#that said I can be pretty slow with smut NDSJSHDBS i have to be in a certain mood to write it
rose-from-ashes · 1 year
Little psa since it has come up a couple times lately with people nervous that I might think they're only here for smut or that they might be coming off as too enthusiastic:
I actually don't mind if people primarily want to write smut with me! And I do have a couple of mutuals I almost exclusively write smut with! On discord, of course. It actually doesn't matter to me. That said, I must clarify- I don't mind if someone is primarily here to smut with me, but I do mind if they invalidate or ignore the agency and personhood of the characters I write, and I can tell the difference.
The mutuals I have that I primarily write smut with are still respectful to my characters. They incorporate and acknowledge emotional and personality aspects of my muses and engage in ship dynamics that make sense. They don't act entitled to my muses, and they don't objectify them. I can tell the difference between someone who wants to smut because they find a character attractive in their entirety or because it's a fun way to explore character dynamics like any other writing, and someone who wants to smut because they objectify a muse's body or feel entitled to a ship or want to fill a quota or have a power fantasy they exercise through writing. I don't want my muses to just be a fetish. I want to engage in unique and fulfilling interactions with people I trust to be respectful and thoughtful.
So! If I smut with you, or write a character being flirty with your character, take it as a compliment! It means I trust you to value my characters as people rather than bodies. At that point, you can suggest smut plots all you like, because I already have come to understand that you are here for actual character interactions, whether in the form of smut or something else. If something starts to poke my brain wrong and make me feel bad, I'll tell you, but in all likelyhood I am already comfortable with you and happy to talk about our characters fucking nasty on every surface, because I can tell that you respect me as a writer and respect my muses as characters. Let the smut commence!
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