#that this is actually charlie getting into something pim likes just for him
gaspipegeoff · 1 day
Yeah maybe I'm digging too deep into the funny critters show but I've had this shovel for years and I've dug into shallower dirt then this.
But I'm thinking abt Charlie "no-fucks-given" Dompler and his big fat crush on Pim.
Like. I dunno something about how Charlie and his gf (from the Halloween episode) interacted has me thinking they don't actually like eachother? She seemed pissed from the moment they arrived, and ofc it's implied she and Charlie fought over him not wanting to wear a costume and his reason for not wanting to, but it's also such a silly reason to fight anyway, which could indicate they either fight a lot over everything or never fight ever so small disagreements stack up. He also didn't seem to have invited her to Mr. Boss's wedding (if they're even still dating) (but it's also unclear if Glep brought his wife) and I have a hard time believing he couldn't get a plus one to that. We also know they don't live together since she wasn't in his apartment and it didn't seem as if anyone besides Charlie lived there (no furniture, bachelor pad decor, pizza boxes on the top of the fridge etc)
"Geoff, dude, just get to your point."
Okay okay my point is compulsitory heterosexuality.
I just think Charlie is a closeted gay man who perhaps has feelings for Pim but he's stuck in a relationship he doesn't seem happy in and doesn't seem to be going anywhere with. He's obviously sorta depressed and, I mean, Mip? Common. He was totally into him but he balked at the last second.
"But what about bisexuality!"
It exists! And I do HC Pim as bisexual! I just like toying with the emotions of fictional men!
Anyway, Charlie is gay but doesn't know how to accept it but that never stops him from getting into fruity situations with other men. Send tweet.
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5hrignold · 25 days
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awful. beyond redemption. i will stare at it for days
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
may I have a Charlie x reader from smiling friends where he has a huge crush on the reader
You may, I like how you worded it, sounds like you’re in a fast food drive through :33
Charlie x reader
Wowee what a situation!! I feel like this could go two ways, one you work together or you two were already friends, let’s go w/ the work buddies
When you started working he didn’t really think anything of it. Depending on where you were working would his feelings may develops
Let’s just say you work on the field, trying to make people smile. You and him rarely work together you choosing to work alone, but you two hangout in the break room.
Charlie likes to think he’s smooth and a “flirt” but he’s so awkward sometimes it hurts, you two will be sitting in the break room and he tries to spark up conversation it goes like
“ so uhh, have you seen that uhh, new movie?” “Which movie?” “The uh, new one with that uh, super hero” “I think so?” “….” “….” “I think Pim needs my help later.”
Absolute lady(gender neutral) killer right here folks
When he finally finds some common ground with you though or you two have work with each other long enough then it gets better
He becomes less awkward and actually able to talk to you which is great for your developing relationship and for everyone else dealing with the second hand embarrassment!
Now no matter what you two are going to become friends and he’ll finally calm down enough to have a proper conversation with you, and he is quite smooth tbh
He loves doing things for you and is a really caring person, you’re hungry? He was gonna get lunch anyways so you should totally tag along, you don’t wanna do your paper work? He has some free time to help, bored? Wanna play the new street fighters game with him
Charlie really values your work ethics and how well you’re able to do your job and he isn’t shy to compliment you, within reason. It’ll be a simple “good job out there”, like gee whizz slow down there casanova 🙄💅
But seriously he’s a really sweet person, when he tells you something he means it and he hopes you know that
It’s a little awkward at first but once he’s able to calm down and think properly, he’s a very loyal and caring man
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caliboron · 8 days
I’ve gotta sleep but I finally found motivation to write. Here’s some of the fic I’m working on rn, I’ll keep writing when I wake up
It was a slow day at the office for the four Smiling Friends, but none of them seemed to mind. A comfortable silence had filled the room, aside from the droning hum of the refrigerator. Allan had the door propped open while he bent over and examined it’s contents.
“Alright. Who keeps eating my yogurt? It’s not funny anymore.” Allan let the fridge door slowly close on its own as he gave his coworkers a suspicious glare.
Pim and Glep sat next to each other at the table. They had a Mr.Frog coloring book spread open so they each had a page to color. Crayons were scattered across the table. “Meh.” Glep groaned. He sounded uninterested.
“It’s not me. I wouldn’t do something like that without permission.” Pim stuck out his tongue as he focused on the half-colored page of The Bug before him.
“That’s exactly what a guilty person would say.” Allan squinted at Pim, then his attention turned to Charlie. “What about you?”
Charlie was glued to his phone at the moment. “Huh? What about me?”
“Have you been eating my yogurt?”
“Oh, those were yours?”
“I knew it! Of course they were mine! They had my name on them.”
“They did? I guess I just never noticed.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Charlie.”
“Whatever man, just… Oh, holy shit.”
“I think I’ve finally tracked down Jombo. I actually did it.”
“What’s a Jombo?” Allan raised a brow in confusion.
“Oh, it’s um. This guy Charlie met at The Boss’s wedding.” Pim mentioned as he accidentally colored out of the lines. “Aw, shucks.” He mumbled.
“Yeah, I thought he was cool, like fifth smiling friend material cool, but then he ripped me off and ghosted me.”
“How did he rip you off?” Allan crossed his arms as he spoke.
“He sold him a fake knife. Like one of those plastic, retractable gag knives.” Pim propped his head up with his hand, looking over his coloring page and admiring his work.
“And how much did you pay for it?” Allan watched as Charlie worked up the nerve to answer him.
“…Six hundred dollars.” Charlie shamefully admitted.
“Holy crap, why? How did you even… Did you not realize it was made of plastic when you bought it?”
“Look, man, I was drunk off my ass, okay? You don’t have to rub it in all smug-like.”
“Oh, but I love doing that.”
“Yeah, I know you do.”
“Well I knew that you know I do.”
“Whatever! The point is, it doesn’t matter because I’m gonna get my money back. Every last cent.”
“I thought you said he deleted everything and moved to New Jersey?” Pim said as he watched Glep finish his coloring page, patiently waiting to turn the page until he was done.
“He did, but I found him. Every day since we saved the boss from that demon chick, I’ve been googling Jombo and lurking on forums and shit, and I just found someone talking about a pawn shop called ‘Jumbo Jombo’s’ that’s in Red Bank, New Jersey. It’s gotta be him.”
“So you’re gonna go visit him?”
“And demand my money back, yep.”
“What if he says no?”
“Well, I, uh… He probably won’t.”
“How are you going to get there?”
“I mean, I figured you could drive me there in the company car.”
“Ah, gee, I would if I could, Charlie, but I can’t. My license expired last week and I haven’t gotten around to renewing it yet.”
“Damn, that sucks. I can’t drive either, my license is suspended.”
“You don’t have a license.” Allan flatly stated.
“Um, yes, I do. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because it’s not true. I told you earlier; you’re a terrible liar.”
“Dude, I’m not lying.”
“Okay, then show me your license.”
Charlie stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweat pants and pulled them out to reveal they were empty. “It must be in my other pants.”
“Mhm. I’m sure it must be.”
“Get off my case, man.”
“…Glep, can you drive?” Charlie rolled a crayon in Glep’s direction to get his attention.
“Zweeezasaysbhav.” Glep brushed Charlie off.
“Glep‘a not allowed to drive no more. Not after the incident.” Allan explained.
“I’m not gonna waste my time wondering what that means.” Charlie sighed, heavily. “Allan?”
“Could you drive me to New Jersey?”
“I suppose I could drive you with my real license that actually exists. But, what’s in it for me?”
“I’ll give you a hundred bucks once I get my money back.”
“Make it two hundred and I’ll consider it.”
“Okay, sure, fine.”
“Are you sure The Boss will let us take the company car for this little endeavor?”
“I think he’s at a nude beach or something. That’s what he said, anyway. He won’t care.”
“Me and Glep can come too, right?” Pim asked, excitedly.
“Nah, somebody’s gotta stay behind in case we get a call to make someone smile. You can handle that on your own, right?”
“Um… I guess so. It shouldn’t be too hard! Right, Glep?”
Glep muttered some gibberish under his breath. He didn’t plan on helping Pim at all.
“Alright, let’s go.” Charlie said as he and Allan headed out the doorway.
Pim ran after them and waved goodbye. “Bye Charlie! Bye Allan! I love you! Byyyye!”
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Even More SF Fanfic Prompts!!
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Y’all voted and I listened!! Here goes nothin’!! ALSO Please refrain from making any of these NSFW okay?
EDIT: So apparently in the Spanish Dub for SF Charlie's girlfriend is named Zoey and I made this post before that info became more well-known and prior I dubbed her as Susan....Zoey is a cute name OMG
Alan and Glep go grocery shopping, Alan is driving the cart and Glep is hopping around inside the little basket a little kid would sit inside of.
Folklore AU with Charlie as James (not to be confused with that one asshole…), Zoey as Betty and Pim as August.
Jennifer x Shrimp but make them wholesome yuri.
Jennifer, Zoey, Mustard, Smormu, Amy, Marge and her wife Glep on a girl's night out...and Amy, being the absolute bitch she is, she greatly annoys the other three (feel free to add Yuri!Shrimp if desired).
Mr. Boss drinks from the fountain of youth and transforms into a 30-something again and OMG he’s this suave Anime bishie and he is like so totally hot you guys!! 🥰
Charlie and Zoey have officially broken up, Pim (repressing his own jealousy) attempts to get the back together by setting them up together without the other knowing at Spaghetti Disco with “secret admirer” letters but Charlie starts to reciprocate feelings for Pim realizing he wrote the letter…oh and you bet there’s totally gonna be angst via miscommunication, hurt/comfort, a chaotic food fight and homosexual fast dancing (inspired by @oui-oui-madame-baguette).
Mr. Frog robbing a casino in Las Vegas x Shamelessly opportunistic gold digger!Reader who is given the choice to either ruthlessly backstab him or genuinely make a connection.
Pim is just a regular guy making people smile and secretly pining over Charlie by day….but nobody knows that the little smiley face button pinned on his shirt is actually a henshin he uses to transform into his magical alter ego who fights off supervillains every night, he also has an arch-rival who is more of the classic lone wolf anti-hero type: now this dude doesn’t have any superpowers but he specializes in cool gadgets while donning a badass mask….he is also totally NOT crushing on Pim’s alter ego! Pim is (not all that) shocked to find out the civilian identity of this tall, dark and cynical is under the cowl! (It’s obviously Glep /jk we all know it’s Charlie)
Mer!Pim falls in love with Cha- *record needle scratch* waaait a second that’s just one of my own silly little AU fics I’m working on ALSO speaking of which y’all can check out the preview to here! Spread the word!!
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wulfums · 22 days
🐶 and 🐭 with Allan!
The Ask Meme
🐶; What was it like to plan the wedding? Was there anything you were struggling to agree on?
Well, obviously first they had to consider budget. They ended up agreeing it's not worth it to spend a shitton on the wedding itself. (They'd rather spend that to go somewhere cool for their honeymoon).
I think one of the things they had the most trouble agreeing on is who to invite. Allan really, really did not want to allow Plus Ones, but Whatwulf was like "I mean we both get along with Glep and his wife, so it'd be rude to not let her come too." and Allan is like "OK can we just....tell Glep he can bring someone. I don't think anyone cares that much." so they end up doing that.
The thing with the invites is Allan did NOT want to give them to his coworkers in person, even though it'd save on stamps. He doesn't like answering too many questions about his relationship bcuz he gets Embarassed (Which makes him be annoyed. Pim specifically causes this a lot.) Issue: they dont actually know where Allan's coworkers live. He doesn't hang out with them a ton outside of work and just....never asked.
So they doxx their friends in order to know where to send the invitations. They're also both creeped out by how easy it is to find people's addresses and are like "We should probably see what we can do to get our info off of these sites." which they will do later.
They did not have issues with choosing a location. It's small, it's in town...the thing is, neither of them are Catholic. But they like the ceremony aspect. Lucky for them! Pim is an ordained minister and can legally get them married. Hes going to be overly optimistic and start crying because of how beautiful this all is many times so it ends up taking way longer than it should. Charlie has fallen asleep.
After the wedding- which really is just Charlie, Pim, Glep, Marge(Glep's Wife) and Mr Boss (Smormu isn't allowed at weddings anymore and Shrimp does not like going outside so they did not come.) they go back to the office to have a little party after. With snacks and stuff. Originally they were gonna have it at their own place but Allan really, really does not like the idea of people touching things in their apartment. He KNOWS one of them is gonna go through their shit and ask things.
I think maybe the party after is a potluck kinda thing where everyone brings something? Except the Happy Couple they are exempt. They bring cheese and crackers anyways.
I think I got off topic but yeah. It was a small wedding so they didn't really have any issues planning it. But invites were an issue absolutely.
🐭; When did you know that you wanted to get married?
I have done Mouse
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simpfiles · 2 years
One More Hour Partner |1.2K|
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summary.     alan’s 9 to 5 shifts just aren’t the same without your texts.
a/n.     was gonna write a silco fic but this picture by selfshipcornchip had me in the VISE. first thought was of that one more hour gf meme and i had to write something.
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Alan knows your patterns by heart, able to predict the outcome of the day based on the frequency of your texts. The more constant they ran, the higher chance your day was uneventful and you had more than plenty of time to kill. He likes those days the best as his own schedule usually matched in pace and he could call you from the break room.
He knows it’s your break when his phone grows erratic with rapid vibrations, each one followed by a PING! PING! PING! You regal him tales of your morning with vivid detail it borderlines gossip and he responses back in one word replies always followed by a period. It’s rare for him to match your enthusiasm in his own texts as he doesn’t pay much mind to his coworkers and would appreciate the same in return.
Last week he sent you a picture of his tomato plants from his compose beside a ruler with the caption ‘They’re growing.’, The photo was blurred slightly around the edges and too out of focused to really see the difference in growth from the last picture he sent, but that didn’t stop you from immediately texting back an array of emojis followed by a congratulations on his hard work. An effortless smile quirked at his lips when you prefaced your message with the obligatory ‘working. can’t text but...’ , self-satisfied with the idea that you would risk getting in trouble for him.
There are days when you’re flooded with work and your texts run dry. Days like today when Alan will repeatedly check his phone for any updates from you, reread the same good morning texts the two of you exchanged on his way to work. He checks his phone once more during the time frame of your lunch break, sending you a picture of the office’s fridge.
[alan] I brought meatloaf, today.
“Oh, hi Alan,” Pim waves as he takes a seat at the table, “Taking a picture of the fridge for your partner again?”
“Mhm.” Alan answers, putting his phone away as he closes the fridge door. 
“I think it’s great that you have someone to share inside jokes with.”
“I guess.” It’s not really a joke...You just have a weird interest in what everyone at work eats for lunch. He looks at his phone again. zero notifications. “They must be busy.”
Pim nods, “I’m sure tha--”
“Hey, Alan!” Charlie runs into the break room with disregard to the conversation at hand. He’s sweaty and shirtless and more importantly out of breath. “W-we need you to play a game of basketball man. Because, because you’re so tall.”
Alan makes a vague gesture, hesitating -- he’s not good at basketball. “I’m not good at basketball.”
“Not good at basketball what do you mean? You’re- You’re the height of a tree, man.”
“Ohhh, Charlie can I play?” Pim asks excitedly, waving his hand in the air like a little kid begging to be picked for teams. “I love basketball and I’m really good at it too.”
 Charlie turns to Pim with a flippant flick of his wrist, “Yeah, yeah sure. You can be a standby.” Pim explodes out of his sit in a power stance, fists raising over his head with an excited, F- Yeah!, while Charlie continues his pitch to Alan. “C’mon, we need your height.”
“Yeah, Alan.” Pim interjects, already warming up for the game with high legs, “It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad. As long as we’re having fun together.”
“Actually it does matter.” Charlie corrects, “This is part of a job. We need to win this basketball game to cheer this guy up.”
“Oh, I see.” Pim looks down, the gears in his brain frantically churning to think of something positive to say, “Well, I’m sure if we give it our all we can win. What do you say, Alan?”
There’s innocence in Pim’s big sparkling eyes as the younger man looks up at Alan with such sincerely, it’s hard to refuse the offer. Alan still would. If his phone buzzed at this second with a text from you, he would call the whole thing off and retreat to the back of the storage room to text you between boxes of pens and files. But the screen remains a black void and Alan reluctantly gives in, “Mmm, I guess.”
"Man, that was great!” Charlie shouts on their way back to the office. The basketball game had been a success, largely in part to Pim’s unnatural skills and Alan’s natural talent of getting smacked in the face with the ball. Those penalties add up. “I gotta admit, Pim. When you said- when you said that you were good, I wasn’t 100% sold. Sorry for doubting you.”
“That’s ok. I’m just glad we all had a fun time.” He pauses, looking over to Alan who is still nursing an ice bag on his cheek with his phone in the other hand. “Are you ok?”
Alan looks up. There’s now a row of blue texts on his side of the conversation. He groans, “Yeah.” 
Pim isn’t convinced.
[alan] One more hour.
It’s five. Time to go home. Alan says goodbye to his coworkers as they walk off in different directions, his being away from the setting sun. He carries with him a brief case that he’s brought to work since day one. It only holds a packet of gum, some pens from the office and a picture of you that you hot glue on the seam so that you’d always be with him. It was excessive at the time and ruined the case. Still is and does to this day but he’s grown fonder for that side of you, especially on days when you haven’t been able to be there with him through text.
He occupies his time on the bus with Wordle, able to crack the puzzle in four tries and sends you the results. The rest of his time is spent staring out the window, watching as his part of the city merges into your district.
He looks down. One message from you.
The sound of notification from his phone becomes aggressive and he silences it. Swiping his thumb over your recent text he’s greeted to streaks of green and a grey bubble at the bottom with three dots indicating you’re not finished yet. You use up more words than necessary, but ultimately what had happen was your phone died, because you forgot to charge it yesterday, because you fell asleep... texting him. He muses a tentative smile, finding humor in you trying to pin the blame on him, and cuts through your wall of text with a question.
[alan] Dinner? [you] Where? [alan] Chinese take out. We’ll meet at your place. [you] Sounds perfect! I’m starving!! And I have so much to tell you!
There’s a high pitch squeal of wheels and springs as the bus lurches to a stop. Alan tucks his phone in the side of his brief case as he exits the bus and stops in front of a bargain store. Neon signs with electric yellow and magenta beckoning him to BOGO offers and SLASHED PRICES. He takes a step closer. Perhaps...
Perhaps, they’ll have portable phone chargers on sale.
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Quick Thoughts on Smiling Friends
I’ve watched Smiling Friends for the first time, last night. Like, ALL of Smiling Friends. It’s eight ten-minute episodes, it doesn’t take that long.
And I got to say...
You give the Annoying Orange or Fred a TV show, you get annoying crap that stretches something best at three minutes to ten.
You give Liza Koshey a TV show, she gets a video that’s a half hour of her running around naked as her most popular video (really looking out for the kids there, YouTube).
But what happens when you give the guys from Oney Plays a TV show?
You get a hilariously absurd comedy that’s also somehow balanced in reality. One minute, you have characters doing this wacky nonsensical thing, the next you get characters having, like, a normal conversation. And it’s always funny due to the delivery.
Because everything goes by so fast, a joke that doesn’t land can be replaced by a faster, funnier joke.
And with how well these voice actors say their lines, anything, whether it’s a conversation about helium or a character getting glasses, sounds hilarious. Especially from the guy who voices Charlie. He offers a voice that’s naturally funny where he could say anything and it’d still get me to laugh...unless that’s his actual speaking voice, in which case...I feel bad for saying that.
But let’s be clear here, this is a show for adults. And a dark one at that, too. The first episode makes that apparent as it’s about Pim and Charlie trying to talk a man out of killing himself, with the rest of the runtime having him holding this gun to his head, ready to pull the trigger at any moment. It’s dark as it is funny...but not really something for kids or those looking for something a little more light-hearted.
Still, Smiling Friends is worth the watch. It’s comedic gold that just proves that while some YouTubers DEFINITELY don’t need a TV show, it doesn’t mean all people on the internet are incapable of making something good.
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panick-pixie · 2 years
man I've been thinking abt my critter and how they would interact w ppl and what to fucking name em so uh. rambling ahead.
so they go by Chuck, everyone calls em that and at first only Mr Boss knows their real name untill one day they have to go out of country for a job and they have to get a passport or whatever and someone finds out (probably Pim) that their full name is Chicken Duck
also they don't talk they just make a lil quack noise, it sounds more like "wak" y'know. cartoon duck quack. but on a different ep. there's this like. huge event™ and their hand get chopped off and they stand there for a solid second just looking before yelling FUCK
Chuck has human teeth so they don't smile real big cuz it's weird also weird that their work is making other ppl smile
They hang out with Glep a lot, playing video games. He kinda just chills on their head and on them in general bc Chuck's a softie
They play chess with Alan but make up their own rules and also use other game pieces.
They like hanging around Pim and telling him silly little puns (by quacking) to make him laugh and also they like to take him out to get ice cream bc ice cream is good
Chuck and Charlie and chill, sometimes they just show up at his place unannounced and crash. they don't take anything or eat his food and they sometimes bring him something so he lets em chill.
Also they actually talk to Charlie first (other than the fuck thing) it's like one of those emotional episodes and Charlie's kinda pissy just kinda trying to avoid everyone and they just "wanna go to Salty's?"
by that time Salty's is barely functioning but they break in and make a salty burger and talk and chill
Chuck in general is pretty chill but they do have a temper. They're always on their phone and don't pay much attention to anything around them (they're secretly listening, they just don't see the need to get involved)
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charaisgay · 6 years
Breakdown of the Adventure Time Finale Intro
 Adventure time ending has got me in a bittersweet state and I wanna contribute at least something to the commemoration of it. I’ll probably end up drawing some fan art of Shermy and Beth sooner or later because I love the short amount of stuff we get from them, but speaking of Shermy and Beth: I wanted to make an analysis/theory on everything we see in intro of “come along with me”. 
Most of this is gonna be stuff that a lot of people have already theorized and put together but not all the breakdown videos get every point I wanna make spot on, so I just wanted to get everything I believe together in one neat little post. 
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So right off the bat we start in the Ice Kingdom as usual, and in the first second of the into we can see the ball that Patience St. Pim froze herself in during the elements mini series, so we know that she’s still (technically?) alive in this1000 years in the future version of Ooo. If it’s possible, maybe one day she might be unfreezed. I don’t remember if it was stated that that could happen or not. 
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And in the very next shot their appears to be pink hands gripping onto the bars of an ice cage. The most obvious answer to who is in the cage is of course Princess Bubblegum. In the episode graybles 1000+, we get a glimpse of the future Ooo and what the new Candy Kingdom looks like. It isn’t much of an kingdom but more like hotel inside of a giant futuristic gumball guardian that roams the land. In this future version of Candy Kingdom Princess Bubblegum is nowhere to be found. I believe that the knew Ice King (Gunther) has took to capturing Princesses again and PB is a reoccurring hostage of his. That’s why she wasn’t seen in the gumball guardian. This future version of the Ice King is a lot more hostile (thus why his ice/snow is more apparent and has expanded a great deal from Simon’s ice kingdom)  and is competent enough to be an actual threat, and is able to keep PB for an extended period of time. So PB is still kicking around in this future version of Ooo, just not where she’s suppose to be and she doesn’t have the happiest of turn outs. 
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 PB always being captured by the Ice King leads me to believe that this unknown person riding atop the stone duck with a telescope in the ice kingdom, is in fact Marceline. A lot of people believe that this could be a far descendant of one of the humans from the islands after they came back to Ooo, or Simon because of the shape of the backpack is similar to his: but i’m sticking with this being Marcy. My evidence towards this person being Marcy is the stone duck being present. If you remember, the stone duck’s first (or only, I can’t remember it being in any other episode?) appearance is in he episode where Marcy makes her first appearance, during the house searching song. It just seems like too much of a deliberate choice to be a coincidence. And the reason the gear looks so similar to Simon's is because after Simon died: Marcy started using his gear to travel. Or maybe it’s not his, but his influence in her life is still present so she wanted her gear to look like his. Either way, it’s Marcy. And the reason that Marcy is traveling and why she is in the Ice Kingdom is due to her searching for PB. After the Ice King started capturing PB again, Marcy was the one to start saving her after Finn died. (Kind of like history repeating itself) And it’s just a continuous never ending loop of the Ice King capturing PB, Marcy saving PB, and then the Ice King capturing her again, hiding her in a different spot every time to delay Marcy’s search. And at a certain point Marcy just decided to leave home for good and become a nomad seeing as how busy she is with always looking for PB. The two of them can’t stay in one fixed location thus allowing for Shermy and Beth to move into Marcy’s house. 
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This is of course the Gunther version of Ice king who we got a glimpse of in the graybles 1000t episode. In concept art, he was called the ice thing. And he looks noticeably different from what he looked like in the finale, the main difference being that he no longer has a body. My theory is that he just evolved to become like this over time, but I also like to believe that after his wife, Turtle Princess died (because she’s mortal) he went mad and become a much more prominent monster and threat to the land of Ooo, and he ventures across the land and interacts with everything a lot more than the Ice King we knew did. Maybe he was the main reason and the cause of the land of Ooo being in the decrepit state it’s in. 
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As the Ice King flies off we get a distant look as what’s believed to be the Pup kingdom. Probably one of the last standing kingdoms. Theirs truck transport road that seems to be taking supplies in, so while the land of Ooo does look pretty barren: their seems to be enough peeps around for jobs like this to still exist.
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And as we zoom into the kingdom we get a glance at what Pups look like. Pups are the obvious descendants of Jake and Rainicorn. Jake and Rainicorn did essentially create a new race of beings, and with how fast Rainicorns grow, it would make sense that they would be able to develop into a new civilization and culture in the span of 1000 years.  
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And it seems like the Pup race has been doing well for themselves seeing as they have a means of space travel. My theory is that some time while the Pup civilization was being created, some of it’s members split off and decided to venture in space. So half of the Pup Kingdom is on earth while the other half is in space. This rocket ship is just a way for them to communicate and send supplies to each other. 
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And again, referring back to graybles 1000t episode: we can see some of these space Pups having a wedding. When I first watched this episode a while back I didn’t even put together that these guys were Pups. But the evidence is obvious. They had the eyes and signature jowls of Jake, and they all speak Korean like Rainicorn. So yeah, the Pups are doing good. 
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Going back to the intro, we can even see some of these space Pups floating on a platform in the sky with another Pup trying to attack Ice King. Which is more evidence towards my theory that Ice King is a wanted criminal and a top priority in this state. But wait, that’s not just any Pup firing at Ice King. It’s Gibbon! Charlie’s son.
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He’s still alive after all these years. With being so old, his fur turned white and he grew a super long mustache/beard. But you can still tell it’s him. As for how he is still alive after all this time: it’s because he has one of ice crown’s jewels in his eye, thus granting him some kind of immortality. We saw one of the ice crown’s jewels fall out and be used as a wedding ring in the finale, as for how Gibbon got a hold of this jewel: we will never know. But he got it somehow. Either way it’s cool that he’s still around. With being so old, maybe he’s some kind of respected high up authority in the Pup kingdom. 
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Now for the part in the intro that everyone has been pointing out the most, the Finn and Jake giant stone statues. It’s obvious that these two stone colossus are suppose to be Finn and Jake. The most apparent theory is that Finn and Jake were regarded as such great heroes that they became historical figures and these statues where built of them as monuments. That or maybe it was their grave stones, such brave heroes do deserve a send off as great as they where.  
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And it seems as if the flame guy (who I will be getting to in a second) has decided to take refugee inside of Jake’s statue. Although, some people don’t believe that this monument is actually Jake but instead Jermaine because of this: 
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Theirs a slab of stone next to the flame guy that looks like it use to say Finn and Jermaine as opposed to Jake before it got broken. Now theirs two answers I've come up with for this. One: maybe there where three monuments: Finn, Jake, and Jermaine’s, but Jake or Jermaine’s monument got destroyed somehow and only one remains. The one we see could be Jake or Jermaine’s. Or two: later in his life Jermaine become an adventure like Finn, Jake, and their parents, and claimed a great title as a hero reviled only to Finn. And while Jake was still greatly remembered and respected, Jermaine just began to outshine him in the public eye. Jake was kinda lazy and was never really the adventurer type anyways, he just kinda followed behind Finn. Jermaine must’ve created his own identity and did something as great as Finn’s accomplishments. Personally I like to believe a mix between the two options happened. All three of them did have monuments but one got destroyed, and Jermaine did become a great hero thus why he also has a statue in remembrance.
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Also, behind the flame guy you can see a shovel and some covered dirt which makes me further believe that those statues where grave stones, and this patch of dirt is one of the brother’s grave. As for the Flame guy, it’s pretty easy to connect that he is a reincarnation of the flame elemental. And the slime guy that he’s firing at is most likely a reincarnation of the slime elemental. Maybe the two elements are at some kind of war. Sadly, this means that FB and less sadly Slime Princess, are not alive anymore like PB, and died some time in the 1000 years after the finale. 
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And in this shot you can see what’s most likely a descendant of the two headed duck that use to be outside of Finn and Jake’s tree house, and a space Pup spying on Marceline’s old house that now belongs to Shermy and Beth. Maybe he’s just trying to make sure Beth is safe, it make sense: she is a princess after all, and an important leader figure, they wouldn’t want anything to happen to her. This is their way of giving her freedom to do her own thing while also protecting her. 
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 And finally we get to see Shermy and Beth residing in Marceline’s house. It’s interesting that the Pups let their Princess stay away from home, but it’s nice to see them being so non lenient on her. Another interesting bit is that you can see Bubblegum’s greatest uncle cup: which probably means before PB started getting captured again, she lived with or visited Marceline a lot at some point. Maybe it happened after the fall of the old Candy Kingdom.
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In the next shot we can see remnants of the old candy kingdom, and what looks like a resident from Lumpy space. So Lumpy Space is still around. But unfortunately, Neddy most likely isn’t, seeing that the giant tree in the candy kingdom has lost it’s foliage and is probably dead, thus not giving Neddy any sustenance to survive off of. Maybe the lack of Neddy’s juice after the tree and himself died is what caused the Candy citizens to relocate, and on they’re search to find a energy to sustain candy life. And PB built the great gumball guardian to protect the Candy people from the threat of the Ice King (or what ever has brought devastation to the land of Ooo) while they travel. On the upside it looks like the Candy Kingdom did survive fairly a long time after the finale, maybe it became abandoned only few hundred years before Shermy and Beth’s time. I say this because of how much the Candy Kingdom has expanded and developed into a more metropolis like city before it’s fall, that would take a lot of time. Maybe the humans from the islands started living in the Candy Kingdom when they came to Ooo and helped the Princess expand.  
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Oppose to a traveling Finn sitting on top of a stretched out Jake, we see Shermy and Beth traveling on top of grown Sweet Pea. So he’s still alive and seems to be as friendly as he was as a kid. Or at least friendly enough to give Shermy and Beth a ride. In the finale you can see him walking the land with a giant sword, maybe he’s become the exact opposite of the Lich: an immortal being who will forever protect the citizens of Ooo. He seems like the gentle giant type but won’t hesitate to put a stop to evil doers and exhibit his inner strength.
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And with that intro ends with Shermy: a reincarnation of the Hero comet, like Finn and Shoko, and Beth: a far far down the line descendant of Jake, and princess of the Pup civilization, fishing just outside of the cave where their house resides. I would love it if these two had some kind of short ten episode mini spin off series or a comic line, I liked their personalities and it would be great to explore them and the future land of Ooo more.
God I love how this show can cram so much information into just 24 seconds. 
EDIT: Recently Steve Wolfhard updated us with some more information about this 1000t years Ooo and it turns out that I was pretty much right about my theory that PB was the person in the ice cage. He stated the PB is present in the intro, and I sure as heck didn’t see her anywhere else. The theory that Marcy is the one riding the Stone Duck is still up for grabs though, but i’m pretty sure it’s true. He also stated that the fire and slime guy are indeed reincarnations of the flame and slime elementals,he said the crew wanted to put them in as a way to tell the audience that PB is the only elemental we knew that’s still around now (except Patient St Pim but I don’t think she really counts). 
He also gave us some interesting Pup lore on how every Pup is born with a power, but as of late Pups are having their powers taken away at birth. Seemingly the old version of Gibbon is the one taking their powers away. Turns out I was completely off about the Pups giving Beth space to be her own person by letting her stay away from home, in all actuality she’s an exiled Princess who was usurped by Gibbon and that’s why she isn’t at home anymore. She’s basically on the run. So I was right about Gibbon being an high up authority but I didn’t expect him to be evil in a way.  
But it’s interesting and it makes some sense: apparently Gibbons powers we’re stolen and it does seem like the crown’s jewel affectd him in a way similar to how the ice crown makes it’s user go insane. 
My theory is that after his power was stolen he fell into a depressed state and searched for a way to get it back or something that would give him special abilities again until he found the Ice crown’s jewel. The combination of the ice crowns affect it has on people and his depression was enough to drive him over the edge. So he decided that if he couldn’t have his powers no Pup could, and started stealing their powers (presumably he uses the magic staff he has to do it)
Must’ve took him along time to work his way up the ranks since he didn’t actually become the Pup king until Beth’s time. I say this because Beth does know of her heritage and that she’s suppose to be the rightful leader of the Pup kingdom, so her parents must’ve been in power at some point in her life or else how would she know that? My guess is that Gibbon took over around the time Beth was a little kid (i’m just assuming that in the finale Beth is a teenager around the ages of 14-17) but Beth escaped before Gibbon was able to take her power. We see her parents nowhere and it looks like it’s just her and Shermy, so they most likely didn’t make it out. 
Or maybe Gibbon isn’t that vile and he allowed Beth’s parents to continue ruling but appointed himself as their over see-er, he let them stay in charge of the kingdom but they had to have their powers removed. Beth, not wanting to give up her powers: was exiled or ran away. Thus why she still has her powers. It seems as if the Pups do know of her current location (because of the space spy pup) but aren’t really seeking to take her out. Gibbon doesn’t see her as a threat and just lets her do her own thing while keeping tabs on her. 
God it’s all so interesting, I wanna know so much about Beth. She seems like such a cool character. 
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5hrignold · 3 days
also the thing with the documentary/movie of the dudes fighting over the ham is like.. the first thing i think? that charlie and pim are both equally invested in at least in terms of the stuff they like to watch and are into . after we’ve only really seeing them liking completely different things and regularly disagreeing . special 2 me
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
Please PLEEAAASE more Charlie stuff…he’s my favorite banana man.
summ where the reader is an artist and likes to draw a lot, and usually keeps to themself? And maybe in terms of personality, they’re a comfortable in-between of Charlie and Pim. Definitely more grounded in reality and practical, but also prefers to expect only good outcomes in most situations. Sorry if this is a lot 💀 I get carried away
Why is he shaped that way?? He reminds me of like, an elephant seals. Giant nose, I kinda just want to grab it and wiggle it violently.
Charlie x reader
Realistic optimist! You two often debate I feel. Like pondering big questions like space, time, and the universe. Not in the spiritual way more of the logical way.
He really appreciates your perspective, he likes Pim and all but sometimes he can be a bit too, idealist. He’s happy you’re more grounded in reality
It makes conversations easier since you two can find more mutual grounding stuff he can’t believe in like destiny or spiritual stuff.
It took you two a while to actually start talking since you both keep to yourselves, you two probably met by chance or have been friends for a long time. Maybe a mutual friend introduced you two.
Finding out more about each other is probably what sparks your relationship, cause there’s so much you two can find out about each other
He can understanding wanting space and respects that, you two can keep your secrets and not know every little thing about each other. Although he can read you really good, seemingly being able to understand your feelings as well as his own
Charlie isn’t big on art, he enjoys it and all. depending on what type you make he’d think it’s really cool! If you show him your drawings he’ll just be like “oh that’s really cool” and as much as he likes it he can’t give better compliments cause he doesn’t know shit about art
If he tried he’s scared he’ll say something stupid and it doesn’t make sense, although he’ll try, you can’t just say “oh cool” to your partners cool art. “Oh I uh really like the,,,, lines?” “Oh thank you!” Oh he’s so glad he got it right
If you draw him he’s so flattered, he’ll keep it with him forever. Probably just forgot it in a drawer somewhere.
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oinkinpigprince · 1 month
Pim pimling x Charlie dompler x age regressor (due to trauma) reader except when they age regress its not. very obvious except having the energy of a lost kid in a walmart and being semi verbal. but they like plushies and toys and trinkets even when not age regressing :-)
Of course! I remember being a kid and following any bald man I’d see thinking it was my dad. It didn’t matter race, height, or weight. If they were bald, they were my dad. Idk too much about agre so I’m sorry if it’s a little off :33
Smiling friends x agre reader
Pim pimling
It may take Pim a little bit to tell something is off. He just thinks you’re tired at first, until you have to later explain what actually happened. He’s a little freaked out since he’s never heard of this and may have a few or many questions
Pim is pretty good with kids and how to talk to kids, not so much toddlers as kids around 5-8 but he’s decent! It may take him a bit to figure out how to handle it, he kinda fears being condescending or rude but once he gets the hang of it he’s a great care taker
Is kinda bad at telling when you’ve regressed so it may take him a minute. Asks you adult questions like about your guy’s lease or taxes and you just stare at him (Ô . Ō) and then he’s like “oh whoops”
Actually finds being a care taker kind of fun. Making sure you eat, drink water, do basic hygiene tasks. Just so you don’t break down and you can function.
He loves childish things too, like Disney movies, stuffed animals, just very happy and cheery! He’ll play with your stuffed animals with you, read to you, or just sit on the couch and watch movies with you
Pim buys you a new stuffed animal or toy at least once a week. Anything cute or soft looking he just thinks of you and thinks you’d like it, and you do. You may be a bit spoiled, but it makes you happy so he doesn’t mind!
Charlie Dompler
Tw: very brief talk of kink
He’s been on the internet, he’s def heard of it and at first he thought it was a kink thing, like many people. You had to explain NO it’s NOT sexual and it’s a COPING MECHANISM. He’s really glad you explained how it actually works, cause he was a little frightened.
Charlie has no idea what he’s doing at first, Charlie is very aware of his surroundings and you at all times. So he notices something is off he just couldn’t figure out what. When you just stare at him with the lost look in your eyes, it just kinda clicks, then he has no idea what to do from there
Finds your face to be funny, takes pictures of you a lot at .5. He’ll show them to you and watch you giggle
Actually googled how to take care of an age regressor and just read off a list. He’s okay at it, he cannot relate to kids so it’s just very awkward. “So uh, you wanna, color?” “. . .” “. . .Okay nice talk” it takes him a bit to get the hang of it
He usually just tries to give you a stuffed animal out of your collection and hope for the best. Maybe put on a movie or give you his switch to play minecraft. Just something to keep you busy
You two often play board games, he actually secretly loves board games. He buys new ones to play. He absolutely kills at shoots and ladders.
Charlie has a place for you to put all of your stuffed animals and trinkets. He doesn’t like having a lot of stuff on the bed so you have to keep them there most of the time. Sometimes if you fight hard enough he’ll let you bring ONE of them with you to bed.
Does like to buy you cool trinkets for you to play with, like puzzles or just things he thinks you’d find cool. It is nice to see you playing with the things he bought you
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5hrignold · 6 months
smiling friends season 1 finale is SO insane it absolutely ruins me every time i rewatch it. it mostly retains the lighthearted goofy feeling of the rest of the show and it’s barely heavy at all but it feels like it has so much weight to me regardless like it feels like it has such an impact as an episode. like in general. for the whole show up until this one charlie, especially when compared to pim, seems so stable and confident in himself, he doesn’t really rely on others thinking highly of him at all, he isn’t nervous to please others, he just focuses on what he needs to do for himself but in this episode the second PIM criticises him on something it completely drags him down to arguing with him and later getting himself killed just so he can. prove himself to pim????? that he’s wrong about his criticisms of him???? that’s all i can see that as. and i dont know if the show is going to do like actual development or What but to me this episode was like a turning point for charlie and pims friendship because it reminded both of them how much they matter to eachother. charlie died and didn’t want to leave his life on a bad note, he was forced into a situation where he was acting from pim’s point of view for once, and now instead of just respecting him, he really understands him more. the first thing pim did once he kind of collected himself after charlie got resurrected was apologise. he just wanted him to know sorry he is and how much he just wants to be friends forever and that’s it
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oinkinpigprince · 22 days
pim x Charlie x human fursuiter reader? reader goes to furcons and stuff.. has never made fursuits for critters before but wants to make one for both pim and Charlie Really Bad . probably draws them as furries too tbh
My friend keeps calling me a furry. I do want a fur suit one day, I might make my own. Also how you write this leads me to believe you want them in a poly relationship. I can always re-write it to be separate, but I think I have reading comprehension skills >:]]
Pim x Charlie x furry!reader
Pim knows NOTHING about furries, tbh I don’t think this guy even knows what Twitter is. Charlie on the other hand, he’s seen furries. Of course he has, he’s been on Twitter. So you and Charlie need to have a sit down w/ Pim and explain to him what furries are,,,, and Twitter.
Pim actually finds furries rlly cool!! He loves the cartoony style ones and the realistic ones look really cool! Although his all time favorite are kemono, the ones with the big eyes he’s always been a secret weeb. Now Charlie prefers the realistic ones but he doesn’t rlly mind any of them
Charlie and Pim would love to go to a con w/ you!! Charlie might be reluctant though, it’s a lot of people and a lot of sweaty stinky ppl but it’s easy to convince him. Pims all for it, except maybe the artist alley. You three avoid that alley for Pim’s sake, he gets flustered easily
Pim would gawk at everyone’s really cool fur suits!! He loves the vibrant and happy vibes and the creativity astounds him! He’d ask ppl if he could take pictures of them, got lots of pictures in general.
Charlie looks at all the art works, might actually recognize a few. Honestly just kinda sticks to you and admires all of the suits. He’s just kinda there, keeps you company at least and he doesn’t complain. Just happy to spend time with you.
Now if you made them fur suits, Pim would be so honored. You took, your time, to make him something YOU LIKE, HE MIGHT CRY. He doesn’t care if it looks like scarp fabric sewed into a wolf mask he’s going to wear it. He loves the paws too, thinks they’re really cute
Charlie would be touched too but, less enthusiastic. Probably wouldn’t wear it but would actually maybe mount the head onto his wall as a decoration. He’d maybe wear the head to a furcon if you wanted him to. Other than that it’s his special decoration.
You might turn Pim into a furry tbh, if you just teach him how to draw animal heads you two could draw furries together for fun!! Make Charlie pose for you as a model, before turning him into a wolf man.
Pim keeps all of your drawings of him, you, and Charlie in a special box. Sometimes he’ll pull it out to see how much progress you two have made. It’s sweet and he gets very sappy
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oinkinpigprince · 24 days
Angel!Pim x Demon!Charlie + they’re kinda like starcrossed lovers
Ik im like, a narrator for Romeo and juilet and all but I don’t actually know what star crossed lovers are. Okay now I know! :o))
Angel Pim x Demon Charlie
Angst w/ happy(?) ending
Pim and Charlie had been working together for years to help humans. Bettering people’s lives. It was almost fate the two met
Pim was a heaven born angel and Charlie was a mortal who got very lucky in the lottery. The two work together, Charlie to help pay his Sin tax and Pim just loves seeing people happy
Charlie was the one who caught feelings first, it snuck up on him. Quietly softly, Pim was one of the most gentle touch people he’s met. Every time Pim told Charlie it would be okay, he wanted to believe the angel
Pim helped Charlie in the after life, he may not be able to travel to hell that didn’t mean he didn’t help Charlie on missions. Charlie learnt every trick from Pim, including how to use his rather fumpy wings
No one ever helped Charlie and he had to learn everything on his own. He got so use to being alone Charlie forgot what it was like to hold someone’s hand through something new. Pim didn’t mind, he just didn’t understand.
It was comforting to know even though he was a literal demon, Pim would still lend a helping hand. His reality sometimes bordered on pessimism and Pim reminds him that some times things will be fine, and he’s doing fine. Even if he fucked up in life he can be saved
It took a while but when Charlie realized it, it hit him like a fucking train. It was soul crushing, to Charlie. It was after a job that the feelings hit him finally and it hurt just like it.
Unwavering optimism gets grounded in reality. Although Pim knows humans suffer, like duh that’s why he’s helping them. He has no idea what it actually feels like and what it does to people
He has a naive sense of justice, you should NEVER steal, you NEVER break the law, and if you do good things you’ll be rewarded. But Charlie teaches Pim that isn’t how it works, the world isn’t black and white and what people say is right is sometimes horribly wrong
That’s how Pim learned what human pain was, what suffering and death really meant. Charlie explained the feeling of grief, shame, and rejection and Pim could almost feel it. It was right within the grasp which is more than any angel could feel
Pim naturally loved Charlie, he loved everyone. Giving all of the other angels and demons he came across kisses and hugs Pim never noticed how Charlie panicked when Pim gave him a peck on the cheek
He’d come to him with any questions about the human world, what certain emotions felt like. What made sadness special? Charlie wasn’t the best at describing some emotions but it never mattered to Pim, he just loved hearing Charlie talk
Pim realized fast that he loved Charlie, it was so matter of fact too. Like it was only natural he’d feel this way, he wasn’t use to human love and never one for a demon. He was excited to ask Charlie about it but, he never got the chance
It wasn’t like Pim to feel, scared. Nervous, he barely knew the word. It hurt seeing Charlie sometimes, it frightened Pim. He’d swallow spit and bite his tongue, he was too nervous to ask Charlie
Demon and angel relationship were the hardest thing to maintain, satan had ban demons from entering relationships with angels out of jealousy and anger. Pim knew it and now he understood what Charlie meant by, star crossed. It, hurt
Pim could finally understand the feeling of rejection from someone you loved and by his god it fucking hurt. He felt his throat sting choking down salty tears watching Charlie flutter around with his beautiful orange wings, it made him light headed.
Seeing something he wanted just within reach, and yet it wasn’t like Charlie left him. He was right there but that was the problem. He wanted to experience the beauty of human love but god dammit before he could have it, it was taken from him
He didn’t know how to deal with these intense emotions, he couldn’t ask Charlie anymore cause how could he explain himself and he didn’t know any other human made. Pim felt, alone.
When Charlie asked Pim about relationships in heaven and hell and, maybe if a an angel could have relationships with demons, Pim froze. Trying to explain it the best he could, and then the two went silent. Try to figure out if the other one fully knew, they stared into the other’s eyes.
Charlie felt silly for asking, of course it would never work. He felt like a fool but Pim made it simple enough. He tried hard to snuff out the feelings.
Pim was scared and yet there was light, unwavering optimism, with hope and yearning he tried to think of a way around it. Maybe they could talk to the devil, make him reconsider the ban. Reality hit him hard when Charlie sighed
“Maybe in another life, dude.” Charlie began to decent to hell when Pim grabbed his sweater “C-Charlie wait,” he paused nervous and unsure of himself all of a sudden “I, I’ll wait for you to make it into heaven. I promise.” Pim muttered out, hopeful. Charlie grabbed pims hand, curiously “don’t wait up”
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