#that their society was t o t a l l y on the verge of folding in on itself with all of the dishonesty that plagued them
artheresy · 11 months
I’ve had this fic idea for Honkai star rail that has progressively transformed into like full ocs being made and a full planet with a history and a social culture that came about as a result of a Stellaron and a complicated relationship between them and the IPC who have taken over their planet and refuse to deal with the Stellaron on the excuse that “after much research and simulation of what would come to pass for this planet after containing the Stellaron, we have realized it cannot be dealt with in a way that wouldn’t severely harm this planet and its people” which is a load of bull and a Doctor that aids the Astral Express who now has a whole history and motivations deeply tied to the Stellaron
And it’s just gotten so out of hand but I think I love it
It started as an excuse to portray my ideal form of whatever the fictional disease trope that Hanahaki is (aka with it representing repressed emotions not unrequited love and not requiring mutual love to heal and also being much more horrific and painful, not just coughing up planets, bc I think if we’re doing something like this it should be dialed all the way up to its potential) but it has morphed into connecting with other emotions as well not just love and just growing to completely overtake the body and now because of this there are numerous factions on the planets with their own theories of its origin as well as ways of handling it and just a lot spawned from it
And I have grown so attached to it without meaning to, it started as an excuse to fulfill this trope in the HSR universe but I love the characters and concept so much uelp help me
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maizeofloverp · 6 years
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Full name: Declan Shaw
Age: 36
Birth date: February 29th, 1982
Gender & pronouns: Cismale, He/Him
Affiliation: Law enforcement
Occupation: Sheriff’s Deputy
Faceclaim: David Giuntoli
B i o g r a p h y »
Declan Shaw was born in Chicago, the only child of a hardworking young couple who loved and doted on him, and he seemed set to have a happy, ordinary childhood. Things started to go sideways at the age of twelve when a devastating car accident killed both his parents. For the next six years, he was bounced between various family members. Some proved unable to care for him and some were simply unsuitable, so he spent some part of those years in the foster system. It wasn’t a particularly good time for him but Declan tried to fit in as best he could wherever he was placed and utterly refused to talk about or deal with the deaths of his parents. In spite of this unstable period, Declan managed to graduate high school with good grades and left the foster system at eighteen determined to become a police officer. The things he’d witnessed in foster care, even in his limited experience, gave him the drive to become not only a productive member of society but also gain a position where he could help or do something about the parts of the system that were broken.
Over the next two decades, Declan achieved his goal of becoming a cop. By the time he was 36, he’d risen through the ranks of the Chicago Police Department and had made detective, working mostly on the gang problem in the city. Declan had proven himself to be an exemplary officer who could think on his feet but wasn’t overly impulsive. Work became pretty much all he had since, outside of the Police Department, he had few social ties. Instead of trying to improve this situation or wallowing in loneliness, Declan took on as many cases as he could to stay as busy as possible. He was well liked in the Chicago PD, by both peers and commanding officers, though some of them secretly thought he worked too hard. Still, most seemed to take that as a sign of his dedication to his work and he was generally a pleasant person to be around.
About five months ago, Declan and his partner were pursuing some known members of the Whitewater Syndicate when things went bad and it turned into a shootout. Declan wasn’t injured but his partner was killed in the crossfire, pretty much right in front of Declan. As with most upsetting things, Declan did his best not to deal with it but was still forced to take a leave and to go see a therapist. He talked as little as possible to the therapist, not ready to open up any of the boxes he’d kept tightly closed, but did manage to disclose a little about the nightmares he kept having of the shootout and watching his partner go down. When leave was driving him insane and he begged to be put back to work, his superiors determined it might be best to get him back on his feet in a smaller setting and transferred him to the Muddy Waters Sheriff’s Department. Little did the higher ups in Chicago seem to realise that Muddy was a hotbed of gang activity and it wouldn’t be the slow, easy assignment they’d assumed it would. This suited Declan fine, however, since it gave him an excuse to throw himself into work and continue to deny that anything could possibly be wrong with him as long as there were societal problems to fix. He’s done as much as he can in that regard in the four or so months he’s been in the small town and has a particular interest in seeing the Syndicate brought down.
P e r s o n a l i t y »
Declan is very much a workaholic. He’s made his work with the police the pillar on which he builds his life and when he isn’t doing police work, he seems not to know what to do with himself. He can be off for a day or two or a weekend, though even then he’s probably still doing some kind of research related to a case and doesn’t really seem to know how to relax. Unsurprisingly, Declan’s developed a chronic addiction to coffee. Given his propensity for working such long hours, he depends on it to keep him awake and alert. He can go through a few pots a day and while it can and often does make him jittery, he prefers the tense wakefulness to the nightmares that plague him and the loneliness of his empty apartment.
Declan avoids dealing with difficult emotions, especially grief, and tends to repress or ignore them. He still hasn’t really dealt with his parents’ deaths properly and while he was forced to see a therapist after what happened with his partner, he quickly decided that he just needed to push past it. This repression hasn’t served him well throughout his life and he’s been on the verge of breakdowns several times but has managed to avoid them by throwing himself wholly and completely into work. Like a time bomb that will eventually go off, it’s likely that all of the things he hasn’t dealt with will eventually explode out of him and wreak havoc. Aside from being so tightly wound because of all the things he represses, he’s still generally a friendly and personable guy who really is trying to do his best and make the world a better place. Though he doesn’t have any of his own, he has an incredible soft spot for kids and wants to help them almost more than anyone else. He remembers, as much as he tries not to, what it was like to be scared and alone at a tender age and hopes to keep that from happening with other children. Declan can be a little elitist in terms of his attitude towards Muddy Waters’ Sheriff’s Department as compared to Chicago’s Police Department. He heartily disapproves of the way some things are run in Muddy and tries to change things to be more efficient where he can, though not everyone appreciates his efforts in this department. Overall, he has noble intentions and isn’t afraid to sacrifice himself or his well-being to see justice done.
Played by Sam
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