#the 100 spoilers
deadlesbianfight · 10 months
Dead Lesbian Fight - Semifinals
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Lexa (The 100) vs Root (Person of Interest)
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
The Other Side
Part 1 - Word Count 2463
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Crouched on her tree branch overlook, Y/N watched curiously as the group of five approached the cliff's edge. She was intrigued by these strangers, the first new people she had encountered since witnessing the ship crash.
The boy with long hair moved to grab the rope swing first but was interrupted by another wearing steampunk-looking goggles.
After a brief exchange, the long-haired boy moved back, now standing next to a pretty blonde girl. The four of them exchanged weary glances, silently communicating after they switched places.
The goggled boy backed up several paces, then sprinted forward with a leap, launching himself from the cliff. He swung out in a wide arc, whooping excitedly. At the apex of the swing, he released the rope and landed gracefully on the far ledge.
The group stood in silence watching before they erupted in shouts at the Mount Weather sign. She sat for a moment watching the pure joy of these strangers, hesitating, debating whether to reveal herself. Her curiosity was piqued, but she knew little of their motives or intentions.
The commander sent her down here to gather information with Lincoln, both splitting up as he stayed by their camp, performing a headcount.
Y/N was impressed by his bold daring. She studied the other four strangers, wondering about their origins. They appeared around her age, and wore weird clothing, the material all cobbled together. Perhaps they had banded together after some other disaster or tragedy.
Lexa wouldn’t like any of this, dread filled y/n and she reminded herself that they weren’t going to live long after she traveled back to the capital.
Lexa was stuck in the old ways, never straying from harsh and outdated rules placed by their grounder society. Not that Lexa could change anything, if she allowed these invaders to live, her people would see her as weak, and she couldn’t have that.
Y/N couldn't help but smile as she observed the scene from her hidden vantage point among the trees despite her thoughts.
In that fleeting moment, with their guard down, she saw only vibrant youth, not strangers to fear. She remained hidden for now, but hoped someday their paths might properly cross if fate worked in their favor.
But their happiness was short-lived, shattered by the sudden violence that erupted as a spear was hurled at the unsuspecting boy. His friends' screams pierced the air, echoing with terror. She quickly sprang into action, leaping down from the tree with a soft thump.
Her horse, sensing the distress, whinnied softly as she approached, offering a comforting presence in the midst of chaos. With a swift pat on his flank, both of them set off back to civilization.
With a final glance back at the scene unfolding behind her, Y/N urged her horse forward, their hooves pounding against the forest floor as they disappeared into the safety of the woods, leaving the invaders and their violence behind.
“Lincoln?” y/n called out, searching the brush for any sign of her friend. “Lincoln it’s me.” She continued, cupping her hands around her mouth.
There was no reply except for the sound of rustling leaves and the echo of his name. She sighed, weighing her options briefly before heading back to her horse, weaving through the twisted trunks and stomping over the bed of fallen leaves and twigs.
The sound of crunching filled the open space, quickly she grabbed her bow, notching an arrow before scanning the tree line again. Lincolns burly figure melted out from behind a massive oak, his face paint smeared haphazardly across his face from the sweat and heat.
“Lincoln!” she breathed out gratefully, loosening her grip on the bow before stepping forward to greet him. Lincoln stood before her, his calm gaze surveying her from beneath the hooded cloak draped over his shoulders. “I was starting to think you forgot I was coming.”
The barest hint of a smile played across the grounder’s lips. "I am well-versed in the ways of these woods.
It is you who makes noise like a stampeding gorilla." y/n rolled her eyes good naturedly at his teasing. “"Well? What did you see? Anything we should be concerned about?"
Lincoln's expression turned serious once more as he relayed his findings. “I counted about 100 of them. A blonde girl she’s their leader.”
After their discussion, Riss gave him a nod farewell. "I should get back before the Commander sends out a search party for me too." With that, she turned and headed back through the shadowy forest, leaving Lincoln to fade back into his camouflaged surroundings like a ghost.
Y/n strolled through the bustling streets of the capital, the cobblestones echoed with the rhythm of her determined steps.
Street vendors peddled their wares, their voices blending into a vibrant cacophony of commerce. The scent of sizzling street food tantalized her senses as she navigated her way through the throngs of people.
Approaching the imposing structure of the commander's building, she felt a surge of anticipation mingled with a hint of apprehension. "State your business," one of the guards demanded, his tone gruff.
She met his gaze with steely determination, her hand resting casually on the hilt of her hidden sword. "I seek an audience with the commander. It's a matter of utmost urgency."
The guards stationed at the entrance scrutinized her with suspicion until she presented the emblem of her authority.
The guard exchanged a wary glance with his companion before nodding reluctantly. "Very well, you may proceed."
With a satisfied smirk playing on her lips, she passed through the threshold and into the hallowed halls beyond, her gaze fixed on her objective: the commander's hall.
Her steps seemed to melt into the background noise of the bustling corridors, her presence almost unnoticed amidst the chatter. With purposeful strides, she approached the ornate door, its imposing frame a gateway to power and intrigue.
With a soft creak, the door swung open, and she stepped into the chamber, greeted by a gentle breeze that whispered through the open terrace door, ruffling her hair. "Commander," she greeted, her voice carrying respect.
Lexa, seated at the head of the room, smiled warmly, her gaze flickering with recognition. With a graceful gesture, she dismissed her companions, who filed out of the room one by one, leaving the two women alone to discuss matters of consequence.
"Ah, it's good to see you," she began, rising gracefully from her chair. The room seemed to hold its breath as she approached Lexa, her steps deliberate and purposeful.
"What brings you back so early?" Her voice was calm, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of curiosity.
As Y/N spoke, she couldn't help but notice the subtle tension that crept into the lines of Lexa's face. A furrow appeared between her brows, a silent question hanging in the air. Y/N pressed on, her own resolve mirrored in the unwavering gaze she held with Lexa.
"I spoke with Lincoln," she declared, her voice steady, each word carefully chosen. Lexa leaned forward, her expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
The silence stretched, broken only by the soft sound of Y/N's footsteps as she paced the room, the click of her boots echoing the rapid beat of her racing mind.
As she spoke of her findings, the space between them seemed to shrink, the distance bridged by shared secrets and unspoken truths. The dance of words and emotions played out in the quiet expanse of the room, a delicate balance of power and vulnerability.
Once she finished her account, Lexa rose from her seat. Y/N observed the subtle shift in her body language, noting the resolute set of her jaw and the firmness of her posture.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Lexa said. "We must deal with these invaders if we are to protect our city from chaos."
Y/N rode on horseback through the lush, green woods, the earthy scent of pine filled her nostrils, mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.
The sunlight filtered through the forest canopy above, casting a warm, golden glow upon the trail as she journeyed down familiar paths - passing by small villages nestled amongst the trees.
She couldn't help but smile as she passed by, exchanging friendly nods with the villagers who went about their daily tasks. Y/n had been away from home for some time and was eager to return.
The steady clop of hooves marked the miles melting away as the trees thinned. She spotted her modest log cabin in the distance, its weathered exterior a welcoming sight against the backdrop of the forest.
Reaching the edge of the property, y/n hopped down from her steed, her boots sinking into the soft earth beneath her feet. With a gentle pat on her horse's neck, she released him to graze freely, knowing he would find his way back to the stable when he was ready.
Y/N took a moment to close her eyes and breathe deeply, cherishing the scent of pine and wildflowers. It was good to be back. She hitched up her pack and strode towards the front door, the familiar scent of aged wood enveloped her, a comforting embrace that welcomed her home.
Setting her pack aside, she moved with purpose to the corner where her woodworking bench stood. With practiced hands, she began to carve arrows, the rhythmic scrape of the blade against wood echoing in the cozy confines of the cabin.
the moonlight filtering through the canopy above cast eerie shadows on the forest floor. The night was still. Heading out into the night to gather firewood had become a routine for Y/N, a solitary task that allowed her moments of quiet reflection amidst the whispering trees. Tonight, however, a feeling that prickled at the back of her neck as she navigated the winding path.
y/n began to gather the fallen branches, a sudden sound shattered the silence. The unmistakable sound of running feet echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down Y/N's spine. Instinctively, she dropped the firewood and reached for the dagger she always kept strapped to her side.
Moving cautiously towards the source of the noise, Y/N's senses heightened, every rustle and snap of a twig magnified in the stillness of the night.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she approached a clearing, the moonlight revealing a figure hunched over, gasping for breath against a gnarled tree trunk.
Drawing closer, Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the figure of a boy, his face contorted in pain and exhaustion. His clothes were torn and dirt-streaked, his hands clutching at the rough bark for support.
"Who are you?" Y/N's voice cut through the night, a mixture of concern and caution lacing her words. The boy looked up, his eyes wide with fear and desperation, a silent plea for help etched in his gaze.
Her body subtly leaned forward, indicating her readiness to assist if needed, while her hands hovered near her sides, poised to react to any sudden movements.
The moonlight bathed them in its silvery glow, Y/N and the mysterious boy stood facing each other in the heart of the forest, the boy steadied himself, before sucking in a breath and speaking.
"I could ask you the same thing.” He replied, the boy's voice was deep and raspy, his words were slow and deliberate, as if he was rehearsing a speech.
Their gaze locked in a silent standoff, a sudden eruption of yells in the trig language pierced the stillness of the woods. Y/N huffed, a hint of sarcasm coloring her tone. "Those your friends?" she quipped, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. John shook his head.  
Undeterred, Y/N pressed on, her voice firm yet tinged with intrigue, the trees towered above her, their branches creaking ominously in the gentle breeze.
"Who are you?" she asked, her curiosity driving her forward. The rustling leaves and distant echoes of the forest seemed to hold their breath, waiting for John's response.
After a moment of hesitation, John relented. "My name is John," he admitted. His voice was calm now, yet his eyes were a little wild. He looked like the man who had been on the verge of being killed, his head bowed in prayer.
"I can help you, John," she said, Y/n felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked into John's eyes. They were deep and piercing, like two black holes that seemed to suck her in. She couldn't look away, even though she knew she should.
John hesitated, unsure if he could trust her. But the thought of surviving in this harsh new world was too tempting to resist. "Okay," he said, his eyes darting between y/n and the area where the voices came from.
"I'll follow you." He approached her cautiously, keeping a safe distance. Y/n nodded, a look of satisfaction on her face. "Good," she said. "Let’s go."
Y/N and Murphy made their way back to her cabin, the shadows of the forest casting long, eerie shapes on the path ahead. "I need you to help me gather resources," she said.
"Food, water, weapons. Whatever I need to keep me alive. And in return, I will keep you safe from my people." She stated, looking back at Murphy as she climbed the steps to her door.
John nodded, his heart racing but he knew he had no choice. "Yes," he said, his voice firm. "I'll do it. Whatever it takes." Y/n could tell he wasn’t sure about his own agreement but kept walking anyway, opening the rusty door and entering.
Murphy hesitated at the threshold, his eyes scanning the surroundings warily, a flicker of fear betraying his tough exterior.
Y/N chuckled softly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Come on, it's not a trap," she reassured him, her voice warm and inviting. Murphy stepped inside, the cozy interior of the cabin enveloping him in a sense of unexpected comfort.
The aroma of cooking rabbit wafted through the air, a tantalizing scent that stirred memories of simpler times with her family. Y/N moved with practiced ease around the small kitchen, spooning steaming stew into an old wooden bowl before handing it to Murphy.
He accepted the bowl gratefully, the hunger evident in the way he practically inhaled the hearty meal. Y/N watched him silently, her gaze lingering on his worn appearance and the shadows that clouded his eyes.
"What happened to you, John?" she asked, her voice soft yet probing. The question hung in the air, laden with unspoken implications.
Murphy paused, setting down the bowl with a nonchalant shrug. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” he replied through gritted teeth. “Let's just say I've had better days."
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cosmicqvake · 10 months
If I had a nickel for every time one of my favourite fictional characters had a boyfriend named Lincoln that died tragically (which in turn changed the character forever/left them broken), I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice, right?
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
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I just- 💀
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justinewt · 3 months
We Survive Together - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-Four
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: After Jasper and Clarke showed up at the cave with an unconscious Raven, literally possessed by Alie. They desperately attempt to save their friend as she cruelly taunts them, manipulated by the AI. Bellamy is the target of one of her mockings and the name of Michelle is mentionned, of course, as well as the complicated status of their relationship.
Words: 7k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (episode 11 "Nevermore"), title from a quote from Monty to Octavia in Nevermore, mention of su1c1de attempt, blood, dislocated bone, some fluff
Now that Pike had been turned in, the blockade around Arkadia could be lifted and the group returned to the cave where Sinclair and the rest of them was still waiting. As they walked back Monty had received a call from Jasper who had to flee the after Jaha took control of the camp with the keys, he was giving out to everyone and the promise of a life without pain and a ticket straight to the City of Light. The people there had turned into mindless zombies and that made Michelle lose all desire to accept the damn key. She would rather live with both mental and physical pain than lose her free will. At the cave, they tried to understand what it was all about.
“I don’t understand it, either. Something about those chips.” Monty was as puzzled as them regarding was happening in Arkadia. If it was really that unsafe, retrieving her jacket from Bellamy’s room would have to wait. She was still wearing her father’s and it wasn’t exactly her priority anyway. Arms crossed, she stood next to her peer and Sinclair.
“We’ll know soon enough. Be ready.” The latter concluded. Indeed, they had to wait for Jasper to get to them before deciding what they were going to do next. Near the fire, Octavia sprang up and started packing up her things in her little bag. Bellamy walked up to her, trying to make her slow down. He was understandably worried about her going out right now.
“You can’t just leave.”
“Watch me.”
“You heard what Jasper said on the radio.”
“What Jasper said sounds insane.” She argued, getting impatient and annoyed with all this discussion. “Pike’s gone. I can handle myself. Grounders burn their dead.”
“I know that. And then what? Where are you gonna go?”
“You don’t get to ask me that.”
“What more do I have to do to prove that I am on your side?”
“Bring Lincoln back.” He went silent and stared into the void as she walked past him. She turned around before exiting the cave. Michelle avoided looking directly at him, not wanting Octavia to drag her into their argument if she thought she was feeling bad for her brother, but Michelle saw from the corner of her eyes that he was hurting over this feud with his sister. “Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys, Bellamy. You did that to save me. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the Grounders was wrong.”
“The Grounders were starving us out.” He frowned, turning around to face her. Michelle closed her eyes, sighing quietly. There was still some work to be done to get him to see Pike was never doing the right thing.
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us.”
“That army could have attacked us at any time, and you know it.”
“But they didn’t attack. You did that. You were hurting, and you lashed out, because that’s what you do. There are consequences, Bel. People get hurt. People die. Your people. Monroe’s dead. Lincoln is dead.” She spoke in a calmer manner but any less strong and accusatory, looking her brother straight in the eyes. On those words, she left. Seeing Bellamy go after her, Michelle pondered whether to follow him out there, but she figured Octavia wouldn’t stop to have another conversation with him. Her step was determined, and she was set on leaving on her own. At the entrance to the cave, Nate, Bryan and Harper stood guard. Bellamy and Michelle barely took a few steps when the headlights of a car dazzled them. Jasper and Clarke had reached them. Even Octavia stopped in her tracks upon hearing the engine. When Clarke got off the vehicle and walked down the path to the cave, she stopped to stare at Bellamy and Michelle. She probably wondered why he looked so beat up. Jasper then came out shouting, asking for help. He was carrying an unconscious Raven in his arms.
“We have to get her inside before she wakes up!” Bellamy rushed to them, asking if they were followed but Jasper glanced around, having no idea. The latter gave him Raven while Nate sent his boyfriend to the ridge to tell them if he spotted anyone in the area. They all walked back inside the cave and as Octavia was about to go back on her way, Clarke called her to join them, and she came.
“Clear some space.” At Clarke’s request, Sinclair put some things away near the fire and Bellamy put her down.
“I told you on the radio, Raven is not Raven anymore.” Jasper repeated. “None of them are. Jaha’s been chipping everyone.”
“Jasper’s right. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Clarke added, confirming his statements.
“I don’t need your help, all right?” He suddenly got all worked up when Clarke spoke up, supporting his statements, pointing his finger at her. Michelle frowned in confusion before remembering that she was the one that caused Maya’s death at Mount Weather after she pulled that lever, letting all the air from the outside get in, with all the radiation that it involved.
“Just take it easy and explain.” Bellamy grabbed his shoulder, making Jasper look at him.
“Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you. You forget who you are, and then you see this thing, Alie. Only, she’s not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists.” Michelle closed her eyes for a second, looking away upon hearing this, letting out a heavy but silent breath. She didn't want everyone to look at her because she got triggered. Instinctively, she brought her arms closer to her body, holding her hand. She herself had attempted to take her own life back when she was in solitary confinement. She literally had no memory of how it happened; she just had this scar for the rest of her life. Her brain had somehow blacked out the whole thing. Realizing Bellamy was looking at her, she let her arms fall to her sides and resumed her composure. She had never really told him about this and when they got intimate a few months ago, he never asked about it. “She was trying to get out of her head. I was trying to help her but—”
“Okay, so let’s help her now.” Sinclair stood up. “Did she say how?”
“She was working on building something. She needed one of her old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them.”
“Wait a second.” Clarke chimed in, pulling out something from her pocket. She had a little rectangle in between her fingers, and it shared an odd resemblance to Jaha’s key. “Does it look like this?”
“Not exactly.” While he answered, Michelle noticed Raven roll her head and open her eyes, staring at the chip.
“Guys, she’s awake.” Right as Michelle warned them, Raven jumped on her feet with a grunt and tried to make a run for it, punching Michelle in the face when she got in her way, trying to stop her. She fell to the ground, bringing a hand to her face, wincing while the others ran after her. Sinclair helped her up and they joined the others outside. All holding Raven in place while she struggled like an enraged beast.
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will Allie.” Jasper said.
As she approached, Michelle wiped some blood from the corner of her lips. Raven let out a shout when Bellamy injected her in the neck with a leftover reaper stick. This was the last dose they had but it sent her back to sleep, giving them more time to figure something out. 
“We have to go.”
“Why? Alie doesn’t know where we are.” Bellamy asked, turning his head to Clarke.
“Because I know where we can get a wristband.” All eyes were on her. They quickly got into the car, with an unconscious Raven in the back with the others, and Sinclair and Monty in the front, and drove to the little trading post in the middle of the woods where Michelle, Bellamy, and Kane had encountered this Grounder when they were looking for Clarke a few weeks ago. The very woman they had met was standing in front of the post, a machete in her hand. In the dark of the car, with only the headlights at the front shining brightly ahead of them, Michelle, Clarke, and Bellamy looked out the windshield. “I’ll talk to her.”
“We’ll go with you.” Bellamy then said and the blonde nodded at them while they followed suit. Octavia kicked the backdoor open and let them hop out of the vehicle.
“I thought you said she was a friend.”
“We’ll handle it. Just stay here.” While she went back in the car, the trio walked down the path to the trading post and the woman recognized her, warning her that Skaikru wasn’t welcomed. Michelle wondered if she knew Clarke’s name as she referred to her as Wanheda still. Her behavior seemed to confuse Clarke just as much. “Niylah, what’s wrong?”
“She’s waking up. Hurry! Let’s get her inside.” They looked back as they heard Sinclair’s voice raise in urgency. They didn’t have much time to waste if they wanted to stay away from ALIE. If Raven saw her surroundings, she would find them and they would be in great danger, with not many other places to go hide. And they couldn’t hide forever either. Their only option was for this Niylah to let them in her home for the time being and they were off a bad start. They were playing big here. Sinclair was already carrying Raven outside. Clarke turned back to the grounder.
“Is your father here?” She enquired.
“My father’s dead.” Her face tensed up and she frowned. “Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you.”
“Niylah, please.” While she tried to beg her, Michelle glanced at Bellamy from the corner of her eyes. The flames of the torches outside the post reflecting in his eyes as he looked down in shame or guilt, or maybe both, over what he and Pike had done. She was happy to see him question and doubt his previous actions. If he could open his eyes to his mistakes, he could move forward and do better next time. Her thoughts were quickly pushed in a corner of her mind when after Niylah said no to Clarke’s request, he raised his gun towards her.
“We haven’t got time for this. Move.” He made her step aside and at first, Michelle wanted to step in and make him lower his weapon but seeing Clarke do nothing, she followed her example and stayed quiet while he urged Sinclair to get Raven inside. They put her in the backroom and Clarke got something to tie her up with. They walked through the trading post to the living space. It was dark and dimly lit, with only a few rays of moonlight peeking through the blinds.
“Tie her to the bed.” Clarke said as Sinclair lied her down. Raven had now woken up and she grunted, struggling against him. She wiggled, throwing her legs around, trying to kick them and free herself. She took off her blindfold and stopped moving, looking around her but unless she walked outside, she would never be able to tell ALIE where she was. And this was for the better.
“Where the hell am I?” She shouted, getting aggressive again so they hurried to tie her up. They were the 7 of them trying to hold her down and even then, they were somehow struggling because she was so fierce. Michelle was really disturbed by the rawness of her screams which turned into deep growls really, and it made her uneasy, but she tightens her grasp on her leg while they eventually managed to tie her up, but she still wasn’t calming down. She was dead set on getting out of there and telling their location to ALIE. She sounded and looked like she was possessed, and, in a way, she was. Once they were done, they left the room. Bellamy had stayed with Niylah near the entrance, holding her at gunpoint. Raven was being so loud, shouting at the top of her lungs, they could hear her as if they were in the bedroom with the rest of them. Even without being close to Raven, Michelle could hear her peer’s pain in the depths of her voice, behind all the mind control thing.
“How the hell do we get that thing out of her head?” Clarke wondered, frowning in concern.
“Working on it.” She nodded at Monty and stepped away along with Michelle, while they still heard Raven shouting, ordering them to untie her. The two best friends walked up to Niylah and Bellamy.
“I got this.” Letting go of his gun, the handle hanging across his shoulders, he awkwardly went from crossing his arms to putting a hand in Michelle’s back to invite her to step away with him, back to crossing his arms, as if he wasn’t sure whether he should be tactile with her. She had made it clear that even though she still cared for him, she didn’t know how to feel about him. She hated being torn over him. Her feelings for him were very much real and strong, and she wanted to forgive him, but after seeing how mad and upset Octavia was, she didn’t feel like she could forgive him just yet. She stared at him from the corner of her eyes as they walked away, closer to Sinclair and Monty but without actually joining the two of them, and they stood in silence, listening to bribes of Clarke’s conversation with Niylah, glancing at the two women every now and then. When Clarke came closer to the grounder, Michelle watched Bellamy approach a piece of furniture to hear them better.
“Trust you. After what Skaikru did?” She gritted her teeth.
“That wasn’t us.” This sparked confusion in Niylah’s eyes. “I’m sorry about your father. We all are.” As she spoke, she looked over her shoulder, peeking at Bellamy who looked away, uncomfortable. As time went on, he was becoming more aware of his mistakes, or so Michelle hoped.
“What do you want from me, Clarke?” Her tone was much more poised and less aggressive.
“Last time I was here, you had one of our wristbands. We need it now to save out friend.”
“And why should I help you?”
“Because I know you won’t let an innocent girl suffer.” And she had right here and there. Niylah glanced at Bellamy and Michelle, looking at her from behind Clarke. She told her to stay here and left through the front door to go get the wristband. Clarke turned around. “You okay?”
“Fine.” Bellamy was staring at the door as he nodded, unwilling to open about what he might be feeling at the moment. Clarke had noticed her best friend’s uneasiness since she stepped out of the bedroom. She was now arms crossed over her chest; she just gave her a nod in turn. These were some complicated times. A moment later, Niylah returned with the wristband they wanted. The group went to another room and Clarke put the object down on the table in front of them.
“Niylah said we can work in here. So how do we do this?” Monty picked it up to look at it from up closewhile Sinclair spoke. Bellamy and Michelle were both standing by Clarke, arms still crossed, quiet.
“We think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant.” He scoffed, blown away by the young woman’s smartness.
“Meaning what?” At Bellamy’s enquiry, Clarke and Michelle looked over their shoulders for a second.
“A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chip’s circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven’s own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, wire for external input, and attach a battery.”
“But what would that do to her?” Clarke asked.
“EMPs don’t affect our bodies. But I don’t know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain.”
“This was Raven’s plan. She wouldn’t do it if it was gonna destroy her brain.” Bellamy noted, exchanging a glance with the two young women again. Octavia came into the room.
“Depends how bad she wanted it out.”
“Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk.” Sinclair pursued.
“Where do we get one?” Michelle wondered.
“The Ark.” That was a bummer. From what Clarke and Jasper had told them at the cave, it was hell back there. “Every station had a pulsed inductive thruste for maneuvering.”
“Arkadia’s out of the question.” Bellamy stepped forward, voicing Michelle’s thoughts. “It’s too dangerous, you heard them.”
“We use the dropship.” Their eyes shifted to Monty. “It has PI thrusters like the Ark.”
“That’s good. Okay, I’ll go salvage the magnet.” Monty stopped him, urging Raven’s mentor to remain with the girl and try to figure how out how they were going to make this thing work. Octavia stepped in, offering to go with him and he agreed. Bellamy looked over at his sister but pursed his lips. When he parted them, about to say something, Octavia warned him not to and she departed from the trading post with their peer.
“Guys!” When they heard Jasper call out to them from the bedroom, all three of them came running. Raven was trying to reach for the knots of her restraint to undo them and the first thing Michelle saw was her dislocated shoulder but what made her take a step back while the others rushed to her side to stop her from hurting herself any further, was the blood dripping from her wrist, soaking her bandage. It immidietaly brought the girl back to the darkest moment of her life, back when she was still in solitary confinement, and she tried taking a deep breath. She had to look away and stumbled as her head started feeling light. She kept ignoring her friends when the urged her to stop fighting and in the midst of all her growling, still fiercely struggling against them, she glared at Michelle with a smirk, her jaw clenched and teeth showing, like an enraged animal. She didn’t have time to say anything to her, Michelle instantly walked out of the room, gathering all her strength to make it outside where she just leaned over a barrel, the flame of a torch crackling and twisting in the slight breeze. The forest around her was plunged in the dark. She couldn't see more than a few feet ahead of her, and she let her gaze wander into this immensity. The trees seemed to melt into one imposing mass, and it was frightening. Only then did she also realize that she had gone out unarmed, and if someone came now, she was screwed, but it didn't matter; she really needed some peace and fresh air. She turned back towards the building and dropped to the ground with a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment. Her heart was racing, and her head had gone from being light to spinning but as she took control of her breathing, she managed to calm down. 
She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps nearby. Bellamy was standing right there, concern on his face. She could tell he was hesitating to approach her.
“What? Are you gonna stand there forever?” She taunted, quietly. Her face was impassive as she stared at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. He eventually sat down next to her, and they stayed there in silence for a hot minute. She wasn’t looking at him, but she felt his gaze on her, especially on the nervous movements of her hands. He lifted his hand and gently went to grab her wrist. Her hand froze, as right there under the sleeve of her jacket was her scar. There was doubt that made its way in her mind, unsure if she had already even just mentioned this episode to him. Clarke knew about all this, obviously, but with everything that had happened, she couldn't remember who else she had talked about it with. Very few people most likely.
“You okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She released her wrist from his grip and only realized afterwards that her gesture had been curt. She didn't want to make him feel like she was pushing him away when he made the first step towards her. Letting out a sigh as she rubbed her hand, she tried to move the conversation away from her moment of weakness. “Are Jasper and Clarke still with Raven?”
“We’re taking turns watching her. Clarke’s in there with her right now.”
“She stopped trying to hurt herself?” The image of the latter’s wrists bleeding through her bandages flashed before her eyes and her eyelids twitched and she looked away, trying to keep it cool. He then explained to her what Alie was after. The Commander's chip that Clarke had.  But of course, if Raven died, Alie would never ever get it, so she stopped fighting them and let them help her. The whole situation was just so nerve-wracking and odd. Michelle would maybe take a turn watching her, if she didn’t try to open her wounds again because she wouldn’t be able to handle that sight again. She didn’t normally have a fear of blood, but it was because of the nature of the wounds from which the blood was dripping. It was the fact that it was bringing back this dark and painful memory. Eventually, Bellamy encouraged her to come back inside and, getting up, he gave her a hand, which she didn’t hold onto for very long once she was on her feet. She entered the trading post first. Inside, it was rather silent. It was a change from Raven's incessant screaming. Jasper was in a dark corner of the room, sulking. Michelle and Bellamy were leaning against a table when they heard Clarke shout in pain and the two bursted into the room. Raven had a trickle of blood running down her chin, staining her lips.
“You’re done, Alie, you hear me? We’re gonna fry you!” She yelled in her face, letting it all out and Bellamy wrapped his arm around her, dragging her out of there. This look in her eyes was haunting. She joined her friends in the main room and Michelle took it upon her to take care of Clarke’s bite wound. She didn’t have her medical knowledge, but it was basic care. She carefully wrapped a clean cloth around her forearm after cleaning it. Clarke’s voice was quiet but the shame that pierced through it was loud. “I let her get to me.”
“You don’t say. She got to me without even saying a word.” Clarke was looking at her, her eyebrows furrowed, perturbed, and worried, both for herself, and for Michelle as well. She had noticed that she seemed agitated earlier. The two of them could see through the other. It had always been like this between them. That was how close-knit they were since they were babies. Michelle was staring down at what she was doing, avoiding her friend’s gaze but she looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Bellamy’s.
“You two take a break. I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” Michelle let her eyes wander and cross his and he nodded to them before walking away. She stayed still, feeling Clarke staring at her.
“Please, don’t say anything.” She let out a chuckle, the corner of her lips rising despite herself. The blonde parted her lips, about to say something when Jasper’s bitterly interrupted her.
“Truth hurts, huh?” He was still mad, and understandably, over Maya’s death at Mount Weather and he blamed Clarke for it, because she triggered the opening of all doors to the facility, killing every mountain person inside. Michelle couldn’t say anything on this, she never knew his girlfriend beside talking to her over the radio when Bellamy was infiltrated in Mount Weather. And she couldn’t be mad at Clarke for causing the death of those people because, if she hadn’t done it, she would probably not have made it out of there, as the scientists were about to drill full force into her leg and other limbs until they had sucked all the marrowbone out of her.  
“I’m sorry.” She sounded distressed. “I never wanted to hurt Maya… I had to save our people.”
“I was going to save everyone.” He cried out, his voice shaking from the anger and grief. Michelle stayed where she was and watched.
“I wish you could’ve.”
“Shove your regret up your ass.” He was pursing his lips, containing his tears, and walked away, nudging her with his shoulder. Once he was gone, Michelle came closer to her friend, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Maya didn’t deserve to die, but… if you hadn’t done at the right time, they would have killed me, and every one of us, one after the other.”
“I couldn’t let them kill any of you, especially you, Michelle. You’re my sister.” She gave her a sad smile and they embraced each other. There it was the actual reunion of the two childhood best friends after months of being apart. This was the moment they needed together. They had always been each other’s ride or die, and would be until the end of time, or until death did them apart. They then went to see Sinclair as he worked on the device to help Raven, trying to comfort him in his task. The poor man only had the young mechanic left, and he was afraid to ruin her bright mind, but they had to believe it would work. They had to have some hope. The quiet was disrupted by Jasper shouting at Raven not to speak about Maya and a second later, they saw him walk out of the room after Bellamy encouraged him to do so. As Raven, or Alie, said; yes, they had all lost someone, but Jasper had been shattered by Maya’s death and had lost all hope. He wasn’t dealing with it well, but it wasn’t something to blame him for. Everyone handled grief and trauma differently, for Michelle, she had realized that she kept to herself a lot and repeatedly pushed people away to avoid facing her feelings. She had done it with her dad and Bellamy, and at some point, she had even lost the complicity she had with Clarke. And she was barely patching things up with Bellamy. Silent, she was thinking, lending an ear to Alie talking in the room next door, trying to get to Octavia’s brother as well.
“We’ve had our fun together.” Her taunting and enticing tone bothered Michelle, or maybe was it that she insinuated that they had slept together in the past. She didn’t like feeling jealousy over something that wasn’t really meant by Raven. She would never bring it up. This only reinforced in her mind the fact that she genuinely wanted to get back what she once shared with Bellamy.
“We don’t have to talk about it. Usually not much to talk about, anyway. But I do have one question. Does it bother you that you don’t get any credit for the genocide at Mount Weather? Clarke gets to be the Commander of Death, but you murdered all these people, too, and you’re just forgotten. Then again… You didn’t get any credit for the culling on the Ark, either. How many people suffocated when you threw away my radio? You know, at least Clarke was saving her own people. You were just saving your own ass. Of course, that’s nothing… compared to killing your own mom. You just had to take little sister to her first dance. You might as well have just shoved Aurora out of the airlock yourself. Do you think she would be proud of you now? For the kind of leader, you’ve become? Or would she see the truth like the rest of us do? That you’re a follower. Clarke’s been back for one day and you’re already taking orders. A good, little knight by his queen’s side. Sure, it’s not just you… There’s Michelle, the good, little soldier. Clarke’s one true follower.” Clarke and Michelle exchanged a glance, listening in silence. She wasn’t bothered by the way she was being talked about. She had always been very much aware of her role by Clarke’s side, that she would follow her through hell and back. She was a thinker and in her mom’s fashion, a strategical one. She didn’t want a decision-making role to befall her. It was up to Clarke.
“Too bad you were never as devoted to Gina as you were to Clarke, or Michelle. Ah, the soldier… Does the little knight like the good soldier?? Too bad she was still not over Murphy. You were too late to the party. She didn’t want you anymore. The only man she needed was her dear daddy.” Michelle’s heart sank as she kept talking about her to Bellamy, calling both of them out for the way their relationship had turned out until now. But she wasn’t exactly right. It wasn’t that she didn’t want him anymore. What she got right was that at the time, her romance with Murphy was still too fresh and she wasn’t over him yet when she started something with Bellamy.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bellamy said in a whisper.
“Don’t worry about Gina, she was already dead when Mount Weather blew up.” She rose the tone of her voice, talking loudly through the small property. “And you avenged her, right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us. That had nothing to do with blowing sweet Gina to bits or getting rejected by dear Michelle.” As she kept rambling, Michelle, Clarke, and Jasper saw Niylah suddenly stand up and speewalk towards the bedroom. The three of them ran after her. They came in the moment Niylah slapped Bellamy across the face. Clarke called out to her.
“Niylah. You can’t be in here.”
“It’s too late.” Jasper chimed in. “Raven’s already seen her. Alie knows we’re here.”
Michelle watched Bellamy storm out. She didn’t go with him right away and let Niylah follow him outside. From behind the door, she heard him grunt and kick one of the barrels. When he apologised for what he had participated in doing, she wasn’t phased by his excuses, but she didn’t burst out in anger. Michelle was looking through the doorway, and a faint light shone on his face. In a way, even though Niylah didn't care about his excuses, she appreciated seeing the guilt in his eyes. It means Pike's influence was gone this time, and she could help him get back on the right path. Before he could say anything else to try and help his case, they heard engines in the background, and she saw the headlights from the rover as Monty and Octavia came back. Michelle walked out with Jasper while Niylah went back inside.
“What happened?” Bellamy enquired after Monty walked straight to the trading post without stopping or looking at either of them. He was preoccupied by something. In fact, Alie was now aware of where they were, but she somehow had learned about their night trip to the dropship and there, Monty had to kill his own mother to save Octavia’s life. They all rushed inside. It was time to free Raven from Alie. Gathered around the bed, Sinclair put down his machine, giving out the instructions. As they connected her to it, she began moving her arms around, grunting. They struggled to hold her still. Michelle jumped when Raven began to violently hit her head to the metal headboard. She turned her back to her. As Bellamy then stated, their friend was once again trying to kill herself.
“Stop it! Stop. And I’ll give you this.” Clarke pulled out the small box containing the Commander’s chip. It was just enough to get her to stop fighting and Bellamy snatched the box, and they resumed connecting her to the device made by Sinclair while Raven yelled at her for lying. She tried begging them not to do it, claiming the EMP would greatly damage her brain, but they had to do it. It was their last resort to free her from Alie, whether it worked or not. They didn’t have much of a choice. Michelle watched the scene, standing still next to Clarke. Monty then activated the machine, but nothing happened.
“What’s happening?” Jasper enquired.
“Nothing. We need more power.” Sinclair declared. “The battery’s not strong enough.”
“Well, then get one that is.” Clarke asked, pressed. Michelle was frowning, kind of looking away, thinking until she got an idea, and it seemed like Monty thought of the same thing. They spoke simultaneously.
“The Rover.” Raven grunted louder and Bellamy urged Sinclair to hold the young woman as she tried to hit her head against the headboard again. Monty and Bellamy ran outside to get the car’s battery. Everyone got startled when they heard a shot ring outside and they all looked towards the door, wondering what was going on.
“Guys, we have to move!” Bellamy pushed for them to be quicker, and Sinclair proceeded to connect the machines to Raven with a bunch of cables. He then pressed the button again and the young mechanic screamed at the top of her lungs before her body suddenly relaxed and she stopped moving. They looked at each other in worry and Clarke put two fingers up to a neck to check for her pulse.
“She’s breathing.” She concluded, relieved. They tried to call out to her and wake her up, but the girl remained unconscious, quickly replacing their relief with a new wave of worry. Michelle had her arms crossed, kind of wrapped around her torso as she watched, concerned. It didn't matter if she wasn't friends with Raven, she was still hoping the latter would turn out okay. They didn’t have much time to get out of there until Alie’s zombie army would get to them now that they knew where the group had found refuge but at least, Raven was out of the woods. It was a bummer that the only thing surrounding them right now were just that, woods. And they weren’t out of it just yet.
A few minutes later, Clarke and Octavia were leaning over Raven, desperately trying to wake her up, while Jasper nonchalantly paced back and forth around the room, and Michelle was leaning against the wall, right in front of Bellamy. He knew full well that she had heard what Alie had said to him a moment before; the latter had spoken loudly on purpose, and neither he nor the pseudo-soldier dared look each other straight in the eyes, glancing sideways when the other was looking elsewhere. Michelle sighed silently, tightening her grip on her arm, still with her arms crossed. She hoped the two of them would have a moment to talk about whatever was going on between them. Maybe she should have taken the lead and taken a step towards him too when he came to see her outside. Instead, she once again kept her feelings and thoughts to herself and changed the subject. She hated that she kept doing it. Her eyes wandered and followed Jasper as he walked around the bed. She frowned slightly, wondering what he was doing as he came behind Clarke and snatched the box with the chip, along with a metal bar. This made Michelle straighten up, letting her arms fall to her sides.
“What are you doing?” Clarke spun around. Jace put down the chip on a table, ready to smash it. She took a step towards him, distressed and she tried to take it away from him. “No, you can’t. Give it back.”
“Alie did that to Raven. She’s never gonna get this!” He yelled, raising the bar above his head.
“Don’t! It’s Lexa.” She cried out, her face twisting with sadness. Everyone stood there, looking at her, not getting her meaning. “Part of her is still in there. I saw them cut it out of her head. I’m not…”
“What is it?” Bellamy queried after Clarke stopped talking.
“Both of the AIs were made by the same person. Both tap into human consciousness. They must work similarly, right?” She asked, turning to Sinclair.
“Well, there’s probably only one pathway to consciousness, so it’s possible, yeah.”
“What does this have to do with anything?” Octavia shook her head, not understanding. Clarke walked back to Raven’s side.
“I’ve seen an AI removed before. Help me get her on her side.” Bellamy approached, helping them move Raven. Clarke asked for the medkit in her bag and Michelle went to get it for her while she pushed Raven’s hair away from her neck. She went through her medical tools and pulled out a small scalpel, making a small cut at the nape of her neck. The trickle of blood becoming thicker as blood dripped from the cut. She put a cloth underneath. A second later, something started flowing out and Michelle frowned.
“What is that?” She asked, taking the words out of Bellamy's mouth.
“It must be whatever’s left of the chip.” Sinclair said. Once it was out, Raven coughed, coming back to her senses. She winced at the pain caused by the open wound. They helped her up.
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see someone in pain.” Octavia laughed. All was well, for now. Michelle saw Jasper give back the chip to Clarke, mumbling something to her and stepping away.
“I could have saved my mother.” Michelle turned to Monty who was staring into the void. She was reminded how he had had to kill his own mother to save Octavia’s life and she felt for him. She didn’t kill her mother but someone else did and that thought that she could have saved her if she hadn’t been sent to the ground, it had been haunting her ever since that one Unity Day where she had refused to talk to her mother when she had the chance. It was already too late when she felt like it, her mother was already dead in the bombing on the Ark. But Michelle blamed herself for getting arrested. If only she had known, she would have stuck by her mom’s side and, even if she couldn’t save her, she would have been able to say goodbye and be by her side as she was dying. Instead, she only learned of her death when Kane and Abby landed in that lake. She remembered how she was so overwhelmed by anger and grief, she had lashed out on Kane, blaming him for what happened. But now she could admit to herself that it wasn’t anyone’s fault, though she still felt like she somehow caused it. She was taken out of her contemplation when Monty rose his voice at Jasper, telling him to get away from him before storming out of the room.
“Alie knows we’re here. We gotta move.” Bellamy spoke, with a serious tone, very fitting given the situation. While Sinclair took care of carrying Raven, they followed Bellamy outside the trading post. The others went straight to the car and Michelle and Bellamy stood in the open. None of them really knew what to say in the moment but Michelle eventually turned to him, and they looked at each other. The tension was palpable. They both wanted to take a step towards the other, but it was as if there was an invisible force that froze them in place. She was the first one to make a move, grabbing his bandaged hand after he got hurt. He watched her do so, wrapping his fingers around her hand, both strongly and gently. This gesture makes her step closer, but she didn’t look up at him. Clarke was still inside, and they would only set off in a couple of minutes, so she took the opportunity to open up a bit.
“She was right. I mean, when Alie said that I wasn’t over Murphy. But it’s… it’s not that I didn’t want you.” She said in a sigh, as it was somehow incredibly hard to say outloud. “I’m sorry. It’s gonna take a while to patch things up, but I want you to know I don’t hate you. I can’t.”
“I know. I’m sorry too.” He spoke in a soft voice as she proceeded to take off the bandage. It wasn’t as bad of a wound as when Michelle almost got her hand sliced in half. He would be fine. That was the moment Clarke decided to show up. Michelle took a step back, letting go of Bellamy’s hand when she heard their friend. The later glanced at the wound.
“You’ll recover.”
“Will I? What do you do when you realize… you might not be the good guy?” A silence fell upon them for a moment until Clarke spoke up.
“Maybe there are no good guys.” They looked at each other. Maybe she was right. Maybe there were no good guys. Maybe they were all the villain in someone else’s story. The world wasn’t all black and white. The grey areas were the toughest ones to navigate. Clarke gazed at her best friend and Bellamy, with a sparkle in her eyes. She knew something was up and seeing Michelle literally hold his hand was a dead give away.
The Rover was maneuvered back into the direction of departure on the path and Sinclair and Octavia helped Raven into the car. The trio approached them.
“Why did Alie want you to kill yourself?” Clarke enquired.
“Because I know why she wants a second AI.”
“Why?” Her eyes shifted to Bellamy.
“It’s the only thing that can stop her.”
“Then let’s stop her.” Octavia declared. “We survive together.”
[To be continued…]  
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Published (02/02/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64 @mirellef2001
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riverdale-varchie2 · 27 days
The 100
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will80sbyers · 2 years
imagine you like a character so much and they are the reason you realize "oh fuck, I'm not weird? that's an option? I'm bi too!" and then the screenwriter proceeds to give her all the pain in the world, kill off the love of her life and makes HER kill her best friend and second person she's in love with lol Jason Rothenberg you will burn in hell one day and I will light the match
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burstingsunrise · 1 year
Bellarke should’ve been endgame imo
oh my god annie i have so many feelings about this and you're so right. IT WAS RIGHT THERE! THEY SET IT UP! SO WELL! they had the perfect slow burn, totally-makes-sense endgame relationship, and then just because it was "expected" they were like NAH??? and not only did they fuck it up in the last season, but they fucked it up so bad clarke murdered bellamy!??! actually criminal.
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anyway i’m bored and i’m back into my echo/becho stanhood era so let’s get into it:
a lot of the vitriol echo experienced from fandom was somewhat unfair, especially on a show like the 100, where the entire point is to question the morality of decisions and how much survival is worth over doing the “right thing” - which, on this show is entirely subjective. like it’s perfectly normal to hate a character, for a character to get somewhat on your nerves, but some of the complaints regarding her were just plain nonsensical, and mostly out of boredom but also because echo deserves a lot more credit than she’s given, i’m here to address all the arguments against her.
1. echo was just as interesting, and multi-dimensional, as clarke, and as morally grey/compelling a character. in s2, she was a side character, a random girl in a cage, and we knew little to nothing about her other than the fact that she was a member of ice nation and she and bellamy were forming some kind of alliance and borderline friendship in the “you’re a war prisoner and our groups are fighting but you’re also being tortured and i don’t want you to die” sense. in s3 echo and bellamy had a familiarity to their relationship when echo seeked bellamy for help after she was “captured” (i think that’s what happened it’s been years since i watched t100 s3 i barely remember it) and he told the other person to let her go, exhibiting some kind of trust and friendship towards her in this scene too. now, i liked echo despite how little screentime she got as opposed to other characters like roan, because she was very interesting in s2, even when she spat on bellamy - and given the audience’s love for bellarke which had spanned multiple eps since the pilot, it would make sense that they wouldn’t be as enthusiastic about her, or a ship where the two characters’ first interaction was to spit on each other, but echo as an individual was pretty interesting imo. the reason echo wasn’t fleshed out as much before s4 was because she was freshly introduced and naturally had to take a backseat to clarke, the lead, bell, the male lead, raven and jasper and lexa... the list goes on. even roan got more screentime than her, because she wasn’t as important to the narrative, other than being the instigator for the Gina Died Incident so bellamy could become an ooc villain and be driven to genocide.
the Gina Incident in particular is what most of fandom seems to hate her for, and she didn’t seem to be particularly remorseful in the traditional way about it either - but remember, this is coming from ppl who liked BC even when clarke told bellamy his life and endangering his safety was worth the risk to further her plans, when she used information he’d given her while coming down from intense hallucinations to get him to come back from camp (a scene lots of ppl interpreted as a milestone/improvement in their relationship, much like the “i was being weak” scene), when bellamy and clarke betrayed each other left and right for the span of the entire show, especially s5 (clarke left him to die in a fighting pit at the hands of his tyrannical sister and still ppl hated on echo for wanting to avenge bellamy and being angry at clarke?? and physically assaulting the woman who got her boyfriend killed??? like idk about y’all but that’s perfectly relatable and justifiable to me lol). clarke is a very flawed person much like echo but because she’s a main, we root for her, because her side of the story is always shown so we can cheer her on as a hero. echo does one admittedly terrible thing, and because she’s not a main and thus we don’t know her motivations, we’re inclined to dislike her. all we knew her as was the blindly loyal soldier who would commit murder at her boss’s demand, even if it meant bringing a friend’s loved one to great harm.
but echo knew what she did was wrong, that whatever trust bellamy had in her couldn’t be restored properly, and she accepted this. there are many scenes where she quietly took responsibility for her actions, where she made no excuse, something the beloved protagonist clarke does several times (it was all for my people this and that). she was almost driven to s*icide in the s4 finale out of grief and shame for her actions - which, obviously, doesn’t absolve or redeem her of them, but the point is that despite complaints about tasya teles’s “lack of facial acting range” (which, considering the environment echo grew up in, it would more than make sense for her not to show her emotions plainly on her face but rather in her actions), she shows remorse and loyalty and the many things that make her character unique so blatantly and clearly.
2. echo experienced a lot more growth and development than fandom would like to acknowledge.��echo is a loyal person, and had blind faith in azgeda’s actions and what they told her to do because that’s the environment in which she was raised. surviving on the ground meant to prioritize life, and the clan, above all else. grounders glorify war, grounders brutally punished their people (such as when nia forced echo to kill the original echo or when roan left echo to die in a poisonous radiation wave even though she only tried to help the clan, not just herself, survive). but she never used her upbringing as an excuse - it’s merely a fact that she was raised this way, and she’s held accountable by bellamy and the narrative for all her “sins,” as it were.
but here’s where her development and growth, which y’all like to ignore, comes in. in s5, she, for the first time, experienced the genuine love of a real family, who didn’t rely on her to commit murder or do their dirty work like azgeda did, who valued her for the first time as a person, not just as a spy or based on what occupation she could do for the group. her loyalty was still there, one of her many core traits, but when used properly it’s actually a very good character to have - and echo did not use it blindly. she did not support violence and murder for the sake of it, did not follow a leader or authoritative presence because she could, and there are several instances where this shows - she refused to give away the defectors to tyrant!octavia, she wasn’t the one who immediately followed the teachings of the primes despite being, arguably, the most vulnerable in the group to that kind of propaganda and brainwashing (plot twist: it was murphy who attempted to become a Bodysnatcher because he was so afraid of hell). we also got to see her background and childhood traumas in s6, the lack of which many members of fandom were complaining about, and then immediately hated once they got exactly what they said they wanted because it interfered with their favorite characters getting more screentime (which really was the main problem with echo all along, lbr).
3. becho was a very healthy, stable, and mature relationship. on the ring, bellamy and echo experienced a drastic change as they both needed to adjust to a life where violence was no longer necessary, where they could live in peace. much of echo’s actions on the ground were a result of wanting to belong in a group after she lost her family (and her friend, Original Echo) - and that desire being exploited. but on the ring, she flourished, as did her relationships. bellamy and echo learned to properly cope with the trauma they’d experienced on the ground, bellamy was able to hold her accountable for her actions (something the narrative never lets him do when it comes to cl*rke, especially after she repeatedly endangered his life and proved she could do it again and again), and as they got their bearings in a new life, they both began to grow into evolved versions of themselves. it was clear they enjoyed spending time together, that they were friends, and that friendship blossomed over three years before the buildup led to their eventual kiss.
and the writers make an effort to show them communicate, to challenge each other, to reassure each other about their biggest worries. echo confides in bellamy that she thinks their affection and love and respect for each other will change on the ground, bellamy reminds her that nothing would change because they won’t revert back to what their relationship was like before - trust and mutual respect was restored between them. in s6 - in their huge fight which BCs like to think is some kind of proof of BE being toxic for some reason, even though it was a relatively normal and organic conflict for becho as individual characters and for their relationship - bellamy confronted echo because he felt she was becoming emotionally withdrawn from him, and he feared this time they’d fall into their old patterns. echo was overwhelmed, because she was processing this big new change in her life - the loss of two members of her family - in the only way she knew how and felt pressured by bellamy, and went to get space away from him. he admitted he was wrong, he made the genuine apology, he let her grieve in the way that was best for her and was only concerned about her well being and happiness, and was a sweet, emotionally supportive, and caring boyfriend. the entire scene was actually designed very well, successfully rounding out becho’s relationship and help us, as an audience, get to know them more intimately - especially after the considerable backlash because their six years together onscreen wasn’t shown and thus fans couldn’t invest in the relationship.
idk about y’all, but this is actually normal relationship stuff and that fight is a lot more healthy because of the mature and rational way they worked through the conflict (it wasn’t as if bellamy endangered echo’s daughter and echo threw him into the hunger games and sentenced to his death, lol). it was resolved beautifully in a way that worked for them and made their relationship shine - and, comparatively to b*llarke, becho is the type of relationship ideal that’s actually for the most part healthy, excluding the beginning of their relationship. and even in that case, bell and echo were on different sides of a war, which fandom is inclined to forget, while clarke repeatedly betrayed and even shot at bellamy while they were in the stage of their relationship where they were (supposedly) friends.
4. echo’s “regression” in which she almost reverted back to her old ways are good for her character. while fandom likes to spew vitriol at her for being murderous (even though clarke can do the same thing and be praised still), it’s important to remember how echo grew up, and how those life experiences would shape her choices (which she has always taken full ownership of with little complaint, unlike the main who is allowed to run away and to whine about “impossible choices” that she makes in the interest of “saving everyone”). of course she’d be tempted to solve a problem with murder - every single character on the show has done this at least once. the temptation to become a “follower” as ppl in fandom bashed her for being in s7, the temptation to kill the people on bardo as vengeance, were tests of her willpower, of whether or not she truly grew and changed. raven was echo’s loved one who reminded her of their family, of the love they shared based on friendship and honor, of their promise to do better. she reminded echo what bellamy would have wanted, and because echo values the love and respect of her friends, she made the correct decision, to stop the cycle of violence (which cl*rke didn’t do, and had permission as the likeable main character to revenge murder someone on behalf of a loved one without being loathed and punished for it).
i actually do understand why people would dislike echo, but she was actually far more amazing a character than fandom gave her credit for.
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
The mountain men are so impatient. If they took only one donation from each of the teenagers and then wait a few weeks, they would be able to get everyone the cure in less than a year but no these fuckers wanna murder children first.
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deadlesbianfight · 10 months
Dead Lesbian Fight Round 2
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Lexa (The 100) vs Shotgun Mary (Warrior Nun)
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
Part 3
word count - 1733
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Y/n walked alongside Bellamy and Clarke, their boots sinking into the soft earth with each step, her gaze sweeping over the others to ensure everyone was holding up okay.
"You did a great job back there," she said, offering Clarke a reassuring smile. "Getting that transceiver could be our ticket out of here."
Clarke returned the smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks.” She brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, the gesture a small but genuine display of appreciation.
Jasper, walking a few paces ahead, turned back with a smirk his movements loose and relaxed. "Yeah, you're like our own personal superhero." He bounced on his heels, the rhythm of his steps a testament to his restless energy.
Y/n chuckled, brushing her hand against the bark of a nearby tree as she walked. "Just doing my part," she replied.
Raven, the pragmatist, walked confidently backwards as she spoke, her feet steady despite the uneven terrain. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have to make it back to camp in one piece." Her hands moved animatedly as she talked, punctuating her words with purposeful gestures.
Bellamy nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "She's right. We need to stay focused and keep moving." His posture was straighter than a stick.
The group's brisk pace through the forest abruptly halted as Raven's urgent call pierced the quietude of the campsite. "Something's wrong!" Her words prompted Clarke and Y/n to hasten their pace to the beach. A huddled group gathered around an unresponsive man lying on the ground. “What happened?” Clarke probed.
“I don't know,' Harper replied, her voice shaking. “I found him like this.” Clarke wasted no time, her voice commanding. "Check for a pulse," she directed, already kneeling beside the man, her eyes scanning the man's body for any signs of injury. Y/n nodded, her hands palpating his neck for any signs of life. “Everyone move back!”
Meanwhile, Bellamy's determined strides brought him to Raven's side, where he thrust the transceiver into her capable hands. "See what you can do with this," he said. Raven nodded, already focused on the device in her hands.
Clarke and Y/n worked in tandem, seamlessly falling into a rhythm as she began CPR on the man, hoping for a response. Minutes felt like hours as they continued their efforts until a faint gasp broke through the silence, followed by the shallow rise and fall of the man's chest. Clarke and Y/n exchanged a relieved look, knowing that they had managed to save his life.
The man's breathing steadied, he began to whisper, his voice barely audible above the waves crashing beside them. Y/N leaned in closer, her ears straining to catch his words. "Where are they?" he mumbled into the air.
Y/N exchanged a puzzled glance with Clarke before turning back to the man, her voice gentle but insistent. "Who are you looking for?" she asked. before the man could respond, a wave of dizziness washed over him, and his eyes fluttered closed once more, slipping back into unconsciousness.
Raven furrowed her brow in frustration as she examined the transceiver, the dim glow of its screen revealing the dreaded message: low battery, no signal.
She muttered a string of curses under her breath, her fingers flying over the device in a desperate attempt to coax it back to life. "Damn it," she muttered, her frustration mounting with each futile attempt.
Her attention was drawn to Bellamy's figure as he walked through the sand of the beach, his brow furrowed in thought. "Bellamy!" Raven called out. "We need to head inland. The transceiver won't work here."
Bellamy's attention sharpened on Raven, he nodded in agreement. "I'll gather a group. We'll head into the woods and see what we can find." Bellamy turned on his heel and began to walk back towards the camp.
Bellamy organized the team, he singled out Octavia, Lincoln, John and Raven to accompany him inland. With determined strides, they set off through the dense forest, the oppressive heat bearing down on them as they ascended towards the looming mountain peak.
Sweat dripped down their faces and their clothes clung to their bodies, but they continued to hike.
roars reverberated from all directions, causing the group to instinctively huddle together back to back, their hearts pounding in their chests. "What was that?" Octavia said, Lincoln locked hands with her as they scanned the trees, trying to calm her nerves. "I've never heard anything like it." He rebutted, his own voice shaking.   
"We need to keep moving. Whatever it is, we don't want to find out." Raven conceded. They strained to listen for any sign of the approaching danger. Without warning, a massive creature thundered through the underbrush from Lincoln's direction.
They broke into a sprint, feet pounding against the forest floor as they ran for their lives. The creature let out another deafening roar, its hot breath on their heels as they desperately tried to outrun it.
Bellamy hesitated, his instincts urging him to confront the threat head-on.
"Go!" he shouted to the others, as the others urged him to keep running, a deep growl froze him in his tracks. Octavia grabbed his arm, her eyes wide with fear. "Bellamy, we have to go!" she pleaded.
He brushed her off and faced the oncoming danger. A polar bear burst through the foliage, its massive form charging towards him. With no time to spare, Bellamy acted on instinct, raising the unresponsive man's gun and taking aim.
The shot rang out through the forest, the echo of gunfire reverberating off the trees as the polar bear slumped to the ground, motionless.
The rest of the group rushed back to his side, confusion clouded their expressions. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before - a giant, hulking beast with razor-sharp claws and glowing red eyes.
Raven frowned, her brow furrowed in puzzlement. "Why would there be a polar bear on a tropical island?" Octavia shrugged back, shaking her head in disbelief. "I have no idea, but I don't think we want to stick around to find out.”
Clarke and Y/N strolled along the sun-kissed beach, the gentle lapping of waves providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.
Clarke's shoulders relaxed as she kicked off her shoes, her toes sinking into the warm sand with each step.
"Feels good to finally unwind, doesn't it?" Clarke remarked, her voice carrying a hint of relief. "I don't think I realized how tense I was until now." Y/N nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting out to the endless expanse of ocean stretching out before them. “Definitely. I feel like this is going to be our everyday now.”
As they walked, they found themselves reminiscing about the events that led them to this remote island. "I knew Wells from before," Clarke explained, her tone tinged with sadness. "We grew up together. Our parents were friends, that sort of thing.” Y/N listened intently, a sense of understanding dawning on her.
"Maybe the crash was meant to happen," Y/N mused, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe we were brought here for a reason."
Clarke's brow furrowed in contemplation, her gaze lingering on the horizon. "It's certainly possible," she conceded, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But for now, let's focus on getting everyone home safely."\
The mountain trail was grueling as the group embarked on the arduous climb up the mountain, each step taking all their effort. Bellamy and Murphy led the way, hacking at overgrowth to clear the way. Octavia and Lincoln followed hand in hand, while Raven brought up the rear lugging the transceiver radio.
At last they crested the summit, the valley spreading out before them in all its wild beauty. Their weary bodies pulsing with adrenaline as they beheld the breathtaking vista spread out before them.
Octavia let out an exhilarated whoop, her cry echoing off the rocky peaks as she raised her arms in victory. They had made it.
Raven wasted no time in powering on the transceiver, flicking switches and turning dials until it crackled to life. Static hissed and popped...then a voice sounded through the speaker.
But it was not English that greeted them - instead an automated French message repeated on loop. Their elation crumbled to disappointment.
"Now what?" Murphy grumbled, wiping sweat from his brow.
Raven's brow furrowed as she fiddled with the transceiver settings, trying to break through the foreign broadcast. frustration mounted as the cryptic French loop played over and over from the transceiver. She desperately tried to decipher any clues in the string of incomprehensible words.
 "Octavia, can you make any sense of it?" Lincoln asked hopefully. Octavia shook her head in response, “I haven’t spoken French in 6 years, I… I cant do it.”
Lincoln who had been silent until now, reached out to squeeze Octavia's hand, “we have to try.” Octavia pursed her lips, concentrating hard on translating the antiquated dialect.
"I'm rusty, but it's saying... Please someone come. The others... they're dead. It killed them. It killed them all...'” She glanced at the others uneasily as the message repeated.
The transmission continued to loop, each iteration punctuated by the count of repeats. Raven's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she tallied up the cycles.
Her eyes went wide when the count registered in her mind. "No, that can't be right..." she murmured. "According to the repetition, this has been broadcasting for over sixteen years!" Raven murmured in disbelief.
"What? How is that possible?" Bellamy demanded. "What the hell is going on here?"
John echoed Bellamy's frustration, his jaw clenched tight. "Well, isn't this just a fantastic turn of events," he muttered, his gaze sweeping the horizon as if expecting answers to materialize out of thin air.
"Here we are, stranded on a tropical paradise with a distress call that's been bouncing around the cosmos for over sixteen years. Just another day in paradise, huh?" His tone dripped with sarcasm, the frustration evident in every word.
"Pack it up. We're moving out," he ordered, his tone crisp and authoritative, "We need to get back to Y/N and Clarke," he continued, his voice brooking no argument.
"They need to know about this message." With a decisive nod, he motioned for the group to follow, his stride purposeful as he led them back down the mountain. In his mind, there was no time to waste.
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itwasniceknowingyou · 2 years
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Ha. Lol.
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bluwurld · 2 years
The 100 spoilers kinda ig????
Took me 3 weeks but i just finished the 100 and my only qs is how the FUCK does a show go from post apocalyptic space travel > survival of the fittest on a post apocalyptic planet > medieval war > another apocalypse on the same planet > modern cannibalism > si-fi and then hear me out, SPIRITUALISM???? Like??? Wtf was the last season??? It rlly started out as 100 minors being exiled from a space station to test out weather or not earth is survivable again and it ends with all of them glowing like the sun then promptly turning into golden orbs n floating away????? I can’t even do that thing where i sit there and think ab wtf I’m gonna do now that I’m done with this show because??? Me personally, I’m flabbergasted.
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justinewt · 4 months
Keep the Peace - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Twenty-One
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: Michelle had to rest after the head trauma she suffered when she and Bellamy tried to rescue Clarke after risking both of their lives. She would be fine but there was something brewing ever since Pike joined the people of the Ark in Camp Jaha. And after an explotion occured at Mount Weather, to whom Bellamy’s loyalty belonged was put in question. 
Words: 5.9k
Warnings: The 100 season 3 spoilers (mention of events from episode 3 “Ye Who Enter Here”; episode 4 “Watch the Thrones”), mention of wounds/concussion, dried blood, guns, pike is racist 
The whole trip back to Arkadia had been a pain for Michelle. The swirls of the car on the forest roads made her even sicker and sicker than she already was due to the acute vertigo and migraine from the head trauma. At one point they had to stop the car because she was moaning so much. She had gotten so nauseous that the moment Kane opened the door, and she stuck her head out, she threw up but again, it was only bile and it felt like fire went through her throat. He gave her several sips of water from a canteen as they continued the road and she lay down, resting her head on Kane's leg. Driving in Arkadia, He carefully hoped out the rover and was met by Abby on his way to the infirmary of the camp where he went straight to put his daughter on the nearest bed available. The car ride really took a toll on her, and she was unable to respond to Abby as she examined her but the state in which she was in gave the doctor and Chancellor enough information on how bad the injury might be, though she later determined it was only a mild concussion, which was already enough to make her sick for days. She told Kane to stand aside as Jackson joined to assist her. They slowly sit her up and Jackson placed his hand on both side of her temples to stabilize her head and keep it aligned with her spine and prevent movement while Abby firmly pressed a clean cloth on the wound. It had stopped bleeding by now, meaning it had already started to coagulate, which was good news but it still required to be cleaned and bandaged and so she did. She then covered the wound with a piece of gauze and wrapped her head before resting her on the pillow. Without even flinching, Michelle swallowed the medicine which was put on her tongue and eventually fell asleep, the last image before she closed her eyes was of her father sitting beside the bed, running his hand worriedly over his beard.
The next 48 hours, Abby came in to check on her every hour or so, but Jackson stayed in the infirmary to always have an eye on her, cleaning her head injury about three times a day and changing the bandage. The pain killers she got every now and then helped her not to be in so much pain and really calmed down the migraine. She didn’t have to stay in bed all day but because every time she tried to stand up and take a few steps, she was seized with dizziness which forced her to sit down again so it really narrowed down the options of what she was able to do. Like Abby told her, after a whole week most of the symptoms should have resolved on their own and it did, except for the migraine which came back every now and then especially when triggered by loud noises or vertigo if she moved her head too suddenly but thanks to supplies taken from Mount Weather, she was able to get pain killers when it was too much to bear.
“It’s been a week. How are you feeling today?” Abby came into the infirmary and walked up to her, pulling a chair next to Michelle’s bed. She got up to sit in her bed, placing her pillow behind her back for support. She didn’t have her head bandaged anymore since the wound had scabbed for a few days already.
“Just a headache when I woke up, but Jackson gave me painkillers. Now it’s fine.” The Chancellor turned her head towards her and held a small flashlight to her eyes to check her reaction and sensitivity to bright light. Michelle barely squinted her eyes. She then had her lean her head forward to clean the scab that formed over her head wound. It was mostly healed by now, but she still had to be careful so that it didn’t start bleeding again if she scratched it off. Abby got her to stand up and walk around a bit. No vertigo to report. This was a good sign that things were going the right way. She sat back down on her bed and Kane arrived at the same moment that she started asking about the Summit they were supposed to attend at Polis City with the 12 other clans and the Commander.
“You’re not coming.” He straight up said, his arms crossed.
“Didn’t expect you would let me anyway.”
“I sent Bellamy to Mount Weather, so he’s not coming either. But you, will stay in Arkadia, and you will not leave campgrounds. What you did the other week was stupid and reckless. I had asked you to be careful and you left with him without telling anyone. You both could have been killed.”
“I am sorry, okay?” She apologized, frowning. Now that she was better, his worry was overpowered by his need to scold her and act like the parent he should have been in her life and no matter how much she deserved it, she didn’t like to be addressed like a child. It was her decision to go with Bellamy and it was to look for Clarke, so she wasn’t actually that sorry, though she understood the stupidity of it. That was that kind of interaction that harmed her relationship with her mother, prior to her getting sent to solitary confinement for an entire year. Michelle stood up after taking an antibiotic and painkiller and Abby stopped her before she walked out. She still wasn’t allowed to take part in any activity that required effort and be careful not to touch her injury so it wouldn't bleed again. Even though in the past few days, she had had to stay within the walls of the infirmary for obvious reasons, she felt like she had been grounded ever since her return to Arkadia, a camp she still couldn't call home.
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Michelle had taken care of doing what she could, chores here and there to help out among little trips to the infirmary when she got dizzy but knowing on the one hand her dad and Abby in Polis and her friends in Mount Weather were enough to keep her mind busy for the day. In the evening, she wandered around the camp, taking deep breaths of the fresh air. The weather was good, and the mood was calm and relaxing until the sound of an explosion in the distance disrupted everything. Given where the sound came from, it didn't take her more than a couple seconds to realize that it had occurred in Mount Weather, where she knew her, friends were, which immediately worried her. She watched the smoke rise above the treetops with wide eyes. Unable to go to bed, she stood pacing near the station entrance, watching for the camp gate until she saw a car drive in in the middle of the night and she ran to the hangar. Her father, Abby, Bellamy, and the others came out. She tried going up to Bellamy, but he walked past her and left. He seemed out of it.
“Dad, what-- what happened? What was the explosion earlier? Where are the others? Is Bellamy okay? What—" She was so confused and worried she couldn’t stop asking questions. He grabbed her shoulders.
“The Ice Nation blew up Mount Weather. Gina died in the attack.” It was the only piece of information she needed. She rushed to catch up with Bellamy who was walking down a hallway towards his bedroom. It was late and a lot had happened, so she understood he probably needed to be alone right now, but she had to check on him. He didn't even turn when he heard hurried footsteps coming from behind him, until she called his name. Then he stopped and looked at her before avoiding her gaze. She could see the neon light above them reflect the tears that made his eyes glisten.
“Bellamy, I’m sorry.” He knew what she was apologizing for and just looked down. She had never been close friends with Gina, because she was the girlfriend he got after they had gotten close and she pushed him away, but she would never have wished something like this to happen to her. She was a nice person who didn’t deserve to die. For some reason, Michelle drew Bellamy into a hug, and he wrapped his arms around her after a second. Acting tough wasn’t everything, he needed to be comforted too. They spent the night sitting on the floor next to each other in his room, not really talking or saying anything, just keeping each other company so neither of them would be alone. She saw him let his guards down and be vulnerable in front of her. The events at Mount Weather had really taken a toll on him and she had never seen him so bummed about something before, only when Clarke had left them.  After a while, they fell asleep, their heads resting on the bed behind them, their foreheads pressing against each other. This was the kind of intimate moment that they hadn’t shared in forever and Michelle realized how much she had missed it. She was quite unsettled by the resurgence of her feelings for Bellamy, not knowing what to do about it since the death of his girlfriend had just happened and she would hate herself if she tried getting with him just yet. She would deal with all this later, right now she just wanted to be there.
            Shortly after the sun finally rose outside, the rays entered the room and illuminated Michelle's face. She placed her hand over her eyes and rolled onto her back, when she realized that she was lying on the bed. At first without straightening up she raised her head and looked around in confusion and finally sat up seeing Bellamy standing near the table. He looked away, looking preoccupied. She was already over the fact that he woke up first and carried her on the bed, which somehow warmed her heart and wasn’t surprised by the expression on his face as he observed his Ark guard’s jacket hanging from the coat rack on the wall, near the door. He was as silent as last night, and it took her a minute to understand what was going on in his head. Because of what happened, he wanted to resign.
“Whatever happened… it wasn’t your fault, Bellamy.” She finally broke the silence. Hearing his name spoken outloud, he turned his head to her, looking back at her. It was clear that he disagreed with what she said, but it was true, what happened to Gina was beyond his control. She was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
“I could’ve done something. I should’ve stayed.”
“Stayed where? At Mount Weather? But weren’t you there when it blew up?” She tried to ask a couple questions, to get him to tell her what actually happened because all she knew was that Mount Weather blew up and Gina died, but she didn’t know the details. Her questions remained unanswered as he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the room. Michelle jumped out of bed and followed suit. He wasn’t any more talkative in the corridors. She kept asking him where he was going and suddenly step in front of him to stop him in his tracks, grabbing his arms. Quickly, he finally loosened his tongue and told her the whole story. How a Grounder he was locked up with came back and told them about a trap at the Summit and that he then decided to leave with the others, leaving Gina behind at Mount Weather, where she was murdered before the whole facility exploded. There was a second of silence and she let her hands slide off his arms, nodding. Repeating that he didn’t need to blame himself for this was pointless, as he truly believed it was his fault.
           A man guarded the entrance. Inside, Kane and Abby were in a private meeting, probably assessing their next move regarding what happened. The door eventually opened, and the two young adults found themselves facing Pike who looked at them before leaving. They stepped in the room, watching Abby walk to the opposite side while Kane was leaning on the table, thinking.
“Sir?” Bellamy quietly called out to Kane. The latter straightened up on his stool and glanced at them, joining his hands in front of him. It took him a couple glances to notice his daughter standing next to him. She could tell he was wondering what they were doing together.
“Why aren’t you at your post?” He asked in a low voice, with a sigh. Bellamy put his jacket on the table and pushed it further away. “Don’t do this.”
“Forty-nine of the people I swore to protect died yesterday because I left them.”
“That’s not your fault, Bellamy.” Kane turned to face him. “Place the blame where it belongs. On the Ice Nation.”
“The Ice Nation didn’t tell Gina to stay there.” He paused, taking a shaky breath. “That was me.”
“Given the information you had at the time, you made a reasonable choice.” Kane stood up, placing a hand that was meant to be comforting on his shoulder. From the side, Michelle could see the pain and guilt that made his eyes shine in the faint glow of the light. “You were trying to save lives.”
“But I didn’t.” He looked away with a heavy sigh, his eyes getting watery as he tried to fight tears. He didn’t say anything else, maybe if he knew that if he did, he would have started crying, and instead just turned around and left. Michelle went to grab his arm as he walked past her, but she stopped herself and crossed her arms. She sighed, closing her eyes.
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“All that’s certain is that we die. How we die is up to us.” Pike declared, standing before them as they all sat on chairs set in rows in the hangar. On Pike’s left side, Abby and Kane were sat together. They were all gathered here, attending a memorial for the ones that died in the explosition at Mount Weather. Michelle was next to Bellamy in the back row, sat straight back in her chair, fiddling with her fingers, eyes glued to her hands, her loose black hair falling in front of her face. She wasn’t good with feelings like sadness and grief and hated the heavy atmosphere that hung over them. It kept reminding her of the loss of her mother and she wanted to run away from it but there she was, stuck in this room and it would be disrespectful of her to just leave out of the blue. She wanted to be present, out of respect for the victims, but especially to show up for Bellamy, but she didn't feel able to look at the people around her. She didn't want to see the pain in their eyes. The former Earth skills teacher asked who wanted to speak for one of the girls that died in the attack and a man walked up to him after a moment of silence.
“Iris was strong. Good with a knife. She saved my life. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do the same for her.” He gave a sudden jerk with the knife in his hand to pull out the blade and put it down on a small piece of furniture nearby, before returning to his seat.
“We will miss Iris.” Pike resumed. “May we meet again.”
“May we meet again.” Everyone spoke in unison, with Michelle barely letting a whisper leave her lips. She hated that her grief made it all about her mother for her, and anything to do with loss and grief reminded her that she never had the chance to say goodbye to her mother and she never would. Neither would she ever see her again in this life. But it wasn’t what this memorial was about, and she refused to let herself cry over it while being surrounded by all those people. She never even told Bellamy about her feelings on this subject, despite pushing him to talk about what happened to his girlfriend.
“Who will speak for Gina Martin?” Michelle raised her head for the first time in the whole service and looked at Bellamy. He glanced at her and She risked giving him a small comforting smile and although he didn't return it before getting up, she knew he appreciated her support. Their relationship had been on and off those past few months, but they had never stopped being friends. He walked up to Pike, holding the book The Iliad in his hands. This time around, Michelle looked at him as he spoke, and he often met and held her gaze. Maybe he really felt her support, she didn’t know.
“Gina was real. She always saw the light, even here. She deserved better.” He went to put down the book when doors opened, and a bunch of Ark guards entered. Everyone straightened up in their chairs, looking at the soldiers and whispering to each other. Michelle noticed Pike talking to one of them, and she saw Lincoln alone. She followed Pike with her eyes as he walked to Kane and Abby. Seeing his lips moving as he leaned towards them slightly, she frowned. His voice began to rose.
“You gave a Grounder one of our radios?” Everyone in the audience stood up and the whispers became much louder.
“Sir, are we under attack?” Hannah enquired.
“No, we are not under attack.” Kane declared. “Their commander sent a peacekeeping force. To ensure that we can defend against any further attacks from the Ice Nation.”
“Peacekeeping force?” Pike was clearly not having it. “Even you can’t be that naïve, Marcus.”
“Watch your tone. You’re talking to the next Chancellor.” Abby chimed in, before addressing the crowd. “We’re all grieving. This has been hard on all of us. But we can’t let anger drive our policy.”
“Anger is our policy.” Michelle frowned even more at his aggressive response. His hatred for Grounders made him so biased and he really thought he was in the right. He rose his voice louder and talked to the people of the Ark present here. “If they’re here to defend us, as you say, then tell them to go home. We can defend ourselves!”
“Yeah!” Some of them began agreeing with Pike. Michelle looked around and exited the crowd through the left side to go to his father and Abby when a man dressed in the clothes of an Ark guard pointed at Lincoln in the back.
“You. You don’t belong here.”
“He’s one of them.” Said another man.
“My boy is dead!” A dude yelled and a stone was thrown at Lincoln, hitting him in the head with a thud. He groaned at the blow, and it quickly turned to chaos with some people trying to come at the grounder and others pushing them off. Bellamy ran through the mob to keep people from getting close to Lincoln. Kane ordered to arrest them and separated one of the many fights happenings when Pike let out a shrill whistle and things finally went to a halt.
“We do not attack our own!” He pressed each one of his words. “Fighting each other only makes us weak. The enemy is not in this camp. The enemy is out there.”
Michelle hated how everyone started listening to Pike suddenly, just because he was loud and strong with his words. She could tell he was going to cause troubles for all of them, especially those who weren’t pitting themselves up against the Grounders, like herself or her father. She looked at the people in the room and her eyes set on Bellamy and she wondered if that man would manage to get in his head, one way or another. It made her grind her teeth to think of Bellamy siding with Pike but when later that day, she saw the two men having a drink. She was sitting at a table in the corner of the room, having a drink on her own since without Clarke or even Murphy, well if she wasn’t hanging out with Bellamy, she really had no other friends. And Monty was nowhere to be seen anyway so she didn’t bother to look for him much. She couldn’t hear their conversation from where she was, but she watched them from the corner of her eyes. She noticed Monty’s mother at a table next to Pike and Bellamy’s and the woman was discreetly looking at them too, but Michelle wasn’t too sure if the latter wanted Pike to get the young man on their side. She didn’t know her too well, so she had no idea what was going on in her head. But to be safe, she preferred to assume the worst and to think that all the people from the Farm station were with Pike, and against her dad, and by association, against her.
When she saw Bellamy look around and the people from Farm Station that were there all gave him a glance, a glance full of the hatred for Grounders that they witnessed earlier, she understood that her assumption was in fact right. Sometimes being safe is being right and in that case she was. She didn’t like what was brewing. For some reason, and she wasn’t even a Grounder, so she wasn’t the group’s main target, but she started feeling unsafe and quite uncomfortable at that. She wished she could hear what they were saying so she could report it to Kane and Abby, but she at least knew that they were preparing something and trying to get Bellamy in on it with them, so that was already something, but she chose to wait a bit longer and see what more she could learn by just watching them from afar. The second she saw Bellamy give a nod to Pike, she knew whatever game they were all playing, it was over. For the Grounders at the very least, but also for anyone siding with them. She bitterly gulped down a last shot of alcohol and, grabbing her jacket lying on the seat next to her, she walked away as she put it back on. Not knowing where her dather would be as of now, her best guess was either the meeting room that she visited earlier with Bellamy or his own room, but she didn’t even remember where the latter was so she had to hope he and Abby would both be there. She had no idea where else they could be anyway.
After a dozen minutes just wandering around, she ran into Harper, and she grasped the chance. She wasn’t surprised at all to hear Michelle’s thoughts on the situation they had with Pike. It was already late, the sky was dark, and the two girls went to Lincoln and along with Zoe, they stood in the dark of the main gate, and it didn’t take very long for the group of wannabe vigilantes to come to them. When they noticed the four individuals, they stopped, and Bellamy walked up to them with a stern look on his face. He looked at all of them without moving his head, his eyes lingering for a little longer on Michelle. He was frowning.
“You need to step aside, right now.” He warned.
“What are the guns for?” Michelle asked after exchanging a glance with Harper. They knew very well what the guns were for, and Bellamy wasn’t so stupid either.
“There’s an army out there. And we need to hit them before they hit us.” As they spoke, Pike and the others slowly advanced towards them.
“That army was sent to protect us.” Lincoln said.
“Do we have a problem?” Pike asked this in such a way it sounded way more like a threat than a question.
“I have always done what is best for us. I need you to trust that I am doing that now.” He glanced at Zoe in the back, and she subtly nodded before stepping away. Michelle frowned, taking a step towards him. Bellamy then looked at Harper and as if she understood his motivation, she nodded and apologized to Lincoln before leaving in turn. There was only Michelle left by his side, and she wasn’t about to walk away as well. She chewed nervously on the inside of her cheek, and she looked at Bellamy, trying to knock some sense into him before it was too late, even though she knew damn well that it was in fact too late. He would stand his grounds and side with Pike still, and he would realize only too late how far he went because he believed in the wrong person. Pike was loud and aggressive but that didn’t make him any less of a snake. Now she knew why she disliked him so much as a teacher on the Ark. He was never a good or a nice man.
“Bellamy.” Her tone of voice was soft. She was trying to do something pointless, but she still tried. And if she wasn’t on Pike’s bad side already, she would be now. “You’re not thinking this through. You can’t let Pike get in your head like this with all his Grounder hatred bullshit, come on. They’re not out there to kill us.”
“I am thinking this through, Michelle.” He came closer to her, and his brows relaxed but not hers. He spoke with determination to convince her this was the right thing to do. “I’m doing this for all of us. We have to hit before they hit us. Trust me on this.”
She looked away for a second. She wanted to believe him but with Pike in the mix, she just couldn’t, and it was tearing her heart apart to have to doubt Bellamy’s intentions but on this one, she couldn’t risk being on the wrong side. And she couldn’t be on the same side as Pike because it would always be the wrong one. She hated that Bellamy let himself be manipulated like this. She still believed there was a way to get him back on the right track, but she just couldn’t support him this time. She shook her head and looked back at him.
“You can’t just go out there to kill 300 people. They’re here to protect us.”
“They’re Grounders.”
“So were your fucking ancestors, Pike.” She spat vehemently, giving him a death stare.
“Watch your tone. You wouldn’t talk to your mother like this.”
“Don’t you talk about my mother.” She angrily rose her voice at Pike, suddenly walking towards him but she was stopped mid-way by Bellamy who grabbed her arms and moved her back in front of him. Pike obviously kept his composure and just looked at them. She hated how vicious he was, mentioning her mother like this, to try and get to her emotionally and he almost did get something out of her, but Bellamy prevented that. If she was alone, she would have bursted out in tears but her voice barely broke when she talked back to him.
“Let us pass.” Bellamy asked her, almost whispering. For a second, she got lost in his eyes, but this was nothing like the intimate and priviledged moments they had once shared. They were surrounded by Pike’s minions. She made a pout, shaking her head again as she pushed his hands away and stepped back next to Lincoln, staring at Bellamy. He seemed disappointed by her reaction, probably hoping she wouldn’t fight him, but he wasn’t Clarke, and the latter was the only one she would blindly follow.
“I can’t.” Bellamy let his arms hang at his sides and they held each other's gaze.
“Lincoln, you wanna prove you’re one of us, let us pass.” Pike spoke to the Grounder.
“I’m not moving.” One of Pike’s men suddenly aimed at him, urging him to get out of the way and Lincoln subtly pushed Michelle behind him as he grabbed the gun and made the man lose his balance, holding his knife up to the latter’s throat, backing away. Being behind him, Michelle was kind of stuck there, having to step back as well. The rest of Pike’s men brandished their guns. Bellamy told them to put the guns down and Pike encouraged them to listen to him.
“So much for the good Grounder.” Monty’s mother noted.
“Quiet, Hannah.” Michelle now stood aside, still not about to leave. “Whose people are you defending here, Lincoln?”
“Lincoln, put down the knife. No one has to get hurt here.” Bellamy added.
“I can’t let you start a war.”
“We’re already at war.”
“Not with the Grounders out there.” Michelle argued.
“They’re all Grounders.”
“This is so stupid… They’re not all Ice Nation. We’re not at war with them.”
“Neither of you can stop this.” She stared back at Bellamy, letting out a quiet but heavy sigh. Shaking her head in disbelief, not taking her eyes off him, she mouthed his name but not a sound came out of her lips, and she hated that she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t sorry for any of this. He truly thought he was doing the right thing here. The PA system in the camp went off and screeched for a second before a voice came on.
“All unstationed security personnel report at the main gate.” He repeated the message a couple of times as a buzzing sound sounded in the background. Octavia appeared in their sight and ran towards Lincoln.
“What’s wrong with you?” Bellamy closed his eyes and looked at his sister. A second later a bunch of Arkadia guards arrived with their guns. Michelle saw her father walking in their direction among the soldiers. She could’ve searched for him longer but when earlier she came across Harper, she didn’t waste any more time. They had gone straight to Lincoln. As Kane came closer, Pike asked his people to put their guns on the ground.
“Lincoln, it’s all right. Let him go.” At Kane’s words, he released the man who threatened him. The future chancellor and his daughter exchanged a quiet glance.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Abby enquired.
“What you didn’t have the guts to do.”
“Did you arm these people?” Kane headed towards Bellamy. He didn’t even answer but his silence alone was enough for him to understand.
“Guards take them to lock up now.” They were quickly all arrested as she told everyone else to go back to their quarters. It was late and there was nothing else to see here. “It’s over.”
“Nothing is over.” Pike exclaimed. “We are surrounded by warriors who want us dead.
“That’s enough!” Kane spoke up.
“No, it isn’t. Not even close. Why don’t you show us all what you let the Grounders do to you yesterday? Come on, Kane. I think that the people who are about to vote for you have a right to know.” Michelle frowned, having no idea what he was talking about. She got closer to Abby and her dad. He looked around him as people asked him to show them whatever it was. He lifted his sleeve and showed the crowd a red mark on his arm.
“It’s the mark of the Commander’s coalition. It means we are the 13th clan. It means we are in this fight together.”
“No. It’s what farmers used to do to their livestock.”
“Right before the slaughterhouse.” Hannah shouted, trying to entice the crowd into siding with them. And people started to be for Pike going as far as to tell him to be on the ballot for tomorrow’s election. Michelle turned around when she heard Bellamy chanting Pike’s name, followed by every single one of those who had been arrested, and a lot of people in the crowd. This felt like a nightmare. She stepped next to her father, and he put a hand on her shoulder out of habit. He, Abby, and Michelle looked at each other, worried and dumbfounded by the situation.
“I tried to talk him out of it.” She said quietly, looking at them walk away.
“You did what you could.” He gently squeezed her shoulder, unable to take his eyes off the people still chanting Pike’s name like a bunch of brainwashed people. Things were only about to get worse now that Pike convinced others to be with him. There was a risk he could be elected the next day and with him at the head of the whole group, it would be war against any Grounder in sight.
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The next day, with barely a few hours of sleep as she was unable to get any rest, Michelle attended the election held outside in the camp and and Pike quickly received a majority of the votes. They couldn’t believe it. Once it was over, her father and two guards headed towards the prison wing of the ring. She followed them and hid behind the walls to let them pass without being seen and, to keep a certain distance. She followed them until they got to the portion of the corridor that went straight to the cell door. She stopped behind a corner and even though she wished she could be closer, it should be enough for her to hear them talk. If she tried to approach, it wouldn’t be the guards or Kane who would notice her, it would be the prisoners and she would be spotted by everyone anyway because if Pike saw her lurking around the corner, he would never keep his mouth shut. He knew she was out of reach for his manipulation tricks. She would never talk with him. He was only going there to tell Pike of his win at the election, but she still wasn’t supposed to be following him when he had asked her not to, though he knew she wasn’t always listening to him. She went ahead with following him because she was fully aware he wouldn’t get mad at her for something like this. He had other things to be uspet about anyway.
Kane pressed on the panel next to the door, unlocking the door before walking in. Everyone inside stood up. He walked up to Pike.
“Congratulations, Mr. Chancellor.”
“Where’s Abby?”
“Wishes she could be here.” He handed him the Chancellor pin. “The vote wasn’t close. Our people are now your responsibility, Charles. I hope you take that seriously.”
“Thank you, Marcus. I certainly intend to. For my first official action as Chancellor, I pardon myself and the others. For my second official action, I reject the brand that made us the 13th clan. For my third, let’s finish what we started.” Michelle felt a knot in her stomach just hearing this and she rested her head against the corner with a sigh, not caring if she was seen anymore. She crossed her arms and watched the people walk out of the cell, keeping her eyes on her father as he stopped Bellamy before he left. He spoke to him in a whisper so she couldn’t hear but the expression on Bellamy’s face as he walked past him. He noticed Michelle standing there and gave her a brief look but there was nothing there, no compassion, nothing. It was just the dark brown of his eyes looking at her like they were enemies.
[To be continued…]  
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Published (12/29/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64 @mirellef2001 
7 notes · View notes
silverflameataraxia · 2 years
My next read!
Spoiler from the books: Bellamy and Wells are half-brothers. Very interesting.
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