#that still manages imho to keep aligned with his character
aqours · 1 year
The more I think about, the more I think Sesshomaru's biggest problem in Yashahime narratively is that in the second half especially he really had nothing to do. It's another thing I appreciate about the manga tbh, the fact that he's doing stuff. And we can blame this on anything: whether or not a third season was intended but cancelled due to the company merging, Hishida's extremely divergent opinion on Sesshomaru and the metaplot around Second Act, but regardless of what it's blamed on I think Sesshomaru's biggest issue was that he really had nothing to do until the very end.
Early Yashahime hinted that Sesshomaru would inevitably become an enemy of the girls be Treekyo (also originally meant to be a villain), but his role in S1 was largely being Kirinmaru's lapdog: he even outright asks if Kirinmaru basically has any errands he wants him to carry out after the first time he confronts the girls. He's basically a forcibly chained dog forced to become subservient because Zero essentially had him by the balls by using the lives of his family as hostage. Sesshomaru was put into a position where he could barely do anything because doing so would sign an instant death ticket for his wife, and even his children (and we do see that he both paid for Setsuna's upkeep and tried to train her from afar as a child) would be put immediately on a horrid radar if he acted out. That is until the end of S1 when Rin makes it clear that nothing could be worth Towa's and Setsuna's safety and Sesshomaru makes it clear he's finally had enough of this bullshit and makes it quite clear he will kill Zero no matter the cost, even if it costs Rin her life, because that is Rin's own desire at this point for the sake of the kids. S1 is showing the one arrogantly proud Sesshomaru who once would have scoffed at the idea of loving a human (let alone having children with one) and gladly would have left her to her fate now forced to bow down to a heel because of the compassion he learned while only being able to give very distant support to the yashahime until he's able to bequeath the broken Tenseiga to Towa (WHICH SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO KEEP). It's tragic, seeing that the result of him learning what made him a better person (but I think too many of us forget this isn't his default to all humans). Maybe it's not something everyone liked, but I thought it was a nice tragedy.
Then Second Act comes and Sesshomaru really has nothing to do until the end. He helps give direction to the girls but doesn't really do a lot. Season 2 really hammered in the rite of courage and cowardice thing, which is fine on paper, but it also reduced Sesshomaru to an extremely passive role except for a few key scenes and the very end. Rather than hunting down Zero to settle things once and for all, potentially creating a rift with his daughters who are now learning more about their mother and yearn to resolve this another way. He doesn't really do much until Rin is saved and then takes the frontline against Kirinmaru who never even got a rematch with the girls despite that being in the third OP and is overall not- that consequential. His role is more or less just to create a fight that firmly solidifies that he is the strongest character currently alive in the Inuyasha/Yashahime universe in terms of pure fighting ability (except maybe pure yokai Inuyasha if both were unarmed, but you can argue that if he's armed with Bakusaiga he'd come out on top), but that's kind of it. He doesn't really have any major plans than "Well hopefully Setsuna the girls Setsuna and Towa Setsuna can save Rin," and tell Moroha were to go too.
Dunno. Feel like that was my biggest gripe more than anything with Sesshomaru in S2. It's like that meme with "C'mon... do something..." but then when he did start doing something it was kinda just shounen action, which was really cool, but doesn't really say anything about his character. It's no wonder Towa was so conflicted about Sesshomaru not really doing anything by the end. Girl was pissed and it's kinda hard to blame her.
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lastsonlost · 5 years
I needed Marvel to stand by me with more work opportunities to show the trolls that I was more than a diversity hire. “
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Sina Grace on Writing Iceman at Marvel: “I Was Surrounded by Cowards”
Posted by Jude Terror June 28, 2019 48 Comments
As has been documented in various Bleeding Cool articles throughout the course of the book’s two series, one of my personal favorite X-Men comics of the past few years was Iceman, written by Sina Grace, and drawn it its first volume by Alessandro Vitti and Robert Gill and in its second and concluding one-shot by Nathan Stockman. The book breathed new life into a character who it could be argued hadn’t really received significant character development since his days in X-Factor in the 1980s. It’s true that it was “The Great One” Brian Bendis who wrote Iceman outed by Jean Grey’s invasive telepathy, but it was Grace who wrote adult Iceman coming to grips with this and learning to be himself and love himself, alongside, of course, lots of mutant action and drama. The book ended too soon, when it was really just getting going, IMHO.
With all of that in mind, it’s sad but not surprising to read Sina Grace’s comments, posted to his Tumblr, about his time at Marvel writing the book and what he says was a lack of support from Marvel while he dealt with online bullying as well as a lack of support and promotion for Iceman itself.
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Grace writes:
As Pride Month comes to a close, it’s time I spoke candidly about my experience at Marvel Comics.
To date, I’ve always been honest about the joy of writing Iceman’s journey as an out gay superhero, but I’ve skirted around the challenges that came along with it. This is partially because I prefer to give off an upbeat vibe, and there’s also a fear that my truth will affect my career. With more corporations patting themselves on the back for profit-led partnerships wherein celebrities take selfies in rainbow apparel, and with buzz that Marvel Studios is preparing to debut their first gay character in the upcoming Eternals movie, there is an urgency to discuss the realities of creating queer pop culture in a hostile or ambivalent environment. Hopefully, my takeaways will serve as a guide for people in positions of power to consider when advocating for more nuanced and rich representation. In an ideal world, embracing our stories and empowering us to tell them will yield far more profitable (and way less messy) results than what I encountered while writing Iceman.
Stand by your people
It’s no surprise that I got the attention of trolls and irate fans for taking on this job. There was already backlash around the manner in which Bobby Drake aka Iceman came out, and Marvel needed to smooth that landing and put a “so what” to the decision. After a point, I could almost laugh off people making light of my death, saying they have “cancerous AIDS” from my book, or insinuating I’m capable of sexual assault… almost. Between Iceman’s cancellation and its subsequent revival, Marvel reached out and said they noticed threatening behavior on my Twitter account (only after asking me to send proof of all the nasty shit popping up online). An editor called, these conversations always happen over the phone, offering to provide “tips and tricks” to deal with the cyber bullying. I cut him off. All he was going to do was tell me how to fend for myself. 
I needed Marvel to stand by me with more work opportunities to show the trolls that I was more than a diversity hire. 
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“We’ll keep you in mind.”
I got so tired of that sentence.
Even after a year of the new editor-in-chief saying I was talented and needed to be on a book that wasn’t “the gay character,” the only assignment I got outside of Iceman was six pages along, about a version of Wolverine where he had diamond claws. Fabulous, yes. Heterosexual, yes. Still kind of the gay character, though.
We as creators are strongly encouraged to build a platform on social media and use it to promote work-for-hire projects owned by massive corporations… but when the going gets tough, these dudes get going real quick.
Believe in the work
You may be asking if my Iceman book was any good, or if I’m just being sour grapes over a bad work experience. Believe me, I asked that, too. From the get-go, my first editor asserted that Iceman would be DOA if it were “too gay,” while also telling me to prepare for a cancellation anyway, given that most solo X-Men titles don’t last beyond a year. Never mind that my work on Iceman had gotten positive press in the New York Times (in-print), or that in spite of (since-deleted) critical sandbagging, the series nets glowing reviews on Amazon… Marvel still treated me as someone to be contained, and the book as something to be nervous about. Do you know how hard it is to not argue with a publicist when he’s explaining the value of announcing Iceman’s revival via the Marvel homepage? Sis, that’s a burial. Instead of clapping back, I just went and got myself more press from the New York Times. From there, they tightened my leash. I had to get all opportunities pre-approved, and all interviews pre-reviewed. This would be fine if it was the standard, but I assure you: none of my straight male colleagues seek permission to go on podcasts promoting their books.
What Marvel should have done is assign me a special projects editor. They should have worked with a specialty PR firm, rather than repeat a tiresome cycle of treating the book like a square peg, and getting confused when it’s a hit.
Give us a real seat at the table
There was a moment before Iceman was cancelled where I wrote then-editor-in-chief Axel Alonso an email, pleading for a Hail Mary arc. I explained that Icemanwas landing with a newer generation of readers who focused more on binge-reading than month-to-month periodicals. The series needed time in the book market before its true strength could be assessed. To Axel’s credit, he was warm to the idea and even gave me an extra month, but when he left Marvel that idea got brushed away. Of course I was right. The first two volumes sold like gangbusters thanks to word-of-mouth, librarian love, and support from retailers big and small.
When the series returned, no one at Marvel asked me: “What do you think landed with readers?” Nor did they ask the question that Axel did: “What matters to your community?” So when I wrote what I thought the fans would be into, a story about a man learning to be a better ally in the war against hate, editorial totally missed its value.
Seat at the table pt II: The Shade of it all
All of the weird drama I put up with crystallized when I created a drag queen mutant, first called Shade, now called Darkveil. I told my editor that Shade would be a big deal for X-Fans, and asked how we should promote her. He said: “leave it up to the reader’s interpretation.” Everyone at Marvel shrugged off two years of goodwill and acted like I’d coordinated behind their backs on an announcement that made headlines. Beyond mentioning on Instagram the queens who inspired the character, I didn’t coordinate shit. Of course, their head publicist can’t admit that my quotes were pre-approved from an unreleased interview. At this point, I stopped believing that there’d be any more work for me. There were so many shady moves on their end that I’m still having trouble putting into language, but it all aligned with an experience I had in retail where a corrupt manager kept lying and moving the goal posts in order to keep me selling in a department I didn’t want to work in. I offered to give Darkveil a proper character bio, and I walked away.  
I recognize that some of my complaints can be filed under “this is freelance life.” I am aware that it was not a queer person of color who joked to me that “it’s not a matter of if Marvel fucks you over, it’s a matter of when.” That came from a cis white male. The same-day turn-arounds without warning, the work emails on Christmas week… that’s the freelance bullshit. Truly, I don’t even think of this as discrimination, I call it general ineptness. It is my belief that if we are telling stories about heroes doing the right thing in the face of adversity, wouldn’t the hope be to embody those ideals as individuals? Instead of feeling like I worked with some of the most inspiring and brave people in comics, I was surrounded by cowards.
Truly, I hate writing this. In keeping with Pride Month, I am proud of the work I did on Iceman… I love the book! It sucks that I may be tarnishing its legacy going public about how the cookies were made. That said, the time for self-congratulating is over, and folks should be earnestly listening when they ask: what could we have done better?
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so what’s my take.....
Personally I think the kid got used, plain and simple. Also this should not have come as a shock to anyone.
Look at how badly they treat their customers that pay them money,                  OF COURSE THEY’RE GOING TO FUCK THEIR EMPLOYEES EVERY CHANCE THEY GET. A box full of scorpions would have had more loyalty.
little history lesson for you kids: tokyopop did practically the same thing with the rising stars of manga. They snatched up young Talent, use them, and drop them.
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Damocles, Part One
Well, where to even start? I am honestly still making up my mind on whether I *liked* this episode, but it definitely moved the plot along in necessary ways.  
I’ve seen a lot of good posts about plot driven vs. character driven episodes, and I think that’s important to remember during the latter half of this season. I had a previous post where I mentioned frustration with out-of-character (OOC) moments, especially with Raven, but there are definitely a few instances where I think that comes up with many of the main characters. Check out this link for more re: plot driven, especially if you are feeling a disconnect with the show right now. http://mermaeids.tumblr.com/post/176521981414/can-i-ask-what-the-difference-is-between-how-this
One thing that I think that has also come up more in the last half of this season is the chaos & problems that result from the THEME of this entire season. There is a disconnect between The Head & The Heart, and it affects almost every one of the characters. They are all unbalanced and THAT is the point! Almost everyone is off-kilter and full of emotion - anger, frustration, reactive, impulsive - and not allowing logic or rationality to sway them. In the past, Clarke was The Head and Bellamy, The Heart. These roles have now reversed and are being taken to the extreme and until Bellamy & Clarke find their balance again, almost no one else will. 
When we look through this broken lens and realize that many of our characters are running on pure emotion, we are better able to understand their motivations. For example, Spacekru - Echo included - has every reason to be angry with Clarke because that is THEIR perspective. The see Clarke as having betrayed Bellamy, and everyone else with Wonkru, including Monty & Harper, when Clarke aligns herself with McCreary. This makes no sense to them as they remember the Clarke who saved them all, the Clarke who they were friends with, the Clarke that they mourned. They also know how Bellamy was affected when he thought she died. So they don’t understand Clarke’s perspective on this at all - they cannot react to Clarke logically, they cannot profess to know what her motivations are. All they know is that Clarke let them all down by her actions. In addition, Raven seeing Madi in the shock collar, and having herself been so recently shocked by another ‘maternal’ figure, Abby, cements in Raven’s mind that Clarke has somehow gone off the deep end. This actually resulted in something IN character for Raven, IMHO, when Raven snarked at Clarke during that not-what-I-wanted reunion. 
However, the same can be said of Clarke right now - Clarke does not understand the motivations of Spacekru, she cannot see the logic in their behavior, all she knows is that it feels like they are going against HER because all she is focused on is Madi. Clarke is The Heart, but without the balance of The Head, she becomes fixated and lost in her role of protector to Madi. I think it’s also important to note that parents in general often have trouble finding a balance between who they are as “mom” (or dad) and who they are as “self”. When you put someone else fully above your own welfare, it’s pretty easy to lose who YOU are in the process unless you tend to that carefully (ie, have hobbies, keep your interests, have friends who remind you who you were back when, etc). Clarke has only had the company of a child for 6 years, and as a parent myself, I can tell you this is NOT gonna help you stay sane and can easily make you feel lonely even when you’re not alone. 
So all this said, we’ve got a bunch of reactive, misunderstood people itching for fights and they’re all in stressful situations. Then Echo comes along and actually starts COMMUNICATING with Clarke in a way that Clarke can understand. Yes, Echo isn’t nice with how she speaks, but why should she be? As far as Echo sees it, Clarke betrayed them all, left Bellamy to die instead of trying to find other ways, and Echo is told that she’ll be killed as soon as Clarke is finished speaking with her. Echo is trying her best to solicit a reaction from Clarke in order to try and save EVERYONE. Like her or hate her, I don’t care, but Echo is the first one managing to actually get THROUGH to Clarke this season, in this scene, and it’s finally working. Echo is “spilling the tea”, everybody, and it’s the truth and it sucks but it finally stops Clarke from acting like a zombie. 
As another example of unbalance, look at Kane & Abby. She’s been somewhat out of his reach due to the drugs - ie, he can’t get through to her, he feels adrift himself. So Kane is swayed by Diyoza, who is sort of like the charming snake in Eden who convinces Eve to take a bite of that apple - Kane falls in love with the idea of what Eden could be, and fully turns on Wonkru in order to align with Diyoza and actually betrays the rest of them. I’m really ticked at him - he’s so blinded by his anger towards Octavia that he willingly endangers Indra, Gaia, Jackson, Miller, Niylah and by default Bellamy, Harper & Monty, who are with them. But again - it’s that lack of balance, acting on impulse, acting on anger, responding with fear. That scene with Vinson though was awesome! I love that these two completely different men both feel an affinity for Abby but go about it so differently. Anyway, I’m not convinced Kane is dead yet, so we’ll see if he can fix what he did. 
Anyway, this is super long now and I didn’t even get to Bellamy/Octavia, but I’ll end by saying there’s legit reasons why Murphy couldn’t get that gun to work for him, but that takes me into some theories and that’s a post for another day, too. Right, @clarkgriffon? LOLOL!
So just remember there’s a POINT to why everyone is so reactive, although at the same time, yeah, some of these things are TOTALLY out of character regardless of how much time has passed and I reserve the right to point those out all the time and be pissed about them (aka that damn weapons cache scene in the snow, aka rushing into the church to get the collar off Madi, aka Clarke shocking Madi, etc). 
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loadingchoices847 · 3 years
Hughes And Kettner Tubeman Mk1 Manual Transmission
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Hi all, I am new here and a novice guitar player playing a bit of Blues, Jazz, Classic Rock. I had the opportunity to buy a H&K Tubeman MKI secondhand.
Bright Insight 999,807 views. The Hughes & Kettner TriAmp Mark 3 is intimidating from first sight, but after a brief review of the owner’s manual and quick set-up to get acquainted with the basics, it was a breeze to start navigating through its vast landscape. Www.hughes-and-kettner.com MANUAL 2.3. 5 TUBEMAN-MANUAL ENGLISH 1.
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This page lists owners manuals, service manuals and documentation available for Hughes & Kettner audio, music, stage and studio equipment. Our website has lots of manuals and documentation for many brands in multiple languages as PDF, DJVU or paper document. Bright Insight 999,807 views. The Hughes & Kettner TriAmp Mark 3 is intimidating from first sight, but after a brief review of the owner’s manual and quick set-up to get acquainted with the basics, it was a breeze to start navigating through its vast landscape. Www.hughes-and-kettner.com MANUAL 2.3. 5 TUBEMAN-MANUAL ENGLISH 1. Hughes & Kettner Vortex Black Series head with 4x12 Cabinet Features: - Solid State 100 watt head - 100 watt 4x12 cabinet - 2 channels: Clean and Lead - Character-control for lead channel - 3 EQ knobs - Master reverb - Master Volume - FX Loop, - Footswitch jack (footswitch not included) - Headphone jack - Includes kettle lead - Home made timber.
This is the official homepage of Hughes&Kettner Guitar Amps. Hughes & Kettner Home - Since 1984, the name Hughes & Kettner has become synonymous worldwide with guitar amps of the highest quality.
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We are musicians ourselves and share your passion for making it. As a company, we have a single objective: making you, our customer, happy.We have a wide variety of pages giving information and enabling you to contact us before and after your purchase. Alternatively, please feel free to use our accounts on social media such as Facebook or Twitter to get in touch.Most members of our service staff are musicians themselves, which puts them in the perfect position to help you with everything from your choice of instruments to maintenance and repair issues.Our expert departments and workshops allow us to offer you professional advice and rapid maintenance and repair services. This also affects the price - to our customers' benefit, of course.Apart from the shop, you can discover a wide variety of additional things - forums, apps, blogs, and much more. Always with customised added value for musicians. Electric Guitar Amp Head. All tube.
Power: 20 W. 2 Channels: Clean and Lead with Lead / Boost function. Power Soak: 20/5/1/0 Watt. Preamp tubes: 2x 12AX7.
Power tubes: 2x EL84. Classic 3-band EQ. Red Box AE Ambience Emulation DI output with the settings Vint. & Small / Large to connect the amp directly to the PA or recording setup. Serial FX loop. 1 Speaker output: 8 - 16 Ohm. Dimensions: 35 x 15 x 15 cm.
Weight: 5 kg. Incl. Bag. Corresponding foot switch: Article Nr (not included). The approach that H&K have taken to the design of the amp and the compromises they have made for the lunchbox format work really well for me. I had been considering options for an upgrade to my current amp for a while. Wanted something that would work well with my overall set up and be useful for both stage and studio work.
I play ST type guitars for the most part, have used H&K amps in the past but, like others, have tended to find them on bright side and better suited to LP derivatives. That said I have always liked the format and the build quality. I read reviews and decided to give TM Deluxe 20 a go and am not disappointed. The only con I have is that it doesn't come bundled with a foot switch as this is pretty essential in any live setting. Within hours of arrival it was on the way to the rehearsal room.
Hughes And Kettner Amplifiers
I use the amp with a 2x12 cab loaded with celestial V30s. Plugged in the amp, plugged in the footswitch, set the tone controls to mid setting, adjusted the levels of the channels to give a mild crunch on the clean channel and an overdriven 'rhythm' tone on the lead channel with the same volume on each channel and ran through the entire set without changing anything. Several gigs in and I still haven't tweaked much. We play a mix of fairly hard edged R&B as a power trio and I get full and rounded tones from this little amp that sit well in the mix with more than enough balls for most of the venues we play. IMHO H&K's approach is perfect for the lunchbox format. They've concentrated on creating separate channel voicings that are fit for purpose and what they have chosen works great for me.
If you are used to using the tone controls on the amp to get the sound you want, this amp takes a different approach. As I see it the tone controls allow you to tweak the sound for the room and stage dynamics you're dealing with. If you don't like the basic channel voicings H&K have given you then this is probably not the amp for you, though I struggle to see what is not to like.
It also take the guess work out of things. I toyed with giving the amp four stars for features as it is a lunch box and lacks the versatility of it's grown up brothers, but given the sheer useability of the amp combined with power soak, red box DI and a effects loop I believe it rates 5 stars for the format.
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Mixer tracks, in turn, can send audio to any number of other mixer tracks and a soundcard output. Create sub-mixes, effects chains or just insanely complex and creative mixes. FL studio' flexible architecture sets audio free. Free your workflow - Choose your preferred workflow, compose using the step-sequencer or piano roll. Create in pattern or track mode, then arrange your ideas in the free ˜palette™ Playlist.
The Playlist presents timeline as a virtual ˜canvas™ where each Playlist track can simultaneously hold any number of score, audio and automation events. Now that' freedom. Free updates - Buy online or register a Boxed copy of FL Studio and you get an online account from where you can update FL Studio each time a new version is released, for free. Just stop an think for a moment how much money is wasted each year when our competitors hype their latest version and charge anywhere from $149 to $199 for the update. The latest version of FL Studio will always be yours free, leaving you more money to spend on what matters to you. Instruments Make virtually any sound - FL Studio 10 includes over 30 software synthesizers covering acoustic/synthetic bass, electric guitar, multi-sampler tools including piano & strings, general sample playback and beat-slicing (With Rex 1 & 2 support).
Synthesis techniques - Synthesizer plugins span subtractive, modelling, FM, RM, granular and additive synthesis modes. With the addition of FL SynthMaker (included with Producer Edition or higher) you can even create & share your own FL instruments, effects & MIDI control dashboards without the need to write basic code. If you understand synthesizers & FX you will be working with FL Synthmaker in minutes. Open plugin standards - FL Studio supports all PC industry plugin instrument standards including VSTi (1/2/3), DXi(1/2), Buzz and Rewire. This means you can sequence with your favorite plugins and applications.
Audio Recording & Editing Multi-channel audio inputs - With the ability to simultaneously capture all the inputs on your audio-interface, FL Studio has the flexibility to record a single vocalist, guitar or a full symphony orchestra. Bring your own orchestra! Arranging audio - Arrange audio with complete freedom in the Playlist.
Features include the ability to host an unlimited number of audio recordings, time-stretching, pitch-shifting, beat-slicing, cropping, editing, slip-editing and re-arranging of audio with only a few mouse clicks. Audio editor - FL Studio 10' audio capabilities are further enhanced with Edison, the recording wave editor.
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Edison is an integrated audio editing and recording tool with spectral analysis, convolution reverb, noise reduction, loop-recording, loop-construction tools and more. Pitch correction - Available as an additional purchase, for far less than you would expect, Image-Line have two amazing pitch correction and manipulation plugins discounted exclusively for FL Studio owners. Newtone is a professional pitch-correction and time manipulation editor.
Slice, correct, edit vocals, instrumentals and other recordings like they are MIDI notes & even convert audio to MIDI. Pitcher is a real-time pitch-correction and manipulation plugin that can also create 4-voice harmonies under MIDI control.
FL Studio supports WAV, MP3, OGG, WavPack, AIFF, and REX audio formats. Sequencing Compose and record your musical performances and ideas in the most logical way. Pattern or track sequencing - Record your musical performances and ideas in the most logical way. FL Studio 10 can simultaneously function as a pattern and track based sequencer. Reuse patterns as Pattern Clips in the Playlist or record song-length sequences, as desired. Step sequencer or Piano roll - Scoring tools include FL Studio' legendary Step-sequencer, one of the most advanced Piano rolls in any software studio, event and multipoint automation envelopes.
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FL Studio supports MIDI input, standard controller compatibility, and the ability to simultaneously control multiple instrument channels from separate controllers. Arranging FL Studio gives you freedom to do what you want where and when you want. Determine your own project design - Unlike the competition, FL Studio's Playlist is a totally flexible and virtually unbounded workspace where Note Pattern, Audio and Automation data can be arranged and edited to suit your creative ideas and preferred workflow. Mixing & Mastering FL Studio provides all the tools you need to produce your tracks to the highest professional standards.
The mixer - FL Studio Mixer includes an advanced mixer that is about precision, control and flexibility. Each of the 99 stereo insert-tracks can hold up to 8 effects (VST, DX or FL's native format). If you need more FX in a chain just route one track to another to gain an additional 8 FX slots and another if you want, you get the idea. Indeed, to create sub-mixes or mixing chains of almost unlimited complexity, each mixer track can be routed to any other or number of other mixer tracks, one of 4 dedicated 'send' channels and or the Master track. Sends provide the ability to sidechain inputs and outputs to multi-input effects plugins. Finally, each of the mixer tracks can be routed to any output on your audio interface (to create surround mixes for example), now that' flexibility.
Effects - FL Studio includes more than 40 effects spanning maximization, limiting, compression, delay, distortion, equalization (graphic & parametric), filtering, phasing, flanging, chorus, vocoding and reverb. These have you covered for the creative broad-brush effects, through to the minutia of the mastering process. Open plugin standards “ FL Studio supports all PC industry plugin effect standards including VST (1/2), DX(1/2), Buzz and Rewire. This means you can mix with your favorite plugins and applications. Lifetime free updates There may be no such thing as a ˜free lunch™ but there certainly is ˜Lifetime Free Updates™ with Image Line' update policy. Never pay for bug-fixes again! - Customers who purchase FL Studio receive Lifetime Free Updates by download.
Free updates entitles the customer to all future updates of FL Studio according to the edition purchased (Express, Fruity, Producer or Signature Bundle). For example, all FL Studio 10 customers will be able to download their free update to FL Studio 11, 12 e.t.c. That's freedom! Demo Limitations All FL Studio demo versions are fully featured, giving you access to all features associated with FL Studio Producer Edition (the highest level of the program, Signature Bundle includes Producer + extra plugins). Compose new songs and export them to WAV, MP3 or OGG. The only limitation is that projects saved in demo mode will only open fully once FL Studio and plugins used in it have been registered. This gives you the ability to save recover your original projects post-purchase.
You can of course render to audio at any time pre or post purchase. Supported Formats FL10 will fit easily within your current software supporting VST/VSTi/VST2, DXi, DXi2, MP3, WAV, OGG, MIDI, ASIO, ASIO 2, REWIRE, REX 1 & 2. Additionally supported through DirectWave Editor: AKAI AKP (S5/6K,Z4,Z8), Battery (version 1), MPC, Reason, Kurzweil, EXS24, Kontakt (version 1 & 2), Recycle, SFZ+ and SoundFont2. Minimum System Requirements.:. 2Ghz AMD or Intel Pentium 3 compatible CPU with full SSE1 support. The faster your CPU and more cores it has the more you will be able to do simultaneously.
Windows 7, Vista, XP & 2000 (32 & 64 Bit)(or) Intel Mac with Boot Camp (running XP, Vista or Windows 7, 32 or 64 Bit). 1GB or more RAM recommended. 1GB free disk space. Soundcard with DirectSound drivers.
Download rancid bass book pdf. ASIO/ASIO2 compatible required for audio recording (FL Studio installs with generic ASIO4ALL drivers)Supported Formats.:. FL10 will fit easily within current software supporting VST/VSTi/VST2, DXi, DXi2, MP3, WAV, OGG, MIDI, ASIO, ASIO 2, REWIRE, REX 1 & 2.
Additionally supported through DirectWave Editor: AKAI AKP (S5/6K,Z4,Z8), Battery (version 1), MPC, Reason, Kurzweil, EXS24, Kontakt (version 1 & 2), Recycle, SFZ+ and SoundFont2.
This is a whole NEW Routines Manual with entirely NEW routines, picking up right where Vol. Due to the overwhelming success of The Routines Manual Vol.
1, which became arguably the most popular dating science product in the industry, we decided to create a second volume and add to the powerful canon of knowledge contained in The Routines Manual Vol. 1, giving you even more brand new, concrete, action-oriented tactics and conversation tips for guys that you can go out and use with beautiful women TONIGHT! We spend three whole days coaching guys on the right things to say in our legendary seduction bootcamps, and have learned that the most important product anyone could create was a comprehensive manual of the world’s BEST seduction material. These are the exact word-for-word scripts that the most successful 'ladies men' actually use!
Field test it all, until you figure out what works best for you as an. Routines, Gambits and BOBs. PUA has to go on when targeting a woman is her appearance. Sep 06, 2017 Best PDF editors of 2017: Reviewed and rated When you need to dig deep into a PDF file, these tools are your best friends. Best overall PDF editor.
This is 170 pages that will literally flood your mind with possibilities and inspiration for starting and continuing conversations with women in ways that you had never thought possible! We crammed a crazy amount of information in The Routines Manual Vol. 2 to cover everything:. Fraction calculator. Openers – New super creative ways to start conversations with women ranging from chilled out and relaxed, to balls to the wall aggressive. Transitions – Get off the opener and into the actual process of seduction with ease.
Learn how to seduce a woman effortlessly. It will seem like you’re not even trying.
Attraction Material – Where to begin? This thing is loaded to the brim with Attraction Material. Routines, stories, games, jokes, disqualifiers, interesting stuff, funny stuff It’s all here.
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Qualifiers – A nuts and bolts breakdown on how to really qualify a woman so that you don’t ever end up in the “friend zone.”. Comfort Material – We reveal powerful, unique conversations you can have with a woman to break down her emotional barriers and build a tight, intimate connection that will bond her to you and take her breath away. Physical Escalation Routines – Down and dirty detailed methods for infusing physicality and sexuality into your interactions. Seduction Tactics – Conversational tips for guys to put her at ease and stir up her sexual desires.
Phone Game – More girls are lost on the phone than anywhere else. Don’t let this happen to you. Use the phone material in this book and get fewer flake-outs on dates. Day Game – You come across more women every DAY of your life than you’ll ever meet at night. Start taking advantage of this NOW by using our Day Game material!. Includes 3 Bonus Chapters: Day Game, Phone Game, and Palm and Cold Reading.
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All of this information is organized by category and laid out for easy use so you can hit the ground running. We’ve compiled this vast compendium of battle-tested seduction knowledge so that you don’t have to do the work! This material is the “magic” that makes infamous seducers masters with women. They’ve broken the code, and we’re handing you the instructions. Every routine also comes with in-depth commentary guiding you on all the nuances — the best timing, context, delivery, and target audience to use it on. It’s like having a Love Systems instructor coaching you one-on-one.
Though it’s nearly 25 years old, the PDF may be more useful than ever in our increasingly multi-device, cross-platform world. Much of the time you can get by with a free PDF reader to review and comment on these files. But inevitably, particularly in a business setting, you’ll need edit a PDF file and that usually requires upgrading to a premium PDF editor. Historically, Adobe Acrobat has been the best option, but it has also been the most expensive, often putting it out of reach of individuals and small businesses.
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On Adobe Acrobat Pro DC's comprehensive PDF features show why it's still the editor against which all others are judged. Remains the industry standard for good reason.
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Its rich combination of creation, editing, reviewing, and security features are what the best alternative options are built on, but we feel Acrobat still does it best. Its recent interface redesign makes it much easier to navigate its robust toolset than the nested menus of yore, and its cloud subscription option puts its advanced features within reach of more individuals and small businesses. (Read our.) Runner-up. Nitro Pro 11 is a complete and affordable PDF editor for individuals and businesses alike. It was a tight race for runner-up, but we really like for its excellent use of the Microsoft Office-style ribbon interface, its integration with proprietary and third-party cloud services, and its $160-per-license fee for up to 10 users, which makes it an attractive option of individuals and small businesses (see our ). What to look for in a PDF editor. Create, convert, and export PDFs: The most fundamental function of a PDF editor is to make PDFs, either from scratch, scanned hard copies, or by converting digital documents.
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A good PDF editor should be able to transform a variety of file types—from Microsoft Office formats to images to HTML—and do so seamlessly, preserving the original formatting. It should also include OCR technology to make the PDF text searchable and editable. Likewise, a good PDF editor must be able to export PDFs into other editable formats such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, HTML, or plain text, maintaining the original files hyperlinks, images, and other elements. Content editing: Another bit of magic that PDF editors unlock is the ability to modify text; insert, resize, and move images; and reorganize pages in the PDF. A good one will perform these tasks as easily as in a text document or slide deck, allowing in-line editing, dragging-and dropping graphics, and adding or removing hyperlinks. Review and annotate: A good PDF editor should also let you or anyone else using it add comments and other annotations to PDF files during review. It should have tools to mark up both text documents and graphic-heavy files like webpages.
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Common options include sticky notes, callout boxes, highlighting, freehand drawing tools, and stamps with messages like “approved,” “revised,” and “confidential.”. Security: All businesses deal with documents containing sensitive data. Look for a PDF editor that includes security features that allow access for authorized eyes only. Good options will usually offer several levels of security, including password protection, permissions setting, and content redaction, which “blacks out” selected text and images. Most PDF editors will also offer one or more ways to electronically sign documents. Mobile support: While deep PDF editing is best done on a desktop, it’s nice to be able to review and annotate files when you’re out and about.
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While PDFs can typically be reviewed in any PDF reader or editor, regardless of which one they were created in, consider looking for an editor that has a dedicated mobile app, is optimized for mobile devices, or allows cloud access to features through a mobile browser. One of the great things about a PDF is that it can be read and edited in any PDF program regardless of which one it was created in. So beyond the features outlined here, let your personal preferences guide you in making your decision. All PDF reviews If you want to learn more about all of the PDF editors we reviewed, see the list below. We’re kicking off our guide with six PDF editors, but we’ll continue to evaluate more as time goes on—as well as re-evaluate those we’ve already reviewed.
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heyitsrosencrantz · 7 years
what are your favorite pairings in your fandoms? are you particular on who tops or bottoms?
ooooh man, i have so many pairings i love. i’ve got a lot of fandoms too so i’ll try to keep this kind of whittled down. thank you so much for this ask btw omg it’s so fun to have people talk to me on my blog. i could weep
overall, addressing the top/bottom thing, i don’t really see very many characters aligning themselves with a strict “top or bottom” mentality, whether you take that to mean strictly physical or in terms of, i guess, power? is the word i want? i think most of the couples i adore are people who will give and take when it comes to dominance and submission, whether that’s a sexual thing or not. but i’ll kind of put my thoughts down next to the pairing i’m about to yack about, because boy do i like talking about this stuff.
under a cut because i talk a lot and also: mild discussion of sex and whatnot.
ALSO: i ended up just making this about zoro and sanji because it got so long, but if you want to know about any other pairings or fandoms of mine, just ask! i love to talk. it’s awful. (fandoms uhhhh are everywhere. one piece, star trek, star wars, bsg, final fantasy, mass effect, dragon age, marvel…)
SO! one piece. that is the one i’ve been up to my armpits lately and i’ll talk about the morons i just spent sixteen hours straight writing about yesterday.
zoro and sanji. i’ve loved their dynamic, whether you read it platonic or romantic, since i was a little high schooler and first started reading this series. they’re both extremely strong personalities and they’re also both so YOUNG, so their friendship is as volatile as it is unbreakable, imho. these two are a couple of guys who are going to meet toe-to-toe and always, always be pushing at one another, never accepting less than what they know each other is capable of, and that’s great.
it’s also got the potential to be really awful, and they could really easily be horrible to each other if they wanted to. there’s so much room for them to be the best part of each other’s lives, and on the opposite side of that coin, there’s the prospect that they’ll be each other’s absolute ruin. i think what saves them from that is that they are good men at heart, and (not to get too friendship is magic about it, though it is) they have the rest of the crew to help them keep their balance.
as far as sex goes, i think sanji would have a really hard time physically bottoming for at least the first few times he and zoro slept together. there’s a lot of stuff to unpack in that blond head of his about masculinity, and he’s got a lot of emotional growing to do before i’d be comfortable saying that he’s not going to be a grade a jackass and start applying gender roles to sexual acts that have no business being labeled as such.
i think it’d be hard for sanji to surrender physically to another man in any context, but most particularly in an intimate one, and i think for a long time he would see it as.. defeat, almost? not quite that, but definitely giving ground that he doesn’t want to give, and putting himself in a position he really doesn’t want to be in, power-wise. he’d see it as emasculating, and he’d approach sexual intimacy with another man as a competition that he wasn’t going to lose, which is really not a healthy way to go about things, my guy.
sanji’s got a lot of work to do on himself when it comes to sex with men, long story short, and i can see there being a lot of rough patches and a lot of starting and stopping before he learned that submission (whether it’s emotional, physical, spiritual, whatever) isn’t weakness, it’s just a different role. once he became more comfortable with himself and unpacked a lot of the toxic bullshit he’s got going on in his head, i think he could be a pretty versatile lover, though with someone like zoro, i think there would always be a little bit of the element of competition between them. with time, though, my hope is that it would soften, become something playful, and it would make way for different shades of intimacy as well.
personally, i see zoro as being incredibly inexperienced with sex, and likely somewhere on the ace spectrum. not sex-repulsed, but it’s another physical urge that he’ll indulge when the situation/time/person is right, but he doesn’t necessarily go out seeking sex – and certainly not romance.
i think, in a pairing of zoro and sanji, sanji would actually do a disservice to zoro here. especially when they’re still fairly young, because how sanji overperforms his masculinity acts as an amplifier to zoro, and i think that would give zoro some things to work through that he wouldn’t necessarily have to tackle if he was with someone who wasn’t as tied up in so much bs as sanji is.
sanji, while working through his own issues, would drag zoro down into the mire with him, imo, and the two of them would end up having not really great sex the first little while, largely due to the fact that neither of them would communicate all that well about it and there would be that intense competitive edge. very sexy when done in a healthy and respectful way – but i’m not so sure that zoro and sanji could manage that without several years’ worth of growing, maturing, and Emotional Work under their belts.
i do believe that zoro would help sanji here, though, because he’s not as performative (and hand-in-hand with that, as insecure regarding) his masculinity as sanji is. sanji will have to be told AND shown that submission isn’t weakness, but he does have a generous, loving heart that wants to understand and grow, so i like to believe he wouldn’t become selfish and nasty if zoro was the one to bend before he broke – and someone has to be, because for the most part, sanji isn’t going to be that guy. not when it comes to sex with men or relationships with men, anyway.
i feel like that was a SUPER LONG WINDED ANSWER that you were probably not looking for and i… am so sorry……. but once i got started i couldn’t stop.
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