#that scene with hotel transylvania dracula and a phone but it's dracula dracula
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Hotel Transylvania
“Hotel Transylvania” has good ideas sprinkled throughout, but seems more interested in rushing through the checklist of family movie tropes.
Count Dracula has grown overprotective of his daughter, Mavis, after the loss of his wife. He built an entire hotel away from human civilization to protect monsters. Mavis is now 118 years old and she wants to explore the world. Dracula stops at nothing to convince Mavis that humans are evil. When a human named Johnny finds the hotel, Dracula is afraid that Johnny might show Mavis that not all humans are evil.
Genndy Tartakovsky is a legend in animation and has produced the bulk of my childhood. “Hotel Transylvania” was his first directorial debut and, to be completely honest, I don’t think the transition from television to film was a smooth ride. For starters, I don’t think his signature art style translated well into 3D animation. The level of expression exhibited by 2D characters looks too frantic for 3D characters. The movie also moves at a very fast pace. It never leaves room to laugh at a joke or even feel an emotional scene. I think the weakest aspect of the film was the voice acting. For a lot of scenes, it felt like the actors were phoning in a performance. There were so many moments where the level of enthusiasm in the lines didn’t match the gravity of the situation. Adam Sandler voices Dracula and, at times, his accent just comes and goes. It’s made even worse when Dracula mind-controls a pilot and speaks through him. The pilot is played by Brian Stack and he does a way better Dracula impression. I did enjoy Steve Buscemi as Wayne the Werewolf. The nonchalant nature of his voice was perfect for the character. Another thing that bothered me was how basic the story was. It felt like the movie was afraid to complicate its own plot. Johnny just appears out of nowhere and finds this deliberately hidden hotel with relative ease. Mavis just kind of falls for Johnny for no good reason. It really felt like an infatuation more than love. Control-freak Dracula warms up to Johnny with one racing scene, but it’s at the expense of precious planning time for Mavis’s party. The humans are just okay with the knowledge that Dracula and his friends were actual monsters. This movie wasn’t all bad, however. There are a lot of creative ideas and subtle details sprinkled everywhere. I had a fun time picking out these details and appreciated the level of creativity that went into something that most people won’t even notice. Some examples of this are when Dracula heals from damage, his ripped clothing would heal with him and there's a bust with moving eyes. Still, this movie was Tartakovsky’s first project he directed, so he’s used to having fast-paced stories that fit nicely in a time slot. I can understand why the movie has flaws and recognize the creativity it still has. Ultimately I still felt this was just a forgettable movie.
Watched on January 18th, 2022
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spooky-bear15 · 6 years
Bendy's and Angry Mama
Purple, Red and their elites came back from an old invader camp they used to train in when they we're just small young smeets in training. They wanted to show Benjamin what they went through when they we're young. That's when Purples phone rang, taking it out seeing Bendy's number pop up with his adorable picture with it.
"Oh hey, it's Bendy, probably wondering where we're at, well I'll just call back and say we're all fine." Purple answered his phone having a guilty look on his face, "Hey hon, when are you going to get here," Purple opened the face view camera to see Bendy's face, full of angr and disgust, Purples reaction changed quickly to a scared shock. "We've been waiting for you for at least an hou- (gasps)"
Purple looked off his phone to notice Bendy was right in front of him, having his hands on his hips, still giving that angry stare.
Purple pretended the whole Irken camp didn't happen, Benjamin didn't see it, nothing. "Beeeennnddy, hey sweetie, didn't think you we're going to be home so quickly......uhhh, um, did you see anything nice out around town? ehhhh..." Purple had a guilty smile on his face, hoping Bendy didn't see what was going all over social media.
"Give me our son Purple, now!" Bendy still had the same angry look to his face, not even changing it to a smile. Purple gave a smile trying to slid the trouble off with Red and their elites with bringing Benjamin to the invaders trading camp.
"We we're just going out for a nice dinner with uncle Red here and a few of our elites honey. Nothing to bad."
Bendy cutted Purple off with load yell of anger,
"Don't pretend that didn't happen Purple, I know you did with Benjamin!"
Benjamin gave a small squeak and was jumping up and down. Trying to make his mom smile at the least of it.
"Mommy, I flew! Like daddy and uncle Red!"
Bendy didn't loose his contact with Purples guilty eyes and grin, having a cold, stern voice.
"I saw." Bendy held up his phone, with a video pulled up of Benjamin flying through the air with a fake pak on, falling through the air, along with Purple throwing him way up high, as Red looked down from below. "When in the right world did you think it was good to do that?"
Purpule could tell Bendy wasn't happy. He frowned and dropped his antennas down, feeling ashamed.
Red took a breath in and patted his brothers shoulder.
"Good luck with the devil brother. That's you're problem." Red backed up as Purple gave a sad, shooked look, having no clue what his husband was going to do next. Benjamin looked up at his dad then to his mom.
"Is mommy mad daddy?"
Bendy spoke with a low angry tone still giving a angry gleam.
"Yes he is."
Purple spoke up with a shaky tone in his voice.
"Bendy look, I'm sor-"
Bendy stopped him from going any further. Benjamin watched as his parents argue thier different sides of the story.
"Why would take our son to that place?! You know it's dangerous!"
"But honey, listen to me, what if our son really needs a pak at one point, or he goes into the camp when he's older? Ya never know!"
Bendy raised his voice even loader, causing Boris and Alice to come out to see what was the argument.
"You know it's a horrible place to show our son a way to grow up Purple! He doesn't need a pak! He's perfectly fine!"
Benjamin felt tears coming down his face when hearing his parents fight. Soon his small cries ended the fight between his parents.
"You know what Purple, I don't think Benjamin should be hanging around with you for the rest of the weeks until you go on you're next long work trip! He should be in school, learning, and coming to the workshop with me to watch him in the afternoons. I'm done!" Bendy grabbed a big beach hat and placed it onto of his head and gave a small one to Benjamin, placing it on his.
"Come on sweetheart, lets go mommy's work. I think you've had enough of you're fathers plans for the night."
Both of them walked passed the irken rulers and their elites. Holding Benjamin's hand as they both walked to the workshop. Boris and Alice were speechless, both looking at each other. They felt bad for their friend, and couldn't really do anything about it. They went back inside the giant house where Purple and Bendy lived to talk with Purple once he went inside.
But Purple wasn't done, he started running after Bendy and Benjamin, but they we're to far ahead.
"Bendy wait! BENDY!" Purple shouted, but he slowly stopped and sighed heavily. Red patted his brothers shoulder, trying to make him feel better.
"That's what happens, you married a devil, and now have many arguments. You're probably never going to see his again. Welp, come back to Irk when ready to." Red walked the same trail as Bendy and Benjamin we're, heading back to his ship.
Purple couldn't believe it, his husband and kid just left. But he knew it wasn't that easy just to lose the two people he loved that quickly. So Purple picked himself up and continued running, trying to catch up with his husband and smeet quickly as he could.
I wanted to do this quick screen from Hotel Transylvania 2, the seen where Dracula comes back with Denis and Mavis seem quite angry, thought I could recreate that scene. And I'm proud it!
Hope Ya like the scene remake guys!
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Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
“Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation” felt like a standard third entry in this franchise but the end completely lost me.
Count Dracula is feeling lonely after hosting a wedding at his hotel. It reminds him of his late wife and has him yearning for a connection again. Mavis sees her father’s sadness, but misinterprets it as being overworked. After seeing an advertisement for a cruise on television, Mavis decides to book a stay for everyone. On the vacation, Dracula meets a human woman named Ericka and zings with her. What Dracula doesn’t realize is that she is the daughter of his rival, Abraham Van Helsing.
Unlike the first and second films, “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation” does not really use its premise to talk about real-world issues. It’s a shame too since these movies are a great and subtle way to teach kids about racial tolerance. There’s a small hint that Mavis is upset with Dracula for finding someone else because she never expected him to love someone other than her own mother. I feel like this movie could’ve done so much with that premise. It would’ve flipped the character arcs and had Mavis learning a lesson. It would’ve been a powerful message for people with reconstituted families. Instead, we’re not given an actual confrontation and understanding between Mavis and Ericka. The conflict just resolves itself. I think I figured out why these movies feel so lackluster to me. Their premises are extremely simple and they fill the bulk of their time with gags. Sure, the gags can be creative, but they can never substitute for an actual story. This film is the most egregious out of all of them. The whole plot could be summed up in two or three sentences. The side characters are sidelined for the majority of the movie. Murray and Griffin are given nothing to do and the side characters who do have things to do are inconsequential for the actual plot. Even Johnny isn’t given anything to do. He’s just here to be in the background and do stupid things. I will say, I was enjoying the set design for this movie. There are lots of locations that looked amazing. There’s also a really fun plane scene that makes fun of cheap flights. I felt like this was just going to be a movie I breeze by and barely remember until the ending. The ending of this movie has a battle so cringeworthy that I could barely look at my screen. The final battle is a DJ battle with generic EDM and old tunes that don’t fit the situation they were in. The whole time, I was wondering if kids would even like the ‘good’ music they were playing. Sure, I like the songs, but they’re not songs to fight off a giant Kraken. This movie truly feels like it was phoned in and it makes me wonder why people are so upset about the latest installment.
Watched on January 19th, 2022
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