#that retroactively destroys the rest of the piece of media
dawnmarsmleighton · 1 year
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Star Wars is an epic science fiction space opera media franchise created by George Lucas, starting in 1977 with the film of the same name (retroactively renamed A New Hope) and going on to spawn 10 more movies, multiple TV series, countless books, comics, cartoons, and video games, and even a few theme park attractions. These are 3 examples of space craft and stations from the franchise, all debuting in the first film in the franchise. The Millennium Falcon, a light freighter tampered and owned by Han Solo, and the main ship used by the main group of protagonists, in which it would appear in the rest of the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy. An Imperial Star Destroyer, a large space craft that carries many smaller crafts, as well as being equipped with multiple lasers and other pieces of equipment. The Death Star, a giant space station and super weapon belonging to the Empire, around 10 times the size of Earth and equipped with a giant laser capable of destroying planets in one blast.
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madegeeky · 3 years
So, I've been thinking a lot about Squid Game and whether or not I'd recommend it to people. And the answer I've come to is: no, I would not recommend it because of the ending.
Mr. Geeky says that I put a lot of emphasis on the ending and that I sometimes put it on a pedestal. And I did think about it and whether that was true or not. But I have other things I still love that have really dumb endings like The Autopsy of Jane Doe, which has an aboslutely brilliant and subtle horror for the first 3/4 and then just fails completely at the end. What I realized thinking about this though, is that whether or not an ending ruins a piece of media for me is entirely contigent on if the ending undermines everything that came before it.
And, for me, the ending of Squid Games absolutey undermines what I see as a main thesis for the entire show. And it's fucking frustrating because everything before that is legimately so good.
This entire show, the entire premise of it, is about the connections that human make with one another. About reaching out to other people had having them reach back. Connecting with people you know will know will die later. Connecting with people who you know are going to die soon. Connecting with people who don't want a connection. Connecting with people who desperately do.
Gi-hun, our main character, spends the first episode of the show abusing his connections. He steals his mother's money. He uses the fact that he wants to buy a gift for his daughter as an excuse to go and bet on horse racing with that money. Later his uses his connection with his daughter's mother to try to get money (granted, it's to pay for his mother's medical bills but still). The connections are there and they do mean something to him but largely in the way that they affect him.
And then he goes to the Game to try to win some money and everything changes. He finds an old friend and reconnects with him. He connects with an old man who has a brain tumor. He almost dies in the first game except another contestant saves him, creating a connection that they will have until the other's death. Later on he attempts to connect with a young female contestant, is rebuffed, but doesn't stop reaching out until she lets a tenuous connection form, and he keeps that connection until she dies. Gi-hun makes those connections despite everyone dying around him, despite the fact that these connections are only going to bring him pain in the end, because he is a human being and it is literally in our genes to want to be with each other. It's just that, for the first time, he's not being selfish.
He has two foils throughout the game, his friend and a gangster. Both the friend and the gangster make connections but they're only for show. The gangster is honest in the fact that the connections are only surface level, that as soon as someone is no longer useful he will cut them out. But the friend is more insidious. He closes himself off emotionally but doesn't really let people know. Then, when push comes to shove, he's more than willing to backstab them. He is cold and thoughtful in destroying the people around him and I have very rarely hated people as much as I hated him. (Especially the marble episode, fuck him so hard.)
But probably the most important connection that Gi-hun makes is the one with an old man he first meets, a man who is dying from a brain tumor. The man is old and sick and Gi-hun will not leave him behind. He consitently puts himself in danger, at risk of dying, because he refuses to let the man die. His does this over and over again. Until the marble episode. Where either he dies or the old man does. This is only after they have affirmed that they will look out for each other, that they will be gganbu, friends who are close enough to lend marbles when needed; before they are old that only people who have all the marbles in the pair will live. It is viscerally horribly painful for him, to be up against this man that he has worked so hard to keep alive and who he cares for so deeply. (Huge, huge props to the actor, he does an amazing job.) And, in the end, he does end up lying to the old man to win but it is only after the old man starts to lose himself, after the brain tumor shows that it is beginning to very much destroy him, that he finally gives in. It is selfish, yes, but it's hard to blame him when he has a mother and a daughter to go back and take care of him and the old man is moving quickly toward death. It's hard to do anything but have your heart break for him as you watch him slowly die a bit as he makes choice after choice that will end this old man's life. It is an amazing, affecting episode.
He makes and reaffirms the connections he makes until the very end of the game. And when I say end, I mean end. It's down to him and his old friend and he ends up incapaciting his friend in a way that means he will win. All he has to do is go and touch a circle and then his friend will be shot and he will get oodles of money. However, there are very few rules to the Game in total but one of those rules is that, at any point, a contestent may call for an end to the games and if the majority agree, then everyone left can walk away but no one gets the money. Gi-hun stops, right at the finish line, and calls for an end to the game, tells his friend to agree and then they can both walk out. His friend refuses to, begs Gi-hun to look after his mother, and then shoots himself.
Gi-hun makes it out. He wins. But when he gets back he finds his mother dead and his daughter in America. He has no connections, he is broken, and the tenuous connections he does have left he ignores. He refuses to even touch the money and instead lets himself drift through life. Until he gets a note asking "my gganbu" to come to an empty floor on a tall building where he finds the old man, lying in a hospital bed, dying, but at the moment very much alive.
It turns out that the old man is one of the ones who actually started the Game. That he started it because he had so much money that there was nothing that made him happy or entertained him anymore. And he'd even gotten bored with watching the Game which is why he decided to join it. But the fascinating thing, the meaningful thing, is that at the end of his life, when he could be doing anything his last moments alive, what he does is reach for the connection he made with Gi-hun. He finds nothing meaningful in life, so he claims, but here he is, talking with Gi-hun, spending his last moments with him.
But one connection does not make a kind or caring person. He points out that humans are selfish and horrible and points to a person passed out on the sidewalk as it starts to snow, getting colder and colder, and makes a bet with Gi-hun that no one will help them. They will all just walk past. And here is where it utterfly fails at this huge important theme, here is where the series become unsalvageable for me.
Because Gi-hun just sits there. He just sits there, also betting on this person's life, hoping that a connection between a stranger and this person passed out on the sidewalk will happen and the person will be saved. He just accepts the bet. But the thing is, there's nothing stopping him from being the one to save this person. There's nothing stopping him from running out there or calling an ambulance or the police. There's nothing stopping him and yet he doesn't go.
Gi-hun, the man who made connection after connection with strangers despite the fact that all he was doing was hurting himself, the man who learned that connections are so important, the man who broke himself inside when he thought he killed the old man. This man, the man who chose at the very end his connection with others over a huge cash prize, this man just sits there and hopes that someone will come along and save this person in the cold so that he can win a bet.
And the rest of the last episode continues in this vein of him not making any connections at all. He keeps his promise to the young woman and goes and gets her brother out of the orphanage. He takes the kid to his old friends' mom and gives her cash so she can take care of herself and the boy. We see him getting ready to board a plane to go see his daughter but then choosing not to go because his need to stop the Game is more important than his connection with his daughter. The connections he has don't matter in the end, only stopping the Game.
Everything that this show has done with connections, every beautiful moment in all the meaningful connections that were made throughout this series, turn out to be ultimately pointless. And I don't think that this has reached the point of me being actually angry at the show for this ending, as I have at a couple other things, but it's close. It's very close. Because despite the blood and the horror and pain and the cruelty that is in the series, it's a beautiful series until the end. It's meaningful and poetic. But the ending kills that. The ending says that connections aren't actually important and it's not about learning how important it is to connect to other human beings, how we are all connected in some way or another. The ending says that all that matters is harnessing your anger to destroy the people who are doing horrible things. And at its core that's not a bad idea. But it ignores everying that comes before hand. Having angery being the inciting feeling for change feels antithetical to everything that the series did beforehand and it makes it feel all meaningless.
So, yeah, I can't recommend Squid Game. And it makes me legimately sad that I can't.
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giphantie · 4 years
Satellite Photojournalism and the Sublime Object
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A Satellite photo taken by the company Planet of destroyed structures at the Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq. Planet/MIIS
The inherent objectivity in satellite images implies a symbolic distance towards subjects which contrasts on-the-ground photojournalism.
The visceral closeness of photojournalism can often feel too close and subjective in form - these images are often used as subtle propaganda or detested as being overtly graphic to generate more viewers and profit. The background of the photographer, their intention, etc. is questioned. In regards to generating a consensus of truth and meaning, this can be problematic, leaving a gap that can be filled with mundane overhead satellite images like the ones of the recent missile attack by Iran on a US airbase. 
The statement by Trump claiming that the attack was ‘minimal’, trying to establish a symbolic image of Iran as being incompetent, was the only way in which satellite images which contradicted this statement would garner attention - for example if he didn’t mention the damage was ‘minimal’, nobody would’ve cared to see overhead images of destroyed buildings inside the base, if the images were close up, they would be considered exaggerated as they ignore the rest of the base being in tact. We were essentially ready to be presented evidence which contradicted his statement, the meaning was seemingly presupposed. 
In the images coming to light after Trump’s statement, it would appear that the intent of Trump’s attempt to prove Iran incompetent backfired. The images instead act as a support for the symbolic lack of truth in Trump’s administration - which we now can say ‘this is how it’s always been’ (Trump continuing to lie even in the face of Real evidence contradicting his claims). However, this is just scratching the surface of examining the meaning of this event and the use of satellite images to play a part in media today.
Distance and the Sublime Object
    To take satellite imagery and dissect it in the context of mass media and journalism is to acknowledge the image and image selection as a symptom. A symptom of larger structures that filter and quilt meaning of everyday events. To take this satellite image of the Ain al-Assad air base and examine it in relation to something like psychoanalysis is to reinforce the original implication of importance from publications posting the image in the first place. To reinforce the idea that there is something sublime, yet hidden, which raises the image on a pedestal. Slavoj Zizek says that the sublime object
… is an object which cannot be approached too closely: if we get too near it, it loses its sublime features and becomes an ordinary vulgar object - it can persist only in an interspace, in an intermediate state, viewed from a certain perspective, half-seen. Slavoj Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989 P 192 
The distance and mechanical nature of satellite photos not only communicate a kind of objectivity - which reflects today’s data and science driven society, often prioritizing the use of facts and science (although concealing the increasingly privatized version of space)  - but also a symbolic distance from the event. If on-the-ground photojournalism is too close, the lack filled by satellite photos comes with a lack of its own - a lack of a visceral closeness. As this distance communicates a symbolic distance, a lack of understanding in meaning, we also don’t know what to make of these events taking place. Similar to Lacan’s object a, we must maintain a distance, a limit, to keep the cycle going. We don’t yet know what the missile strike on the US airfield means and the only images we have of this event, the satellite photos, communicate this same distance. 
There is a similar distance in the meaning of the Iran flight. After the Iranian commercial flight to Ukraine crashed, killing all 176 people onboard, the initial cause was considered mechanical. It shifted to accusations and then an admission that Iran accidentally shot it down with anti-aircraft missiles. As of now the images of the debris lie scattered across the barren landscape as the cleanup and investigation take place. While the meaning of these events are currently spread out and lack symbolism, we nonetheless anticipate that this process and application will take place in the future. As of now we maintain this seemingly distanced position in relation to the meaning of these events.
Timing of Symbolization
...the Truth of a thing emerges because the thing is not accessible to us in its immediate self-identity Slavoj Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology, 1989 P 243
As articles are written and countries make statements, there’s an attempt to pick up these pieces in the now. However, by attempting to prescribe this meaning as soon as possible we never quite capture it. 
The distance of symbolism is not just a case of solving the mystery, but a process of applying meaning in which meaning is transforming, never fully crystalizing. The meaning of both the satellite images of the US base and scattered remains of the Iran plane will not be given their meaning today, but in the future. 
If we are prepared to consider history as a text, we can say about it what some modern author said about a literary text: the past has deposed in it images which could be compared to those retained by a photographic plate. 'Only the future disposes of developers strong enough to make appear the picture with all its details. More than one page of Marivaux or of Rousseau attests to a meaning which their contemporary readers were unable to decipher completely.' Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schnfce 4 Volume I, Frankfurr:Suhrkamp Verlag, 1955, P· 123
    We only can only say retrospectively that something was presupposed (Trump lying). To fill in this gap of meaning, we will see images that fill the gap of the distanced satellite images or the basic facts of the event: Today a story was posted about a couple who flew to Iran for their wedding and ended up being on the flight which killed them, Trump has now announced sanctions and seems to be stepping back from his original intent of continuing to bomb Iran into submission, there are already narratives which claim Trump’s actions as an attempt to distract from the impeachment and improve his chances of being reelected. Will these satellite images act as the aerial photos of the Cuban Missile Crisis did and lead to a real change (the removal of nuclear weapons - the removal of US troops) or will they fall into a symbolic void with the other million images posted that day? What will become of the scattered remains of the current events as meaning is retrospectively applied?
As the details of the flight continue to come forward and new narratives form, images will act as a visual embodiment of this process of retroactively giving these seemingly scattered events meaning. Constantly shifting from the bigger picture to the closer ones, never capturing what’s really there, but continuing these contradictions as the process of finding meaning. Truth is hardly a final product, but a process which is found retrospectively in the process - constantly overtaking and leaving it behind, but never arriving at it.
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dashxero · 4 years
My Crazy Final Fantasy VII Remake Theory (BIG SPOILERS)
This rambling of mine contains SPOILERS. So, if you are planning to play FFVII remake, or if you haven’t played it yet, don’t read this. Just keep scrolling as though it never graced your timeline.
First thing’s first. Initially, I hated FF7R because the time travel mechanics completely ruined physics. The plot ghosts being in control of time and subject to the will of the planet raised a lot of questions that made everything super fucky. However, after reading Lifestream White/Black, I came to realize that “Whispers of Time” is a misnomer. They are actually Wardens of the Planet’s Memory. The reason the Plot Ghosts were so hell-bent on preserving everything is because the planet was trying to preserve its own sanity by actively rewriting events similar to how we use logic to synthesize our own memories. There’s no time travel at all. What I think they’re going for is actually kind of brilliant. I now adore what I think they’re doing with Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Viewing things from this lens, the first question we must ask is if everyone is living or dead? Everyone is long dead. Everyone. Sephiroth, Aerith, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Red XIII, Rufus… If you can see them, they are already dead, and their spirits have rejoined the planet. In Lifestream White, it describes spirits that Aerith knew (“far too few”) and healed. The party, and, likely, the major players of the Plot of FF7OG are spirits that Aerith has healed. Why would Aerith heal these spirits in the Lifestream instead of allowing them to rest? Because she needed help to deal with Sephiroth in the Lifestream. This also opens up something interesting. There Is a fictional justification for why we can’t initiate conversations with many NPCs in FF7R – Aerith didn’t know them!
What is Sephiroth doing? Sephiroth’s plan is to gaslight the planet. Sephiroth, or rather, the core of Sephiroth is trying to rewrite the planet’s memory to convince it that it got hit by Meteor – thus retroactively causing the planet to use the Lifestream energy to heal itself. Sephiroth wants to use that energy to make himself whole and carry out Jenova’s MO of sucking planets dry and moving on to the next one. Now, here’s where things get a little crazy. The entire compilation of FF7 aside from FF7OG is likely taking place within the mind/consciousness of the planet. Which theoretically means that Advent Children was Sephiroth attempting to execute his plan the first time. Even Last Order – a piece of Final Fantasy VII media reviled because of its retcon of the Nibelheim incident makes sense in this context. Sephiroth has been eroding the memory of the planet pretty much the entire time, and he’s mostly been doing that by screwing with Cloud to insure that he’s never “just a memory.” Question: in these works, why are the plot ghosts not attempting to enforce memory on those incidents? The best answer I can come up with is that the planet was unconscious shortly after using Holy to fend off Meteor. You can’t remember things from when you were unconscious, BUT you can likely dream things up.
Now, I’ll hit you with something blatantly crazy. Cloud, or rather, the spirit of Cloud is actually what hangs in the balance. Sephiroth needs Cloud’s spirit to enact his own plans and make himself whole when the time comes. Aerith cares for Cloud deeply, and probably doesn’t want Cloud’s spirit to be used and thrown away for the purpose of destroying the planet. What we are viewing when we look at FF7R is Sephiroth and Aerith playing for keeps. Cloud is essentially FF7’s version of Job. He is stuck in a wager between two entities playing for stakes much higher than anything that actually concerns him. Cloud is gonna be put through the wringer for this wager. Things are gonna get ugly.
Here’s where we go into some truly gonzo stuff. I think both Aerith and Sephiroth agreed to trick the party into killing the Plot Ghosts. Deceiving the party into destroying the Plot Ghosts was definitely a part of Sephiroth’s plan – as it gave him more power; but it was likely also part of Aerith’s plan too. Sephiroth wanted the plot ghosts gone to more easily facilitate his gaslighting of the planet. Aerith wants the plot ghosts gone to facilitate her plan B – Zack. If they were going to make such a wager, all the safety devices needed to be out of the picture for the results of the wager to be truly final.
On the subject of Zack: What we are viewing when we see Zack is likely not an alternate timeline. What we see is the planet pursuing a “What If” scenario now that the Memory Wardens are gone.  This isn’t too farfetched when we really think about it because we do that with our own memories all the time. And, when it gets especially bad, we insert parts of these “what if” stories into our own memories/narratives as though they actually happened. Cloud did the same thing in FF7OG. With the plot ghosts gone, there’s nothing to say, “none of this happened” – no grand arbiters to enforce a correct narrative. Zack’s spirit has been freed to get the job done in case Cloud fails; or to aid Cloud if he is on the verge of failing.
I’ll wrap this up by stating that we really need to take a closer look at Aerith and maybe consider adding the adjective “ruthless” to the list of adjectives we use when describing her.
Thanks for reading if you got this far...
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jammixes-blog · 6 years
No Time For Regrets
Looking back doesn’t help moving forward.
Instead of regretting the past, create a worthwhile present.
I am no more important than any other human being, I am equally similar, in my differences.
To be important is not as rewarding as being loved.
I give no importance to importance. I don’t agree with the concept. Everyone and everything is important, in specific situations.
I love the love, inside all other human beings, it makes my heart bigger.
The soul is a magic wand that can make wine, out of water from the sewage.
When your body and your mind have been cornered, fight with your soul, it can be destroyed, but never captured.
Since tenacity is one of my trademarks, how can I spend a day without thinking of the New Atlantis. Sir Francis Bacon still has a lot of admirers and heirs, his beautiful piece of art will never be compromised. If push comes to shove, I believe that the UK will be the place that will start the cleaning up. It’s a nation that is very dear to my heart, somekind of home, for my soul, since I was young. I always regarded London as the city I go to, if I have no other alternative. Why? I am discovering myself. It’s true, that’s where I went to University, by personal choice, to get away from my parents’ home. That’s where I became an adult and spend the best years of my life, making the best friends of my life. English people encouraged, or, at least, liked my “eccentricity”. To me, they were the kind of Geniuses I wanted to be educated by. I also enjoyed fully their “eccentricities”, fully legitimate, to my eyes. the only thing that perplexed me was the ritualistic 5 o’clock tea and respect for the Queen, even from the most hardened criminals. It took me two decades, to understand that one. Otherwise, Canada became my homeland, France, the place I grew up in, and the USA, the place I wanted to make my home. It was very hard to leave the USA, last year, after 13 years, in my 24 years of adulthood, admitting defeat and being chased out of the country, by criminals, black and white, claiming allegiance to the trump thing. This is why I hate the buffoon and his Vice so much. I was on my way out, anyway, they had no reason or justification to fuck with me, through silicon Valley’s social media platforms, forcing me to become a public figure. They were laughing, in my face, while getting me in trouble, and giving my locations to all junkies and low-scum criminals, in SF and Oakland. Now, I'm safe, in Toronto, beyond their reach, but making sure that they will be singled out and punished. The idiot with green hair and newly tattooed pentagram, on his forehead, is definitely having this tattoo removed, or, start being fucked around, by Good people, including the real gangsters, he wishes he could join. None of them will take in a crack addict with a daughter he deprives of a normal childhood. Same with the medicated bitch, “home schooling” her 12 and 16 years-old to be hackers, thieves, and criminals, starving them, a couple of days a week, to buy her $30 whiskey bottle. The bitch chased me, from oakland to san francisco, desperately trying to hack me, again. But I knew better, my phone was turned off, the second I saw her. she left me chanting white supremacist slogans, with her two kids. on top of that, she tried to make me believe that she was affiliated to gypsies and that they were all criminals. Apparently, gypsies enjoy stealing, for fun, they are like kids. What an idiot, I happen to love and respect gypsies, I knew it was all bullshit. Gypsies are very straightforward and honest, towards other human beings. The idiot with the tattoo literally cried on my shoulder, to help him out, before showing me the gun he constantly carried on him, and was going to use to rob me. That’s when “Jackie Chan” and his Nepalese crew jumped in, to save my life. They wouldn’t leave my side, my last day, in oakland, making sure that my stuff and I were safe. I owe them much more than I gave them, wholeheartedly. Once back in SF, for my last couple of weeks, Mrs Z, at the Cafe International, and Chinatown were my refuge. But, there were always Nepalese showing up, when I was in a critical situation. Mexican gangs were very nice to me, too. We’ve been friends since I was 21, in Art School, reds and blues, the locals and the newly arrived. They were very nice to me. As for the junkies, camping out outside my motel room, they didn’t scare me. I invited them to chill, several times, knowing full well how the junk, or its withdrawal, was affecting them. I was careful, plus, I always had my switchblade in my pocket. For 3 years, I had practiced, daily, pulling it out of my pocket, while opening it. With those people, my hand was often in my pocket. My last week was different, I had words of young adults, camping outside my hotel room, trying to figure out what I was doing, behind the drawn curtains. I spied at them too. One night, I got pissed off and ran down to confront one of them. he ran away, scared, yelling “he’s crazy, he’s crazy”. But, he never answered my question: “Why are you spying on me?”. Then, a few days before I leave, one of my best friends tells me: “you know that in the USA, anyone can film you, at all times. even within your private spaces. It’s not the same in Europe, good luck.”. That was a good hint. Basically, Americans are being taught that “privacy” does not exist and is not protected. As well as that anyone can possess a gun, easily, and should purchase one, as a means to protect oneself. It’s absurd, to say the least. What kind of society enacts such conduct, and what kind of sovereign nation promotes these kind of values, it’s truly a shame, there is no other word for it. I won’t get into it, suffice it to say that the New Atlantis, of Sir Francis Bacon, became hell on earth, for me, the last place I want to anchor myself in. Especially after experiencing riots, in Oakland, seeing the police force more armed than the army, and the portrayal of the riots, on TV. Rioters were pretty calm, but, on TV, they made it look like civil war. That’s because, no one gets chilled seeing ambushes of police cars, with soldiers in full gear, with weapons that should not be used, in a city, on civilians. The USA is in a deep existential crisis, it needs a JB, to clean up the White House, and heal Americans, from the Ground up... The Pestilence and his Vice should be swept away, unceremoniously, with the rest of the dirt, both “Fired”, by all Americans, for being blood-sucking parasites, towards them, as well as the rest of the world. It’s become an evidence and reality, after 1 year: those two evil idiots are out to destroy everything that made America great, for everyone. Furthermore, lately, they are coming out as unapologetic white supremacist Neo-nazis, in the face of the whole world, thinking they can get away with it. The trump thing thinks that is beyond reach and that he checked-mated the rest of us. He knows that if he gets kicked out, his Vice, who is even more evil, will replace him. And, he is convinced that no one wants that, so he can tweet hate and atrocities, like a twat, without repercussions. I am not knowledgeable in the US constitutional law, but I am sure that there are special clauses, for situations like this. That means that there are ways for Congress and the Senate to enact emergency measures to neutralize both him and his Vice. The good news is, they ran as a team, from the same platform, this platform can be made criminal, unlawful, and Anti-American. Even the Republicans are getting alarmed and losing patience, since they are true Americans, like their Democrat counterparts. Belittling and disrespecting US war veterans is the biggest mistake the two idiots could have made, this is what is going to hang them dry. They tried to fuck with the most essential part of the US social fabric, the American Noble and Selfless Hero. In time, they will both get lynched by the soldiers they thought they can poo on. Obviously, the kkk morons who support them will weasel out, since they will be surrendered, outnumbered, and singled out, with their ugly faces in the public light. Who hides behind a mask, except for coward evil criminals and Halloween tricksters? A real Knight has nothing to hide. There should be a special court, in the US, set up like The Hague, to pursue the kkk and Neo-nazis and compensate, retroactively, any family put in distress by those vermins. That’s the other good news: the kkk is broke and desperate for funds, hence the trumpy thing trying to miss as much cash as possible, for them. As it stands, they cannot afford all the law suits that can be created, against them. They should be exterminated as soon as possible, while it is still possible. I’d love to see what the twat tweets, when entire kkk armies are tried criminally and publicly. Is he going to re-tweet Neo-nazi propanganda, or defend his scumbag allies? Trust me, he went too far, there is no way back for him, he’s going to keep pressing on, with his bullying, until we stop him. More than ever, I am happy Mr Macron made a big fuss with the handshake, he was the first to denounce the fraud, approved by all the other EU leaders, they knew he was going to be late, on purpose, they were probably laughing at the vain, egocentrical buffon, looking at his watch, constantly, with a mounting frustration. That handshake shows a riteful Knight, made Prince, refusing to play a faker’s game. In a way, he said: “What kind of legitimate Knight shakes hands like this?”. He was rite, it’s a schoolyard bully tactic, faking an official sign, for legitimacy. Thanks to Mr Macron, all my doubts about the evil were lifted. He made a sign, telling all real Knights that this clown was not one of them. He can go further, and insist on stripping the criminal for any honour he bought in the past, in the EU. What does the bully have, to fuck around? Possession of “The Button” as well as the means and power to create terrorism, globally, to blackmail every Nation, in the world. He is the worst President, in US history, so far. His only accomplishment is record tweets, daily, to insult everybody, in the world. Today, he was fucking with the FBI, claiming that he can change it. True, he can put white supremacists in key positions, in this essential organisation, to fuck America, even more, as well as securing, through theft, datas on all Americans, to control, rob, and blackmail them. As a bully, he tries to push as much as he can, while he can. Is this the figurehead of America and Americans, today? Americans have become the butt of a global joke, how beneficial is the current form of government, and, who is benefiting from all this? Definitely not proud patriotic Americans, his so-called fan base, They are being ridiculed, worldwide, thanks to him. Hanging, for him and his demons, might be too lenient, I’d advocate very solid bars, and public exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in special cage, as an example, to discourage racist evil idiots, from trying to take over the world. Same with his Vice, silent for a reason, to hide, behind the radar, like a cockroach, while leading the kkk. Trust me, the Vice is as active, if not more, than his teammate. No real Knight is allowed to have an ego. These guys are, most definitely, fakes. Without a sheet on their face, they look and stink like pieces of shit. There is no doubt, they already went too far. It’s time to build 4 walls, around them. That day will be celebrated in every Nation, without exception, it will be a relief for every human being, on the planet. How does his eldest son feel about that? We’ll know in court, when he gets charged, as well. He will try to distance himself, without convincing anyone, of his innocence, since he is the one stashing all the money made, by stealing from American people, the past year. Russia made it clear that it won’t help, in that respect, refusing to allow the criminals to use its soil to  hide the money, through bogus companies. Putin is a Good Genius, he patiently holds his cards, while the trumped team is sweating bullets, having put their cards on the table, out of over-confidence, since he doesn’t need their money.
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