#that the involved muns have done which i am endlessly grateful for
stardewtm · 2 years
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꒰ ꕤ ꒱      to the dear anon in my ask, i understand where you are coming from! thank you for bringing it to my attention. through my own research, and those more in the know can absolutely send me what they have; i would be eager to compare notes, it seems as though the faceclaims i’ve accepted into the group have either atoned for their past actions and seem to be making active strides in the right direction or were accused of things that didn’t happen/were mislabeled or misunderstood, yet have been otherwise settled. above all else, this is a serious matter that has been discussed with great empathy by myself and the involved muns. at this time, it has been decided that the faceclaims will remain unchanged.
i want everyone to feel comfortable, but i am also of the belief that people are in a constant state of change and growth. school violence is horrific, heinous and ugly; kpop has a dark undercurrent, but i am committed to maintaining a place where those who have done acts without apologizing are not permitted. going further, i hope to continue to maintain such an open environment where everyone can air their concerns and, through open and honest discussion, we can come to an agreement.
to the anon, i know i have said this countless times in this letter, but thank you for bringing this to my attention. i hope that you find a directory where your muse can thrive and flourish, and that you have a wonderful day. to the muns, thank you for being so mature and understanding about this. it’s not easy getting a message from the main before the group has even opened, but everyone involved was level-headed and understanding. thank you.
above all else, i want to let all of the involved muns and anons know how much i appreciate everyone being so understanding and compassionate about this. through my conversations with the muns and the anons, it’s become clear that everyone is so deeply caring and empathetic to the other parties in this situation. thank you for that. 
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priorireverte · 4 years
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Congratulations Emily!
Your application for George Weasley has been accepted. I feel like George is often a character who gets overlooked, or reduced to ‘twin and prankster’. You have definitely not done that, adding so much more to him in a realistic way that a war would. I’m very excited to have him around!
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Emily, She/Her
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I am currently searching for a job, but that does leave me with some time on my hands for rping purposes! Trying to keep myself busy in a multitude of ways when the world is not helping y'know </3
ANYTHING ELSE: TW: rape, sexual assault
NAME: George Weasley
BIRTHDATE: April 1, 1978
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY:  George identifies as a cis-man and uses he/him pronouns. He is fairly comfortable with these. George is hetero-romantic and asexual, although I would not say this is a term he understands or would use for himself. Whenever his friends would talk about their partners sexually, George would play along with the others, but definitely would look to change the subject as soon as humanly possible. It is simply not something he can comprehend about himself and he does best ignoring feelings that he may not yet understand. The only person he has ever even mildly revealed this to would be Fred, but George was not comfortable going into any major detail in regards to how he felt. At most it was an offhand comment here or there.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
OCCUPATION: Shop Owner of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes
FACECLAIM: I think I am going back and forth on this and I am also terrible at these—I believe I was debating between Caleb Landry Jones or Luke Newberry. But I think I finally decided to go with Caleb!
They say there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. They also say that time heals all wounds. George has found out that hard way that this is all a load of rubbish. What they don’t tell you about losing the most important person in your life is that you never fully stop grieving. You can’t heal. Because healing involves forgetting. A bouquet of flowers from his great aunt was nice, but it’s not going to make George forget and it’s not going to bring Fred back. And George has no idea how to keep plants alive, anyway.
It seems like most others have been able to move on; start families, or careers, but George can’t seem to get past it, and he forces himself to deal with his loss head on every day by working day in and day out at that store that haunts him. He sees Fred in everything; from the letterhead on his desk that still reads “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, Proprieters Fred and George Weasley”; to the kids who come in and test the screaming yo-yo’s in front of him; or the mirror in the bathroom that is for employees only. He has buried himself in his work post the war, and quite literally expects to be buried in it.
While George will never fully get over the loss of his twin, he has since stopped having panic attacks in the bathroom and got a haircut, which he considers major progress. It has also helped that he has finally taken Ron up on his offer to help run the shop, which he realized he needed a long time ago, as the bills have piled up from all his discounts. [Happy to redact if Ron’s mun decides they don’t want to follow this plot!] He still snaps at his family more than he would like, but they know how suffocating they can be.
The news of the Returned may have been the happiest anyone had seen George in years. He cracked a joke and even went out of his way to visit his siblings, instead of making them come to him. To Hell with adjusting to his new life, he was ready. It seemed clear to him that those who died valiantly in the Battle of Hogwarts were returning—After all, if people like Professor Lupin and Lavender Brown were coming back, it was only a matter of time until Fred did too, right?
PERSONALITY: What are they good at? What do they struggle with? What are their strengths and weaknesses? 
Boys as loud as their hair, is what George heard Filch say about him and his brother once, and it lit up his face with a wide bright grin before he tapped Fred excitedly on the shoulder to share the good news. It was this unbridled optimism, this impractical belief that he could do anything that gave him the confidence and courage to follow his dreams. That, and having a partner by his side.
George was easy to get along with, because for most of his life his decisions had been made for him and all he had to do was saddle up and play along. Fred was always the one setting the wheels in motion, and George was grateful for that. He wasn’t shy by any means, but people just flocked to Fred, and by association George. They were known to light up any room they were in, and were always the first to enliven a crowd if it was too dreary for their liking. He liked having the same friends as his brother. He liked being a package deal. He knew Fred would always have his back so when he felt like he wanted to retreat, he knew Fred could carry a conversation or sort something in the shop without him.
Perhaps that’s why it’s been so hard for George to adjust to life on his own. Now all of that pressure falls on him and it feels overwhelming. He was never the business-savvy brother, leaving Fred to come up with price points while he worked on ideas for new products.
Now, it feels like half of himself is gone. Sometimes he feels like a body walking around and smiling because that’s what people are supposed to do, but the joy just isn’t there. The smiles are artificial now. He is trying, but few things can bring back that spark that his twin so easily transferred over to him.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF FAMILY: What was being part of their family like? How did they grow up? What values did their parents/family instill in them?
His parents instilled in him and all his siblings a love and joy greater than most, and George was grateful for that. The Weasley’s weren’t well off by any means, but that only bubbled the creativity in the twins, especially when it came to ways to cure their boredom. He remembers fond birthdays he shared with Fred where they made their own cake scream or spent an entire afternoon perfecting exploding snaps in their bedroom, much to the dismay of their parents. The Burrow was unkempt and chaotic, but George loved it, squeaky floorboards and all.
He hasn’t been back in years, purposefully choosing to close himself off from that space. He knows his mother isn’t happy with his choice and that guilt eats him up inside, but that shrinking feeling in his heart is better than the burning feeling he would get of seeing his brother’s hand on that clock. Still, George loves his family endlessly, even if he hasn’t done a very good job of showing it these last couple of years.
HISTORY: What was their life before the end of the war in ‘98 or before their death? What was important and formative for them?
There was a time when George thought that the worst thing that could happen to him was having to de-gnome the garden after flying a car underage. Then there was a time he thought the worst thing that could happen to him was losing an ear. George and his siblings grew up in a loving, but shabby home. He loved his siblings and knew they loved him, even if he and his twin brother were always pranking them. They were carefree, and they had each other.
Fred was the one who first suggested the two go into business, and George was always the first to agree with his big brother. It felt like a dream, leaving the drudges of school behind and spending all day doing what he loved with the person he cared about most. They never fought. They had been a well-oiled machine since birth, so it only made sense that their business ran smoothly. The one knew where the others’ strengths and weaknesses lied. Fred was better at bargaining and he didn’t care what color the walls were, like George did. Growing up did not seem like growing up, because he had a partner by his side.
George was the one who first brought up going back to Hogwarts. Given their proximity to the Order of the Phoenix and Harry, fighting alongside them was their only option. Additionally, George felt they owed Harry for helping them start their business in the first place. He will always believe that the cause they fought for was noble and right, but he sometimes wonders if the victory was worth the loss. He doesn’t spend much time with folks of his past. George doesn’t want to, but a piece of him resents Harry. He would never tell anyone, but he wonders if they hadn’t gotten so close, felt it was necessary to fight alongside him, if Fred would still be here. He wonders If he wouldn’t fall asleep alone at his desk every night curled into a ball; he wonders if he would ever make a new product instead of staring, detached at the efforts that just remind him of his brother.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I feel like finding a post-war trio era rp with a unique plot that is also para-based is me asking for too much, and yet here you are!! I have never explored Post-War George and I think his trauma is so fascinating and it could affect his life in so many different ways, as it already has. The addition of the Returned is asking for more ~angst~ and boy am I here for it :) In particular, I am interested in exploring the dynamics George has with his siblings especially, as I am sure some of them have very different reactions to him kind of closing himself off for a bit, and his guilt is obviously through the roof because of it. But also all characters tbh!!! I love for plotting out entirely too much backstory haha.
ANYTHING ELSE?  I made a mood board for George here! https://www.pinterest.com/ebateman64/ch-george-weasley/
And also some head canons!:
George has a hard time sleeping (he always has) but he actually enjoys sleeping in his office. The papers piled high, the Pygmy Puffs that squeak at night–the clutter and chaos actually feel like the most stable thing he has had in a long time. Immediately following the war, George stayed at the Burrow for a few weeks to be closer to his family, using it as an excuse to get any leftover stock that might still be in his childhood bedroom. But it was too troubling to sleep in that room. It was bare-boned, not only because he had taken most of his belongings, but because one of the beds was empty. After the first night, he slept on the couch in the living room instead.
While he barely feels the loss of his left ear these days, occasionally there is a ringing sound that fills his head and gives him migraines from the pain, major enough that he needs to lie down. This only happens occasionally, and he usually chooses to push through it by clasping his hand to his ear for a few minutes.
George actually used to care quite deeply about his appearance, however, that has definitely gone downhill in recent years. Some could say he is going to a “rugged” look, but it’s really just because he can’t be bothered to wash his hair. In the last couple of weeks, however, he has donned the old suit that he used to wear to work everyday. He can’t fill it out like he used to, but it gives him some semblance of hope.
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rankwell · 4 years
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I love SEO.
You love SEO.
Everybody loves SEO. Right?
But why?
To find out, I asked some of the top SEO experts the reasons why they love SEO.
Here were their responses.
1. The SEO Community
“The people! Without the amazing wisdom shared by everyone in this community in person, in blog posts, and at conferences we would all be hacking away at this by ourselves trying to guess what worked.” – Eli Schwartz
“The people are some of the best I have met in any industry.” – John Doherty
“The people are so, so great. Once I stopped being intimidated about meeting the ‘SEO celebs’ I started getting to know them. I learned that we are all a fun group of nerds who love the industry and helping businesses improve their online visibility. Our community won’t hesitate to help one another, no matter what. I know I have a ‘search homie’ in almost every major city and I love seeing everyone at conferences and while traveling.” – Kelsey Jones
“The SEO industry is for the most part very supportive of one another, which is admirable.” – Paul Shapiro
“I love SEO and all the folks that are part of the industry for a very simple reason: You/they can help make good things happen for each other and for the sites they support.” – Topher Kohan
“I’m honored to work with some of the most curious, collaborative, and compassionate professionals I have ever known.” – Jamie Alberico
“There is a constant drive to stay educated, which is impossible without the community. The community itself has become like family to many involved.” – Brian McDowell
“Going to conferences has become a summer camp of sorts and I’m eternally grateful for my peers’ support and knowledge that is readily shared. We all help each other level up.” – Britney Muller
“It’s an industry that is very open to knowledge sharing and has the best events.” – Jes Scholz
“You can ask a question online and multiple people will offer different points of view and experiments to try.” – Carolyn Lyden
“I like the fact that everyone is so willing to share knowledge and the camaraderie between competitors (for the most part.) If you have a question or need some help – you can find it fairly simply by just asking in a forum or even on Twitter!” – Carrie Hill
“I love the generosity of the SEO community, whether it’s sharing information or just looking out for each other.” – Dr. Pete Meyers
“The industry is fantastic because while it is massive, it is also tight-knit. The friendships and working relationships are amazing.” – Melissa Fach
“The community surrounding SEO has some of the funniest—and most intelligent—people I’ve ever met. I’ve made friends in this space that have lasted me nearly a decade at this point. There’s always somebody willing to give, share, or help.” – Joel Klettke
“The best part about the SEO industry is the people. I’ve met and become friends with some of the most amazing people in the world.” – Greg Gifford
“The industry is full of amazing caring people I am privileged to call friends.” – Tony Wright
“I love the SEO industry because of the wonderful people involved in it.” – Elmer Boutin
“I love the people, the camaraderie, the work, and the challenges. I feel that I am privileged to have had the positive experiences I have had working in the industry. I’ve met lifelong friends, colleagues, and have made connections that I otherwise would not have made in other fields.” – Brian Harnish
“The best community on earth. We’re all brothers and sisters and more.” – Cyrus Shepard
2. SEO Is Always Evolving
“SEO evolves, too. So it’s inspiring to keep pushing new ideas.” – Grant Simmons
“I love its ever-changing nature, which allows me to face new challenges on a daily basis.” – Eric Enge
“I love the constant evolution of both the search engines and user behavior.” – Brian McDowell
“The challenge of change.” – Bill Hunt
“The constant change. It is an industry that requires you to research, test and implement on a regular basis.” – Mindy Weinstein
“Its dynamic nature. It’s fast and ever-changing and requires constant attention to evolving best practices.” – Casey Markee
“That constant change is the norm.” – Martin MacDonald
“That constant change, and the willingness for the SEO community to continually educate and openness to call B.S. when they see it, is what really excited me about SEO every day.” – Eric Wu
“The people. The fast pace. The ever-changing landscape. SEO is fun!” – Heather Lloyd-Martin
I’m endlessly curious and I love that SEO is constantly evolving. It’s a perfect match! – Jon Henshaw
“I enjoy how this industry requires you to stay on your toes and adapt.” – Jesse McDonald
“There are a lot of fields where you can become an expert and always be an expert. Not SEO. Things change and you have to stay on top of what is happening and be willing to try new things.” – Casie Gillette
“The constantly evolving environment, technology, challenges, opportunities – and the need for us to evolve and change with that.” – Jono Alderson
“Above all, I love the fast-changing pace of SEO. What was true yesterday might not be true tomorrow so we need to learn every day to stay sharp and accurate.” – Max Prin
“What was considered a best practice yesterday, may no longer be today. I love the constant change because it forces me to continue learning.” – Anna Crowe
3. Learning Constantly
“I love learning, and so I like working in an industry where I can surround myself with innovations.” – Will Critchlow
“I love that SEO moves at such a fast pace, it means that there’s always something new to learn or a different challenge to tackle.” – Hannah Thorpe
“There is always something new to learn and new tips and tricks to discover. There are new industry entrants making fantastic contributions all of the time, whether they be technical, creative, or anything in between.” – Glen Allsopp
“Constantly learning and adapting to changes in the algorithms and technology.” – Rob Woods
“I love the constant stream of new challenges and opportunities to figure out how to fix broken things.” – Carolyn Shelby
“It requires you to constantly learn and adapt.” – Dave Rohrer
“The continual need to learn and grow.” – Dawn Anderson
“I am curious about how people use information, and want to help them find what they need.” – Bill Slawski
“Studying the intersection of human behavior and technological advancements.” – Rhea Drysdale
“How everyone is so deeply fascinated about both people and technology and how the two interact.” – Kelvin Newman
“The daily shift and change – the need to learn every day.” – Rishi Lakhani
“Constantly evolving in new and unique ways. Collaborating with and learning from other passionate and smart people.” – JR Oakes
4. SEO Is Never Boring
“I love the impossibility of getting bored search marketing offers us.” – Gianluca Fiorelli
“Every day is a new challenge.” – Dana DiTomaso
“The job as an SEO changes on a daily basis. Your work is never done.” – Jan-Willem Bobbink
“The industry offers you the ability to work in a variety of situations (in-house, agency, consultant – on location or remote) and that you can approach it from a specialty that most interests you (technical, content, strategy, local, vertical, etc). There is a lot of opportunity for anyone with any particular skill set, strengths, and passions.” – Dan Shure
“I totally enjoy the broad spectrum of SEO and being able to work together with so many different teams and personalities from different backgrounds and even cultures.” – Bastian Grimm
“I like that SEO work lets me wear many hats: a psychologist, a forensic investigator, a negotiator, etc.” – Motoko Hunt
“I’ve been in the field for over 15 years already, and it feels like I’ve tried hundreds of different professions and roles. Search engine algorithms keep changing so rapidly, making us adapt, grow and acquire new skills really fast.” – Aleh Barysevich
“I love SEO because it is never dull. It touches multiple disciplines that range from really nerdy tech to super creative marketing and always keeps us on our toes.” – Arsen Rabinovich
“The disciplines within SEO seem perfectly aligned to meet the needs of people who are technical, or people who are data/mathematics-oriented, or people who are creative/literary. As a result, the industry attracts a diverse set of talented people.” – Keith Goode
“To be great in digital marketing you have to be willing to evolve as both technology and users become more intelligent and demand new behaviors. Talk about never getting bored!” – Ashley Segura (Ward)
“I love the chase of the SERPs and the fact that no two days are ever the same.” – Andy Drinkwater
“No day is the same! My work days range from various industries/topics to a variety of research, audit, and client delivery tasks, allowing me to stay fresh and avoid the feeling of ;having to make the bagels’ daily.” – Chris Boggs
“The constant complexity and weaving a practice that touches on design, usability, promotion, data, and gut. It’s always an adventure.” – Mike Ramsey
“SEO is like having a girlfriend who always keeps on your feet, never gets boring.” – Michael Bonfils
5. Testing, Sharing & Collaborating
“I love the fact that it is essentially a blackbox and no one knows exactly how the algorithms rank websites, forcing SEO’s to constantly test and learn. The constant knowledge sharing, case studies and tests/studies are what excites me about the industry – as an industry we are all banding together to learn more about the intricacies of search engines.” – Jason Mun
“People are constantly learning and sharing; trying to make themselves and others better.” – Patrick Stox
“The amazing people who dedicate time selflessly to doing research and furthering our field of practice.” – Dan Taylor
“SEO lives from sharing lessons and new discoveries and I know no other industry that’s so adamant of using collective brain power.” – Kevin Indig
“I absolutely love when I discover something new and get to share it with the rest of the SEO community.” – Dan Petrovic
“I love that SEO is constantly evolving – there’s always more to learn and new things to test out, and a wonderful community of people sharing what they’ve learned!” – Ruth Burr Reedy
“Smart (and lovely) people, doing brilliant and fascinating things that they’re happy to share and talk about. – Andrew Optimisey
“I love the fact that everyone is so open and willing to share their knowledge and up for having a bit of fun whilst doing it.” – Ross Tavendale
“I love how the SEO industry is always openly sharing and discussing their experiments, best-practices, and fails.” – Marcus Tandler
“I love that people spend so much time and effort learning new things just so they can share them and enrich the community. No other industry does so much R&D and gives it away for free.” – Stephen Kenwright
“It’s such a collaborative industry, where so many people who are nominally competitors are keen to share knowledge and insight to help the broader industry and raise standards for everyone.” – Barry Adams
“I love the generosity of the SEO industry. It’s one of the only industries where you’ll find competitors helping each other.” – Annie Cushing
“I thrive on the collaborative community we’ve all built where brilliant people of diverse backgrounds and skills all work together to share knowledge, build useful things and cull out the bunk. I love that we all tackle big, strange and interesting problems, celebrate each others’ successes and occasionally laugh at the rogue noindex tag.” – JP Sherman
6. Helping Businesses Grow & Succeed
“I love helping companies create a profitable internet presence.” – Tony Wright
“You get to watch businesses grow because of your technical (and marketing…that’s SEO, too!) help.” – Mindy Weinstein
“Helping businesses thrive and creating new jobs.” – Shelly Fagin
“Helping businesses grow. That never gets old. – Damon Gochneaur
“There is something very satisfying about helping people grow their dreams. Not that long ago it wasn’t easy for someone with a small budget to be successful. They could not compete without radio or TV advertising etc., but not through SEO anyone has a chance to live their dream. I love being able to help them achieve that through what I do.” – Mat Siltala
“I love to see when people use SEO to grow their business and improve the quality of their life as a result.” – Tim Soulo
“I love helping clients succeed with their businesses, watching traffic convert to sales, and educating folks on the importance of search to their revenue.” – Scott Polk
“Every day, we get a chance to work on one of the most ridiculous, frustrating marketing channels there is and help our clients succeed.” – Andrew Shotland
“The growth possibilities are endless.” – Kaspar Szymanski
7. Solving Puzzles
“It is the perfect storm for my skillset – I have a background in web development, academic experience of AI, and I love puzzles!” – Tom Anthony
“I enjoy solving complex, strategic-based problems, translating executive goals into action plans.” – Alexis Sanders
“The problem-solving aspects are what interest me the most – feeling like a detective analyzing the problem and coming up with creative solutions.” – John Shehata
“Solving mysteries and seeing traffic and revenue grow as a direct result of something we’ve implemented.” – Bryson Meunier
“The detective work that leads to discoveries that help me understand what makes a site rank well and what I can do help sites rank is what I most enjoy about SEO.” – Roger Montti
“I love that it is always changing; it is like a mystery that is never fully solved.” – Cindy Krum
“It’s like a riddle that never gets solved, constantly evolving and demanding you’re at your best at all times.” – Lisa Myers
“There are still problems left to solve, making me an optimist.” – Oliver Mason
8. SEO Changes Lives
“The ability to impact the world at scale.” – Duane Forrester
“I love that for the first time any person, company, or product, has the chance to get near equal exposure as established and successful competitors. Search engine optimization changed the way we look at marketing and customer service.” – Brent Csutoras
“The work can change the lives of those running a business; I love that.” – Melissa Fach
“Connecting users with their needs at the moment they need it the most.” – Kate Morris
“I love SEO because the impact of our work is huge. We make the user and hopefully the companies happy when we optimize websites and it’s content.” – Marcus Tober
9. Analyzing Data & Measuring Results
“I love analyzing data to make decisions to improve organic rankings!” – Kristopher Jones
“I enjoy the balance of data and creativity, while using both sides of my brain.” – Loren Baker
“SEO is one of the industries that allows you to directly see (and measure) the results of your hard work.” – Bill Hartzer
“Targeted, cost-effective and measurable — and long-lasting.” – Trond Lyngbø
“Most of all that it’s easy to prove (through results) that you know what you’re doing.” – Richard Baxter
10. Some Things in SEO Remain Constant
“Everything is always new, while everything is always the same.” – Alan Bleiweiss
“It’s always changing, yet continues to adhere to consistent marketing principles.” – Stoney deGeyter
“It’s like real-world Monopoly: there are winners and losers and it’s more or less zero-sum.” – Dave Davies
“SEO is an area where hard, smart work can pay off in huge ways.” – Cyrus Shepard
Why do YOU love SEO? Let us know in the comments.
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