren't good enough for your parents to pack up and move all the way to Hyogo.
For your entire last year of junior high you mentally prepared to say goodbye to Suna until your mom's job decided to transfer her to Hyogo. Eventually your family moved to Hyogo, with a promise to the Sunas to take care of their eldest son, and thus your high school story began only it's not going the way you hoped. Suna was still your only friend and it seemed all your classmates knew each other since junior high leaving no room for you to shoot through the ranks. The bell rang interrupting your thoughts and your teacher dismissed your class to lunch.
After a boring lunch period your next class felt like it dragged on. So far your dream to take over high school seemed more and more impossible to achieve. Maybe if you joined the right club some magic might just happen. The big question now was which club would you join. You were a woman of many talents but none great enough to make you the star of a club. Cooking club would give you the chance to perfect your recipes but cooking wasn't something you enjoyed to do. Maybe one of the sports clubs? Definitely not. Was there anything else to do?
Before long the school day ended and it was time to either head to your club's first meeting or go home. You turned to ask Suna if he wanted to stop at the convenience store before going home until you saw him loosening his tie. Right the volleyball club had its first meeting today so you'd have to go home alone today.
"Don't look so disappointed. I'll save all my homework for you to do." Suna said looking at you.
"Whatever Rintaro! What do I have to be disappointed about?!" you huffed and picked up your bag to leave.
"Don't get lost on the way home." Suna chuckled and watched you leave before leaving for the gym.
"Stupid Rin. I got lost one time. And what the hell would I be disappointed about? If anything he should be disappointed he won't have company to walk home with later today. I should go to bed before he gets home too." You grumbled while trying to find the school's gate. "Maybe it's in the other direction. Man this school is huge."
Up ahead you saw a guy with brown hair going in the opposite direction. Maybe he knows the way out of this school.
"Excuse me? Do you know which way the gate is?"
The boy stopped and at looked at you funny. "Keep going straight and you'll see it."
"Thank you." you bowed and continued going in the direction he told you. After taking ten steps you stopped and gaped at who was in front of you. The exact same guy was walking towards you again. You looked behind you quickly but the guy from before had disappeared already. Was it a daydream or did you finally lose it?
"Something wrong?" The guy stopped in front of you. "Are you lost or something?"
"I'm sorry but didn't you just tell me how to find the gate less than a minute ago?" you asked.
The guy in front of you looked confused until a look of understanding crossed his face. "I doubt it was me but keep going straight and you'll find the gate."
You thanked the guy once again at least you think it's the second time and finally made it to the gate to leave for the day.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The next day in class you remembered the run in you had after school the previous day and turned to ask Suna about it.
"Hey Rin this may sound crazy but I got directions from the guy twice yesterday."
Suna pouted trying to figure out what you were talking about. "You asked the guy to repeat himself?"
"No he helped me then I walked away and all of a sudden he was in front of me again and gave me directions again." you explained.
"So he chased you? Wow the year just began and you already got a guy to fall for you. Nice work (y/n)-chan. What do you plan to do with this new found information?" Suna asked with amusement in his voice.
"You are the worst human to walk this planet I swear. I'm serious. Maybe I accidentally walked in on someone's prank or something. I hope it wasn't recorded." you huffed.
Suna shrugged and checked his phone for new notifications, "Who knows. Maybe that was your ticket to popularity you were looking for. Did you pick a club yet or are you gonna let our homeroom teacher do that?"
"I don't wanna think about clubs right now. I can't think of one I wanna join. Help me find one. Please?" you put on your best puppy eyes and begged. Maybe for once he'll take mercy on you.
"Why should I? Just join the music club. You did it in Jr. high. I'm sure you can survive three more years." Suna said not looking at you.
"I would prefer if I didn't have to go through all of that again. I expected music club to be about music not how much spit I could clean out of a tuba." you shuddered remembering the unspeakable things you went through in music club.
"Don't do this to me (n/n). The stories were the highlight of my day. You gotta do it again for the fate of mankind." Suna gave you the saddest look he could produce before he laughed at how ridiculous he thought he looked. "Anime joke. I don't know what to tell you princess. I haven't picked a club since we left elementary. Why don't you see if one of the sports clubs needs a manager."
"Rin you're a genius! Does the volleyball club need a manger? I promise I won't screw up."
Suna stared at you with a deadpan expression and sighed. "Remember when I went to visit family one summer break and asked you to watch Bubbles? I came back and we all attended a fishy funeral that same day. Or when I asked you to pick up Asami because I couldn't and I came home to my parents yelling at me because she called them crying cause nii-san forgot her? I could go on but I think you get the picture. I don't trust your promises anymore."
"Yeah but Bubbles was a special case. Who knew he'd eat until he burst if I put all the food in the tank? He was suppose to eat it little by little. And I apologized to you and your that entire year and you guys forgave me. Bottom line is I was young and dumb, now I'm a high school student and I've learned a lot in my fifteen years of life. Just talk to the coach and see what he says. I could probably really help you guys."
Suna sighed for the umpteenth time and ran a hand through his bangs. "It's not really the coaches I'm worried about. I met some of our upperclassmen and some of the third years are kinda intense."
You frowned at his tone and tried to think of what they could've done to him. "i'm sure they're not as bad as you're making them sound. Maybe you need to look at them from a different angle."
"I doubt it. There were two first years that made me question my sanity. If they weren't fighting they played really well together. There was one other first year that could already do jump serves. The entire team is pretty good. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting year for volleyball. I hope I get to play in some official matches." As the last sentence left his lips Suna's eyes widened and he turned to look at you so quickly you almost thought he'd get whiplash. "You didn't hear that."
"Oh that's what the problem is. I'm sure you'll get to play in some matches and if you don't then there's no way the team is going to nationals." you smiled at him.
Before Suna could respond the bell rang signaling lunch was finished.
At the end of the day you followed Suna to the gym.
"Remember it's not a guarantee. We don't have a manager and Coach Oomi does what you would do." Suna reminded you when you were almost at the gym. "Talk to coach Kurosu he's the head coach and old enough to be our father so if you ware him down enough you might just get the position."
"Alright. I can definitely do this." You sounded more confident than you felt but there was no turning back now.
Hello sorry it took so long for this part to be uploaded but it's here now. Hopefully you enjoyed this and the next chapter comes out sooner than this one did. Until then don't hesitate to let me know what you think or if you just wanna say hi I don't bite I promise.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 08 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (07)
Next part (09)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
A low knock on the door wakes you up. Your cheeks are stained by dry tears, and your head hurts. It takes a while for you to even process who's knocking, but you don't want to talk to him. “Go away.”
“(Y/N), I'm sorry, alright? I shouldn't have said those things, I didn't mean any of that.” He sounds defeated, tired, sad. It's hard to hear him through the door, but still, the last thing you want is to look at him right now.
“You made everything crystal clear, Billy.” You mumble, pulling a second blanket over your body. “Don't worry, I'll be leaving tomorrow.”
“(Y/N), please, I...” You hear him sigh, and your heart hurts for him. Hugging your pillow, you stare at the darkness. “These guys, they... They said some things and... It reminded me of my father.”
“Your father?” You ask because Billy never spoke of him. He did mention a stepsister, Maxine, and her mother Susan, but never the father. You knew he had a reason for it, but you never wanted to push him into telling you something he didn't feel comfortable with.
“Yes. He was a damn devil. He was abusive, he hit me, and what those idiots said to me today... It was the same things Neil once did and everything just came back and I...” He makes a pause, and you slowly sit up, looking at the door, the piece of wood separating you from Billy. “I shouldn't have said those things to you, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. And I understand if you want to leave... But I just need you to know that I didn't mean any of that. You're nothing like those people. You're kind and honest and noble... You're... You're amazing, (Y/N), truly.” After some seconds, you listen as he walks away.
Your heart sinks at what he said. At the pain in his voice. And as much as you're hurt by his outburst, he did had a reason. Memories can be tough, they have the power to drag you back to the very moment they were created, and now, thinking about it, you did see a hint of sadness in Billy's eyes earlier, you just couldn't recognize it. So this is why he fled. He wasn't just running from a small town, he was running from living in hell to the place he felt like home.
Taking a deep breath, you stand up, leaving the blanket behind despite the cold air that makes you shiver. Slowly, you move to the door, trying to open it as quietly as you can. As soon as you're out, the low noise of the TV and a bluish light hits you.
Billy is seated on the couch, elbows on his knees, and his eyes on the floor. It takes a few seconds until he notices your presence, raising his eyes.
“I'm sorry your father was a dick.” You whisper, standing there, eyes locked with Billy. “And whatever those guys said, it isn't true. I don't know what it was, but it isn't true.” Making your way to the couch and sitting beside him, you notice the bruise on the apple of his cheek. “What's that?”
“He punched me and I punched back.” As he speaks, you touch his cheek, delicately. “It got me a warning from the company. If it happens again, I'm fired.”
“It happens again, you give me the name and address and I'll beat them up for you.” Leaning closer, you ignore his chuckle, placing a soft kiss on his bruise, but your lips barely touch his skin since you don't want to hurt him more than he's already hurt. “I mean it.” Then you start kissing him. His cheek, his jaw, the corner of his lips. “Don't you ever believe anything they say.” When you realize what you're doing, you pull away, blushing and looking down. “Well, you should go to sleep now. The bed is yours.”
Nodding, he hesitates a little before standing up. But when he does, he doesn't move. “You know... It's a double bed. We'd both fit there.” Billy reaches out his hand, and you look at it for a while, considering his idea before taking it.
“Yeah, it does.” Standing up, you walk with him back to the bedroom.
It happens silently, as if it had happened many times before. When you lie down, facing away from him, you both move at the same time. You search for his hand, to pull it over your waist, as he moves to do so. “Is it ok?”
“Yes.” You mutter, eyes already closed as you slowly sink into a peaceful sleep.
When the morning comes, you only notice because Billy starts moving. Groaning a little, and still very cold, you turn around, snuggling closer to his chest. “Don't go.” You beg, knowing it's still on the week days, which means Billy has to work. “You're so warm.” Taking a deep breath, you hook your leg around his waist, as if it could keep him from getting up.
“I have to go to work, but I'd stay if I had a choice.” He giggles, running a hand through your leg. “Funny, you're...” You feel his hand on your neck as he mutters something you don't understand. “That's not good.”
“What?” You whine, a little upset and embarrassed, since you just realize how your leg was around him, so you move it off.
“You're burning up.” Billy gets up suddenly, fixing the blankets around you. “I'll go get something from the drugstore to lower your fever.”
You didn't notice the fever. Well, you've been feeling cold, but you thought it was the air-conditioning. “No. I don't want you to be late because of me.” Pushing yourself up, you sit straight. “I can get it.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Billy...” Jumping to your feet, you walk fast until you reach him by the door. “It's just a fever. There's no reason for you to worry.” Shyly, you take his hand. “Just do your stuff and I can get some medicine later.”
“No. You've been complaining about being cold for a few days, it's bad enough you'll have to be alone here, I'll–”
“I'll be fine. I can call Stacy. Remember she said she has the week off? I will ask if she can stay with me.” It's not a big deal, and you don't understand why Billy is so worried about it. “Really, I'm alright.”
He takes a deep breath, a hand cupping your face, his thumb softly caressing your skin. Yesterday's fight is long forgotten now, for both of you. “Alright. But I'll be at the Whaylands today. Anything happens you call there, and ask to talk to me. Say it's an emergency or something like that, ok?”
You don't know the Whayland's number, but you just nod. “I'll be fine, don't worry.” Smiling, you tiptoe a little but give up halfway, blushing and looking away.
“You can kiss me if you want.” He smirks, bending a little to capture your lips. It takes no time until you react, but when you remember you have a fever, you push him away. “What?” He sounds confused, eyebrows furrowed.
“I might have a cold or something. I don't want you getting sick so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you feel a little brave. “But when I'm better, I wouldn't mind kissing you.”
“That's good to know.” He smirks. “Now, call Stacy and ask her to stay with you. I'll take a shower and get ready to work.”
Despite him saying you don't have to, you make him breakfast, and a sandwich he can eat on the road. Stacy comes a couple of hours later and you take the pills she brought you. You like Stacy, and you feel free to be yourself around her, the rules you once followed completely left behind. So you're laughing out loud all day, even taking a walk on the beach after lunch. You can't wait to tell her and the others the truth. Your real name at least. They still call you Lily, and as far as they know, you've been crashing on Billy's until you find a place for yourself. But you do want to tell the truth, and you hope they'll understand why you had to lie. But now, that's a distant thought. Jimmy shows up at the end of the afternoon after Stacy calls him. And, with you both annoying him to death, he starts making dinner, which only makes you and Stacy boss him around with giggles and jokes.
“No, listen up now.” He says after putting the chicken in the oven. “Enough with bugging me, you two. I wanna know something.” Raising an eyebrow, he gestures at you, dramatically slamming his hands on the table, making you roll your eyes. “You and Billy.” He says. “What's going on?”
Feeling your cheeks burning up, you clear your throat, looking at your hands. “Nothing.”
“I didn't take you for a liar," Stacy says, crossing her arms.
“I'm not...” Taking a deep breath, you run a hand through your hair. “I'm not lying. There's nothing between Billy and I. Just... We just kissed a few times but–”
“I knew it!” Stacy exclaims, cutting you off and startling you a little. “Since that day at the party when we met.”
“Really?” Despite being a little shy, you do want to know whatever she thinks she knows.
“Billy had a lot of... Flings. But he never stood up for any of them. He never truly cared. So when he beat up Chad like that... I knew something was off.” She exchanges a glance with Jimmy, smirking.
“And, c'mon, the way he looks at you is so cute.” Jimmy makes a funny voice and you giggle. “He's really into you. And Billy was never into anyone.”
“Of course he was.” You exclaim.
“No, no,” Jimmy speaks up, shaking his head lightly. “He gets a girl he finds attractive when he's bored, that's one thing. Being into someone is completely different.” As the plays with the dishcloth, he takes a seat across from you. “And I did find it weird when he suddenly stopped showing up with a different girl every day, and now I know why.”
“I don't know... I mean, we're good now, but... It's nothing official, so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, taking a deep breath. “But I'm happy the way things are now and who knows what may come next? I'll just take things slow.”
“You know what comes next.” Stacy chuckles. “Trust me, you'll two be dating in no time.”
“I bet,” Jimmy adds.
“Guys, just–” The door opening cuts you off, and you can't help but smile to see Billy. “Hey, you.”
“Hey, you.” He answers, glancing at the other two. “Hi, everyone else who doesn't live here.” Closing the door shut, he makes his way over you. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yup.” Nodding, you blush when he bends over to place a kiss on your lips.
“Good. I'll shower and... Something's burning.”
“Jimmy!” Both you and Stacy shout and the poor guy sets in motion, crouching in front of the oven.
“Please don't let Jimmy burn the kitchen to the ground,” Billy whispers on your ear before heading to the bathroom.
The chicken was burned, but Jimmy had the decency of taking those parts for himself. Other than that, he's quite a good cook. And this dinner is nothing like the formal meals you had back home. It's loud, filled with laughter and stupid jokes, that are no fun at all but make you laugh anyway. An hour later, after Jimmy went to the grocery store to buy chocolate bars for dessert, you're just seating at the table, fighting with Stacy for the last piece.
“Oh, listen up!” Jimmy raises his voice, making both you and Stacy quit arguing. And you decide to let her keep the bar. “I spoke to my grandfather's friend and... He'll give you a chance. So show up on Monday by nine and I'll start filling you up with everything you gotta know.”
“Oh my gosh, for real!?” You exclaim, a bright smile on your lips. “That's absolutely amazing. It'll be so fun working with you.” Standing up, you bend over the table a little to high-five Jimmy. “Great!”
“So... Will I have to ask?” Billy speaks up when you sit down again, staring at you.
“Well, I was waiting for an answer before telling you. Jimmy said something about a diving equipment store so I asked him to speak to the owner to get me a job.” Turning your body towards Billy, you smile. “And it seems like it's happening.”
“Are you sure you want an actual job?” He asks, and you know what he means. You never had a job before, and well, you don't understand much about diving stuff. But you want this. You want to have something to do, and you want to make some money too, despite the untouched bag of money you have.
“Yeah. Jimmy promised to teach me everything I need to know and he'll keep his promise or else nobody will ever hear of him again.” As you speak, you stare at Jimmy, lowering your voice.
“I'm not scared of you, Lily. But I'm scared of Billy so don't worry I'll keep the promise.” He winks at you, and you can tell he's bringing the Chad incident back again.
“You know what...” Stacy says, taking a dramatically deep breath and getting up. “It's a little late and I believe these two want some alone time so we should get going.”
“Agreed.” Jimmy quickly follows her lead. “Well, see you guys around.”
“Bye.” You mutter, already moving to the sink to do the dishes.
Billy joins and helps you, so it's done in only a couple of minutes. Then, you move to the couch, and you couldn't contain your happiness when you found Grease on TV, and somehow you managed to make Billy watch without complaining too much. At the beginning of the movie, you were seated normally, side by side, but as time went by, you started to move, closer and closer, until you're lying down, with Billy's chest pressed against your back in a spoon position. But the awkwardness faded soon enough, and you surrendered to the bliss of being held by him.
When the movie ended, you started singing along to the last song, trying to annoy Billy as much as you could. But up next is a horror movie, and of course, Billy is forcing you to watch it since he threw the remote control somewhere on the floor and won't let you get up to take it. But since it isn't very good, both of you started to lose interest.
“Hey...” He mutters. “Are you sure about this job thing? What if your father calls tomorrow saying this whole thing is over and you can go back home?”
“Uhm...” You weren't thinking about that. Actually, the life you're living now has easily become the only life you have. The rest feels more distant with every passing day. But the decision isn't hard to make. Now, you know what you want, and you will do what makes you happy. “I'd still show up on Monday. I want this job. I want to have a purpose in life, even if it's selling diving stuff.” Shrugging your shoulders, you furrow your eyebrows at a particularly disgusting scene.
“I don't think your parents would allow it,” Billy speaks low, and you feel as he moves the hair away from your neck, starting to run his fingers through the skin, so softly you barely feel it.
“To hell with me what my parents think.” His fingertips burn, but it makes you shiver at the same time. You can't help but close your eyes at the sensation, giggling a little when he touches a ticklish spot. “This feels nice.”
“Does it?”
You're about to answer when you feel his lips replacing his fingers, and breath gets caught in your throat. For a girl who had never truly kissed anyone before, this is a whole new level. “Oh...” You mutter, lightly elbowing him, mostly out of nervousness, when you feel his teeth on your skin. “Didn't take you for a biter, Hargrove.”
“Only if you ask.”
“Alright then...” Moving, you turn around until you're facing him, your lips chasing his as if it's a matter of life and death. And it kinda is. You felt like you were dead, suffocated by all the things you had to participate in, the friends you had to pretend to like, the formal meetings, the family business, the rules, and etiquette. Everything you didn't want to be. But when Billy came along, you felt like you were finally allowed to swim to the surface and breathe. Billy is real, he doesn't fake it. When he's angry, he's angry, and when he's sad, he's sad.
In a way, Billy brought back to life, down to Earth, and pulled you up among the clouds at the same time. Because that's where you are now, kissing him, for far too long maybe, with only a few pauses to catch a breath. It's addictive, inebriating, and you'd stay here forever if you could because nothing else matters. His hands run through your body, respectfully, never pushing you, never going too far. You'd never expect this from the Billy Gisele told you about.
“We should be together.” You let out once you break apart again, catching your breath. But you regret it because you might have ruined the moment... But you can't help but wonder how many girls Billy had, in the exact position you are now, making out, just so it'll all over the next day. And you don't want that. You want him, for more than just a couple of days... And yes, you failed. You are falling in love with Billy. Clearing your throat you shake your head. “I mean... I just thought...”
“Look at me.” With his index finger, he lifts your head so you're staring into his eyes again. “This won't ever be accepted by anyone in your circle. Parents, friends, relatives... You know that right? Nobody will support this relationship.”
“I don't need their support. I've been told what to do my whole life. What clothes to wear, what friends I should grow close to, what to major in... I'm tired of this shit, I want you.” It just comes out, too fast, and you don't even know what to say to cover it up. Because it's the truth. “California never felt like home to me until you came along. This... This place feels more like home than the house I grew up in.”
“I... I wish you could stay here.” Billy's voice it's so low it makes you wonder if you heard him right.
“Stay here as in... Mmm... Living here? Even after the gang is arrested?” Blushing, you decide to be brave and ask him. It's not like you could pretend you didn't hear it. And yes, living here sounds a lot better than going back to the house.
“Yeah.” He nods, taking a deep breath. “I can't give you a big ass garden, a pool or–”
“I'd trade all of that for kisses, so I think we'd be good.” Rolling your eyes, you cut him off, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, really?” In a fake menacing tone, Billy stars to move, trying to stay above you, but there's no enough couch and you start falling off.
“Billy, wait!” Laughing, you try to push him off. “I'm falling!”
“That's too bad.” Even though he doesn't stop and you do miss the couch completely, he manages to hold you by the waist, breaking your fall and instead, laying you softly on the floor before moving to hover above you, his body pressing yours against the cold ground.
Smiling, you wrap your arms around his neck. “You know I can–”
“Be my girlfriend.” Billy cuts you off, his face getting all serious suddenly. He's not joking.
“W-what?” It's not that you didn't get it, it's just that you can't believe. And, by the look on his face, he took that as a doubt. He's beginning to move away, but you grab a handful of his shirt, forcing him to stay where he is. “Yes.” You burst out, biting your lip. “I wanna be your girlfriend.”
The smile that comes to his lips is beautiful, breathtaking. Your favorite view in the world. “Good.” And with that, he leans down to kiss you again.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23 @lilred91
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starryknight09 · 4 years
Febuwhump Day 27: identity reveal
Read on AO3.
“Hey do you want to come over tonight?” Ned asked as they stood at their lockers, shoving their books into their backpacks.
“I can’t.  It’s a Friday remember?” Peter said, feeling kind of bad.  He knew he’d been neglecting Ned lately with everything that was going on in his life.  Juggling decathlon, school, homework, Spiderman, and his internship made it seem like there was just never enough time in the day, or week for that matter, for all the stuff he needed to get done.
“So?” Ned frowned.
“I have my Stark internship on Fridays.” He reminded him.
“Oh right.” Ned nodded as they walked down the hallway toward the school doors.  “So, are you going to tell Mr. Stark about you know what today?”
“Um no.” He winced.  He’d applied for the Stark internship on a whim a year ago and had actually gotten it.  The day he’d found out he was going to be interning directly under Tony Stark, he’d almost wet himself, but after almost a year of working with him, that had definitely faded.  As Mr. Stark would say, he sassed him more than he complimented him now.  
When he’d gotten bit by the radioactive spider six months ago, he’d thought about telling Mr. Stark about his new powers, but by then they’d grown close enough that he was worried Mr. Stark wouldn’t allow him to keep being Spiderman if he found out.  And then Ben had died.  And thoughts of anything else had gone out the window.
“Peter.” Ned chastised.  “It’s been weeks.  You should just tell him.  He’s going to figure it out soon anyway.”
“Not necessarily.  Spiderman’s been around for the last six months and Mr. Stark hasn’t figured it out yet.” Peter hedged.  Ok, so realistically he knew Mr. Stark would eventually figure it out, but he’d been extra careful ever since the man had started up his hunt to find out who Spiderman was.  Besides, Peter had an advantage.  He worked directly with his enemy, so he was always one step ahead of him and Mr. Stark had no idea.
“Yeah he’s been around for six months, but Mr. Stark has only been looking for him for the last three weeks.” Ned argued.  “He’s getting closer and you know it.”
Peter did know it.  On Wednesday Mr. Stark had shown him a clip of Spiderman swinging into an abandoned alleyway to change.  His mentor had been so sure he’d had him, but then a garbage truck had driven by the entrance of the alleyway just as Peter was leaving in his street clothes, luckily obscuring his identity.  Mr. Stark had sworn up a blue streak and Peter had made a mental note to be much more cognizant of city cameras whenever he was getting in and out of the suit.
“But if I tell him who I am then it’ll take all the fun out of it for him.” Peter smirked.  He’d known Mr. Stark long enough to know that as much as he kept complaining about ‘this webhead’ he was enjoying the challenge of it.  Peter didn’t want to spoil it for him.  At least that’s what he’d been telling himself the last few weeks ever since Mr. Stark had told him he wanted his help to find Spiderman.
“You’re playing with fire dude.” Ned warned as they passed through the school doors to outside.
“Why?  What’s he going to do to me if he finds out?” Peter said with false bravado.  “Ground me?  He’s not my dad.”
“Does he know that though?” Ned joked.  “Didn’t he pack you a lunch for school when you stayed over at his place last week?”
“And didn’t he spend all day watching a Star Wars marathon with you last weekend when he doesn’t even like Star Wars?”
Peter made a face.  Ok, so Ned kind of had a point.
“And don’t him and your aunt have like coffee dates every month now just to talk about you?”
“Ok ok I get it.”
“So how do you think he’s going to react when he finds out you’ve been keeping this from him?” Ned asked.
“He’s going to be pissed.” He decided.
“Right.” Ned nodded.  “And do you think he’ll be more or less pissed if he finds out on his own instead of you telling him about it?”
“Definitely more.” Peter agreed.
“Ok so you agree you should tell him today.”
“Peter!” Ned shook his head.  “You’re hopeless.”
“It’s all a moot point anyway.  He’s not going to find out.”
“Hopeless and in denial.” Ned said.
Peter rolled his eyes.
“Whatever dude.  It’s your funeral.  Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Ned clapped him on the shoulder and turned to start walking home.  “Text me if you want to hang out this weekend.”
“I will.” Peter said and made his way toward the nondescript Audi waiting for him.
“Hey Happy.” He greeted the man behind the steering wheel as he crawled in.  Or as he liked to think of him, not-so-Happy.
Happy didn’t respond to his greeting as he started driving away, but Peter still liked to think he was slowly growing on the man.
“Guess what we did in chemistry today?  Our teacher said—”
“I’ll give you this snickers bar if you don’t talk for the next ten minutes.” Happy interrupted, holding up said candy bar as proof.
“Ok.” He stared out the window.  The man was bringing him candy now.  He was definitely growing on him.
Ned was wrong.  Mr. Stark didn’t figure out Spiderman’s identity that week.  Or even the week after.  Or the week after that.  Although Peter did have another close call with a traffic camera he didn’t know was installed nearby when he’d taken his mask off to deal with a bloody nose.  In the intervening weeks, he’d thought more seriously about coming clean to his mentor because Mr. Stark was getting a little obsessive and it was making Peter’s life a lot harder.  He had to completely avoid the area near his apartment now because Tony had come up with an algorithm to track where Spiderman was sighted and he was using it as a tool to try to narrow in on his possible residence.  Admittedly smart, but super annoying for Peter because now he had to walk at least ten blocks home every night after Spidermanning.  And his mentor had even figured out the components of his web fluid, although he hadn’t been able to successfully reverse engineer it yet.  Part of Peter felt a spark of pride at that even though some of his Mr. Stark’s failure might’ve been his fault.  He’d been trying his hardest to slow him down.  But now that his mentor knew the web fluid materials, he was looking for people who had bought large quantities of those exact chemicals.  At least Peter was safe in that regard, he still mooched everything from his chemistry class.  But by now even Peter had to admit it was only a matter of time before Mr. Stark thought of something even Peter couldn’t foresee or deter.
Ned had been on his case the past week about telling the man and Peter was seriously considering it for the first time.  
“Hey Mr. Stark!” He greeted as he walked into the man’s lab, feeling his usual flash of wonder.  After a year, having access to Tony Stark’s private lab still hadn’t gotten old.
“Hey Mr. Parker.” His mentor said, spinning in his desk chair to face him.  “How many more times am I going to have to tell you to call me Tony?”
Peter shrugged.  Honestly, he did it now solely because he knew it annoyed him.  “What are you doing?” He asked, sidestepping the question and pointing to the holoscreens Mr. Stark had pulled up over his desk.
Mr. Stark narrowed his eyes at him as if trying to decide whether or not to push the name thing, but after a moment he twirled back to face the screens, letting it go.  “I’m hacking into a bodega’s security camera.”
Peter walked over to him, dropping his backpack on the ground next to the desk with the weight of the knowledge that it held the suit of the very vigilante Mr. Stark was looking for.  He stared at the screens over the man’s shoulder.  They looked oddly familiar.  “Why?”
“Because I’ve finally got the little pipsqueak.” Mr. Stark said with eager excitement.
“What are you talking about?  Because you’re starting to sound a little supervillainy...” Peter joked.
“Spiderman.” Mr. Stark answered.  “I finally got him.”
Peter’s heart leapt into his chest as he asked nervously, “You did?  Um h-how?”
“He repeatedly patrols around this area.” Mr. Stark explained and pointed to the corresponding area on the map of Queens.  The part right by Mr. Delmar’s shop.  Oh shit.  He hadn’t thought of that and he thought he’d been so careful.  “Ever since I realized it, I’ve had FRIDAY continuously scanning the traffic cameras and we got lucky.  She caught him going into this alleyway here.” Mr. Stark pointed to the alley on the screen.  “Now watch.  A minute later someone comes out.”
Peter watched himself exit the alleyway with his navy hoodie pulled up over his head to obscure his face.  He breathed a silent sigh of relief.  There was no way you could tell that was him.
“Now, I know you can’t see his face, and I couldn’t get a good enough angle from any other cameras in the area, but I managed to follow him the next three blocks to this bodega.  I screened the footage from outside of it for the previous hour before he goes in, and if I’m right, it should be completely empty except for him.”
Yeah, that tracked.  No one had been in there when he’d visited Mr. Delmar and Murph yesterday.
“So?” He asked, sensing Mr. Stark was waiting for him to do so.
“So my young grasshopper, whoever this guy is goes in with his hood up, but when he comes out ten minutes later, look.” Mr. Stark pointed to the screen.  “His hood is still up but the strings around it aren’t pulled tight anymore which means…”
“He took it off in the store.” Peter mumbled in shock.  He had taken it off in the store.  He’d thought he was safe, and he hadn’t wanted Mr. Delmar to think he was being a weirdo punk.
“He took it off in the store.” Mr. Stark repeated with satisfaction.  “So, if I can hack into the bodega’s security footage, I can finally figure out exactly who this little twerp is that’s been evading me these past couple months.”
“Uh huh.” He said distractedly as he tried to figure out a way out of this, but no ideas came to mind.  Shit.  He never should’ve stopped for a sandwich yesterday during patrol.  It didn’t matter how hungry he’d been or how good they tasted.
Mr. Stark continued typing away and moment later declared, “Ah ha!  I’m in.”
“Um Mr. Stark, there’s something I need to tell you.” Peter tried to nervously interject, but his mentor was in the zone.  Peter could’ve been screaming he was on fire and Mr. Stark wouldn’t have heard him.
“Get ready to be amazed kid.” Mr. Stark said, cocky as hell as he brought up the footage from the camera behind Mr. Delmar’s counter.  “It’s finally time to see exactly who you are Spiderman.”
“Uh…” He really needed to say something or do something or—
Too late.  The feed from Mr. Delmar’s camera came up on the screen.  He froze.  There was Mr. Delmar, and Murph lying on the counter, and there he was walking in with his hood over his head.  Shit.  His hand moved up to his hood.  It was a lot like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  And his hood was off.  His profile wasn’t very descript, but he knew any second he’d turn toward Mr. Delmar and be facing the camera straight on.  And yep.  There he was.  In all his idiot glory.
“Wait.” Mr. Stark frowned and leaned closer to the screen as if he didn’t believe his eyes.  “That looks like…”
Peter winced and a split second later Mr. Stark whirled to face him, face showing absolute shock.
“You.” Mr. Stark accused and then said in disbelief.  “It’s you.”
He fake shrugged, holding his hands out, palms up.  “Surprise?”
“What the f—”
“I’m sorry!”
Mr. Stark stood from his chair so fast it fell over backward.  He pointed a finger at him.  “You’re Spiderman?  This whole time I’ve been looking for him and he’s been in my own lab?  My very own intern?”
“Um, it looks like it?”
“Don’t be cute.  Yes or no.”
“Yes.” He nodded, backing up as Mr. Stark slowly advanced toward him.  Peter’s eyes widened.  “I was going to tell you!  I was!  But then I just…didn’t?”
“You were helping me look for him!”
Peter made a considering face.  “Well, I was pretending to?  But really I was trying to stay one step ahead of you.”
He bumped into his desk chair and fell into it.  Tony stood over him, arms crossed, still looking more than a little angry.
“How.  Did.  This.  Happen?” Tony ground out.
“Um, remember that field to Oscorp that I went on about six months ago that you said I shouldn’t go on?” Peter asked nervously.
“Turns out you were right.” He said as he nodded.
“I uh got bit by a radioactive spider, and it made me so sick I thought I was dying, but then I woke up and I was this.” He gestured at his body.
Mr. Stark’s eyes narrowed at him.
“Oh.  Um.” He lifted his shirt so Mr. Stark could see his perfectly chiseled six pack abs.
“Jesus kid.” Mr. Stark shook his head.
“Oh and I lied about getting contacts.  I didn’t.  I just don’t need glasses anymore.  The bite fixed all of that.  And I don’t have allergies or asthma anymore either, so you can update that on my employee form if you want.”
“Yes because that’s what’s important right now.” Mr. Stark scoffed.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated although it seemed like Mr. Stark’s anger was cooling.  He didn’t look like he was about to have an aneurysm anymore.  “I should’ve told you when you started looking for Spiderman.  I know I wasted your time.”
“No!  You should’ve told me six months ago when it first happened!” Mr. Stark yelled.  Ok, so maybe he was still pretty mad.  “You thought you were dying and you didn’t tell anyone?  And then you woke up with superpowers and you still didn’t tell anyone?”
“Yeah, that’s the gist of it.” He grimaced.
Mr. Stark put his hand over his face as she shook his head.  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before dropping his hand and meeting Peter’s gaze to ask, “So no one knows?”
“Well, um, Ned knows because he caught me sneaking into my room as Spiderman, and now…you know.” Peter answered.
“May doesn’t know?”
“No.” He shook his head vehemently.
“Of course not.” Mr. Stark scoffed. “Because why would you tell a responsible adult you’re going out at all hours of the night to fight criminals.  Jesus.” Mr. Stark shook his head again in disbelief.  “You’re going out at all hours of the night to fight criminals.  Well that ends today.”
“No!” Peter shot to his feet and raised his chin as he faced Mr. Stark unflinchingly.  “I’m not going to stop!  And you can’t make me!” He knew the wording made him sound like a petulant child but he didn’t care.
Mr. Stark raised his eyebrows at him in challenge and Peter had to force himself to stand tall and not wither under his gaze.  Sometimes he forgot Mr. Stark was Ironman, Tony Stark, but at times like these, getting stared down by the man, he remembered.
Mr. Stark shook his head and said, “You’re fourteen years old.”  
“I’m fifteen!  And I know you know that!  You got me a birthday present.” He accused.  “Besides, I’ve been doing this for six months and I’ve been fine.  I’m not going to stop now.  And this is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you!  I knew you’d go all nuts about it!”
“Yes because not wanting to let a child run around in the middle of the night fighting crime is nuts.” Mr. Stark rolled his eyes.
“I’m not a child!”
Mr. Stark frowned and the next second he suddenly spun on his heels and marched over to where he’d left his backpack, lifting it up to his desk and opening it.
“Hey that’s mine!” Peter protested, hurrying over to him but it was too late.  Mr. Stark fished out his Spiderman suit from the bottom of it and held it out.
“This? This is what you fight crime in?  It’s a onesie!”
“No it’s not.” He frowned.  He’d put a lot of work into making that.  He didn’t appreciate Mr. Stark making fun of it.
“What is it then?”
“My super suit.” He smiled.
“We are never watching The Incredibles again.” Mr. Stark shook his head.  “And what are these?” His mentor asked, holding up his goggles to his own eyes.  “How the hell do you even see anything through these?”
Peter snatched them from his hands.  “They help.  Ever since I got my powers all my senses are have been dialed to eleven.  There’s way too much input.  Those help me filter it out and focus.”
Mr. Stark frowned, looking at him in a way he never had before, like there might be something wrong with him, which didn’t make any sense.  He’d never once looked at weak, little, half blind, asthmatic Peter Parker the way he was now looking at Spiderman.  Peter didn’t like it.
Mr. Stark dropped his suit to his desk with a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.  “So let me get this straight, you got bit by a radioactive spider, almost died but didn’t, woke up with super powers and then decided to sew a onesie and start swinging around town fighting crime?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Tell me why.  Why are you doing this?” The man ordered and Peter could tell this was important.
“Because…when you can do the things I can and you don’t and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” He explained solemnly and tried not to think of his uncle lying limp on the concrete, bleeding out.
Mr. Stark sighed and dropped back down into his desk chair, resting a fist over his mouth as he examined Peter.
Peter tried not to fidget under the scrutiny.
“If I let you do this, we’re doing it my way.” Mr. Stark finally spoke.
“Yes!” Peter thrust his arms in the air and then threw himself at Mr. Stark to hug him.  “Thank Mr. Stark!  Thank you!”
Mr. Stark patted his back awkwardly.  “Yeah.  All right.  All right.  Don’t thank me yet.  There are going to be ground rules.  A lot of ground rules.  And a curfew.”
“Aw come on.” Peter complained as he pulled away.
“And I don’t want to hear any sass about it, because you can say I can’t stop you all you want, but you and I both know I can.” Mr. Stark held a finger up at him in warning.  It was true.  He did know.  “First of all, I’m going to make you a suit.”
“Really?” His eyes went wide.
“Really.  You’re in dire need of an upgrade.  I can’t let you keep swinging around town in this.” Mr. Stark poked at his super suit as if was a stinky pile of garbage.
“It’s not that bad…” He argued but the thought of having a suit built for him by Mr. Stark made him want to jump up and down in excitement.
“And I’m telling May.” Mr. Stark said.
“No!  Please Mr. Stark, you can’t tell her!”
“She needs to know kid.  You’re her responsibility and you’re out there risking your life.”
“Risking my life is kind of an exaggeration.  I mean I don’t do that many dangerous things.  I’m more like the friendly neighborhood spiderman.”
“I saw a video of you webbing up bank robbers last week.  They were shooting at you.  Very real bullets.  Very real life risking danger.” Mr. Stark said, not amused.  A second later he frowned as he stared off in the distance at the wall behind Peter, looking like he was deep in thought.
“Uh, Mr. Stark?” Peter prompted.
“Just replaying in my head all those videos I’ve seen of you doing stupidly dangerous stunts.”
Peter rolled his eyes.  “They’re not that bad.”
Mr. Stark arched an eyebrow at him.
“Please don’t tell May.” He pleaded.  “If she knows she’s going to freak out and then I’m going to freak out and she doesn’t need this kind of stress right now, not after…” He trailed off, not wanting to talk about his uncle’s death.  He could tell Mr. Stark understood though because he made the face everyone made whenever Peter mentioned Ben these days.
Mr. Stark ran a hand down his face and nodded.  “Ok fine.”
“Thank you!”
“But I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.”
“Fine.” Peter didn’t like it, but it was better than the alternative.
“So.” Mr. Stark sighed and slapped his thighs before standing.  “That web fluid.  You made that yourself?”
Mr. Stark smiled, and Peter didn’t think he was imagining the pride in his eyes.  “Where’d you get the supplies?”
“Chemistry class.”
Mr. Stark snorted.  “Of course you did.  You want to walk me through how you make it?”
Peter grinned.  “Sure.”
Huh.  Maybe Ned had been right.  Mr. Stark finding out hadn’t been as bad as he’d thought it would be.
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Banished (Part 53)
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Word Count: 9.2K
*Based off episode 4x08 of the 100, God Complex*
*Bold/Italics are Trig!*
“Emori, who is he?” He asked with a slight urgency.
“Someone other than me who’s going into that oven.” She said with zero remorse.
Murphy’s smirk slowly came to his face as he understood what Emori done. “Now that is a survivor’s move.” He said proudly. If this worked and ‘Baylis’ survived, then humanity survives, but if he doesn’t, then it wasn’t Emori. In his eyes, it was brilliant.
But you, who stood right below them and in the perfect spot to overhear, were seething. Emori played all of you, but she played you the most. Sure, the story she gave you about being banished was true, but this man had no part in it at all.
The only crime he’s done was break into the house to feed his family and he was going to die for it.
And it had been your call.
You still hadn’t told anyone what you overheard Emori and Murphy talk about during Baylis’ injection but you weren’t sure why. If this didn’t work and Baylis died, wouldn’t it be your fault? But if he survived…
No one would have to know.
Being desperate at a time like this was hard, you had to save the world, but at what cost? Baylis was sealed in the radiation chamber and you watched as Abby checked his vitals for what seemed like the millionth time. You stood back, keeping everyone in your line of sight, but the glare on your face was directed mainly at the couple in the room, John and Emori standing off to the side and pretending to be upset over the man.
“He’s ready.” Jackson told Abby, but everyone listened in. You brought your knuckle to your mouth, biting softly to keep the secret inside you.
“But are we ready?” Raven asked as she looked around the room, you refused to look away from Emori and Murphy, not risking the temptation to spill.
“The guy’s a monster!” Emori yelled out and Murphy grabbed her to keep her back, keeping up their act as your stomach twisted.
Clarke turned around, seeing her ‘anger’ before she spoke to everyone. “We’ve been over this. None of us wants to do this, but the death wave will be here in 10 days.” She reminded and you took a breath, finally looking away to Clarke. “Luna’s cells grafted successfully and Baylis is making Nightblood on his own. This really is our only hope.”
Murphy groaned, throwing his head back slightly. “Are we really still talking about this? The Black rain is already here and 18 people died in it yesterday at Arkadia. If Nightblood can let us walk around in it, I, for one, wanna know.”
A silence fell amongst the room as they thought about Murphy’s words. Clarke looked to you, and you faltered before nodding. She nodded back before her mother and Jackson began. You slowly crept across the room to Murphy and Emori, standing next to them as the machine turned on. Noticing your arrival, Murphy gave you a look. “For the sake of your humanity, you better hope he survives.” You whispered as Emori and Murphy’s faces fell and Emori was now glaring at you. You met her stare with a stone-cold one of your own. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep your little secret.” Your eyes flickered up to Murphy’s whose jaw was locked and he was making sure no one listened in as you walked away, moving to stand next to Raven. Murphy and Emori shared a look, Emori’s a look of action before Murphy shook his head, letting his girlfriend know you wouldn’t say anything.
Jackson turned on the chamber and the process started, exposing the intruder to radiation. When he was exposed to enough radiation a non-Nightblood would react, he was fine and you were beginning to believe this might work. Jackson kept turning the dial, more and more, and more until Baylis’ vitals spiked suddenly. The machine started beeping and your blood ran cold. Clarke was leaning close to Baylis, looking right through the chamber's glass as she watched the radiation start to break out on his skin.
“Turn it off!” Clarke shouted and Raven grabbed your hand, holding tightly and you weren’t going to let go. Baylis woke up and you could do nothing but watch as he screams in agony.
“Get him out of there!” You yelled and Abby pushed her way past the equipment, trying to let Baylis free but Jackson wouldn’t let her.
“It’s too dangerous!” He yelled. No one could help him now. His screams turned to coughs as the blood filled his mouth and Baylis tried to cough it out, unable to breathe with the burns and blood pooling in his throat. He spat up the blood, lining the chamber and no one wanted to watch this man in pain, even if he had done the horrid things Emori claimed. The flatline on the machine echoed in your ears as it went off, meaning the man died. The man died and you didn’t stop it.
“What have we done?” Abby gasped out and no one had an answer. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at the recently decease test subject, the guilt hanging high in your head as you slowly turned around, meeting Murphy’s eyes right away as he rubbed Emori’s back, keeping her from looking at the man she indirectly killed. Murphy didn’t break eye contact with you, both of you acknowledging how messed up this was.
What have you done?
With 18 lives taken from the black rain’s arrival, Arkadia hosted a funeral for them. A pyre was made in the middle of the camp as people gathered around, bodies all 18 of the dead laying on top, waiting for the eventual burning. Jaha was speaking to the crowd, everyone listening to his speech as they watched in sadness. Bellamy stood in the back, trying to keep himself strong despite thinking two of those bodies, Mark and Peter Colton, were there because of him.
Jaha took the torch he was holding, letting it fall on the pyre as Jasper, not showing a care in the world, walked past Bellamy and towards the front gate. “Too many funerals, too little time.” Jasper mumbled to Bellamy who glared.
“Show some respect for the dead.” Bellamy chastised him as Jasper kept walking, only turning around briefly.
“Why? I’m sure they don’t mind.” He said as Bellamy watched him, furrowing his brows as Jasper tried to leave the camp with no bag, meaning no protection.
“Where are you going?”
Again, Jasper turned around but kept walking as he shrugged. “Wherever the day takes me.”
“You got a chem tent?” Bellamy called after but Jasper said no, confirming Bellamy’s suspicions. Bellamy took off after him, not letting his friend leave the camp. “No one leaves without a chem tent!”
“Do you have chem tent?” Jasper asked Bellamy to which he received a yes. Jasper smirked. “Then we have a chem tent.”
Not wanting to deal with Jasper today, Bellamy grabbed Jasper's arm, keeping him from reaching the front gate. “Maybe you didn’t see how those people died.” Bellamy tried to get Jasper to understand, but the younger boy just looked back at the still going funeral.
“I saw; I’m just not afraid.” Jasper whispered before pulling from Bellamy’s grip and continuing his walk. Bellamy tried to stop him again, needlessly reminding him it wasn’t safe as Jasper chuckled under his breath. “What else is new?” He asked rhetorically, opening the gate as Bellamy watched on. “Come on!” Jasper called back. “We’re losing daylight.”
Bellamy shook his head but Jasper didn’t listen when he rolled his eyes and took off, Bellamy calling after him as he ran to follow. “Damn it, grow the hell up.”
Jasper smiled; his plan successful. “Good, you’re coming.”
“Yeah, only because I don’t want to carry your body in a bag.”
“Hey, I’m light.” Jasper joked, making Bellamy sigh in annoyance. “I’m wiry, but I’m light.”
“Kom graun, oso na graun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.” Niylah spoke softly as she sprinkled dirt onto the deceased, merging her grounder customs into Skaikru. Harper slowly approached her, her brows drawn together as she put a hand on Niylah’s back.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered to her, making Niylah nod. “What does it mean?”
Niylah smiled at her. “From the earth, we will grow. From the ashes, we will rise.”
Jaha was listening in, his head almost snapping around as Niylah spoke the words that had been taking up far too much of his thoughts.
From the ashes, we will rise.
“What did you just say?” He asked, needing Niylah to elaborate as he input himself into the conversation. Niylah was unsure what he was referring to, apologizing for her prayer for the dead as Jaha stopped her. “’From the ashes, we will rise.’ Where does that come from?”
She shook her head. “You’d have to ask a Fleimkepa. All I know is it’s what we say to ready our dead for the fire.” Jaha nodded, letting the woman get back to her prayers as he considered his options, and what he needs to do to speak with a Fleimkepa and verify the connection between the second dawn bunker and the grounders.
Jaha found his opportunity, taking the medallion Bellamy, you and he found to Kane, trying to convince Kane as chancellor. “It’s not a coincidence, Marcus. I need to speak with the Fleimkepa.”
“You already found the second dawn bunker.” Kane reminded his friend, knowing last time Jaha thought he was on to something, all you found was a bunker of death. “It was-“
“It was the wrong bunker.” Jaha interrupted him. “Cadogan said only those who reached level 12 would be saved.” He shoved the medal forward, Kane moving his head to see when Jaha pointed to the roman numeral on front. “This is level 11. What I found was a decoy, built to keep the level 12 bunker from being overrun.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Kane stopped him, not believing Jaha’s story.
“It’s what I would do.”
Kane smiled through his disbelief. “And you think Indra’s daughter knows where the current bunker is?”
“I think there’s a reason ‘From the ashes, we will rise’ became a grounder prayer.” Jaha insisted, knowing for a fact he was getting onto something. “Just like I think there’s a reason that a corporate logo became their sacred symbol.”
“The infinity sign.” Kane breathed out, slowly realizing despite not wanting too, that Jaha might be getting at something. “I can reach out to Indra. She might know where Gaia is.” Kane finally agreed.
Jaha was quick to stand, wanting to get going as soon as he could. “I’ll assemble a team.” He offered but Kane didn’t let Jaha leave.
“Thelonious, wait.” Kane called out. “Polis is a war zone. We won’t be welcome there.” Kane mumbled, knowing of the grounders disdain for Skaikru.
“We travel light.” Jaha assured him. “For this, we’ll need thinkers, not fighters.” Jaha was already putting together a team in his head.
Monty was packing in his room as Harper entered, stopping at the doorframe as she watched her boyfriend. “What’s going on?”
Monty hesitated, looking at the food packs in his hands before back up at her. “Kane and Jaha need an engineer for a mission.”
“Kane and Jaha!” Harper laughed sourly and Monty knew something was wrong. “Well looks like someone’s moving up in the world.” She patted Monty on the back as she entered the room and her voice wavered. “It’s just too bad in 10 days there’s not going to be a world to move up in.”
Monty stopped his packing, immediately turning in front of Harper. His hand went to her waist as his other lifted her chin delicately to look in her face. “How much have you had to drink?”
Harper stared softly into his eyes, whispering her words as the alcohol no doubt made her feel amazing. “Just the right amount.” She grabbed onto Monty’s collar, pulling his body into hers and wrapping her arms around his neck as she landed a sloppy kiss on his lips. Monty got lost in the feeling, kissing her back and grabbing her cheeks before pushing himself back, remembering she was drunk and he had a job. Harper let out a defeated sigh when Monty mumbled her name. “Duty calls.” She scoffed before pushing past, Monty grabbing her arm before she got far.
He cupped her cheeks again, rubbing his thumb across her skin to comfort her. “We will find a way to get through this.” He assured her. Harper nodded slowly before pecking his lips with her, their forehead resting together briefly before Monty sighed. “I have to go.”
“So, go.” Harper said. “I’ll be here if you get back.” Monty’s face fell at Harper’s words and she caught her mistake, her eyes widening slightly. “When. I meant when.” She fixed and Monty nodded again, giving her a final, definitely not their last, kiss.
After the intruders’ death, the moral around the lab had gone down tremendously, everyone was standing around staring at the path of the radiation on the big screen, its final days scaring everyone more and more. You took it upon yourself to clean out the bloodied radiation chamber, and the more you scrubbed, the more you felt you were scrubbing away your guilt, but neither the blood nor the guilt was going away. The blood just covered your hands and stained your skin.
Luna slowly moved to stand next to you, picking up beads Clarke had taken off Baylis’ neck before his body was removed. “The stones of his ancestors.” Luna mumbled as she held them in her hand, looking at you who stopped cleaning. You stared at the stones and cursed in your head. Those stones were going to damn you, wouldn’t they?
You were so focused on the stones, you weren’t even aware of Clarke leaving your side, wanting to listen in on Jackson and Abby talk. Jackson had been trying to figure out why the man died, and he might’ve figured it out. “Sodium polyphenol sulfonate.” He told Clarke after she asked what he found. “It’s an additive used to prevent clotting. It looks like the radiation had broken it down and caused a chain reaction.”
“What happens if we remove it?” Clarke asked and it was then your attention was pulled away to her.
“We could save everyone.”
Your jaw slacked slightly at Abby’s words before you dropped the rag you were using. “You could save everyone?” you clarified and Abby nodded.
Everyone was listening in, hopeful in fixing the cure as Murphy stepped forward. “So, you’re saying this could still work.”
Again Abby nodded, the room falling quiet upon the revelation as you bit your lip. “But you’d need to test it.” Your words served as a reminder that things weren’t just going to be perfect. “The last guy died. I have his blood literally on my hands and you want to try it again?”
“Please give us another idea, Y/N.” you scoffed, looking around the room to see if anyone was on your side. Raven seemed to be, Luna too. Roan kept his glance at the floor completely unreadable and Emori and Murphy- well, you knew what side they were on.
Again, Murphy was the one to speak up. “So we just go out there and hunt for someone else?”
“No!” you yelled and Clarke gave you a sad look.
“No one’s going anywhere in this storm.” Miller shut down Murphy’s idea, looking to the storm moving steadily on the screen.
“Then we wait for it to pass.” Murphy suggested again, trying to come up with any ideas to protect his girl.
You were surprised when Roan finally decided to speak up. “When it does there might not be anyone to hunt for.” He said and you narrowed your eyes, trying to decide what side he was on. You didn’t suspect it was yours.
Luna scoffed as she listened to your people bicker, unimpressed by the suggestions coming out. “What’s the matter with you people? Even Baylis honored the dead.” She held up the stones and your nerves escalated and you brought a hand up to your mouth, trying to hide your nervous breaths as you looked to John and Emori, seeing Emori’s eyes widen. “He wore the stones of his Rock Line ancestors. Who will honor him?”
“Wait.” Clarke mumbled, turning to you to see your eyes piercing at Emori, although she figured you staring at the stones. “Baylis was Sangedakru.”
“He was.” Emori said in defiance, noticing your gaze quickly before looking away in fake disgust. “He was also a thief and probably stole those stones.”
It was a good lie, you’d give her that, but something tells you it wasn’t going to last long. “A thief who doesn’t bear the mark of Sangedakru.” Roan muttered. Everyone was trying to figure out the lie as you and John locked eyes, his full of worry but you didn’t do anything.
They dug their graves, what’s the point in dug yours too?
“That wasn’t Baylis, was it?” Clarke growled at Emori who took a small step back in fear, grabbing Murphy’s arm.
Murphy let out a laugh, needing to keep up the guise they’ve made. “Come on Clarke. That’s crazy, of course-“
“Who did we just kill?” Clarke yelled at him, her lip trembling as she fully came to terms what happened. Everyone was looking to Emori and John and without another word, Emori took off running straight towards you. Your eyes widened slightly before you realized she was looking past you. She grabbed the IV pole standing next to the Chamber as everyone shouted her name. She didn’t get far before Roan had stopped her, holding a knife to her neck as you just stood there, feeling like crap because you had been on the wrong side. Emori yelled at John, telling him to take out the machine before you grabbed the pole from her and set it down, ignoring the death glare she was giving you.
Murphy tried to help her, but Miller put a gun to his head, not letting him get any closer as Emori struggled in Roan’s grip. “Looks like we know who’s next.” He said and you gulped, looking towards Clarke and seeing the look of terror on her face. Whatever happens next, it’s not going to be good.
The sun had long set since Bellamy and Jasper left Arkadia, the quiet night in the woods causing Jasper to sigh happily. “I know it’s bad and everyone is dying and all but I’m gonna say it. I don’t miss the mosquitoes.”
Bellamy scoffed at Jasper’s attitude. “This is all a big joke to you, isn’t it?” He asked, furious with how Jasper had been acting. The world was ending and Jasper didn’t have a care in the world.
“Now you’re getting it!” Jasper shouted back to Bellamy, not slowing his walking as he shined this flashlight through the tree lines. “One big cosmic joke and you’d realized that if you pulled the stick out of your ass.”
Bellamy had had it. He grabbed Jasper's arm, getting him to look at an angry Bellamy. “That’s enough.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
Bellamy’s lip pulled back in an irritated smile. “You’re trying to help me? That’s funny. We’re leaving. Now.” He ordered but Jasper had no plans on turning around.
“Damn it, open your eyes!” He yelled at Bellamy, getting him to stop leaving. “The clock is ticking and it has been since we landed on this terrible, beautiful planet. We’re living on borrowed time.”
Bellamy bit his tongue, not holding back his explosion as he headed back to Jasper. “If you know that, then why are you throwing it all away?”
“I’m not.” Jasper whispered to him, a smile lining his face briefly. “You are.” Bellamy let out a laugh, not believing Jasper’s thoughts. “What’s the point in beating yourself up over all the crappy things you’ve done? You did them!” he yelled, making Bellamy grit his teeth. “Don’t say you had reasons because, at the end of the day and the end of the world, nobody gives a damn about your reasons.” Bellamy didn’t want to but he was listening, feeling the guilt of his decisions still eating away at him. “No matter how much you punish yourself, it's not going to change anything. It’s not going to bring anyone back.” Jasper’s attitude had shifted completely from before, the thoughts of his own demons, of Maya, surfacing in his speech as he took a deep breath. “The way I see it, we can spend our last days wallowing in our reasons or we can do whatever the hell we want!” A laugh bubbled out of his lips as Bellamy’s eyes narrowed. “Really mean it this time.” He nodded his head to the stump next to Bellamy, a smile stretching on his face. “Magic Beans.” Bellamy turned, seeing the stump as Jasper shined the flashlight onto it.
“Hallucinogenic nuts.” Bellamy mumbled in disbelief of Jasper. “That’s why you dragged me out here?” He shook his head, remembering vividly of his first and last time he ate those nuts, the deaths of floated Arkers forever on Bellamy’s list of ‘crappy things he’s done’. “If you think I’m taking those again, you really are crazy.”
Jasper shrugged and pulled out a knife. “Whatever the hell you want.” He told his once rebel king before cutting the jobi nuts free and stuffing them in a bag.
After Emori’s lie came to light, everyone was against them. They handcuffed them to the rocket, but you stayed back, watching from afar and wondering if you deserved to be locked with them as well. At least you weren’t the one to construe a lie that killed a man.
Emori looked defeated, but Murphy was becoming hysterical, pulling on his restraints as he begged. “She was trying to save her own life! We’re not going to touch your stupid machine!” He kept pleading, calling out names and begging for everyone to listen as Clarke closed the launched doors, sealing them away from you all.
“Please tell me you’re not actually considering putting Emori in that chamber.” Raven asked as everyone made way from the rocket, solemn faces across all of them.
Clarke hesitated to answer her before turning to her mom. “I don’t know what else to do.”
“There’s nothing else to do.” Roan cut her off, knowing what needs to be done. You clenched your fists softly. “We all know it.”
“Abby,” Raven blurted out, trying to appeal to Abby’s humanity. “There has to be something that doesn’t make us murderers.”
“Jackson and I examined every possibility. The only thing we know for sure is that if we do nothing, we die.”
“And we don’t want that.” You spoke out, eyes on the ground as everyone turned to you.
Abby shook her head. “No, we don’t.” She turned to Jackson and took a deep breath. “Prep Luna for the next extraction.”
“No.” Luna said, gaining looks of confusion from the doctors in the room. “You’ve taken enough.”
“Luna it’s okay, we’ll sedate you.”
“I said no.” She repeated herself, growing angry at Abby’s insistence. “I won’t allow my blood to kill any more innocent people.”
On the inside, you were relieved. Luna wouldn’t donate blood, Emori wouldn’t die. That was good.
“Luna please.” Clarke started begging. “Your blood is the only thing that can save us.”
“My blood is a curse.” She spat at Clarke, disgusted in how they wanted to use her. “It will however keep you from following me out in the rain.” Her foot dragged behind her as she walked past the group, trying to head the door outside despite Abby’s protests of her hip injury.
Roan stepped in front of her, keeping her at bay. “We can’t let you leave.”
Luna scoffed and turned to Clarke. “Is there no line you won’t cross in order to survive?”
“Survival requires sacrifice.” Roan spoke up. “If the freikdreina dies-“
“Don’t call her that.” Raven spat out, stopping Roan from using the derogatory term.
Roan stopped, listening to Raven’s order. “If she dies saving the world, that’s a good death.” Luna still had no plans to stick around, not caring if the world died because maybe humanity is already dead. “I don’t want to fight you. You’re wounded.”
“You have no choice.” Luna reminded him before turning and kicking into his chest. Roan flew backward into a cart, making you jump from the sudden attack as you weren’t expecting it. The attack hurt Luna more than she already was as she limped back and put her hands up. Roan got to his feet and you watched terrified of the ending in this fight.
Roan approached her, his fist up but he didn’t use them. Instead, he kicked her knee out, sending Luna to the ground in a cry of pain as Roan wrapped his arms tightly around her neck and held Luna against her struggles as she passed out, no longer thrashing about in his arms. “Sleep well, natblida.” He whispered in her ear. You watched on, a sickening feeling in your stomach taking you from the room as you ran past Roan and Luna and up the stairs. No one said a thing until you were gone and Roan lifted Luna in the air.
He brought her to the table, laying it across as Raven scoffed. “So, what now? You strap her down and steal her bone marrow?” Clarke met Raven’s eyes, unsure of what to say. “Welcome to Mount Weather.”
Polis was quiet as Jaha, Kane, and Monty walked up and bodies laid across the courtyard, radiation burns covering their bodies as the trio looked around. “Black rain.” Kane sighed as he kept moving forward. “It fell here, too.”
Once the three men cleared the dead bodies, a bird call echoed through the courtyard, stopping Kane, Jaha, and Monty in their tracks as they prepared for an attack. Popping up from the shambles of Polis, grounders pointed their weapons to them and Indra appeared, marching towards them as Kane let out a breath of relief.
“I thought she was your friend.” Jaha mumbled not at all feeling the comfort Kane had.
“She is. That’s why we’re still alive.” Kane started towards her as well, telling Monty to put his weapon down as he followed the order. Kane met Indra halfway between the groups as he smiled. “Thank you for meeting me. I didn’t know if you would.”
As soon as his sentence was finished, Indra punched him in the face, sending Kane stumbling backward before he regained his footing, sending her a confused look. “Don’t smile at me Kane.” She growled. “What do you want? You have 30 seconds, after that, as the enemy of my enemy, you are my enemy.”
Kane shook his head, easing his way softly. “Indra, you have to know that we had nothing to do with the attacks on your land or embassy.”  
Indra stopped him, not wanting to hear the excuses. “What I know is Azgeda marched on Arkadia and you made another alliance with them to save your people, not mine.”
“I know how it looks, but believe me, we’re still trying to find a way to save everyone.” Indra shook her head, calling Kane a fool before retreating and Kane called after her. “You’re fighting for a city that won’t exist in 10 days. The radiation doesn’t care if you’re Trikru or Azgeda. If we can’t come together to fight this enemy, then what hope is there for us?”
Indra stopped walking, looking over her shoulder. “The only hope we ever have. To die a warriors death.” She started walking again and Kane was losing his chance.
“Indra wait, we need to speak to your daughter!” He called out. “She can be the one that saves us all!”
Indra stopped again, turning completely to face Kane, unsure whether she should believe it. “How?”
Gaia was praying to the commanders and the flame as she was interrupted. Indra rushed to her with Kane, Monty, and Jaha behind her. “Gaia, these men need your help.”
Gaia stood grounded, unsure of what was happening but Monty caught sight of her arm, his eyes furrowing. “You tattoo. In the center.”
Jaha took a look, glancing from the tattoo to the medallion in his hand that had the same symbol. “Still think it’s a coincidence?” he asked Kane who stayed silent.
Gaia looked down at the symbol on the metal before taking it from Jaha. “Where did you get this?”
“I found it.” Jaha told her, earning a slight gasp of disbelief from the girl. “Now I believe it’s so it could lead me to you.”
Monty spoke up, breaking the shock silence that came over the room as he asked where the symbol came from. “It’s the holy symbol of our order.”
“Gaia please.” Kane interrupted her, needing to keep on track. “Skaikru helped you protect the Flame. Help us now.”
Gaia hesitated before agreeing. “It adorns the crypt of the first commander, Bekka Pramheda.” Jaha’s hypothesis was the crypt was in fact the bunker, and they needed to know where it was. There was one problem, however. The bunker was in the temple which was controlled by Azgeda just like the tunnels were.
If they wanted to get into the temple, they’d have to put their faith in the alliance.
After you left the lab, you headed over to Becca’s office, the giant window wall providing you the perfect viewing of Luna sedated on the exam table as Clarke, Abby, and Raven stood around having a short conversation you couldn’t hear. You sunk to the floor, leaning your head back on the glass with your eyes closed.
Everything was so fucked. Murphy and Emori were practically screwed and you…
There was a knock on the door to the office as your head rolled over, seeing Roan opening it and lean in the door frame. “You okay?” He asked and you nodded and gave him a thumbs-up before slowly rising to your feet as Roan let the door close and joined you in the room. “Nightbloods. You’d think I’d have learned my lesson after Lexa.”
You let out a chuckle as he stood next to you. “Don’t beat yourself up over that. She beat my ass more times than I could count.” Roan chuckled as well, a smile spreading on his face that somehow cheered you up slightly.
Your new smile however had faded as you looked out the window, seeing Clarke comforting Abby. Roan sighed. “We’re doing the right thing.”
“Are you certain about that?” you laughed slightly bitter.
Roan raised a brow at you but you weren’t looking at him, too focused on your friend and her mother. “Certainty’s a luxury that leaders can’t afford.” He reminded you and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m not a leader. Clarke’s the leader.” You told him, turning away finally to look at him instead of Clarke. “I’m just the girl too crazy to die.”
Roan nodded, raising his brows to show he agreed. “Sometimes we need crazy.”
“No one needs the crazy, Roan.” You sighed out, leaning against the wall. “You know, back before everything with the grounders when I was just Skaikiler, I didn’t kill unless I had to.”
“I know.”
“Then what am I doing now?” You blurted out before closing your eyes and sighing. “I’m sorry. I just wish there was something I could do.”
Roan nodded his head, looking down to Clarke much like you had been doing. “One day what they’re doing here will be worth it.”
You didn’t turn to look out, instead moving and leaving Roan by the window as your head drooped. “Hopefully I’ll live to see it.” You mumbled, getting Roan to turn around.
“What do you mean?” He asked, having overheard your mutter despite your low voice.
“Nothing.” You let out a sigh, licking your lip before sucking in a breath. “I just think I’m about to do something crazy.”
The 5 of them in Polis made their way to the Temple, keeping an eye out for Azgeda they finally ran into. “It’s okay!” Kane shouted after they were commanded not to move with weapons drawn on them. He reached into his pocket to grab the seal Roan gave Skaikru as he held it up, showing them they meant no harm. Azgeda emerged from the city’s rubbles, making Indra’s nerves spike. “Keep your head down.” Kane muttered to his people. “They’ll let us pass.” The ice nation came closer as Kane turned his attention to them and everyone put their weapons on the ground. “I’m the Skaikru Chancellor. As your ally, we seek safe passage into the temple.”
There was some shouting from Azgeda as the seal was taken from them and Azgeda was planning on letting them go. Indra, however, had other plans. When the man in front of her turned his back on them, she picked up Kane’s gun, opening fire and killing every Azgeda man she saw.
Kane was shocked, his eyes widening as he yelled at her but Indra wouldn’t hear of it. “If there’s a bunker in there, Azgeda will never see the inside.” She walked past him, leaving him standing there with his mouth open.
“Come on, Marcus. It’s not our war.” Jaha reminded Kane as he picked up the seal off the ground and handed it to Kane.
“Roan will think we did this.” Monty pointed out as Kane stared at the now slightly bloodied seal. Everyone followed after Indra, keeping pace as they entered the temple and Indra promised Echo would be sending reinforcements against them.
“It’s beneath the alter.” Gaia told them, pointing in the direction as Jaha moved slowly, pulling back pieces and scraps of metal before he found what he was searching for. Everyone helped move the coverings now, the salvation just in front of them.
There was an inscription on the bunkers seal, the symbol sitting pretty in the middle as Gaia translated. “Salvation lies within.” She told them, moving back to sit up. “We were taught it referred to the ship that brought her to us.”
“How do we open it?”
“Like every other lock, Mr. Green.” Jaha reached into his pocket, pulling out the medallion. “With a key.” He moved to place the piece in the hole of the lock, but it didn’t fit. “No.” He whispered, keeping up his tries to get it to fit as everyone looked on impatiently.
“Can you open it or not?” Indra asked but Jaha didn’t answer.
“We need more time.” Kane said before looking to the woman. “Can you reposition your army at the temple?”
“If I do that, we lose the tower.”
“The tower won’t save you.” Jaha told her, refusing to stop his attempts at fitting the piece in.
Indra glared at him. “Neither will ashes of the first commander if that’s all that’s down there.” Gaia pleads with her mother, wanting to believe in the commanders saving them. “I’ll move my guard detail to the temple door. Buy you some time.” She relented before looking at the weapon on Monty’s arm. “But I’ll need your guns.”
Kane didn’t give her them, looking at her incredulously before Jaha groaned. “Just give her the damn guns, Marcus.” Kane nodded as Monty and he handed over the guns to her, helping her carrying them on her shoulder. Gaia started reading the inscription again, running her hands over the crypt’s lock.
Kane pulled out the last handgun he had, passing it to Indra. “I fear jus drein, jus draun will be the end of us all.”
Indra swallowed with her nod, looking to her daughter and calling her name out. Gaia turned to look at her, seeing the guns loaded on her mother. “It would seem you should keep praying.” Gaia nodded before looking back to the crypt, closing her eyes and beginning her prayers again.
Music was playing loudly through Arkadia as Bellamy and Jasper returned, the younger boy spirits lifting as he walked inside. “Got it started without us.”
“Got what started?” Bellamy knotted his brows as he followed behind Jasper, confused as to what he was walking into before he saw the party the younger Arkadians had thrown and he stopped with a sigh. “Have fun.”
Jasper looked at him then to the party then back, nodding his head to get Bellamy to follow. “Come on.” He said but Bellamy didn’t move. Jasper rolled his eyes. “Everyone’s gonna die, Bellamy. We can go out like them,” he paused, gesturing over to the group of older men and women sitting around worrying before walking to the much more fun side of the Ark, “Or like us. The ending’s the same, but who says the journey has to suck?” He turned away from Bellamy, skipping over to the group and holding the bag of Jobi nuts in the air. “I come bearing fruit!”
The crowd cheered at Jasper's arrival and Jasper threw them to Niylah who made tea from them. Bellamy stood back, looking around the ark and between the two groups. He wasn’t paying attention as a girl named Bree approached him, getting far too close for his comfort.
“Wanna dance?” She asked, giving him a smile and Bellamy put his hands on her shoulder, gently pushing her away to separate.
“I don’t dance.” He told her.
Bree wasn’t going to let him go. She came closer again, grabbing Bellamy’s jacket to keep herself close. “I don’t really want to dance.” She whispered under her breath and Bellamy let out a small laugh, grabbing her hands to release her hold.
“I have a girlfriend.” He told her, smiling at the thought of you after the day he had. “I don’t really have any plans to dance with anyone else but her anymore.” He said and Bree sighed, wanting to try again but a hand landed on her shoulder. Both she and Bellamy looked up, seeing Jasper standing behind her before he nodded back towards the party and Bree gave up, sending Bellamy a wink before retreating.
“Girlfriend?” Jasper smirked at Bellamy, who pursed his lips, grateful for Bree’s absence. “Didn’t know it was official.” He teased and Bellamy chuckled under his breath. He started to walk away before turning around, pretending to pull Bellamy by an invisible rope. “Come on! You know Y/N would join us!” Jasper called out, not caring whether you would or wouldn’t as he roped Bellamy in. Bellamy sighed, shaking his head and knowing now he’d need a distraction or he’d be stuck missing you all night. He took the first step towards the party and Jasper cheered, throwing his hands up in the air as Bellamy caught up. “Let someone else save the world for once!”
Bellamy nodded, taking the cup that was held out for him and taking a sip, tasting the Jobi Nut tea before he was prepared and downed the rest of the cup, feeling the burn before he smiled.
Still handcuffed to the rocket, Murphy was trying his best to untie himself, biting and pulling on his handcuffs as hard as he could. Emori was accepting her fate, telling John to stop. “No Emori, I’m not letting this happen to you.”
“You have to.” She whispered, finally looking into Murphy’s eyes. “John listen to me.” She moved as close to him as she could, being handcuffed. “Make them think you’re okay with this. We can make Clarke think you’re still with her.”
Murphy shook his head, not wanting to agree with Emori’s plan. “I’ll kill her if she thinks about hurting-“
“Damn it John!” Emori yelled at him, her voice cracking. “Think! Don’t give them a reason to pick you out next. Survive, please.” She begged and Murphy didn’t want to want to agree but he didn’t have time to tell her.
The launch door opening to show you and Clarke side by side with Miller and Roan behind you both for protection. Murphy and Emori were still looking at each other as you held your breath, hearing Clarke tell them it was time for you to take Emori. Murphy immediately started begging for her life and you refused to look up at him.
“It’ll work this time.” Clarke’s empty promises did nothing to assure Murphy or Emori, or even you.
“How about we just go with that and forget the test?” Emori asked and Clarke gave her a sympathetic look.
You finally looked up, seeing her red-rimmed eyes lined with previously shed tears as that stomach-dropping feeling came back to you. Clarke nodded her head to Miller who pulled out a syringe and sedated Emori, catching her in his arms as Murphy started pleading to him and telling him that he didn’t have to do this but Miller knew it wasn’t true.
Miller carried Emori out of the room, Roan going with him until it was just you and Clarke. She looked at you, but you just stared at Murphy, your face neutral as Murphy yelled. “You don’t have to do this!”
Not wanting this to go the wrong way, you put a hand on Clarke’s shoulder, nodding away from Murphy. “Go. I’ve got him.” Clarke hesitated before nodding, sparing a last glance at Murphy before leaving you alone with him.
He scoffed at you. “You said you would help us.”
“I said I wouldn’t tell anyone.” You snapped at him, coming closer so he wasn’t yelling at you and risking Clarke overhearing.
He let out a laugh of pain, staring into your eyes. “It’d be a shame if Clarke found out you knew Emori was lying.” Murphy said and you clenched your jaw, knowing he was just upset. You started to turn around, not want to deal with Murphy but he called after you. “No, no, no, please, Y/N, please! Don’t do this, please I love her!”
You stopped walking immediately, feeling like you were shot in your chest. “Did you tell her that?”
“What? Y/N-“
“Did you tell Emori that you loved her?” you repeated and turned around, seeing Murphy’s brows drawn together. “Or were you so busy trying to find a way to save her that you didn’t tell her you loved her?” You weren’t sure where this was coming from, maybe from your own pent up feelings for Bellamy, but you didn’t care. You closed your eyes, taking a deep inhale before looking at him again and speaking with softer words. “Emori will be fine.” You promised him.
“If she dies, you die.” He threatened but you didn’t let his words get to you.
“Emori’s not going to die, Murphy.” You repeated and Murphy could feel how your promise didn’t feel as empty as Clarke’s had.
“And why’s that?”
You knew he wouldn’t take your word for it. “Do you trust me?”
Murphy narrowed his eyes at you. “Why should I?”
“Because,” You moved away from him, stopping on the other side of the launch doors and watching Murphy as the doors closed, “I’m crazy, right?”
Once the doors were closed, you let out a shaky breath, losing your composure as he let out a scream from the inside. Everyone paused, looking to you before you turned around, looking eyes with most of them before coming to Clarke’s side.
She didn’t say a word as she looked at Emori on a table much like Luna was. Abby was getting the syringe ready as Jackson tied a band around Emori’s arm, readying her for the injection. You moved out of Abby’s way as she came over with the syringe, your leg shaking as heavily as Abby’s hand was. Clarke was quick to notice, stepping past you to stand by her moms’ side.
“Mom?” She asked, but Abby showed no sign of a response. “We have to do this.”
Abby nodded finally, knowing Clarke was right as she tried once more to inject Emori but couldn’t. “I can’t.” She whispered to Clarke who nodded and took the syringe from her.
“I’ll finish it.” She whispered as well and you watched feeling yourself slowly sink into reality as you stepped forward when Clarke was about to inject her.
“Clarke?” you spoke softly, putting your hand on Clarke’s arm. She barely managed to look at you, her eyes already tearing as you tried to smile. “We need to talk.” She was confused, looking down to Emori and about to speak before you pulled the syringe out of her hand, placing it on the table. With a spare glance thrown to your confused friends, you pulled Clarke away from the table.
“You can’t do this.” You told her. She bit her lip, looking to Emori on the table before you took a deep breath. “I knew about their lie.” You whispered, keeping your voice quiet in the room. Clarke’s eyes slowly looked to you and you bit your lip. “Before we put that man in the chamber, I knew Emori was lying about who he was and I didn’t stop it.”
“You knew?”
Nodding your head shamefully you turned to Emori laying on the bed. “I overheard them talking about it and I didn’t stop it. I told you about him, made you think that using him was alright and I did nothing to stop anything. He’s dead because of me.”
“He’s not-“
“He’s dead because of me.” You repeated and Clarke didn’t stop you again, knowing there was no point. Baylis’, or whatever that man was called, fate was in your hands and you failed. “So, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to inject that serum into me.” Clarke’s mouth fell open and she started shaking her head.
“Are you out of your mind? Do you want to die?” She asked you, gaining the attention of a few people as you tried to shush her.
“Of course, I don’t want to die.” You whispered harshly, pulling her as far out of earshot as you could. “But I’m not going to let Emori. That’d be two more deaths on my hands.” Clarke still wasn’t content with your answer as you sighed and grabbed her hands. “Clarke, I told you when it came down to it, I wasn’t going to take someone else’s spot to live. Either I die then right alongside everyone else, I die now and Abby knows what to do to fix the serum,” you paused with a shaky breath, “Or I survive. Everyone survives. Bellamy, Octavia, Kane, you. I need to do this.”
Being speechless wasn’t something Clarke was used to, but right now she really didn’t know what to say. “And if you die?”
You hesitated, even though you were just getting injected now, in a little while you were going to face your death. “Make sure your mom and Jackson figure out the serum.” Clarke tried to smile but you could tell it was forced, mostly for your benefit. You led her back over to Emori, no one knowing your plan as you looked down at Emori. Her eyes were closed as she laid unmoving, completely sedated. Clarke grabbed your hand under the table and you closed your eyes, feeling her look around the room before she picked up the syringe. She held it to Emori’s arm, making you think for a second, she wasn’t going to go through with it before her eyes locked with yours. “I’ll bear it so they don’t have to.” You whispered. You turned your arm slightly out and Clarke nodded. Right over her shoulder, Abby turned at your words, her brows furrowing before Clarke put the syringe in your arm.
“Clarke?” She whispered but Clarke didn’t stop. Slowly, the serum entered you and watched your veins turn black on your arm until the serum was gone and Clarke pulled the syringe out. You winced at the withdraw of the needle, the realization of what you just did becoming a reality.
“What did you do?” Roan asked, looking between the still black mark on your arm and up at you.
“We’re testing me.” You told them all before looking over your shoulder, your fate in the radiation chamber awaiting you.
What the hell did you just do?
You spent the next few hours letting your mind run crazy with the possibilities of what’s to come as you laid on the bed Emori once did, staring at the tiled ceiling above you. You let yourself think of everything you could, including Bellamy. If this didn’t work and you died, you never would’ve gotten to say goodbye to Bellamy. There were so many things you’d yet to tell him and in just a few minutes now you might not ever get the chance.
God Abby, please have gotten this correct.
Jackson walked up to you, giving you a short smile before you sat up and stretched out your arm, no words exchanged as he drew your blood. You didn’t watch, staring at Clarke as she joined. “It worked.” She said and you glanced down, seeing your blood now black as it sat in Jackson’s syringe. Everyone in the room was on end, shifting in nerves as you let out a heavy sigh.
“It’s been two hours.” Jackson said as you held your arm, blocking the needle mark with your thumb. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’m going to throw up.” You grumbled under your breath, knowing it was nerves rather than the serum. “I’m ready.”
“You sure?” Clarke asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. Nodding at her, you pushed yourself off the bed for the first time in two hours.
“Almost.” You whispered before turning to her. Realizing you wanted a moment alone, Jackson gave you space, taking your blood over to Abby who was rather close by. “Clarke, if things go wrong, I need you to promise me something.” Clarke furrowed her brow and you let out a laugh to cover your sorrow. “Tell Kane I’m sorry for everything.” You began and Clarke gasped lightly, not prepared for you to have been giving her your goodbye speeches. “I know he’s always tried to do what was best for me and I never really made it easy.” Having tried to decide what you wanted Clarke to tell Kane and Bellamy for the last few hours, you didn’t realize it was going to be this hard. You took a second, trying to even your words and completely unaware of Abby listening in at the mention of Kane’s name.
She hadn’t thought about him. Knowing how much you meant to Kane, Abby’s heart stopped. If he lost you, he’d break. She knew how she’d feel if it was Clarke going into the chamber and being exposed to the radiation. At the thought of her daughter and radiation, Abby was reminded of what she saw before Clarke and you arrived; Clarke covered in radiation burns. Maybe this was a sign.
She needed to stop this.
You were still trying to get through your speech to Clarke. “Just make sure Kane knows this wasn’t his fault. Or Bellamy’s.” Clarke quickly caught the change in your tone at the mention of Bellamy. Your face fell and you kept biting your lip. “And tell Bellamy that I-“
Abby stepped into your conversation, stopping you mid-sentence. “I can’t let you do this, Y/N.”
You furrowed your brows, looking between mother and daughter to see Clarke as confused as you. “Abby, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Mom, it’s okay, we trust you.” Clarke tried assuring her but she just shook her head, taking small steps backward.
“No, I won’t let Kane lose you again.” She ran to the chamber before anyone could get in her way and picked up the IV pole standing next to the chamber that Emori had tried to use earlier.
“Abby?” you called out seconds before the doctor swung the pole right into the chamber glass. “No!” you shouted at her alongside everyone else. Abby wouldn’t stop, hitting the glass over and over again, wires and pipes above her getting hit and sending sparks as well. She landed one last swing into the side, the glass there breaking fully before you were finally able to grab the stand away from her. “What did you do?!” you cried out, looking at the completely unusable chamber in front of you. Abby was breathing heavily, her adrenaline leaving her as she panted.
“I couldn’t let you go in there. Kane-“
“That wasn’t your decision!” you shouted at the woman, not caring about what anyone thought right now. “It was mine! It was my decision!” You weren’t aware of how distraught you were until your voice crack and Abby sunk to the ground.
Everyone was silent when you were yelling at her, Clarke being the one to approach either of you. She put her hand on your shoulder and you pushed it off, not wanting to be touched as you walked right past her and everyone, aware of everyone’s eyes on you as you left the room with a weight on your chest.
It didn’t matter what Abby’s reason for destroying the machine was. If this was the final hope, then she ruined it.
The struggle to get the bunker open was worse than ever, Kane using a crowbar to pry it open but it wasn’t working. “I told you it’s never been open.” Gaia said after Kane took a break, needing to catch his breath.
Gunfire rained outside, followed by men shouting as every inside the temple become more on edge than before. “It’s now or never.” Jaha said as Kane dropped the crowbar, wanting to help Indra despite knowing they couldn’t open the door. “We were brought here for a reason, Gaia. Think. Is there another key? It would have a 12 on it.” He said pointing to the roman numeral on the front but Gaia shook her head.
The door opened to the temple and Indra trotted in, looking at the still sealed bunker. “I’m sorry but we have to go. You should’ve brought more guns.” She told them, blaming their lack of guns as the problem.
“Then move your army into position.”
“I will not give up the tower for the tower and a door you cannot open.” Indra bit back at Jaha. Kane stepped in their squabble, suggesting coming back later but Jaha reminded him there wasn’t time and insisted he was staying and Monty vowed to stay as well.
“Maybe we are not worthy.” Gaia pointed out. “Maybe we are meant to burn in Praimfaya.”
“No.” Jaha disagreed. “We’re not meant to burn. We were meant to rise from the ashes.” He argued with the phrase, believing this wasn’t the end for them.
“Wait.” Everyone looked to Monty, the boy looking like he was onto something as they pressed him. “’From the ashes, we will rise.’ What if it’s not just a motto?” No one knew what to say. “What if it’s an instruction?”
Jaha looked to the fire next to the bunker, telling Monty to put the seal in the fire and he did. The fire turned a bright pink and everyone was taken back, shocked as they saw the metal start to melt away. Jaha covered the fire, snuffing out the fire before pulling away the cover to reveal the key.
“The 12th seal.” He whispered, sharing looks with everyone before he picked it up carefully, bringing it over and placing it into the lock. It fit perfectly and Jaha started turning the key giving them an entrance into the bunker. Indra turned to her guard standing by the door and told him to guard the temple rather than the tower and the 5 of them made their way inside.
The bunker was intact, no blood-covered walls like the last time, no skeletons standing guard, no signs of the bunker failing.
The bunker was your people's chance to live.
“Salvation lies within.”
A/N: Finally posted! Am I right? Okay, tell me what you think pretty please! I live on feedback and validation and it means the world to know your opinions!
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peytonhudson · 5 years
Plan-B || Peychuck
tagging: @thepuckrmn & @peytonhudson
location: peyton’s bedroom 
time frame: March 14 morning. 
warnings: puck crying should be a warning. 
Peyton couldn’t tell you what time she fell asleep. She didn’t know whether her tears had eventually just run out or if she’d literally ended up crying herself to sleep. There was a stronger chance it was the latter. It wasn’t until the sun shone through the crack in the curtains the next morning that she fully realized Puck had come back, his hand around hers as he laid asleep on the floor next to the bed. There were so many things she wanted to say to him, but in this moment they were all overshadowed by the fact he’d simply come back. After taking a minute for her eyes to adjust to the light, Peyton let go of his hand slowly and grabbed the pillow from next to her before crawling out of bed and moving to lay next to Puck on the floor. Trying not to wake him, she slid the pillow gently under his head and rested hers on his chest. Maybe if they just laid here  for the rest of day, she could block out the rest of the world and everything would stop hurting for a second?
Puck quite possibly drank all of the alcohol in Doveport. After a night of dodging people’s questions about how he was doing, he found himself sneaking into Peyton’s once more. It didn’t take long for him to pass out on her floor once he was sure she was okay. Deep in slumber, he barely felt her manipulating his head with the pillow. He did feel the pressure on his chest which caused him to instinctively wrap his arm around her body. The pounding in his head became more prominent as he slowly woke up. It took him a couple of moments to remember exactly where he was and how he got there. The reality of everything that was going on creeped back into the front of his mind. Glancing down at Peyton, he reached up and slowly ran his fingers through her hair. He had so much to say to her, and yet nothing was coming out of his mouth except for three little words. “I’m so sorry.”
Her eyes kept closed as she felt his arms wrap around her. She could smell the alcohol on his clothes, but it still smelt like... him. And she needed him. For once, she needed him to stay when he felt like running. She listened to the sound of his breathing for a moment, and opened her eyes when his voice broke the silence. “What are you sorry for?” Peyton muttered quietly. She kept her gaze looking down, knowing if she looked up and saw the pain in Puck’s eyes it would only be seconds before she turned back into the crying mess she’d been most of yesterday. It was one thing to see the person she loved upset, another to know she had caused the pain.
Puck frowned when she refused to look at him. His heart hurt at the entire situation and he just wanted some reassurance that they were going to be alright. His head poured as he stared up at her ceiling as he tried to put what he was feeling into words. “I put you in this situation. You think I would’ve learned from my past. Always use a fucking condom. If I used a condom we wouldn’t be going through this. I��m so damn sorry, baby.” He squeezed her closer to his body. He knew she was just as upset at the entire situation as he was. He knew that it was something they needed to talk through. Shifting his body, he nudged her chin up so that she would finally look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry I’m the reason you’ve been crying. I don’t want to be that guy.”
“This... no, babe.” She shook her head, for once in her life struggling to find words for how she’s feeling. But it broke her heart to know that Puck was feeling like this was his mess... Or something that he was even a little bit responsible for. “This wasn’t your fault. At all. I promise.” Peyton pressed her lips together and let her head be shifted to look up at him. She was right, staring at the pain in his eyes hurt like hell. “Condoms have fail rates too... And-” She shrugged, and swallowed back the lump in throat — only somewhat successfully. “I shouldn’t have told you anything until I knew for sure. I know how these things work, I just... I really wanted it.” Peyton admitted as she gripped onto his shirt. “I wanted a chance to do it right, and I wanted my kid to have this amazing dad. I just wanted it all more than I thought I did. I’m sorry, Puck... I should never have told you anything without seeing a doctor first. I was so stupid, I never meant to hurt you.”
Cupping her face, he let his thumb slowly rub her cheek as she finally looked at him. “It’s still kinda my fault,” he insisted. His breath caught in his throat as he listened to her speak. His heart broke for her, for himself, for what could have been. “I really wanted it too,” he muttered as he fought back his own tears. “I wanted a real family with you. I want everything with you.” Leaning down, he pressed his lips to her forehead, lingering there for a moment silently. Puck pulled back and looked at her. “I’m glad you told me. I wouldn’t have wanted you to go through all of this alone. We’re in this together, Peyton. I…I love you. And I always wanna be there for you. Even through times like these.” His eyes shifted to the ceiling as he blinked back tears. “It’ll work out for us one day. Right?”
“It’s not your fault,” she murmured again. This wasn’t a situation she’d ever anticipated being in. For a week she’d imagined what their baby would look like, what they’d act like, and what it would be like doing it with someone who she loved. But in minutes the fantasy had been ripped from underneath them, and she just wanted them both to be able to go back in time. Peyton felt the tears welling in the corner of eyes as Puck’s lips pressed against her head softly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered only loud enough to reach his ears now he was so close. Hearing him tell her he loved her still felt unreal. It was the only part of this week she wouldn’t change. Puck had always been the sort of person to make her feel loved without having to say it. But hearing it? That reminded her everything could be okay again. “I love hearing you say that,” she muttered, reaching up to dry her eyes the best she could. Resting her chin on his chest, she looked up at him as he stared at the ceiling. Staring at walls and ceilings seemed to be his thing when he couldn’t deal with his own pain. She knew that by now. “It’ll happen for us, baby. We’re going to have a family... Kids that are half you and half me. I still want it all with you.” She couldn’t imagine a time that would change. “I just want this to stop hurting. I want to stop feeling like we lost something.”
He squeezed her shoulder tightly as she apologized to him. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything,” he said softly. And he knew that deep down, it really wasn’t either of their fault. This was just one of those unexplainable life moments. Sighing, he looked down at her. It was pretty obvious that the both of them were going through an emotionally rough time. But deep in his heart, he knew that they’d be able to get through it together. A small smile played on his lips as she spoke about their future. “Kids? As in more than one?” he asked slightly amused at the idea. Her next words broke his heart all over again. He ran his fingers through her hair softly for a moment. “Me too, baby. It’ll get better with time. Me and you will get through this…together. When it’s meant to happen…it’ll happen. I want to be a dad so bad. And having a kid with you? That’s the fucking dream,” he said as he finally let go and allowed the tears to fall down his face. “It’ll happen. It’ll fucking happen.”
“As in a whole mini-van of kids,” Peyton joked seeing the faint smile light his lips. For the first time in a day there was a brief moment where she didn’t feel like her heart was breaking. Listening to him was comforting, feeling him next to her was comforting. They wanted the same thing, and they wanted it together. But watching the tears roll from his eyes sent her heart to her stomach. “It’ll happen, baby.” She muttered, reaching to wipe them gently from his cheek.”It’ll happen.” Peyton sat up slightly so her face was next to his and pressed her lips against his cheek where the tears had been. “You’re going to be a dad.” She murmured softly against his skin before shifting to bury her face in the crook of his neck. “I love you, and I will make you a dad one day. I promise, Puck. I’m gong to give you it all. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do it now.”
“It’ll happen,” he repeated trying to sound as confident as possible. Not a lot of things worked out in Puck’s life, but listening to Peyton, he knew that at some point in their future he was going to get everything he wanted with her. As long as he had her in his life, he knew everything was going to be alright. Puck held her tightly as she buried her face in his neck. “Stop apologizing, baby. Please. If it’s not my fault then it’s 100% not your fault. The timing was just…off.” His eyes closed as he rubbed her back softly. “Is this a bad time to bring up the fact that I’m hungover as fuck?” he mumbled tiredly as he rested his chin on the top of her head.
It didn’t matter how many times he told her it wasn’t her fault, probably in the same way he felt responsible, Peyton had to put blame on something. And it made the most sense to blame herself. It was her body that couldn’t do what is was meant to do, and her decision to tell Puck before she’d even seen a doctor. She’d done this before, she should have known the pain she was in wasn’t normal. It was... her fault. “I hate timing,” she muttered, closing her eyes against him. “I just wanted this to be our time.” She sighed as she wiped her tears against his shirt. She can’t help but chuckle a little at his next words, “No, baby. Now is a great time to bring that up.” Though Peyton didn’t need him to tell him that, she could tell by the way he smelled that he’d spent the night in a bottle of alcohol. Or several. She couldn’t blame him for that. “I’ll go get you some aspirin... Do you need food?”
He could feel his shirt getting slightly damp from her tears. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to be something they were going to get over anytime soon. But they’d figure it out together. It made him feel better to hear her chuckle. Opening his eyes, he glanced down at her and then over at the bed next to him. Puck shook his head at her question. “I’m not hungry. How about we crawl into your very comfy bed and pass out for like…another hour or two and then we can think about aspirin? I just wanna sleep next to you. Come on” Shifting out from under her, he shakily stood up and stripped down to his boxers. Puck got into her bed and pulled her down next to him. “It’ll be our time,” he whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arm around her waist and closed his eyes.
Peyton nodded. She couldn’t argue, the bed was significantly more comfortable than the floor... Though right now she would have laid anywhere as long as he was with her. “Ok, but I am making you take aspirin when we wake up,” she mumbled as she shifted off him to sit on the edge of the bed, watching him as he changed out of the clothes he had been in when he’d left her house yesterday. She tucked herself into him arms, her eyes closing when his breath touched her ear. She believed him. She had to. If there was any way to move past the way her heart currently ached, it was with Puck. Their time would come... Surely it had to.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Hogwarts AU (Craquaria)- Pisa
AN: Hey guys!! I’m a new writer open for feedback! Feel free to suggest anything and let me know if you want another chapter!
Aquaria and Brianna Cracker are real ladies. This is their sixth year at Hogwarts.
Brianna rushed onto the train with her brown backpack lovingly filled to the max with snacks and magazines to keep her satisfied on her 4 hour trip to Hogwarts. She frantically looked around and saw a familiar face beaming and hugged the girl in front of her.
“The love of my LIFE! Is it really you!?”
“It’s Crack attack in the flesh!” Brianna responded not letting go of Monet’s hands as they left their hug.
“The fact that I haven’t seen you all summer is CRIMINAL.” Monet took the small girls hand and led her to one of the compartments. Brianna sat down and looked out the window to wave goodbye to her mom, who was crying already. Brianna was typically considered a shy girl, but got her mom to laugh all of the time. They had gotten especially close this summer and she might have shed a tear if Monet wasn’t there with her.
“My summer was so boring, all I did was work at the cafe” Monet said.
“Mine was too! I just painted all day long to try to keep myself sane from missing you guys”
“We need to start this year out right, meet some new friends and keep ourselves entertained”
A stunning brunette birst into the car, with wavy hair and a cozy scarf. She leaned up against the doorframe with a sexy pose and said “How much did you miss me?”
“Not even a little Asia” Monet says smiling at how ridiculously extravagant her entrance was.
Cracker jumped right up and squealed, excitedly waiting for Asia to finish her bit and hugged  her. Asia made her way over to her and hugged her tightly.
“My little Bri!! I’ve missed my baby so much” Asia sat right next to Monet who she gave a loving side hug to. “My girls! I can’t wait for a kick ass year”
They spent the whole ride talking about their summer and before cracker knew it, they were pulling up to the giant castle.
No matter how many times Cracker saw Hogwarts, she still got amazed at how large it was. And it looked gorgeous as it did every year for opening night. There were candles lit everywhere which highlighted the beautiful architecture of the castle.
“You would not BELIEVE what happened at work” Monet said angrily
“Oh goodie!! I’ve been waiting all summer to hear your work stories!” Cracker turned all of her attention towards Monet.
“I was wiping down tables and this cute couple sits down so I’m thinking ‘aww how cute’ and he says ‘I need to talk to you about something’ so Im thinking ‘Oh my god he’s going to propose!!!’….”
Asia cut in, “Monet not a single proposal story starts with the guy saying ‘I need to talk to you about something’, he probably wants to break up or-”
“That’s exactly what happened!! He breaks up with her and LEAVES HER THERE!! All alone, in a coffee shop, where everyone around her just heard her boyfriend break up with her!! So I sat down with her and you could tell she was on the verge of tears. I calmed her down and told her a few jokes-”
"And after hearing your attempt at humor she fully broke down crying?” Asia asked straight faced as Money grabbed her arm and started giggling.
“NO” she giggled again, “I made sure she got home okay and told her there are cute guys that come in here everyday when she’s ready to date again.”
“Aren’t you a hero..” Asia teased Monet as the three headed up the stairs to the dining hall.
“I didn’t hear any stories of you saving a girls day this summer Asia” Monet teased back.
“That’s because I was too busy living it up in the brand new house my parents got!!!”
"Remind me to visit you next summer…” Cracker chimed in. Asia smiled at her as they sat down at their usual table in the dining hall. Throughout the years they had made their way towards the back of the room so they could goof off when boring announcements were made.
She sat next to Sasha and Shea, who were holding hands and giggling.
“How was a whole summer together?” Cracker asked
“Did you kai kai?” Asia bluntly asked.
Sasha looked surprised and then started laughing with Shea.
“If we wanted you to know, you would know…” Shea looked mischievous. You could tell Asia looked frustrated.
Monet put her hand on Asia’s shoulder “Just let it go… assume they did, but let it go”
Cracker chuckled. “So what did you guys-”
“Silence my students” She was interrupted by the familiar booming voice of Dumbledore. He had the power to make a room packed with students go silent in a matter of seconds. “Now I would like to welcome you all back to Hogwarts. To our first years, we welcome you with open arms as you…” Cracker zoned out of the same speech Dumbledore makes every year. She looked at the front of her Hufflepuff table at the first years with their eyes glued to Dumbledore. She decided to venture off to other houses tables when long blonde hair caught her eye. She was dressed in a blue shirt and was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Cracker watched as the thin girl lifted her hands up to put her pin-straight hair into a ponytail. Cracker moved her head to try to get a better look at the girls face but she was yanked out of her gaze by the clapping of her friends as the first first year to get sorted was put into Hufflepuff.
When Cracker looked back, the girl that was sitting next to Aquaria noticed Crackers stare and looked back at her. Cracker quickly turned away and pretended to pay attention to the front of the room as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
When the ceremony ended, Cracker Monet and Asia went up to the dorms.
“Why are there so many stairs in this castle?” an exhausted Monet called up from behind Asia and Cracker.
“Come on slowpoke, you won’t get there any faster if you complain the whole time.” Asia called out to her friend.
“Yes but I will successfully annoy you, one good thing that will come out of this excessive amount of stairs” Monet clapped back
Asia turned to Cracker “I can’t wait to see your artwork honey!”
“I’m excited for you to see it too” Cracker looked up into Asia’s beautiful eyes. They got to the room and started to unpack when Cracker heard a familiar voice say “Knock knock ladies!!”
Cracker spun around and gasped as she ran toward the skinny red head in the doorway. Even though Blair was in Gryffindor, she was still one of her closest friends at Hogwarts. Blair was the first person Brianna met at Hogwarts and they became fast friends. When they got sorted into different houses their first day of school Blair cried. Brianna held her tight and said that nothing that could happen could ever separate them. For six years she kept her promise.
“Aren’t you so glad that we get to pick our roommates this year?!” Blair asked
“I still got paired with a booger.” Asia said looking at Monet as Monet did that same giggle she did when Asia poked fun at her.
“Blair I can’t believe your mom let you come back!” Monet ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.
“She said I had to call her every day or else she would call the police, she is so clueless that the police can’t come out here!”
Cracker giggled as she led Blair to her bed. “You getting along with Vanje so far?”
“Yeah, You guys don’t seem to have much in common” Asia chimed in
“Not at all! Were getting along great so far! We talked all throughout dinner and she seems to get me to open up so far”
“Don’t open up to fast before a dinner and a movie” Cracker chuckled
Blair looked confused “Oh it’s not like that”
Monet and Cracker exchanged a quick look.
Crackers alarm rang at 6 o’clock. She got out of bed and cursed herself for wanting to take an extra potions class. She couldn’t help but be interested in potions and she loved learning from Professor Slughorn.
She walked into the classroom and had no idea where to sit. She headed to the back of the classroom as she saw Shea.
“I didn’t know you were in this class” Brianna smiled at Shea
“Thank god you’re here Brianna!! This is my only class without Sasha and I’m going to need emotional support to get through this!!”
Brianna looked up just as a beautiful, lean girl came in the door. Brianna recognized her as the girl who caught her staring at the girl with the long blonde hair.
“Hi Vixen!!” Shea said as Vixen gave a quick wave as she sat in the front of the classroom.
“You know her?” Brianna said before she could even think of playing it cool.
“Yeah she’s only the most popular girl in the Ravenclaw house. I’ve been to a couple of her parties before they are the best in the school.”
“I haven’t been to a party all summer.”
Slughorn entered the room and wrote his name on the board in chalk. “Good morning students my name is-”
The door flung open and Brianna knew who it was right away. The long blonde hair, the tall skinny body, this was the girl from yesterday. She moved in a manor that was confident for someone walking in late.
“Ah! Aquaria! Thank you for joining us!” Slughorn mocked
Aquaria was so smooth in her sexy strut as her eyes lifted to reach Slughorns. Brianna didn’t know what she imagined her face to look like yesterday, but it sure wasn’t as beautiful as she saw now. Brianna uncomfortably shifted in her seat as she stared at the goddess that entered the room.
Aquaria tossed her hair over her shoulder. “My pleasure Professor” She sat right next to Vixen and they giggled.
They got out of class early the first day and Brianna took one last look at the back of Aquaria’s head as she packed up her stuff. She said goodbye to Shea and knew she had a few hours to kill before her next class. She decided to go to her favorite spot on campus. In the courtyard there was a stained glass window with a ledge in front of it that she climbed into to attempt to be alone. It was her favorite place to sketch.
After a few minutes of sketching out of the corner of her eye she saw something climb into another stain glass window ledge diagonal from her. She got mad that someone was stealing her secret spot. She looked up and saw Aquaria looking down at a book, clearly lost in it. Brianna couldn’t keep her eyes away from her.
Aquaria looked up for a second at her and looked right back down at her book. Brianna watched as her cheeks slowly turned red. She knew it was creepy that she was still looking at her but she couldn’t get herself to look away.
This happened for days. Brianna would get there first and then ten minutes later, Aquaria would show up, book in hand. They would always exchange quick glances at each other and Brianna would end up sketching Aquaria every day. She couldn’t help but sketch her since she was constantly on her mind.
One day after potions class Shea grabbed her arm before Cracker headed to the courtyard for to steal some glances at the girl she admired from afar.
“Hey Bri, can I talk to you about something?”
‘No’ Brianna thought right away, ‘I have to get to Aquaria’ but she shook that selfish thought off right away.
“Yes? Whats up?”
“I kind of.. Umm… I want…. Uhh….want to ask Sasha to be my girlfriend”
“Shea!! That’s fantastic!!!”
“I know but I’m nervous. I was thinking of asking someone else first if it was weird… maybe she just wants to stay friends…”
“I’ve heard her talk about you, I’ve survived the earthquake of sexual tension in the room when you are together, trust me, she’ll say yes”
They talked for a while about how and when Shea was going to ask her.
Shea hugged her “Thank you so much Bri” Brianna smiled. She adored Shea and always considered Shea and Sasha girlfriends anyway so she was happy to help make it official.
“Love you” Brianna said as she left Shea practically running not to miss her chance to see Aquaria, sketchbook in hand. She slowed down as she rounded the corner and saw the blonde in her seat reading her book. She looked up for a second when Brianna rounded the corner.
Brianna walked by trying not to look at Aquaria when she heard a faint “Hi”
Brianna turned around trying not to look too eager.
“Want to sit with me?” The blonde asked. Brianna paused in shock and eventually nodded and sat down. Their legs touched a little in the confined space and just feeling her soft skin made Brianna shiver.
“I love this little area”
“I know isn’t it beautiful? I’ve been sitting over here since I found it the beginning of second year.”
“Not many people come through here do they?”
“No that’s what I like about it”
There was a pause. Aquaria smiled at Brianna.
“I’m Aquaria”
“I’m Brianna”
“What house are you in Brianna?”
“Hufflepuff. You?”
Cracker nodded and looked down at Aquaria’s lean legs. Her skin was so perfectly smooth she could be a model.
“You look familiar… I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere…”
“I sit behind you in potions”
“That’s right! You always raise your hand! You’re really smart, you know.”
Brianna couldn’t help but smile and blush.
“I’m really not that book smart I just love potions, I’m more artsy than smart…”
“You draw? That’s cool! I’m terrible at that stuff!”
“Yeah I’ve been sketching a few things in here-” Cracker motions to the sketch book. Aquaria takes it.
“Really?!” She says as she opens it.
Cracker is proud for a second but then realizes what’s in the book.
“Wait…” She starts but is too late. Aquaria was flipping through sketches of herself. Cracker’s heart starts pounding as she holds her breath ‘Oh my god I look so creepy right now’
Aquaria looks Brianna in the eye, confused, and says “Are these of me?”
Brianna says nothing and cringes as Aquaria looks back to the sketches. There is nothing she can do but sit there with her face burning and beat red from embarrassment.
“Brianna….” Aquaria trails off. All Briana can do is wait for her to freak out or leave.
“You are so talented” Aquaria looked Brianna straight in the eyes and Brianna froze in shock.
“No one’s ever drawn me before… I mean I’ve never thought I’d make that kind of an impact… wow”
Brianna opened her mouth to say something but she couldn’t think of what to say. They both sat there, Aquaria flipping through more of her sketches and Brianna smiling as she watched Aquaria’s amazed reactions to her watercolors.
Aquaria closed her sketchbook. “You’re here everyday right?”
“I have to head to class but feel free to sit with me again tomorrow.” Aquaria grabbed her backpack and left leaving a confused Cracker on the ledge.
“So let me get this straight” Asia started
“There’s nothing ‘straight’ about it” Monet remarked in her desk in the corner of the room.
Asia gave Monet a look as she cracked up at her own joke. Asia turned her focus back to Cracker.
“She saw the notebook of sketches you drew of her and she wasn’t freaked out?!”
“I know!! I thought I was done for! Armageddon was upon us, the ship struck the iceberg, Juliet had fake poisoned herself and the news never reached Romeo! But, in a strange twist, she loved it”
“Maybe she was flattered?” Monet chimed in
“She gets attention all of the time! That makes no sense” Asia argued
“Yeah but this isn’t attention just to be apart of the popular crowd and get into underground parties this is genuine affection from another person” Monet explained
“You have a point” Asia said
The door to the girls dorm swung open and Blair came in followed by Vanessa.
“Hey guys! I just wanted to introduce my new roomate Vanessa, she’s in Gryffindor with me”
Vanessa had black straight hair and cute red overalls on that had the Gryffindor patch on them. Her makeup was unclockable with bold black lipstick that matched her personality. Brianna went up to shake her hand. “Hi Vanessa”
“How you doin’ cute stuff” Vanessa ignored her handshake and went right for the hug. “Blair talks about you guys day and night. I try to talk about what we should do this weekend and it’s all ‘Oh Brianna and I always go here’ and ‘Asia and I don’t drink’ I’m like someone’s got to be the bad influence on you and I guess it’s me”
Blair giggles at Vanessa’s bluntness. “This girl already got me to skip one of my classes to watch the guys play quidditch”
“Anyone you have your eye on?” Monet asks. Blair looks at Vanessa with uncertainty. Cracker knew Blair well enough to know that Blair hoped she would say no.
“No! They all sweaty. Whoever says they like guys who play sports has never seen them right after.”
“It was a bust” Blair said as she smiled at Vanessa
The whole potions class, Brianna was summoning the nerve to approach Aquaria. She was wearing a pleated black mini skirt and a white button down that Brianna studied very carefully. She knew Shea was onto her at that point but she didn’t care.
“Are you planning on talking to her or just hoping she notices you at some point” Shea whispered
“I’m hoping that if I stare at her long enough, she will like me” Brianna responded
“That plan is foolproof”
Class ended and Aquaria got up and threw her jacket over her shoulders. ‘It’s now or never’ cracker thought as she approached the blonde.
“Hey Aquaria”
“Brianna! How are you?” Aquaria seemed genuinely happy to see her
“What are you reading?”
Aquaria lifted up the almost finished book for Brianna to see. “To Kill a Mockingbird. My brother says everyone in his High School reads it and I didn’t want to feel left out. Plus it reminds me of home. He would not stop talking about it this summer.”
“Your brother’s not a wizard?”
“Unfortunately not but he’s totally okay with that. He’s at college trying to become an English professor. Do you have any siblings?”
“No, my mom only had me but i’m spoiled so i’m totally fine with that!”
Aquaria giggled
“I do feel like i’m missing out on some of the muggle culture though. I’ve never even heard of that book.”
“I’ll let you read it when i’m done, you can tell me what you think!”
Cracker smiled at the thought of speaking to Aquaria more in the future. They arrived at the stain glass windows. And talked more about books, movies and what Hogwarts has been like for them.
“I’m actually headed to a get together with my friends tonight, hey you should come!”
“Okay, what are they usually like?”
“It’s pretty chill, Vixen throws the best parties. Vixen is my best friend you’ll love her!”
“I’m in!”
“You can bring whoever you want! Vixen and I love people.”
“But you have to come and be my wingman!!”
“Okay Cracker, but you can’t let me go to crazy this time.” Monet looks Cracker up and down “Girl that is the worst outfit i’ve ever seen you in”
Asia heads over to the girls “Do you want Aquaria to think you’re a nun?!”
Cracker was in black jeans and a black turtleneck. She had her blonde hair in her usual ponytail. “What?! I don’t want to seem too eager”
“So you went for Mormon realness I see…” Monet shadily eyed cracker
“I would normally never be caught dead agreeing with Monet, but she’s right” Asia agreed “Show some skin baby girl!”
“I thought this would be casual and chic” Cracker said striking a pose
Asia and Monet exchanged a look and then got to work. Monet went right for Crackers blonde hair and took her ponytail out. Asia, naturally, headed to Crackers closet.
“I’m going to make it slightly wavy, so it looks effortlessly nice.” Monet explained.
“A t-shirt and a mini skirt is perfect” Asia yelled from in the closet
“You guys are like my slutty my fairy godmothers”
The party was as cool as Aquaria promised, and Cracker strangely felt comfortable being on Ravenclaw territory. There were mostly girls everywhere and light, relaxing music playing. No one was dancing, mostly sitting down or in groups talking to each other. She squeezed Monet’s hand tightly as Shea pushed by her and Asia to go talk to Vixen. Blair and Vanessa immediately found a place to talk and Asia left when she saw Kevin, the cute boy she liked.
Monet turned to Cracker, “Okay I know your nervous but you have to calm down” she could tell Cracker wasn’t taking her advice so she squeezed her hand even tighter, “You are one of the sweetest, most charming girls I know.” Monet kissed her forehead “She’s going to love you… but not as much as I do”
Cracker gave Monet a loving smile then went to go find Aquaria. She found her talking to a bunch of her friends in the kitchen, making them all mixed drinks. The girls got their drinks and left as soon as Brianna walked into the room.
Aquaria’s blonde hair was down and straight with some volume. She was wearing her plaid mini skirt which had great movement when she spun around to face Brianna, “You made it! Want a drink?”
“Whatcha makin”
“Just vodka crans with a bit of lime” she handed her the drink “Here”
“This is great!” Cracker cringed “And strong”
“That’s how I like um! I’m so glad you’re here, did you bring anyone with you?”
Aquaria and Cracker went into the main room and Cracker scanned the room to see what her friends were up to. Blair and Vanessa were sharing a bean bag in the corner of the room. Blair did her famous adorable giggle and looked up at Vanessa with flirtatious eyes. Vanessa laughed as well and put her hand on Blairs thigh.
“Yeah I bought a bunch of friends actually!” Aquaria looked excited “Those two girls shamelessly flirting in the corner are Blair and Vanessa” Cracker looked over at Monet dragging Asia to her feet to go dance, followed by a bunch of other girls following Monet’s lead. “The girl who has to much energy for her own good” Aquaria nodded “That’s Monet, my rock, the reason I’m not having a mental breakdown every moment of the day” Aquaria laughed. Cracker watched as Monet and Asia got into their usual dance battle and everyone around them went crazy.
“The one who looks like she’d rather fuck a weedwacker then lose to Monet is Asia” Aquaria laughed again and Cracker made sure to look at her this time when she did. She wanted to make Aquaria laugh all night. “And Shea and Sasha are talking to the Vixen”
“Oh I’ve met them a couple of times, they are so cute. I’ve practically met everyone in this school at least once”
“Yeah Vixen’s friends with everyone so I get to meet a lot of people I wouldn’t normally talk to. Which is fine by me because I’m not exactly a great public speaker. Without her I don’t know how I would make any friends to be honest.”
“Well, you became friends with me all by yourself”
Aquaria paused for a moment as she looked Brianna in the eyes, “I’m glad I did” she said a little quieter. They looked at the girls dancing for a little while, laughing when Monet did a goofy dance move and Asia looked disgusted.
Brianna wondered what Aquaria would be like to dance with. Probably smooth and sexy, letting loose and flipping her hair around, twirling around in her mini skirt. She couldn’t wait any longer, “Want to dance?” Brianna said a little to eagerly.
They walked towards the other girls and, to Briannas surprise, Aquaria grabbed her shoulders and started moving her hips to the music. Brianna followed suit, trying to keep up with Aquaria’s fast movements. The Vixen cheered and came over when she saw Aquaria was on the floor. She stole Aquaria from Brianna and spun her around and dipped her. Brianna staired as she giggled when the Vixen pulled her back up. She came back to Brianna shimmying and Brianna covered her mouth and giggled. Brianna decided she needed to try something bold so she did what Vixen did and grabbed her hand and spun her around. They met face to face and smiled.  
Suddenly the music was turned down. Vixen stood on a chair looking for attention “I see we have a lot of new faces here tonight so were going to play a game. Everyone find a partner.”
Brianna knew who she wanted to be partnered with, so she pointed at Aquaria and she nodded.
“Okay people sit in a circle with your partner we have limited seating so you’ll have to make do, you can use the couch, we have some bean bag chairs, some stools…”
“Here okay?” Aquaria asked as she pointed to a bean bag chair. Brianna thanked the gods above that they had to share one. Aquaria sat first and patted her lap for Brianna to sit on. Brianna blushed so hard she was glad she was facing the other way.
“Were going to ask questions and each partner is going to guess what the other person wrote down. I’m going to pass out post-its and pens”
Cracker looked around the room to take her mind off the fact that she was sitting on the most perfect legs god ever made. She saw Blair and Vanessa on the couch. Blair was holding Vanessa’s hand and had her head on her shoulder. Vanessa gave her head a quick kiss which made Brianna smile. Asia and Monet were paired up and already talking strategy. Monet looked over at Cracker and gave her a wink. Cracker ignored her and looked to Sasha and Shea. Shea was on the floor and Sasha was on the stool playing with Shea’s hair. Shea looked like she was in heaven. For a second Cracker wished Aquaria would play with her hair.
Aquaria surprised her by wrapping her hands around Brianna in a hug and resting her cheek to her arm. This made Brianna wet and shift a bit on Aqua’s lap.
“We’ve known each other a whole two days we’ve got this in the bag” Brianna said as she turned her head to see Aquaria’s head resting on her arm. She couldn’t help but smile.
Vixen asked the first few pairs a question and Brianna tried her best to pay attention. That all went out the window when Aquaria put her hands over Briannas folded hands in her lap and lovingly rubbed her thumb over her skin.
“ASIA” Monet almost yelled “I’ve told you a million times my celebrity crush is Andy Samberg why did you put Leo Dicaprio!!”
“Whose celebrity crush is ANDY SAMBERG”
“How am I supposed to know that!? I went off my best judgement and since you are always watching Titanic-”
“I do that for the culture, for the art of it”
The whole room was eating Asia and Monet up. Practically everyone was laughing their ass-off.
“Hold up ANDY SAMBERG” Monique cut in “Out of all the men in the world you could ever possibly get with”
“I know right!!!” Asia cut in “See Monique agrees with me!”
“He’s the cutest guy to me”
“Lies and Fairytales. That’s what you’re telling”
Cracker could feel Aquaria laughing under her. She was so glad she liked her friends.
After a couple of rounds the game ended and everyone went back to dancing. Brianna tried to get up but Aquaria tried to pull her down on her lap again. They both fell to the floor laughing as Brianna pretended like she was dying
“Et tu… Aquaria?” Brianna muttered while laying on the floor
Aquaria got up laughing at Brianna and held out her hands to help her up. Aquaria pulled her all the way up so Brianna was close to her face and suddenly became more serious.
“Want to go somewhere?”
Aquaria looked at Brianna mischievously and dragged her out of the room.
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
I had seen how much I had grown from last year only yesterday when my sister and I had been wringing out the wet towels because our washing machine sort of exploded.
There were a lot of towels we had to wring out by hand and the large towels needed both of us to successfully wring out most of the water, so joking around with my sister, I told her this is a great way to release anger. So every towel we wrang out was a person that pissed us off. Most of the towels were the people in my sisters life but one person, who had really hurt me was not my towel but my sister's towel. She was so angry with him even though she didn't know him. I knew him far better than anybody I knew but damn did she wrung out that towel like it had done something so awful to her. I guess, she expected my anger to come out as well when it came to him but I wasn't really angry. Not like I was with a friend who had stabbed me in the back before I ever knew this guy. From all the towels, all the people, that we released our anger to, mine was only one and it belonged to my long-time best friend, who I don't talk to anymore.
It was so surprising to me, to see that I was in love with the guy but I wasn't near furious at him for what he had done, which was much worse than what my ex best friend did. It made me realise that he was always honest with me about how mean, rude he can be and it was my own fault for trying to convince myself otherwise. Maybe that was why I wasn't so mad at him but when it came to my ex best friend, she constantly manipulated me without me even knowing. Without her even knowing. She made herself the victim, she still does and that was always what made me stay and do things for her that I was not comfortable with. When I confronted her about it, she didn't deny it or fight for our friendship. Now, I know she wasn't much of the kind to be confronted. I knew she hated arguing but after all we've been through, I thought I'd be worth enough fighting for. I wasn't, clearly. Still I miss her but I could never trust her again. And still I miss him, the boy I fell in love with, over and over again after all he had done was hurt me, but for some weird reason... he was always honest with me. Always. He told me how he treated other people but I thought that at the time, I was maybe different. Naive, I know but maybe that's why I'm not mad. That's why that towel was more my sister's than mine.
Everything that I explained to my friends and family about him, made them think that he is an asshole that doesn't deserve a single particle of my energy. True, he is an asshole, who doesn't deserve a single particle of my energy but I had never in my entire life met a person, who was not afraid to tell me the truth, ugly or not. He could have told me that I look beautiful and that I would make a great model but he also told me that my mysteriousness pissed him off. He said he loved my energy but he also said that I can be annoying. He was literally such he opposite of me and we could get along just fine. As different we were, we were kind of the same.
Maybe that's why people don't understand why I am not holding so much anger towards him. They say I keep looking excuses for him, defending him in some sort of way. I'm not. They just don't know how we were when we were together. They don't know that we had much more good memories than the bad ones. When we were together, we were in this perfect sync but when we were apart it was like everything was somehow... dark and twisted. We both got too much in each other's heads and I know he was happy to see me just as I was happy to see him. Everything was mutual, we just didn't know how to show it. It was like, we didn't know how to operate when we were apart for too long. Like as if something had changed but we both spent too much overthinking everything. It was what made us so... complicated.
I like to think that he misses me too. I can find my own closure for what happened to us. He just changed me in so many ways... which were good kind of ways. The timing of when we met, the experience we share together, the memories we created... it's not just something. It's more to me than that. It's almost everything... Lessons our connection has thought us, so many of them... and the one I keep reminding myself of it is that I cannot influence how people act or think or do. I cannot control them but I can control myself; my reaction, my action, my thoughts, my reality. Acceptence is also a big key I had to learn with us. Accepting that everything was great, amazing even but also accepting that it can't repeat itself and that we cannot be stuck in there forever. Accepting that he moved on and that I also moved on. I did, to be honest. I'd love to see him again, of course. I miss him, of course. He changed my life, of course but for what I felt for him... it sort of faded with time but the moment we would lock eyes again, I know it would burn into a bonfire again. Though now, I know how to act and I know how to use everything he thought me for my own benefits... Forgiving him made it easier to forgive my parents, to forgive all the other people in the past and now I don't have anybody else to be angry with. Not him, not my parents, not even myself...
Thanks to my washing machine sort of exploding.
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kookieseyes · 7 years
I hate you │5
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summary:  The fuckboy can’t help it but get protective when you’re in danger member: Jeon Jungkook x reader genre: fluff, romance, angst word count: 2.5k warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook badboy!Jungkook I hate you Masterlist │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ (ongoing)
A/N: For some reason, “I hate you 2″ doesn’t show up anywhere as if the post doesn’t exist, even the link doesn’t work on my phone. Do you guys have any idea why? please message me if you do. P.S I have the next part planned out, but it’s gonna take awhile, so please don’t expect it to be posted tomorrow. I’ll post it somewhere this week though. 
You have successfully ignored his presence the whole day. Meeting him, looking him in the eyes would once again remind you how much you actually hated him. He didn’t seem to mind ignored by you either, but then after the class ended he approached you in the hallway. “Hey” -he greeted you as if nothing had happened yesterday. What else did you expect? an apology? from someone like him?
“Your turn”- you said with as indifferent and uninterested tone as you could. You would never show him that he had any kind of effect on you. You took the diary out of your bag and threw it at him, just like he had done to you the day before. 
“I know you have every right to be mad at me but let me explain”-his words were barely audible, clearly not used to explaining his actions to others and feeling ashamed because of it.
“I’m not angry at you and you don’t owe me any kind of explanation, it’s none of my business, remember?”
“It’s not like that, I.. uh just hear me out”-he reached out his hand to touch your arm but stopped in the middle. To hide what he intended to do he took his hand back and placed it on the back of his neck. 
“It’s fine, Jungkook, really, just fill out the diary and give it back tomorrow”-you said brushing off his action just a few seconds ago and stepped away from him. But something stopped you from moving, his hand finally found your arm, having an excuse to stop you from turning away.
“When I say run, you run okay? please trust me, I’ll tell you everything”-he said leaning towards you. You thought he was joking but as you looked at his concerned face with furrowed eyebrows and panicked eyes looking in distance behind you, you knew something serious was going on. You were about to turn around to see what or who he was looking at but he whispered “Run” in your ear and dragged you as he started running with your hand in his. You were out of breath, running towards nowhere it seemed. You had no other choice but to follow him. Suddenly he made a sharp turn and hid behind the huge vending machine, but before doing so he looked behind to make sure the others following him took the other turn. He trapped you between his body and the wall, hiding you completely.
“Are you out of your mind? who are the guys following you? Why did you take me with you? What is going on?-you were still struggling to catch your breath while asking him questions “Shh..not now, they might hear you”-he actually seemed scared, something you had never seen before. “Why can’t you tell me, I deserve to know what …”-You didn’t get to finish the sentence because without a warning he closed the remaining distance between you and attached his lips to yours. You tried fighting him off, tugging at his shirt, but he took your free hand into his along with the other one he’d been holding since he started running and gave you a reassuring squeeze. You didn’t expect his lips to be that gentle, tasting of mint and regret for not having kissed them earlier. The kiss was sweet and short, not lasting more than a few seconds, but it was enough to leave you speechless and dumbfounded. You forgot about the rage, loathe and hate you felt towards him in the morning. This couldn’t have been happening, he wasn’t supposed to make you forget what he really was that easily.
“Sorry about that, but we need to go”-you shook your head as if you told him he didn’t have to be sorry about something you enjoyed. It was hard to admit it to yourself, but it was the truth, even if the kiss was meant for making you stop talking, you couldn’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach 
You both ran towards his car, your hand still in his for some reason. He hastily buckled you up and hit the gas pedal. You were still in shock after everything that happened, the chase, the kiss, god, the kiss. Your phone started buzzing and as soon as you picked up you heard Ava’s shaky voice: ”Y/N, are you okay? Where are you?”
“I’m fine, I’m with Jungkook, are you okay?-she sounded so worried and confused.
“Oh, thank god, she’s okay,”-she said as if she was trying to tell someone else about you.
“Who are you talking to?”-you were almost sure he was talking to Jimin, they were almost inseparable lately. “Jimin, he just came in here and told me they were after Jungkook and you, and I just didn’t know, I was so scared…”
“Who were after me, what are you trying to say?”-now, this was getting more puzzling than it already was. What did she know? It seemed like the guys following you before were somehow connected to something Ava was worried about.
“Jungkook didn’t tell you?-she was surprised, to say the least, asking you in the high pitch.. “Tell me what?
“Just come to my place, both of you, and we can explain”
“Explain what? Ava!”-but it was too late, she’d  already hung up on you. “What did she say?”-Jungkook asked impatiently when he saw you staring at the phone as its screen went black
“She told us to go to her place and she and jimin will explain everything, but why does it seem like everyone knows what’s going on except for me, I hate not knowing”-you pouted and brought your legs up on the seat to hug them. He couldn’t help himself but chuckle at your actions.
“Did I say something funny?”-you asked as you raised your still hidden face from your legs just enough to look at him.
“No, you’re cute when you pout”-said Jungkook as he averted his eyes from the road towards you.
“You’ll be cuter when you get both of us killed, eyes on the road!”-you shouted at him and hid your face farther into your knees to hide your own smile appearing in the corner of your lips. It was ironic, how mad you were but how safe you felt with him around at the same time.
The four of you were sitting on the floor, it seemed like a yoga session.
“Is anybody going to start?”-you asked, already annoyed by how no one dared to speak up.
“Jungkook, do you mind?”-Ava motioned to him
“Okay. Y/N, you know Taehyung right? The one who had a party you went to?-You nodded your head and he took it as a sign to go on. ”He messed around with the wrong people and ended up owing them money. Yesterday they came to our University to get Taehyung, but he didn’t have any money. So, I, jimin and couple other guys ended up in a fight” “Is that why your head was bleeding?”-you said and looked at the barely visible band-aid, covered by his hazel hair. “Yes, and that’s when you come into a story. When you approached me, we were telling them that we’d get money by today and Taehyung would tell his father and somehow pay his debt.
“Why do I feel that didn’t happen”-you said annoyed.
“Exactly, so they came back today to get us again”-said Jungkook “But I don’t understand why did you have to drag me along?”-the story still didn’t make any sense to you
“You can be so thick-headed sometimes”-sighed Ava heavily-”they blackmailed Jungkook that they would find you if they didn’t get what they wanted and trust me, nothing good would happen to you!”
“How can you blackmail him with me? That doesn’t make any sense”-why you of all people, you were literally nothing to him.
“Well, they saw you coming to talk to him and how overprotective he got, quickly getting you out of there, you should’ve seen his face when they mentioned you once he came back”-jimin spoke up slight hint of teasing in his voice and immediately looked at Jungkook who was now looking back at him, ready to cut his throat any time. You completely missed what was happening, not feeling the tense atmosphere, still experiencing the aftershock. A sudden phone call woke you up from thoughts. “What’s up, Taehyung?”-asked Jimin-”Really?.... I know, yeah… they were after Y/N.. She’s with us.. Thank god, those fuckers...Okay, see ya”
“What did he say?”All of you questioned him instantly “Guys, good news, it seems like Tae told his father about the money yesterday, he got super mad and scolded him, I’m not surprised, but he immediately made the transfer to Taehyung’s bank account. But with the luck he has, the transfer was late and the other guys thought he was ditching them. That explains why they had to come to the University the second time. Now that they got what they wanted, I don’t think there’s anything to be afraid of anymore” You sighed and loosened your posture, not realizing you were tensed up all throughout the phone call. After the eventful day, It was time for you to go home. Jungkook offered you and jimin a ride, but then Ava said he’d spend the night. You rolled your eyes at how lovey-dovey they seemed and in return she stuck her tongue out. Jungkook dropped you off in front of your house. The car ride was so silent, but comforting after clearing all the misunderstandings. “See you on Monday?”-he asked when you opened the car door
“Yeah, see you!” “Wait, I, uh, I’m sorry for, you know, yesterday, I just didn’t want them to think we were close and then hurt you because of me” “I know, Jungkook, don’t worry. I’m sorry for not picking up your calls either” “Hell yeah, you should be”-he said changing the mood, reminding you who he really was, but this time his tone was playful.
“You couldn't stand being nice to me for long, could you?”-you chuckled and shook your head.
“Nope”-he said and smiled a genuine smile, lighting up his features, making him look younger and carefree. 
“Okay, I’m gonna go now”-you closed the door behind you, but his car didn’t move, not until you disappeared into the living room of your house.
It was way past midnight you got startled when you looked down on your phone to see Jungkook calling you.
“Hey, what up?”, you said with a sleepy tone
“Y/N I think you gave me the wrong diary”
“What do you mean the wrong diary?”
“I mean, it’s not what we’ve been working on”
“Are you sure? Have you tried turning it upside down?”
“Haha funny, but I don’t think you’re in a position to be laughing now”
“Why not?-you asked confused
“I always feel like I’m a laboratory rat, following the rules my parents set up for me and just in case I decide to go against them, they somehow manage to make my life a living hell” does it sound familiar?“ Your body started trembling, fear of being judged spread through your whole body as fast as a poison. How could you have mixed up your real diary with the one you were creating with him?
“Did you… Um…  read all of it?-you spoke with incoherent words, fear noticeable in you barely audible voice. “Of course not, what kind of twisted person do you think I am?”-he seemed insulted, but you still had to make sure. You didn’t want to talk to him, you’ve never talked about your personal problems with people
“Fuck, fuck, fuck”
“Y/N, did I just hear you curse?”-he said as if he was an elementary teacher scolding you for cursing
“Listen, Y/N”
“Go ahead, you can make fun of me all you want, better today than ever”
“No one's making fun of you, chill” “Isn’t that why you called?” “What? No! I just wanted to apologize”-you were hearing a lot of apologies from him lately. “Apologise? For what?”
“I didn’t know about your parents when I made fun of you for having a perfect life, and then you got upset and now I know why, that’s it”-he said, saying the sentence in one exhale. “Oh”-that’s all you managed to say after hearing his words.He seemed sincere and you simply didn’t know how to react to his words. You were still embarrassed, you didn’t let anyone see your family problems, other than Ava. Now Jungkook knew too and you couldn’t help yourself but feel exposed.
“Are you doing anything?”-he asked after not hearing you say anything else in response
“It’s one in the morning, what do you think?”
“Okay, good. I know you might feel vulnerable because I read something so personal about you, so it’s only fair if you know something about me too, right?
“So that we can equally blackmail each other afterwards?”-you laughed at his suggestion
“That’s one of the reasons. Are you listening? I won’t say it twice”
“I’m all ears”
“Okay, how should I put this into words? this is hard: I keep a list of every girl I sleep with and rate their performance on a scale of one to ten”
“Are you serious?” you burst into laughter and realized how ridiculous he was being-”you don’t really do that, do you?” “No, but it would be funny if I did”-He was trying to cheer you up and not make you feel bad for your mistake, you appreciated him for trying-”But in all seriousness, you’re not the only one whose parents are not perfect. I mean, I haven’t seen my parents in ten years”
“You haven’t?”-you were truly surprised
“They went to work in the U.S and left me and my sister here” “It must have been hard for you growing up”-you said genuinely feeling sorry for him
“Not really, After my sister got married, I had a whole apartment to myself, if you know what I mean”
“You have to mention sex in every single sentence you say, don’t you?” “Well, technically I didn’t use the word “sex” I just referred to it”-that smartass you thought. “Touché”
“That’s my line”-he said and you realized how relaxed you’d become because of him.
The sun was about to rise when you both hung up and went to sleep, neither of you dared to say goodnight first, in fear of something changing when you met in person after your all-night conversation. But you knew that something definitely changed, for the good.
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