#that the vomit bothers me less than the saccharine fluff
ll-again · 7 years
in tyranny
In which Drunk Molly is a tyrant and Sherlock falls all over himself to do (nearly) anything she wants. Goes along with this.
The sound was Sherlock's only warning. He glanced over at his astoundingly inebriated girlfriend just in time to see her slide sideways off of the toilet, where he'd sat her temporarily so he could get out of his soiled clothes. Sherlock lunged, catching her just before she whacked her skull against the sink.
Breathing a careful sigh of relief, Sherlock set Molly straight again, releasing her slowly, hands hovering close as he tested whether or not she'd slide sideways again as soon as he let her go. The last thing he needed tonight was a trip to A&E. Given that Molly kept forgetting who he was, she'd likely get him arrested if he took her in with a bump on the head and she cried to the nurse that he was a stranger.
There was some saying about that, wasn't there? Third time being the charm.
The owner of the pub had eventually been swayed around to the truth, but Sherlock wasn't entirely sure he'd convinced the cabbie that he was Molly's boyfriend and not her kidnapper. Of course, the cabbie had been preoccupied with other concerns once Molly had started throwing up in his backseat. Sherlock made a mental note to track him down later and chuck him another hundred quid for his troubles. All things considered, he'd taken the whole episode pretty well.
And, small miracles, Molly did seem to be done vomiting. Much too late to save his suit, of course. Her very first heave had been right into his lap.
Sherlock grimaced in relief as he was finally able to strip down to his boxers, this time keeping a careful eye on Molly as he did, lest she cant too far off center again. He balled up his clothes, trying to keep the wet areas in the middle so he wouldn't have another mess to clean up later, and set them aside to crouch next to Molly and start unbuttoning her shirt. He snorted as he realized that she'd managed to mostly keep her own clothes clean, although the same couldn't be said for her hair.
A shower was clearly out of the question, Sherlock considered, righting her once again while he wrestled off her blouse. Getting her trousers off was proving considerably harder, and after a few false starts, Sherlock stood her up and wrapped her arms over his shoulders, hoping to steady her.
Molly stared up into his face. "You're my boyfriend," she announced.
"Yes." Sherlock froze. "Please don't start crying again."
"Why?" Her nose wrinkled up in her confusion. "I like it. I like you."
Sherlock decided that now was not the time to explain that she'd spent the cab ride from the pub to her flat alternating between sobbing and upchucking. "I like you too."
"You," she giggled, poking him in the shoulder, "love me. Cause you're my boyfriend."
He'd not yet said as much – discounting the Sherrinford incident – but…
Sherlock lifted a section of Molly's vomit-soaked hair off of her shoulder. Most likely, she wouldn't remember a word of this conversation in the morning, but…
"Yes," Sherlock said. "I do love you."
Molly lifted herself on her tiptoes, wobbling precariously, and tilted her lips towards his. "I love you too," she said, obviously attempting to whisper, although she was nowhere near close to that volume.
Her breath smelled like soured beer and whatever else she'd regurgitated. Luckily, Sherlock had a fairly strong stomach; he spent too much time in close proximity to corpses to be otherwise.
He only had to shift slightly to press his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. Sherlock lingered there a moment, nudging his mouth against hers a second time and then a third.
Molly grumbled when he moved away. "Again."
Sherlock cupped her shoulders in his palms and said with no small amount of regret, "You are very drunk, Molly." She made an unconvinced noise, tried to grab his ass and missed. "You're also mad at me," Sherlock reminded her.
That, at least, halted her attempts to molest him. "Oh? Why?"
He sighed. "I may have done something … inadvisable. In my defense, it was for a case."
She narrowed her eyes at him in just that way she had that made him want to get on his knees and grovel. He'd not actually done so yet, but there had been a few close calls here and there. "What was it?"
Sherlock ran a hand through his curls, mouth twisting in utter bewilderment as he realized that there was vomit in his hair. Since she'd not hurled anywhere near his head, he could only conclude from the mounting evidence that Molly's puke could bend the laws of physics.
"I plied a suspect for information with some light flirting. Just verbal, no physical contact. And I was certain you'd understand that it was only for the case. It wasn't real."
Molly wrinkled her nose. "Well, even if I did understand, it's a bit rude. I don't like it when my boyfriend flirts with other people. Especially when it's right in front of me."
Something about the way she said it made Sherlock think that she wasn't remembering the incident in question – which she had witnessed – but, "That's happened before, has it?"
Molly nodded, looking thoroughly miserable. Sherlock's gut clenched as he realized that her anger afterwards hadn't been so out of proportion as he'd assumed. He caught her chin in his fingers, lifting it so she was looking at him. "I am sorry. I genuinely didn't think you'd mind."
Molly tried on a smile. "I forgive you."
He traced a thumb over her lower lip. "I hope you do."
"I just did," Molly said with an offended sniff. She tried to step away from him and stumbled, Sherlock catching her just in time.
"I meant," he said quickly as she opened her mouth, "I hope you forgive me when you're sober."
"Oh." Molly deflated and tilted her head, studying him. "That's a good point. Sober Molly probably hates you."
Sherlock sagged, more than a little gutted at the possibility. Molly regarded him with wide, liquid eyes, her lower lip pushed out in a commiserating pout.
"It's okay," she said, patting his cheek. "I still like you."
"I am glad," Sherlock said with a warm smile. He hesitated a moment, then brushed his lips over her forehead. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Sherlock sagged against the slope of the bath. This was ridiculous. He'd gone days without sleep on cases and not been half so exhausted.
Drunk Molly was a tyrant. He made a solemn vow to himself never to upset her, if this was to be his punishment. Nothing was worth going through this again.
For one thing, she was harder to bathe than Rosie at her worst. Like their goddaughter, Drunk Molly just wanted to splash around in the water and had been most uncooperative while he attempted to wash her hair. Then she'd been too cooperative trying to help him wash his. (Either that, or she'd been trying to drown him until he wrestled the cup he'd been using to pour water over their heads away from her.)
Then, she'd had the cheeky gall to grin and suggest that she had some other spots that could use a wash too, which had sent him and his very unhelpful bits of anatomy scrambling out of the bathroom to cool off. He'd scrambled back a few minutes later as it occurred to him that he'd left his staggeringly pissed girlfriend in a tub of water more than deep enough for her to drown in if she dozed off.
And now, she flatly refused to get out of the bath. She had allowed him to change out the dirty water, but she'd also made him get back in, refusing to drink the glass of water he'd brought until he did.
So now he was lying in a tub full of tepid water, head lolling against the tile, with his cheerfully tyrannical girlfriend draped over him like he was one of those inflatable floats for a swimming pool.
"Molly, what are you singing?" Sherlock said suddenly.
Singing was a hell of a stretch, but it was his best guess as to why she was tunelessly belting out "piggies" over and over.
"It's a Beatles song," Molly mercifully stopped her 'singing' to explain. "You prolly don't know it."
Sherlock did actually know the song in question, and Molly wasn't even remotely close to accurate lyrics, never mind the tune. But he was too tired to argue the point. Massaging his temple, he said, "Drink your water."
There was a splash as she dumped the rest of her water into the tub, then a clatter as she chucked it away. Sherlock slit open his eyes to watch it bounce out of the bathroom and into the hall, silently congratulating himself for choosing a plastic cup rather than one of Molly's glass ones.
"Done," Molly chirped.
Sherlock massaged both his temples. "You are seriously going to regret not hydrating in the morning," he said with a great deal more patience than he ever thought he possessed.
Oh, Sherlock realized, struck by an epiphany. This was why there were countless hours of drivel – music, film, and books like that nauseating novel Molly kept hidden between her mattress and the headboard – devoted to the subject. Love really was life changing. And Sherlock found himself suddenly infused with a great deal of empathy for anyone who did idiotic things in the name of it.
He pushed Molly's hair out of his mouth, again, and craned his head to look down at his girlfriend, who'd finally dropped off and was drooling on his shoulder. At least, unlike most people, he'd had the good sense to pick someone worth turning moronic over.
Sherlock used his toes to unstopper the tub, carefully gathering Molly up. She grumbled sleepily but let him maneuver her out of the bath and wrap her in one of her fluffy towels. His head throbbed and his sodden pants (he'd wisely kept them on to protect his virtue from Drunk Molly) clung uncomfortably, but those were minor considerations as he dried Molly off and carried her to bed.
"G'night, Sh'lock," Molly slurred while he pulled the duvet over her.
"Sleep well," Sherlock whispered. The next words came easier this time, and Sherlock found he was rather liking saying them. "I love you."
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wincore · 4 years
sweet tooth | dong sicheng
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pairing: vampire!sicheng x reader
words: 2.8k
summary: out of all the inconveniences a vampire boyfriend could pose, there’s about two tonight: a) him losing it at the next person who compliments his fangs, or b) you losing it at sicheng’s 100% blood alcohol content
genre: vampire!au, boyfriend!au, college!au, (tooth-rotting) fluff, comfort, humour
warning(s): mentions of blood, alcohol consumption, college halloween parties
song rec(s): candy - baekhyun // wish you were sober - conan gray
a/n: let’s pretend it’s halloween pls <3 also im sorry it’s so short and more drabble-ish but i wanted to write something gentle and comforting so!!! yeah ^^ also there is no plot. eep.
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It’s two in the morning.
Or rather, it feels like two in the morning. 
A frat party is a horrible substitute for an actual Halloween party. The alcohol content is through the roof and the number of pairs making out is enough to make you feel queasy. You never knew horror themes had the innate ability to make people so flagrantly horny—you’re half glad you’re not, god forbid, single. Most of your friends were too busy, however, to organize the close-knit party you usually have each year—so here you are, with an invitation from a friend of a friend (of a friend). Your boyfriend might be the only one feeling more out of place than you are.
You glance at Sicheng from the pool table, the cup frozen against his lips while his eyes scan the room from corner to corner. You don’t do crowds and neither does he; though he does have the unwitting ability to charm any crowd he’s in. You’re not quite sure if he’s still unaware of that.
You watch as a girl you can easily recognize from your campus approach him, all smiles and giggles. She says something and you scoff, almost completely certain about what it is she said.
Sicheng might be unaware of it—but you are, and painfully so.
She looks at him starry-eyed and the scent of rum wafting around her. A part of her jacket is off her shoulder, a faint blush covering her cheeks that you can spot even under the dim lights. She’s definitely flirting—you know that because rumours go around faster than assignments in this university. Choi Joohee has a very public, very open crush on your boyfriend.
It’s not like it bothers you. Not at all.
Just a little bit.
Jealousy has never been your thing and you’re half certain what you’re feeling isn’t even jealousy—just a taste of alcohol and the proximity of a Halloween house party.
Speaking of which, the only thing harrowing about this place is the amount of alcohol everyone seems to be consuming—including your boyfriend. Ten dragged Yukhei home a while ago and a part of you is still not confident enough to handle a boyfriend with very pointy fangs and midnight cravings for blood (or juice, as Ten disgustingly phrases it). 
Sicheng nods along to something Joohee asks, an eyebrow raised quizzically on her and you assume he’s been zoning out the whole time. The urge to laugh surfaces and you swallow it whole. He’s so cute, even in this state. The lights dance across his face; candy blue, rich purple, saccharine red. The colours don’t help him stand any straighter, or slur his words any less.
You think it’s time to help your boyfriend out. However, the moment you walk through the swarms over to them, Joohee’s face sours. Of course, as the only competition (is it a competition if you’ve already won?) to the object of her affections, you don’t rank too high in her books. It made you a little upset at first, but you got used to it. (“She’ll get over it,” Sicheng had reassured several times. “Don’t worry.”)
People grow, and with that thought, you let it be.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Joohee tells Sicheng and walks away, like he’s supposed to follow her.
You roll your eyes and turn to Sicheng, who’s had a very delayed response to Joohee’s departure. His head is tilted to the side, eyes half-lidded and you’re almost afraid he’s going to drop to the floor right there and then. This is bad. The thing about vampires is that they absolutely should not, under any circumstance, have alcohol. Calling your boyfriend a lightweight is beyond an understatement.
“Sicheng,” you call softly. 
He turns to you, taking a moment to process, before pulling his lips into a wide smile. His fangs poke out even when he presses his lips back together, a contemplatory look over him.
“I thought you left me here.” He forces a sardonic smile.
Drunk off his ass and Sicheng still manages to be annoyingly sarcastic.
You open your mouth and close it again. It’s not like you can chide him without letting your fondness show. The Adonis features that grace his face don’t help. Flushed all the way to the neck, a drunk Dong Sicheng is very rare. The last time this happened must have been at least two years ago (and though you weren’t there then, the way Ten and Kun freeze up at the slightest mention, you decided to not ask).
“Why did you drink?” you ask, huffing. “You can’t even smell alcohol.”
There’s a short pause.
“Because you were ignoring me,” he replies, leaning in.
Heat washes into your cheeks. You forgot how unrestrained he gets with alcohol in his system.
Sicheng seems to have enough consciousness left in him to feel somewhat embarrassed, standing up straight and fiddling with his thumbs. You slip your hand into his without delay and pull, trying your best to navigate through the crowd. Is an ordinary Halloween party too much to ask for? Just when you can finally spot the front door, Sicheng stops abruptly, making you stumble backwards into his chest. He smells like the old deodorant he’s been using for a year underneath the smell of beer and… is that blood?
“Where are we going?” he asks sharply.
“Home, Sicheng,” you whine. “You can stay in my bed.”
He stays rooted in place stubbornly, and you wonder what it is now. This is the time you have to wonder if you’re dating a (potentially) immortal creature or a recently birthed baby.
“We should enjoy more. You’ve hardly smiled the past few weeks,” he mutters.
Your heartbeat spikes for a moment, when he brushes the hair from your face. All this time and he hasn’t changed the words he offers to you in private, the care on his lips and fingertips. A room full of people who aren’t listening is the best place to talk.
The first time you saw Sicheng was in the middle of the night, in the dark hallway of your shared apartment building, blood staining his jaw from a bag he’d acquired from med student Wong Kunhang. (You’re very sure that’s illegal.)
Needless to say, you’d fainted immediately after. When you came to, you were met with a man with pretty eyes and fangs poking out his mouth and in a bed that wasn’t yours. There was no blood this time but you screamed anyway, cut off by the man’s hand over your mouth.
“Calm down,” he said, voice surprisingly deep. “It’s not like I’m going to kill you.”
“You were planning to kill me?” you asked, panicking.
“I just said I wouldn’t,” he replied quietly, eyes wide and almost as stressed as you are.
Sicheng heaves a sigh, massaging his forehead. You shake yourself off the memories, tugging at his shirt so you can sit somewhere at least. The alcohol must have numbed his ears too. The low R&B tunes make no sense on Halloween night; even less when they’re played a few bars above the acceptable volume. If you’re not out of here soon, you might lose your hearing altogether.
The couch is slightly less stinky than you would have expected. (You grimace as you think to the last time you were at a frat party and in particular, the vomit.) Beside you, Sicheng mumbles about something you’re not quite sure of, a quiet rant with one-track emotions. It makes you giggle and for a moment, you forget the predicament of being stuck with a drunk vampire boyfriend who has just finished teething.
“Hey, guys.”
You look up to see Jihoon, the very friend of a friend (of a friend) who had invited you to this mess. It’s not like you harbour ill feelings towards him; but the guy has approximately zero ability to read the room. It’s mostly funny.
Sicheng makes a vague gesture that you assume means ‘hello’, sitting up straight so he doesn't look noticeably tipsy. You make light conversation with Jihoon, Sicheng’s arm around your waist tightening reflexively. You don’t plan on party-hopping, no matter how much Jihoon urges the two of you—seriously, does he not see the look on Sicheng’s face? He looks more zombie than vampire.
“You know, you don’t actually have to wear costumes for this, right? We didn’t set a theme,” Jihoon remarks, tilting his head to face your boyfriend. “The fangs are really cool, though. Holy shit. Dude, they look so real.”
Sicheng’s lips twitch but he forces them into a smile, trying to move as far away from Jihoon as possible. The fangs are usually not out and about in the open, slightly retracted during the day. The night, however, keeps him on edge. Sicheng hates the spotlight that only ever shows up for the wrong reasons, and he’d much rather graduate without having to deal with horny vampire-lovers. (It’s not that sexy; and you know from experience.) 
The way Sicheng looks makes you wonder how many people have pointed out the fangs tonight. You purse your lips to keep yourself from laughing.
“Thanks,” he responds, voice his usual deep baritone. 
Jihoon leaves after being unable to draw any more conversation out of Sicheng, some peace gracing you despite everything.
If you ever write a book on how to deal with vampire boyfriends, the first rule would be to never kiss him at night. The fangs are not as withdrawn then and they hurt. (The second is, of course, to never let them get a whiff of alcohol.)
When Sicheng first kissed you, it was midnight and you were at the convenience store to buy a few lunchboxes and instant coffee mix. You’d yelped when his fang had pricked your lower lip, alarming the worker and around fifteen minutes of (dishonest) explanation later, the two of you had left without buying what you came for.
After fretting for a while, Sicheng had kissed you once more with careful consideration—till the damn fangs got in the way again. It was sweet for a moment—like candy—though, the metallic taste of blood had invaded it afterwards. No matter how awkward or painful it was, your elation outweighed the rest. 
Kisses weren’t the only thing interrupted by fangs.
The turtlenecks and scarves certainly raised an eyebrow in your circle of friends. There was concern at first, then teasing and then a whole lot of inside jokes which made you want to smack each and every one of them. (“They’re hickeys, I swear, not vampire bites,” you had informed Ten. “Ew. I did not need to know that.” “Shut up.”)
Even so, Sicheng is warm—always has been, and not on the skin.  
You feel pressure on your shoulder, his hair tickling your neck and you adjust yourself so it’s more comfortable. 
“Tired?” you ask.
“Not at all.”
You shake your head at his lie. Gently pushing his head away, you get up from your seat and pull him up with all of your strength. Linking your arm through his, you smile at him when he raises an eyebrow. It’s time to get home, you’ve decided and these are times when one vote is enough. 
When you reach the front door, stumbling out with your suddenly talkative boyfriend, the autumn breeze hits you. Under the moonlight, the rosy hue over his cheeks is clearer and even more so when he smiles.
“It’s like our first date,” he says. 
You smile back at him.
“You were so embarrassing,” he adds.
Your smile drops and you smack his arm, eliciting a soft complaint from him.
Your first date was the only normal thing in this relationship—a date at the amusement park on Halloween, a bunch of kids mistaking your now boyfriend for Count Dracula and caramel popcorn smeared over your fingers. 
Sicheng sighs, lowering his head to rest his forehead against your shoulder. The two of you stay like that for a moment or two, the party music finally fading and Sicheng’s warmth seeping into you. You fix the lapels of his jacket absentmindedly, fingers tracing over the material. His hands rest lightly against your back yet still secure. 
A kitten lick at your neck jolts you back to reality. You gently push him by the shoulders, finding his fangs bared already. He stays unmoving for a few seconds before closing his mouth and going back to leaning against you, breath falling in waves against your neck.
“I’m not your juicebox, Sicheng,” you snap, frown deepening.
“But you have so much blood,” he mumbles, his forehead hot against your shoulder.
He sobers up a little, pulling back with a stream of pouting apologies. You bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling. Despite everything, your boyfriend is such a child sometimes. There’s a short pause.
“But wait, don’t go biting someone else’s neck,” you quickly add, flustered.
Sicheng suppresses a smile.  
“So I can have a little—”
Sicheng pouts but agrees enough to follow you, the two of you moving soundlessly over the sidewalk. Being alone with him has always been easing; you don’t need a crowd for comfort. 
With fingers interlaced, you walk alone with him as the orange street lights cast shadows on the buildings lined up. A few more blocks and you’ll reach your apartment, get to push Sicheng into bed and pray he doesn’t throw up at your front door—and yet still, you walk as slow as you can as if the autumn wind will be gone as quick as it arrived.
The number of people shrink the further you get from the party, and you heave a sigh of relief, glad to be away from, what you and your friends call, the rich neighbourhood. The familiar path to your apartment, no matter the pricing, has much better air to breathe in. It’s past midnight and yet, you can see the city lights in the distance, the ones that never sleep—for the living or the dead.
Something runs into your legs and you jump onto Sicheng, who in turn flinches away with a strangled yelp. 
You look down to see a giant golden retriever in a white blanket which you assume is meant to be a ghost outfit. It wags its tail, sniffing around your boyfriend’s legs, making him giggle as he crouches down to pet the creature.
“I’m so sorry!” 
You look up to find a young girl holding a pumpkin almost as large as her head, an apologetic look over her head. Some part of you is happy to see a costume, considering you were robbed of yours. (Sometimes you dream of matching costumes but again, the damn fangs.)
“Piri loves people, I’m so sorry if he bothered—oh hey dude, cool fangs.”
Sicheng offers the fakest smile ever, accompanied with a thumbs up gesture. You sigh, apologizing to the girl before parting ways. 
“That’s the eighth time tonight,” Sicheng says, scowling almost. “I counted.”
You laugh, squeezing his hand. Calm, relaxed Dong Sicheng tends to lose it at repetitive comments with only three sips of beer.
When you reach the apartment building, clouds cover the moon and you draw your jacket closer to yourself. You think for a moment about the inevitability of time and whether you’re even allowed to fall in love this way. You push the thoughts aside almost inevitably. When the time comes, you will have a decision to make—and after everything, it is love which turns people. 
For now, you can enjoy this Halloween night with your (literally) one-of-a-kind boyfriend.
You fumble around with the keys, Sicheng looking at you with sleepy eyes as he leans against the wall. He must be worn out from the alcohol by now.
“Hey,” he calls, the words more muffled than usual. 
You raise an eyebrow, tugging him inside all the while maintaining your balance.
“You know my favourite blood type?” he continues.
You shake your head. “If you’re thinking of feeding, I’ll get some blood bags from Kunhang.”
Sicheng pouts. “You ruined the line.”
“Yours. Yours is my favourite blood type.”
Despite the terrible execution of his so-called pick-up line, you find yourself shaking with laughter. You’re not sure if it’s the late night or the October air—the two of you share the silliest of laughter at the doorway to your apartment.
Within the moment itself, Sicheng leans in to kiss you and your hands move to run through his hair out of habit. The taste of beer and the prick of his fangs makes you pull away. You look at each other for a moment before you give in anyway and kiss him against the doorframe.
October ends with memories—your first date, Sicheng’s cooking disaster, and now this. It’s blissful for the few moments the two of you let it be. That is, until Sicheng opens his mouth.
“Oh, by the way, can you apologize to Ten for me? I think I bit him thinking it was you.”
“Sicheng, what the fuck?”
October ends with proximity, sweet as candy and warm as toast—stumbling into bed with all that and more.
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